MIT-DUSP Urban Sustainability Evaluation Green Infrastructure: Urban Tree Planting INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 2 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED BENEFITS ................................................................................................... 2 Summary .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Urban Heat Island ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Energy ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Air Pollution .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Carbon Dioxide ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Water ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 %Runoff ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 QUANTIFYING IMPACTS .................................................................................................................................. 9 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Models and Calculations .................................................................................................................................................. 9 PROGRAMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Program Framing ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Goals .................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Funding ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 Agencies and Partners ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Supporting Laws ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Program Outputs ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Primary Output ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Trees Planted ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Secondary Ouputs ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Policies, Regulations and Incentives Created .............................................................................................. 13 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................... 14 APPENDIX A: CITYGREEN ARCGIS AND I-TREE METHODOLGY ....................................................... 16 CITYgreen ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 i-Tree .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25 1 INTRODUCTION Public, green space has been an integral part of the early design of many U.S. cities. Taking their cue from European examples, planners lined streets and boulevards with trees and shrubs to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the urban landscape. The park movement of the 19th century sought to introduce a piece of the natural world into an urban setting. The result was the creation of renowned spaces, such as New York City’s Central Park, a scenic refuge from the chaos of city life. Such trends continued into the mid-1900s, when tree planting was used in many cities to revitalize and “beautify” declining, downtown neighborhoods and commercial districts (Lawrence 1995). However, for the greater part of the 20th century, urban parks and planted trees were generally viewed (with some exception) as places distinct from the city and as decorative elements. Their benefits were seen mainly in the context of their social contributions to city life. Perspectives changed dramatically in the early seventies, when organizations, such as the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO), and academic institutions initiated scientific investigations into the role of urban vegetation (Bradley 1995). Since then, a large body of literature has grown up around the topic of urban trees, lining streets, in gardens and parks, downtown, and in city fringes, which are collectively termed the urban forest. These studies have found that the urban forest is not only a provider of social benefits, aesthetic, emotional, and recreational, but also many environmental ones. The urban forest is now recognized as being inextricably linked to the ecology of the city— the interactions between urban wildlife, water, energy, climate, and humans (Rowntree 1995). It has become an important player in the movement to create more livable, sustainable cities. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED BENEFITS Summary [TBE] Urban Heat Island Issue The urban heat island (UHI) is the phenomenon whereby urbanized areas exhibit significantly higher temperatures than their outlying, rural areas (Figure 1). These temperature differentials vary among urbanized regions, and are related to city characteristics, such as population size and topography. 2 However, differences have been found to range, on average, from 1C to even 10C (Bridgman et al. 1995). Figure 1 Schematic of air temperature along gradient of urbanization The causes of UHI phenomenon are diverse. The shape, orientation, and density of urban structures, which tend to trap solar radiation, is one major culprit. The physical properties of urban surfaces, which tend to have low reflectivity and the capacity to store considerable amounts of heat, are another. Cities also have less vegetation and moisture than rural areas, leading to less transpiration (the release water vapor from vegetation) and evaporation of water—processes that reduce temperatures. The UHI effect has the potential to pervade many aspects of urban life. Although it has been suggested that cities with severe winter conditions and cold climates might actually benefit from the UHI during certain months, it is generally accepted that, overall, the harmful aspects of the UHI tend to outweigh its benefits. In many cities, particularly ones in hot climates, the UHI negatively impacts thermal comfort, especially in the summer. But at even higher temperatures, issues of comfort may be overshadowed by increases in illness and mortality, which has been linked to extreme heat conditions. Increased temperatures are also known to enhance the pathways by which ground level ozone (to be distinguished from the stratospheric ozone) is formed (Cardelino and Chameides 1990, Taha et al 3 1997). Member of the DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Heat Island Group found that the ozone levels in Los Angeles related linearly to the daily maximum temperatures, and at temperatures above 32C, ozone levels were very likely to exceed national standards (120 ppb) (Heat Island Group 2004). Ground level ozone is known to cause a number of human health problems ranging from eye and lung irritation to asthma aggravation and lung damage. The UHI also increases demand for energy via air-conditioning use. According to Stone and Rodgers (2001) a 1996 study by Rosenfield et al. estimated that the U.S. spends in excess of $10 billion per year on energy to deal with UHI related heat costs. However, tempering the effects of the UHI with air conditioning is not only fiscally costly, but also environmentally. Air-conditioning, by expelling exhaust into the city, adds heat to the urban environment, potentially exacerbating the heat island. In fact, air conditioning is one of the most significant contributors to anthropogenic heat emissions in cities (Landsberg, 1987). Tree Planting Impacts Augmenting greenspace in cities is currently recognized as a key urban cooling strategy. Trees lower temperatures by directly shading surfaces and by absorbing radiation for transpiration, thus reducing the amount of radiation that can become sensible heat. The so-called ‘oasis’ effect produced by vegetated urban sites is well documented. A review by Taha (1997) found that vegetated spaces could be 2-8°C cooler than their surroundings. The same review found that studies in Montreal, Tokyo, and Davis, CA reported that vegetated regions and parks were 1.6°C, 2.5°C, and 2°C respectively cooler than neighboring, non-green regions. The cooling effect that vegetation has on site microclimate is largely undisputed. However, there is much interest in the larger scale impacts of these green sites. A number of studies and models have found that greenspaces can also lower the temperatures of tangential, downwind areas, and, when the percent cover of such spaces across a city is large enough, mesoscale cooling is possible. A study in Tel Aviv found that small wooded green areas had a cooling effect up to 100 meters from the site’s boundary (Shashua-Bar and Hoffman 2000). For optimal urban cooling, the same authors recommended “small, wooded gardens”, approximately .25 acres, situated 200 meters away from one another. Another study that used a numerical model suggested a similar urban layout (Honjo and Takakura 1991). Using a two dimensional model of downwind cooling, the authors found that small green spaces spaced several hundred meters apart were preferable for cooling surrounding areas. Taha 4 et al (1997) modeled the impact of various mitigation strategies in California’s South Coast Air Basin and calculated that increasing tree canopy cover by 10 million trees would have a regional influence, cooling the central valley and surrounding regions by 2C and 1C respectively. Energy Issue [TBE] Tree Planting Impacts The lowered temperatures achieved by greenspace (see Urban Heat Island) may not only positively impacts urban health and comfort, but can also lower energy use and related costs in commercial buildings and residences. Carefully planted deciduous trees, which lose their leaves in the winter and do not significantly block solar gain, can control building temperatures and lower energy demand (Meier 1990). In the winter, strategic landscaping can establish natural wind-blocks that reduce heating requirements and associated costs. A modeling effort examining residential energy use found that trees placed to shade a home’s roof, as well as its east and west side, reduced heating and cooling energy costs by 20-25% when compared with the same house in the open (Heisler 1986). Akbari et al (1997) planted 16 trees at two residential sites in Sacramento, CA and reported that summer cooling savings averaged 30%. While most studies have looked specifically at residential units, which, given their size, are easier to influence with plantings, there is evidence that larger structures can benefit from properly placed vegetation as well (Papadakis 2001). Air Pollution Issue [TBE] Tree Planting Impacts REWRITE (FROM NOWAK) Urban trees are able to remove air pollutants in two ways. First, they 5 Trees remove gaseous air pollution primarily by uptake via leaf stomata, though some gases are removed by the plant surface. Once inside the leaf, gases diffuse into intercellular spaces and may be absorbed by water films to form acids or react with inner-leaf surfaces. Trees also remove pollution by intercepting airborne particles. Some particles can be absorbed into the tree, though most particles that are intercepted are retained on the plant surface. The intercepted particle often is resuspended to the atmosphere, washed off by rain, or dropped to the ground with leaf and twig fall. Consequently, vegetation is only a temporary retention site for many atmospheric particles. Standardized pollution removal rates differ among cities according to the amount of air pollution, length of in-leaf season, precipitation, and other meteorological variables. Large healthy trees greater than 77 cm in diameter remove approximately 70 times more air pollution annually (1.4 kg/yr) than small healthy trees less than 8 cm in diameter (0.02 kg/yr). Air quality improvement in New York City due to pollution removal by trees during daytime of the in-leaf season averaged 0.47% for particulate matter, 0.45% for ozone, 0.43% for sulfur dioxide, 0.30% for nitrogen dioxide, and 0.002% for carbon monoxide. Air quality improves with increased percent tree cover and decreased mixing-layer heights. In urban areas with 100% tree cover (i.e., contiguous forest stands), short-term improvements in air quality (one hour) from pollution removal by trees were as high as 15% for ozone, 14% for sulfur dioxide, 13% for particulate matter, 8% for nitrogen dioxide, and 0.05% for carbon monoxide (Nowak) Carbon Dioxide Issue [TBE] Tree Planting Impacts As part of the process of photosynthesis, trees remove carbon dioxide from the air, expelling oxygen as a byproduct. The carbon is integrated within the tree as biomass— its roots, branches, leaves, trunk. (Rewrite)Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air through their leaves. Carbon storage is the total amount of carbon held in a tree’s wood (biomass). Carbon sequestration is the rate at which trees store carbon. Older trees have more carbon storage; younger trees have a higher sequestration rate. Approximately half of a tree’s dry weight is carbon. For this reason, large-scale tree planting projects are recognized as a legitimate tool in many national carbon- reduction programs. 6 Water Issue Urbanization transforms the landscape from one dominated by forests, wetlands, and vegetation to one covered by buildings, asphalt, pavement, and compacted soils, all impervious to water. Indeed, city centers can be over 90% impervious. Storm water pathways are thus limited and the majority of rainwater becomes runoff (Table 1). Table 1 Water flows with varying levels of impervious surface 10-20% 35-50% Cover Forested Impervious Impervious %Flow type 75-100% Impervious %Evapotranspiration 40% 38% 35% 30% %Shallow Infiltration 25% 21% 20% 10% %Deep Infiltration 25% 21% 15% 5% 10% 20% 30% 55% %Runoff (After Paul and Meyer 2001) Runoff moves more quickly through an urban environment than a natural one, as surfaces are smoother (lowered coefficient of roughness) and flatter (lowered storage capacity). This is also a result, an intended outcome in fact, of conventional storm water systems, which have been engineered to provide efficient and rapid removal of rainwater from urban surfaces. Landscapes have been graded, piped, and paved in an effort to quickly move water off urban surfaces to storm water sewers and into treatment plants, or, more commonly, into receiving waters (Coffman et al 1998). The overall result is a larger quantity of runoff moving across surfaces and entering waterways more rapidly than it would have predevelopment. More and faster moving runoff causes river bank erosion, increases the magnitude and frequency of floods, and mobilizes the myriad contaminants that lie across the urban surface, such as salts, metals, particulates, and sediments, concentrating them in the receiving rivers and lakes. Tree Planting Impacts The concern over the degradation of waterways by runoff coupled with the EPA’s storm water 7 permitting system (under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) have provided impetus for planners and engineers to investigate ways to mitigate the impact of impervious surfaces. Such methods are directed at reversing the effects of ISC by: 1. increasing the permeability of surfaces 2. increasing depression storage 3. allowing infiltration and ground water recharge 4. allowing infiltration and pollutant remediation The suite of methods, which include techniques, measures, and structures, that manage and control the quantity and quality of runoff cost effectively, are termed best management practices (BMPs). They include structural and non-structural methods, such as retention basins and sand filters, as well signage and good housekeeping. In urban areas, where there is little space to implement land intensive controls, replacing impervious surface with trees and vegetation is recognized as excellent runoff control options. In addition to the increasing pervious surface area, trees intercept large quantities of water with their leaves and bark, slowing the flow of runoff and increasing opportunities for evaporation. Their roots increase the permeability of soils, aiding infiltration and groundwater recharge. A study on one large deciduous tree in Southern California found that it reduced runoff by over 4,000 gallons per year (Xiao 1998). This type of mitigation is especially beneficial because it is an accessible technology and can be applied on many scales. Furthermore, unlike methods such as detention basins, trees and vegetation control runoff at the site. While simply replacing impervious surfaces with trees provides benefits passively, integrating them into more comprehensive site design that employs structural BMPs can enhance runoff control. Structural BMPs that use vegetation are based on retention and or direct infiltration methods. Native vegetation is often recommended for use in these BMPs, as such plants are accustomed to the climate, and require less water and pesticide/herbicide use. Structural BMPs that can be incorporated on urban sites include: 1. Swales: Open channel devices that are designed to detain and filter water from nearby parking areas, playgrounds or sidewalks. They can be grassed or planted with native vegetation. Dry swales, where a highly permeable soil is used to ensure infiltration, are most common. Wet swales, which mimic wetland conditions, can also be used. 2. Rain Gardens: Lushly planted with vegetation and slightly depressed to store and infiltrate 8 several inches of water (not as much as swales). 3. Vegetated Filter Strip: It does not employ depression storage, but is typically used to slow the flow of runoff and provide some infiltration. They can be covered with grass or trees. The vegetated strip was developed for use as a riparian buffer along agricultural land. Now, they are commonly used along sidewalks and to intercept roof runoff. These techniques also provide opportunities for contaminant remediation, thus improving water quality. Soils, vegetation, and trees intercept and filter sediments, prevent erosion, provide binding sites for ions, and take up nutrients. Collaborative BMP monitoring between the EPA and American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Urban Water Research Council found that removal efficiencies of swales and vegetated strips could be as high as 80% for nutrient and suspended solid removal (USEPA 2002). QUANTIFYING IMPACTS Summary An important aspect of urban forestry research has been the development of generalizable models that can be used to quantify the environmental services that urban trees provide, as well as convert these benefits to dollar values. As one of the leading urban forestry researchers noted in the 1990s, “efforts to preserve natural areas, acquire new greenspace, initiate plantings and manage existing greenspace are frequently hampered by our inability to fully appraise the environmental services greenspace (i.e. the urban forest) provides (Mcpherson 1992). Since then, a number of such models have been developed, many of which are programmed into computer based modules that provide a tool with which to quantify the structure and function of local or regional urban forests. Primarily building on research undertaken by scientists at the USDA Forest, the models also convert these benefits into a dollar value. Models and Calculations By the late 1990s, two pieces of software had been developed that for the first time combined the body of research on the urban forest's function and value. The first, UFORE (Urban Forest , was developed by the USDA Forest Service’s Northeastern Research Station (Urban Forests, Human Health, and Environmental Quality division). UFORE is now part of a larger suite of USFS tools, known comprehensively as i-Tree. Three applications are available through i-Tree: i-Tree Eco, i-Tree Streets, 9 and (under development) i-Tree Hydro. The second application, CITYgreen, released in 1996 by the non-profit, American Forests, represented the first user friendly and widely accessible software for calculations of urban forest services and value. Both UFORE and CITYgreen 5.0 offer users a way to capture three qualities of the urban forest: structure, function (or ecological services), and value. Each application is really a grouping of smaller mathematical models based on urban forestry research. I-Tree Eco and Streets software inputs uses user collected tree sample data as well as local data and returns the following: Eco Urban forest structure (e.g., species composition, number of trees, tree density, tree health, etc.), analyzed by land-use type. Hourly amount of pollution removed by the urban forest, and associated percent air quality improvement throughout a year. Pollution removal is calculated for ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (<10 microns). Hourly urban forest volatile organic compound emissions and the relative impact of tree species on net ozone and carbon monoxide formation throughout the year. Total carbon stored and net carbon annually sequestered by the urban forest. Effects of trees on building energy use and consequent effects on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. Compensatory value of the forest, as well as the value of air pollution removal and carbon storage and sequestration. Tree pollen allergenicity index. Potential impact of pests such as Gypsy moth, emerald ash borer, or Asian long-horned beetle. Streets Structure (species composition, extent and diversity) Function (the environmental & aesthetic benefits trees afford the community) Value (the annual monetary value of the benefits provided and costs accrued) Management needs (evaluations of diversity, canopy cover, planting, pruning, and removal needs). Reports consist of graphs, charts, and tables that managers can use to justify funding, create program enthusiasm and investment, and promote sound decision-making. With Streets, users can answer the most important question related to their tree program: Do the accrued benefits of street trees outweigh their management costs? 10 (i-Tree 2009) When complete, i-Tree hydro will “imulate hourly changes in stream flow due to changes in urban tree and impervious cover characteristics and [use] outputs to simulate changes in water quality.” CITYgreen offers two versions of its GIS-based application, both of which use USFS models in several of its modules. Both versions output: Runoff volume and dollar value associated with removing any excess stormwater resulting from changes in landcover, such as constructing a retention or detention pond. Pollutant removal capacity of tree canopy Carbon storage and sequestration capacity of the tree canopy A landcover, with each landcover feature reported both as the actual number of acres and as a percentage of the total area Alternate scenario models that models the effects of future landcover changes (American Forests 2009) Model assumptions and methods are listed in Appendix A. PROGRAMS Issue Ironically, as the scientific data on urban tree benefits has grown, urban tree coverage has, for the past several decades, steeply declined. Metropolitan surveys by the non-profit American Forests suggest that urban tree cover has declined by up to 30% in the past 20 years. As the cities have become more aware of this dramatic loss of tree cover and its relationship to urban environmental health (particularly climate, energy, and water), a number of mayors have spearheaded ambitious programs to augment their urban forest. From Los Angeles to New York City, programs aiming to plant up to one million trees in the next decade are underway. Program Characteristics General Recommendations Although urban tree planting programs are expected to vary in terms of their structure and function, 11 based on local conditions, a number of tree planting advocates (including government agencies and non-profits) have developed general guidelines for creating “successful” tree planting programs. American Forests has done the most work in this area. They have established canopy benchmarks for U.S. cities, recommending cities in the Pacific Northwest and those east of the Mississippi achieve an average of 40% canopy cover. Recommendations have been broken down based on land use type: For metropolitan areas east of the Mississippi and in the Pacific Northwest: Average tree cover counting all zones Suburban residential zones Urban residential zones Central business districts 40% 50% 25% 15% For metropolitan areas in the Southwest and dry West: Average tree cover counting all zones Suburban residential zones Urban residential zones Central business districts (American Forests 2009) 25% 35% 18% 9% In addition to providing canopy recommendations, American Forests outline four actions that cities should undertake if they plan to increase their urban tree cover. These recommendations also provide a framework for official tree planting programs: 1. Think of trees as a public utility during the budget process; 2. Establish a tree canopy goal or target (25 to 40 percent tree cover) that is considered as part of every growth, development, and maintenance project; 3. Create a formal process for measuring tree cover and a data layer in the city’s geographic information system devoted to trees; and 4. Adopt public policies, regulations, and incentives to increase and protect the green infrastructure. (American Forests Regarding the fourth recommendation (policies), a number of 12 Program Framing Goals Funding Agencies and Partners Supporting Laws Pre-existing Supporting Programs Public Education Program Outputs Primary Output Trees Planted Number Location Health (over time?) Maintenance Monitoring Secondary Ouputs Policies, Regulations and Incentives Created 13 REFERENCES Brabec E., Schulte S., Richards P.L. 2002. Impervious surfaces and water quality: a review of the current literature and its implications for planning. Journal of Planning Literature. 16 (4):499-514. Bradley G. 1995 Bridgman H., Warner R., Dodson J. 1995. Urban Biosphysical Environments. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Australia. Burberry P. 1978. Building for Energy Conservation. Halstead Press, New York. Cardelino and Chameides 1990 Lawrence H.W. 1995. Changing forms and persistent value: Historical perspectives on the urban forest. In Urban forest landscapes: Integrating multidisciplinary landscapes. ed. Bradley G.A. pp. 17-40. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. Papadakis G., Tsamis P., Kyritsis S. 2001. An experimental investigation of the effect of shading with plants for solar control of buildings. Energy and Buldings. 33: 831-836. Paul J.M., Meyer J.L. 2001. Streams in the Urban Landscape. Annual Review of Ecological Systems. 32: 333-65. Rowntree 1995 Stone B., Rodgers M.O. 2001. Urban form and thermal efficiency: How the design of cities influences the urban heat island effect. Journal of the American Planning Association 67 (2):186-198. Taha H. 1997. Urban climates and heat islands: albedo, evapotransipration, and anthropogenic heat. Energy and Buildings 25: 99-103. 14 Taha H., Douglas S., Haney J. 1997. Mesoscale meteorological and air quality impacts of increased urban albedo and vegetation. Energy and Buildings. 25: 169-177 Xaio Q.F. 1998. Rainfall interception by Sacremento’s urban forest. Journal of Arboricuture 24 (4): 235-244. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2002. Urban Stormwater BMP Performance Monitoring. EPA-821-B-02-001. 15 APPENDIX A: CITYGREEN ARCGIS AND I-TREE METHODOLGY CITYgreen Air Pollution Removal Summary The Air Pollution Removal program is based on research conducted by David Nowak, Ph.D., of the USDA Forest Service. Dr. Nowak developed a methodology to assess the air pollution removal capacity of urban forests with respect to pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM10). Pollution removal is reported on an annual basis in pounds and U.S. dollars. Dr. Nowak estimated removal rates for 10 cities: Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Baltimore, Maryland; Boston, Massachusetts; Denver, Colorado; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; St. Louis, Missouri; and Seattle, Washington. CITYgreen can determine which of those cities is nearest the site, or the user can manually identify the city nearest to the area being analyzed and use its results.. Or, the user can average results from all 10 cities. The program estimates the amount of pollution being deposited within a certain given study site based on pollution data from the nearest city then estimates the removal rate based on the area of tree and/or forest canopy coverage on the site. Technical Methodology The methodology determines a pollutant removal rate, or flux (F), by multiplying the deposition velocity (Vd) by the pollution concentration (C). F (g/cm2/sec) = Vd(cm/sec) x C (g/cm3) The pollutant flux is then multiplied by the size of the area during periods in which the pollutant is known to exist there. This makes it possible to estimate the total pollutant flux for that surface by the hour. Hourly fluxes can be summed to estimate daily, monthly, or yearly fluxes. Air pollution estimates generated from CITYgreen currently are designed for urban and suburban forests. Therefore, CITYgreen analyses run on rural sites that are far removed from cities may overestimate tree benefits. References: Atlanta, GA: Nowak, D.J. and Crane, D.E. 2000. The Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) Model: quantifying urban forest structure and functions. In M. Hansen and T. Burk, eds. Proceedings: Integrated tools for natural resources inventories in the 21st century. IUFRO Conference, 16-20 August 1998, Boise, ID; General Technical Report NC-212, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station, St. Paul, MN. pp. 714-720. Austin, TX: Methodology and models from “Nowak and Crane.” City-specific data produced for AMERICAN FORESTS. Baltimore, MD: Nowak, D.J. and Dwyer, J.F. 2000. Understanding the benefits and costs of urban forest ecosystems. In J. Kuser, ed. Urban and 16 Community Forestry in the Northeast. New York: Plenum Publishing pp 11-25; Nowak and Crane. Boston, MA: Nowak and Dwyer. Denver, CO: Unpublished USDA Forest Service data, Northeastern Research Station, Syracuse, NY. Milwaukee, WI: Methodology and models from “Nowak and Crane.” City-specific data produced for AMERICAN FORESTS. New York, NY: Nowak and Dwyer; Nowak and Crane. Philadelphia, PA: Nowak and Dwyer. St. Louis, MO: Unpublished USDA Forest Service data, Northeastern Research Station, Syracuse, NY. Seattle, WA: Methodology and models from “Nowak and Crane.” City-specific data produced for AMERICAN FORESTS. Notes: Austin SO2 and NO2 data were taken from Houston and may not represent actual conditions in Austin. Austin was missing O3 concentration data for January, February, and December. Concentration data for these months were estimated based on average national O3 concentration trend data. Carbon Storage and Sequestration Summary CITYgreen’s carbon module quantifies the role of urban forests in removing atmospheric carbon dioxide and storing the carbon. Based on tree attribute data on trunk diameter, CITYgreen estimates the age distribution of trees within a given site and assigns one of three Age Distribution Types. Type I represents a distribution of comparatively young trees. Type 2 represents a distribution of older trees. Type 3 describes a site with a balanced distribution of ages. Sites with older trees (with more biomass) are assumed to remove more carbon than those with younger trees (less biomass) and other species. For forest patches, CITYgreen relies on attribute data on the dominant diameter class to calculate carbon benefits. Each distribution type is associated with a multiplier, which is combined with the overall size of the site and the site’s canopy coverage to estimate how much carbon is removed from a given site. The program estimates annual sequestration, or the rate at which carbon is removed, and the current storage in existing trees. Both are reported in tons. Economic benefits can also be associated with carbon sequestration rates using whatever valuation method the user feels appropriate. Some studies have used the cost of preventing the emission of a unit of carbon—through emission control systems or “scrubbers,” for instance—as the value associated with trees’ carbon removal services. Technical Methodology Estimating urban carbon storage and sequestration requires the study area (in acres), the percentage of crown cover, and the tree diameter distribution. Multipliers are assigned to three predominant street tree diameter distribution types: Distribution Types Carbon Storage Multipliers Type 1 (Young population) 0.3226 Type 2 (Moderate age population, 10-20 years old) 0.4423 Type 3 (Even distribution of all classes) 0.5393 Average (Average distribution) 0.4303 Distribution Types Carbon Sequestration Multipliers 17 Type 1 (Young population) 0.00727 Type 2 (Moderate age population, 10-20 years old) 0.00077 Type 3 (Even distribution of all classes) 0.00153 Average (Average distribution) 0.00335 CITYgreen uses these multipliers to estimate carbon storage capacity and carbon sequestration rates. For example, to estimate carbon storage in a study area: Study area (acres) x Percent tree cover x Carbon Storage Multiplier = Carbon Storage Capacity To estimate carbon sequestration: Study area (acres) x Percent tree cover x Carbon Sequestration Multiplier = Carbon Sequestration Annual Rate In recent studies conducted by Dr. David Nowak and Dr. Greg McPherson of the USDA Forest Service, it has been suggested that if urban trees are properly maintained over their lifespan, the carbon costs outweigh the benefits. Tree maintenance equipment such as chain saws, chippers, and backhoes emit carbon into the atmosphere. Carbon released from maintenance equipment and from decaying or dying trees could conceivably cause a carbon benefit deficit if it exceeds in volume the amount sequestered by trees. To maximize the carbon storage/sequestration benefits of urban trees, the USFS suggests planting larger and longer-lived species in urban areas so that more carbon can be stored, mortality rates can be decreased, and maintenance methods can be revised over time as technology improves. For more information on how to estimate urban carbon storage and sequestration, please contact the USDA Forest Service (Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Syracuse, New York). References 1. Nowak, David and Rowan A. Rowntree. “Quantifying the Role of Urban Forests in Removing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.” Journal of Arboriculture, 17 (10): 269 (October 1, 1991). 2. McPherson, E. Gregory, Nowak, David J. and Rowan A. Rowntree, eds. 1994. “Chicago’s Urban Forest Ecosystem: Results of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project.” Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-186. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. Stormwater Runoff Reduction Summary The CITY green stormwater runoff analysis estimates the amount of stormwater that runs off a land area during a major storm, as well as the time of concentration and peak flow. The program determines runoff volume based on the percentage of tree canopy, and other landcover features as digitized by the user in the CITYgreen view or as reported in a raster data set. The analysis also considers a variety of localized information identified automatically by CITYgreen or entered by the user, such as local rainfall patterns, soil type, and other site characteristics. The Stormwater Runoff program incorporates procedures and formulas developed by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), formerly the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), to estimate runoff volume as well as percent changes in time of concentration and peak flow. The Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds model, commonly referred to as Technical Release 55 or TR-55, was incorporated 18 into CITYgreen. The program uses NRCS curve numbers that represent the relative amount of imperviousness and water infiltration properties of soil and land cover. Curve numbers range from 30-98; the smaller the number the less the runoff. TR-55 was customized with the help of Don Woodward, PE, a hydraulic engineer with NRCS, to determine the benefits of trees and other urban vegetation with respect to stormwater management. Technical Methodology CITYgreen’s stormwater runoff analysis enables a user to map urban land cover features (grassland/shrub, trees, buildings, and impervious surfaces) and determine percentages of each landcover feature. Landcover percentages are then combined with average precipitation data, rainfall distribution information, percent slope, and hydrologic soil group, to estimate how trees affect runoff volume, time of concentration, and peak flow. In addition, the program estimates, in cubic feet, the additional volume of water that would have to be managed if trees were removed. This volume estimate can be associated with an economic value since planners generally know the cost per cubic foot to build a retention pond in their municipality. CITYgreen also enables the user to model different landcover and precipitation scenarios to determine acceptable development or conservation practices. The TR-55 model was designed to analyze runoff patterns during a 24-hour single storm event. Engineers and non-engineers typically design stormwater management facilities for average storm events, usually 24 hours in duration, according to NRCS. CITYgreen allows the user to input values for the amount of rain that would fall during a typical 24-hour event observed within a 2-year span. This value is based on NRCS estimates of rainfall distributions for different regions of the country. Slope information is taken from georeferenced data. Alternatively,the user can input a slope, which can be best thought of as the estimated average slope of the site. The following formulas are used to estimate curve numbers, stormwater runoff, time of concentration, and peak flows. Formulas Used in Calculations Curve Numbers: CN (weighted) = Total Product of (CN x Percent landcover area)/Total Percent Area or 100 Potential Maximum Retention after Runoff begins: S = ((1000/CN) - 10) Runoff Equation: Q = [ P - 0.2 ((1000/CN) - 10) ]2/P + 0.8 ((1000/CN) - 10) Flow Length: F = (total study area acres0.6) * 209.0 Lag Time: L = ((F0.8) *((S + 1.0) 0.7) / (1900 * ((slope)0.5))) Time of Concentration: Tc = 1.67 * L Unit Peak Discharge: log(qu) = C0 + C1log(Tc) + C2[log(Tc)]2 Peak Flow: Peak = (qu * Am * Q * Fp) Storage Volume: Vs = Vr *(C0 + (C1(qo/qi)) + (C2 ((qo/qi) (qo/qi))) + (C3 (qo/qi) * (qo/qi) * (qo/qi))) * study area acres * 43560.17/12 19 Variable Definitions P = Average rainfall for a 24-hour period (inches) Am = Study area acres/640 to determine square miles Fp = Swamp pond percentage adjustment factor qo = Existing peak flow condition with trees qi = Peak flow without trees C0 = TR-55 coefficents in accordance with raintype Output Values Peak = Peak Flow (cfs) Vs = Storage volume (cubic feet) Vr = Runoff volume (inches) CN = Runoff curve number (weighted) Q = Runoff (inches) F = Flow length (feet) S = Potential maximum retention after runoff begins (inches) L = Lag time (hours) Tc = Time of concentration (hours) qu = Unit peak discharge (csm/inches) TR-55 formulas are used in most engineering firms, soil conservation districts, and municipalities around the country. As of 1994, more than 300,000 copies of the TR55 manual have been sold by the U.S. National Technical Information Service. The NRCS methods used in TR-55 are very effective in evaluating the effects of landcover/ land use changes and conservation practices on direct runoff. For more information about TR-55, see the following website: The CITYgreen stormwater runoff analysis is not intended to be used to design stormwater management facilities, culverts, or ditches. The program is used to estimate the effects of vegetation, especially trees, on runoff volume and peak flow. Percent changes in runoff volume and peak flow are determined automatically by comparing two different scenarios for the same site. References 1. Cronshey, Roger G. 1982. “Synthetic Regional Rainfall Time Distributions, Statistical Analysis of Rainfall and Runoff.” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling. Littleton, CO: Water Resources Publications. 2. Engineering Field Handbook, Chapter 2. 1990. Washington, DC: USDA Soil Conservation Service,. References References 147 3. National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 15, Section 4, “Hydrology,” 1985. Washington, DC: USDA Soil Conservation Service. 4. Kibler, David F., Small, Aaron B. and R. Fernando Pasquel. “Evaluating Hydrologic Models and Methods in Northern Virginia,” Virginia Tech Research Paper Evaluating Runoff Models.Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 5. Rallison, Robert E. and Norman Miller. 1981. “Past, Present, and Future SCS Runoff Procedure” Rainfall-Runoff Relationship.” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling. Littleton, CO: Water Resources Publications. 20 6. Technical Release 55, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. June 1986. Washington, DC: USDA Soil Conservation Service. 7. Water Environment Federation-American Society of Civil Engineers. 1992. Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. 8. Woodward, Donald M. and Helen Fox Moody. 1987. “Evaluation of Stormwater Management Structures Proportioned by SCS TR-55.” Engineering Hydrology: Proceedings of the Symposium. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. 9. Sanders, Ralph A. 1986. “Urban Vegetation Impacts on the Hydrology of Dayton, Ohio,” Urban Ecology, vol. 9. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Trees and Energy Conservation Summary CITYgreen’s energy conservation analysis utilizes methods developed by Jill Mahon of AMERICAN FORESTS, interpolated from research by Dr. Greg McPherson of the USDA Forest Service. The program estimates the energy conservation benefits of trees resulting from direct shading of one- and two-story residential buildings. Trees are most effective when located to shade air conditioners, windows, or walls and when located on the side of the home receiving the most solar exposure (in addition to other criteria). In many parts of the country the west side is most valuable, followed by the east and south, although this ranking can change based on geographical considerations. CITYgreen assigns each tree an energy rating, 1 through 5, based on location characteristics listed above and information about tree size and shape. For many parts of the country, for instance, a large tree located near the west side of a building and shading an air conditioner or window would be assigned a near-maximum energy rating. Each tree then is assumed to reduce a home’s annual energy bill by a percentage associated with each energy rank, which varies based on the climate being studied. For instance a tree with an energy ranking of 3 in one city might be assumed to reduce an air conditioning bill by 1.2%, but in a more northern city a tree with an energy ranking might be assumed to reduce the bill by only 1%. The percentage savings produced by each tree around a home are multiplied by a home’s average annual energy use for air conditioning (input by the user). CITYgreen adds the results together to produce the savings per home, which are in turn summed to estimate savings per site. Technical Methodology The program assigns an energy rating (0 = No Savings.....5 = Maximum Savings) to each tree that has been field-verified and inventoried based on the following criteria: _ Distance from residential building structure _ Orientation relative to the building _ Ability to shade a window and/or air conditioner CITYgreen incorporates research from 11 cities distributed across the United States. Users are asked to identify their region of the U. S.; the program uses data from the nearest of those cities. If data is available from more than one city within that region, the user is asked to identify which is closest to the project location. Research from the following cities was used: Washington, DC; Tucson, Arizona; Atlanta, Georgia; Denver, Colorado; Boston, Massachusetts; Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles, California; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Dallas, Texas; Chicago, Illinois and Miami, Florida. 21 The user is prompted to enter the cooling cost associated with running an air conditioner during the summer. This information can be obtained from a local utility company or from the U.S. Department of Energy. Multipliers associated with each energy rating (representing % energy use-reduction) are assigned to each tree. Each home’s annual energy use is multiplied by each associated tree’s multiplier to produce an estimate of dollar and kilowatt hour savings per household. Multipliers used in CITYgreen were interpolated from “Modeling Benefits and Costs of Community Tree-Planting in 12 U.S. Cities” and “Chicago’s Urban Forest Ecosystem: Results of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project.” Dr. McPherson’s research includes savings associated with one- and two-story homes assumed to be roughly 1,500 square feet in size. The program uses an average of the two values for both one- and two story homes, and hence applies to both. Estimated savings from a 20-year-old, 25-foot-high tree in each region were used as the maximum multiplier. The program disregards any trees located more then 35 feet from a home, under the assumption that they are too far from the home to provide significant shade. Dr. McPherson’s research has found that a second tree located in an optimal location provides about 2/3 as much savings as the first. Therefore, when more than one tree is assigned a rating of 5 for a given home, only one tree is assumed to provide the full benefits; the rest are assumed to provide 2/3 of the equivalent of a number 5 energy rating. References 1. McPherson, E. Gregory, Nowak, David J and Rowan A. Rowntree, eds. 1994. “Chicago’s Urban Forest Ecosystem: Results of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project.” Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-186. Radnor, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 2. McPherson, Greg, Sacamano, Paul and Steve Wensman. 1993. “Modeling Benefits and Costs of Community Tree-Planting in 12 U.S. Cities.” USDA Forest Service. Avoided Carbon Emissions and Energy Conservation Summary Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air through leaves and store carbon in their biomass. Approximately half of a tree’s dry weight, in fact, is carbon. For this reason, large-scale tree planting projects are recognized as a legitimate tool in many national carbon-reduction programs. However, trees provide a secondary carbon-related benefit that can be much more valuable, particularly in urban areas. Research by the USDA Forest Service and others has shown that trees strategically planted to shade homes can reduce air conditioning bills significantly. As a result, local power plants are not required to produce as much electricity and thus emit less pollution, including carbon. In certain areas (urban and suburban areas with high cooling costs) these indirect carbon benefits can be significantly higher than the direct effects of sequestration. Technical Methodology The avoided carbon module is based in part on fuel-mix profiles for each state’s electricity production. Different states and utility regions produce electricity using very different sources. As a result, production of a kWh of electricity in one state may cause the emission of far more carbon than in a neighboring state because different fuels produce different levels of carbon per kWh. The module also requires estimates of the amount of carbon produced per fuel 22 source per kWh. Coal is said to produce about a pound of carbon while producing a kWh of electricity. Natural gas produces about .35 of a pound. Nuclear power and renewable sources produce essentially none. CITYgreen estimates the energy-use reduction (in terms of kilowatt hours) produced by direct tree shade. CITYgreen then uses the information learned in steps one and two to convert the number of kilowatt hours reduced on a given site to the amount of carbon avoided as a result. For instance, on a given site, assuming: _ CITYgreen estimates 1000 kWh are reduced in a state that uses 50% coal and 50% natural gas to produce electricity _ Carbon avoided would be calculated by: For the Coal-produced portion: 1,000 x 0.5 x .575 (the coal emission factor)= 287.5 For the Gas-produced portion: 1,000 x 0.5 x .3478 (the gas emission factor)= 173.90 Total: 461.40 The third possible source is petroleum. A complete list of emission factors follows: Coal: .575 lbs carbon /kWh Petroleum: .5058 lbs carbon /kWh Gas: .3478 lbs carbon/ kWh (from Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States, October 15, 1999 Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency. References 1. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. 1998, “Electricity at a Glance: State Profiles.” ( toc.html) 2. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. October 15, 1999. “Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States.” ( References References 151 Cool Roofs and Energy Conservation Summary CITYgreen’s energy conservation analysis includes estimates of the impacts of different colored asphalt shingles on energy use. Research has shown that roof products that reflect the sun’s heat back into the atmosphere impose lower cooling costs on buildings than roof products that absorb the sun’s heat slowly and release it. Reflectance, or albedo, is often higher in lighter-colored products, although the use of certain materials can make a dark-colored roof more reflective. Scientists from the Department of Energy have completed a considerable amount of research in this area, particularly by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories (LBL), the Florida Solar Energy Center, and others. CITYgreen estimates the energy savings in the homes on a given site compared to a scenario under which all the homes are roofed with black shingles. The difference is reported in terms of dollars and kilowatt hours. As is the case with trees and energy conservation module, the user is asked to input average annual expenditure on air conditioning. Color of the existing shingle roof is gathered during site surveying, which is then associated with an albedo value. If the true albedo value is known, it 23 can be used instead. The energy-related impacts of different roof products vary according to a number of factors, including insulation levels, heat system used, geographical location, and climate. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories has estimated associated savings in 17 U.S. cities. The user is asked to identify the nearest city and results from that city are used. Technical Methodology CITYgreen assumes albedo values for Black, Dark Gray, Light Gray and White asphalt shingles on the basis of research conducted by the Urban Heat Island Project from the Environmental Energy Technologies Division of the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories. These values were obtained from the following web page: LBL research on the impacts of different roof reflectance in 17 cities was used to compare the impacts of dark gray, light gray and white asphalt roofs to a base case of black. The user is asked to identify their region of the country. If data is available from more than one city within a region, the user is asked to identify the nearest city. For each city, a multiplier (percent energy-use reduction) is associated with each color. Each multiplier also varies according to the home’s estimated R-value (insulation levels) and according to the heating system (heat pump or gas furnace). Research from the following cities was used: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas; Houston, Texas; Las Vegas, Nevada; Lexington, Kentucky; Burbank, California; Long Beach, California; Nashville, Tennessee; Tampa, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; Raleigh, North Carolina; Sacramento, California; Salt Lake City, Utah; Tucson, Arizona; and Sterling, Virginia. To calculate savings per home, the multiplier is multiplied by the average annual cooling cost per home. The results for each home can be summed to produce savings per site. The Cool Roof module applies only to single-family residences one and two stories tall, with asphalt shingle roofs. It is meant to provide and estimate only, based on a limited amount of information gathered about each home. For information and research results about the impacts of different roofing products on energy use, and the use of shade trees for energy conservation, see the website of LBL’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division at References For Albedo Values: The Cool Roofing Materials Database web page of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division of the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories: For % savings associated with more reflective (non-black asphalt shingles): Research results from 17 cities provided to AMERICAN FORESTS by Dr. Hashed Akbari, Group Leader, Heat Island Group, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, September, 1998. Tree Growth Model CITYgreen’s tree growth model was developed by AMERICAN FORESTS. The program “grows” the tree diameter-at-breast height (D.B.H.), the tree height, and the tree canopy according to species and year of growth selected. CITYgreen also considers the area of the country your project is in, since trees grow at different rates. 24 The user will choose from Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, Mountain and Pacific Northwest, or the default Mainland US. Currently, 264 trees are supported by the growth model program. The program uses the following method, derived from Nowak, Susinni, Stevens, and Luley, to estimate growth: Tree Growth Rate Trunk Diameter (Inches/Year) Height (Inches/Year) Slow-Growing Trees 0.1 1.0 Medium-Growing Trees 0.25 1.5 Fast-Growing Trees 0.5 3.0 The height change is determined by multiplying the number of growth years by the height growth rate. The diameter (dbh) change is projected by adding the existing diameter (inches) to the number of growth years multiplied by the diameter growth rate. A growth factor was derived for individual tree species based on diameter and canopy area trends taken from AMERICAN FORESTS’ composite tree species database of more than 13,000 trees. This growth factor is multiplied by the calculated diameter growth for each species to estimate canopy radius and canopy area in square feet. By looking at the largest inventoried specimen from each species, a maximum potential growth has been determined for 264 (nearly all) tree species in the CITYgreen species database. The Canopy Growth Factor is based on a linear regression of canopy radius divided by diameter. References 1. Nowak, David J., Stevens, Jack C., Luley, Christopher J. and Susan M. Susinni. 1996. “Effects of Urban Tree Management on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide,” Syracuse, NY: Unpublished manuscript, (To be submitted to the Journal of Arboriculture) 2. Energy Information Administration. “Method for Calculating Carbon Sequestration by Trees in Urban and Suburban Settings,” Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, September 1996. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy,. Wenger, Karl F., ed. 1984. Forestry Handbook. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Special acknowledgment to Nina Bassuk, Cornell University; Edward Macie, USDA Forest Service; Mickey Merrit, Texas Forest Service; Phillip Hoefer, Colorado State Forest Service; Gary i-Tree i-Tree Eco [hyperlink] i-Street [hyperlink] i-Hydro [hyperlink] 25