Wave Types Lesson Plan: Physics & Chemistry

E3 Teacher Summer Research Program
Lynn Harvey, Charlotte High School
Integrated Physics and Chemistry, grade 9
Unit: Waves and Energy Transfer
Lesson Topic: Wave Types and Characteristics
Adapted from Seismic Waves and the Slinky: A Guide for Teachers
The IRIS Consortium
Prof. Lawrence W. Braile, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science
Purdue University
Unit Goals:
Students will use physical models of objects and events as tools to observe and understand
waves and their properties.
Students will use mathematical models of events to describe and predict wave relationships.
Students will apply knowledge of wave types of interpret seismographs.
The student will measure observed wavelengths, amplitudes and frequencies.
The student will experimentally determine the relationship between wavelength, frequency,
and velocity.
Lesson Objectives:
The student will observe models of transverse and longitudinal waves and identify parts of
each wave type.
The student will identify wave types based on the direction of particle motion in relation to the
direction of propagation.
The student will observe wave behavior through media and across boundaries and make
predictions about expected behavior.
Correlation to IPC TEKS:
Integrated Physics and Chemistry, grade 9
The student is expected to:
5A) Demonstrate wave types and their characteristics through a variety of activities such as modeling
with ropes and coils, activating tuning forks, and interpreting data on seismic waves;
5B)Demonstrate wave interactions including interference, polarization, reflection, refraction, and
resonance within various materials;
Note: Italicized titles are activities from the teaching guide “Seismic Waves and the Slinky: A Guide
for Teachers” by Prof. Lawrence W. Braile (The IRIS Consortium, Purdue University) available on the
at www.eas.purdue.edu/~braile/edumod/slinky/slinky.htm
Instructional Sequence (based on the 5E Instructional Model)
1. Illustration of Energy Carried by the Waves (Slinky connected to wood block with a
“house” attached to the block)
2. Slinky Demonstrations of P and S Waves
Exploration: (heterogeneous groups explore wave propagation, behavior and characteristics)
Exploration 1: Slinky Demonstrations of P and S Waves
Exploration 2: Waves in Water Experiment
Exploration 3: Reflection of Waves
Exploration 4: Reflection of Waves
Exploration 5: Attenuation of Waves
Explanation: (Whole-class discussion, demonstrations, and direct-teach activities)
1. Students report their observations and findings from the Exploration activities.
2. Human Wave Demonstration-P and S Waves in Solids and Liquids
3. PowerPoint presentation/transparencies of wave models and computer animations of wave
motion from “Longitudinal and Transverse Wave Motion” by Dr. Dan Russell (Acoustics
Animations, Kettering University Applied Physics), available on the Web at
4. Identify wave vocabulary on PowerPoint’s : longitudinal wave, transverse wave, crest, trough,
amplitude, wavelength, frequency, period, compression, dilation
5. Demonstration: 5-wave Slinky wave generator; Wave Propagation in All Directions
6. Compare average wave speed or frequency values for a variety of waves: open ocean,
coastline, tsunamis, sound, electromagnetic types, primary and secondary seismic waves
7. Demonstration: liquefaction of soil (Exploratorium), available on the Web at
www.exploratorium.edu/faultline/activities/liquefaction_activity.html or ASCE Soils Magic
1. Students will generate waves in a wave tank with a fan, and measure the frequency
of the waves generated at each fan speed.
2. Investigation 12.2: “Waves in Motion” Question: “How do waves move and interact with
things?” (Physics and Chemistry Investigations, Cambridge Physics Outlet)
1. Using photographs and diagrams of waves from pictures (from posters, magazines,
and textbooks), students will
a. identify the type of wave pictured
b. to mark crests, troughs, and amplitude;
c. after determining an appropriate scale and estimating distances, wavelengths may be
2. Given diagrams of wave interactions with boundaries, students will draw arrows to show the
direction of the wave before and after hitting the boundary, and will sketch what happens to
the wave front before and after the boundary.
(for transparency)
Figure 13. Compressional (P) wave propagation in a slinky. A disturbance at one end
results in a compression of the coils followed by dilation (extension), and then another
compression. With time (successive times are shown by the diagrams of the slinky at
times t1 through t6), the disturbance propagates along the slinky. After the energy
passes, the coils of the slinky return to their original, undisturbed position. The
direction of particle motion is in the direction of propagation.
(for transparency)
The person who creates the shear disturbance does so by moving his or her hand
quickly up and then down. This motion generates a motion of the coils that is
perpendicular to the direction of propagation, which is along the slinky. Note that the
particle motion is not only perpendicular to the direction of motion but also in the
vertical plane. One can also produce Shear waves with the slinky in which the motion
is in the horizontal plane by the person creating the source moving his or her hand
quickly left and then right. The propagation of the S wave by the slinky is illustrated in
Figure 14. Notice that, although the motion of the disturbance was purely
perpendicular to the direction of propagation (no motion in the disturbing source was
directed along the slinky), the disturbance still propagates away from the source, along
the slinky.
Figure 17. Diagram showing how five slinkys can be attached to the edge of a wood block.
Five Slinky P and S Wave Propagation Demonstration
Screw and
6.3 cm apart
~ 10 cm
Wood block
~ 25 cm
Photographs of the five slinky model are shown in Figures 18 and 19. When the slinkys are stretched
out to different positions (five people hold the end of one slinky each) and a P or S wave is generated
at the wood block, the waves propagate out in all directions. The five slinky model can also be used
to show that the travel times to different locations (such as seismograph stations) will be different.
To demonstrate this effect, wrap a small piece of tape around a coil near the middle of the slinky for
one of the slinkys. Have the person holding that slinky compress all of the coils from the outer end
to the coil with the tape so that only one half of the slinky is extended. Also, attach an additional
slinky, using plastic electrical tape, to the end of one of the slinkys. Have the person holding this
double slinky stand farther away from the wood block so that the double slinky is fully extended.
When a P or S wave is generated at the wood block, the waves that travel along the slinky will arrive
at the end of the half slinky first, then at approximately the same time at the three regular and
finally, last at the double length slinky. The difference in travel time will be very noticeable.
Biscontin, G. “ Seismic Triggering Submarine Slopes”, personal narrative,
course notes
Boston Museum of Science
Braile, Lawrence W., Seismic Waves and the Slinky: A Guide For
Teachers, The Iris Consortium, Purdue University, www.iris.edu
Cambridge Physics Outlet, Physics and Chemistry Investigations,
Tom Hsu, Ph. D.
Elton, David J., Soils Magic, ASCE, Geotechnical Special Pub. 114
FEMA, Multi-hazard Building Design Summer Institute (MBDSI)
Kramer, Steven L., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering , Prentice Hall,
1996, 653 pp.
Papert, S., Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas
Russell,Dan, Wave motion animation, Kettering University Applied Physics
Texas Education Agency, Science TEKS
Trowbridge and Bybee, Teaching Secondary School Science, Merrill, 1996,
6th ed.