Unit Test Review May 2012 - Mr. Brown`s Georgetown Classes

SNC 1D Ecology Unit Review
Name: ____________________
Please bring the following to the test: (there will be NO sharing)
Pen and/or pencils
Provide definitions and examples for all of the following words:
abiotic factors
aquatic ecosystem
biotic factors
food chain
food web
trophic level
terrestrial ecosystem
2. Distinguish between ecology and ecosystem, abiotic and biotic factors. (pgs. 12-15, 20)
3. a) What is the biosphere? List the 3 interacting abiotic components. Define, describe and give an example for each.
(pgs. 18-19)
b) What percentage of water is salt water? Fresh water?
c) List the main gases, in order of abundance, in the atmosphere. What are some “other” gases present?
4. What is an invasive species? List at least 3 examples discussed in class. Be able to complete a “consequence map”
for any of these species. How do invasive species get into new ecosystems? Why do they damage the new local
ecosystem? How can we stop invasive species from entering new ecosystems? What can you do? (pgs. 59-61, 100)
5. a)Trace the path of a molecule of water from raindrop back into the atmosphere including cycling through a human body.
b) Trace the path of nitrogen from the atmosphere through bacteria and back into the atmosphere, including cycling
through a human body
c) Trace the path of carbon from the atmosphere through plants and back into the atmosphere, including cycling through
a human body.
6. Be able to answer questions on the Water Cycle. (pgs. 24-25)
a) Why is water important?
b) Define transpiration, precipitation, evaporation and condensation. Where in the water cycle do each occur?
c) Be able to label a diagram of the water cycle.
7. Be able to answer questions on the Carbon Cycle. (pgs. 26-27)
a) List the 4 main carbon reservoirs in the biosphere.
b) Where does carbon dioxide in the atmosphere come from?
c) Why is carbon important?
d) Be able to label a diagram of the carbon cycle.
8. Be able to answer questions on the Nitrogen Cycle. (pgs. 25-26)
a) Why is nitrogen important?
b) What 3 ways can the bond in nitrogen gas be broken? What is this process called (turning nitrogen gas into the
usable form of ammonia)? What organism is mostly responsible for this? What 2 compounds can ammonia then be
converted into, which plants can also use?
c) How do we obtain the nitrogen we need for proteins, ATP and nucleic acids?
d) What is denitrification? What organism is responsible for this process?
e) Be able to label a diagram of the nitrogen cycle.
9. a) What is the source of all energy in ecosystems? (pgs. 28-29)
b) How much energy from the Sun is used for photosynthesis by green plants? Define photosynthesis.
c) Define autotroph. What’s another name for these organisms? Provide examples.
d) Write the word equation for photosynthesis.
10. a) Define cellular respiration. (pg. 29)
b) Write the word equation for cellular respiration. How does this compare to photosynthesis?
c) What types of organisms undergo cellular respiration?
11. a) What are trophic/energy levels? What happens to all the energy in animals at each level? How much energy is
passed on to the next organism? What happens to the energy that isn’t transferred?
b) What are food chains and food webs? How are they similar? How are they the same? (pg. 31-32)
c) Be able to identify organisms in food chains and/or food webs based on their trophic levels. List the types of
organisms that can be found at each trophic level.
d) Define heterotrophs/consumers and provide examples and definitions for each type or organism (ex. herbivore,
carnivore, omnivore, detritivore, decomposer). Be able to identify these on a food chain/web. (pg. 30)
12. Be able to construct food webs if given a scenario. Label organisms with correct terminology from the terms in #1.
14. a) Define pesticides. Why are they used? What are the 4 types of pesticides? What does each kill? List the 2
categories of pesticides. What’s the difference between them?
b) Define bioaccumulation and bioamplification/biomagnification? Which type of organism would be most affected by
these? Why? What is DDT? What effect did it have on birds? Why? What unforeseen effects did DDT have in Borneo?
What was its initial purpose? (pgs. 79-80)
c) Be able to answer any questions from the homework handout on Pesticides or Case Study 2.2 on Pesticides done in
b) Define cooperation and symbiosis. Provide examples of each. List, define and provide examples of the 3 types of
symbiosis. What are the differences between each one? (pgs. 38-40)
c) Define equilibrium.
16. List in order, sketch and describe the layers of soil. Discuss the 3 stages of soil formation. List and describe 3 soil
types. Understand how soil relates to the water cycle, pH and human impact. Define leaching and compare it to the 3
types of soil. (pgs. 72-75)
Chapter 1 Check and Reflect
……….. Section 1.1 – page 21 #1-3, 5,6,7-11,15
Section 1.2 – page 35 #1-9, 11-15
Section 1.3 – page 46 #1-8
Chapter 1 Review (pages 48-49)…….. #1-9, 15, 19
Chapter 2 Check and Reflect
……….. Section 2.2 – page 85 #1-3, 8, 9, 13, 14
Unit Review (pages 124-125) ……….. #1-6, 10, 14, 22, 23,