Can additional local measures in urban areas help in reducing national emissions and transboundary air pollution? Paper prepared for 27th meeting of the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling in Oslo, 13-15 May 2002 Prof Helen ApSimon, Department of Environmental Science and Technology Imperial College, London SW7 2BP e.mail: Can additional local measures in urban areas help in reducing national emissions and transboundary air pollution? In applying IAM to derive cost-effective strategies to reduce long-range transboundary air pollution, the emphasis has been on add-on technological measures, and the objective to close the gaps between current levels of deposition or exposure and critical loads/levels. In parallel at a more local level in urban areas, local authorities (LAs) in cities are addressing air quality, and drawing up plans for the attainment of air quality objectives. In such assessment the emissions are far more dominated by traffic, where the LAs assume similar improvements from the introduction of newer vehicles and stricter emission standards to those in national assessments. The emphasis is concentrated on reducing peak emissions in certain areas, and on just one or two “difficult” pollutants where it s difficult to meet targetsfor example in the case of London NO2 and PM10. This paper will discuss aspects of the interaction between measures to attain air quality objectives and control traffic emissions in urban areas, and the reduction of national emissions to meet emission ceilings. Meeting air quality objectives Air quality objectives (see table 1) have been established in EC daughter directives in order to protect human health, and set limits on peak and/or annual concentrations. In effect these limit the maximum exposure to an individual inhaling ambient air concentrations at the worst locations. These tend to be along busy roads, especially those enclosed by tall buildings (“street canyons”) or at busy intersections, where local sources are superimposed on the urban background, which in turn is superimposed on longer range imported pollutants. Typically a city will have a central more congested part, where such canyons are more common, a surrounding area with mixed commercial and residential use, and an outer part which tends to be more residential and less densely built up. Generally for a large city there will be a ringroad or bypass taking a lot of traffic round the outskirts and reducing traffic through the centre. There may be other particularly busy areas too, such as, in the case of London, a major airport on the city outskirts. Figure 1 illustrates source apportionment for this kind of structure in the case of annual average concentrations of PM10, taking a row of grid squares from west to east across London. Each column gives the concentration at the side of the busiest road or street where the top section of each column indicates the contribution from the local street, superimposed on the respective contributions from central, inner and outer London, and the M 25 ring road. The two bands beneath represent the imported contribution from long-range transport, and an additional unattributed contribution from the coarser part of the PM10 between 2.5 and 10 microns whose origin is currently not adequately understood or represented in the emission inventory. A similar picture would emerge for NO2, except that in this case there is no unattributed portion of the primary NOx emission, but instead the complexity of chemical oxidation of NOx to NO2. The air quality objectives are set as targets to be achieved by 2005 (except for certain major cities where this is not possible and a longer time is required for some pollutants). A combination of monitoring and measurement is required to assess the areas still likely to experience exceedance in the target year, taking into account changes in the vehicle fleet and traffic volumes. This sets the starting point for deciding what further measures are required in order to achieve the targets. These are generally a combination of technological measures to reduce exhaust emissions, and/or measures to reduce traffic demand. Technological measures The technological measures that can be applied in urban areas are largely the same as those assumed in national projections, related to successive improvements in emissions with newer vehicles, and stricter enforcement of inspection and maintenance to eliminate failed catalysts or ill-tuned vehicles. Similarly there may be technological measures that can be applied to reduce any industrial emissions, or domestic energy requirements- for example through combined heat and power schemes, or greater use of electricity generated outside the city. With respect to vehicle emissions it should be noted that both national and urban emission projections may have been over-optimistic, especially for NOx, in view of recent revisions in emission factors for newer vehicles. In the past it has often been anticipated that emissions from newer vehicles will reduce in proportion to the corresponding EURO standards for the date of registration of the vehicles. However as the newer vehicles are introduced more comprehensive measurements can be undertaken of in service emissions, as has been done in the UK based on work by TRL. In particular this has led to some significant revisions in NOx emission factors, and corresponding updating of projected transport emissions in the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, NAEI, and in the London inventory compiled by the Greater London Authority. As an example this has increased estimated NOx emissions in London for 1999 as a recent year by 26% from 50.3 to 63.7 kilotonnes per year; and projected emissions for 2005 by 62% from 25.4 to 41.1 kilotonnes. This has had a major impact on the assessment of areas of exceedance in 2005. A similar but less marked effect also applies to PM10. Total UK urban emissions, though with a slightly different vehicle mix, are also significantly changed. More details can be found on the NAEI web site –, covering different vehicle types and age/category. Fuel switching In deriving national cost curves for use in European scale integrated assessment modelling with RAINS and ASAM, official energy projections have been retained with no allowance for switching of fuels. This left room for minor adjustments such as ultra low sulphur fuels, giving reduced particle emissions. However in practice many countries have increased their use of natural gas, making it much easier to attain national emission ceilings. This was illustrated when IIASA undertook a subsidiary study with RAINS, based on a scenario from the Kyoto protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In urban areas conversion of vehicles to LPG or LNG can also be beneficial, reducing both NOx and PM10substantially ( e.g. for a Euro 1 vehicle NOx emissions from LPG are about 35-55% lower than those for a similar vehicle running on diesel, and around 90% lower with respect to PM10). Such conversion depends on fuel supply services and infrastructure. In urban areas such conversion is especially applicable for captive fleets operating within the city boundaries- for example taxis, municipal services such as refuse collection and some delivery services, plus buses and public transport. The proportion of emission covered is very variable from one city to another, and though potentially a cost effective measure that can help towards air quality objectives in certain areas of the city, is likely to have a limited effect on the overall emissions of the city unless extended to a wider proportion of vehicles. Traffic demand measures There are also non-technical measures to reduce traffic demand, or kilometres driven. Examples include: Modal switch to public transport, induced by improvements of public transport in terms of availability, time of journey, and convenience; park and ride schemes, car sharing schemes, coordinated or shared delivery schemes Financial measures or disincentives such as road user or congestion charging, parking charges or parking restrictions within the city, limited access and pedestrianised areas, and low emission zones with restrictions on vehicles eligible to enter. Such measures can require substantial implementation costs, but also revenues- for example the introduction of a cordon round central London involving a daily charge to enter, requiring pre-purchased access with automatic checks at a large number of entry points. The definition of costs is also ambiguous, since there are both costs of implementation and increased costs incurred for travel and transport of goods and services. However, unlike the investment in technological change, some of the money from non-technological measures is revenue that may be recycled into the community, and hence the net cost overall may be lower. The effectiveness of non-technological measures is more difficult to quantify than for technological measures. In some cases the effect of a measure can be interpreted in terms of an additional journey cost for journeys between different zones of the city, and an elasticity of demand in response to increasing cost used to derive a reduction in kilometres driven in different zones. Such elasticities are however very variable according to circumstance and the purpose of journeys and the type of cost. For example the Atkins study (1999) assumed an elasticity of -0.13 to increases in journey cost for such measures as parking or congestion charging, but noted that elasticity with respect to increases in fuel cost could be as low as 0.02 to 0.03. The elasticity also depends on alternatives- for example if public transport is improved at the same time as road user charges, then there is likely to be a greater willingness to reduce kilometres driven. The response to low emission zones in particular is difficult to estimate. These may impose different levels of restriction, for example a modest elimination of older pre Euro 1 vehicles, or restriction to Euro III or newer. Faced with such a restriction, the response may be not to make the journey at all, or to switch to some other mode of transport, or to invest in a newer vehicle that meets the requirements - thus accelerating the introduction of cleaner vehicles; or in some cases a different route may be taken that avoids the LEZ, potentially leading to increased emissions overall. Usually there will be some mix of these responses, but quantifying this mix and its effect on emissions involves significant assumptions. The study by W S Atkins attempted to look at the magnitude of emission reductions achievable by both technological and non-technological measures such as those above in central, inner and outer London (subsequently used to illustrate the applicability of integrated assessment modelling to London with the Urban Scale Integrated Assessment Model, USIAM, presented at the TFIAM in Brussels in May 2001. It is the central areas of London where air quality standards are exceeded most, and hence reductions here are particularly important ; whereas it is reduction in the overall city emissions that is relevant to meeting national emission ceilings. The Atkins study indicated emission reductions in NOx and PM10 due to different combinations of non-technical measures ranging from modest levels of 5% or less up to 15 to 20% in central London. However the reductions in total city emissions were much less, in the range 1 to 10% at most. Larger emission reductions were achieved when combined with technical measures such as fuel switching, but are dependent on realistic assumptions about the proportion of vehicles to which this could be applicable within the time horizon of 2005. The effectiveness of low emission zones will be affected by the assumptions about emission factors for newer vehicles as discussed above. Other factors affecting emissions It should also be noted that there are other changes in cities which may affect emissions, some driven by safety or other environmental factors such as noise and congestion. In some cases these may increase total emissions- for example the introduction of by-passes, out-of-town shopping centres, or route changes such as one-way systems, may all increase kilometres driven and hence emissions. Changes in speed, and acceleration and deceleration also have significant effects, for example traffic calming schemes and “sleeping policemen”. The trend towards greater commuter distances, influenced by increased housing prices, can also be a factor in travel demand. However in the longer term there may be increased working from home as greater use of IT is exploited. The overall effect of such changes on a national scale could be highly variable. Looking at longer time scales other measures such as electric vehicles, and eventually hydrogen as a fuel, may do a lot to improve air quality in urban areas. At a national level however it will depend on the how such energy sources are derived. Conclusions There are several alternative ways to improve urban air quality, apart from the technological measures which have been considered in relation to national emissions, and included in national cost curves for integrated assessment with respect to transboundary air pollution. However the emphasis in strategies to achieve air quality objectives is focused on limited areas of high concentration where exceedance occurs, particularly close to major roads and in city centres. As such they are likely to have modest effects on overall national emissions, and in some cases may even lead to increased emissions. Nevertheless it is beneficial to consider both attainment of national ceilings and air quality objectives together, and to recognise the importance of assumptions about technological measures and fuel switching in achieving both. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Tim Murrells of AEA Technology and Lucy Sadler of the GLA for providing information on the recent updating of emission inventories reflecting adoption of new new Euro 1 and II emission factors from TRL , and the significant impact this has on NOx emissions. Also the Department of Environment. Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA, for supporting research in the Integrated Assessment Unit at Imperial College as the UK National Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling. References: W S Atkins (1999) An evaluation of transport measures to meet NAQS objectives. Stage 2 final report to DETR (now DEFRA). A Mediavilla (2002) Integrated assessment at the urban scale. PhD thesis (papers in preparation with H ApSimon) Web site on revised emission factors: Figure 1: Source apportionment for PM10 for a row of grid cells across London (From USIAM model using source-receptor relationships derived using ADMS- Urban.) Urban Scale Integrated Assessment Model (USIAM) Blame Matrix for Central London Trajectory Including Coarse and Secondary Particulate Contributions (1996), (Imperial College, 60 Background Secondary Area LEZ Area Inner Area Outer Area M25 Area Not in London 1996 Local Street Canyon 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Secondary particulates 10 5 Coarser PM10 – PM2.5: ? 1830 1828 1826 1824 1822 1820 1818 1816 1814 1812 1810 1808 1806 1804 1802 1800 1798 1796 1794 1792 1790 1788 1786 1784 1782 1780 1778 1776 1774 1772 1770 0 Table 1: AQ objectives (taken from The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland,2001) Pollutant Objective Benzene 1,3 butadiene Carbon monoxide Lead Nitrogen dioxide 16.25 g/m3 (5 ppb) running annual mean 3 2.25 g/m (1 ppb) “ 11.6 mg/m3 (10ppm) running 8 hour mean 0.5 g/m3 annual mean 3 200 g/m (105 ppb) 1 hour mean not to be exceeded > 18 times per year 40 g/m3 (21 ppb) annual mean Particles PM10 50 g/m3 not to be 24 hour mean exceeded >35 times per year 40 g/m3 annual mean 3 350 g/m (132 ppb) 1 hour mean not to be exceeded.>24 times per year 125 g/m3 (47 ppb) 24 hour mean not to be exceeded.3 times per year 266 g/m3 (100 ppb) 15 minute mean not to be exceeded >35 times per year Sulphur dioxide Concentration measured as Addendum :Impact the new emissions factors make in London ( information from the GLA) For your information, we have included some initial calculations of the total road transport emissions in London based on the new factors for NOX and PM10. Further calculations will be made in due course for the other pollutants. We have used the same flows and vehicle stock as in the existing release of the inventory – only the emissions factors are different. The tables below summarise the preliminary results by vehicle class. The percentages given refer to the increase or decrease in emissions compared with the original factors. Table 3 NOX Emissions (t/annum) Vehicle Class Cars and taxis LGVs HGVs Buses Motorcycles TOTAL Old Factors 24781 3833 18110 3524 55 50303 1999 New Factors 27618 (+11.4 %) 5131 (+33.9 %) 26441 (+46.0 %) 4429 (+25.7 %) 55 (no change) 63675 (+26.6 %) Old Factors 9154 1511 12301 2352 45 25363 2005 New Factors 14100 (+54.0 %) 2953 (+95.4 %) 20625 (+67.7 %) 3410 (+45.0 %) 45 (no change) 41133 (+62.2 %) Table 4 PM10 Emissions (t/annum) Vehicle Class Cars and taxis LGVs HGVs Buses Motorcycles TOTAL 1999 Old Factors New Factors 1037 1087 (+4.2 %) 821 662 (-19.4 %) 928 1144 (+23.3 %) 168 165 (-1.8 %) 19 19 (no change) 2974 3077 (+3.4 %) 2005 Old Factors New Factors 496 608 (+22.6 %) 447 272 (-39.2 %) 383 678 (+ 77.0 %) 71 56 (-21.1 %) 16 16 (no change) 1413 1630 (+15.4 %) For NOX, the following observations can be made: 1. Total emissions for 1999 have increased by over 25 %. 2. All vehicle types show an increase in NOX except motorcycles. 3. The most significant increase is for HGV emissions. 4. Re-calculated 2005 total emissions have increased significantly (by over 60 %). 5. LGV emissions in 2005 are almost double previous estimates. 6. HGV emissions are also significantly higher than previous estimates. For PM10, the following observations can be made: 1. There has been a small increase in total emissions for 1999. 2. The change for different vehicle types is variable. HGVs, and to a lesser extent cars, have increased compared with the previous factors. Conversely, LGVs and buses have shown a decrease. 3. For 2005, total emissions have increased by 15 %. The variation between different vehicle types is more pronounced than for 1999. HGVs in particular show a large increase.