Core Measures – Focused Feedback Report for Facility Name & Location 4TH Quarter 2012 Discharges between 10/1/2012 – 12/31/2012 Core Measures – Focused Feedback Report Facility Name & Location 4th Quarter 2012 (Discharges between 10/1/2012-12/31/2012) This focused feedback report summarizes Amphion’s observations and recommendations to core measure abstraction for Facility Name & Location for 4th Quarter 2012, discharges from October 1, 2012 through Dec. 31, 2012. Amphion Abstraction Activity For 4th Quarter 2012, Amphion abstracted a total of 794 cases. The following table summarizes the number of cases for each core measure topic. INP ED/ IMMUN AMI HF PN IP 301 20 47 62 cases OP cases TOTAL # of cases abstracted for 4Q2012 SCIP CAC HBIPS 85 1 72 HOPSurgery HOPAMI/CP/ PM/STK HOP-ED TOTAL 588 36 72 98 206 794 Performance Measure Data This report does not provide data regarding performance for each specific core measure. Therefore, we recommend monitoring reports provided through QualityNet and your vendor, Thomson Reuters CareDiscovery™ Quality Measures . All references to Guidelines were directly quoted from the SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL for NATIONAL HOSPITAL QUALITY MEASURES for Discharges 07/01/2012-12/31/2012). 2 Core Measures – Focused Feedback Report Facility Name 4 Quarter 2012 (Discharges between 10/01/2012-12/31/2012) th Abstractor Observations and Recommendations Measure Set(s) Observations Recommendations/Comments MEASURE PERFORMANCE AMI AMI-1: ASA on Arrival 16/17 cases met criteria=94% (↓from last quarter) MRN 3497047 AMI-2: ASA Presribed at Discharge 13/14 cases met criteria= 93 (↓ from last quarter) MRN 3497047 This AMI patient was not on aspirin or statin prior to arrival, found to have an MI and was not prescribed either during the admission or at discharge, with no allergy or contraindication noted. This AMI patient was not on aspirin or statin prior to arrival, found to have an MI and was not prescribed either during the admission or at discharge, with no allergy or contraindication noted. AMI-3: ACEI or ARB for LVSD 4/4 cases met criteria=100% (same as last quarter) n/a AMI-5: Beta Blocker prescribed at Discharge 16/16 =100% (↑ from last quarter) n/a AMI -10: Statin Prescribed at Discharge 15/16 cases met criteria= 94% (↓ from last quarter) MRN 3497047 This AMI patient was not on aspirin or statin prior to arrival, found to have an MI and was not prescribed either during the admission or at discharge, with no allergy or contraindication noted. ] HF 3 Measure Set(s) Observations Recommendations/Comments HF1: Discharge Instructions 33/39 cases met all criteria (diet, activity, symptoms worsening, and medications, wt. monitoring and follow-up) =85% (↓ from last quarter) MRN 3229306, 3491478, 3496538, 3604411, 3458950, 3629057 Since HF1 Discharge Instructions address all 6 Elements is one of the Clinical Process Measures included in the Value Based Purchasing program to start FY 2013/2014, a success rate of 100% (0 failed cases) can be a goal soon. Hospitals can incur a 1% withholding in Medicare Reimbursement in FY 2013 (increasing to 2% by 2017). Where deficiencies are found, hospitals would do well to take a proactive approach and focus their efforts there at this time. HF2: LVF Assessment 46/46 cases met criteria=100% (same as last quarter) HF3: ACEI/ARB for LVSD 16/18 cases met criteria=89% (↓ from last quarter) MRN 3229306, 3491478 n/a Implementing computerized physician discharge order sets that address ACE/ARB or contraindications could be a goal. There can be contraindications for not prescribing an ACEI or ARB at discharge, and can be documented anytime during the stay; but this must occur in writing and cannot be inferred unless the patient has moderate or severe aortic stenosis. PN PN 3a: Blood Cultures w/in 24 hrs of Hospital Arrival – ICU patients 7/7 cases met criteria=100% (same as last quarter) PN3b: Blood Cultures Prior to Giving Antibiotics in the ED 32/32 cases met criteria = 100% (↑ from last quarter) n/a n/a 4 Measure Set(s) Observations Recommendations/Comments PN6a, PN6b: ABX Selection for CAP in Immunocompetent Patients PN6a : 3/3 cases met criteria = 100% PN6b : 20/21 cases met criteria = 95% (↑ from last quarter) n/a MRN 4466316 Only one antibiotic was given within the first 24 hours for this December patient. SCIP SCIP1a: Prophylactic ABX Started w/in 1 hr of Incision Time – Overall Rate 54/55 cases met criteria = 98% (↑ from last quarter) MRN 3655351 Oct. n/a SCIP2a: Prophylactic ABX Selection – Overall Rate 53/54 cases met criteria = 98% (↑ from last quarter) MRN 3621383 Oct. n/a SCIP3a: Prophylactic ABX End w/in 24 hrs- Overall Rate 53/54 cases met criteria = 98% (↑ from last quarter) n/a MRN 3650341 Dec. SCIP6: Appropriate Hair Removal 85/85 cases met criteria. 100% (same as last quarter) n/a 5 Measure Set(s) Observations Recommendations/Comments SCIP9: Patients with Urinary Catheter Removed on POD 1 (PostOperative Day One) or POD 2 (PostOperative Day Two) 23/26 cases met criteria = 89% (↓ from last quarter) If catheters are left in >2 days Post Op, a reason must be documented. In the 2009 HICPAC guideline on prevention of CAUTI, they listed generally accepted indications for a urinary catheter: · Patient has acute urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction · Need for accurate measurements of urinary output in critically ill patients · Perioperative use for selected surgical procedures: o Patients undergoing urologic surgery or other surgery on contiguous structures of the genitourinary tract o Anticipated prolonged duration of surgery (catheters inserted for this reason should be removed in PACU) o Patients anticipated to receive large-volume infusions or diuretics during surgery o Need for intraoperative monitoring of urinary output · To assist in healing of open sacral or perineal wounds in incontinent patients · Patient requires prolonged immobilization (e.g., potentially unstable thoracic or lumbar spine, multiple traumatic injuries such as pelvic fractures) · To improve comfort for end of life care if needed SCIP10: Perioperative Temperature Management 86/86 cases met criteria = 100% (same as last quarter) n/a ____________________________________________________________ SCIP-Card-2: Pts. on B-blockers who Recvd. B-blockers Perioperatively 20/21 cases met criteria = 95% (↓ from last quarter) ________________________________________________ n/a SCIP-VTE-1: Pts. w/recommended VTE Prophylaxis Ordered SCIP-VTE-2: Pts. receiving VTE Prophylaxis w/in 24 hrs of Surgery n/a VTE 1 : 73/73 = 100% cases met criteria (same as last quarter) VTE 2 73/73 = 100% cases met criteria (same as last quarter) 6 Measure Set(s) Observations Recommendations/Comments HBIPS1a: Admission Screening – Overall Rate 38/38 cases passed criteria = 100% (same as last quarter) n/a HBIPS (HBIPS 1a is all inclusive of indicators 1b, 1c, 1d, & 1e) HBIPS4a: Multiple Antipsychotic Meds at D/C-Overall Rate 32/35 met the criteria =91% (↓ from last quarter) of prescribing ONE Antipsychotic medication (recommended). 1 case was prescribed 2 Antipsychotic medications: MRN 928507, 3522592, 4677593 HBIPS4a – Stress the importance of providing documentation of the only acceptable reasons for prescribing >1 antipsychotic medication at discharge: (HBIPS4a is all inclusive of indicators 4b, 4c, 4d, & 4e) *plan to taper to monotherapy due to previous use of multiple antipsychotic medications OR documentation of a cross-taper in progress at the time of discharge. *history of a minimum of three failed multiple trials of monotherapy. *augmentation of Clozapine HBIPS5a: Multiple Antipsychotic Meds at D/C with Appropriate Justification- Overall Rate explanation above This quarter had 0 out of 3 cases that qualified for Appropriate Justification of Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge. HBIPS6a: Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan – Overall Rate 66/69 cases passed this difficult measure 96% (↓ from last quarter) 3 cases did not: MRN 346.341, 4675247 November; 882391 December The indication for use was missing on all 3 cases. HBIPS6a: The medical record must contain a continuing care plan which includes the discharge medications, dosage and indication for use or that no medications were ordered at discharge. All medications must have the names, dosage and indication for use listed in the continuing care plan. The indication for use can be as short as one to two words, but must be present for all medications, not just psychotropic medications. 7 Measure Set(s) Observations Recommendations/Comments HBIPS7a: Post Discharge Continuing Care Plan Transmitted – Overall Rate 63/69 cases passed this measure (92%, same as last quarter) participating in the Continuing Care Plan Indicator 6 failed due to CCP not Transmitted to Next LOC provider within 5 days. MRN 4670086 Oct.; 3463641, 4675247 Nov.; 3564980, 882391, 4679378 Dec. HBIPS7a: Continued Care Plans not only need to contain the 4 data elements, but they also each or all need to be transmitted (via fax, US Mail, email, or EMR access) to the next LOC provider/clinician with 5 days post discharge. Utilizing Inter-agency form, ROI form, and Routing history on DCS. 2 of 3 Dec. cases did not show documentation that the Continuing Care Plan was sent/faxed to the next level of care provider. The Oct. & 3rd Dec. case had situation where patient was moving after discharge, so no aftercare was set up or offered and then refused by patient. The Nov. cases failed because the CCP was considered Incomplete, and therefore transmittal did not count. OUT PATIENT 8 Measure Set(s) OP AMI CP Surg Observations Recommendations/Comments OP1-4, 4b, 4c, : Aspirin on Arrival for AMI and Chest Pain Measures n/a All 16 cases of both measures met all criteria = 100% (same as last quarter) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OP 6 : Antibiotic Timing 21/22 cases met criteria = 95% (↑ from last quarter); 1 case did not. MRN 3621954 Dec. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OP 7: Antibiotic Selection 33/34 cases met criteria = 97% (↑ from last quarter) MRN 4655970 Oct. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------n/a IMMUN 1 : Pneumococcal Immunization 164/165 cases met criteria = 99% n/a IMMUN 2 : Influenza Immunization 268/273 cases met criteria = 98% n/a IMMUN GREAT JOB! Congratulations on the completion of your 4th Quarter 2012! Any questions or comments, please let me know via email: 9