Nutrient Management Minute #50

Nutrient Management Minute #50
Week of July 23, 2001 (no kill date)
John Creswell, Coordinator
Nutrient Management Education Project
Iowa State University Extension
Farm * A * Syst
This is John Creswell for Iowa State University Extension with a Nutrient
Management Minute.
This week, we’ll talk about Farm*A*Syst.
Farm*A*Syst is a self-assessment program that farmers and acreage owners use to
identify practices that threaten ground and surface water quality. Iowa’s
Farm*A*Syst publications inform farmers and others about proper management of
wells, household wastewater, pesticides, fertilizer, petroleum, hazardous materials,
manure, open feedlots, dead animal disposal and milking center wastewater. Each
publication contains a fact sheet, references to Iowa environmental regulation, an
evaluation of site characteristics and management practices, and contact information
for additional technical advice. Farm*A*Syst is completely confidential and
voluntary. Participants can use it on their own, or consult with experts.
To learn more about Farm*A*Syst, contact your county Farm Bureau Office.
This has been John Creswell for Iowa State University Extension with a Nutrient
Management Minute.
The development of Iowa Farm*A*Syst is funded in part by the Iowa Farm Bureau
Federation and by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources through a grant from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Federal Nonpoint Source
Management Program (Section 319 of the Clean Water Act).