DRAFT MEDIA RELEASE Friday August 28 2009 VOLUNTARY INITIATIVE AND ENVIRONMENT AGENCY AGREE PARTNERSHIP FOR PESTICIDES AND WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE The Environment Agency and key sponsors of the industry-led Voluntary Initiative (VI) have agreed a partnership approach to implementing the pesticide aspects of the Water Framework Directive. Recognising the challenges posed by the implementation of the Directive, VI sponsors met recently with the Environment Agency and highlighted the contribution the VI could make. As a result, the VI will work with the Environment Agency using voluntary measures to continue to improve standards of pesticide use and to target specific catchments where pesticides have been identified as posing a risk to the water quality meeting the requirements of the Water Framework Directive objectives. Commenting on the agreement, Dr Paul Leinster, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency, said: “We look forward to continuing our work with VI sponsors to reduce the impact of pesticides on the environment. We want to see continuing improvements in the use and handling of pesticides, as well as addressing specific catchments where water quality is adversely affected by pesticides. This will help deliver improvements in water quality and deliver other environmental benefits.” Speaking on behalf of the VI sponsors, NFU Deputy President Meurig Raymond said: “We welcome the Environment Agency’s recognition of the Voluntary Initiative and its commitment to work with us on a voluntary approach. The VI has shown that voluntary measures can work. The uptake of schemes like the sprayer testing scheme has been impressive and real results have been gained in reducing the amount of key pesticides reaching water. “However, we recognise that there is more to do to ensure uptake of best practice advice and to secure the environmental outcomes that are necessary. We strongly believe that voluntary measures can help us to reach the challenging targets set by the Water Framework Directive and we must work closely with all partners to make sure that the necessary behaviour changes are made.” Notes for editors: 1. The Voluntary Initiative (VI), which was set up in 2001, is a programme of measures, agreed with Government, to minimise the environmental impact of pesticides. 2. The VI has successfully established the National Sprayer Testing Scheme, the National Register of Sprayer Operators and the use of Crop Protection Management Plans as well as trialling and promoting a range of water protection measures. In 2008 NSTS tested sprayers were responsible for spraying 86 per cent of the arable acreage, there were 19,967 members on the NRoSO register and crop protection management plans covered over two million hectares of land. 3. The VI has also operated catchment scale pilot projects for a number of years to develop and implement mitigation measures which demonstrably reduce the impact of pesticides on water. 4. Environmental regulation is the responsibility of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) in Scotland and the Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (DOENI) in Northern Ireland 5. The sponsors of the Voluntary Initiative are the Agricultural Engineers Association, Agricultural Industries Confederation, Country Land and Business Association, Crop Protection Association, National Association of Agricultural Contractors, the NFU, NFU Scotland and the Ulster Farmers Union. To date nearly £60 million has been invested in the scheme by the agricultural industry. Contacts: Patrick Goldsworthy, Voluntary Initiative Manager, 07711 416 312, patrick@goldsworthyassociates.com NFU – Paul Chambers: 02476 858522 Environment Agency – Farooq Mulla, Senior Press Officer – Environment and Business: 020 7863 8610 Issued by the NFU, Agriculture House, Stoneleigh Park, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, CV8 2TZ. Press Officer: Chris Pryke Telephone: 024 7685 8686 FAX: 024 7685 8651 ISDN: 02476 416289 Http://www.nfuonline.com