Analysis of Axial Load Distribution in a Jet Engine Disk-Shaft Spline Coupling by Justin Paul McGrath A Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering Major Subject: Mechanical Engineering Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, CT December, 2009 (For Graduation December, 2009) i © Copyright 2009 by Justin P. McGrath All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS Analysis of Axial Load Distribution in a Jet Engine Disk-Shaft Spline Coupling ............ i LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ iv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... viii 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 2. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 Analytical Solution ............................................................................................ 5 2.2 Finite Element Solution ..................................................................................... 8 3. Results........................................................................................................................ 13 4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 23 5. References.................................................................................................................. 24 6. Appendix 1................................................................................................................. 25 7. Appendix 2................................................................................................................. 27 8. Appendix 3................................................................................................................. 30 9. Appendix 4................................................................................................................. 31 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 – Material Properties of 3D Spline Coupling Model .......................................... 13 Table 2 – Geometric Properties of 3D Spline Coupling Model ...................................... 14 Table 3 – Analytical results for axial load distribution at root fillet radius ..................... 16 Table 4 – Finite element results for axial load distribution at root fillet radius .............. 17 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Finite element illustration of a spline coupling .............................................. 1 Figure 1-2: Pratt & Whitney’s F119 turbojet engine cutaway .......................................... 2 Figure 2-1: 3D model of the spline coupling assembly ..................................................... 9 Figure 2-2: A representative 3D symmetrical slice of the spline coupling assembly ....... 9 Figure 2-3: Finite element model of the representative section of the spline coupling ... 10 Figure 2-4: Applied boundary conditions of the finite element model ........................... 11 Figure 2-5: Pair of contact elements representing the mating of the spline teeth ............ 12 Figure 3-1: 3D vector sum of deflection in the spline coupling from applied torque ..... 15 Figure 3-2: Schematic showing the path used to extract the load distribution ................ 16 Figure 3-3: Finite element model axial load distribution in the shaft spline teeth .......... 18 Figure 3-4: Plot of contact pressure at root fillet radius verses contact length................ 19 Figure 3-5: Plot of normalized contact pressure, p(x)/p(avg).......................................... 19 Figure 3-6: 10X distortion of the 3D deflection of the sleeve spline teeth...................... 21 Figure 3-7: 10X distortion of the 3D deflection of the shaft spline teeth ........................ 21 v LIST OF SYMBOLS Symbol m(x) Description Unit Axial torque distribution along the root fillet radius lb-in φ1 Angle of twist of the sleeve rad φ2 Angle of twist of the shaft rad Cθ Torsional stiffness constant of the spline assembly lb/in-rad M1(x) Axial torque distribution in the sleeve lb-in M2(x) Axial torque distribution in the shaft lb-in x Axial distance along the root fillet radius of the teeth in L Contact length of the coupling system in G1 Shear modulus of the sleeve material Ksi G2 Shear modulus of the shaft material Ksi J1 Polar moment of inertia of the sleeve geometry in4 J2 Polar moment of inertia of the shaft geometry in4 α Constant of integration in-3/2 A Constant of integration lb-in B Constant of integration lb-in c Effective tooth height of spline in R Pitch radius of the spline coupling system in N Number of spline teeth in the coupling system # p(x) Axial load distribution along the root fillet radius psi pavg Average load seen along root fillet radius of the teeth psi p(x)max Maximum load seen along root fillet radius of the teeth psi PR The pressure ratio of maximum load over average load - τ Applied torque of the coupling system n Number of nodes in the finite element model p Density lb/in3 w Weight lb E Modulus of elasticity of the material r Root fillet radius of spline teeth vi lb-in # Ksi in ACKNOWLEDGMENT I take this opportunity first of all thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has given me the strength, knowledge, and perseverance to conduct and complete this project. Without him, none of this would be possible. Secondly, I thank my thesis advisor Dr. Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete for his mentorship, advice, and patience with me during the entire process. He has provided me with valuable knowledge to make my project formulation process flow smoothly. Along that same vein, I thank all of my graduate professors at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Hartford. Through their courses, they have provided me with significant knowledge and theoretical background necessary to perform the project work. Finally, I thank my employer United Technologies: Pratt & Whitney, for their financial support and investment in my graduate education. They have given me the opportunity to achieve an advanced degree in engineering. The employee scholars program is one of the finest in the world. vii ABSTRACT A spline coupling system is the method of choice in transferring torque between rotating parts in a gas turbo fan engine. The elongated gear teeth distribute the torque load axially along the centerline of the shaft. The challenge in spline design lies in distributing that load evenly across the pressure face of the teeth. Tatur [7], employs a methodology to analyze the axial load distribution in involute splines. This methodology is modified and used for the general spline case. Assuming one hundred percent torque transfer between the parts, and assuming the torque is applied with axial symmetry, an analytical equation of load distribution is derived. For comparison, a 3D model of the analytical spline geometry is produced, and a representative 3D finite element model is generated. Identical boundary conditions and torque are applied to the finite element model to match the theoretical case. Solving the model reveals that the axial load distribution curve matches the curve of the analytical equation. Both cases show that the load due to torque peaks at the axial ends of the root fillet radius of the spline teeth. But there is a discrepancy in the magnitude of the load predicted. The analytical solution predicts a max load of 97.6 ksi and an average load of 57.6 ksi, while the finite element model shows a max load of 68.2 ksi and an average load of 45.3 ksi. This discrepancy is explained by the 3D model which demonstrates that approximately 25% of the torque load provides the force that bends the spline teeth and twist the coupling assembly. The theoretical solution does not account for these 3D effects as it assumes one hundred percent torque transfer between parts. Based on the findings, the analytical solution is the more conservative approach to design a spline coupling system as it predicts higher loads. The finite element method, although it is a significantly lengthier analysis, more accurately simulates the response the spline coupling will see in an engine. Because it predicts 12.5% lower loads, it correlates that the finite element model uncovers greater life capability of the coupling system when compared to the analytical equation. viii ix 1. Introduction A spine coupling is an effective mode of torque transfer between two rotating parts. It employs the use of equally spaced teeth in the angular direction of a cylindrical coordinate system. The teeth on the male spline interlock with the female spline along the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical shaped coupling system (see Figure 1-1). To learn more about spline couplings and the finite element model displayed in Figure 1-1, review the findings Barrot, Paredes, and Sartor [2]. They have conducted several studies to understand the loading and constraints necessary to accurately model spline torque transfer. Their work investigates geometric design choices and their effects on load distribution. With a substantially larger contact area between teeth when compared to a traditional gear system, spline couplings are used in high torque applications. The load can be distributed in the longitudinal direction of the pressure faces of the teeth. Figure 1-1: Finite element illustration of a spline coupling with the yellow graphic representing the male spline and the blue representing the female spline [2] Because of their robustness in handling torque, spline couplings are very common to gas turbo fan and turbo jet engines in the aerospace industry. In one example of a gas turbofan engine, a spline coupling is used to transfer torque from the hub of a turbine disk to the low-pressure shaft that drives the front fan. This system can be seen in engines such as Pratt & Whitney’s PW4000 series, and the military applications of F119 1 (Figure 1-2) and F135. The other aerospace gas turbine engine manufacturers, namely Rolls Royce and General Electric also use splines to transfer shaft torque. Figure 1-2: Pratt & Whitney’s F119 turbojet engine cutaway, where splines are used to transfer torque to/from concentric shafts which run on the engine centerline. [9] The challenge in spline design, particularly in aerospace applications is the effect that the load distribution across the pressure faces of the teeth (see Figure 1-3). Although the pressure faces of the spline teeth provide a large contact area to distribute the torque load; the challenge lies in distributing that load evenly. Uneven load distribution comes from two main sources, geometric inconsistencies and deflection during torque transfer. 2 Figure 1-3: Schematic diagram of a spline coupling system of a gas turbofan engine which employs the use of a spline to transfer torque from the turbine disk to the low pressure shaft [9] The manufacturing process of a spline carries with it inherent tolerances. These tolerances manifest themselves in the root fillet radii, the flatness of the pressure faces, and the circular run out of the pitch diameter of the spline coupling. The slight variance of the geometry due to tolerances causes the spline to mate unevenly during torque transfer. The result is that each set of spline teeth sits differently and a flush contact is 3 not achieved. This lack of symmetry causes each tooth to see a slightly different load circumferentially. The tolerances and uneven contact allows the coupling system to vibrate during torque transfer. The vibratory stresses cause the spline teeth the wear prematurely from fretting at the pressure faces. The fretting wear ultimately decreases the life of the part. Of even more concern is the axial load distribution seen on the pressure faces of the spline teeth. This has a greater effect on the wear and the life of the spline than the tolerance induced vibratory stresses. Because of deflection in the coupling system during torque loading, only certain parts of the pressure face of the teeth mesh. As a result there is an uneven load distribution along the face of the teeth. This load distribution is most clearly seen at the root fillet radius along the axial edge of the pressure face of the spline teeth. This is the area where stresses are the highest due to 3D stress concentration factors. Understanding the load distribution in this area during torque transfer gives a designer the ability to more accurately estimate the life of the spline coupling system. The load ratio is directly correlated with the life of the coupling; the higher the pressure ratio the less life can be obtained with all else being equal. In the analysis to follow a spline coupling is modeled analytically to determine the equation of the axial load distribution when a specified torque load is applied to the system. This equation is then compared to a finite element model of the same coupling system using the equivalent boundary conditions. The peak stress on the pressure face is determined and normalized by the average stress across the contact area of the spline teeth. The calculated ratio is used as a comparison point between the analytical and finite element models to see which is the more conservative approach. The analysis offers designers insight on the stress profile they can expect during operation of the coupling system. They can use the load distribution as feedback to pinpoint parameters and dimensions to be changed to arrive at a more favorable load distribution. 4 2. Methodology 2.1 Analytical Solution The goal of the mathematical analysis is to develop an equation outlining the load distribution on the contact face of the spline teeth. The first step is to identify the governing equation that represents the torque transfer of the coupling system. In Tatur’s analysis of involute splines [7], he determined that the axial distribution of torque in the coupling system, m(x), is related to the torsional stiffness of the spline geometry and the difference of the angle of twist between the shaft and the sleeve. m( x) d dx M 2 ( x) c 1 ( x) 2 ( x) (1) Although Tatur used this equation for involute splines it can be applied to splines of all types. The differential relationship is the governing equation for the subsequent analysis. When analyzing the equation 1 certain assumptions are made. The first is that there is one hundred percent perfect transfer of torque from the sleeve to the shaft. The second is that the torque is applied evenly across the contact length of the spline teeth. These assumptions and the fact that this analysis is done in a steady state condition allow the use of the global torque equilibrium equation which states: M1 (0) M 2 (0) M1 ( L) M 2 ( L) (2) Equation 2 articulates that the torque applied at axial position x = 0 of the contact face is the same as the torque applied at the end of the contact face, axial position x = L, where L is the total contact length of the system. Proceeding one step further with the assumption, the torque at every axial distance along the contact length is the same with in the spline coupling system. This is the Local torque equilibrium equation: M 1 ( x) M 2 ( x) M1 ( x) M 2 ( x) (3) To obtain a general equation m(x) of axial torque distribution along the pressure face the first step is to differentiate the relationship established in the first equation. d dx m( x ) d2 dx 2 M 2 ( x) c d dx 1 ( x) 2 ( x) (4) The derivative of the angle of twist φ, is related to the shear modulus and second moment of inertia of the spline geometry. This can be obtained two ways; a tedious hand 5 calculation or by querying a three dimensional computer aided solid model of the coupling system. d dx i ( x) M i ( x) Gi J i (5) The subscript i, represents either the shaft material and geometry or the sleeve material and geometry. Applying the relationship in the above equation to the derivative of the axial torque distribution yields: d dx m( x) d2 dx2 M ( x) M 1 ( x) M 2 ( x) c 2 G J G1 J 1 2 2 (6) In equation 6, the subscript 1 is the sleeve, and the subscript 2 is the shaft. Algebraic factoring of the axial torque distribution leads to the following. d dx 1 M 1 ( x) M 2 ( x) 1 m( x) c M 2 ( x) c G1 J 1 G2 J 2 G1 J 1 (7) Substituting the local torque equilibrium relationship from equation 2 into equation 7 results in further simplification of the derivative of torque distribution. d dx 1 M 1 (0) M 2 (0) 1 m( x) c M 2 ( x) c G1 J 1 G2 J 2 G1 J 1 (8) The next step is to calculate the second derivative of m(x) taking into account that M1(0) and M2(0) are known constants which represent the initial applied torque to the system and therefore the second term of equation 8 drops out of the equation. d2 dx2 m( x) c d dx 1 1 M 2 ( x) G2 J 2 G1 J 1 (9) The derivative of M2(x) is equaled to m(x) by the relationship established in equation 1. Substituting m(x) into the equation above and rearranging yields a second order differential equation that describes the evolution of torque transfer along the axial direction of the spline teeth. d2 dx2 1 1 m( x) c m( x) 0 G2 J 2 G1 J 1 (10) The analytical solution for the second order differential equation has the form: m( x) Aex Be x (11) 6 Where the constant α equals: 1 1 c G2 J 2 G1 J 1 (12) In order to solve for the coefficients A and B, boundary conditions are applied. Based off the assumption set in place at the beginning of the analysis, torque at the contact interface x = 0, equals τ, the known applied torque of the system. Furthermore, torque at the contact interface x = L also equals the applied torque of the system. These conditions are represented mathematically: m ( 0) m( L) Applying the boundary conditions to the analytical solution yields values for A and B. eL 1 A 2L e 1 (13) e 2L eL B 2L e 1 (14) The overall axial torque distribution equation of the spline coupling system is represented by the analytical solution: eL 1 x e 2L eL e 2L m( x) 2L e 1 e 1 x e (15) In equation 15, τ, α, and L are all known constants; while x represents the axial distance along the pressure face of the spline coupling. With axial distribution of torque fully defined, the load distribution is determined. Many scientists such at Barrot, Paredes, and Sartor [2], have employed the following relationship in their analysis to relate torque transfer in splines to axial load distribution. cRNp ( x) m( x) (16) Load distribution, p(x), is related to torque transfer by three geometric constants; c is the effective tooth height, R is the pith radius and N is the number of teeth in the coupling system. Solving for p(x) from equation 16 and substituting the expression from equation 15 yields: 7 e L 1 x e 2L e L e 2L p( x) 2L e 1 e 1 x 1 e cRN (17) The analytical equation of load distribution is based on the known values of applied torque, as well as material and geometric properties of the spline coupling. The curve of equation 17 will show pressure peaks due to torque transfer of the designed spline system along the axial direction of the contact face. Pressure peaks provide an important indicator to designers of the effectiveness of the coupling system. When comparing the pressure peak to the overall average pressure along the axial direction of the contact face a ratio is formed: PR p( x) max p avg (18) The comparison of the max pressure or max load seen on the contact face to the average pressure in the axial direction is a direct correlation to the overall life of the spline coupling system. The higher the pressure ratio, PR, the less life cycles the system can obtain. Therefore PR is an important parameter in the design of splines. Designers can use the metric to change geometry and loads to minimize the ratio and even the load distribution. The pressure ratio of the analytical solution is compared to the ratio produced by the finite element model of the same coupling system to see which method of analysis is more conservative from a design standpoint. 2.2 Finite Element Solution The finite element solution is a lengthier method of analyzing the load distribution due to torque transfer in a coupling system. In many cases it is more accurate, especially when analyzing three dimensional geometry. The analytical solution does not account for three dimensional effects such as stress risers and 3D deflections. To make an accurate comparison, a 3D CAD model of the spline coupling system is rendered using Unigraphics NX-4 software (Figure 2-1). The model contains the exact geometric parameters found in the analytical methodology. Two separate part files are created; one to model the spline sleeve and the other to model the shaft. The two components are mated along the pressure teeth in an assembly file (Figure 2-1). 8 Figure 2-1: 3D model of the spline coupling assembly, the red is the shaft and the silver is the sleeve. Following mating of the spline teeth and a check for interference and misalignment of the contact faces, the 3D geometry is prepared for structural analysis. To reduce the size of the model and curtail computing and post-processing time, a representative section of the 3D model (Figure 2-2) is used for structural analysis. Figure 2-2: A representative 3D symmetrical slice of the spline coupling assembly used for structural analysis. 9 The 3D section is imported into ANSYS and meshed (Figure 2-3). Material properties are assigned to the volumes representing the sleeve and the shafts. For both the analytical and finite element solutions, the sleeve material is chosen as IN-100 nickel super-alloy which is a typical application for turbine disks in gas turbo fan engines. The shaft material is chosen as INCO-718 nickel super-alloy, also a common shaft material in the aerospace industry. Both the sleeve and the shaft are meshed using Solid 45 elements. Brick mesh is used for the full hoop part of the shaft and the sleeve. However due to the irregular shape of the volumes representing the spline teeth, tetrahedral mesh is used there. The size of the mesh at the spine teeth interface is imperative to ensure the nodes capture the details of the load distribution. In this finite element model the tetrahedral mesh is 0.02 in/in, which is composed of solid95 and solid92 tetrahedral elements. Figure 2-3: Finite element model of the representative section of the spline coupling 10 After meshing the boundary conditions are applied. First, cyclic symmetry is applied to the left and right faces of the sectioned geometry. Second, a surface to surface contact is created between the areas representing the pressure faces of the two pairs of spline teeth. The contact pair consists of Conta174 and Targe170 surface elements to simulate the mating condition of the teeth. In the third boundary condition considered, the full hoop ends of the shaft and the sleeve are constrained axially. In the fourth condition, the full hoop portion of the sleeve is constrained so it cannot rotate about the axial centerline of the model. Finally, a uniform force is applied to each node at the full hoop ends of the shaft to simulate the applied torque received from the sleeve (see Figure 2-4). The force is determined using the following relationship: F 1 Rn (19) In equation 19, the coupling system torque τ, is divided by the pitch radius and the number of nodes, n, on one face of the full hoop end of the shaft. The expression produces an accurate nodal force to match the analytical methodology. Figure 2-4: Applied boundary conditions of the finite element model 11 Figure 2-5: Pair of contact elements representing the mating of the spline teeth The finite element model contains with in it 29,258 nodes. The model is evaluated as a steady state system at room temperature which is consistent with the analytical methodology. Careful post-processing of the model extracts the resultant load distribution from the nodes at the root fillet radius of both spline teeth. The extracted data is plotted and compared with the corresponding analytical curve. 12 3. Results Both the analytical model and the finite element solution use IN-100 powder nickel super alloy for the sleeve and INCO-718 for the shaft when analyzing the coupling system. To learn more about the composition and application of these two alloys see Appendix A1. This is a representative combination for the turbine section of a gas turbo fan engine. The sleeve represents the hub portion of the disk which is closer to the gas path than the shaft which is why IN-100 powder is used. It has more high temperature capability than INCO-718 while still maintaining high strength. A summary of the relevant material properties used in the coupling calculations are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 – Material Properties of 3D Spline Coupling Model Specification Symbol Sleeve Shaft Unit Material - IN-100 INCO718 - Density p 0.284 0.297 lb/in3 Weight w 0.118 0.173 lb Modulus of Elasticity E 30.1 31.0 Ksi Shear Modulus G 11.94 11.10 Ksi Polar Moment of Inertia J 0.085 0.037 in4 Along with material properties, there are two coupling metrics displayed in Table 1. The weight of each component, w, and the polar moment of inertia, J, of each component were calculated by querying the 3D Unigraphics model. The weight and polar moment of inertia can be verified by hand calculations by resolving both geometries into simple shapes and adding the value of each shape in an iterative process. To compute the axial load distribution on the spline teeth of the shaft, all geometric parameters of the coupling system are defined. Along with geometry the user applied torque is selected as well. Again to match the conditions of a typical gas turbo fan engine, a torque value of 350in-lb is used in calculation of the results. This value is 13 comparable to that transferred between a turbine disk and low pressure shaft. A summary of all geometric parameters and applied torque are displayed in Table 2. Table 2 – Geometric Properties of 3D Spline Coupling Model Specification Symbol Value Unit Applied Torque τ 350 in-lb Contact Length L 0.30 in Pitch Radius R 0.70 in Number of Teeth N 56 # Tooth Height c 0.032 in Root Fillet Radius r 0.010 in Pressure Angle θ 30 deg Torsional Stiffness Cθ 3332488 lb/in-rad The last parameter listed in table 2 is the torsional stiffness of the coupling system. This value is difficult to determine without the use of the finite element model. Equation 1 defines that the applied torque is equaled to the difference of the angle of twist of the shaft and sleeve multiplied by the torsional stiffness constant, Cθ. Querying the results of the finite element model the difference in the angle of twist between the two components is determined. Plotting the vector sum of deflection for the coupling system, (see Figure 3-1) the maximum and minimum points of deflection of each component are located. The maximum deflection on the shaft is seen at the extreme axial ends of the full hoop section. The minimum deflection of the shaft is seen at the middle of the shaft where the spline teeth are located. This result makes sense intuitively because the outer ends of the shaft should be more flexible than the middle section where the teeth add hoop stiffness. The sleeve has the opposite response due to the fact the full hoop section is much thicker than the sleeve spline teeth. Therefore, Figure 3-1 maximum defection is seen in the spline teeth and the minimum is seen at the outer edges of the full hoop section. For each component the difference between the maximum and minimum deflections are determined and resolved into radians based on the pitch radius of the coupling 14 system. Using the relationship that the circumference, s = rφ, assuming that deflections represent a small arc. Knowing the calculated angle of twist and the applied torque the torsional stiffness constant is estimated as shown in table 2. Figure 3-1: 3D vector sum of deflection in the spline coupling from applied torque With all of the coupling specifications defined, the values can be substituted into equations: 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18. These equations represent the analytical solution of load distribution at the root fillet radius of the spline teeth of the shaft. The calculated values of the equations are shown in table 3. 15 Table 3 – Analytical results for axial load distribution at root fillet radius Parameter Value Unit α 10.67 (lb/in-rad)1/2 A 13.67 - B 336.3 - p(x)max 97.66 ksi pavg 57.61 ksi PR 1.70 - The analytical response is now compared to the finite element solution. The axial load distribution at the root fillet radius of the spline teeth of the shaft is extracted from the finite element model. See Figure 3-2, which shows the path used to extract the load seen at the root fillet radius of both teeth. The path distance is equaled to the contact length of the spline teeth, L = x = 0.3 inches. Figure 3-2: Schematic showing the path used to extract the load distribution in the finite element model 16 The extracted load distribution along the contact length of the spline teeth is summarized in table 4 for comparison to the analytical model summarized in table 3. Table 4 – Finite element results for axial load distribution at root fillet radius Parameter Left Tooth Right Tooth Unit p(x)max 71.13 68.51 ksi pavg 47.06 45.34 ksi PR 1.51 1.51 - d(x)max 0.00015 0.00015 in davg 0.0014 0.00014 in DR 1.1 1.1 - The parameters d(x), davg, and DR represent the deflection of the spline teeth as a function of x, the average deflection over the contact length, and the deflection ratio respectively. The deflection ratio, DR, is the ratio of the maximum deflection, d(x) over the average deflection seen across the root fillet radius of the shaft spline teeth. Deflection is book kept in the finite element model to determine whether axial deflection in the spline teeth influences the load distribution. However, table 4 shows that the deflection across the root fillet radii of the spline teeth is uniform, with a DR of 1.1. The finite element solution of load distribution along the plotted path in figure 3-2 is not uniform. The load peaks at either end of the contact length as displayed by the finite element response of torque transfer presented in figure 3-3. 17 Figure 3-3: Finite element model axial load distribution in the shaft spline teeth due to the applied torque When observing the entire pressure face of the spline teeth, the red color shows that the highest stress is found in the root fillet radius along the contact length. It also shows that the load in the fillet is not distributed evenly. This result is consistent with the plot of the analytical solution (Figure 3-4). 18 Axial Load Distribution in Spline Coupling 120000 Contact Load (psi) 100000 80000 Analytical Sol. 60000 Finite Element Sol. Left Finite Element Sol. Right 40000 20000 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Spline Tooth Contact Length (in.) Figure 3-4: Plot of contact pressure at root fillet radius verses contact length Normalized Axial Load Distribution 1.8 1.6 1.4 p(x)/p(avg) 1.2 1 Analytical Sol. Finite Element Sol. Left 0.8 Finite Element Sol. Right 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Spline Tooth Contact Length (in.) Figure 3-5: Plot of normalized contact pressure, p(x)/p(avg), at the root fillet radius of the spline teeth verses contact length 19 The finite element and analytical models produce the same shape of axial load distribution due to torque transfer. The load peaks at both ends of the contact length of the spline teeth in both cases. This response is undesirable because it causes more fretting between the pressure faces and as a result reduces the life and effectiveness in transferring torque. It is important to note that although both the analytical and finite element solution produce the same shape of load distribution, the analytical model predicts higher peaks. The maximum analytical load is 97.6 ksi, while the finite element equivalent is 68.2, which leaves a 30 ksi disparity between the two. Furthermore, referring to tables 3 and 4, the pressure ratio of the analytical model is 1.70 while the finite element pressure ratio is 1.51. The disparity between the analytical and finite element solutions can be explained by the two facts. First, is that the analytical solution has with it inherent assumptions discussed in the methodology. It assumes one hundred percent torque transfer from the sleeve to the shaft, which means the analytical load distribution is a result of zero loss of energy to friction or deformation. In actuality, as the finite element solution shows, there is not one hundred percent torque transfer. A portion of the torque goes into deforming the spline teeth. Looking at the pressure faces of the teeth in Figure 3-3, the blue and green represents the portion of the tooth under compression, while the red and yellow represent the portion under tension. Each shaft tooth is acting as a cantilever beam where the torque transfer from the sleeve supplies the load at the end of each shaft tooth. Because some of the torque causes the teeth to bend, the root fillet radius does not see the entire load. That is why, in Figure 3-4, and Figure 3-5, the analytical solution has higher peaks. The second reason for the disparity in load distribution and pressure ratio between the analytical and finite element solution is the fact that the analytical does not take into account the distorted shape during torque transfer. The 3D finite element model has two pairs of deformed teeth that mesh with each other (see Figure 3-6, and Figure 3-7). Because the pressure faces of the teeth do not meet flush during torque transfer, the root fillet radius does not see the entire load. This explains why the analytical solution has a higher pavg and pmax which results in a 12.5% higher pressure ratio. 20 Figure 3-6: 10X distortion of the 3D deflection of the sleeve spline teeth under torque load Figure 3-7: 10X distortion of the 3D deflection of the shaft spline teeth under toque load 21 Figure 3-4 and figure 3-5 show a disparity between the analytical solution and the finite element solution although both cases exhibit the same shaped curve of load distribution. The normalized load distribution plot causes both cases to more closely align, which is a sign that the analytical and finite element solutions agree when the normalized plot is used. Also, it is important to note that the finite element model shows consistent behavior when comparing the right tooth to the left tooth. This symmetry points to the fact that the boundary conditions are properly applied and match those used in the analytical methodology. Figure 3-3, figure 3-6 and figure 3-7 help to explain why the finite element model predicts a lower load distribution and lower pressure ratio. The 3D effects of the tooth bending and the fact that the pressure faces of the teeth do not exhibit a flush mating surface because of torsional distortion, cause an imperfect torque transfer system. From the current analysis this loss of torque can be quantified to approximately 25%. The 3D effects reduce the load seen at the root fillet radius. However, these effects simulate the loading condition a designer can expect during operation in an engine. When comparing the finite element to the analytical both have advantages and disadvantages. The finite element solution gives an accurate analysis of the coupling design. The finite element model predicts a lower PR than the analytical equation. With all else being equal, by correlation, the finite element model proves that there is approximately 12.5% more life in the coupling system. Although the finite element model is more realistic it is a much lengthier method of determining the effectiveness of the spline design. The analytical equation is conservative but it gives an instant answer when the geometric and material properties are plugged into equations 12-18. The designer will have to weigh his or her options on whether or not 12.5% more predicted life is value added when compared to the time savings of a shorter analysis. 22 4. Conclusion Tatur’s method has been used for involute spline analysis to the general spline case and has yielded comprehensive results. The analytical equation for load distribution at the root fillet radius of the spline teeth is dependent upon the material properties of the shaft and sleeve, the spline coupling geometry, and the torque applied to the system. The finite element model which incorporates the spline coupling material properties, geometry, and boundary conditions into a 3D analysis validates the analytical solution. Both cases predict the same axial load distribution curve. Symmetry and accuracy of the boundary conditions in the finite element model are justified by the fact that both the left and right tooth exhibit the same response to the applied torque load. The disparity between the analytical and finite element solutions in predicting maximum load and pressure ratio can be explained by 3D effects. The analytical solution assumes one hundred percent torque transfer from the sleeve to the shaft. The 3D finite element solution shows that this assumption is flawed because approximately 25% of the torque is dissipated during transfer. A portion of that coupled force goes into bending the spline teeth and twisting the overall spline geometry. Both methods provide the designer a valuable picture of the load distribution across the pressure face of the spline teeth. This load, and the ratio of max load over average load is directly correlated to the amount of life expected in the coupling system. Since the analytical solution predicts the higher load ratio (PR), it is the more conservative approach. The 3D finite element model is more accurate, and based on the results predicts 12.5% lower pressure ratio which indicates there is more life in the system. The disadvantage of the finite element solution is the time it takes to create the model and verify the correctness of the boundary conditions. Ultimately the designer must decide if the 12.5% more predicted life capability is worth the extra time spent on the finite element analysis, or if the conservative analytical equation will suffice. There is value in a quick conservative answer. Both approaches can be used to help the designer look at geometry changes to the coupling system and observe the effect they have on the axial load distribution. Of course the goal is to make the axial load on the teeth uniform. That is the next step in optimizing the spline design. 23 5. References [1] Adey, R. A., Baynham, J., Taylor, J. W., 1999. “Development of analysis tools for spline couplings,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, v 214, n 6, 2000, pp. 347-357. 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[8] Tjernberg, A., 2000. “Load distribution and pitch errors in a spline coupling,” Materials and Design 22(2001), pp. 259-266. [9] Pratt & Whitney Design Manual, 2002. Section C1.4, Military applications, pp 102-104. 24 6. Appendix 1 [A1.1]: Spline Coupling Material General Information INCONEL 718 PRIMARY APPLICATION: Disk-turbine Disk-compressor Ring MAXIMUM USE TEMPERATURE: 1200F DENSITY: 0.297 lb per cu in. GRAIN SIZE: Equiaxed grains ASTM 6 - 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Heat treatable nickel-base alloy which has good strength at temperatures up to 1200F coupled with good oxidation and corrosion resistance in that temperature range. Yield strengths Inconel 718 are superior to those of Waspaloy and Incoloy 901. APPLICATION DETAILS: Primarily for rotor parts including compressor and turbine disks operating at temperatures up to 1200F which require: good strength good oxidation and corrosion resistance [A1.2]: Spline Coupling Material General Information IN-100 (GATORIZED) PRIMARY APPLICATION: Disk-turbine Disk-compressor Seal Spacer MAXIMUM USE TEMPERATURE: 1250F (1300-1350F should be restricted to limited exposure time applications only) 25 DENSITY: 0.284 lb per cu in. GRAIN SIZE: ASTM 10 - 12.5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: IN-100 is a heat treated nickel-base alloy gatorized after consolidation into billet from pre-alloyed powder by extrusion. It has good strength at temperatures up to 1300F with good oxidation and fair to good corrosion resistance. Extended use above 1250F (greater than 1000 hours at 1300F, greater than 500 hrs at 1350F) will result in the formation of grain boundary carbides, which can reduce material properties (stress-rupture). Ultimate tensile strength is superior to Waspaloy, Astroloy and Inconel 718. Yield strength is inferior to Inconel 718, but superior to Waspaloy and Astroloy. Creep strength is superior to Inconel 718 and initially superior to Waspaloy but drops off rapidly above 1300F becoming inferior to that alloy. APPLICATION DETAILS: Primarily applicable to rotating parts such as disks, seals and spacers in compressor and turbine sections operating at temperatures up to 1250-1350F which require: High temperature tensile strength superior to Waspaloy and Inconel 718. Maximum cyclic life creep requirements limited to below 1250F MELTING PRACTICE: Powder produced by gas atomization from alloy made by vacuum induction melting process. 26 7. Appendix 2 [A2]: ANSYS 3D Spline Coupling Model Log File /BATCH /COM,ANSYS RELEASE 11.0SP1 UP20070830 15:45:14 10/21/2009 pwautom *SET,symmeshFailed_,0 ! Initialize counter for area symmetry mesh failure to 0 *SET,meshKey_,arg1 ! 0=free, 1=mapped, 2=try mapped then free *SET,shapeCode_,arg2 ! 0=use whatever, 1=use tria *SET,midKey_,arg3 ! mshmid key *SET,volindx_,arg4 !Debug /NERR,0,9999999,-1,0,0 !! Allow for mesh failures.... ! Mesh cyclic symmetry faces ! ... For structural and thermal cyclic symmetry faces, ... MSHKEY, meshKey_ MSHMID, midKey_ MSHAP, shapeCode_, 2D TYPE, etsurf_ CSYS, 5 ! 04-05-2007 *DO, ar43, 1, ar31 *IF, symmarry(volindx_,ar43) ,LT, 1 ,EXIT ASEL,S, , ,%symmarry(volindx_,ar43)% ALLS, BELO, AREA ASLV, R *IF, ARINQR(0,13) ,LT, 1 ,CYCLE ! Area was on a meshed volume ! Attempt to area mesh symmetry face ALLS, BELO, AREA ! 04-05-2007 ESIZE, globvlsz(volindx_), 0 *IF, ARINQR(symmarry(volindx_,ar43),-6) ,EQ, 0 ,THEN AMESH, ALL *IF, ARINQR(symmarry(volindx_,ar43),-6) ,EQ, 0 ,THEN 27 am_amesh, globvlsz(volindx_) ! Attempt to iterate to an area ! mesh size that works *ENDIF *ENDIF ! If source area was meshed, attempt to copy mesh to target area *IF, ARINQR(symmarry(volindx_,ar43),-6) ,GT, 0 ,THEN ! Copy a KP from the master side to the presumed copy side location ! RNG 04-05-2007 *SET,sctr_angl_,-360/%matsf(maxc+volindx_)% *SET,keypt1_,KPNEXT(0) ASEL,A, , ,%symcarry(volindx_,ar43)% *IF, ARINQR(symcarry(volindx_,ar43),-6) ,GT, 0 ,CYCLE ! See if area already meshed ALLS, BELO, AREA ! If the new KP isn't with 0.001-in of the "copied" kp, reverse the sector angle ! RNG 04-05-2007 !RNG 10-9-2007 Modify logic so new KP isn't literally created. *SET,keypt2_,kp(kx(keypt1_),ky(keypt1_)+SCTR_ANGL_,kz(keypt1_)) *AFUN, DEG *SET,ar51,(KZ(keypt1_)-KZ(keypt2_))**2 *SET,ar52,KX(keypt1_)*COS(KY(keypt1_)+SCTR_ANGL_) - KX(keypt2_)*COS(KY(keypt2_)) *SET,ar51,ar51+ar52*ar52 *SET,ar52,KX(keypt1_)*SIN(KY(keypt1_)+SCTR_ANGL_) KX(keypt2_)*SIN(KY(keypt2_)) *SET,ar51,SQRT(ar51+ar52*ar52) *AFUN, RAD *if, ar51, gt, 0.001, then *SET,sctr_angl_,-sctr_angl_ *ENDIF ! Success for AGEN,2,ALL; NUMM,NODE; NUMM,KP guarantees 28 - ! face symmetry. It may also be more robust than MSHCOPY. MSHCOPY, AREA, %symmarry(volindx_,ar43)%, %symcarry(volindx_,ar43)%, 5, 0, sctr_angl_, 0, 0.0001, , *SET,ar22,_STATUS ! Failed to copy mesh to the symmetry target face *IF , ar22 ,GT, 2 , THEN *SET,symmeshFailed_,symmeshFailed_+1 ACLEAR, ALL ! Success. Save the areas as meshed. *ELSE CMSEL, A, cycsym_ CM, cycsym_, AREA *ENDIF ! Failed to mesh the symmetry master face *ELSE *SET,symmeshFailed_,symmeshFailed_+1 *ENDIF *ENDDO ! ar43 *SET,eshap_, *SET,shapeCode_, *SET,keypt1_, *SET,keypt2_, *SET,meshKey_, *SET,midKey_, *SET,sctr_angl_, *SET,volindx_, C*** AutoModeler SYMmetry MESHing MACro END SAVE FINISH ! /EXIT,MODEL 29 8. Appendix 3 [A3.1]: Contour Plot of Shaft Spline Teeth 3D deflection [A3.2]: Excel Plot of Spline Tooth Deflection vs. Contact Length 3D Deflection of Spline Tooth 1.6E-04 Deflection (in.) 1.5E-04 1.5E-04 Finite Element Sol. Left Finite Element Sol. Right 1.4E-04 1.4E-04 1.3E-04 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 Spline Tooth Contact Length (in.) 30 0.300 0.350 9. Appendix 4 [A4.1]: Load Distribution Data of the Analytical Solution Torque Dist. 350 317.4838 288.5896 262.9879 240.3866 220.5277 203.1848 188.16 175.2818 164.4033 155.4005 148.1706 142.6312 138.7189 136.3893 135.6157 136.3893 138.7189 142.6312 148.1706 155.4005 164.4033 175.2818 188.16 203.1848 220.5277 240.3866 262.9879 288.5896 317.4838 350 x in. 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.3 m(x) lb-in. 122500 111119.3 101006.4 92045.78 84135.3 77184.71 71114.68 65855.99 61348.62 57541.17 54390.18 51859.72 49920.9 48551.62 47736.26 47465.5 47736.26 48551.62 49920.9 51859.72 54390.18 57541.17 61348.62 65855.99 71114.68 77184.71 84135.3 92045.78 101006.4 111119.3 122500 31 p(x)th psi 97656.25 88583.64 80521.66 73378.33 67072.15 61531.17 56692.19 52499.99 48906.75 45871.47 43359.52 41342.25 39796.64 38705.06 38055.05 37839.2 38055.05 38705.06 39796.64 41342.25 43359.52 45871.47 48906.75 52499.99 56692.19 61531.17 67072.15 73378.33 80521.66 88583.64 97656.25 p(x)/pavg psi/psi 1.695247 1.537753 1.397802 1.273798 1.164327 1.06814 0.984138 0.911365 0.848988 0.796298 0.752692 0.717674 0.690843 0.671894 0.66061 0.656863 0.66061 0.671894 0.690843 0.717674 0.752692 0.796298 0.848988 0.911365 0.984138 1.06814 1.164327 1.273798 1.397802 1.537753 1.695247 [A4.2]: Load Distribution Data of the Left Tooth of the Finite Element Model x_fea_lft in. 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.029 0.039 0.049 0.059 0.069 0.079 0.088 0.098 0.108 0.118 0.128 0.138 0.147 0.157 0.167 0.177 0.187 0.196 0.206 0.216 0.226 0.236 0.246 0.255 0.265 0.275 0.285 0.295 p(x)fea_lft psi 7112.9 6910.1 6678.9 6388.9 5936.1 5529.4 5167.8 4838.3 4542 4276.8 4077.9 3908.1 3767 3687.3 3621.4 3569.9 3631.7 3682.9 3722.4 3816.9 3967.2 4171.2 4426 4735.2 5099.4 5447.9 5816.5 6208.7 6555.9 6757.2 6872.1 p(x)fea_lft psi 71129 69101 66789 63889 59361 55294 51678 48383 45420 42768 40779 39081 37670 36873 36214 35699 36317 36829 37224 38169 39672 41712 44260 47352 50994 54479 58165 62087 65559 67572 68721 32 p(x)/pavg psi/psi 1.511333 1.468242 1.419117 1.357499 1.261289 1.174874 1.098042 1.028031 0.965074 0.908725 0.866463 0.830384 0.800404 0.783469 0.769467 0.758524 0.771655 0.782534 0.790927 0.811006 0.842942 0.886287 0.940426 1.006124 1.083509 1.157557 1.235877 1.31921 1.392983 1.435754 1.460168 3D defl. in. 1.52E-04 1.48E-04 1.44E-04 1.41E-04 1.39E-04 1.38E-04 1.36E-04 1.36E-04 1.35E-04 1.35E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.33E-04 1.33E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.35E-04 1.35E-04 1.36E-04 1.36E-04 1.38E-04 1.39E-04 1.41E-04 1.44E-04 1.48E-04 1.52E-04 [A4.3]: Load Distribution Data of the Right Tooth of the Finite Element Model x_fea_rt in. 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.029 0.039 0.049 0.059 0.069 0.079 0.088 0.098 0.108 0.118 0.128 0.138 0.147 0.157 0.167 0.177 0.187 0.196 0.206 0.216 0.226 0.236 0.246 0.255 0.265 0.275 0.285 0.295 p(x)fea_rt psi 6850.5 6414.8 6017.7 5559.1 4992.2 4528.4 4157.1 4059 3890.7 3674.1 3440.7 3254.7 3116.1 3111.3 3196.2 3411.8 3329.5 3330 3368.9 3474.4 3601.5 3744.1 4048.4 4371 4709.7 5048.1 5546.3 6249.8 6535.4 6707.7 6820.5 p(x)fea_rt psi 68505 64148 60177 55591 49922 45284 41571 40590 38907 36741 34407 32547 31161 31113 31962 34118 33295 33300 33689 34744 36015 37441 40484 43710 47097 50481 55463 62498 65354 67077 68205 33 p(x)/pavg psi/psi 1.510856 1.414764 1.327185 1.226042 1.101014 0.998724 0.916835 0.8952 0.858082 0.810311 0.758836 0.717814 0.687246 0.686187 0.704912 0.752462 0.734311 0.734421 0.743 0.766268 0.7943 0.825749 0.892862 0.96401 1.03871 1.113343 1.223219 1.378374 1.441362 1.479362 1.50424 3D defl. in. 1.52E-04 1.48E-04 1.44E-04 1.41E-04 1.40E-04 1.38E-04 1.37E-04 1.36E-04 1.36E-04 1.35E-04 1.35E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.34E-04 1.35E-04 1.35E-04 1.36E-04 1.36E-04 1.37E-04 1.38E-04 1.40E-04 1.42E-04 1.45E-04 1.48E-04 1.52E-04