CASE STUDY – SELECTED SPECIES AND COMMUNITIES – WESTERN AUSTRALIA Stygofaunal communities of north-west Western Australia Description Stygofauna are animals that permanently or opportunistically inhabit groundwater aquifers. The Pilbara and Cape Range regions (herein referred to as the north-west) have been shown to have some of the richest stygal communities in the world (Eberhard et al 2005, Scanlon 2006). These are dominated by crustaceans but include other invertebrates and even a fish and an eel (at Cape Range). The north-west stygofauna is distinctive, with numerous (higher level) taxa not found elsewhere within the State or continent. Within the region, stygofaunal community composition varies greatly between aquifers and subregions. About 400 species have been recorded so far, with ostracods and copepods especially speciose by world standards (Karanovic 2006, Karanovic 2007). A few widespread stygofaunal species occur in both groundwater and surface waters. Most, however, are restricted to groundwater and many are restricted to particular aquifers and have only rarely been recorded. Elements of the Pilbara stygofauna have phylogenetic affinities to other taxa from inland surface waters, marine waters, other groundwaters and some elements have Tethyan, Pangean or Gondwanan affinities (Humphreys 1993a and b, Knott & Halse 1999). Many species are geographically isolated relicts derived from surface dwelling ancestors which colonized subsurface waters in response to increasing aridity. Hence, short range endemism is a characteristic feature. Obligate stygofaunal species (stygobites) display specialisations to subterranean life, including reduction or loss of eyes and pigment, elongation of appendages and enhancement of non-optic sensory structures. Little is known about their ecology but groundwater food webs are generally dependant on dissolved and particulate organic matter and nutrients derived from the surface. Most invertebrate species would feed on particulate organic matter and microflora. Dispersal between aquifers, where it occurs, is slow and limited, with springs and the hyporheic zones of rivers (Halse et al 2002) providing a likely dispersal route between aquifers. Significance Within the stygofaunal communities of north-west Western Australia, several crustacean species are listed as threatened species under the Western Australian (WA) Wildlife Conservation Act 1950. One species, Lasionectes exleyi (Crustacea: Remipedia), from Cape Range is listed as vulnerable under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). These species are listed due to their highly restricted distributions. Short range endemism is also a characteristic feature hence, species are vulnerable to extinction from a range of threatening processes that may affect the physical environment where they occur, or the hydric characteristics of the sites. Under WA’s category of threat criteria, the Cape Range Remipede Community is listed as a Critically Endangered Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) and the Ethel Gorge Aquifer Stygobiont Community is listed as an Endangered TEC. The stygofaunal communities are also linked to surface water and groundwater ecotone communities. Data and information Numerous Environmental Impact Statement surveys have been undertaken by consultants. There have also been studies by the Western Australian Museum and the University of Western Australia (see references in Eberhard et al 2005). The largest study (1100 samples from 500 bores and wells) was undertaken by the Department of Environment and Conservation in 2002-2007 and is still being analysed. The overall nature and diversity of regional stygofauna is reasonably well known, though further surveys in particular subregions will continue to reveal new taxa, new records and range extensions of already recorded species. There are still gaps in information relating to disturbance response data, taxonomic resolution of some groups, knowledge of biology, ecology and tolerances to better predict responses to disturbance, and recovery potential (especially aquifer dewatering). Management requirements and issues Public and private sector water abstraction and dewatering of aquifers for mining below water tables are major threats to stygofauna. Contamination of aquifers from above ground activities and re-injection of water from dewatering activities, as well as disruption of anchialine groundwater systems also act as threats. Climate change could also raise sea-levels to inundate low-lying coastal/anchialine areas and affect associated aquifers. Ongoing conservation management needs to be undertaken for stygofauna. Appropriate environmental impact assessment, management and amelioration and environmental water provisions all need to be addressed to manage stygofaunal communities correctly. Management actions and responses The management of the north-west Western Australian stygofaunal communities is ongoing. An Interim Recovery Plan (IRP) for the Cape Range Remipede Community (Black et al 2001) has been implemented and approximately $100 000 has been invested for the period of this IRP. The North West Cape Karst Management Advisory 2 ASSESSMENT OF AUSTRALIA’S TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY 2008 Committee was appointed as the recovery team for this community. There are currently no specific natural resource management or species management plans. Current reservation includes the Bundera Remipede Community, as it is located on Commonwealth Department of Defence land. The conservation needs (including progress towards a CAR reserve system) of the Pilbara region are also currently being reviewed, including consideration of stygofauna. Protection of stygofauna is assisted by Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority Guidance Statements 54 and 54a, as they provide protocols for environmental impact assessment of stygofauna communities. The Water Corporation and the Department of Water are undertaking extensive stygofauna monitoring as part of a groundwater management program on Cape Range. Outcomes No trend data are currently available to analyse the current trends and effectiveness of actions. Analyses of eight years of monitoring data from the Exmouth region will be available in 2008. Stygofauna communities are qualitatively listed as static, declining, rapidly declining, or status unknown in McKenzie & May (2002). Exmouth stygofauna is being monitored by the Water Corporation. Some resource companies are also monitoring stygofauna in aquifers associated with mining activities but these have only recently commenced and the data are not currently available. Future scenario Many aquifers are expected to be affected by mining (pit excavation and dewatering) and water resource development. There is potential for this to result in local population extinctions, loss of genetic diversity and possibly species extinctions. There has been a significant increase in resource development in the Pilbara region which requires dewatering of stygofauna habitat. Water resource development in the Pilbara and Cape Range are also emerging issues. Stygofauna should be included in future regional biodiversity surveys where appropriate. Many species and communities are probably suitable for threatened species and ecological community nomination once adequate data are available. It is vital that impact assessment and monitoring by industry continues. Biogeographic analyses of stygofauna (from the Pilbara Biological Survey) need to be included in regional conservation planning. Further research into systematics (especially molecular work on species and population genetics) and ecological requirements of stygofauna, and potential for recovery from impacts needs to be promoted. ASSESSMENT OF AUSTRALIA’S TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY 2008 3 Figure 1 Location map. Bores sampled for stygofauna during DEC’s Pilbara biological survey in the Pilbara and adjacent IBRA regions. Melitid amphipod (left) and sampling stygofauna from a bore (right) 4 ASSESSMENT OF AUSTRALIA’S TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY 2008 References Black S, Burbidge A, Brooks D, Green P, Humphreys WF, Kendrick P, Myers D, Shephard R, Wann J (2001). Cape range remipede community (Bundera Sinkhole) and Cape Range remipede interim recovery plan 2000-2003. Interim recovery plan no. 75. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Perth. 25p. Eberhard S, Halse SA and Humphreys WF (2005). Stygofauna in the Pilbara region, north-west Western Australia: a review. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88: 167-176. Halse SA, Scanlon MD and Cocking JS (2002). Do springs provide a window to the groundwater fauna of the Australian arid zone. Balancing the Groundwater Budget: Proceedings of an International Groundwater Conference, Darwin, 2002. Humphreys WF (1993a). Stygofauna in semi-arid tropical Australia: A Tethyan connection. Memoire de Biospeleologie 20: 111-116. Humphreys WF (1993b). The significance of the subterranean fauna in biogeographical reconstruction: examples from Cape Range Peninsula, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 45: 165-192. Karanovic I (2007). Candoninaen (Ostracoda) from the Pilbara Region in Western Australia. Crustaceana Monograph, 7: 1-433. Karanovic T (2006). Subterranean copepods (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Pilbara region in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 70: 1-239. Knott B and Halse SA (1999). Pilbaraphreatoicus n. gen., n.sp. (Isopoda: Phreatoicidea: Amphisopodidae) from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 51: 33-42. McKenzie NL and May JE (2002). A Biodiversity Audit of Western Australia's 53 Biogeographic Subregions in 2002. Department of Conservation and Land Management. 724p. Scanlon MD, Cocking JS, McRae JM and Barron HJ (2006). Beasts of the underworld. Landscope 52: 51-55. Yager J and Humphreys WF (1996). Lasionectes exleyi, sp. nov., the first remipede crustacean recorded from Australia and the Indian Ocean, with a key to the world species. Invertebrate Taxonomy 10: 171-187. ASSESSMENT OF AUSTRALIA’S TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY 2008 5