AE41A-0145 The observation of x-ray bursts produced by 1.5 MV laboratory sparks in air Z. Saleh, J. R. Dwyer, and H. K. Rassoul Department of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901; email: J. Jerauld and M. A. Uman Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 J. A. Plumer Lightning Technologies Inc., Pittsfield, MA 01201 Abstract X-ray observations of 1.5 MV laboratory sparks were performed at the high-voltage laboratory of Lightning Technologies Inc. (LTI) in Pittsfield, MA, using the same three x-ray instruments that had been used previously for measuring x-ray emission from both rockettriggered lightning and natural lightning at the University of Florida/Florida Tech International Center for Lightning Research and Testing (ICLRT). Observations were made during fourteen 1.5 to 2.0 m high-voltage discharges in air produced by a 1.5 MV Marx circuit. It was found that all 14 discharges generated x-rays in the ~30 to 150 keV range. The x-rays, which arrived in discrete bursts, less than 0.5 microseconds in duration, occurred from both positive and negative polarity rod-to-plane discharges as well as from small, 5 - 10 cm series spark gaps within the Marx generator. The x-ray bursts usually occurred when either the voltages across the gaps were the largest or were in the process of collapsing and were remarkably similar to the x-ray bursts previously observed from lightning. Our results imply that runaway breakdown is occurring in relatively small high-voltage sparks and that the physics of such sparks involves more than just a conventional breakdown. This finding implies that the physics used for decades to describe discharges in air may be inadequate, even for relatively small sparks. It also opens up the possibility of using laboratory sparks to study the poorly understood phenomenon of runaway breakdown [Gurevich et al. 1992; Gurevich and Zybin 2001]. Because runaway breakdown has been shown to be associated with lightning, thunderstorms electrification and terrestrial gammaray flashes (TGFs) seen from space, all of which are extremely difficult to study, the laboratory study of x-rays from sparks should greatly add to our understanding of these atmospheric phenomena [Dwyer et al. 2005]. Figure 1. Schematic of instrument used to measure x-rays from lightning and laboratory sparks [Dwyer et al. 2003, 2005]. Figure 2. Natural and triggered lightning make x-rays [Dwyer et al. 2003; 2004, 2005b; Dwyer 2004; Moore et al. 2001] Figure 3. Positive rod-to-ground plane 1.5 MVspark. The spark gap was 2 m through air. Figure 4. The Left panel shows two x-ray pulses produced by a 1.5 MV positive rod-to-ground-plane spark with a 2 m gap. The Marx circuit is fired at time t = 0. The black diamonds are the anode signal from the 12.7 cm NaI/PMT detector, and the red curve is the detector response function. For comparison, the right panel shows the measurement of one 662 keV gamma-ray from a Cs-137 radioactive source, placed temporarily on top of the box. The offset in the x-axis in the right panel was adjusted so that the pulses occur at the same positions in both panels. The good fit of the response function to the anode data demonstrates that the signals are indeed produced by xrays. Figure 5. X-ray waveforms and the gap potential. A change in pulse size of -0.25 V corresponds to a deposited energy of 662 keV in all detectors. In the upper panel, from top to bottom, respectively, the signals are from two control detectors, an attenuated detector (0.32 cm thick bronze cap), a detector covered by a wire mesh, an un-attenuated detector (no bronze cap) and a larger 12.7 cm detector. The bottom panel shows the gap voltage, measured with a resistive divider. Figure 6. Negative rod-to-ground plane 1.5 MV spark. The spark gap was 1.5 m through air. Figure 7. X-ray waveform from the 12.7 cm detector and the gap potential for a negative polarity spark. The vertical dashed lines indicate the times of the x-ray bursts. The first x-ray burst occurred at the time of the first sparks among the series gaps within the Marx generator. The next x-ray burst occurred at the time of peak potential difference across the 1.5 m gap, and the final x-ray burst occurred during the latter stages of the collapse of the voltage across the 1.5 m gap. Figure 8. The world’s largest air insulated Van de Graaff machine at the Boston Museum of Science does not make x-rays. No x-rays were observed from either positive or negative sparks with air gaps up to several meters and from a range of about 1 m. (Thanks to Earle Williams for helping with these measurements) Summary X-ray bursts in the ~30 -150 keV range where measured from 1.5 MV sparks in air produced by a Marx generator. The x-ray bursts were produced for both positive and negative polarity rod-to-ground plane sparks. The x-rays arrived in discrete bursts <0.5 microseconds in duration when the voltage across the gap was the largest or in the process of collapsing. X-rays were also observed from the small 5 - 10 cm spark gaps within the Marx generator. These observations imply that runaway air breakdown is occurring in relatively small laboratory sparks [Gurevich 1961]. The x-rays are very similar to the x-rays previously observed from natural and rocket-triggered lightning. No x-rays were observed from large sparks from the Van de Graaff machine at the Boston Museum of Science. References Dwyer J. R. et al. Energetic radiation produced during rocket-triggered lightning, Science 299, 694-697, 2003. Dwyer, J. 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