1 1 The roles of spatial heterogeneity and adaptive movement in stabilizing (or destabilizing) 2 simple metacommunities 3 4 Lasse Ruokolainen1,3, Peter A. Abrams1*, Kevin S. McCann2, Brian J. Shuter1 5 1 6 ON, Canada M5S 3G5 7 2 8 Canada N1G 2W1 9 3 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Current address: University of Helsinki, Viikinkaari 1, PO.Box 68, 10 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland 11 * corresponding author: peter.abrams@utoronto.ca 12 13 14 Running head: Adaptively moving consumers 2 15 16 Abstract Adaptive consumer movement and between-patch heterogeneity have both been suggested to 17 reduce population fluctuations in spatially subdivided systems. These conjectures are explored 18 using models of two-patch consumer-resource system with fitness-dependent consumer movement 19 in which at least one of the patches in isolation exhibits consumer-resource cycles. Neither 20 conjecture applies generally. Under relatively low heterogeneity, highly accurate and rapid adaptive 21 movement most often increases both the between-patch correlation of density and the variation in 22 the total density of both species compared to a similar system having a low rate of random 23 movement. However, such adaptive movement can decrease between-patch correlation and global 24 population variability when: (1) the consumer's movement is moderately sensitive to fitness 25 differences and heterogeneity is relatively low; or (2) one of the patches would be stable in 26 isolation, and the stable patch supports a sufficiently large consumer population. In both cases, the 27 dynamics are typically either a stable equilibrium or a simple anti-phase cycle with low variation in 28 total population size. Under adaptive movement, population variability is often lowest for 29 intermediate levels of heterogeneity, but monotonic increases or decreases with increasing spatial 30 heterogeneity are possible, depending on the fitness sensitivity of movement and how the 31 characteristic that differs between patches affects within-patch stability and population size. High 32 rates of random movement can lead to greater stability than does adaptive movement when 33 consumers are very efficient. 34 Keywords: consumer-resource interaction; dispersal; foraging; metapopulation; patch dynamics; 35 predator-prey system; stability; synchrony; variability 3 36 Introduction 37 Spatial heterogeneity is regarded as an important determinant of the dynamics of metacommunities, 38 where habitat patches containing interacting species are connected by movement of one or more of 39 those species (Holyoak et al. 2005; Goldwyn and Hastings 2009). The nature of movement is also 40 thought to have an important effect on metacommunity dynamics (Rosenzweig 1991; Blasius et al., 41 1999; Leibold et al. 2004; Holyoak et al. 2005; Koella and Vandermeer 2005; Abrams 2000, 2007, 42 2008; Valdovinos et al. 2010, and many others). These two factors, heterogeneity and movement, 43 have long been known to interact in single-species metapopulations. For example, in heterogeneous 44 environments with stable dynamics, random movement produces sources and sinks (Pulliam 1988) 45 or pseudo-sinks (Watkinson and Sutherland 1995), where fitness differs spatially. However, 46 adaptive movement (habitat selection) is thought to produce ideal free distributions, implying that 47 fitness does not vary spatially (Holt 1985). In single-species metapopulations with fluctuating 48 population sizes, random movement has been regarded as a synchronizing force, driving increased 49 variation in population size (Hanski 1991; Ranta et al 1995). In contrast, heterogeneity is believed 50 to reduce temporal variation of population sizes in systems with movement (Hoopes et al., 2005). 51 At least one single-species model has suggested that adaptive movement away from patches with 52 low fitness has a much greater stabilizing effect than random movement (Ruxton and Rohani 1998). 53 The interaction of heterogeneity and movement of different types is understood far less well 54 for metacommunities than for metapopulations. This is true even for the simplest community units, 55 consisting of a consumer and a resource with simple diffusive (random) movement (Briggs and 56 Hoopes, 2004). In spite of growing evidence for adaptive aspects of most animal movement 57 (Bowler and Benton 2005), the vast majority of the literature assumes random movement. Those 58 studies that have examined adaptive movement have generally either assumed that an ideal free 4 59 distribution is attained instantaneously (reviewed in Morris 2003), or have modelled movement 60 implicitly, using a switching function (Post et al 2000; McCann et al. 2005; Rooney et al. 2006), 61 which also implies instantaneous responses of consumers to resources. Models with instantaneous 62 behavioral responses often do not have the same dynamics as those where movement is represented 63 explicitly as time-dependent flows of individuals (Abrams and Matsuda 2004; Abrams 2000, 2007; 64 Schreiber et al. 2006; Amarasekare 2007; Rowell 2009). Thus, models that take the latter approach 65 are needed to better understand metacommunity dynamics in nature, where instantaneous responses 66 do not exist. 67 This article investigates the interacting effects of spatial heterogeneity and adaptive movement 68 on metacommunity dynamics using a model in which individuals of a single consumer species 69 move between two non-equivalent patches with distinct resource populations. One or both patches 70 are characterized by a predator-prey (consumer-resource) cycle. The resulting temporal variation in 71 fitness favors consumer movement that increases fitness. Random movement represents a limiting 72 case of adaptive movement, and we investigate how this special case differs. The two-patch 73 consumer-resource systems considered here represent the simplest possible metacommunity 74 (spatially extended food web), and this framework is also a good approximation of many biological 75 communities. For example, aquatic systems can often be divided into pelagic and littoral or benthic 76 and pelagic zones; terrestrial systems can often be divided into above- and below-ground 77 components. Other systems that can be represented as two patches connected by movement by the 78 top trophic level are described by Rooney et al. (2006, 2008). Temporal variation in such systems 79 may also arise from purely environmental forcing rather than predator-prey cycles; this case will be 80 considered in a future article (see also Abrams 2000). Abrams and Ruokolainen (2011) previously 81 analyzed consumer movement in the homogeneous-patch version of the system considered here. 5 82 Our analysis of system dynamics focuses on the related characteristics of between-patch 83 synchrony and population variability. Synchrony (used here to mean a high positive temporal 84 correlation of the densities of different populations) is important in part because it usually reduces 85 the probability of persistence and increases the variability of population sizes (Heino et al. 1997; 86 Holyoak 2000; McCann et al. 2005). In addition, synchrony allows the use of unstructured 87 population models to describe metapopulations, and leads to responses of the global population 88 densities to changes in environmental parameters that often differ from those of asynchronously 89 fluctuating systems (e.g., Abrams 2007, 2008). Variability (or conversely, stability) affects almost 90 all aspects of the dynamics and evolution of species. Between-patch heterogeneity has been 91 regarded as a major determinant of both synchrony and stability (e.g. McCann 2000). However, 92 different results have been obtained using models with different assumptions about movement, as 93 noted above. Limited experimental evidence on synchronization in systems with adaptive top- 94 consumer movement is available, but the degree of heterogeneity in the system is generally not 95 known. An example is provided by Ims and Andreassen's (2000) study of vole population 96 dynamics, which argues that the (presumably adaptive) movement of avian predators synchronizes 97 spatially separated vole populations with cyclic dynamics. This and other observations of spatial 98 synchrony over large areas (e.g. Ranta et al. 1995) probably involve patches with at least some 99 degree of spatial heterogeneity, but spatial differences in interaction-related characteristics have 100 generally not been measured. 101 Our analysis of consumer-resource models represents movement as a dynamic process, and 102 examines the impacts of different types of movement and different levels of heterogeneity on the 103 dynamics of a simple system. Results suggest that the amount of heterogeneity, the rate of 104 movement, and the degree of fitness-dependence of the movement have inter-dependent effects on 6 105 system dynamics. Among our findings are: (i) adaptive movement can greatly reduce variation in 106 systems with intermediate levels of heterogeneity, particularly when one of the two patches would 107 be stable in isolation; (ii) a low rate of random movement produces the greatest stability and 108 asynchrony when patches are relatively similar (low heterogeneity); (iii) high rates of random 109 movement often produce the greatest stability when systems are very heterogeneous and consumers 110 are very efficient. Our analysis shows that adaptive movement in slightly heterogeneous systems 111 produces very different dynamics than in perfectly homogeneous systems (Abrams and 112 Ruokolainen 2011; see also Goldwyn and Hastings 2009). 113 Models and analyses 114 Models 115 The central component of the models presented below is the movement function. 116 "Adaptive" movement implies that the per capita movement rate at all times is greater towards the 117 patch currently characterized by a higher per capita birth minus death rate. The probability that an 118 individual moves in a given (short) time interval is greater when the fitness gain from movement is 119 greater. These characteristics have been incorporated into most previous models of adaptive 120 movement in metacommunities (MacCall 1990; Schwinning and Rosenzweig 1990; Abrams 2000, 121 2007; Abrams and Matsuda 2004; Schreiber et al. 2006; Abrams et al. 2007; Amarasekare 2007, 122 2008, 2010). Here most of our analysis is based on a fitness-dependent movement rule used and 123 discussed in detail in Abrams (2000, 2007); the model corresponds to a similar analysis of 124 homogeneous systems (Abrams and Ruokolainen 2011). 125 We assume that a single consumer species moves between two patches, each supporting a 126 single, self-reproducing resource population which does not move between patches. This model 127 could apply to a single or two spatially isolated resource species. The dynamics are defined by, 7 128 dRi CNR Ri ri ki Ri i i i dt 1 Ci hi Ri (1a) 129 dN i N i wi mN i exp[ (w j wi )] mN j exp[ (wi w j )] . dt (1b) 130 wi 131 These equations describe resource (R) and consumer (N) dynamics (Eqs. 1a, b) in patch i, with 132 movement depending on the between-patch difference in instantaneous consumer fitness. Equation 133 (1c) gives wi, the fitness in patch i, which is the instantaneous per capita birth minus death rate. As 134 in Abrams and Ruokolainen (2011), the form of the logistic resource growth in Eq. (1a) separates 135 the per capita resource growth rate into a maximum rate ri in patch i, and a per capita density- 136 dependent reduction in that rate of ki. The equilibrium resource density in the absence of 137 consumption (its 'carrying capacity') is ri/ki. Resource consumption is described by Holling’s type 138 II functional response with an attack rate Ci and handling time hi. Consumed resources are 139 converted to consumer biomass with an efficiency of bi. The parameter di defines a constant per 140 capita mortality (or biomass loss) rate of the consumer. biCi Ri di 1 Ci hi Ri (1c) 141 The parameter m is the baseline per capita movement rate to the other patch, which applies 142 when the difference between the consumer's per capita birth and death rates is identical in the two 143 patches. This baseline rate is modified by an exponential function of the fitness difference between 144 habitats, exp[λ(wj – wi)], with λ 0. If λ = 0, movement between patches is random with a constant 145 per capita rate of m, while λ > 0 leads to an accelerating movement rate with an increasing fitness 146 difference. Larger λ (the ‘fitness sensitivity’ of movement) increases the movement rate towards a 147 better patch and decreases movement rate to a poorer patch, but has no effect when the patches 148 confer equal fitness. Thus λ reflects both the accuracy of fitness discrimination and the rate of 8 149 responding to perceived differences. Previous studies have shown that other movement functions in 150 which the rate increases with the fitness difference produce dynamics that are qualitatively similar 151 to those produced by the exponentially increasing function of Eq. (1b) (Abrams 2007; Abrams and 152 Ruokolainen 2011). Some alternative movement rate functions as well as alternative population 153 dynamics within a patch are discussed in the 'Alternative Parameters and Models' section below and 154 in Online Appendices B and C. 155 Analysis 156 The main goals of the analysis are to determine how the level of system-wide population 157 variation and the between-patch synchrony are related to heterogeneity, and how this relationship 158 itself is changed by the two parameters of the movement function. Achieving these goals is 159 complicated by the fact that there are many ways to be heterogeneous; patches may differ from each 160 other in any or all of the six parameters that define population dynamics with a patch. Random 161 movement with = 0 is already known to produce different dynamics in predator-prey 162 metacommunities given different rates, m (Wilson et al. 1993; Jansen and de Roos 2004). 163 We make a number of assumptions to limit the range of systems (parameters) examined. 164 First we assume that the conversion efficiency, b, and handling time, h, are independent of the 165 patch; in systems with a single resource species these are less likely to be affected by spatial 166 location than are the other parameters. This leaves four parameters whose values may differ 167 between patches; r, k, C, and d. We focus on systems in which patches differ in only one of these 168 parameters, although some additional cases are presented in Online Appendix C. Because we are 169 interested in systems where the relative values of the two patches to the consumer species vary 170 temporally, we restrict our consideration to parameters that produce consumer-resource (predator- 171 prey) cycles in at least one patch when the patches are isolated from each other. The impact of 9 172 heterogeneity may depend on the type of cycles that occur in one or both patches. The form of the 173 cycles produced by this Rosenzweig-MacArthur (1963) system in a single patch depends on three 174 quantities (Abrams et al., 1998): the distance of the parameters from their stability threshold value; 175 the relative rates of consumer and resource dynamics (relative ‘demographic speed’); and the 176 proportion of a consumer's time spent handling resource when the resource is at its carrying 177 capacity. To measure the first determinant of cycle form, we use the proportional difference of the 178 mean value of the spatially variable parameter from its value at the stability threshold (Hopf 179 bifurcation) value in a single patch. For the second determinant we use maximum per capita growth 180 rate as a measure of demographic speed in each species. For the third determinant, the expression 181 Chr/k gives the ratio of time spent handling to time spent searching for resource when the resource 182 is at its carrying capacity. A similar analysis of systems having equivalent ('homogeneous') patches 183 has shown that the first of these three determinants has the largest effect on dynamics (Abrams and 184 Ruokolainen 2011). That generalization also applies to the heterogeneous case that is explored here 185 (see Online Appendix C). Thus, we concentrate on exploring the effects of the distance of the 186 consumer death rate from its stability threshold value. 187 Numerical methods are described in Online Appendix A. We determined the coefficient of 188 variation (CV) of the global (2-patch) population of each species and calculated the Pearson 189 correlation coefficient of the patch-densities for each species. In most cases, the CVs of the two 190 species changed in the same direction with a change in parameter value, permitting an unambiguous 191 determination of the qualitative effect on the variability of the populations (and the corresponding 192 opposite effect on stability). 193 194 Because random movement is a special case of adaptive movement, we begin with, and devote most of the analysis to adaptive movement. The analysis of these systems addresses two 10 195 types of questions; how the fitness sensitivity of movement affects dynamics, and how 196 heterogeneity in different parameters affects dynamics. Most of the figures are based on a set of 197 'reference values' of some of the population dynamical parameters in a homogeneous system. These 198 are intermediate values that display most of the entire range of qualitative responses to changing 199 patch heterogeneity and movement parameters that were observed in the entire set of numerical 200 results. The population dynamic parameters used in the reference model are based on a 201 homogeneous-patch system with r = 1; k = 1; C = 1; h = 3; b = 0.25; and d = 0.02 (analyzed in 202 Abrams and Ruokolainen (2011)). The values of r and k can be removed from the homogeneous 203 patch system by scaling, so their mean values across the two patches are set to unity. The impact of 204 different mean C values is similar to changing combinations of the other consumer parameters, so 205 the mean C is also fixed at unity. The value of h is intermediate between the minimum (h > 1) 206 required to have cycles (given r = k = C = 1), and a value of h = 10, which is an order of magnitude 207 larger than that minimum. The value of b is within the range of observed conversion efficiencies; it 208 yields a maximum consumer per capita birth minus death rate that is more than an order of 209 magnitude less than that of the resource in the homogeneous case (r = 1 for the resource and 210 bC(r/k)/(1 + Ch(r/k)) d = 0.0425 for the consumer). Given these parameters, d = 0.02 is roughly 211 one-half the maximum d that yields unstable dynamics. We explore the impact of different mean 212 death rates, which results in larger or smaller amplitude cycles (for smaller and larger death rates 213 respectively). 214 We assume a baseline movement parameter m = 0.0005 for the 'reference parameters'; a 215 small m is appropriate for modelling adaptive movement, because large values of m would imply 216 significant rates of movement to the poorer quality patch when the fitness difference is small. 217 Larger m values are treated below in the 'Alternative parameters and models' section. We are 11 218 interested in behavioral movement, so it is also appropriate to restrict attention to cases where the 219 maximum per capita movement rate is greater than the maximum per capita birth minus death rate 220 within a patch; i.e., such that mexp[(bC(r/k)/(1 + hC(r/k)))] > bC(r/k)/(1 + hC(r/k)) – d. The 221 minimum we consider in any analysis of adaptive movement satisfies this inequality or is > 1, 222 whichever value is larger. In general, we then examined larger values of up to a point where the 223 basic measures of system dynamics (correlations and coefficients of variation) ceased changing 224 greatly with further increases in . In all cases, the maximum allowed large changes in 225 proportional patch occupancy during time intervals with very little change in total consumer 226 population size. Most results below assume = 500; for the reference parameters this often implies 227 that the theoretical maximum per capita movement rates could be ten or more orders of magnitude 228 greater than the maximum per capita growth rate. However, such rapid movements are never 229 realized on the attractor because adaptive movement prevents large between-patch differences in 230 fitness from developing. In general, the most rapid realized movement rates when = 500 under 231 the reference parameter set are between two and three orders of magnitude faster than the largest 232 possible per capita growth rate. Thus, an alternative movement function (discussed in Online 233 Appendix C), which imposes a cap on the maximum movement rate in Eq. (1b), results in limiting 234 dynamics essentially identical to those based on Eq. (1b), provided the maximum movement rate is 235 at least on the order of 100 times larger than the maximum per capita growth rate. Vertebrates that 236 live many years may change their foraging location on a daily basis, so the realized movements 237 implied by = 500 are biologically plausible for many species. 238 Our analysis begins by illustrating the qualitative types of population dynamics most 239 frequently observed in our simulations of Eqs. (1). We next show how the fitness sensitivity 240 parameter influences patch synchrony and population variability for one (representative) type of 12 241 parameter heterogeneity using the reference set. The bulk of our treatment of the reference 242 parameter set then examines how each type of heterogeneity affects synchrony and variability when 243 movement is accurate and rapid. The remainder of the analysis of heterogeneity seeks to determine 244 whether these results are altered by different parameter values. This is followed by a comparison of 245 random and adaptive movement. Many of the numerical results are relegated to the Online 246 Appendices. 247 Results for the reference parameter set 248 General dynamical patterns 249 The majority of the dynamics observed for various parameters can be classified as belonging 250 to one of the four basic patterns shown in Figure 1. This is not an exhaustive or mathematically 251 rigorous classification, but it does help to understand the results that follow. The first type is 252 characterized by cycles in the two patches having identical periods, but significantly different forms 253 and variances (Fig 1A). Here, the period and amplitude of cycles in the patch with the higher- 254 amplitude intrinsic cycle are similar to what they would be in the absence of the second patch. A 255 second common type of dynamics (Fig. 1B) is characterized by simple short-period cycles with 256 consumer populations in the two patches fluctuating close to a half period out-of-phase. These 257 approximately anti-phase cycles of consumers primarily reflect movement; the total consumer 258 population exhibits little temporal variation. Near anti-phase dynamics are representative of most 259 cases where adaptive movement has a large stabilizing effect. A third pattern (Fig. 1C) has small 260 amplitude anti-phase cycles superimposed on a longer-period predator-prey cycle, which is nearly 261 in-phase across the two patches. The fourth type of dynamics (Fig. 1D) exhibits fluctuations with 262 high positive correlations between the patches for both species. However, the consumer population 263 occasionally displays rapid movements to one or the other patch when the difference in fitness 13 264 becomes large enough. (The sharp spikes in consumer numbers within one patch concurrent with 265 spikes in the opposite direction for the other patch reflect rapid movement.) Dynamics like those in 266 Fig. 1D are characterized by a between-patch resource correlation significantly more positive than 267 those of the consumers. The dynamics in Fig. 1D are similar to those for high in homogeneous 268 systems (Abrams and Ruokolainen 2011); they are often complex cycles (as in Fig. 1D) or chaos. A 269 fifth type of dynamics (not shown) consists of nearly in-phase simple cycles in the two patches that 270 are each similar to the cycle that occurs in an isolated patch (Abrams and Ruokolainen 2011). This 271 was only observed for very similar patches. Finally, stable equilibrium points are also possible for 272 systems with significant heterogeneity and relatively large baseline movement rates (m). 273 The rest of this section examines the effects of the fitness sensitivity parameter on 274 population dynamics and compares the dynamics of systems with different amounts of 275 heterogeneity in C or in r. It concludes with a more general summary of all of the results for the 276 reference parameters. 277 Results for reference parameters; the impact of fitness sensitivity on dynamics 278 We begin by using systems based on the reference parameters with heterogeneity in the 279 attack rate parameter (C) to investigate the influence of fitness sensitivity () on system dynamics. 280 Figure 2 shows how between-patch synchrony and population variability change with for different 281 heterogeneities. At low heterogeneities (Fig. 2A), the dynamics are simple anti-phase cycles 282 similar to Fig 1B for the lowest values of , and are positively correlated complex asynchronous 283 cycles similar to Fig. 1D at high . Variability changes little with over the upper half of the range 284 shown. When heterogeneity is greater (C1 = 1.5, C2 = 0.5; Fig. 2B), variability (CVs) and 285 synchrony (correlations) reflect the sequence of dynamics shown by figures 1A through 1C. In this 286 case, consumer variability is maximal at low , where predator-prey cycles driven by the high-C 14 287 patch dominate the dynamics. A relatively narrow range of low-intermediate values of produces 288 the type of low-variability, approximately anti-phase cycleS shown in Fig. 1B. Finally, when is 289 large, the resource cycles are positively correlated between patches and the consumer variability 290 increases to an intermediate level with dynamics similar to Fig. 1C. The transition to anti-phase 291 cycles causes the greater than 10-fold reduction in the CV of total consumer density when goes 292 from 100 to 180 (Fig. 2B). The within-patch variability of consumer populations increases in both 293 patches over this range of . Higher heterogeneity (fig. 2C; C2 = 0.2) reduces global population 294 variability compared to systems with less heterogeneity over almost all values. At low , 295 consumer densities are close to anti-phase cycles (as in Fig. 1B) in the two patches; increased 296 fitness sensitivity leads to more nearly anti-phase cycles having a shorter period, smaller amplitude, 297 and a larger magnitude negative between-patch correlation of resource densities. Note that 298 decreased variation with increased also characterizes the low- end of Fig 2A, which also has 299 anti-phase cycles. 300 Graphs corresponding to those shown in Fig. 2 have been obtained for an evenly spaced set 301 of values on the C2 = 2 – C1 trade-off curve (at intervals of 0.1 between values, as well as for C1 = 302 1.95). A monotonic decrease in variation with increasing (as in Fig. 2C) is first observed at a C2 303 value between 0.5 and 0.475 (C1 between 1.5 and 1.525). Given our reference parameter set, the 304 lower-C patch (patch 2) has stable dynamics in isolation when C2 < 0.54386. Thus, high fitness 305 sensitivity produces the least variability and the strongest negative correlations of densities in 306 different patches when one of the patches would be stable in isolation. However, at extreme 307 heterogeneity (C1 = 1.95, C2 = 0.05; not shown here), patch 2 offers too little potential resource 308 intake to attract consumers most of the time. Thus, short-period anti-phase cycles like those in Fig. 309 1B are not observed for any . For some heterogeneities, alternative attractors exist over short 15 310 intervals of near the zone of transition between anti-phase and positively correlated cycles. In 311 this set of reference system simulations, such alternatives were only observed when C1 < 1.6, and 312 then always occurred for a limited range of within the interval 115 < < 165. This range is the 313 zone of transition between negative and high positive between-patch correlation in resource 314 abundances. Alternative attractors did not alter the basic patterns shown in fig. 2, and were not 315 observed in any cases with > 250. See Online Appendix A for more details and some illustrations 316 of alternative attractors. 317 The pattern shown in Fig. 2 changes significantly when the baseline homogeneous system is 318 more stable; i.e., if the value of the potentially heterogeneous parameter is close to its stability 319 threshold (Hopf bifurcation) value. Increasing the mean d or k and decreasing the mean r or C are 320 all stabilizing. With a higher death rate, for example, graphs corresponding to those in Fig. 2 are 321 similar to Fig. 2C for a wider range of heterogeneities; variability of both species is low and 322 decreases as the fitness sensitivity increases. 323 Results for reference parameters; heterogeneity in attack rates 324 Next we consider in more detail how heterogeneity in the attack rate affects variation and 325 between-patch correlations when the fitness sensitivity of movement is high ( = 500). Global 326 population variabilities and correlations become relatively insensitive to at large values, so these 327 results are representative of a wide range of large values. (Some analogous results for a smaller 328 value are given in the Online Appendix B; smaller can decrease both stabilizing and destabilizing 329 effects of adaptive movement.) Figure 3 shows how variability and synchrony change with 330 heterogeneity in C for both the reference mortality rate (d = 0.02; Fig. 3A), and for d = 0.04 (Fig. 331 3B, representing a system closer to the stability threshold). For both death rates, there are U-shaped 332 relationships between heterogeneity and variability; anti-phase cycles with low variability occur at 16 333 intermediate heterogeneity. More complex cycles with positive between-patch correlations in 334 resource abundance re-emerge at very high heterogeneity. The zone of nearly anti-phase cycles is 335 narrower and occurs at higher heterogeneities, given inherently more variable patches (i.e., a lower 336 death rate as in Fig. 3A). 337 Figure 4A compares the boundaries of the parameter space of anti-phase dynamics to the 338 boundaries of the parameters where the low-C patch is both stable and able to support a consumer 339 population in isolation (i.e., is not a sink) for a continuous range of mortality rates. These two sets 340 of boundaries correspond rather closely, although the lowest heterogeneity producing anti-phase 341 dynamics is usually greater than the minimum heterogeneity required to stabilize the low-C patch in 342 isolation. 343 Results for reference parameters; other types of between-patch heterogeneity 344 Patches may also differ in the resource growth parameters, r or k, or the consumer's death 345 rate, d. This section presents results for the resource intrinsic growth rate, r. Corresponding results 346 for heterogeneity in k, in d, and for combinations of both r and C, and r and k are presented in 347 Online Appendix C and are summarized briefly at the end of this section. 348 When r differs between patches (Fig. 5), there is a small decrease in both consumer and 349 resource variability (CV) at intermediate heterogeneity. However, the largest magnitude change is 350 the increase in variability at higher heterogeneity. Short-period anti-phase cycles do not occur for 351 any r-heterogeneity assuming the reference parameter set with either of the two mortalities shown. 352 This is in spite of the fact that the low-r patch is stable in isolation when r < 0.737 in that patch for 353 d = 0.02 and when r < 0.948 for d = 0.04. Compared to systems with heterogeneity in C, the 354 variability of the less stable (high r) patch increases much more rapidly with heterogeneity in r. The 355 equilibrium consumer density in an isolated patch increases linearly with its r, so the ratio of 17 356 population densities of the smaller-r to the larger-r patch decreases rapidly with increasing 357 heterogeneity. Figure 4B compares how the relative consumer densities of the two patches in 358 isolation change as a function of heterogeneity for the cases of C-heterogeneity and r-heterogeneity. 359 The combination of relatively large mean density and large amplitude cycles means cycles driven 360 by the larger-r patch dominate the dynamics of the coupled system across all heterogeneities. 361 Stabilization is possible in systems where the mean r across the two patches is lower (e.g., if r1 + r2 362 = 1.2); cycles in the isolated-patch then have a smaller amplitude. If k is proportional to r, so that 363 the equilibrium population size is unaffected by r, then changing heterogeneity has only a very 364 small impact on consumer or resource variability (Online Appendix C; Fig C-3B). 365 Online Appendix C illustrates the impact on dynamics from four other types of 366 heterogeneity; heterogeneity that affects both resource growth and consumer attack rates (r and C) 367 similarly; heterogeneity in k, heterogeneity that affects r and k similarly, and heterogeneity in death 368 rates (d). Positive correlations between r and C could come about when the lack of physical 369 structure in one patch facilitates feeding by a resource species but also increases its vulnerability to 370 a consumer. This scenario can produce 'fast and slow food chains', which were considered to be 371 highly stabilizing by Rooney et al. (2006). Positive correlations between r and k are similar to pure 372 r-heterogeneity under the typical parameterization of the logistic model. As shown in Online 373 Appendix C, all of these examples also conform to the general rule that intermediate heterogeneity 374 greatly reduces population variability when it implies that one patch would be stable with a 375 relatively high consumer density if it were isolated. 376 Results for reference parameters; summary 377 378 Our extensive numerical analysis has uncovered two distinct mechanisms that can greatly reduce the population variability of a 2-patch heterogeneous system relative to the variability of its 18 379 component patches. The first case is when the fitness sensitivity is low enough to produce a large 380 time lag in movement following a shift in relative rewards in the two patches. This in turn produces 381 short-period anti-phase cycles in systems with low heterogeneity. Similar anti-phase dynamics at 382 relatively low fitness sensitivities also occur when the two patches are identical (Abrams and 383 Ruokolainen 2011), and the result is again low variation of total population sizes. The second 384 mechanism that greatly reduces variation is based on the presence of a patch that would be stable in 385 isolation. In this case, a range of intermediate to large heterogeneities can produce anti-phase 386 dynamics when is large. Having one stable (or nearly stable) patch appears to be a necessary, but 387 is definitely not a sufficient condition for system-wide stabilization, as shown by the lack of low 388 variability systems with r-heterogeneity (Fig. 5). When heterogeneity causes the less stable patch to 389 dominate system dynamics due to large population size or large amplitude fluctuations (or both), 390 reduced variance due to approximately anti-phase dynamics does not occur. Heterogeneity in the 391 attack rate C is particularly likely to reduce variation, because the density of an efficient (low d) 392 consumer in an isolated patch often increases as its attack rate C decreases until C is close to its 393 minimum possible value (Fig. 4B; see also Abrams (2002)). This increase is the result of more 394 'prudent' exploitation of a self-reproducing resource. 395 Table 1 provides a qualitative summary of these two main mechanisms that can produce 396 greatly reduced population variation in this model. The generalizations in Table 1 are based on both 397 simulations using the reference parameter set, and many additional simulations, some of which are 398 described in online Appendices B and C. 399 Comparison of adaptive and random movement 400 401 This section compares the preceding results to those for analogous systems having random movement. It is known that perfect synchrony is by far the most common, but not the only outcome 19 402 of low random movement in the system considered here when patches are identical (Jansen 2001; 403 Goldwyn and Hastings 2008). However, there has been less exploration of the impact of 404 heterogeneity in systems with random movement (Jansen and deRoos 2004). Goldwyn and Hastings 405 (2009) showed that between-patch phase differences are common for the two-patch consumer- 406 resource system studied here with very low random movement and very slight heterogeneity. These 407 limiting cases usually involve 'phase drift', in which the phase angle between cycles in the two 408 patches changes over time. 409 Figure 6 illustrates the CVs of total consumer and resource densities as a function of 410 heterogeneity in the attack rate (C) for both adaptive and random movement, given two different 411 baseline movement rates (m = 0.05, 0.0005) and two different consumer mortalities (d = 0.02, 0.04). 412 Other parameters have the values given in Fig. 3, except that was reduced from 500 to 250 in the 413 systems where m = 0.05 to make the overall movement rates more comparable. The type of 414 movement producing the least variable populations depends on the level of heterogeneity, the 415 consumer death rate, the baseline movement rate, and, in some cases, whether the consumer or 416 resource population is being considered. In general, when d = 0.02 (Fig. 6A), random movement 417 produced less variation of R or N than did adaptive movement at low to moderate heterogeneity, but 418 greater variation at high heterogeneities. Averaged over all heterogeneities, random movement 419 with a high baseline rate was most stabilizing, and this result was particularly strong for the 420 resource. The mechanism of stabilization was different for the two movement categories. Systems 421 with high random movement had point stability for a broad range of intermediate heterogeneities 422 (1.16 C1 1.72) because the resource in the higher-C patch goes extinct. Additional stabilization 423 then occurs because consumer individuals spend roughly half of their time in the no-resource patch, 424 reducing their effective capture rate in the patch that still contains resource. Stabilization in the 20 425 most stable systems with adaptive movement involved individuals moving from the more inherently 426 stable low-C patch into and out of the unstable patch to produce anti-phase cycles (low m) or a 427 stable equilibrium point (high m). Neither of these outcomes involves local resource extinction. 428 When heterogeneity was very slight (larger C < 1.1), a low rate of random movement produced the 429 greatest stability because it allowed phase drift, while the other varieties of movement did not. 430 This same comparison was repeated assuming a larger mortality (d = 0.04; Fig. 6B). The 431 higher death rate reduces the ability of the predator to bring about apparent competitive exclusion in 432 the random case and increases the occurrence of stability of one of the patches in the adaptive case. 433 This is point stability rather than anti-phase cycles for a broad range of intermediate heterogeneities 434 when m = 0.05. (These are cases with a zero CV of R in fig. 6B.) However, the most or least 435 variable type of system still depends on the amount of heterogeneity, and, in some cases, also 436 depends on whether consumer or resource variability is of interest. Under very high heterogeneity 437 (e.g., when the higher C value is 1.95), a high rate of random movement produces an asymptotically 438 stable equilibrium (due to resource exclusion), while adaptive movement or lower random 439 movement both result in highly variable populations. For a narrow range of very low 440 heterogeneities (larger C < 1.05) low random movement produces the least variation of both species 441 due to the occurrence of phase drift. 442 Alternative parameters and models 443 An evaluation of some alternative models and parameters is presented in Online Appendix 444 C, and is briefly summarized here. It considers: increasing the baseline movement rate; different 445 parameter values and models with different functional responses; movement decisions based only 446 on local fitness; movement with a sigmoid relationship to the fitness difference, and movement 447 modelled by instantaneous switching (following Post et al. (2000)). All of these deserve more 21 448 detailed treatment than is presented here. However, none of the results we obtained suggest 449 qualitative changes in the basic predictions outlined above. 450 A larger m does not greatly change the general effects of heterogeneity on variability and 451 between-patch correlations when is high. As noted in the preceding section, the main impact of a 452 much larger m is to change anti-phase cycles to a stable point for a range of intermediate 453 heterogeneities. A large m does eliminate the approximate anti-phase cycles that occur when is 454 relatively low. These cycles are based on a time lag, which arises because of low movement rates 455 when the fitness difference is small; a large enough baseline movement eliminates this lag. 456 Alternative sets of population dynamic parameters for Eqs. (1) generally produce impacts of 457 heterogeneity and fitness sensitivity similar to those described above. This holds for both larger 458 handling times and different relative speeds of predator and prey dynamics. Type-3 or predator- 459 dependent functional responses generally produce less variable dynamics within a patch, which 460 makes it more likely that adaptive movement will greatly reduce variation. A potential movement 461 rule based on local fitness only assumes that the per capita movement rate from patch i in Eq. (1c) is 462 mexp[–wi]. This produces quantitative differences and more often leads to alternative attractors 463 than does the function in Eq. (1b). However, strong stabilization via movement was often observed 464 for similar circumstances; either relatively low with small heterogeneity, or when there was one 465 strongly stable patch. A sigmoid movement function produced little difference in the results, 466 provided the maximum movement rate was at least two orders of magnitude larger than the 467 maximum per capita growth rate. The (Post et al. 2000) switching model reproduced most of the 468 features of the variability vs. heterogeneity relationships in the cases of C- and r- heterogeneity with 469 high fitness sensitivity. However, correlations in resource density did not qualitatively match the 470 corresponding results under adaptive movement. The switching model also predicted no effect of 22 471 heterogeneity in d, and it did not predict the anti-phase cycles arising from a lag due to slow 472 movement when the fitness difference was small. 473 Discussion 474 Adaptive movement and stability 475 Our results do not support a uniformly stabilizing or destabilizing role of adaptive movement in the 476 context of cycling consumer-resource systems. Fitness-related movement by consumers reduces 477 population variation under two broad sets of conditions that were summarized in Table 1; relatively 478 low fitness sensitivity of the consumer, or parameters leading to one stable patch with significant 479 consumer density. When baseline movement (m) is small, low population variation is usually 480 associated with short-period, approximate anti-phase cycles in consumer populations; larger m in 481 otherwise similar systems often leads to a stable equilibrium point. When one of the patches is 482 inherently stable, global dynamics have low variation over a broad range of high fitness 483 sensitivities. This is likely to be the most common scenario under which adaptive movement 484 greatly reduces population variability in the type of systems considered here. 485 Given that adaptive movement occurs, our results also suggest that being better at assessing 486 or responding to fitness differences between patches (greater ) may either increase or decrease 487 population fluctuations, as shown in Figure 2. The largest increases occur when the initial fitness 488 sensitivity is relatively low, and are usually accompanied by greater resource synchrony between 489 patches. When one patch is intrinsically stable, system-wide variation of each species usually 490 decreases with increasing fitness sensitivity (as in Fig. 2C). Systems with little heterogeneity are 491 generally less variable when connected by a low rate of random consumer movement than by 492 adaptive movement; low random movement allows phase relationship between cycles in different 493 patches to change over time, while adaptive movement is more likely to produce phase-locking. 23 494 The question of the stabilizing effect of adaptive movement is related to the broader 495 questions of whether any type of switching by consumers or even more generally, adaptive 496 consumer foraging, stabilizes systems. These issues have a large literature, which has been 497 reviewed recently by Abrams (2010a, b) and Valdovinos et al. (2010) among others. As with other 498 questions about effects on stability, the conclusion depends on the definition of stability (Matsuda et 499 al. 1996; McCann 2000; Carpenter and Ives 2007), and the type of adaptive behavior (Abrams 500 2010b). Uchida et al. (2006) and Valdovinos et al. (2010) both attribute generally stabilizing effects 501 to adaptive behavior. It is certainly true that adaptive foraging for substitutable resources reduces 502 the possibility of resource extinction, as rare resources suffer less consumption; this result is shown 503 in a general context by Uchida et al. (2007). However, the present article, as well as many previous 504 ones (e.g., Abrams 1992, 1999; Abrams and Matsuda 2004; Abrams 2007), show that there are a 505 variety of mechanisms by which adaptive behavior ca increase population fluctuations. 506 How does spatial heterogeneity affect variation, given adaptive movement? 507 As noted before, increasing, decreasing, and U-shaped relationships between patch-heterogeneity 508 and population stability were observed, depending on consumer efficiency and the parameter 509 involved in the heterogeneity. The impact of heterogeneity is dependent on whether it implies 510 inherent stability of one of the two patches, and how it changes the relative population sizes of the 511 patches (Table 1). There is little empirical evidence for widespread anti-phase cycles in natural 512 systems. This may indicate that such systems are characterized by higher baseline movement rates, 513 m, which often produce point stability rather than anti-phase cycles. It may also reflect the paucity 514 of long-term monitoring of interacting populations in metacommunities, or a lack of monitoring on 515 the same spatial scale affected by adaptive movement. 24 516 Some previous work (McCann et al. 2005; Rooney et al 2006, 2008) has argued that point 517 stability or low variability is likely to arise in two-patch systems with an adaptively moving top 518 predator when those patches differ greatly in the speed of their dynamics (where they define 'fast' 519 patches as having high productivity, high biomass turnover, and high vulnerability of prey to 520 predators). Our results suggest that the key stabilizing feature in this scenario is the low capture rate 521 in the 'slow' patch. Differences in resource growth parameters did not have a general stabilizing 522 tendency in our models. However, the models considered here differ in several ways from those in 523 Rooney et al. (2006); our models have two trophic levels rather than three, and our basal resources 524 in different patches do not compete. The effects of these features need to be examined using the 525 present framework for representing movement. The system-stabilizing effect of having a stable 526 patch is analogous to the stability produced by weak interactions (low C) in McCann et al.'s models 527 (1998), which also incorporated a switching function. 528 How is synchrony related to variation? 529 Adaptive movement can produce different degrees of synchrony between patches. In most cases, 530 negative correlation between the densities in the two patches reduces variation in the total. 531 However, even this generalization must be qualified. The between-patch correlation of resource 532 populations is more closely related to variability (CV) of each species than is the correlation of 533 consumers. This is not surprising, given that the synchrony of consumers is largely related to 534 movement rather than changing population size. However, it is possible for significant decreases in 535 resource synchrony to be accompanied by increased variability in both species, as in Fig. 5A. This 536 is because the heterogeneous parameter (r) has its own effect on variability, independent of effects 537 on synchrony; here, variation of consumer density in the large-r patch increases more rapidly with 538 increased heterogeneity than variation in the small-r patch decreases. In this case, the two resource 25 539 populations remain positively correlated with higher heterogeneity, until heterogeneity becomes 540 extreme. 541 A comparison of homogeneous and heterogeneous patch systems 542 Abrams and Ruokolainen (2011) analyzed the model considered here for the case of two identical 543 ("homogeneous") patches. They showed that adaptive movement frequently produced anti-phase 544 fluctuations (and thus reduced variation in) systems that would have been had perfect synchrony 545 under random movement. Alternative in-phase (i.e., perfectly synchronized) and anti-phase 546 attractors occurred over a wide range of movement function parameters for homogeneous patches. 547 The present work shows that neither of these two results extends in a simple way to systems with 548 even a very small amount of heterogeneity. Goldwyn and Hastings (2009) showed that a similar 549 dichotomy in dynamics between homogeneity and slight heterogeneity occurs in similar two-patch 550 consumer-resource models with random movement. The present results also show that the question 551 of the relative stability of systems with adaptive and random movement has qualitatively different 552 answers for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems in the context of two-patch consumer- 553 resource models; homogeneous systems appear to always be equally or less variable under adaptive 554 movement (Abrams and Ruokolainen 2011), whereas that is not the case for heterogeneous systems 555 (Fig. 6). Sufficiently high fitness sensitivity of movement always produces perfect synchrony and 556 high variation in homogeneous systems, but can minimize variation in highly heterogeneous 557 systems (e.g., Fig. 2C). 558 Additional ecological implications and future directions 559 Our results add to the growing list of cases where adaptive movement has been shown not to 560 produce spatial homogeneity in fitness (Schwinning and Rosenzweig 1990; Abrams 2000, 2007; 561 Abrams et al. 2007; Křivan et al. 2008; Amarasekare 2010). In other studies of metacommunities, 26 562 the details of spatial processes (different dispersal rates/distances and environmental heterogeneity) 563 have been shown to affect community dynamics and diversity at local and global levels (e.g., 564 Mouquet and Loreau 2003; Maser et al. 2007; Amarasekare 2008, 2010), temporal stability of food 565 webs (e.g., Koelle and Vandermeer 2005; Rooney et al. 2006; Abrams 2007; Maser et al. 2007), as 566 well as community persistence under environmental perturbations (Roy et al. 2005; Matthews and 567 Gonzalez 2007). Explicit modeling of adaptive movement should be applied in future studies 568 addressing these community-level questions, as it seems likely to significantly alter the previous 569 findings. 570 The 2-patch models used here have a variety of potential applications. They should help 571 understand how decline or loss of predators is likely to affect aquatic systems, which often consist 572 of two coupled habitats (e.g., Vander Zanden and Vadeboncoeur 2002). If the resources are distinct 573 species, the nature of adaptive consumer movement has a large effect on apparent competition 574 between those resources (Abrams 1999; Abrams and Matsuda 2004). Two-patch models can also 575 describe the dynamics of exploited systems with protected areas; Abrams et al. (2011) show that 576 adaptive movement in the absence of information about harvesting risk in such systems can produce 577 abrupt extinction with slowly increasing harvests. 578 These models need to be extended to systems with more patches and more species. Limited 579 analysis of three and four patch models suggests that many of the same phenomena occur 580 (unpublished; see also appendix of Abrams and Ruokolainen (2011)). In the context of random 581 movement, Blasius et al. (1999) suggest that synchronization may aid persistence in large systems 582 by allowing travelling wave structures; it would be interesting to examine this in the context of 583 adaptive movement. Rowell (2009), using models of single-species growth in continuous space, has 584 shown that movement towards areas of higher fitness can have major effects on species ranges. 27 585 This suggests that outcomes in spatially explicit metapopulations with interacting species are likely 586 to be quite complex. (See Rowell 2010 for an example with competing species.). Even in two- 587 patch models, the type of movement can alter the direction of response of trophic level abundances 588 to predator mortality and/or resource enrichment (Abrams 2007, 2008; Abrams and Ruokolainen 589 2011). Better understanding of adaptive movement in multi-species, multi-patch systems should 590 enhance predictions of the responses to perturbation in any spatially subdivided system. 591 592 593 Acknowledgments This work was supported by a Strategic Project Grant and several Discovery Grants from the 594 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We thank P. Amarasekare and A. 595 J. Golubski and several anonymous reviewers for comments on earlier drafts. 28 596 Literature Cited 597 Abrams, P.A., 1992. Adaptive foraging by predators as a cause of predator-prey cycles. Evol. Ecol. 598 6, 56-72. 599 Abrams, P.A., 1999. The adaptive dynamics of consumer choice. Am. Nat. 153, 83–97. 600 Abrams, P.A., 2000. The impact of habitat selection on the spatial heterogeneity of resources in 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 varying environments. Ecology 81, 2902–2913. Abrams, P.A., 2002. 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Champaign-Urbana, IL. 34 Table 1 Mechanisms Producing Low Variation Mechanism Necessary Conditions Facilitating factors Delayed movement Low-moderate heterogeneity small baseline movement, m Narrow range of relatively low values Heterogeneity in C One patch is stable in isolation Stable patch has a consumer population Heterogeneity in C comparable to or larger than the unstable patch Moderately low predator Stable patch is not on the verge of efficiency (e.g., high mortality, instability low conversion efficiency) The fluctuations in the unstable patch are sufficiently small in amplitude 35 Online Appendices; Supplemental results 725 726 A. Methods The dynamical system described by Eqs. (1) was numerically integrated with Mathematica 727 v. 7.0.1 or 8.0.1 (Wolfram Research 2009, 2011) using the NDSolve routine with AccuracyGoal set 728 to Infinity. For most parameter combinations the system was integrated for at least 8000 time units 729 and the population statistics were calculated using the last half of that period. Most simulations had 730 converged to their ultimate dynamics well before 4000 time units. In all cases, the CVs and 731 correlations were calculated for the last 2000 time units to look for directional trends. Any case of a 732 large difference resulted in recalculating the statistics for much longer simulations. Some cases 733 with long transients involved chaotic dynamics and occurred for relatively low heterogeneities. The 734 existence of alternative attractors was explored using runs with randomly chosen initial densities for 735 extreme parameter values and by continuation of attractors (using final densities from one run to 736 initialize the next simulations having the next larger or smaller value of the parameter being varied). 737 All figures showing dynamics as a function of C1 or were run from low to high values and from 738 high to low values of the parameter on the x-axis to check for alternative attractors. The potential 739 for larger amplitude cycles was then checked for all parameters that exhibited short-period anti- 740 phase cycles by additional simulations starting with densities of both resources at 10-5 times their 741 carrying capacity. Because alternative attractors were relatively rare (see below), the figures 742 presented here are only based on simulations where attractors were continued from low to high 743 parameter values. 744 The set of simulations using reference parameters (as in fig. 2) from = 90 to = 500 for a 745 set of ten different heterogeneities only revealed alternative attractors for C1 values of 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 746 and 1.5. The widest range occurred for C1 = 1.5, where alternatives occurred for 128 < < 155. 36 747 The only one of this set of simulations where more than two alternatives was observed was for C1 = 748 1.2, where three alternatives occurred for 124 < < 128, and two or more existed for 118 < < 749 128 Figure A-1 illustrates the dynamics of the two alternatives for one value in the system with 750 C1 = 1.5, and shows how the CVs and correlations differ between attractors across the full range of 751 exhibiting alternatives for this level of heterogeneity. 752 B. Impact of heterogeneity for relatively low lower fitness sensitivities 753 Most of the analysis in the text assumed a high fitness sensitivity; = 500. The four panels 754 of Figure B-1 are equivalent to those of the text Fig. 3, illustrating the impact of C-heterogeneity on 755 coefficients of variation of population sizes (CVs) and between-patch correlations. Figure B-1 756 assumes = 180 (fig. 3 assumes = 500). The main qualitative difference between the figures here 757 and in the text is that increased heterogeneity does not greatly reduce the CVs for low to moderate 758 heterogeneities when d = 0.04, in spite of anti-phase consumer movements. This reflects the 759 reduced stabilizing effect of slower movement in the context of anti-phase dynamics; this is also 760 shown in Fig. 2C in the text. 761 C. More detailed description of the dynamics for several alternative systems 762 C.1. Other parameter heterogeneities in the reference system 763 Figures C-1 and C-2 are similar in form to Figures 3 and 5 in the text, and show CVs and 764 correlations for the global populations of both consumers and resources for the cases of linked 765 heterogeneity in both r and C (i.e.; C1 = r1; Fig. C-1) and heterogeneity in d (Fig. C-2). In Figure 766 C-1, low consumer mortality (d = 0.02; Fig. C-1A) produces results that are similar to asymmetry in 767 r alone, so there is no major decrease in variability with higher heterogeneity. Here again, the 'low' 768 parameter value patch is stable in isolation when r = C < 0.737, but the higher population size and 769 large variance in the large r patch overwhelm any stabilization caused by the low r patch. When d = 37 770 0.04 (Fig. C-1B), stabilization in isolation occurs when r = C < 0.974. The greater stability of the 771 low patch combined with less pronounced cycles in the high patch allow anti-phase cycles with low 772 variability in total densities to occur at intermediate heterogeneities; high heterogeneity again 773 produces much greater population variability than in nearly homogeneous conditions. 774 The range of heterogeneities in consumer death rate, d, illustrated in Figure C-2 is lower 775 than in comparable figures for other parameters because a mortality rate very close to zero is 776 biologically impossible, and would produce unrealistically large amplitude cycles. When the mean 777 death rate is relatively low (d = 0.02; Fig. C2-A), greater heterogeneity decreases variation and 778 decreases the consumer's density correlation. Resource correlation decreases slowly with 779 heterogeneity, but is large and positive at all heterogeneities. In this case, both patches exhibit large 780 consumer-resource cycles in isolation, limiting the potential for reduced variation via adaptive 781 consumer movement. When d1 + d2 = 0.08 (Fig. C2-B), increasing heterogeneity in d implies that 782 the high-d patch becomes stable in isolation at a relatively low heterogeneity (larger d > 0.0417), 783 and, at greater heterogeneity (larger d > 0.0625), it is a sink. This produces a more typical U- 784 shaped relationship between heterogeneity and variability, similar to Fig. 3B in the text. 785 Figure C-3 shows similar results for heterogeneity in the resource density dependence, k, 786 which has a mean value of one for the reference parameter set. Panel B assumes that r and k have 787 identical differences between patches. Both panels assume a relatively high death rate (d = 0.04), 788 but they still do not exhibit any cases of clear anti-phase dynamics. In panel A this is because the 789 more stable, high-k patch has a smaller consumer population size; even when it is stable in isolation, 790 the large-amplitude cycles in the low-k patch result in highly variable populations. In panel B there 791 are no cases with a stable patch that would be stable in isolation, and the cycles are only changed 792 slightly by the larger r and k. 38 793 C.2. Larger m 794 A larger baseline movement rate (m) increases movement proportionally for all fitness 795 differences. A larger m means that there is less of a time lag in the response of the consumer's 796 distribution when the relative fitnesses in the two patches reverse. In most cases, a larger m results 797 in greater variation (higher CVs) when there are approximately synchronized predator-prey cycles 798 in the two patches, and reduced variation when there are simple anti-phase cycles due to the one- 799 stable patch mechanism. In fig. 6, a larger m did not greatly change the pattern of variability as a 800 function of between-patch heterogeneity, although relatively stable anti-phase dynamics were often 801 changed to a stable point equilibrium. A large m reduces the potential for anti-phase cycles at 802 moderately low , such as those that occur for a range of < 200 in figs. 2A, B. These systems 803 with m = 0.05 always have positive correlations of resource densities, with CVs that increase slowly 804 as increases. 805 C.3. Other parameter sets and/or movement functions based on Eqs. (1) 806 A more detailed parameter exploration of the homogeneous patch version of Eqs. (1) is 807 presented in Abrams and Ruokolainen (2011). That analysis suggested that there were some 808 differences in the variability/synchrony vs. heterogeneity patterns produced by larger handling times 809 and different relative speeds of consumer and resource dynamics. These parameter differences have 810 less impact in heterogeneous systems. For example, slowing resource dynamics by multiplying 811 both the rs and ks by 1/4 did not significantly change Figs. 3 and 5. Tripling the handling time and 812 reducing mortality rates to compensate produced very high amplitude cycles. This meant that 813 variation in systems with anti-phase cycles was also greater than in the reference example. 814 However such cycles still greatly reduced variation and occurred over roughly similar ranges of 815 heterogeneity when movement rates were high. Systems with large handling times that were close 39 816 to the stability threshold (Hopf) point within a patch often had alternative attractors at low 817 heterogeneities; one a simple nearly anti-phase cycle, and the other a complex long-period cycle 818 with positively correlated resource populations. 819 Because of its exponential form, the movement model considered here allows extremely 820 rapid redistribution of consumer individual when the fitness difference between patches is large and 821 is also large. In many cases, it may be more realistic to assume that the per capita movement rate 822 approaches a maximum rate as the difference between patches becomes larger. This may be done 823 by using the following function, introduced in the appendix of Abrams and Ruokolainen (2011): 824 mExp[ (W j Wi )] 1 mExp[ (W j Wi )] 825 where is a small (<< 1) positive constant. The movement rate approaches a maximum of 1/ as 826 mExp[(Wj - Wi)] becomes large; here it is referred to as a “constrained rate” movement function. 827 The second term in the denominator is small except when the fitness difference is large, but large 828 differences do not occur once the system has reached its limiting dynamics. Thus, figures based on 829 0 < < 0.1 produce minimal changes in the results for the reference parameters values shown in 830 Figs. 3 and 5. For example, = 0.05 reduces the maximum ratio of movement rate to per capita 831 growth rate in a homogeneous system with reference parameters, = 500, and d = 0.02 from 1010 to 832 approximately 470. However, in both models the largest realized movement on the attractor is 833 smaller than either of these values. This shows that the results are not artefacts of the hypothetical 834 large movement rates that could occur with large fitness differences under Eq. (1b) 835 Our model could be modified in many other ways. Some of those that we have briefly 836 explored are: adding a third trophic level, assuming either type-3 or predator-dependent consumer 837 functional responses, or using a movement functional where the consumer never goes to a lower 40 838 fitness patch (see Abrams and Ruokolainen 2011). Three-level systems will be considered in more 839 detail in a future article. However, in systems where fluctuations are driven by the interaction of the 840 top two levels (i.e., the bottom two levels had a stable equilibrium in the absence of the mobile top 841 predator) the response to heterogeneity is similar to the 2-level models explored here. Both type-3 842 responses and predator-dependent responses increase stability generally, so they make it more likely 843 that adaptive movement decreases variation by producing simple anti-phase cycles or stable points. 844 These alternative functional responses also increase the range of parameters and heterogeneities 845 producing stable equilibrium points for both patches in isolation. Adaptive movement in such cases 846 does not change that stability. The no-error movement function generally produced results similar 847 to those reported here. 848 C.4. Movement decisions based only on current patch quality 849 Many organisms have limited ability to detect conditions in a distinct patch. If leaving 850 decisions are based only on the quality of the current patch, the analogue of Eqs. (1) represents per 851 capita movement out of patch i by mExp[–Wi]. When there is no food in a patch, this rate 852 (mExp[[d]) should be much greater than the death rate d. To obtain ratios of movement rate to 853 population change comparable to those in Figs. 3 and 4 for a similar value, the baseline movement 854 parameter m must be larger than in the main reference example. A range of different types of 855 heterogeneity were simulated using m = 0.005 and = 300 or 500. The main difference produced 856 by this rule is that consumers are quickly homogenized across patches when both patches have low 857 fitness (e.g., both have low resource densities). Nevertheless, most of the graphs for comparable 858 parameter values are similar to those in Figs. 3, 5 in the text and figures C1-3 in this appendix. This 859 local rule produced low-variability systems with anti-phase dynamics for some parameter sets 860 where the comparison model considered above did not; this was often an alternative attractor to one 41 861 with larger amplitude cycles. For example, when d = 0.04, systems with r-heterogeneity could 862 produce low-variability anti-phase dynamics for values of the larger r-patch from approximately 863 1.01 to 1.31, although there was an alternative attractor with larger, positively correlated cycles for 864 all of this range. For systems with C heterogeneity, the local movement rule produced dynamics 865 similar to those in Figs. 2 and 3, but an alternative low-variance anti-phase attractor was also 866 present at low heterogeneities when d = 0.04. There were often quantitative differences between 867 this movement rule and the patch-comparison rule. However, reduced variation via adaptive 868 movement usually occurred in the same two basic scenarios involving either low or high s with 869 one stable patch. 870 C.5 Movement based on a switching function 871 Much of the previous literature on adaptive patch choice of consumers has assumed that the 872 abundances of consumers in the two patches adjusts instantaneously based on current densities 873 using a switching function (Post et al. 2000; McCann et al. 1998, 2005; Rooney et al. 2006, 2008). 874 Here, we carried out some comparisons with a model that used a variant of the switching function 875 used in Post et al. (2000). Their switching function implies that the relative number of consumers 876 instantaneously matches the relative rewards in each patch. We used the relative attack rates (Ci) in 877 each patch as Post et al.'s (2000) 'preference' parameter. This means that the proportions of 878 consumers in patches 1 and 2 at each point in time is given by C1R1/( C1R1 + C2R2) and C2R2/( C1R1 879 + C2R2) respectively. This allows consumer dynamics to be represented by a single variable of total 880 population size. Otherwise, the population dynamics are identical to Eqs. (1), with logistic resource 881 growth and an independent type-II response in each patch. 882 883 A reanalysis of cases with heterogeneity in C, r, or d was carried out for the reference parameter set. Switching models often predict decreased variation for intermediate heterogeneity, 42 884 as in the analyses presented above. However, the switching model predicted no effect of 885 heterogeneity in d; all systems have the same dynamics as the homogeneous patch system in Fig. C- 886 2. Modifying the switching model to make distribution a function of fitness rather than resource 887 density would improve its performance. Additional differences result from the switching model's 888 assumption that extremely small fitness differences can have a large effect on consumer distribution 889 when fitness in both patches is low (potentially producing a large ratio). Finally, because switching 890 is instantaneous, there were no cases corresponding to the anti-phase systems with low , such as 891 those in Fig. 1B. 892 43 893 Legends for Appendix Figures 894 Figure A-1. Alternative attractors for the case of C1 = 1.5 and C2 = 0.5 from Figure 2B in the text. 895 Panel A show the CVs and correlations coefficients of consumers and resources across the range of 896 where alternative attractors are observed. Panels B and C illustrate the temporal dynamics of the 897 two attractors for = 140. 898 Figure B-1. The impact of heterogeneity in attack rate C on dynamics, given a lower fitness 899 sensitivity than in Fig. 3 in the text. Solid lines denote resources and dashed lines denote 900 consumers. All parameters are in the text Fig. 3 except that = 180 rather than = 500. Results 901 for the same two death rates illustrated in Fig. 3 are shown. 902 Figure C-1. The impact of correlated heterogeneity in both r and C on system dynamics for two 903 different mortality rates. Solid lines denote resources and dashed lines denote consumers. The 904 movement sensitivity () is set to 350; = 500 caused problems with numerical integration. The x- 905 axis gives the r and C value of the faster growing patch (r1 + r2 = 2; C1 + C2 = 2, with r1 = C1). 906 Figure C-2. The coefficients of variation (CVs) of density and correlations between patches in 907 system with heterogeneity in the consumer death rate. Solid lines denote resources and dashed lines 908 denote consumers. The fitness sensitivity () is again set to 350. In Panel A, the x-axis gives the 909 death rate of the higher death rate patch for a system in which d1 + d2 = 0.04, giving a mean d of 910 0.02. In panel B, d1 + d2 = 0.08. 911 Figure C-3. The coefficients of variation (CVs) of density and correlations between patches in 912 system with heterogeneity in the consumer death rate. Solid lines denote resources and dashed lines 913 denote consumers. The movement parameters are: = 500 and m = 0.0005. The death rate is d = 914 0.04. In Panel A, only k differs between patches, while in panel B, r and k are equal to each other 44 915 within a patch, but differ between patches. The r/k ratio within a patch (the equilibrium resource 916 density in the absence of consumers) remains constant with changes in r. 917 45 918 Fig A-1 919 A. 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 CVs (R solid; N dashed) Correlations (R solid; N dashed) B. Attractor with higher CV at = 140 (solid = patch 1; dashed = patch 2) Time Time C. Attractor with lower CV at = 140 (solid = patch 1; dashed = patch 2) Time Time 46 Fig. B-1 Dashed line = consumer; Solid line = resource CVs Correlations A. d = 0.02 B. d = 0. 04 Larger C value Larger C value 47 Fig. C-1 Dashed line = consumer; Solid line = resource CVs A. d = 0.02 Correlations B. d = 0.04 Larger r and C values Larger r and C values 48 Fig. C-2 Dashed line = consumer; Solid line = resource CVs A. Mean d = 0.02 Correlations B. Mean d = 0.04 Larger d value Larger d value 49 Fig. C-3 Dashed line = consumer; Solid line = resource CV’s Correlations A. k-asymmetry B. k- and r- asymmetry Larger k value 930 Larger k value 50 931 932 933 Figure Legends 934 (Eqs. (1)). All of the examples assume asymmetry in the attack rate, C. All involve the 935 representative parameter set for those parameters that are equivalent in both patches (r = 1; k = 1; 936 h = 3; b = 0.25; and d = 0.02). Panels A, B, and C are for C2 = 0.5, which implies C1 = 1.5. 937 Case D shows dynamics that do not occur for these C values; here C2 = 0.9 and C1 = 1.1. In all 938 cases, the solid line represents patch 1 and the dashed line represents patch 2. The long-dashed 939 line in the left hand side of panel B is the mean consumer population (1/2 the total). 940 Figure 2. Dynamics as a function of for several examples of the reference system whose 941 dynamics are illustrated in Fig. 1 (d = 0.02). The solid line represents the total (global) resource 942 population and the dashed line is the consumer population. The left hand side shows the 943 coefficient of variation of total consumer density (resource CV follows a very similar trajectory, 944 so was omitted). The right hand side shows the between-patch correlation coefficient of 945 population densities for both species. The three panels reflect different amounts of heterogeneity 946 in the consumer's attack rate. Note the different scaling of the y-axis in the three panels. 947 Figure 3. The between-patch correlation and coefficient of variation as a function of 948 heterogeneity in C when m = 0.0005 and = 500. Dashed lines show results for consumer and 949 solid lines show results for resources. The x-axis gives the higher C value. The lowest 950 coefficients of variation reflect the simple anti-phase cycles shown in Fig. 1B. In both systems, 951 cycle amplitudes begin to increase at the highest level of heterogeneity. Even quite small values 952 of the C2 result in movement to patch 2 when R1 is very rare, and this greatly reduces the 953 amplitude and period of cycles in patch 1. 954 Figure 4. Factors influencing the occurrence of anti-phase dynamics. Panel A compares two sets 955 of limits on dynamics. The dashed line shows both the upper and lower heterogeneities in attack Figure 1. Illustration of the most common types of dynamics observed for the primary model 51 956 rate, C, which produce anti-phase dynamics in a system with parameter values other than 957 mortality (d) as in Fig. 3. The solid lines are mortality and heterogeneity combinations where 958 the small-C patch becomes a sink (above the upper line) and where the small-C patch becomes 959 unstable (below the lower line). Panel B shows the population size of the more stable (small 960 parameter value) patch for a system with reference parameters and d = 0.02, for heterogeneity in 961 C (solid line) and heterogeneity in r (dashed line). 962 Figure 5. The impact of heterogeneity in resource intrinsic growth rate r on variability and 963 between-patch correlations for consumers (dashed lines) and resources (solid lines). This 964 assumes the reference parameter set and applies the same two levels of mortality shown in Fig. 965 3. The movement sensitivity () is set to 350 because 500 caused difficulties with numerical 966 integration at high heterogeneities. The x-axis gives r in the faster growing patch (r1 + r2 = 2). 967 Figure 6. A comparison of population variability produced by random and adaptive movement. 968 Part A shows the CVs of total consumer and resource populations as a function of between-patch 969 heterogeneity in attack rate, C, for four sets of assumptions about movement when consumers 970 are relatively efficient (d = 0.02), while part B does the same for d = 0.04. Adaptive movement 971 assumes m = 0.0005 with = 500 or m = 0.05 with = 250. Random movement assumes the 972 same pair of m values with = 0. Other parameters are those given in the legend of Fig. 3. 52 Dashed line = patch 2; Solid line = patch 1 Fig. 1 Consumer populations A. = 100; C1 = 1.5; C2 = 0.5 Resource populations B. = 180; C1 = 1.5; C2 = 0.5 C. = 500; C1 = 1.5; C2 = 0.5 D. = 500; C1 = 1.1 C2 = 0.9 Time Time 53 Fig. 2 Dashed line = consumer; Solid line = resource Coefficient of variation of N A. C1 = 1.2; C2 = 0.8 Between-patch correlations B. C1 = 1.5; C2 = 0.5 C. C1 = 1.8; C2 = 0.2 Fitness sensitivity, Fitness sensitivity, 54 Fig. 3 Dashed line = consumer; Solid line = resource CVs Correlations A. d = 0.02 B. d = 0.04 Larger C value Larger C value 55 Fig. 4 Dashed line = boundaries of anti-phase dynamics Upper solid line = patch 2 becomes a sink Lower solid line = patch 2 becomes stable Higher attack rate C1 A. Consumer per capita mortality, d Ratio of equilibrium N2/N1 B. Dashed line = ratio for r-heterogeneity Solid line = ratio for C-heterogeneity Larger parameter value (C1 or r1) 56 Fig. 5 Dashed line = consumer; Solid line = resource CVs Correlations A. d = 0.02 B. d = 0.04 Larger r value Larger r value 57 Fig 6 solid = adaptive, m = 0.0005 short dashed = adaptive, m = 0.05 medium dashed = random, m = 0.05 long dashed = random, m = 0.0005 A. d = 0.02 CV of N CV of R Larger attack rate, C1 B. d = 0.04 CV of N CV of R Larger attack rate, C1