Chapter 8. Fourier Transform Diffraction Sample problems 8-S1 A thin and long rectangular aperture is illuminated by a collimated beam of coherent light (wave length λ). The slit is located at the distance f of a convergent thin lens, where f is the focal distance of the lens. Provide an expression for the irradiance of the diffraction pattern of the rectangular slit. Solution to 8-S1 According to section 7.5.2 in the back focal plane of the lens one observes the FT of the field distribution at the aperture. The amplitude transmittance of rectangular aperture is given by (8.42), Figure 8.6 t (, ) rect , a and b are the half widths of the rectangular 2a 2 b aperture. The amplitude of the incident field is E0. The field at the aperture is E 0 t (, ) E 0 rect . The scalar theory of light propagation will be utilized which in 2a 2 b essence means that the interfering wave fronts due to the diffraction effect have parallel vector fields and are coherent. Applying the FT property of the lens in the image plane of coordinates x,y, the field will be (7.34), Section Fraunhoffer approximation, i ( f 2 f y 2 ) i e x E( x, y ) f FTE(, )fx x ,fy y f f .The field in the focal plane is the FT of the field in x y where the preceding , fy f f relationships are the scale of frequencies of the focal plane of the lens. The FT of the rectangular field amplitude is (8.44) the aperture evaluated at the spatial frequencies f x i ( f 2 f 2 i4ab E 0 e x y sin c2af x sin c 2bf y . E ( x, y ) f But 4ab=A is the area of the slit. The corresponding irradiance is, ) 2 2 2 2 E 20 A 2 x y x y I( x, y ) E( x, y ) 2 2 sin c2a sin c 2b I 0 sin c2a sin c 2b f f f f f Figure 7.15 gives the diffraction pattern of a square aperture illuminated by a helium-neon laser. Figure 8.7 shows the irradiance of a narrow slit such that b>>a plotted as a function of the 2ax normalized coordinates x . f 2 8-S2 Assuming that a uniform field of amplitude E0 impinges in the double slit shown in figure P8.1 derive the expression of the irradiance of the double slit. Solution to 8-S2 To get the irradiance of the double slit we can use the properties of the delta function to obtain the expression of the transmittance of the screen shown in Figure P8.1. Figure P8.1. Double slit arrangement The transmittance of a single slit was defined in sample problem 8-S1 as, t (, ) rect . 2 b 2a To position the slit in the positions d the property of the delta function, ( x a, y b) f ( xy)dxdy f (a, b) or the shift property in two dimensions can be utilized. Consequently the transmittance function of the double slit can be expressed in the following way t (, ) ( d, ) ( d, ) rect 2a 2 b Indeed expanding the above expression d d t (, ) rect rect 2 b 2a 2 b 2a represents the transmittance of the double slit. If the screen that contains the double slit is illuminated by a uniform plane wave front of amplitude E0, the field emerging from the double slit is, d d E 0 t (, ) E() E 0 rect rect 2 b 2a 2 b 2a To find the Fraunhofer pattern produced by the double slit in the focal plane of the lens, let us first compute the FT of the field distribution. This computation will be carried out for each of the expressions involved in the final expression. FT( d, ) ( d, ) 2 cos 2df x and FTrect A sin c2bf x sin c2af y 2b 2a The convolution theorem can be used to write, E 0 t (, ) 2 AE 0 sin c2af x sin c2bf y cos 2df x . With the above result it is possible to apply (8.44) and get i ( f 2 f y 2 ) i2 4ab E 0 e x E( x, y ) f sin c2af x sin c 2bf y cos 2df x; Where as in sample problem (8-S1) f x x y , then the final expression of the irradiance , fy f f is, 2 2 4E 20 A 2 x y 2dx I( x, y ) E( x, y ) 2 2 sin c2a sin c 2b cos 2 f f f f 2 8-S10 In problem 8.9 the case of two slits has been solved. Let us now consider the case of a screen with N narrow parallel slits illuminated by normally incident plane wavefronts Solution to 8-S10 In sample problem 8-S2 we have considered two slits, let us analyze now the problem of N identical slits. Following the model of problem 8.1we can generate the N slits by utilizing the comb function. Figure 8.14 illustrates the process of generating a pattern of N slits of separation 2d and rectangular size given by 2b 2a and contained in square area of 2L×2a. The transmittance in the x-direction is the function given by, rect Nd 2b rect n 1d 2b rect Nd where n=-N…+N. rect 2b n 2d 2b .... rect 2b ... rect n 2d 2b rect n 1d 2b This function has a plot similar to the one shown in Figure 8.17 where the pulse is not centered at the origin of coordinates. The transmittance in the x direction can be the expressed then, n N t () ( nd )rect 2b n N The transmission function is, n N x y t (, ) ( x nd )rect 2b 2a n N The field at the multiple slit apertures is, n N x y E( x, y) E0 t (, ) E0 ( x nd )rect 2b 2a n N Following the same process applied in Problem 9.1, the FT of n N j n 1 j FT ( nd ) f x ei 2 f x nd , this simplification applies if the size of the d d j n N n aperture in the x-direction is L and d<<L. We can now utilize the identity, n N 1 e N n e 1 e with i2fxd , hence we have, n N n N ei 2fxnd n N 1 e N i 2fxd . This expression can be transformed utilizing another identity, 1 ei 2 fxd 1 e N i 2 f xd sin Ndf x 1 ei 2 f x d sin df x With the above expression, n sin Ndf x FT ( nd ) n sin df x Returning to, i ( f 2 f 2 ) i e x y E( x, y ) FTE(, )fx x ,fy y and recalling that f f f FT rect A sin c2bf x sin c2af y 2 b 2a Utilizing the convolution theorem, x i4ab E 0 e x y f .The irradiance is, E ( x, y ) sin c2b sin c 2a x f f f sin d f 2 x 2 2 sin Nd 2 2 E A x y 2 f I( x, y ) E( x, y ) 02 2 sin c2b sin c 2a f f f sin d x f sin Nd i ( f x2 f y 2 ) 2 y Assuming that a>>b, then sin c 2a the contribution of this term is equal to 1 and one can f write x 2 sin Nd E 20 A 2 x f I( x, y ) 2 2 sin c2b x f f sin d f following way: x sin c2b f 2 , the arguments of the functions can be put in the 2bx 2bx sin f f and the argument can be define as kb x ,and kdx 2bx 2bx f f f f sin I(. ) I 0 sin c 2 sin N sin 2 8-S11 Get expressions that give the position of the maximum of the field flux and the corresponding irradiance in the focal plane of the lens for the multiple slit problem. Solution to 8-S11 sin N is a maximum. To obtain this maximum one can follow sin the classical calculus procedure of getting the derivative equal to zero to obtain extremes of the function. This leads to an indeterminate expression. To solve this problem the L'Hôpital's rule is applied. In calculus, L'Hôpital's rule utilizes the derivatives of a function to obtain limits of indeterminate expressions. Applying this rule the maximum of this function occurs for n , sin N N ; it occurs at the origin of coordinates of the n=0,1,2,3,.. and the maximum value is sin image plane, Simultaneously the value of the sinc β function is equal to one, then I(0,0)=N2 I0; one has the total energy of the N slits. The maximum flux occurs when 8-S12 Get the expressions that give the position of the extremes of the field flux and the corresponding irradiances in the focal plane of the lens for the multiple slit problem. Solution to 8-S12 Taking into consideration the expression derived in sample problem 8-S10, 2 x 2 2 2 sin N d E A x f I( x, y ) 02 2 sin c2b f f sin d x f Extracting the square root of this expression the field can be represented by, x 2bx f E( x, y ) I 0 sin c f sin d x f A change of variables can be introduced, x= nλ and the angular variable is defined as sinθ= nλ/f, n=1,2,3…and call this variable ρ= nλ/f . The following notation is introduced p/2=d. The argument of the second function to the right of the equal sign, that can be called interference function, because it represents the interference effect of the different slits can be written, kp . ' 2 Likewise for the sinc function calling s=2b the width of the slit, the argument becomes ks . ' 2 With this notation, sin N' E(' , ' ) I 0 sin c ' sin ' the flux of the field is given by the product of two functions. The first function represents the diffraction of one single slit. The second function is the interference function. The sinc function modulates the interference function. Each function has its own maxima and minima and the overall intensity maxima and minima are the result of the superposition of the functions. Considering the equation that represents the interference term, the plot is shown in the normalized pattern of Figure 8.7. Considering this function the maxima are reproduced each time that the sine function becomes equal to 1. kp This occurs every time that, m , and replacing k and ρ, 2 kp 2p sin , m or sin m . 2 2 p sin Nd Hence if this result is plotted as a function of ρ, this plot agrees with the result of the diffraction produced by a grating equation (8.73). Consequently the maxima correspond to the diffraction of the grating obtained by the derivation performed in (8.7). These maxima are surrounded by sin N' N , this condition subsidiary minima. Now considering this function has maxima when sin ' occurs when ' m where m=0,1,2,.. sin N' 0. The minima are given by sin ' 2 3 ( N 1) N 1 This value of the function corresponds to ' , , ,... , N N N N N . N 2 N 3N If one uses the notation m , the values of m that are multiples of N such as , , N N N N are not included because these values correspond to maxima. The above considerations describe the behavior of the interference function. FigureP8.2.Plot of the flux component that depends on the sin function as a function of ρ To understand the effect of the sinc function that describes the diffraction of a single slit on the intensity distribution the relationship of the angular variables β’ and α’ need to be analyzed. To simplify the derivations let us assume that p=ns where n is an integer n=2,3,4…and relate the total number N to the value of n. Let us assume that p=4s, and N=4+2=6. The maxima of the interference pattern occur as seen before each time that ' m . The sinc function has the zeros ' p every time that ' m' , The ratio of both arguments is 4 . The first minimum of ' s ' hence ' 4 , the second missing maxima corresponds to 8π, and the next to 12π Figure P8.3. Multiple slit diffraction intensity distribution Figure P8.3 shows the result of the sinc function on the interference function plotted in Figure P8.2. It can be seen that the four maximum is suppressed and the amplitude of the other maxima is reduced. The maximum intensity is observed at the center of coordinates and corresponds to the zero order of diffraction. It is possible to see that the equation derived in Section 8.7 provides the angular distribution of the diffraction orders but does not give information concerning the corresponding intensities. The present analysis indicates that this distribution depends on the ratio p/s. This is a simple model, it corresponds to the type of intensity function shown in Figure 8.17. Problems to solve 8.3 Compute the maxima and minima of the diffraction pattern of a single slit along the x-coordinate 8.4 Determine the intensity of the first four subsidiary maxima 8.5 A single slit is illuminated by a solid state laser of λ=635 nm. The slit has a width of 0.1mm and length of 10 mm. The slit is imaged by a lens of focal length f=50 cm. Plot the two dimensional pattern of the intensity distribution at the focal plane assuming an arbitrary unit intensity and a scale to represent relative intensity. 8.6 If you capture the intensity distribution of a single slit, could you determine the value of the parameter a of problem 8.1? 8.7 Plot the intensity distribution of a double slit along the x-axis. Assume that d=5b assuming an arbitrary maximum intensity I0. 8.8 The Young’s experiment is closely related to the diffraction pattern of a double slit. The variables that control the diffraction pattern are the dimensions that were indicated in Figure 8.1, a, and d. If you want to simulate as close as possible a system of parallel fringes what should be your selection of these variables? Plot the results of your choice. 8.9 In what way by measuring the intensities of the diffraction pattern could you determine the values of b and d of Figure P8.1. 8.12 Considering the developments of the problems in this chapter comment about the symbolical operations illustrated in Figure 8.15. 8.13 For the solution of sample problem 8-S11 assume that λ=635 nm, p= 2s, and s=1.25 microns. Following the developments from sample problem 8-S11, plot a graph of the relative intensity distribution in the focal plane of the imaging lens for the first three orders of diffraction. 8.14 If the lens in problem 8.12 has a focal distance of 38 cm plot the position of the first three orders utilizing a graph similar to the one represented in Figure 8.19. Indicate the relative intensities by giving the zero order the value 1.