8th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture 2008 1385 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON NICKEL TOXICITY IN NILE TILAPIA HEALTH ABOU HADEED, A. H.1, K. M. IBRAHIM1, N. I. EL-SHARKAWY1, F. M. SALEH SAKR2 AND S. A. ABD EL-HAMED.2 1- Faculty of Vet. Med. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology dept. 2- Central Lab. for Aquaculture Researches (Abbassa) Abstract Ths work was planned to investigate the toxic effect of nickel chloride on health status of widely cultured fresh water fish tilapia species. one hundred and twenty nile tilapia fish divided into 3 groups; the first group exposed to 1/5 lc50 (7.2 mg/l) of nickel chloride for one week, the second group exposed to 1/10 lc 50 (3.6 mg/l) of nickel chloride for 8 weeks. the third group left as control. the results showed respiratory disorder, abnormal swimming behavior, rapid opercular movements and skin lesion besides white discoloration of skin. blood parameters of tilapia species exposed to 1/5 lc50 of nickel chloride for one week revealed increase in rbcs count, decreased hb, mch and wbcs count. tilapia fish which exposed to 1/10 lc50 for 8 weeks showed increased rbcs count and hb content and decreased mch and wbcs count. the liver and kidney functions of tilapia fish exposed to 1/5 lc50 of nickel chloride for one week and 1/10 lc50 of the same compound for 8 weeks revealed increased alt and decreased ast and total protein. the residual analysis of nickel fish tissues exposed to 1/5 lc50 and 1/10 lc50 of nickel chloride revealed increased residues in gills, liver and muscles in different values depending on the used concentration and time of exposure. the residue of nickel increased in the liver more than gills and muscles. the histopathological investigations of tilapia species exposed to nickel chloride revealed pathological tissue alterations in the gills, liver, kidney, spleen, intestine. the gills showed hyperplasia, edema and complete sloughing of the secondary lamellae. the liver showed congestion of the central vein, vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes and periductal fibrosis. the kidney showed alternative areas of activation and depletion of hemopoietic elements and condensed glomeruli with edema in bowaman’s capsule. in the spleen, depletion of large area of hemopoietic elements and multiple melanomacrophag cells were encountered while the intestine showed mucus cell metaplasia, submucosal edema and round cell infiltration. it is concluded that important trace metals including nickel altered physiological function results, when one or m0re of these reach sufficiently high concentration in cells. INTRODUCTION Metals are commonly found in the environment, they are present as a natural elements or as a result of anthropogenic activities in different environmental media such as air, water and soil, which constitute an important factor of exposure to animals and human (Louis, 1993). Heavy metals are considered as one of the most important 1386 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON NICKEL TOXICITY IN NILE TILAPIA factors which affect fish population, reducing their growth, reproduction and/or survival rate (Mohamed and Saleh, 1996 and Saeed, 2000). Nickel is one of the microelements which occur in trace amounts in living organisms. It constitutes a potential hazard to the enviornment media (air, water and soil). This is due to its extensive and wide spread utilization in various industries, it is a common by-product of electroplating industries, steel production, metal mining, smelting, refining,ceramic and processing along with fuel combusation, and waste incineration activities. Effluents that spread to streams, rivers and lakes may disrupt the integrity of the aquatic environment. Excess of nickel contamination is a real hazard to aquatic ecosystems due to its persistence and bioaccumulation (Atchison et al., 1987). In recent years, production of electroplating factories contains high concentration of heavy metals, including high concentrations of nickel (Wong and Wong, 1990 and WHO, 1991) was sharply increased. Environmental exposure to nickel occurs through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact. The general population is exposed to high levels of nickel because it is widely present in air, water, food, and consumer products. The general population is exposed to nickel in nickel alloys and nickel-plated materials such as coins, steel, and jewelry, and residual nickel may be found in soaps, fats, and oils (ATSDR 1997). In aquatic systems nickel is adsorbed on clay particles of organic matter (algae, bacteria) and invertebrates. Since invertebrates are major food resource for fish, they constitute an important link in nickel transport chain to fish (Wong et al., 1991).Also it induce decrease in body weight of Oreochromis niloticus fish (El-Saieed and Mekawy 2001).Little studies have investigated nickel uptake in fish through aqueous and dietary exposure. Further research investigating the exposure of fish to dietary nickel which is needed to elucidate the potential impacts of chronic dietary nickelckexposure on natural populations of fresh water fish (Ptashynski and Klaverkamp, 2002). Tilapia fish ere selected as a research fish model because these fish were easily produced and economically important. Fish are known by their tendency to localize significant amounts of metals. They absorb metals from water through gills, skin and digestive tract. Bioconcentration and biomagnificantion for heavy metals were previously reported by many authors (Saeed, 2000). This study aims to describe the clinical signs, postmortem lesions and histopathological changes due to nickel toxicity beside estimation of alteration in hematological, biochemical parameters and bioaccumulation and distribution of nickel in Nile tilapia organs. ABOU HADEED, A. H et al. 1387 MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental design A total number of 120 Tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) were divided into 8 groups kept under optimal environmental condition. The groups were treated as following: Experiment 1: (short term exposure or acute intoxication) This group contains 40 fish, divided into two subgroups, one of which kept as control and the other group exposed to 1/5 LC5 (7.2 mg/L) of nickel chloride for one week according to WHO (1991). Experiment 2: (Long term exposure or sub chronic intoxication) In this experiment 80 tilapia used where 40 of which were kept as control in 4 glass aquaria and the other fishes were divided into 4 subgroups in 4 glass aquaria containing 1/10 LC50 (3.6 mg/L) of nickel cholride for 8 weeks. The collected fish in both acute and sub chronic toxicity were examined clinically using the methods described by Lucky (1977) and Noga (1996). II- Laboratory analysis: a- Hematological investigations Blood samples were taken from caudal vein of experimental Tilapia (20 fish) after one week by syringe using heparin as anticoagulat (1000 unit/ml blood), from both control and nickel exposed groups for acute and (32 fish) for subchronic intoxication. 8 fish each two weeks (After 2, 4, 6 and 8 week) 0.5 ml blood was used for determination of different blood parameters (erythroyctic count, Hemoglobin concentration, leucocytic count ) (Lied et al., 1975). b- Serum Biochemical analysis Blood was collected in plain centrifuge tubes; centrifugated at 3000 r.p.m. for 15 minutes for serum separation for determination of serum transaminases and total protein. Time of collection of serum and number of fish as in hematological investigations c- Histopathological examination Specimens from the liver, spleen, gills, kidney and intestine (12 fish) were collected from both control and treated fish one week from acute intoxication. The same samples were taken at 2nd, 4th , 6th, 8th weeks from sub chronic (24 fish) intoxicated fish for the microscopic changes. The collected Tissue specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution. Then, dehydrated in ascending concentrations of ethyl alchol, embedded in melted paraffin wax, blocked in hard paraffin, sectioned at 4-5 microns and stained by hematoxylin and eosin stain according to Carleton et al. (1967). 1388 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON NICKEL TOXICITY IN NILE TILAPIA d- Residual analysis Muscle, gills and liver (5 g dry wt for muscle and gills and 1 g for liver) from twenty eight fish of the control and treated fish after one week and 24 fish for subchronic were kept frozen at -20ºC till analysis. Nickel was extracted according to (Analytical Methods For Atomic Absorption spectrophotometry, 1982). Statistical analysis The data obtained in this study were statistically analysed using analysis of SPSS (Independent sample test) according to Snedecor and Cochran (1969) for comparing the different mean values with Duncan´s multiple range test by Duncan´s. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Nickel compounds are known to be human carcinogens based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans, including epidemiological and mechanistic information, which indicates a causal relationship between exposure to nickel compounds and human cancer. The findings of increased risk of cancer in exposed workers are supported by evidence from experimental animals that shows that exposure to an assortment of nickel compounds by multiple routes causes malignant tumors to form at various sites in multiple species of experimental animals (Tenth Report on Carcinogens 2002). Clinical signs and post-mortem findings The short term exposure of the fish to nickel chloride (7.2 mg/l) for one week the exposed fish showed changes in their behavior as the fish were immobile, gathered near the bottom and delayed reactions to light and sound. In the group exposed to 1/5 lc50 (3.6 mg/l) of nickel chloride along two months showed respiratory manifestation characterized by surface swimming and white discoloration of the skin (photo 1) and gasping. The Post-mortem examination revealed paleness of the gills, and kidney while congestion in liver and distended gall bladder was apparent. The above-mentioned clinical signs and post-mortem finding were more severe and prominent in fish exposed to 1/10 Lc50 (3.6 mg/L) of nickel chloride for two months (photo 2). The clinical symptoms recorded during our study were manifested by respiratory disorders in fish exposed to nickel chloride along 2 months especially after 6th and 8th weeks. This could be attributed to the nickel nature as a respiratory toxicant, causing decrease in arterial oxygen tension, an increase in arterial carbon dioxide tension and a subsequent respiratory acidosis. The white skin lesion in the present work is similar to these results observed by El-Saieed and Mekawy (2001). This pattern ABOU HADEED, A. H et al. 1389 may be attributed to nickel and their water-soluble salts which are potent skin senstizers induce skin irritation as studied by Menne, et al. (1982). In the present study, the haemoglobin (Hb) value in fish exposed to 1/5 Lc 50 (7.2 mg/ L) for one week was decrease nonsignificantly and in fish exposed to 1/10 Lc50 (3.6 mg/L) of nickel chloride decrease significantly in 2nd week and increase th th non th significantly in 4 , 6 and 8 weeks comparing with control (Table 1). Table 1. Effect of nickel chloride on heamoglobin, erythrocyte count (RBCs) of Tilapia fish after exposure to nickel chloride acute and subchronic for 8 weeks (Mean ± SE). Time of exposure No. of fish group Hb g/dl RBCs counts x 106 µ control Acute 1st week 20 7.5±0.06 a 6.3±0.03 a 2nd week 10 7.63±0.32a 6.5±0.05 b 1.26±11.6 a 1.66±23.01 a 4th week 10 7.5±0.31 a 7.66±0.40 a 1.47±10.7 b 2.27±8.83 a 6th week 10 8.06±0.19 a 8.5±0.41 a 1.14±9.06 b 1.61±8.46 a 8th week 10 8.4±0.1 a 9.14±0.49 a 1.69±0.33 a 1.96±11.83 a Sub chronic Sub chronic control Acute 1.193±23.4 a 1.373±62.6 a Means in the same row carrying different superscript are significant at P<0.05. a :increase, b:decreased These results agree with that obtained by Sobecka (2001). The decrease of hemoglobin may be attributed to the destructive influence of nickel on the cell membranes of erythrocytes through binding of the toxicants with immunoglobulins or through disturbance of the activity of erythrocyte enzymes, especially those responsible for reduction of glutathione and thiol groups of proteins (Sun et al. 1985). According to Kleczkowski et al. (1998), the excessive loss of glutathione, increased release of iron to intracellular spaces, peroxidation, destruction of cell membranes, and release of metal ions to the surrounding tissues should be attributed to free oxygen radicals. The effect of the described processes is instability of hemoglobin, structural changes in erythrocytes and increased susceptibility to hemolysis. Consequently, the pool of the serum iorn from disintegrating erythrocytes increases,while the iron content in the spleen decreases. In contrast to our results, Ptashynski and J. F. Klaverkamp (2002) observed that, concentration of hemoglobin, value was unaffected between control and treated lake white fish “Coregonus clupeaformis” and lake trout “salvelinus namaycush” by exposure to nickel in diet 0, 10, 100 and 1000 µg for 10, 51, 104 days. Agrawal et al. (1979) studied that, colisa fasciatus, a fresh water teleost, were exposed for 90 hrs to 45 p.p.m nickel sulphate under static test conditions. The treatment resulted in increase in hemoglobin value, this difference may be due to variation in dose, and fish species and duration of treatment and time of adimstration. 1390 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON NICKEL TOXICITY IN NILE TILAPIA The RBCs count is highly affected by high concentrations and long time of exposure to nickel. The increase of RBCS count started from the 1st week of exposure till the end of the exposure time (Table 1).These results agree with that obtained by Agrawal et al., (1979). This result may be attributed to that nickel induced hypoxia. These finding are consistent with the mechanism of adenergically stimulated splenic contraction to release supplemental erythrocytes into the circulatory system to increase oxygen carrying capacity. This explanation agrees with Perry and Wood (1989). The calculated blood indices MCH have a particular importance in describing anemia in most animals (Coles, 1986). The decrease of MCH along the experimental periods (Table 3) may be attributed to the disturbances in RBC S count and Hb content and also to the exaggerated disturbances that occurred in both the metabolic and hemopoietic activities of fish exposed to sublethal concentrations of pollutants (Mousa, 1996). Table 2. Mean cells hemoglobin, leucocytic count (WBCs) of Tilapia fish after exposure to nickel chloride either acute 7.2 mg/L (1/5 LC50) for one week or subchronic 3.6 mg/L (1/10 LC50) for 8weeks (Mean ± SE). Time of exposure No. of fish group MCH (pg/cell) WBCs counts x 103 µ control Acute 1st week 20 51.092±12.34a 38.8±0.519a 2nd week 10 54.49±7.925a 24.31±0.76b 35.00±6.928a 24.66±4.66a 4th week 10 52.55±4.67a 45.22±5.921a 34.66 ±6.35a 25.66±2.96a 6th week 10 70.133±13.39a 40.63±4.184a 36.33±6.64a 24.66±7.7 a 8th week 10 31.87±0.274a 31.6±3.62a 36.33±6.38a 31.33±11.62 a Sub chronic control Acute 33.66±5.811a 30.33±6.06a Sub chronic Means in the same row carrying different superscript are significant at P<0.05. a :increase, b:decreased The WBCS count decreased non significantly along the experimental periods (Table 2). Such pattern agrees with the findings of Agrawal et al. (1979). Leucopenia may be attributed to the inhibition of white blood cell maturation, their release from tissue reservoir or occurrence of leucopoenia by an organism as a response to a stress caused by toxic compounds which associated with allergic reaction (Sobecka 2001). Moreover, nickel reduced the number of small lymphocytes may be attributed to hindering of lymphopoiesis, induced by primary or secondary changes in hematopoietic organs (Agrawal et al. 1979). The results of this work are conflicting with the results of Nanda and Behera (1996) who found leucocytosis after long exposure of nickel to catfish. Begeman and Rasteter (1979) noticed changes in some hemato-biochemical parameters of heteropenustes fossilis (Bloch) after exposure to 40 ppm nickel (NiSO 4. ABOU HADEED, A. H et al. 1391 6H2O) for 15 days. This contrast may be due to the different dose, or even due to varied duration of treatment and time of administration. Transaminases (ALT, AST) enzymes are frequently used to diagnose the sublethal damage to the different organs as well as liver (Rojik et al., 1983 and Benedeczky et al., 1984). Our results showed significant increase of the serum ALT activities along the experiment (Table 3). While the serum AST activities showed non significant decrease (Table 3). Our result agrees with Sobecka (2001). These change attributed to the effect of nickel on the liver and kidney cells, which confirmed by our histopathological study by the action of nickel and following cell damage, the membranes become permeable and enzyme activity are found in the extra cellular fluid and serum, so the highest activity of alanine amino transferes was recorded in the serum of tilapia fish after one week exposure to nickel dissolved in water and in time ALT, AST values decreased to drop below the value of control and only in the terminal phase of the experiment it reached a level similar to the control (Sobecka 2001). Table 3. Some biochemical analysis of Tilapia fish after exposure to nickel chloride either acute 7.2 mg/L (1/5 LC50) for one week or subchronic 3.6 mg/L (1/10 LC50) for 8weeks (Mean ± SE). No. of Time of exposure fish Serum ALT (U/L) Serum AST (U/L) Total protein (g/dI) group 1st week 20 2nd week 10 4th week 10 6th week 10 8th week 10 control Acute 18.00 ±0.32b Sub control Acute 25.40 23.40 ±0.51a ±0.37a chronic Sub control Acute 20.60 2.41 2.10 ±0.51a ±0.02a ±0.004a chronic Sub chronic 17.60 22.60 24.30 22.40 2.31 2.19 ±0.24b ±0.71a ±0.93a ±0.40a ±0.04a ±0.018a 16.80 20.40 25.40 23.80 2.51 2.21 ±0.37 a 16.80 ±0.37 a 17.80 ±0.20 a ±0.24 a 20.60 ±0.40 a 25.60 ±0.40 a ±0.51 a 24.40 ±0.51 a 27.20 ±0.80 a ±0.32 a 21.20 ±0.45 a 24.60 ±0.68 a ±0.03 a 2.35 ±0.02 1.99 a 2.31 ±0.03 ±0.06a ±0.02a 2.00 a ±0.03a Means in the same row carrying different superscript are significant at P<0.05. a :increase, b:decreased The quantitative determination of the total protein in the blood serum gives an idea about the condition of the liver cells and consequently it is of vulnerable effect in the diagnosis of the toxicity of fish. In the present study, serum total protein, of the nickel exposed tilapia fish was non significantly decreased during the exposure period (Table 3). This could be attributed to either a state of hydration or change in water 1392 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON NICKEL TOXICITY IN NILE TILAPIA equilibrium of the fish and/or disturbance in the liver protein synthesis. This disagree with Gopal et al. (1997) who recorded that the exposure of Caprinus carpio to heavy metal salts (Cu and Ni) at lethal and sublethal concentration induced an increase in total protein from 2 to 20 hrs and followed by decrease. The difference may be attributed to dose, or period of exposure. In the present study the nickel chloride at 7.2 mg/L for one week and 3.6 mg/L for 2 months showed variable degrees of congestion in the branchial blood vessels (fig. 1) and hyperplasia of secondary lameller epithelial cells (fig. 2 & 3) beside in severe cases at 8th week complete sloughing of most secondary lamellae was seen. (fig. 4) These results are coincided with those of obtained by El-Saeed and Mekawy (2001). Roberts (1978) reported that, the epithelial hyperplasia was known as a protective and defense mechanism of fish gills against harmful pollutants while sloughing of some secondary lamellae may be due to the simple response to cellular necrosis. Congestion, edema and hemorrhage in gill arch may be attributed to increase the permeability of blood vessel, due to the destruction of cement substance connecting the endothelial cells leading to escape of protein and consequently decrease the colloidal osmotic pressure and extravasation of RBCs (Roberts, 1978). The congestion of branchial blood vessels, may be due to the counter irritation and paralysis of vasoconstrictors of stimulating vasodiltors (El-Saeed and Mekawy 2001). The liver showed congestion of central veins and sinusoids (fig. 5), some hepatocytes suffered from vacuolar degeneration besides inactivation of the pancreatic acini (fig. 6). Most affected cases showed periductal fibrosis and newly formed bile ductules (fig. 7 & 8). These results are in agreement with those obtained by El-Saeed and Mekawy, (2001), The liver showed congestion of central veins and sinusoids (fig. 5), some hepatocytes suffered from vacuolar degeneration besides inactivation of the pancreatic acini (fig. 6). Most affected cases showed periductal fibrosis and newly formed bile ductules (fig. 7 & 8). These results are in agreement with those obtained by El-Saeed and Mekawy, (2001), Ptashynski et al. (2001) and (Sobecka , 2001). The inactivation of the pancreatic acini and the vacuolar and hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes may be due to the irritation of toxic metabolites and impairment of potassium sodium pump that disturb the ion exchange through the cell wall. The periductal fibrosis and newly formed bile ductules may be due to the persistent of the toxic effect for long time (sub chronic intoxication) which pointed out by fibrous tissue proliferation (Atallah et al. 1997). ABOU HADEED, A. H et al. 1393 The kidney showed severe congestion, focal hemorrhage and hydropic degeneration of renal tubules epithelium (fig. 9), alternative areas of activation and depletion of hematopoietic element (fig. 10). Some glomeruli appeared contracted with edema in the Bowman’s capsule (fig. 11 & 12). On the same side, this pattern agrees with those obtained by Ptashynski et al., (2002) and Ptashynski et al. (2001). The congestion and hemorrhage among the renal tubules may be due to increase in the permeability and subsequently escape of the blood components especially RBCs out side by diapedesis leading to focal hemorrhage under the influence of toxic metabolites of nickel. Some glomeruli appeared contracted as a result of the pressure of edematous fluid, which accumulated in the Bowman’s capsule (Ferguson, 1989). Areas of activation of hematopoietic elements might be a general response due to the initiation of the toxicity of nickel. The depletion may be long persistence of the toxic effect. The hydropic degeneration may be due to the impairment of the electrolytes exchange between the intracellular and extrcellular fluids (Roberts, 1978). The spleen showed hyperplasia of melanomacraphages (MMC S) which increased in number also become darker in color (dark brown) (fig. 13). Large areas of depletion of hematopoietic elements were encountered (fig. 14). The number, size and histological appearance of MMCs changed with age, season, state of nutrition and outigenic exposure. The number and size of MMCs increase in the chronically sick fish, old fish or excessive catabolism (Ferguson, 1989). The catabolism highly increased due to persistence of stress. The intestine showed sloughing of epithelil cell covering of villi. Severe mucus cell metaplasia were noticed in fish treated with acute intoxication (fig. 15).The submucosa showed edema , round cell infiltration and esinophilic granular cell in fish exposed to chronic intoxication (fig. 16). In this study, concentration of nickel residues were determined in the gills, liver and muscle of treated fish either after acute or subchronic intoxication as shown in (Table, 4) From data analysis, nickel had little capacity for bioaccumulation in the muscles. Our results concise with the results obtained by El-Saieed and Mekawy, (2001) in tilapia fish after one month of nickel exposure. This is confirmed by Seymore et al., (1996) and Vigh et al. (1996) who reported that, lowest nickel concentration occurred in fat and muscle. 1394 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON NICKEL TOXICITY IN NILE TILAPIA Table 4. Residues of nickel (mg/kg, dry wt.) in the muscle, gills and liver sample of Tilapia after exposure to nickel chloride either acute 7.2 mg/L (1/5 LC50) for one week or subchronic 3.6 mg/L (1/10 LC50) for 8 weeks (Mean ± SE). Time of exposure No. of fish group Muscle control Acute 0. 04 ±0.01a Gills Sub chronic control Acute 0.29 ±0.02 a 1.31 ±0.36a Liver Sub chronic control Acute 0.65 ±0.04 a 1.91 ±0.2 a Sub chronic 1st week 20 0.04 ±0.01a 2nd week 10 0.05 ±0.02a 0.0 6 ±0.02a 0.29 ±0.06 a 1.22 ±0.13 a 0.65 ±0.04 b 1.91 ±0.2 a 4th week 10 0.05 ±0.02 b 0.0 7 ±0.01a 0.30 ±0.07 b 1.54 ±0.25 a 0.65 ±0.03b 2.38 ±0. 2a 6th week 10 0.05 ±0.01 b 0.0 9 ±0.01a 0.32 ±0.07 b 1.70 ±0.38 a 0.66 ±0.03b 2.77 ±0.1a 8th week 10 0.05 ±0.01 b 0.1 ±0.01a 0.32 ±0.08 b 1.68 ±0.11 a 0.69 ±0.04 b 1.91 ±0.2 a Means in the same row carrying different superscript are significant at P<0.05. a :increase, b:decreased Our result revealed that liver and gill tissues showed higher nickel concentrations than muscle tissues. This is in accordance with the results obtained by Canli and Kalay (1998) in Cyprinus Carpio and Chandrastome regium caught at 5 stations on Seyhan river system. Moreover accumulation of highest amount of nickel especially in the liver may be confirmed by the presence of severe hepatic lesions in tilapia fish exposed to nickel chloride in the study provides an evidence that liver is an important organ for accumulation. Also, the liver and kidney have a role in accumulation, toxicity and detoxification of nickel in fish (Ptashynski and Klaverkamp, 2002). The present study also showed that the concentration of nickel in the tissues increased with exposure time especially in liver and gills. Pane et al. (2003) concluded that, accumulation of nickel in various tissues of water born fish sampled at 117 h after exposure to 11.6 mg Ni/L. nickel accumulated significantly in the heart, stomach, kidney, intestine and gill. This contrast may be due to different dose, or even due to varied duration of treatment and time of exposure. ABOU HADEED, A. H et al. 1395 1396 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON NICKEL TOXICITY IN NILE TILAPIA ABOU HADEED, A. 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H et al. 1401 التأثير السمى للنيكل على صحة أسماك البلطى على حيدر أبو حديد ،1خلود إبراهيم ،1نبيلة الشرقاوى ،1صالح فتحى صقر 2وسماح عطية 2 طب بيطرى الزقازيق ،المعمل المركزى لبحوث األسماك بالعباسة وجوووع صر وور الريكوول بعركيووز صووالة يووة البي ووة ي ووكل .ط و ار كبي و ار صجيدووا ويرج و ارع ووا وجوووع لالسووع.عاماا الواسووعة المععووععث يووة كليوور مووخ ال ووراصاا و .و ووا ووراصة ال ووجب وي.وور الريكوول مووخ م.ج اا عجك ال راصاا إلى البحار واألردار والعر والم ارف محعلا ض ار ار صجى األحياء الما ية ية هذا العمل عم عراسة عألير الريكل صجى حة اسماك البجطة المرزرصة ية المعمول المركوزل لبحووث اللروث السمكية بالعباسة وععج.ص رعا ج هذ العراسة كما يجة: لقع أجريا العجربة صجى ما ة وص روخ سمكة مخ اسماك البجطة مقسمة إلى لالث مجامي عم ععرض المجموصووة األولووى مووخ األسووماك 5/1الجرصووة الر ووي مميعووة لمووعث 7أيووام وععوورض المجموصووة اللاريووة مووخ األسووماك إلووى 10/1الجرصووة الر ووي مميعووة لمووعث لماريووة أسووابي صجووى الع ووالة وعركووا المجموصووة اللاللووة كضووابطة وبمالح ووة األسووماك المعرضووة لجرصوواا م.عج ووة مووخ الريكوول كارووا ال ووورث المرضووية يووة أص وراض عر سووية ملوول احووعالا طريقووة العوووم وزيوواعث حركووة طوواء ال.يا وويم م و دووور إ وواباا ججعيووة صجووى األسووماك أ دوورا الرعووا ج رقووص يووة أوزاخ جسووم اسووماك البجطووة يووة األسووماك المعرضووة ل.م و العركيز المميا عملجا ورث العم ية األسماك المعرضة ل.م وورث و لع وور العركيز المميا رقص ية (الديموججووبيخ و معوسوور عركيووز الديموججوووبيخ و صووعع كووراا الووعم البيضوواء) و زيوواعث يووة صووعع ك وراا الووعم الحم وراء أمووا األسوماك المعرضوة لع ور العركيوز المميوا أ دورا رقوص يوة الديموججووبيخ و معوسور عركيوز الديموججووبيخ ورقووص يووة صووعع كوراا الووعم البيضوواء أ دوورا ال حوووص الدسووعوبالوجية ألسووماك البجطووى لجعركيوزاا م.عج ووة م ووخ كجوري ووع الريك وول وج وووع عخيو وراا بال.يا وويم والحج ووة والحب ووع والطح ووا ا واألمع وواء عراوح ووا م ووا ب وويخ احعق وواخ وارع وا أوعيموى يوة ال.يا وويم مو عجمو ل.اليوا الووعم و احعقواخ يوة مع وم األوصيووة العمويوة و.ا وة الوريووع المركزى ية الحبع م عحوخ يجواا عا.ول .اليوا الحبوع وعجيوي يوة القروواا الم ارريوة وعموعع ل.اليوا الطال يوة وكذلك وجع باألمعاء ارع ا أوعيمى وزياعث ية ال.اليا الحأسية البيضواء وعموعع يوة ال.اليوا المبطروة لجورقوة ال.يو ووومية وععركووز وسووقو األو ارق اللارويووة لج.يا وويم ويووة الحجووة وجووع احعقوواخ وبعووض افرزيووة وارع وا أوعيمووى واضوومحالا لمكوروواا الووعم وكووذلك وجووع بالطحوواا عحووالر لمركووز الميالروماحرويووا والعووى زاعا يووة الحجم والععع وزياععه ية عث الجوخ الوذل مواا إلوة البروى الوعاحخ أ دورا رعوا ج اف.عبواراا البيوكيميا يوة يووة اسووماك البجطووة العووة عووم ععريضوودا ل.م و العركيووز المميووا لمووعث 7أيووام و األسووماك المعرضووة لع وور العركيووز المميووا إلووى زيوواعث يووة امرزيموواا المر مووة لو ووا ي الحبووع والحوول ALT,ورقووص يووة AST,Total 0 protienألبعوا رعووا ج عحجيوول ال.يا وويم والحبووع والعضووالا المعرضوة لعركيوزاا م.عج ووة وجوووع بقايووا لجريكوول ية هذ األرسجة ععراسب م عركيز الريكل ية الميا ويعرث الععرض لدا حيث البا زيواعث العركيوز يوة الحبوع صخ ال.يا يم صخ العضالا