PROJECT IDENTIFICATION FORM (PIF) PROJECT TYPE: Medium-sized Project THE GEF TRUST FUND Submission Date: 9 November 2007 1st Re-submission Date: 21 January 2008 2nd Re-submission Date: 15 May 2008 PART I: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION GEFSEC PROJECT ID1: 3571 GEF AGENCY PROJECT ID: GF/ARM/08/XXX COUNTRY (IES): Republic of Armenia PROJECT TITLE: Technical assistance for environmentally sustainable management of PCBs and other POPs waste in the Republic of Armenia GEF AGENCY(IES): UNIDO OTHER EXECUTING PARTNER(S): Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia GEF FOCAL AREA (S): Persistent Organic Pollutants GEF-4 STRATEGIC PROGRAM(S): POPs-SP1 NAME OF PARENT PROGRAM/UMBRELLA PROJECT: INDICATIVE CALENDAR Milestones Expected Dates Work Program (for FSP) CEO Endorsement/Approval GEF Agency Approval Implementation Start Mid-term Review (if planned) Implementation Completion 07/2008 08/2008 11/2008 11/2008 11/2008 A. PROJECT FRAMEWORK (Expand table as necessary) Project Objective: To reduce the use and releases of PCBs and other POPs to the environment through the development and implementation of a national PCB and POPs pesticides management system Project Components 1. Strengthening of institutional capacity 1 Indicate whether Investment, TA, or STA** TA Expected Outcomes Relevant institutions are enabled to manage PCBs and POPs pesticides in an environmentally sound manner. Project ID number will be assigned initially by GEFSEC . UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008 Expected Outputs - Institutional capacity for the ESM of PCB and POPs pesticides evaluated. - Managing data on chemicals and wastes. - POPs accounting, inventory and reporting system improved. - PCB inventories updated, PRTR is set-up. - Efficient cooperation on POPs related issues and information/ knowledge and skills exchange for decision makers, professionals and public involvement ensured. - Active and efficient participatory process for concerned parties/ stakeholders on elaboration of POPs issues organized. The information system on chemicals and wastes established and the PRTR designed. Indicative GEF Financing* ($) % 180,000 36 Indicative Cofinancing* ($) 325,000 Total ($) % 64 505,000 1 2. Strengthening of policy and regulatory framework TA Strengthened capacity of the Armenian Government to comply with the obligations of the Stockholm Convention - Survey and evaluation of policy and regulatory framework for the environmentally sound management of PCBs and POPs pesticides carried out. - Legal basis for POPs chemicals and wastes management improved. - Normative documents for sound chemicals and wastes management developed and adopted. 3. Nation wide awareness raising and training TA Concerned stakeholders involved civil society and apply improved knowledge on the ESM of POPs and disposal activities. - Educational and training 4. Development of an ESM system for POPs and feasibility study for the disposal of PCBs and POPs pesticides TA 150,000 31 335,000 69 485,000 70,000 32 150,000 68 220,000 330,000 31 748,460 69 1,078,460 75,000 27 200,000 73 275,000 805,000 31 1,758,460 69 2,563,460 programmes embracing POPs problems and chemical safety issues for concerned stakeholders developed and put in place. - Training workshops held on POPs issues for different population groups (pupils, students, farmers, manufacturers, power engineering specialists, doctors) and mostly vulnerable to POPs exposure (children and women). - Educational and awareness raising programmes on POPs issues, risks, consequences and required mitigation measures for general public developed and put in place. - Network between scientists established to exchange information on international chemicals management. 5. Project Management Total project costs Improved capacity on POPs management issues, including disposal of PCBs and pesticides in an environmentally sound manner. - Management system for the identification, record keeping and tracking, collection, packaging, transport, interim storage and disposal of PCB developed and operational in energy and industry private sector; and POPs pesticides waste in the “Waste Research Center” of the Ministry of Nature Protection. - Feasibility study for the phase out and disposal of POPs wastes carried out. - Affordable BAT and BEP options for the Republic of Armenia formulated. - National risk reduction strategy on priority chemicals, including POPs formulated. * List the $ by project components. The percentage is the share of GEF and Co-financing respectively to the total amount for the component. ** TA = Technical Assistance; STA = Scientific & technical analysis. 2 UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008 B. INDICATIVE FINANCING PLAN SUMMARY FOR THE PROJECT ($) Project Preparation* GEF Co-financing Total Project 25,000 50,000 75,000 Agency Fee 805,000 1,758,460 2,563,460 80,500 80,500 Total 910,500 1,808,460 2,718,960 * Please include the previously approved PDFs and planned request for new PPG, if any. Indicate the amount already approved as footnote here and if the GEF funding is from GEF-3. C. INDICATIVE CO-FINANCING FOR THE PROJECT (including project preparation amount) BY SOURCE and BY NAME (in parenthesis) if available, ($) Sources of Co-financing Type of Co-financing Project Government Contribution Grant In-kind In-kind Grant Grant In-kind Project Government Contribution GEF Agency UNIDO Government of Switzerland UNITAR UNITAR EU/Armenia NATO Private Sector SAICM Direct budgetary support Grant Unknown at this stage Grant Total co-financing Amount 135,000 205,000 45,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 398,460 325,000 100,000 300,000 1,808,460 PART II: PROJECT JUSTIFICATION A. STATE THE ISSUE, HOW THE PROJECT SEEKS TO ADDRESS IT, AND THE EXPECTED GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS TO BE DELIVERED: 1. The Republic of Armenia (henceforth Armenia) is eligible for GEF funding and ratified the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on 26 November 2003. In order to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention, Armenia prepared its National Implementation Plan (NIP) under the Convention through a GEF-supported Enabling Activities project. The objective of the NIP is to set priorities for initiating future actions to eliminate the production and use of POPs. The NIP of Armenia was implemented in 2002-2004 jointly with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). A. 1. THE ISSUE: 2. The environmentally sound management (ESM) of PCBs was identified in the NIP as one of the key tools of priorities for Armenia to meet its obligations under the Convention. The findings of the NIP revealed that Armenia has produced approximately 30,000 tons of PCB-containing dielectric fluids in the Leninakan (Kamairi) area that were used for the production of small household capacitors. These and other sources of PCBs in Armenia continued to pose serious threats to human health and the environment. 3. The NIP revealed shortcomings in Armenia’s capacity to manage and dispose of PCBs in an environmentally sound manner. In this regard, it was found that Armenia’s policy and regulatory framework did not adequately address the issue of environmentally sound management of POPs. Moreover, owners of POPs chemicals, at present, are not required to establish inventories of POPs chemicals, monitor their releases and report on the 3 UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008 findings on a regular basis. The NIP also identified the limited capacity of Ministries, Agencies, and other governmental institutions involved in the ESM of POPs and the need of technical and financial assistance to ensure the ESM of POPs chemicals and related wastes in the country. 4. As part of Armenia's NIP, a preliminary inventory of PCB-containing equipment and wastes as well as contaminated sites was established. Due to limited financial resources and lack of laboratory and institutional capacity, the PCB inventory did not include all sectors in the country and hence is only preliminary in its nature. Moreover, it was found that there are significant shortcomings in the national infrastructure and capacity for the safe storage, handling, collection, packaging and transport of PCB waste. 5. According to the inventory carried out in the energy sector of Armenia, there are about 17,000 tons of PCBcontaining oils found in electrical equipment currently in use in state-owned power distribution stations and HPPs (power transformers, rectifiers/converters, high voltage switches and circuit breakers, compressors, etc.). Moreover, the PCB inventory revealed that there are about 1,624 tons of PCB-containing oils at various industrial entities outside the energy sector. The substantial part of identified oils should be replaced and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. Besides the energy sector, mineral oils are widely used in various branches of industry and for domestic demands (lifting mechanisms, transformers, different types of compressors, etc.). 6. The problem of polluted areas and stocks of POPs pesticides, including obsolete pesticides is of top-priority for the country. The problem of obsolete stockpiles of pesticides (mainly organochlorine compounds) exists in Armenia since the late 1970s when the use of these substances was banned or restricted. In the early 1980s, a special location was approved and allotted for pesticides burial near Bardzrashen village. On the territory of this burial site about 500 tons of obsolete pesticides were buried for final disposal, of which 250 tons are POPs pesticides. The complexity of the problem emanating from the burial of obsolete pesticides is increased by the fact that the burial site is located in a zone of active landslide processes, which increases the risk of a possible leakage of POPs pesticides into the ground and surface waters as well as soils. This in turn may pose serious adverse effects to human health and the environment and may have a negative impact on local agriculture. A. 2. HOW TO ADDRESS THE ISSUE: 7. The proposed project will provide a detailed analysis of Armenia’s institutional as well as technical capacity to ensure the ESM of PCBs and other POPs wastes as required by the Stockholm Convention on POPs. Based on this analysis, the proposed project seeks to develop strategies to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings. This includes capacity building and the provision of technical assistance in the area of ESM of POPs (PCBs and obsolete pesticides) through training and information campaigns. The activities based on training and educational programmes will support the public awareness raising and education. Strengthening the awareness of general public on POPs issues, risks, consequences and required mitigation measures, as well as development and dissemination of POPs related information and organization and holding the training workshops on POPs issues for different population groups (pupils, students, farmers, manufacturers, power engineering specialists, doctors) and mostly vulnerable to POPs exposure (children and women) will facilitate the ESM strategy development and implementation. The establishment of a PRTR and the design of information system on POPs chemicals and wastes will help to achieve the project goals. 8. The proposed project also aims at assisting the country to develop and implement legislation on the environmentally sound management of PCBs. If enforced, this will enable Armenia to more effectively meet its obligations under the Stockholm Convention to phase-out the use of PCBs-containing equipment and disposal of PCB-wastes. The improvement of the legal basis for chemicals management, including POPs will generally support the fulfillment of global agreements, specifically the Stockholm, Rotterdam and Basel Conventions and SAICM. 9. The development and adoption of a number of legislative documents for sound management of POPs chemicals and wastes, including working-out normative acts for development and establishment of the Register on POPs and POPs-containing wastes (obsolete pesticides and PCBs), as well as the establishment of the Central 4 UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008 Analytical Laboratory on POPs to ensure analyses and control on the environment, will facilitate the achievement of the project objective. 10. The establishment of information system on chemicals and wastes will improve the process of managing the data as well as the existing system on accounting/inventory and reporting. In this regard the following components of the information system should be set-up: National Register on Wastes; National Register on Chemicals, including POPs; State Cadastre on Wastes (classification of wastes generated in Armenia, including POPs wastes); State Register on the sites/entities, at which POPs-containing wastes are generated, processed, utilized, and disposed; Data Bank on technologies for destruction and decontamination of POPs-containing wastes; Register of pollutants releases and transfer on POPs (PRTR). 11. In terms of national infrastructure for the ESM of PCBs, the proposed project will identify suitable interim storage sites for PCB-containing waste, with the aim of minimizing the adverse effects of releases of PCBs to human health and the environment. In this regards the feasibility studies for the disposal of POPs wastes (PCBs and obsolete pesticides) should be carried out, as well as affordable BAT and BEP options for Armenia will be formulated and finalized with relevant institutions and stakeholders. A.3. EXPECTED GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: 12. With the implementation of the proposed project, Armenia will be able to significantly reduce the use and releases of PCBs and POPs pesticides. This in turn will help to reduce the global availability of these substances, thus reducing their negative impact to human health and the environment on a global scale. The project will hence contribute to global efforts to control POPs chemicals. It will also indirectly contribute to the objectives of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedures for Certain Hazardous Chemicals. B. DESCRIBE THE CONSISTENCY OF THE PROJECT WITH NATIONAL PRIORITIES/PLANS: 13. The project responds to national priorities in the field of POPs management identified in the NIP, such as: Identification of main sources of contamination by POPs at industrial entities, energy facilities, in agriculture and other industry sectors; Inventory taking on PCB-containing oils and equipment in the energy and other industry sectors; Monitoring of contaminated areas of industrial entities and energy facilities; Identification of gaps in regulatory and policy framework and evaluation of institutional mechanisms for regulation of POPs issues (import, export, minimizing releases, disposal, decontamination, final disposal/ elimination); Development of specific actions to reduce and eliminate POPs in Armenia. Establishing a detailed inventory on main sources of POPs and POPs-containing wastes; Inventory taking on PCB-containing oils and equipment in energy and industry sectors of Armenia; Replacement of PCB-containing oils and equipment, which are currently exploited at different entities of energy sector and industry of Armenia, by PCB-free oils and equipment; Establishment of a Central Analytical Laboratory on POPs to ensure analyses and control on the environment; Environmentally sound disposal of PCB-containing oils and PCB-containing equipment, as well as existing stockpiles of obsolete pesticides; Establishment of a register of pollutants releases and transfer (POPs PRTR); Setting-out and development of regulating and legal basis for the remediation of sites contaminated by obsolete pesticides. 5 UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008 14. The strategic goal on PCBs management and disposal in the final analysis is to develop the entire system of actions on minimization and on elimination of the impact of PCBs to human health and the environment. It is therefore necessary to carry out the following planning measures: - - Development of a register of equipment containing PCBs and a regular annual update; Identification of PCB-containing electrical equipment and appropriate labeling/marking; Gradual (step-by-step) phase out and disposal of PCBs in the energy and other industry sectors; Preparing solutions on decontamination of equipment and destruction of oils; Development of proposals on creation of financial mechanisms for destruction of PCB–equipment; Assessment/evaluation of capacities for PCB destruction both in-country and abroad; Development of national standards for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of PCBs in environmental media. C. DESCRIBE THE CONSISTENCY OF THE PROJECT WITH GEF STRATEGIES AND STRATEGIC PROGRAMS: 15. The long term strategic objective in the POPs focal area of the GEF is to protect human health and the environment by assisting countries to reduce and eliminate production, use and releases of POPs, and consequently contribute to capacity development for the sound management of chemicals. The proposed project addresses this objective and is in line with the GEF-4 Strategic Program (SP) 1 “Strengthening capacity for National Implementation Plan (NIP) development and implementation”. D. OUTLINE THE COORDINATION WITH OTHER RELATED INITIATIVES: 16. Armenia is currently implementing several activities on the regional and global level that focus on the environmentally sound management of toxic substances. Besides implementing activities related to the implementation of its obligations under the Basel and Rotterdam Conventions, the country is participating in the SAICM Quick Start Programme with support from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In addition, the country, with the funding from the European Union, will implement a project on the environmentally sound management and disposal of obsolete pesticides. In the same area, Armenia is currently preparing a project, with the support of the Nord Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which aims at the acquisition and installation of analytical equipment for POPs analyses and the training of laboratory staff. E. DISCUSS THE VALUE-ADDED OF GEF INVOLVEMENT IN THE PROJECT DEMONSTRATED THROUGH INCREMENTAL REASONING : 17. In the absence of GEF financing, the capacity for management of PCBs and POPs pesticides and the legal and institutional frameworks would improve slowly. Consequently, the role of Government institutions in raising the public awareness would continue to be low and the current conditions of handling and improper use and disposal of PCBs and POPs pesticides will continue. Without assistance, the replacement of existing equipment containing PCBs would continue at the current rate and there would be only modest improvements in the storage and disposal capacity of the country. It is likely that the current practice of illegal recycling and reuse of PCBs would continue. Since the existing storage sites would not be modernized in order to comply with international standards, the country would face a continued contamination of soils and water resources with PCBs and POPs pesticides, which would negatively impact human health and the environment. With GEF support, Armenia would reduce the use and releases of PCBs and POPs pesticides and thus protect human health and the environment from the negative impacts of these substances. The proposed GEF funded project hence supports the country in meeting its obligations under the Stockholm Convention. 6 UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008 F. INDICATE RISKS, INCLUDING CLIMATE CHANGE RISKS, THAT MIGHT PREVENT THE PROJECT OBJECTIVE(S) FROM BEING ACHIEVED, AND IF POSSIBLE INCLUDING RISK MEASURES THAT WILL BE TAKEN: RISK MITIGATION MEASURES Unstable public institutional condition in Involvement and commitment of key stakeholders from the public the country that could cause major structural and private sectors can greatly reduce this risk. and human resource changes at the national executing agency. Delays in project implementation and low quality performance due to low human resources capacity. Carefully selected well-staffed institutions with clear mandate and measurable indicators. Moreover, an adaptive monitoring practice will enable timely implementation and high quality results. Opposition of the private and civil sector regarding the management strategies for PCBs and POPs pesticides. Public awareness raising and inclusion of all stakeholders at the concept level and in both project preparation and implementation will minimize the likelihood of this risk to occur. G. DESCRIBE, IF POSSIBLE, THE EXPECTED COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PROJECT: 18. Cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the activities of the Project addressing the environmentally sound management (ESM) of PCBs and POPs pesticides in Armenia will be evaluated in detail during the feasibility study phase. This will be done for all different ESM activities. However inherent cost of disposal may vary as in most Central European countries between US$3-4/kg H. JUSTIFY THE COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE OF GEF AGENCY: The project falls within the comparative advantage of UNIDO. 7 UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008 III: APPROVAL/ENDORSEMENT BY GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT(S) AND GEF AGENCY(IES) A. RECORD OF ENDORSEMENT OF GEF OPERATIONAL FOCAL POINT (S) ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT(S): (Please attach the country endorsement letter(s) or regional endorsement letter(s) with this template). Mr. Aram Harutyunan Minister of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia GEF Political/Operational Focal Point Date: 29.8.2007 8 UNIDO PIF MSP Armenia 15 May 2008