
Attachment #6 for Teachers
Link #1:
The more you read, the more you learn. The more you write, the more you develop.
The main advantage of …..
One advantage of..
One major advantage of….
It is often believed that...,
The most important advantage of ….
An additional advantage of…
It is often suggested that …
A further advantage of ….
One advantage to/of having parents arrange a marriage is financial security.
One of the main advantages of using a computer is the fact that you can save time.
One major advantage of living in a foreign country is that you have better economic conditions.
The most important advantage of cell phones is that you can use them almost everywhere without cables
or electricity. By using mobile phones, you can communicate with everyone whenever you want and
wherever you are. Beside this, if there is an urgent situation, such as an accident or a meeting with
someone, you certainly need a mobile phone. Furthermore, you can access the internet by using a cell
phone. Recently, the most common way of communication in the world has been the SMS. Cell phones
include this system; in this way you can communicate with someone for cheaper than a normal call.
The biggest advantage of using a cell phone is that you can reach people easily. Also, when somebody
wants to reach you, he can get in touch with you by touching a few buttons. In addition, you can carry a
cell phone easily. Furthermore, cell phones are not only used for communication, but they can also be
used for taking pictures, listening to music, playing games, getting onto the internet, and so on.
Practice: Now write your own paragraph using the introduced transition signals.
The main disadvantage of
One disadvantage of...,
Another disadvantage of...,
The most important drawback of...,
One major disadvantage of…..
An additional disadvantage of...
One of the major / main disadvantages of using computers is that staring at a screen for long
periods of time can be harmful to the eyes
There are certain disadvantages to having your own car. Firstly, you have to maintain and repair your
car regularly. Therefore, you need to spend a considerable amount of money to keep the car in good
condition. Moreover, driving can sometimes be extremely stressful. For example, being caught in a
traffic jam is not only irritating but also time-consuming. As a result, if you want to have a car, you
should consider all the disadvantages.
The main disadvantages of using a computer is that staring at a screen for long periods can be
harmful to the eyes. Secondly, sitting on a chair for hours at a time is certainly not healthy. Moreover,
computers draw one’s attention away from social interactions* such as conversation. In addition, people
who stay at home to use their computers can become anti-social. Finally, computers do many jobs and
people do the less. Therefore, plenty of people lose their jobs.
Practice: Now write your own paragraph in a similar way.
In the first place,
To start with,
To begin with
In addition (to this)
Sample paragraphs:
1. Traveling by a boat is rather old-fashioned. However, it has certain advantages. To begin with,
boats are usually more comfortable than planes or cars. Instead of staying in your seat the whole journey,
you can go for a walk on the deck, eat in a restaurant, or even go shopping. Having more space to move
around makes a long journey much more pleasant. Furthermore, boats are often cheaper than other
forms of travel. For example, a boat ticket usually costs less than a plane ticket. Finally, boats are a
safer alternative to cars and planes. There are fewer accidents at sea than in the air or on the roads.
2. Parents can protect children from too much TV violence in the following ways: First of all, they should
be careful about the programs their children are watching. For example, they can watch some of the
programs with them. Second, they can set limits on the amount of time their children spend in front of
the television. Moreover, sometimes characters in movies get hurt or killed. Parents should point out that
this does not always reflect reality. Furthermore, they should not let the children see violent shows, and
change the cannel or turn off the TV set when something unpleasant comes on. Finally, it is better to explain
what is wrong and what is right about the programs the children watch.
Practice: Now write your own paragraph.
What is more,
In addition to this/that
Apart from this/that
The advantages of nuclear power are numerous. First of all, it is cheaper, richer than fossil fuels, and
easier to transport. Secondly, nuclear reactors need little fuel, and they only need refueling
approximately once every three years. In addition, nuclear power is environmentally a lot friendlier than
other alternative types of energy. It produces hardly any air pollution, and it releases less radiation into
the atmosphere than coal-burning power plants. Moreover, the risks of a meltdown or a radiation leak are
extremely small. Furthermore, it is a lot safer than most people think. There are many safety features
which make nuclear power one of the safest electricity sources. (Bilal Chukuyev 2003 C-4)
On the other hand
In spite of
Even though
In spite of (the fact that),
Despite the fact that
Despite big crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
Kelly loves her husband in spite of the fact that he has some bad habits.
Even though he's 24 now, he still behaves like a little child.
Wagner was a Nazi supporter. Nevertheless, he is still an important figure in the history of music.
Despite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy, the search party still went on
the search.
She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest at home.
He refused to help me, despite the fact that I had always helped him whenever needed.
On the other hand, using a cell phone has some disadvantages. For example, it is a very expensive way of
communication. Moreover, radiation from cell phones is not good for humans’ health. It especially has
bad effects on children and old people. Furthermore, if you have a full system working car, your ABS
system or some electrical equipment in your car can be blocked by cell phone signals.
Practice: Now write own your paragraph.
For example
For instance
Such as
In particular
Families, especially those with young children, benefit from the programs offered by the local
Pollution has become an unavoidable result of industrial development, particularly in big cities. This
produces some harmful effects, especially to the young and the old.
Electromagnetic waves cause important health problems like cancer.
Mary loves most classical music, but Bach and Vivaldi in particular are her favorites.
We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.
To sum up,
All in all,
All things considered,
In conclusion,
On the whole,
Taking everything into account,
As was previously stated, Finally,
Sample paragraphs:
To sum up, cell phones not only have advantages, but they also have disadvantages. Mobile phones make
our life easier, but on the other hand, they may cause some serious health problems.
In conclusion, at the beginning, marriage can be very wonderful, but later on many things may proceed
badly. I believe that if a man wants to marry a woman, he, first of all, should have a good job, a house, and an
adequate income. Then he can marry the girl he loves because he has prepared well enough for the marriage.
I believe/think/feel (that)...
I strongly believe...
In my opinion/view,...
The way I see it,...
It seems/appears to me (that)...
To my mind,...
I (do not) agree that/with ...
My opinion is that...
As far as I am concerned,...
I (completely) agree that/with...
I (strongly) disagree that/with...
I am totally against...
I couldn't agree more that/with...
All things considered, despite some disadvantages of traveling by boat, I strongly believe
it can be a very enjoyable experience. Journeys may take longer, but if you have time to spare, you
can take advantage of the many facilities that boats offer, and enjoy a pleasant tour.
PRACTICE H/1 Use the word groups below to write sentences, as in the example.
Sample: we / help / elderly ………….
their lives be easier
e.g I strongly believe that we should help the elderly. When/if we do this, their lives will be easier.
1. all students / learn / foreign language ………… have better career opportunities
3. people / give up smoking …………… have fewer health problems
4. teenagers / get / part-time jobs …………. learn to be more responsible
PRACTICE H/2 Use the word groups below to write sentences, as in the example.
Use appropriate expressions to expand the prompts below to make sentences expressing an opinion, as in the
in order to / protect / environment / people / stop use / plastic bags
It seems to me that in order to protect the environment, people should stop using plastic bags.
1. in order to reduce / pollution / government / ban the trucks / enter / city centre
2. organic vegetables / be / much / healthy / than / vegetables / grown with chemical fertilizer.
PRACTICE 1 : Classify the following linking words / phrases according to list below.
in the first place
for example
to sum up
to begin with
all things considered
such as
on the other hand
apart from this
in other words
in particular
for instance
in addition
taking everything
into account
for one thing
Attachment #5 for Teachers
1. To List Points:
in the first place, _________________________________
2. To add more points: _______________________________________________
3. To introduce opposing viewpoints
4. To introduce examples / reasons
5. To conclude
PRACTICE 2: Fill in the blanks with the given words.
First of all - Firstly
In addition - Moreover - Furthermore
So- As a result – Therefore
However – On the other hand – In contrast
In conclusion – To sum up – On the whole – Overall
Attachment #5 for Teachers
Living in the country is often the secret dream of certain city-dwellers.
……………(1), in reality it has both its advantages and disadvantages.
There are many advantages to living in the country. ……………….(2), you are much
closer to nature and can enjoy more peace and quiet. …………(3), life in the country is
much slower and people tend to be more open and friendly. A further advantage is
that there is much less traffic, and as a result it is much safer place to bring up young
……………….(4), there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. ……………….(5),
because there are fewer people, one has a smaller number of friends. ……………….(6)
entertainment, particularly in the evening, is difficult to find. Furthermore, the fact that
there are fewer shops and services often means that there are fewer employment
opportunities. ……………….(7), one may have to travel long distances to work elsewhere,
and this can be extremely expensive.
……………….(8), it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some than
others. ……………….(9), it is often the best place for those who are retired or who have
young children, ……………….(10), young, single people who are following a career and who
want some excitement are better provided for by life in the city.
(Success at First Certificate-
Robert O’Neill)
Country: countryside, countryside; land not in towns, cities or industrial areas which is
either used for farming or left in its natural condition
Related words
Dweller: resident, citizen
Drawback: disadvantage
PRACTICE 2: Read the paragraph below and underline the correct linking word/ phrase.
There are many advantages to having children at an early age. 1) To begin with/In addition
to this, when you are young, you have a lot of energy. This means you can cope quite easily
with children's demands. You can constantly care for them and give them your attention. 2)
therefore/nevertheless understand them better. 4) Yet/Finally, when you become a
parent at an early age, you are still young enough to enjoy life when your child becomes
Attachment #5 for Teachers
PRACTICE –4: Replace the words underlined with the one of the following. Some
may have more than one alternative.
In spite of
pros and cons
Another point is that
one advantage is that
All things consider
for instance
To sum up
In my opinion
On disadvantage is that
On the other hand
In addition
Living in a big or small city is usually a hidden dream of certain villagedwellers. 1. Nevertheless, it has both its 2. advantages and disadvantages
3.On the plus side/___________, it is often easier to find work, and there is
usually a choice of public transport, so you do not need to own a car. 4.
Also______________, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see.
5.For example, /___________ you can eat in a good restaurant, visit museums, and
go to the theatres and to concerts. 6. What is more/___________, when you want
relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park
bench and read a book. 7. All in all/___________, city life is full of bustle (hurry, haste)
and variety and you need never feel bored.
8. However/___________, for every ever plus there is a minus. 9.For one
thing/___________, you might have a job, but unless it is very well paid, you will not
Attachment #5 for Teachers
be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is
often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find food and cheap
accommodation. 10. What is more, /___________ public transport is sometimes
crowded and dirty, 11. particularly/___________ in the rush hour, and even the parks
can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every citydweller is looking for some open space and green grass. 12. Last of all, despite all the
crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
13. In conclusion/___________, I think that city life can be particularly
appealing to
(attract, interest)
young people, who like the excitement of the city and do
not mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and
particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the
countryside. (Success at First Certificate-Robert O’Neill)
Attachment #5 for Teachers
Link #2:
Pros and Cons Essays
Professors assign different term papers, essays, research
papers and book reports to students all across America. We
have taken the time to write a brief description on each type
of paper that professors assign as homework to students. By
showing you an example essay paragraph and explanation you
will be able to write your own or you can order your very own
sample essay from us. can help you with
any type of written document including a thesis or
dissertation. Our experience speaks for itself as we have
written every type of document in the past 7-years.
Contact a term paper writing specialist at
and we’ll deliver a top quality document for you. would like to show you the following
sample essay:
Pros and Cons Essays
Pros and cons essay gives the positive and negative
information about a topic. It is like weighing the good or the
negative of a discussion. The best way to do this type of
essay is to begin with brainstorming all the pros and cons.
The next step is deciding on a side of an argument and putting
this into a thesis. Evidence should be given for both the pros
and the cons. The conclusion should wrap up the discussion.
Sample Paragraph of a Pros and Cons Essay
There are many pros and cons of joining a basketball team.
Some of the pros are the benefits of exercise, the fun of
being in a group, and the challenge of being a team member.
The cons of joining a basketball team is it takes time to play
and to practice, a person could get hurt while playing, and a
person must be willing to be a team member and share the glory
or in some cases share the defeat. Personally, joining a
basketball team gives the fun of being with other people,
exercising, and having fun are worth the cons of not joining a
This is a sample paragraph
joining a basketball team.
of playing basketball. She
a basketball team is worth
of a pros and cons essay about
The writer lists the pros and cons
weighs the two and decides joining
the cons.
When you're stuck on a tough school assignment, let deliver a quality term paper or essay with
Attachment #5 for Teachers
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Link #3:
Weighing an Argument
Weighing an argument means to examine the pros and cons.
For example:
Should students elect their teachers?
(The pros are the good points)
bad points)
Some teachers would teach harder.
Some teachers would prepare more
for class.
Some bad teachers wouldn’t get
Some teachers would try to make
their class more interesting.
(The cons are the
Some teachers would give
every student good grades.
Students might elect teachers
they like, not good teachers.
Teachers might teach what is
interesting and not what is
Weighing the argument:
On the one hand, . . .
On the other hand, . . .
Some people argue that students should elect their teachers. On the one
hand, teachers would be worried about their job so some teachers would teach
harder and prepare more for class. Also, teachers would try to make their
classes more interesting. And most of all, some bad teachers would not get
elected so the quality of education would improve. But on the other hand,
teachers might give every student good grades to keep the students happy.
Students might not elect good teachers but instead elect teachers they liked or
teachers that were easy. Also, teachers might teach what is interesting and not
what is important.
Attachment #5 for Teachers
Link #4:
Alcoholism - Pros and Cons
Print Essay |
Email Essay |
Cite Essay
The following essay will introduce you to pros and cons of drinking. It will also give you a clear
understanding in why you shouldn’t drink alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant; it impairs your ability to
drive, slows down your reaction time and causes you to make some risky decisions that you wouldn’t
normally take. This essay will also help you comprehend how and why things happen, because of
Alcoholism can kill in many different ways, and in general, people who drink regularly have a higher
rate of deaths from injury, violence, and some cancers. The earlier a person begins drinking heavily,
the greater their chance of developing serious illnesses later on. Any protection that occurs with
moderate alcohol intake appears to be confined to adults over 60 who have risks for heart disease.
Adults who drink moderately (about one drink a day) have a lower mortality rate than their nondrinking peers, their risk for untimely death increases with heavier drinking.
Alcohol may not cause cancer, but it probably does increase the carcinogenic effects of other
substances, such as cigarette smoke. Daily drinking increases the risk for lung, gastric, pancreatic,
colorectal, urinary tract, liver, brain cancers, and leukemia. About 75% of cancers of the esophagus
and 50% of cancers of the mouth, and throat are attributed to alcoholism. (Wine appears to pose less
danger for these cancers than beer or hard liquor.) Smoking combined with drinking enhances risks
for most of these cancers dramatically. When women consume as little as one drink a day, they may
increase their chances of breast cancer by as much as 30%.
In the liver, alcohol converts to an even more toxic substance, which can cause substantial damage.
Not eating when drinking and consuming a variety of alcoholic beverages are also factors that
increase the risk for liver damage. People with alcoholism are also at higher risk for hepatitis B and C,
potentially chronic liver diseases than can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. People with alcoholism
should be immunized against hepatitis B; they may need a higher-than-normal dose of the vaccine for
it to be effective.
Alcohol has widespread effects on the brain. The use of alcohol, however, eventually produces
depression and confusion. In chronic cases, alcoholism can lead to mental disturbances. Alcohol can
also cause milder problems, including headaches (especially after drinking red wine). Except in
severe cases, the damage is not permanent and abstinence nearly always leads to recovery of
normal mental function. Alcohol may increase the risk for hemorrhage stroke (caused by bleeding in
the brain), although it may protect against stroke caused by narrowed arteries.
Alcohol plays a major role in more than half of all automobile accidents. Alcohol also increases the
risk of accidental injuries from many other causes. Drinking and driving is dangerous to yourself and
others around you. The penalty for drinking and driving is Driving Under the Influence (DUI). If your
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) registers over .08, you are Driving Under the Influence. After having one
drink it takes approximately one hour for your body to burn off the alcohol. You can’t depend on
yourself to be able to drive after an hour, because everyone processes alcohol differently and you
might even feel the effects long after you’ve been drinking. Your BAC is based on your body weight,
how much you have had to drink, the amount of food you may have eaten before drinking, the length
of time over which you have had alcohol, and the speed at which your own body processes alcohol
(once again, everyone is different). There is no way to make your body burn alcohol faster; eating,
drinking coffee, exercising, or taking a cold shower may make you feel better, but they have no effect
on your rate that alcohol is processed.
Alcohol can also create hormonal effects. Alcoholism increases the levels of the female hormone
estrogen and reduces the levels of the male hormone testosterone, factors that contribute to
impotence in men. I placed this statement here, because I personally believe that men, such as
myself, should be aware on how alcohol effects a “male’s ability to perform”.
Attachment #5 for Teachers
Domestic violence is a common consequence of alcohol abuse. For women, the most serious risk
factor for injury from domestic violence may be a history of alcohol abuse in her male partner.
Alcoholism in parents also increases the risk for violent behavior and abuse toward their children.
Children of alcoholics tend to do worse academically than others, have a higher incidence of
depression, anxiety, and stress and lower self-esteem than their peers. Children who were diagnosed
with major depression between the ages of six and 12 were more likely to have alcoholic parents or
relatives, than those children who do not have parents who are alcoholics. Alcoholic households are
less cohesive, have more conflicts, and their members are less independent and expressive than
households with non-alcoholics or recovering alcoholic parents. In addition to their own inherited risk
for later alcoholism, children of alcoholics have serious coping problems that may be life long.
Alcoholic parents are at higher risk for divorced and for psychiatric symptoms. The only events with
greater psychological impact on children are sexual and physical abuse.
During pregnancy and infant development, one must take extreme precautions.
Even moderate amounts of alcohol may have damaging effects on the developing fetus, including low
birth weight and an increased risk for miscarriage. High amounts can cause fetal alcohol syndrome,
which can result in mental and growth retardation. There is also a higher risk for leukemia in infants of
women who drink any type of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.
From what you have read, you can see that alcohol has a great influence on the body. Many people
drink alcoholic beverages and believe that it will not have an affect, but they are wrong! Alcohol plays
a very disturbing role and affects you physically, mentally and spiritually. Personally, drinking alcoholic
beverages is something that doesn’t have to be part of your life. Alcohol is a want, not a need, and if
you live a life without alcohol you will definitely live a life of happiness. Don’t take my word for it… try
Word count: 1,030
Link #5:
Pros and Cons of E-Commerce
Electronic commerce or e-commerce involves the buying and selling of products or services over
the internet. Put simply, e-commerce means conducting business online. E-commerce software
programs run the main functions of an e-commerce web site, including product display, online
ordering, and inventory management. This software resides on a commerce server and works in
conjunction with online payment systems to process payments. E-Commerce can help a small
business off to a great start or can make it fizzle into bankruptsy. It can have a positive and negitive
impact on the success of a small business.
There are many pros to e-commerce. One factor is that e-commerce provides service and
performance by offering a user-friendly experience. In a regular business, the retailers may have to go
some way before achieving such a responsive goal. E-Commerce also provides an attractive website.
The colors, graphics, and animation can help an e-commerce site become successful. The website
can also influence the customers to purchase and return. Promotions, coupons, and discounts
increase the chances for a customer to use the site more frequently. Websites can provide the
customers with personal attention. The customer can personalize the website to better fit their likes
and remove their dislikes. Purchase suggestions and personalized special offers can most of the time
substitute person to person in...
Attachment #5 for Teachers
Teachers can use the table below to summarize students’ data on the screen.
1. What is a pros and cons essay?
2. The components of a pros and
1. ___________________________________________
cons essay
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
3. Words/phrases to list
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
4. Words/phrases to list
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
Attachment #5 for Teachers
5. Words/phrases to list or add
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
6. Words/phrases to contrast
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
7. Words/phrases to introduce
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________