Air Pollution, Waste Water, and Solid Wastes Management

Summer School
4 Energy Weeks
Air Pollution, Waste Water, and Solid Wastes Management
BMEGEÁTAG04 (3 ECTS credits)
1st week
Treatment of Gaseous Substances or Vapours
(M. PARTI, Full Professor)
A general overview of the air pollution control methods to remove or to convert gaseous
substances or vapours in waste gases. Methods with and without recovery of substances.
Absorption: absorption phenomena, notations of absorption, types of absorption. Absorption
equilibrium, equilibrium curve, dependence on temperature and total pressure. Henry’s law
and the role of Henry’s law coefficient. Chemical equilibrium conditions. Selection of solvent
for absorption. Material balance for counter-current flow, the operating line, the driving force
for mass transfer. Minimum liquid-gas ratio for absorption. Equipment for absorption, general
characteristics of tray and packed absorbers (towers). Absorption plant. technical applications.
Technical applications of absorption. Advantages and disadvantages of absorption systems.
Adsorption: adsorption phenomena, notations of adsorption, types of adsorption. Adsorption
equilibria for gases and vapours, effect of temperature. Adsorbents, selection of adsorbents.
General overview of an adsorption plant. Unsteady-state adsorption, the adsorption wave.
Steady-state adsorption, technical applications. Adsorption of vapours, technical applications.
Advantages and disadvantages of adsorption systems.
Chemical Waste Gas Treatment (combustion): General overview of combustion systems.
Types of the oxidation process. Combustion-control equipment (flares, thermal incinerators,
catalytic incinerators). Design and performance of incinerators (heat balance, heat recovery,
catalyst). Advantages and disadvantages of combustion systems.
Biological Waste Gas Treatment: General process description. Microorganisms used in
biological degradation. Efficiency of the processes. Bioabsorption plants, technical
applications of the processes. Advantages and disadvantages of biofiltration.
Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides: Selective non-catalytic and catalytic reduction. Advantages
and disadvantages of the reduction processes.
Summer School
4 Energy Weeks
2nd week
Particle Removal from Gases
(J.M. SUDA, Assistant Professor)
Introduction. Aerosols. Definition of aerosols. Types and size ranges: Dust, smoke, mist.
Various parameters of particulate phases. Behaviour in human body. PM regulations.
Characterisation of particle assembly, mono-, polydispersed particulate phase, particle size
distribution curves. Characterisation of particle - laden mixtures. Parameters of particles,
shape & size, equivalent diameter, geometrical, aerodynamic, optical, electrical equivalency.
Relative average distance between neighbouring particles. Dense / dilute suspensions, volume
ratio, mass loading ratio, concentration.
Particle dynamics. Equation of motion of carrier gas phase, of particles. Aerodynamic drag of
single particle. Settling velocity. Cunningham correction factor. Dimensionless formulation of
equation of motion for particles. Conditions for neglection of the effect of particles on the gas
flow. Turbulence modification by particles in particle-laden flow, time scales, length scales,
particle Stokes number, inertia number. Evaluation of particle movement based on particle
inertia number: particle pathline relative to carrier gas flow streamline.
Theory and practice of particle concentration measurement. Mean concentration. Direct /
indirect methods for particle concentration measurements. Iso-kinetic sampling with sampling
rig. Various sampling probe design. Error / uncertainty of concentration measurement.
Mass balance of a separator. Overall & fractional efficiency. Inlet and outlet particle size
distribution curves of a separator in idealistic & real case.
Basic steps of particle separation process. Main forces and effects influencing on the particle
removal. Various equipments of gas cleaning and particle separators. General description,
basic outline, operating method: settling chamber, pre-separator louver, washing tower,
Venturi-scrubber, cyclone, electrostatic precipitator, surface & depth filters.
Summer School
4 Energy Weeks
3rd week
Wastewater Treatment
(L. TÖMÖSY, Associate Professor)
Sources of wastewater. Most important pollutants: Solid and non-water dissolvable
components. Dissolvable and suspended organic pollutants and inorganic pollutants.
Flow sheet of wastewater treatment.
Primary or physical treatment processes. Sedimentation. Design and function of devices:
stone catch, fine screen, sand trap or grit chamber, sedimentation (clarifier) tanks.
Secondary treatment: biological and chemical processes. Basic knowledge of biological
treatment. Activated sludge process, attached growth processes. Function and design of
devices. Removal of phosphorous contaminations.
Tertiary treatment: nitrification (if necessary), de-nitrification. Disinfection, and disposal of
treated wastewater.
Wastewater sludge treatment techniques: thickening, conditioning, dewatering, sludge
disinfection. Construction and function of gravity thickener, decanter, imperforated basket
Physical and chemical conditioning. Organic and inorganic chemicals. Biological
conditioning. Aerobic and anaerobic treatment techniques. Devices.
Sludge dewatering. Centrifuges. Belt filter press, pressure filter. Sludge-drying beds.
Summer School
4 Energy Weeks
4th week
Solid Wastes Management
(P. LÁNG, Full Professor)
Introduction, notions. Definition of waste and waste management. Sustainable development.
Material cycle producing waste. Diagram of waste management hierarchy. Fractional
elements of waste management: reduction, generation, reuse, on-site handling, storage and
processing, collection, transfer and transport, processing and recovery, disposal.
Municipal waste, quantity and composition. Waste generation and reduction. Reasons of the
generation of industrial wastes. Methods for reducing the quantity of industrial wastes.
Hazardous wastes, Basel Convention.
Processing and resource recovery. Thermal processes. Incineration with heat recovery.
Combustion. Types of incinerator plant design: moving grate, rotary kiln, Westinghouse-O’
Connors, combustion chambers, multistoried kiln, fluidised bed, combination of multistoried
and fluidised bed kilns. Salt melt kiln. Heat recovery, waste to energy systems.
Emissions. Dioxins and furans. Flue gas cleaning (wet, semi-dry, dry methods). Combustion
of wastes in high temperature industrial technologies (cement kiln).
Pyrolisis (Schwel-Brenn, Babcock) and gasification (Thermoselect).
Ultimate disposal. Landfilling of municipal solid wastes.
Summer School
4 Energy Weeks
Course Requirements:
Participation in all of the classes, laboratory sessions, presentations, and field trips.
Dates of mid-terms:
No.1 - 19 June 2014
No.2 – 26 June 2014
No.3 – 3 July 2014
Date of final: Second half of the last week.
Compulsory literature:
Hand-outs given by the lecturers for the different parts of the curriculum
Optional literature:
Bailey, J.E., Ollis, D.F.: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 1977.
Brauer, H., Varma, Y.B.G.: Air Pollution Control Equipment. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.
Gray, N.F.: Biology of Wastewater Treatment. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989.
Green, D.W., Perry, R.H.: Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 2008.
Treybal, R.E.: Mass Transfer Operations. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1968.