2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass ENGR 211 Principles of Engineering I (Conservation Principles in Engineering Mechanics) Conservation of Mass Multicomponent Systems Rate Equation Multicomponent Rate Expressions Multiple Inlets and Outlets Steady State Multiple Unit Processes Recycle and Bypass 1 2000, W. E. Haisler 2 Conservation of Mass We consider conservation of mass in the general conservation statement and write: Mass accumulation Mass entering Mass leaving system during - system during within system during time period time period time period Mass generated Mass consumed within system - within system during time period during time period where Mass contained Mass accumulation Mass contained in system at the within system in system at the beginning of during time period end of time period time period 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass We can write a more compact mass conservation statement as (msys) (msys) m mout mgen mcon end beg in We can make the statement even more compact by defining the following: m m mout and m mgen mcon in/ out in gen/ con so that conservation becomes (msys) (msys) m m end beg in / out gen/ con 3 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 4 Multicomponent Systems Conservation of mass applies to the total mass of a multicomponent system and for each chemical component (or species). Consequently, for a system that contains n species we can write n species conservation statements that must sum to give total mass conservation. For species i mass conservation, we write (m ) (m ) (m ) (m )out (m )gen (m )con i,sys end i,sys beg i in i i i We can write n of the above equations (i=1,…,n). Summing up the individual conservation statements for all n species gives: 2000, W. E. Haisler 5 Conservation of Mass n n (mi,sys )end (mi, sys ) beg i 1 i 1 n n n n (mi )in (mi )out (mi ) gen (mi )con i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 The summation of the mass components (species) must equal the total mass. Thus, we write n (msys) (mi,sys ) end end i 1 , n m (mi )in in i 1 , etc and the top equation becomes (msys) (msys) m mout mgen mcon end beg in 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 6 For the case where there is no massenergy conversion, then there is no net generation of total mass so that m mgen mcon 0 gen/ con and the total mass conservation equation becomes (msys) (msys) m mout end beg in In summary, for a mass system with n components (species), we have n species conservation equations: (m ) (m ) (m ) (m )out (m )gen (m )con i,sys end i,sys beg i in i i i i = 1, …, n and 1 total mass conservation equation: (msys) (msys) m mout end beg in 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass Example: Ten pounds mass (lbm) of air is placed in a cylinder. Air consists of a mixture of 77% nitrogen (by mass) and 23% oxygen (by mass). If 5 lbm of air is removed from the cylinder and then 3 lbm of oxygen is added, what is the resultant composition of the gas mixture in the cylinder? The system is considered to be the contents of the cylinder. The time period is whatever time is required to remove the air and add the pure Oxygen (O2). 7 2000, W. E. Haisler 3 lbm Oxygen (O2 ) Added 8 Conservation of Mass initially 10 lbm Air (77% N, 23% O2 ) 5 lbm Air Removed At the beginning of the time period, we have 10 lbm of air which is composed of 7.7 lbm of N2 (0.77 x 10) and 2.3 lbm of O2 (0.23 x 10). At the end of the time period, we have an unknown amount of air and unknown amounts of N2 and O2 . 2000, W. E. Haisler 9 Conservation of Mass Applying conservation to the oxygen and nitrogen components, we can tabulate the following known and unknown information: Species (m ) (m ) (m ) (m )out (m )gen (m )con i,sys end i,sys beg i in i i i lbm lbm lbm lbm lbm lbm _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oxygen X - 0.23(10) = Nitrogen Y ____ Z - 0.77(10) _______ 10 = Total 3 - 0.23(5) + 0 0 - 0.77(5) + 0 ___ ______ ___ = 3 - 5 + 0 - 0 - 0 ____ - 0 Solving the O2 equation gives X= (mO ,sys )end = 4.15 lbm O2 2 Solving the N2 equation gives Y= (mN ,sys )end = 3.85 lbm N2 2 Solving the total mass equation gives Z= (msys )end = 8 lbm air 2000, W. E. Haisler 10 Conservation of Mass Consequently we have complete total mass and species mass balance (conservation). Species (m ) (m ) (m ) (m )out i,sys end i,sys beg i in i lbm lbm lbm lbm _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oxygen 4.15 - Nitrogen 3.85 _____ 8 - Total 2.3 7.7 _____ 10 = 3 - 1.15 = 0 - 3.85 ___ ____ = 3 - 5 Notice that the total mass at the end (8 lbm) consists of a mixture of 4.15/8 = 52% oxygen and 48% nitrogen. It is no longer “standard” air. 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 11 Rate Equation Rather than consider finite time periods (tbeg to tend), it is useful to consider rate equations and then integrate over the time period. Suppose we have the rate of mass entering: m . Then the total in amount of mass entering is the integral of the mass rate from tbeg to tend: t end m dt m . in in t beg We can similarly write the total system mass in rate form: m sys and integrate it over the time period to obtain the obtain the mass accumulation in the system (total change over the time period): 2000, W. E. Haisler t end m sysdt t beg 12 Conservation of Mass dmsys t end dt t dt beg t end dm m m sys sys t sys beg end beg With these ideas, consider the mass conservation statement written previously: (msys) (msys) m mout mgen mcon end beg in In the above equation, we now replace the accumulation term on the left and all the other terms by their integral forms to obtain: dm t t t t sys end dt end m dt end m dt end m dt end m dt gen con out in t dt t t t t beg beg beg beg beg t 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 13 Removing the integrals provides the mass conservation statement for a differential time period: dmsys dt m dt m gendt m condt dt m out in dt So the rate form of the mass conservation equation becomes (divide by dt): dmsys m m gen m con m dt in out In words: Accumulation rate = input rate - output rate + generation rate - consumption rate 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 14 We could have obtained the integral form in a different way. Start with the mass conservation statement written previously: (msys) (msys) m mout mgen mcon end beg in Write the terms on the right hand side in terms of rates: (msys) (msys) m t m outt m gent m cont end beg in where t t . Now divide the above equation by t to t end beg (msys) (msys) end beg m m m con obtain m gen in out t (msys ) (msys ) dmsys beg t beg Now: = accumulation rate t dt 2000, W. E. Haisler 15 Conservation of Mass Substitute above into the mass conservation statement to get: dmsys m m out m gen m con in dt Multiplying the above by dt gives the mass conservation law for a differential period of time dmsys dt m dt m dt m gendt m condt out in dt The above equation can be integrated from tbeg to tend to obtain the integral form of the mass conservation law t dmsys t t t t end dt end m dt end m dt end m dt end m dt gen con out in t dt t t t t beg beg beg beg beg 2000, W. E. Haisler 16 Conservation of Mass Example: Consider a problem wherein mass is generated and consumed at a certain rate during a time dependent process. The m in m con m gen m out mass flow rates and generation and consumption rates are given by the following: m gen 7eat lbm / hr m 5eat lbm / hr in m out 3eat lbm / hr m con 4eat lbm / hr where a= a constant = 1 (hr-1). We want to determine the time required to accumulate 4 pounds of mass in the system. 2000, W. E. Haisler 17 Conservation of Mass Tabulating each term in the mass rate equation gives dmsys dt m m out m gen m con in lbm/hr lbm/hr lbm/hr lbm/hr lbm/hr _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ dmsys = dt 5eat - 3eat + 7eat - 4eat Integrating the rate equation from tbeg to tend gives 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 18 dm sys dt tend (5e at 3e at 7e at 4e at )dt end dt t t beg beg t t at accumulation end (5e at dt)dt 5e a end t t beg beg The left side of the above equation is the accumulation of mass in t the system from tbeg to tend . We let the beginning time be 0. The desidred accumulation is 4 pounds so we write at t at end end 5 5 e 5 e accumulation 4 pounds a [ ] a a 0 The above equation gives (recall a= 1 hr-1) at end 1 and solving for tend gives t = 1.61 hr e 5 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 19 Multicomponent Rate Equations Previously we wrote the conservation equations for multicompoent systems in integral form as In summary, for a mass system with n components (species), we have n species conservation equations: (m ) (m ) (m ) (m )out (m )gen (m )con i,sys end i,sys beg i in i i i i = 1, …, n and 1 total mass conservation equation: (msys) (msys) m mout end beg in We can write the above in rate form following the same ideas introduced earlier. 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 20 In summary, for a mass system with n components (species), we have n species conservation equations in rate form: d (m ) sys i (m ) (m )out (m )gen (m )con i in i i i dt i = 1, …, n and 1 total mass conservation equation in rate form: dmsys m m out in dt 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 21 Example: Silica gel (a solid) is used as a drying agent to remove water from processed food. The processed food must be below a certain water content before it can be shipped. 1) Determine the amount of silica get required per pound mass of wet food if the food is initially 30% water (by weight) and must be reduced to 20% water. It is assumed that 3.2 lbm of silica gel has the capacity to absorb 1 lbm of water. 2) Find the time required to absorb the water if the silica gel be at (lbm / min) where t is absorbs water at the rate m H 2O time in minutes, a = 1 min-1 and b=0.13 lbm/min. 2000, W. E. Haisler 22 Conservation of Mass Schematically, we have the following for the beginning and ending states. Dry Silica Gel water Wet Silica Gel time Food with 30% Water Food with 20% Water system boundary Beginning Time Ending Time In order to determine the process required on a per pound of food basis, we assume we have 1 pound of food to begin with. The mass of the dried food is unknown so we let be an unknown x. 2000, W. E. Haisler 23 Conservation of Mass The wet food is considered to be the system. We set up the mass rate table for the beginning and ending states: Species (m ) (m ) (m ) (m )out i,sys end i,sys beg i in i lbm lbm lbm lbm _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dry Food 0.80x - 0.70(1) = 0 Water 0 ? ___ ____ 0 ? Total 0.20x - 0.30(1) = _____ _____ x 1 = - 0 From the dry food equation, we see that x = 0.70/0.8 = 0.875 lbm (there will be 0.875 lb of food with 20% water content at the end). Substituting x into the water equation, we see that 0.125 lbm of water must be extracted by the silica gel. 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 24 We know that 3.2 lbm of silica gel has the capacity to absorb 1 lbm of water. So the amount of silica gel required to abosrb 0.125 lbm of water is: lbm of silica gel = 3.2 lbm silica gel x 0.125 lbm water 1 lbm water = 0.4 lbm silica gel To determine the time required to absorb 0.125 lb of water, we write the rate equation for water in the wet food system: d (m ) sys H 2O ) (m )out (m in H 2O H 2O dt The gen/con term has been omitted. The water input term is zero. Multiply the above by dt and integrate from 0 to t (where is the time required to reduce water content in the food to 20%). 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass t [(m )sys] [(m )sys] (m ) H 2O H 2O end t end 0 0 H 2O out or t accumulation 0.125 lbm (m ) 0 H 2O out Note: the negative accumulation means the amount of water in the food decreases with time. The integral term represents the rate of absorption of water by the silica gel. We know that the be at (lbm / min) . silica gel absorbs water at the rate of m H 2O So we have the equation: t at t at at b b 0.125 lbm be dt a e e 1 0 0 a Solving for t from the above equation gives a (0.125)] 1ln[1 1 (0.125)] 3.3min t 1 ln[ 1 a 1 0.13 b 25 2000, W. E. Haisler 26 Conservation of Mass Multiple Inlets and Outlets Stream B Stream A System Stream E Stream D Stream C System Boundary 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 27 Steady State Steady state means that the state of system is steady; it does not change with time. Alternately, one can say that the accumulation of mass within the system is zero. Mathematically, steady state is described by (m ) (m ) accumulation 0 i,sys end i,sys beg or d (m ) sys i 0 dt Note that steady state implies the following: (m ) (m )out (m )gen (m )con 0 i in i i i and for no net generation: (m ) (m )out i in i 2000, W. E. Haisler 28 Conservation of Mass Example: The feed to a continuous flash distilliation consists of 25 lbm water, 10 lbm ethanol and 5 lbm methanol per hour. D Distillate unknown composition and flow rate F Input Feed 25 lbm/hr water 10 lbm/hr ethanol 5 lbm/hr methanol B 24 lbm/hr output 83.3 wgt % water 12.5 wgt % ethanol 4.2 wgt % methanol The temperature and pressure of the systeam are 95 C and 1 atm. The total flow rate from the bottom of the column is 24 lbm per hour. The composition of the bottom stream is 83.3% water (by weight), 12.5 % ethanol and 4.2 % methanol. The system is assumed to be operating at steady state and no reactions are occurring in the system. 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 29 a) Set up the species accounting and total mass conservation equation for the system. b) Make the proper assumptions, and solve for the unknows. c) Determine the composition and mass flow rate of the distillate Since the system is steady state and no reactions are occurring in the system, mass conservation reduces to: 0 (m ) (m )out . i in i We let the input feed stream be labeled "F", the distillate stream be "D" and the bottom stream be "B." We can now write conservation of mass (rate form) in table form: 2000, W. E. Haisler 30 Conservation of Mass (m ) i in Species Stream F (lbm/hr) = (m )out i Stream B Stream D (lbm/hr) (lbm/hr) Water 25 Ethanol 10 Methanol 5 __________ Total 40 = = = 0.833(24) 0.125(24) 0.042(24) ________ 24 = + + + + ? ? ? _____ ? The distillate stream (D) can now be easily solved for: Water = 5 (lbm/hr), Ethanol = 7 (lbm/hr), Methanol = 4 (lbm/hr) and Total = 16. The composition on a mass basis of the distillate is easily calculated: Water = (5/16) 100% = 31.2%, Ethanol = 43.8% and Methanol = 25%. 2000, W. E. Haisler 31 Conservation of Mass Multiple Unit Processes Multiple unit processes involve flow of mass from one system into another; often as a "chain" of systems. An example schematic is shown below. A B C In the above, A, B and C can be treated as individual systems. In addition, a system boundry can be drawn around the combination of A, B and C. See p. 50-52 for an example. 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 32 Recycle and Bypass Systems In many processes, such as reactions and separation, some of the material that leaves the system is introduced back into the system as a recycle stream. Bypass streams are used to remove material that requires no further processing. A schematic of a recycle and bypass system is shown below. Bypass Stream Recycle Stream 2000, W. E. Haisler 33 Conservation of Mass Example: A membrane system is used to filter waster products from the blood stream. R=recycle stream Filtered Blood A Mem bran e Unfiltered Blood U 25 g/min 0.17 wgt % waste R F W Pure Waste 30 mg/min B The membrane can extract 30 mg/min of waste , without removing any blood. The waste concentration in the entering blood is 0.17 wgt %, and the flow rate of blood is 25 g/min. A recyle stream is used to help control the concentration of the waste before it enters the membrane. 2000, W. E. Haisler Conservation of Mass 34 a) If the recycle rate is twice that of the filtered blood rate, what is the composition at A? b) If the composition at A is to be 0.1 % waste, what must be the recycle rate, assuming streams U, W and F remain the same? We first label the individual streams U, F, W, A, B, and R as shown on the sketch. U=unfiltered blood, A=input stream to filter (A=U stream + R stream), B = output stream from filter, F=filtered blood, W = pure waste, R=recycle stream. We can draw several “systems.” We will choose the membrane plus recycle stream as the first system. 2000, W. E. Haisler 35 Conservation of Mass R=recycle stream Filtered Blood U A Mem brane Unfiltered Blood 25 g/min 0.17 wgt % waste R F W Pure Waste 30 mg/min B We start with the rate equation d (m ) sys i (m ) (m )out (m )gen (m )con i in i i i dt For steady state and no gen/con in the system, the above reduces to (m ) (m )out . We construct the mass balance table: i in i 2000, W. E. Haisler 36 Conservation of Mass Note that the Recycle Stream is inside the system and does not enter into the mass in and out terms. Species Blood Waste Total (m ) i in Stream U (g/min) = 0.9983(25) = 0.0017(25) = __________ 25.0 = (m )out i Stream W Stream F (g/min) (g/min) 0 0.030 ______ 0.030 + + + ? ? _____ ? From the above, we conclude that for stream F the filtered blood flow rate is 24.9575 g/min, the waste flow rate is 0.0125 g/min or 12.5 mg/min and the total flow rate is 24.9700 g/min. The filtered blood contains 0.05 % waste (0.125/24.97x100%) 2000, W. E. Haisler 37 Conservation of Mass To evaluate stream A we can consider the junction of streams U, R and A as a system: R=recycle stream Filtered Blood U A Mem brane Unfiltered Blood 25 g/min 0.17 wgt % waste R F W Pure Waste 30 mg/min B We write the mass balance equation for the A, U and R streams: 2000, W. E. Haisler 38 Conservation of Mass Note: The factor of 2 in stream R comes from the problem statement which states the recycle rate (stream R) is twice that of the filtered blood rate (stream F). Species Blood Waste Total = (m ) i in Stream U Stream R (g/min) (g/min) 24.9575 + 2(24.9575) 0.0425 + 2(0.0125) __________ ______ 25.0 + 2(24.9700) = = = (m )out i Stream A (g/min) ? ? _____ ? From the above, stream A consists of 74.8725 g/min blood, 0.0675 g/min of waste, total mass rate of 74.9400 g/min and the waste in stream A is 0.09% by mass. 2000, W. E. Haisler 39 Conservation of Mass We finally take the membrane itself as the system and construct the following table to evaluate stream B: Species Blood Waste Total (m ) i in Stream A (g/min) = 74.8725 = 0.0675 = __________ 74.9400 = (m )out i Stream W Stream B (g/min) (g/min) 0 0.030 ______ 0.030 + + + ? ? _____ ? From the above, stream B consists of 74.8725 g/min blood, 0.0375 g/min of waste, total mass rate of 74.9100 g/min. 2000, W. E. Haisler 40 Conservation of Mass For part b) we wish to determine the recycle rate so that the composition in stream A is 0.10% waste (assuming that streams U, W, and F remain the same). Again, we assume steady state and no net generation. Schematically, we take the membrane as the system. The flow rates in streams A and B are unknown. R=recycle stream A Mem brane Unfiltered Blood U 25 g/min 0.17 wgt % waste R Filtered Blood 24.9575 g/min blood F 0.0125 g/min waste W Pure Waste 30 mg/min B We construct our mass conservation table for the membrane: 2000, W. E. Haisler Species Blood Waste Total 41 Conservation of Mass (m ) i in Stream A (g/min) = 0.999A = 0.001A = __________ A = (m )out i Stream W Stream B (g/min) (g/min) 0 0.03 ______ 0.03 + 0.9995B + 0.0005B _____ + B Solving the Blood and Waste equations simultaneously, we obtain stream A Total = 59.97 g/min and stream B total = 59.94. 2000, W. E. Haisler 42 Conservation of Mass The recycle rate will have changed since stream B has changed. Again, we draw a schematic of system and take the juncuture of the B, F and R streams. R=recycle stream A Mem brane Unfiltered Blood U 25 g/min 0.17 wgt % waste R Filtered Blood 24.9575 g/min blood F 0.0125 g/min waste W Pure Waste 30 mg/min B We write mass conservation for the B, F and R streams in table form: 2000, W. E. Haisler Species Blood Waste Total 43 Conservation of Mass (m ) i in Stream B (g/min) = 59.91 = 0.03 = __________ 59.94 = (m )out i Stream F Stream R (g/min) (g/min) 24.9575 0.0125 ______ 24.97 + + + ? ? _____ ? Solving the Blood and Waste equations simultaneously, we obtain stream A Total = 59.97 g/min and stream B total = 59.94. Consequently, the recycle stream R flow rates are: Stream R blood=34.9525 g/min, stream R waste=0.0175 g/min and stream R total=34.97 g/min.