ADDENDUM THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORTS FOR THE TOWNS OF SABIRABAD AND SAATLI, DATED APRİL 2011 RESPECTIVELY ON THE PROPOSALS TO BUILD A JOINT WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS FOR SABIRABAD AND SAATLI ON A NEW SITE, AND TO ESTABLISH A NEW WATER INTAKE POINT (TALISH WATER INTAKE) Baku, July 2013 PROPOSAL TO BUILD A JOINT WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT FOR SABIRABAD AND SAATLI ON A NEW SITE 1. BACKGROUND The waste water treatment facilities for cities of Sabirabad and Saatli have been envisaged as two separate units under the initial design. The Environmental Impact Assessment Reports have been prepared in April 2011 for each site and considered the associated impacts and mitigation measures. However, in course of the project implementation new considerations arose which led to a new engineering decision, namely to build a joint waste water treatment plant which would be serving both Sabirabad and Saatli. Those considerations are as follows: construction of a joint WWTP instead of two separate ones is a less costly solution; construction and operation of one WWTP instead of two facilities is associated with less environmental risks; the proposed WWTP, while being at a proper distance form both towns, is close to the discharge point, which minimizes the environmental risks associated with transporting the treated effluent from the WWTP site. 2. DESCRIPTION AND ASSESMENT OF PROPOSED SITE The site proposed for the construction of the joint WWTP and related infrastructure for the towns Sabirabad and Saatli is located approximately in the middle of two regions (please see Map), namely11 km east from the residential areas of Saatli and 9 km south –east from the residential areas of Sabirabad. There are no water bodies in project area. Figure 1 Location of WWTP area Total area of the WWTP is 8 ha. The area where the WWTP will be built belongs to Sabirabad region Galagayin municipality. At present the area is leased to local owner for cotton-growing. According to the law of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic № 987-III Q “On owning lands for needs of the state” on April 20, 2010 this area will be taken out from municipality’s balance and given to state balance. After that Azersu JSC will buy this area from local Executive Power and will privatize. After these local municipality will made new agreement with renter. According this agreement municipality can give new area or compensation. Land acquisition documents are being implemented by Geodesy department of Azersu JSC. After the conclusion of the documents required by the World Bank's resettlement policy will be clear. It is expecting the relocation policy documents till June 2014. The area of WWTP and land owners have been shown in figure 2 and 3. Figure 2. The area of WWTP Figure 3 High saltiness areas organize 44-61% in the Mughan and Mill plains. Hydro-carbonate type salting is observed in the big territories. Cotton, grain and other plants are brought up in studied area. Sanitary guarding strip of the WWTP will be built appropriating to the norms and will have no negative impact on surrounded sowing area. The WWTP will be built according to ATV-DVWK-A and SNIP 2.04.03-85 standarts. Mill-Mughan plain's geomorphological condition forming has happened in the result of accumulative activity of the Kur-Araz rivers and their small arms. Relief forms of the basic plain are alluvial-proluvial, delluvial-proluvial type in the territory. Horizons of high pressure and with underground water have formed in the investigating area. Chemical composition of the sweet waters consists of hydro carbonate-sulphate and sulphate. But in the chemical composition of the salty waters chlorine has very big prevalence. Chemical composition of the pressured waters consists of sulphate chloride, chloride-sulphate and chloride. Mineralization degree of these waters varies from 5-10g/l to 35 g/l or in higher intervals. Underground waters have spread in the territory. Rocks keeping water consists of small grainy sands, sands and sometimes of little grainy sands in the investigating area. Thickness of the layers consisting of these rocks is between 0,5-5,0 m. Sometimes reaches 10m. Underground water horizonts have been formed by clayey, sandy loam and thick sand layers in investigated area. Filter coefficients of these rocks is changing between 0.017-2.7 m/day. Sleeping depth from the earth level of the underground waters is almost varies between 0-1,0 m in the project site. This depth reaches 1,2-1,5 m in some places. Generally, sleep depth of the grunt waters is in 0,1, 2-3 intervals in big territories of the plains. Sleeping depth more than 510 m and 10 m is only observed in foothills and edge areas. High mineralized underground waters are typical for plains territories. So, mineralization degree of underground waters changes between 3-5 g/l and 25-50 g/l in the area. Chemical compositions of the underground waters in these plains are of hydro carbonate, sulphate-hydro-chloride, chloride carbonate sulphate and chloride type. Most widespread grunt types are chloride, chloride sulphate and chloride. Underground waters have been appeared in all wells drilled in WWTP area. Underground waters sleeping depth is changing between 2.0-2,5 m (march 2012). Underground waters mineralization degree is changing between 3,3-22 g/l. General coarsenesses is 9-207 mg.ekv/l, PH-7,8, sulphate ion quantity is 1100-5700 mg/l. Water is weak, middle and strong aggressive because of chemical composition against concrete. Underground water of the viewed area is useless for drinking. Here for reducing the level of the underground water collector drainage network was constructed. There will be no connection between the treated water of WWTP and underground water, so that treated water will be flown directly to Shorsu collector. Shorsu collector is the branch of Bash Mil-Mugan collector. Construction of Bash Mil-Mugan collector began in 1984. The construction of the collector will provide giving 235 thousand ha additional area improved by meliorative side. Total length of Bash Mil-Mugan collector with its brunches is 185,89 km. The water discharge of the collector where the collector flows to the Caspian sea is 107,0 m3/sec and in the lower part the width from the bottom is 70-50m. Figure 4. Collector network The discharged water from WWTP will be flown to Shorsu collector. As the permeability capacity of the collector is sufficeint, there will be no problem in the transportation of the useless water (maximum flow 80000 m3/day- 0.92 m3/sec) from WWTP. Cross-section profile of the collector in discharge point is given figure 5. The width of the canal from surface is 16m,width in the bottom is 4m,water permeability capacity is 9.2 m3/sec. Figure 5: Cross section of collector in discharge point Figure 6 WWTP scheme 3. PROPOSED WASTER WATER TREATMENT ANTICIPATED QUALITY OF EFFLUENT METHODOLOGY AND The sewerage service area and collection network will include the rayon centres of Sabirabad and Saatli with their close proximity, and the following villages along the interceptor sewer: (i) Sabirabad rayon: Kurkendi ve Qaralar to SPS-2 Suqavuşan ve Qasadli to SPS-5 Balakend to SPS-6 Qalayın ve Bulaqlı to SPS-7 (ii) Saatli rayon Mustafabeyli Yeni Novrozlu Beyliq Qıraqlı The total population of these villages with urban centers of Sabirabad and Saatli in 2030 will be 51,929 and 30,845 inhabitants. The sewerage network will be the gravity flow type and is estimated as 90% of peak hour flow rates. The collector sewer will be terminated at the inlet pumping station of the selected treatment plant site. The sewer dimensions are determined based of number of settlements to be served and the respective wastewater flows. In Sabirabad 96,746 km sewerage network including 16,856 km collectors will be designed. The diameter of the collector sewer is sized for the entire service area. In Saatli 121,029 km sewerage network including 18,701 km collector will be designed. The flows for both regions were calculated for a specific forecasted water demand of 120 l/capita * day for 2030 and a wastewater generation factor of 1 which corresponds to the German sanitary engineering practice. For definition of Dry Weather Flow (DWF) and of Wet Weather Flow (WWF) a surcharge of 50% of the generated wastewater flow for extraneous water were considered according to German engineering practice (ref. to DVWK-ATV-A-118). No differentiation between dry and wet weather was made. The peak dry-weather hour flow was defined at 2 times the generated average daily wastewater flow. The maximum flow (wet weather flow - WWF) (80000 m3/day)to be treated in the WWTP will occur under wet weather conditions and it has been limited to a factor of 1.6 of the maximum generated dry-weather hourly flow plus the extraneous flow for all locations. Figure 7 Location of the new WWTP The population equivalent and untreated wastewater flows were considered for a design horizon of 20 years, i.e. for year 2030. The pollution loads are expressed in terms of BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand at 20°C), COD (chemical oxygen demand) and TSS (total suspended solids) on which basis the WWTP has been dimensioned. These values were estimated on unit mass loadings of 50 g BOD5/(c d), 100 g COD/(c d) and 60 g TSS/(c d) which were previously applied in projects in Azerbaijan and correspond to a typical composition of municipal raw sewage with medium to low industry impact. The concentrations calculated on this basis reflect figures higher than medium strength and they are considered adequate due to the fact that an organic surcharge coming from future polluting industries or faecal sludge from septic pits can not be excluded at this stage. A septic station was foreseen for such purposes. The septic can be received and treated according to a loading plan to be established and adapted to the actual requirements after start-up of the plant. As no sensitive water bodies are used as receptors, the figures shown for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN-N) and Phosphorus have an indicative character related to their removal but TKN is used for estimation of the oxygen requirement due to nitrificantes respiration. Quality effluent standards and removal percentage The effluent standards set up in EU Directive 91/271 Urban Wastewater Treatment must be fulfilled: - Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5 at 20°C) < = 25 mg/l - Chemical oxygen demand (COD) < = 125 mg/l - Total suspended solids < = 35 mg/l Based on this, the following minimal percentage of removal or treatment efficiency will be achieved: - BOD5 - COD > = 90 % > = 75 % - TSS > = 90 % 1 - For the future final stage of the WWTP with secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment the effluent standard shall be according to the EU Directive 91/271/EC. The implementation of the WWTP is foreseen in the following three Stages. Only the 1st stage is content of the project. The following two stages have to be considered in the design phase of this project. 1st stage: - Only mechanical treatment: max. flow 80,000 m³/d, consisting of - - inlet pumping station with coarse screens, - - fine screens with screening wash press, - - sand and grease trap with sand washer and grease sieving drum, - - blower for sand trap 2nd stage: Mechanical treatment for max. flow of 80,000 m³/d and 50% of biological treatment for 30,000 m³/d average flow, consisting of: - - 1st stage mechanical treatment (to be implemented in this project) - primary sedimentation tanks - 50% activated sludge tanks - blower station - 50% secondary sedimentation tanks - return/surplus sludge pumping station - - disk filtration - UV-disinfection - - 50% sludge treatment plant 3rd stage: Mechanical treatment for max. 80,000 m3/d and 100% biological treatment for 60,000 m3/d average flow, consisting of: - 1 - 1st and 2nd stage mechanical, biological, sludge treatment According to 91/271/EEC this requirement is optional - - + further 50% activated sludge tanks - - + further 50% secondary sedimentation tanks - - + further 50% sludge treatment plant The urban centers of Sabirabad and Saatli are both located in a low inclined area. This condition causes laying of collection pipelines in deep to transfer the wastewater by gravity or intermediate pump stations. The site proposed for the construction of the joint WWTP and related infrastructure for the towns Sabirabad and Saatli is located approximately in the middle of two regions, namely11 km east from the residential areas of Saatli and 9 km south – east from the residential areas of Sabirabad The flow from the villages Qalagayın, Kurkendi, Suqavuşan, Qafarli, Qaralar, Asadli, Bulaqlı, Balakent will discharge at separate points connected into a single network. All wastewater will be collected at the SPS8 and then pumped to the WWTP. And finally the treated wastewater will be pumped to salty water drainage canal as near as possible to new WWTP. An improved wastewater collection network and collector are proposed for Sabirabad and Saatli urban centers and villages for 2030 populations of over 52,344 and 30,845 people, is composed of a collection network and a wastewater treatment plant to serve the 100% of the proposed service area said above. The capacity of WWTP is 60,000 m3/day. Stabilization of the sludge shall also be simultaneously realized in the aeration tanks. The plant is designed to achieve the EU Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Wastewater Treatment without nutrient removal requirements. The sludge is generated in a process of waste water treatment. The volume of sludge is estimated as 93% of inflow water. Thus approximately 22,320 kg/day sludge will be generated. (* Sludge volume (kg/day) W= inflow water volume (Q m3/day) x SS density (400 mg/l x 0.93 x 10-3) The design flow to be treated in the treatment plant is the maximum hourly dry-weather flow 436.74 lt/sec. Further on, the treatment plant is capable of discharging the maximum wet weather flow (MWWF) through one of the two lines into the receiving water tanks at maximum water levels (to be determined during detailed design). The final disposal of the treated effluent is the nearest salty collector drainage named Shor Su Canal. Distance from WWTP to to collector is 20-30 m (see figure 2). The E-ASS technology is well proven worldwide and it can be expanded in the future if it will be necessary to achieve more stringent requirements as the above mentioned. With this process the sludge will be stabilized within the same aeration reactor without the need of separate sludge stabilization. The excess sludge will be thickened in thickener tanks before being conveyed to conventional sand drying beds for dewatering process. This approach is the most recommendable and widely used method of sludge dewatering when land is available. The principal advantages of drying beds are low cost, infrequent attention required and high solids content in the dried product. Sludge Treatment and Disposal The byproduct obtained in the operation of a WWTP includes screenings, grit, scum and sludge which can be in different forms depending on the unit treatment process utilized. Sewage sludge are by far the largest in volume having potentially beneficial properties, particularly with regard to nutrient content, but also containing potentially putrescible organic matters, pathogens and eventually toxic heavy metals. Once the disposal route has been defined the sludge has to be processed according. The processing (handling and treatment) options are depicted in the next table: Table 1 Sludge processing methods Steps Conditioning Thickening Dewatering Stabilisation and/or disinfection Thermal Drying Types of Processes Chemical conditioning Thermal Conditioning Gravity thickening Gravity belt thickener Dissolved air flotation Drying beds Centrifuging Filter belt Filter press Biological processes: Anaerobic digestion Aerobic digestion Long term liquid storage Composting Chemical processes: Lime treatment Nitrite Treatment Physical processes Thermal Drying Pasteurisation Direct Indirect Objectives Sludge structure modification Improvement for further treatment Obtain sufficient density, strength and solids content to permit hauling for further disposal process Reduce the water content of the sludge Reduce the water content of the sludge Stabilized sludge reduce the odour generation Reduce the pathogen content of the sludge Energy can be recovered by anaerobic digestion Highly reduce the water content The most applied options which are now available for disposal are incineration, land-fill or reuse in agriculture. Incineration is an option used in large WWTP installations with an important influence or impact of industrial effluents for the ultimate disposal of i.e. contaminated sludges. In some cases, however, it may be the most cost-effective option, regardless of the state of contamination. Debris as screenings and grit removed can be co-incinerated. Usually it is expected debris and sludge to have an organic content as high as possible and to be as dry as possible as there is no point in using fuel to evaporate water. Stack and odour emissions from the incinerator are subject to authorization by the Environment Agency. The land-fill disposal has constituted one of the most applied disposal route up to now. Some directives establish minimum solids concentrations of the sludge or organic content in addition to the content of heavy metals as pre-condition for co-disposing in municipal land-fill. A codisposal of screenings and grit is possible too. Depending of the legislation it could be required that screenings and grit after reduction of organic content shall be lime stabilized. As a rule of thumb, the disposal to agricultural land is allowed if the sludge has been previously digested and complies with the requirements issued in the legislation regarding i.e. to dissemination and control of heavy metals into the environment. The treated sludge application shall be in line with the requirements of the crops in order to avoid leaching of nutrients in the groundwater (especially Nitrates) and phosphorous (surface waters). Other possible paths include the application e.g. in gardens or golf courses in which case the treatment shall include measures for efficient removal of pathogens in terms of fecal coliforms, helminth eggs and salmonella. In the past, screenings and grit were co-buried on site. This practice is overtaken as well as an application on the agriculture due the harm coming from some constituents of these by-products. From the before mentioned processing and disposing alternatives for solids and bio-solids removed in a WWTP it was decided to dispose them in the landfill as the town administration plans the establishment of the landfill next to the WWTP. Other options go beyond of the present FS and should be analyzed in the frame of an extra sludge strategy study. The excess sludge will be co-stabilized in the bio-reactors (extended aeration) and dewatered up to a dewatering grade of 40% in covered sludge drying beds. 4. POTENTIAL IMPACTS The environmental risks associated with the newly proposed location of the WWTP have been analyzed. The anticipated impacts, both positive and negative, are expected to occur during the construction of the WWTP and related infrastructure, and during the operation of the WWTP. (i)Impacts during the construction phase include: - dust generation; During construction, noise from the construction area and operation of construction machines will be generated. However planned area is not located in residential area, thus it is not likely to give significant impact. Operation facilities may generate noise, however these facilities will be placed inside of sound proof building, thus it is not likely to have serious impact to surrounding inhabitants. - impacts from noise and vibration from construction machinery; During construction, noise from the construction area and operation of construction machines will be generated. However planned area of new WWTP is not located in residential area, thus it is not likely to give significant impact. During construction of canalization pipeline there will be impact to residential area Operation facilities may generate noise, however these facilities will be placed inside of sound proof building, thus it is not likely to have serious impact to surrounding inhabitants. - disturbance to traffic and pedestrians; safety issues The main effects on the local community during construction are associated with the considerable disruption that the works will have within the town through excavation of defunct infrastructure and installation of new sewer pipes in the roads. The proximity of the works to residents also raises the issue of health and safety, as well as traffic disruption and interference with access to houses, work places and public buildings such as hospitals and schools. Generally public works will create employment, and most of the workers will be hired in the nearest town and village. Furthermore, their consumption will take place in the same residential area. Hence this development project will not give any impacts on this item. Few activities to cause adverse impact may be observed. The following measures will be taken to protect the health of personnel working in polluted areas: • Health and safety training will be conducted as part of the project induction for all workers; • All personnel will be supplied with special coveralls and the minimum PPE; • Personnel working in excavation of polluted soils and collection, loading, transportation and disposal of sewage waters will be supplied with protective safety glasses, gloves, long rubber boots and dust masks; • Mobile shower cabins will be set up for personnel; • Personnel will pass regular medical check-ups. • Use of asbestos and other dangerous substances is not planned. As referenced earlier, impacts on people and their economic activity, public transport and agricultural activities during construction phase are possible. Construction sites will be divided into sections, works will be planned according to a schedule prepared beforehand and people and organizations will be notified ahead of time. Borders of construction sites will be marked, safety boards will be placed, signs regulating movement of pedestrians and traffic will be erected. - Damage to soil due to excavation works; Spills of fuel, oil and other liquids have the potential to cause contamination of soil and groundwater. The Contractor shall implement measures to contain such spills and avoid contamination as much as possible. However, it is possible that some contamination may occur and the Contractor will be required to implement remediation measures in accordance with project and national requirements. The area is susceptible to surface erosion, especially after heavy rain; therefore efforts will be made to reduce the potential for soil erosion during construction activities. Temporary berms will be constructed where necessary to control any run-off to prevent rills or galleys from forming or soil wash out to surface water features. Correct groundwork and compaction will be specified in the contract documentation to prevent soil erosion. - Generation of solid and liquid wastes on construction site and by the construction camp: During the construction there will be a different type of solid waste. It may create problems for the surrounding areas and also for human health if not managed well. Inert, solid waste (metals, asphalt chunks, rocks, concrete, gravel, sand etc.) will be generated during drilling wells and pipeline installation operations. The replacement and installation of sewer pipes in the town will include removal of asphalt surface and importation of suitable padding and backfill (eg sand) as well as backfilling using suitable excavated material.Repair of paved roads and walkways and asphalt surfaces will also be required. Solid wastes generated in construction sites and during the construction of pipelines and sewer drains will be transported by the construction contractor. Transportation and disposal of such waste will be agreed with local executive authority and regional department of MENR, as necessary. (ii) Impacts during the operation include: - Impacts on receiving water The effluent will finally be discharged to the salinized water collector Shor Su Canal. The current quality of the receiving water is specified in the Table below and is compared with the parameters of the treated effluent. As demonstrated, with quality of effluent meeting the standards set forth by the EU Directive 91/271 Urban Wastewater Treatment, the discharged effluent will not provide a significant impact on the receiving waters. Design parameters of wastewater passing into wastewater treatment unit Table 1: Design parameters at intake Parameter Unit BIG RESIDENTIAL AREAS (units with wastewater flow of more than 15.000 m3/day) SMALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS (units with wastewater flow of less than 15.000 m3/day) Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) mg/liter 350 280 Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/liter 700 560 Suspended solids (SS) mg/liter 400 400 Nitrogen (N) mg/liter 60 50 Phosphorus (P) mg/liter 10 8 lowest temperature of waste water (Tmin) °C 15 15 highest temperature of waste water (Tmax) °C 25 25 Sludge age – 2035 (S2035) day 8 – 12 10 – 12 Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) mg/liter 3700 – 4500 3700 – 4500 Sludge volume index ml/liter 100 100 Return activated sludge (RAS), percentage % 75 75 Note: The category “big residential areas” shall be applied. Flows and Loads Table 2: Flow Parameters Stages Flow Parameter Unit 1st /2nd stage 3rd stage Max. daily wet weather flow m³/d 80,000 80,000 Average daily flow m³/d 30,000 60,000 Average hourly dry weather flow m³/h 1,250 2,500 Max. hourly dry weather flow m³/h 2,928 2,928 Max. hourly wet weather flow m³/h 3,333 3,333 Min. hourly flow m³/h 362 362 Table 3: Load Parameter Stages Load Parameter Unit 1st /2nd stage 3rd stage BOD5 loading (1) kg/d 10,500 21,000 COD loading(1) kg/d 21,000 42,000 TSS loading kg/d 12,000 24,000 P loading kg/d 300 600 N loading kg/d 1,800 3,600 Effluent Standards The final effluents shall comply with the requirements for discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants subject to Articles 4 and 5 of Directive 91/271/EC requirements. The values for concentration or for the percentage of reduction shall apply. Table 4: Requirements for discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants (BOD/COD/SS). Reference: EU Directive 91/271/EC. Parameters Concentration Minimum percentage of reduction (%) (1) Reference method of measurement Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5 at 20°C) without nitrification (2) 25 mg/l O2 70 - 90 Homogenized, unfiltered undecanted sample. Determination of dissolved oxygen before and after five-day incubation at 20°C ± 1°C, in complete darkness. Addition of a nitrification inhibitor Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 125 mg/l O2 75 Homogenized, unfiltered undecanted sample. Potassium dichromate Total suspended solids 35 mg/l O2 90 - Filtering a representative sample through a 0.45 μm filter membrane. Drying at 105°C and weighing - Centrifuging of a representative sample (for at least five mins with mean acceleration of 2,800 to 3,200 g), drying at 105°C and weighing (1) (2) Reduction in relation to the load of the influent. The parameter can be replaced by another parameter: Total organic carbon (TOC) or total oxygen demand (TOD) if a relationship can be established between BOD5 and the substitute parameter. Table 5: Requirements for discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants to sensitive areas regarding phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Reference: EU Directive 91/271/EC. Parameters Concentration Total Phosphorus 2 mg/l P (10,000 – 100,000 PE) Minimum percentage of reduction (%) (1) Reference method of measurement 80 Molecular absorption spectrophotometry 70 - 80 Molecular absorption spectrophotometry 1 mg/l P (more than 100,000 PE) Total Nitrogen (2) 15 mg/l N (10,000 – 100,000 PE) 10 mg/l N (more than 100,000 PE) (3) (1) Reduction in relation to the load of the influent. (2) Total nitrogen means: the sum of total Kjeldahl-nitrogen (organic N+NH4), nitrate (NO3)-nitrogen and nitrite (NO2)-nitrogen. (3) Alternatively, the daily average must not exceed 20 mg/l N. This requirement refers to a water temperature of 12°C or more during the operation of the biological reactor of the wastewater treatment plant. As a substitute for the condition concerning the temperature, it is possible to apply a limited time of operation, which takes into account the regional climatic conditions. Table 7. Water Quality analysis results of Shor su Collector in Sabirabad № Item 1 2 3 Transparency TSS Electrical conductivity 4 Dissolved oxygen 5 ODOR, ORGANOLEPTIK METHOD 6 COLOR, ORGANOLEPTIK METHOD Unit Sm Measurement value at Discharge point x10-3 S/ sm mg/l % 10 14.1 3.800 3,12 28,5 - odorless - colorless - 8.1 7 pH 8 BOD5 MG/L 24 9 CODCR MG/L 83 10 Total hardness mg.ekv/l 22,5 11 Cа2+ mg/l 240,5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mg2+ ClSO42HCO3CO32Na+ + K+ Total ion mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 118,1 361,1 1412,3 236.6 0 810,0 3812,3 19 20 21 22 23 24 NO2NО3NH4 + Total nitrogen PO43total phospohorus mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 0,09 3.12 0,81 4.13 0,17 0,21 Table 8. Water Quality at the Planned Discharge Points Average daily water discharge Volume (m3/day) Site Name Discharge Point Shor su collector Sabirabad and Saatli Effluent standrats Current Water Quality 60000 BOD5 CODCr TSS T-N T-P (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 24 83 14.1 4.1 0.2 25 125 35 5 2 Odor Offensive odor is observed at areas near places where waste waters are currently discharged in both regions. This damages the environment and the human health. The proposed joint WWTP is located in non-residential area and it is at 820 m distance from the nearest residential area (Figure 8). No other facilities are located nearby. Wind rose Figure 8. Wind direction and WWTP location The operation of the new WWTP, the quality of discharged effluent will be in accordance with the EU Directive 91/271 Urban Wastewater Treatment, and will represent considerably improved situation compared to the existing baseline. This will ease the burden on the environment. The social implications of the operation of the new WWTP will be through improved access of local population to sanitation services, reduced health risks and the reduced risks of the water borne diseases. After operating the WWTP the water will be treated according to EU Standards and it will be positive impact to the environment. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN The environmental impacts identified in Section 4 above will be addressed through the implementation of the Environmental Mitigation Plan. The responsibility for the implementation of the EMP will be borne by Contractor. The Construction Supervision Consultant will be responsible for regular monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures by Contractor. The PIU Environmental Specialist will undertake periodical supervision of environmental compliance of both Contractor and Supervision Consultant. The status of the EMP implementation shall be reflected in the PIU projects progress reporting of the Bank. Introduction This section of the report presents an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the Saatli and Sabirabad scheme, which outlines the management mechanisms (i.e. working arrangements) for how the environmental and social elements of the project will be managed from detailed design and construction through operation. The implementation of mitigation measures and emergency measures shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall ensure compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations and conventions. The principal responsibility for environmental monitoring lies with the AZERSU. General mitigation during construction The Contractor will be contractually required to conform to the requirements specified in the EMP and will be accountable to AZERSU, as the client, through its Project Implementation Unit (PIU). There are several mechanisms of ensuring delivery during construction of both general and site specific mitigation developed in EIAs. One mechanism involves requiring the Contractor to further develop the outline requirements in an EMP by designing individual Management Plans (MPs), such as oil and fuel storage, waste management, traffic management and pollution prevention. This approach is favoured for the project, as it encourages early evaluation of these aspects by the contractor and he produces a set of MPs that can be checked and verified on site and are auditable through the monitoring process. The following table (Table 5-1) outlines the content of the MPs to be produced by the contractor and their development will be assisted by the Environmental Specialistfrom AZERSU PIU. Table 9: List of Management Plans Environmental Plan Outline of Contents Waste Management Measures to reduce, handle, separate, store and dispose waste from operations and work sites. Requirements for monitoring, recording, inspection and reporting. Instructions for the storage and handling of various types of hazardous materials Measures to control, collect, treat or reuse wastewater from various sources to avoid pollution. Measures to reduce and control air emission from various sources. Requirements for monitoring, recording, inspection and reporting. Measures to reduce and control dust emissions from roads, work sites and construction activities. Requirements for monitoring, recording, inspection and reporting. Measures to reduce and control noise and vibrations generated by plant at all work sites and from transport activities. Requirements for monitoring, recording, inspection and reporting. Procedures for response to a range of incidents and emergencies. Requirements for monitoring, recording, inspection and reporting. Procedures for minimising disruption to traffic and access, especially for public buildings such as hospitals and schools Measures to reduce adverse impacts on cultural heritage during construction. If any late finds are made measures must be taken to ensure „conservation‟ in accordance with legislation. Specification for storage of all oils and fuels (secondary containment etc) and procedures for refuelling vehicles, plant and equipment so as to ensure environmental protection Procedures for site inspection and reporting including notification of non-compliance Procedures for handling of complaints including response to complainer and reporting. Waste Water Management Air Quality Control Dust Control Noise and Vibration Control Emergency Response Traffic Management Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Oil and fuel storage and refuelling Site Inspection Handling of Complaints and Grievances Environmental Training Storage and use of hazardous products & substances Reinstatement - Project Induction - Toolbox talks Training requirements and procedures including target groups, contents of training sessions and verification Registration, logging of material safety data sheets and risk assessment of materials and chemicals being used in the project. Documentation requirements. Plan for removal of all equipment and materials from Plan temporary work sites and reinstatement of areas to a standard at least as good as the pre-construction condition. As is the case in many countries with developing economies, there is an absence of compliant hazardous waste disposal facilities in Azerbaijan. A Bank financed waste facility has been constructed in Sumgayit near Baku, but costs of transporting waste are likely to be prohibitive for the contractor and eventually all rayon centres should provide such facilities. In this respect, the only practicable course of action to avoid environmental damage caused by hazardous waste is for the material to be stored on site properly and securely by the contractor and then transfer this material to a specially designed storage facility in Sabirabad and Saatli. This new facility should be operated by the municipality and/or AZERSU and a cost allowance has been made in the EMP accordingly. Emergency planning During the construction phase Emergency plans will be prepared by Contractor. The Emergency plans will determine the responses to unforeseen incidents and accidents and allow co-ordination with the Emergency Services as appropriate. The Contractor shall set up emergency procedures for the construction phase. The basis for emergency response and planning is firstly incident prevention, and secondly rendering any incidents harmless. The priorities for protection in an emergency situation are the following: • Human life and health; • The environment; • Assets belonging to Client and the Contractor; • Maintenance of normal operations on site. The protection of human life, health and the environment shall be primarily dealt within the Contractor's Environmental, Health and Safety Plan. The Contractor shall also take all reasonable measures to prevent contamination of water, air or land as a result of any incident, to reduce such contamination if it is unavoidable and to remediate any contamination that has occurred during the works. The Contractor shall immediately report any significant incidents to AZERSU and if relevant MENR. Appropriate measures against fire will be taken in compliance with existing laws and safety rules. These measures are as follows: • Fire fighting equipment will be placed in all sites having fire potential; • All personnel will be trained on fire fighting. Monitoring During the construction phase ongoing monitoring will be conducted to ensure compliance to the environmental and social requirements and standards. Operational monitoring will essentially comprise performance monitoring of the efficiency of the WWTP, from which it will be possible to gauge environmental enhancement, as downstream monitoring will indicate pollution levels and record general environmental quality through observations. The main elements of the environmental monitoring plan are the following: Construction phase: Dust monitoring; Noise monitoring; Solid wastes monitoring; Waste waters monitoring; Soil monitoring. Operation phase: Monitoring of water volume in water sources and water storages; Monitoring of microbiological and chemical composition of water distributed to people, comparison to water standards; Monitoring of pollution load of sewage; Monitoring of treatment effluent; Monitoring of sludge quality in the plant; Monitoring of sludge disposal sites to check for any contamination; Establishing a laboratory (for monitoring sanitary condition of waters) at Sabirabad and Saatli Water Canal Department. The environmental monitoring records shall be submitted by the Contractor in a monthly progress report to AZERSU. Any non-compliances shall also be reported immediately to AZERSU. The Contractor shall keep and maintain environmental records as a part of their programme of environmental management. These records shall be made available upon request. The records shall include: • Monitoring records; • Reports from any compliance audit performed on the Contractor; • Complaints; • A log of environmental incidents including preventive/remedial actions and photos; • Minutes from meetings and relevant correspondence; • Environmental consents and/or licenses. Environmental records are to be maintained by the Contractor as may be required by ENR. Operational records will be maintained by AZERSU. Operational aspects Sabirabad and Saatli Water Canal Department will be supplied with various modern control, maintenance, measurement equipment and small laboratory, as well as administrative building, vehicles, special equipment for cleaning sewer systems within the project framework. Sewage treatment process will cover mechanical and biological stages, and these waters are planned to be cleaned to irrigation water level. Water and wastewater treatment management will be carried out according to internally compliant procedures of AZERSU. These procedures comply with requirements set by the legislation and management regulations of Azerbaijan Republic. Potential environmental impacts during utilization phase are few, and their management is described below: • Continuous control over water quality and standards; • Control over water consumption; • Prohibiting entrance of people and animals in water protection areas and providing regular guarding; • Continuous control over chlorination process in water storage facilities, accommodating • Chlorine storage in chlorination building to safety rules; • Continuous control over mechanical and biological sewage aeration in sewage treatment works, use of mobile power generator where necessary for providing continuous treatment; • Continuous control over quality (microbiological and chemical composition) of treated effluent; • Researching options of using purified waters for irrigation purposes and for growing technical crops during dry seasons. Conducting consultations with authorized organizations; • Continuous control over sludge processing and quality; • Researching options of using sludge as a fertilizer for agricultural lands or as a compost for landscaping works, in agreement with authorities; • Sludge could be utilized for fertilizing ornamental planting in the many parks in Sabirabad and Saatli town and/or trees planted in road sides. Table 10: Environmental Management Plan Phase, location Issue Mitigation Institutional responsibility Cost Notes Cost note AZM Construction Excavation of trenches for removal of old and laying of new pipelines Disturbance to residents, waste disposal Advanced liaison, public consultation, adhere to working hours and noise & vibration minimisation. Waste management to project procedures. Contractor 20,500 Contractual requirement 1 Sand and gravel borrow pit Disturbance of river bed, water quality, ecosystem disturbance Dust, fumes, workers health and safety, ecosystem disturbance Use existing borrow pits or buy material at licensed operations; requirement for official approval or valid operating license2. Contractor NA Contractual requirement 2 Use existing, licensed asphalt plants and good practice during work. Contractor NA Contractual requirement 3 Damage, pollution to river and riparian areas Adherence to fuel/oil storage, hazardous materials handling & clean up procedures, good soil management and reinstatement Contractor NA Contractual requirement 5 Soil management, drainage interference, water pollution Land resources, agriculture, income Good soil management techniques required, topsoil segregation, good storage and reinstatement to prevent erosion and loss of fertility, pollution prevention measures implemented. Liaise with PAPs prior to works; adhere to RPF, implementation of grievance mechanism; no storage of Contractor NA Contractual requirement 5 Contractor 1,000 Contractual 6 Asphalt laying Mains pipelines construction 2 Options for acquiring sand and gravel and the quantities required are unknown until the contractor mobilises to site and breaks ground. He may apply for a license to extract material using his own equipment or purchase material from a 3rd party. If he intends to extract material himself then a precondition will be environmental evaluation of the site, obtaining the approval and license from the relevant Authority and operation of activities in accordance with best practice, which will include adherence to fuel and oil storage and refuelling, waste management and health and safety. If he purchases material from a 3rd party the contractor is required to undertake a due diligence inspection of the facility to satisfy himself that the above environmental standards are being applied. Phase, location Issue Mitigation Institutional responsibility Cost Notes Cost note AZM generation activities Ecological damage materials on agricultural land or as agreed with landowners. Careful storage of soil and trench sub soil to avoid damaging forest and riparian habitat. requirement Contractor NA Contractual requirement Undertake environmental analysis to limit damage from pipeline routing; best practice for water courses crossings and consider potential for pipeline to act as a drain for water to change hydrology; pipelines should cross streams in the shortest distance possible; construction should be scheduled for during dry flows where feasible. Apply best practice pipeline construction techniques, including water stops in trench, proper backfill, compaction, erosion prevention measures at any water crossings and reinstatement. Consider best practice installation techniques, eg open cut method versus trenchless techniques such as thrust bore, pipe jack, horizontal drilling to minimise environmental damage to water courses and valuable lands and roads etc. Contractor 1,000 Contractual requirement 7 Contractor 10,000 Contractual requirement 8 Contractor NA Contractual requirement 9 Asphalt dust, fumes cover truck load Contractor 10,000 Contractual requirement 10 Stone Dust wet or cover truck load Contractor Contractual requirement 10 Sand and gravel Dust wet or cover truck load Contractor Contractual requirement 10 Waste management Avoidance of pollution Contractor NA Contractual requirement 11 Traffic management noise, vehicle exhaust, road All waste to be managed and disposed of as per agreement with the measures which are specified in this EIA & as agreed with AZERSU during discussions as part of this EIA. Copies of waste transfer/disposal retained on file. Haul material at off peak traffic hours; use alternative routes to minimize major traffic sites Contractor NA Contractual 12 Routing of pipeline Pipeline construction methods Pipeline installation methods Material transport Phase, location Issue Mitigation Institutional responsibility Cost Notes Cost note AZM congestion requirement Construction site Noise and vibration disturbance to residents and workers Access disruption Limit activities to daylight working hours (not between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. or as agreed with public and authorities); equipment operating with noise mufflers Contractor NA Contractual requirement 12 Liaise with residents and any visitors or tourists Contractor 2,000 Contractual requirement 13 Vehicle and pedestrian safety when there is no construction activity Appropriate lighting and well defined safety signs and information to residents Contractor NA Contractual requirement 14 Sludge disposal Dispose without causing pollution or other adverse effect AZERSU NA AZERSU will 15 arrange disposal with MENR local department and municipality. Water quality AZERSU to monitor discharge quality parameters and take remedial action in the event of non-compliance AZERSU NA AZERSU will arrange in liaison with MENR local department 16 Hazardous waste Construct hazardous waste storage facility until Municipality constructs a compliant final disposal facility for hazardous waste. Municipality/A 50,000 AZERSU Cost excluded from the EMP costs for contractor 17 Operation Phase, location Issue Mitigation Institutional responsibility Cost Notes Cost note AZM accountability. TOTAL 1. Cost assumes one public meeting at commencement of construction to inform residents about disturbance issues; cost assumes 1000. Waste management cost assumes removal of contaminated material from trenches and storage at a temporary site pending construction of a waste facility. Quantities assume 100 m 3 at a m3 cost of 200 = 20,000. Final disposal cost cannot be calculated now and will be AZERSU responsibility. 2. No costs are assigned here, as EMP specifies only licensed material can be used. 3. No costs area assigned here; trucks will be covered, which should be standard practice and cost is included in tendered cost. 4. Cost assumes supply and use of drip trays and other containment arrangements and supply of clean-up equipment; cost assumes 10,000 5. No costs are assigned here, as EMP specifies good practice and costs are included in tendered cost. 6. Cost assumes one meeting with nearby residents/land owners at commencement of construction to inform residents about construction issues; cost assumes 1000. 7. Cost assumes walk-over survey by contractor and refining of any route amendments. Cost assumes 1000 8. Cost assumes possible modifications to pipe laying operations e.g. inclusion of water stops to prevent water flow down trench; cost assumes 20 water stops = 10,000. 9. No costs are assigned here, as EMP specifies best practice; already included in tendered cost. 10. Assumes cost of covering trucks cost assumes lump sum 10,000. 11. Cost assumes handling, segregation, storage and transfer of waste to storage facility in Oghuz; cost assumes oil and other waste 10,000. 12. No cost assigned, already in contract. 13. Cost assumes regular meetings and/or information displayed to inform residents about traffic disruption. Cost assumes 2,000. 14. No cost assigned, already in contract. 15. No cost assigned as initial discussions regarding sludge management and its disposal not yet commenced. 16. No costs assigned as responsibility of AZERSU during operation. 17. Cost assumes Municipality construction of a medium to long term storage facility for hazardous waste, which needs to be hard stand, pollution controlled drainage and locked for security and covered. Cost estimate, not based on specified design or obtained construction prices. Table 11: Environmental Monitoring Plan Phase, item Construction What parameter is to be monitored ? Dust Where is the parameter to be monitored? Construction How is the parameter to be monitored?/ type of monitoring equipment When is the parameter to be monitored? (frequency of measurement or continuous) Why is the parameter to be monitored? (optional) Institutionaİ responsibility Install & operate Cost; note Visual observations Daily site inspections by supervisors Compliance to contract PIU AZERSU PIU AZERSU Visual observations Daily site inspections by supervisors Compliance to contract PIU AZERSU PIU AZERSU Visual observations Daily site inspections by supervisors Compliance to contract PIU AZERSU PIU AZERSU Visual observations Daily site inspections by supervisors Compliance to contract PIU AZERSU PIU AZERSU sites Noise & vibrations Construction sites resulting from equipment work Traffic disruption Construction during construction sites activity Reduced access Construction sites Construction Visual observations Daily site inspections by supervisors Compliance to contract PIU AZERSU PIU AZERSU Oil and fuel sites Water and soil Well field Visual observations, as works will be in winter, low flow season Daily site inspections by supervisors Compliance to contract PIU AZERSU PIU AZERSU Construction Visual observations Daily site inspections by supervisors Compliance to contract PIU AZERSU PIU AZERSU Compliance to sludge standards and disposal criteria, eg to agriculture Biological/bacterial analysis, flow measurement Daily Compliance to operating conditions AZERSU NA Selected stations downstream of discharge point Biological/bacterial & nutrient analysis, flow measurement Weekly Compliance to operating conditions AZERSU Programme & costs to be agreed between AZERSU & MENR quality at borehole site Waste management sites, disposal records Operation Sludge quantity and quality Quality of receiving Waters 6. PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS Public consultations were held in the second stage of Environmental Impacts Assessment development, in a conference organized by Azersu JSC on February 4, 2013 in Sabirabad. A public notification was released for organizing the meeting. Head of Sabirabad “Sukanal” Mr. X.Shikhaliyev opened the meeting and gave general information about the project. He mentioned that the development of EIA is one of the main terms of water supply and sewer system project implementation. Then the consultant Mr. Nuriyev Anar talked about the content of EIA document for Sabirabad, Saatli WTP. Discussions started after project presentation. Questions were asked first. Guliyeva Seadet – Sabirabad inhabitant What was the reason to select the Talish water intake? Answer: Talish WTP exists so there is no need to construct new WTP. To build new WTP for each region will need more investments and more construction works.Its more suitable to use existent WTP. Davudov Niyaz – Saatli habitant Why you changed the location of WWTP? Answer: This wasn’t feasible from an economical point of view to build 2 separate WWTP. At the same time from the other side having 2 different treatment plants could have more impact to the environment and natural resources. New proposed WWTP area is closer to both of cities. It’s close to collector which was selected as discharge point. Shikhaliyev Akif – Saatli habitant It is clear that the water intake and the location of WWTP were changed. Do this delay the construction works? If yes, please inform us the duration of this delay? Answer:Excatly it will happen delay. But this delay was not significant. Because delay related with the preparation of EIA report. We will try to prepare this report in time. PROPOSAL FOR A NEW WATER INTAKE The initial design envisaged water intake for both Sabirabad and Saatli to be from new Kura intake. That proposed intake has been analyzed by respective EIA Reports for Sabirabad and Saatli. However, later an alternative water intake has been proposed for Sabirabad and Saatli. The argument for the selection of this alternative is that it is the existing facility and will not generate any additional impacts/implications associated with a new construction but rather moderate impacts normally caused by reconstruction and upgrade works. The Talish WTP was constructed in two phases, first between 1968 and 1970 and the second between 1978 and 1988. System is based on abstraction of surface water flows from the Kura River in the vicinity of the village of Kichik Talish in Sabirabad district below its confluence with the Araz river, approximately 100 km south-west of Baku. The total capacity of the facilities is 9,5 m3 (820 thousand m3 per day), with the 1st and 2nd shifts of Kura Water Treatment System being 3,3 m3(285 thousand m3 per day) and 6,2, m3 (536 thousand m3 per day) respectively. The designed new centralized DWTP will supply drinking water to the urban centers of Saatli and Sabirabad as well as the villages along the transmission lines. The anticipated total water intake is estimated as 383.82 l/s (25238 m3/day), which constitutes about 0.5% of the total daily water flow and should not adversely affect the needs of the other (‘downstream’) users of this source. The quality of water at the newly proposed Talish water intake is as follows and meets the requirements of local standards and EU Directive 98/83/EC on the Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption: Table 10: Water quality standards in Azerbaijan ITEM pH Turbidity Microorganism (Colonies are formed in 1 ml test water) Coliform bacteria (coliform index) Intestinal bacteria formed in 1 liter of test water Nitrates (NO3-N) Nitrites (NO2-N) Chlorides Phosphates Sulfates Total hardness Remained chlorine Al As Fe Ni Cr (Cr6+) Cu (Cr2+) Zn Cd Pb Hg Standards 6.0-9.0 1.5 mg/l <100 <3 45 mg/l 3 mg/l 350 mg/l 1.0 mg/l 500 mg/l 7 mmol/1 0.3-0.5 0.5 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 0. 3 mg/l 0.1 mg/l 0.05 mg/l 1 mg/l 5 mg/l 0.001 mg/l 0.03 mg/l 0.0005 mg/l Therefore, no additional drinking water treatment unit is required, and existing drinking water unit will be used. The designed new centralized DWTP (please see Figure 5 below) will supply the drinking water to the urban center of Saatli (12 villages: Beylik, Yeni Novruzlu, Mustafabeyli, Qirqli, Mollavazli, Genishkend, Elisoltanli, Potubeyli, Qarachalar, Qaralar, Varkhan, Gomushchu) and Sabirabad (26 villages: Quruzma, Qaraqashli, Yenikend, Qezli, Qovlar, Akhiskha, Surra, Qarali, Balvari, Javad, Elijanli, Hesenli, Zengene, Yolchubeyli, Turkedi, Narliq, Qalaghayin, Balakend, Qaralar, Memishler, Esedli, Qeferli, Kurkendi, Sugovushan, Yastiqobu, Bulaqli) as well as the villages along the transmission lines. 134339 of total population will be served by this project (Saatli – 42895, Sabirabad – 91444). General map of transmission pipeline shown in firgure below. These works are associated with the environmental impacts which are likely to occur during the construction phase and are summarized below. During construction, noise from the construction area and operation of construction machines will be generated. Locations for intake facilities, transmission pipelines and reservoir are not in residential area, thus it is not likely to give significant impact. However, the replacement of distribution pipelines in the town generates noise during construction. It is not likely to give significant impact because construction activities are conducted only in daytime. Operation facilities may generate noise, however these facilities will be placed inside of sound proof building, thus it is not likely to have serious impact to surrounding inhabitants. Most of water supply pipes will be set up beside of existing main and collector roads. Reservoir and the intake and treatment plant will be constructed in a zone that is not a residential area. Water supply public works will create employment, and most of workers will be hired in the nearest towns and villages. Setting up of water supply infrastructure will support the livelihood of local residents. Hence this development project will influence positively all community members. Traffic restriction due to construction may temporarily affect public transportation and operation of schools, hospitals and other public facilities, however, those will be short-term and mitigatable by specific traffic safety plan to be produced by the contractor at the very early stage of the contract execution. Figure 9 Sabirabad and Saatli Drinking Water Transmission Main