TERMS OF REFERENCE FEASIBILITY STUDY “BANIAS WATER AND WASTEWATER PROJECT” 1. BACKGROUND The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has identified in its 2003 report (Strategic Action Programme: Hot spots in the Mediterranean) a number of major raw water discharges into the Mediterranean Sea. In 2008, the EIB published under the EU Horizon 2020 initiative, a study, which, based on the above findings, investigated the present state of development of depollution activities in order to derive a possible investment programme to be implemented in the near future. The Banias Wastewater Project was identified as one of these hot spots in Syria, for which some design activities had been realised during 2003-2005. An investment report1 “Feasibility Report for Banias Domestic wastewater System” was prepared by Chemonics Egypt in association with Chemonics Syria and Wilbur Smith Associates. The report develops a wastewater collection and treatment project (horizon 2025) for a regional wastewater project covering the City of Banias as well as 7 villages (Barmaya, Bostan, Elnagar, Zello, Tero, Alkeen, Elmarqab, Elmanzalah). The investment cost was estimated to be of about 22.3 m US$ (2005 prices) comprising investments into the collection system and in wastewater treatment (oxidation ditch technology) and a sea outfall. The “Study on sewerage System development in the Syrian Arab Republic” (Ministry of Housing and Construction, JICA, 2006, p.9-63) assessed the need of wastewater development in Syria and predicted a population increase from about 50 000 inhabitants to 82 500 inhabitations in 2025. This report confirms the choice of oxidation ditches as the preferable technology for wastewater treatment in Banias. An EIB mission visited the project area in late 2008 and discussed a possible EIB financing proposal with the Syrian Government and project stakeholders. Following the general EIB approach to water sector projects, it was proposed to extend the project scope also to water supply improvements in order to allow for a coherent approach to water and wastewater service performance developments in Banias. The Bank proposed to make FEMIP Technical Assistant funds of up to EUR 200 000 available to update findings of previous studies and to add the identification of drinking water investments. The study (the current TA operation) should identify a clear number of investments for which the Ministry of Housing and Construction would engage further consulting services to prepare final designs and tender documents. It is expected that the Bank will appraise a new investment proposal during the implementation of the TA operation. The aim of this TA operation is to review the existing wastewater study and complement it with a review of the present water supply situation in order to prepare a coherent water sector project covering all areas from drinking water resource development to final treated wastewater product reuse – disposal; and this in form of a feasibility study The feasibility study is intended to identify the investment needs until 2040 and a first phase of construction from 2011-2013. Special attention should be paid to the institutional background of the present water supply and wastewater operation as well as the available capacity to operate a modern wastewater system. The development of a design-build-operate (DBO) concept for the implementation of the wastewater treatment plant might be an appropriate approach and has already been discussed. The scope of the present consultancy service is to propose (i) the technical project, the environmental impacts, the options for treated water reuse and its mid- and long term investment and operation cost, (ii) its financial viability and the impact on the present and future financial standing of the service provider, (iii) the present, medium- and long term set-up of the relevant administrations to provide water and wastewater services, (iv) the necessary level of tariffs to appropriately cover operation and capital cost of water and wastewater services, (v) the possible need for technical assistance to support the promoter during further project implementation. 1 The report is available will be made available on CD ROM including all hydraulic calculations and drawings (autocad). The Bank is currently implementing the Damascus Rural Water and Sanitation Project, the scope of which is similar to the proposed project in Banias. The Consultant will be required to consult the Project Management Unit and the Institutional Development Unit of the ongoing project to seek advise, take stock of lessons learned and to harmonise proposals and approaches, as and when appropriate. The expected outcome of this TA assignment is to propose a clearly defined integrated water and wastewater investment project for Banias, which would be discussed with the Ministry of Housing and Construction, Tartous Water Company (the water and wastewater service provider) and Banias Municipality during an EIB project appraisal mission, to be held during the implementation period of the current assignment. The purpose of the appraisal is (i) to jointly define the first phase of implementation, (ii) to allow to the Bank to prepare a co-financing proposal to the Syrian government and (iii) to allow the consultant to finalise its report based on agreed parameters, (iv) to allow the government to proceed with further project preparation for a first phase of construction 2011 - 2013 (final designs and tender documents). This is a lump sum contract for consultancy services. A sum of EUR 20 000 should be set aside in the financial offer as reimbursable expenditure (water analysis, aerial maps, translations, etc). 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT 2.1 Beneficiary Ministry of Housing and Construction PO Box 60131 Damascus Arab Republic of Syria Contact Person: Telephone: Dr. Kamal Al Sheika, Vice Minister 00963 11 2323810 For the success of this assignment, it is important that the consultant closely involves the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the project municipalities and the Tartous Water Company in the study process and that recommendations are made in consultation with the relevant national and local stakeholders. In parallel, the Consultant shall maintain contact with the European Investment Bank to ensure that the project will meet the EIB criteria for financing such operations. The Ministry of Housing and Construction will assign a contact person who will accompany the consultant during the time of his assignment and will support in collecting relevant project information and facilitate official contacts with national and local stakeholders. 2.2 Global and specific objectives The final goals of the project are: . Protection of the Mediterranean Sea. Improvement of water and wastewater services in Banias. In order to achieve these final goals, the specific objectives of this TA assignment are: To prepare a feasibility report and investment programme 2011 – 2013 for the Promoter, which will allow financing discussions and decision-taking by the European Investment Bank and the Syrian Government To identify, in the feasibility report, a first phase of investment for water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure to be implemented during 2011 - 2013. 2.3 Requested services The requested services cover the following tasks: Critically assess the current sector2 situations in Banias and the project area, Critically justify and update the wastewater and stormwater design criteria and findings of the Chemonics report (and others) for project horizons of 2025 and 2040, Identify present water supply sector deficiencies, and propose possible ways to minimize or eliminate such deficiencies, Identify and justify a technically, economically/financially and environmentally/socially viable investment programme outlined for mid- and long-term needs, Propose a concept to improve the management of water and wastewater services, as appropriate, including organisation of services, human resource development, identification of technical equipment, etc… Prepare regular stakeholder meetings (min 3) to discuss project design decisions and assist EIB during project appraisal, Propose a concept to cover operation and maintenance cost and to create an appropriate cost monitoring system3 to generate reliable operation and maintenance cost data, Prepare a feasibility report on the project as a basis for an EIB project appraisal, Propose, discuss and agree with MHC a concept of works and services procurement (DBO, BOT, Fidic red book…), project implementation and management, and prepare outline Terms of References for the design and tender preparation phase. Activities related to town planning No Activity TP1 Critically assess and discuss the presently envisaged long-term town development planning. TP2 Identify present coverage (2009) and future town development scenarios for horizons 2025 and 2040 as a basis for infrastructure planning. Activities related to the Water Supply Sector 2 3 No Activity WS1 Assessment of the present and future (2025 and 2040) water demand for domestic, tourist, commercial and industrial uses and development of a water balance enumerating production, water losses, supplied, billed and paid volumes. WS2 Implementation of an outline survey of existing water supply assets, including assessment of technical state and value, rehabilitation, repair, up-grade and replacement needs. WS3 Development of an investment programme to rehabilitate, to up-grade and extend the water supply infrastructure (horizons 2025 and 2040), water resource development, storage capacities, distribution networks and zoning, including hydraulic modelling of primary network. Clearly identification of first phase of investments (horizon 2025) including design parameters to be implemented during 2011 – 2013. WS4 Assessment of the organisation and institutional environment of the water service provider and provision (outline) of proposals on how to improve water service performance 3 (see footnote 3). Water, wastewater and stormwater The consultant will have to coordinate his proposals with the ongoing EIB project “Damascus Rural Water and Sanitation Project”, Institutional Development. WS5 Assessment of the economic and financial feasibility of the proposed project, which implies: (i) identification and quantification of project benefits, namely the improved availability of water supply service; (ii) calculation of the project’s Economic Rate of Return (ERR); (iii) identification and quantification of the project (i.e. incremental) financial flows; and (iv) calculation of the project’s and the promoter’s Financial Rate of Return (FRR). WS6 Discussion, proposal of possible strategies and final choice of works (DB, Fific red book…) and services procurement and project implementation including a tentative time planning 4. WS7 Implementation of a scoping process in line with Syrian and EU environmental law requirements5, identification of mitigation measures and of ToR for further EIA studies to be implemented under the final design phase, as appropriate. Activities related to the Wastewater Sector 4 5 6 No Activity S1 Assessment of present and future (2025 and 2040) wastewater production (flows and pollution loads) from domestic, tourist, commercial and industrial sources based on representative measurements and verification with design proposal of the Chemonics Report. S2 Confirmation of “Chemonics Report” survey results of existing wastewater collection infrastructure, assessment of technical state, rehabilitation, repair and replacement needs, including stormwater systems. S3 Assessment of area coverage (2025 and 2040), rate of centralised piped collection and existing individual systems, outline development of future scenarios of development of central and individual system coverage, if advisable. S4 Confirmation of the “Chemonics Report” proposed wastewater collection network upgrading and extension programme (2025), development of additional needs to cover the 2040 project horizon, including up-date of cost estimate and hydraulic re-modelling of main system (if necessary). S5 Confirmation of the “Chemonics Report” proposed wastewater treatment concept (discharge quality) and review, as appropriate, including extension to planning horizon 2040, (presentation of design layout and calculations6 in an appropriate format as to be used for a DBO tender dossier) and review of the available discharge options including sea outfall. S6 Discussion and proposal of appropriate options to further use treated wastewater products (effluent and sludge), development of an effluent and sludge management concept, (e.g. reuse for irrigation in green houses) including layout design, economic/financial evaluation and necessary administrational arrangements. S7 Confirmation of “Chemonics Report” proposed institutional set-up of wastewater service provider and development of proposals to improve institutional capacity and wastewater service performance3 (see footnote 3). The consultant will have to coordinate his proposals with the ongoing EIB project “Damascus Rural Water and Sanitation Project”, Project Management Component. http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eia/eia-guidelines/g-scoping-full-text.pdf , the use the formats proposed in this guideline is advised The verification of the WWTP design has to be done with the help of the design software and the reference guideline (ATV, Metcalf & Eddie) in use by the Ministry of Housing and Construction design office. The consultant will have to closely liaise with the MHC design office. S8 Assessment of the economic and financial feasibility of the proposed project, which implies: (i) identification and quantification of project benefits, namely the positive externalities from wastewater collection and treatment7; (ii) calculation of the project’s Economic Rate of Return (ERR); (iii) identification and quantification of the project (i.e. incremental) financial flows; and (iv) calculation of the project’s and the promoter’s Financial Rate of Return (FRR). S9 Discussion, proposal of possible strategies and final choice of works (DBO, BOT, Fidic red book…) and services procurement and project implementation including a tentative time planning. S10 Implementation of a scoping process in line with Syrian and EU environmental law requirements5, identification of mitigation measures and of ToR for further EIA studies to be implemented under the final design phase, as appropriate. Activities related to stormwater evacuation No Activity SW 1 Confirmation of “Chemonics Report” assessment of present problems arising during storm events. SW 2 Confirmation of “Chemonics Report” proposed design criteria for stormwater canalisation planning. SW 3 Confirmation of “Chemonics Report” proposed investment programme, extension of the programme to horizon 2040 (as appropriate) including hydraulic calculations 8. SW 4 Identification of construction programme to be implemented during 2011 – 2013, assessment of cost of programme and identification of mechanism of cost recovery. SW 5 Assessment of institutional set-up of stormwater service provider and development of proposals to improve institutional capacity and stormwater service performance. SW 6 Implementation of a scoping process in line with Syrian and EU environmental law requirements5, identification of mitigation measures and of ToR for further EIA studies to be implemented under the final design phase , as appropriate. Activities related to financial sustainability of the services 7 8 No Activity FIN1 Preparation of financial projections (income statement, balance sheet and cash-flow) for the service provider to ensure long-term sustainability in the provision of the water, wastewater and stormwater services. This will normally require an assessment of Willingness to Pay, typically through contingent valuation methods. In order to avoid lengthy and costly surveys, values from comparable projects (i.e. similar projects in other locations with similar socio-economic profile) to be provided by the consultant will be accepted as a proxy. Reference is made to the EIB FEMIP/GtZ financed “Tariff Study for Syrian Water Sector”, MHC, (Hydratec, May 2006) Chemonics Egypt has used the Hystem-Extran software package developed by itwh, Hannover, Germany, to design the stormwater canalisation, http://www.itwh.de/S_extinfo.htm FIN2 Calculation of the necessary tariff levels that, within the affordability limits of the population7, will ensure the recovery of operation and maintenance cost and the generation of sufficient resources to provide for the project’s counterpart funds and to meet debt service obligations. Should a financing gap exist, clearly identify and mark the necessary level of government subsidies. Activities related to further project development No Activity TA1 Preparation of a set of outline terms of references for technical assistance operations to support the Syrian government during further project implementation, e.g. to engage consulting services to produce final designs and tender documents for the finally agreed investment programme 2011 2013 and others (according to the chosen strategy of procurement, DBO, BOT, DB, Fidic red book…), as appropriate. 2.4 Expected results It is expected that the Consultant will submit a feasibility report identifying a technically sound, socially balanced and economically/financially robust proposal to develop water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure in Banias. The investment programme, which covers the mid-term design horizon 2025, will be the subject of a possible loan from the European Investment Bank to the Syrian Government of which the implementation is foreseen between 2011 and 2013. 3. EXPERTS PROFILE 3.1 Education, experience, references and category of each expert The preparation of the documents mentioned will require the expertise of different professionals, such as: water supply and treatment engineering, hydraulic network modelling, waste water process and sewerage/stormwater engineering, treated wastewater product reuse (water and sludge), agriculture engineering, economic and financial analysis, tariff regulation, water utility operations, water utility financial management, environmental and social impact assessment, public procurement. The Consultant has to propose the composition of the team of experienced engineers, economists and specialists. All experts must have several years prior work experience in similar countries and must be able to work in the English language. The experts should be either category I or II. Cooperation with locally experienced consultants would be welcomed. A backstopping person (CV to be attached) should be nominated in the Consultant’s head office. A team leader should be proposed who has experience in carrying out similar studies, preferably in the region, with minimum 15 years experience including experience in managing a team. The team leader should ideally be either an economist or engineer. The estimated number of manmonths to be allocated to the assignment is 15. The team leader should be allocated at least much time as other experts under the contract. 3.2 Working language The working language is English. 4. LOCATION AND DURATION 4.1 Starting date The starting date is: June, 2009 The Consultant shall jointly organise a stakeholder meeting (briefing) with the Ministry of Housing and Construction, Tartous Water Company and Banias Municipality, at start of services, and hold such meetings regularly to inform about progress of the assignment. A stakeholder project design meeting to approve the first investment phase expected to be financed by the Bank shall be held in mid August 2009. 4.2 Finishing date of the assignment The Consultant shall jointly organise a stakeholder de-briefing meeting with the Ministry of Housing and Construction, Tartous Water Company and Banias Municipality by mid October 2009 to discuss the draft final version of the feasibility report. The draft final report shall be presented by: November 15, 2009 The finishing date of the assignment is: January 31, 2010 4.3 Schedule and number of days for the assignment, per expert The Consultant should propose the time allocation for each expert intended to be engaged and, include in the submission of the offer, a short methodology (organisation of works, max. 6 pages) and a provisional time planning, indicating (a) the scope of work, the expert involved and the time requirements per task and (b) the time requirements (days) per expert. 4.4 Location of assignment The Consultant should mainly work in Banias and within the project area. Meetings will also be necessary in Damascus. An appropriate time allowance can be foreseen for reporting, hydraulic modelling, map preparation etc. in the Consultant’s offices. 4.5 Office space and equipment The Consultant should provide their own office space and all necessary equipment, materials etc to perform the study. 5. REPORTING The Consultant will, within 2 weeks of the start of the assignment, submit a brief Inception Report (max. 10 pages, formats A3 – A4), which highlights the main findings, key issues, preliminary conclusions and possible amendments to the project approach and presents a provisional project concept. A project concept report (max 30 pages plus attachments, in English and Arabic) should be submitted to MHC, EIB Tartous Water Company and Banias Municipality 2 weeks before (i.e. beginning August 2009) the stakeholder project design meeting due to take place in mid August 2009 to discuss the first investment phase. The consultant will explain this proposal of a first phase of investment using a PowerPoint presentation (in English and Arabic) during the project design meeting. The Consultant should also draft minutes of the meeting. The Consultant should submit a Draft Final Report (max. 60 pages plus annexes, formats A3 – A4). The report shall be finalised to such an extent that if there are no comments from any of the interested parties, the report could be considered final. The report should be submitted two weeks before the debriefing workshop (PowerPoint presentation in English and Arabic, date to be confirmed) to allow project stakeholders to comment on the report. Within two weeks after the de-briefing workshop, the Consultant will receive comments and should submit the Final Report by December 15. Reports should be submitted as follows: o o o Ministry of Housing and Construction, Tartous Water Company and Banias Municipality (1 copy in English, 2 copies in Arabic), the European Investment Bank (3 copies in English), to the attention of Mr Stefan Kerpen, Head of Technical Assistance Unit, Ops-B/DEAS/Technical Assistance Unit any other body (project stakeholder, 1 copy in Arabic), as identified and appropriate. Furthermore, reports shall be distributed in electronic versions (.pdf), the final report (pdf and MS Word), its supporting documents, maps (.dwg) and the financial model (MS Excel) shall be made available on CD-ROM to all parties, once the services are completed. 6. VISIBILITY REQUIREMENTS The technical assistance operation is financed under the Support Fund of the Facility for EuroMediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP). To ensure the visibility of the FEMIP Support Fund, the EIB logo, EU flag and Euromed logo should appear on the cover page of reports produced under the TA contract. THE EIB LOGO MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. The following text should also be included in the reports: “The technical assistance operation is financed under the FEMIP Support Fund. This Fund utilises non-repayable aid granted by the European Commission in support of EIB investment activities in the eastern and southern Mediterranean countries, assisting promoters during different stages of the project cycle .” The following disclaimer should also be included: “The authors take full responsibility for the contents of this report. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union or the European Investment Bank”. References: Syrian Arab Republic, Ministry of Housing and Construction, o “Pre-investment Study for Banias Wastewater Project and Rehabilitation of Banias Refinery Industrial Wastewater treatment Plant Chemonics Egypt et al:, Draft feasibility report for Banias Domestic Wastewater System, May 2005, Syr-BPS- 6-03 D (E) Chemonics Egypt et al:, Wastewater Management Plan for Banias Areas, May 2005, Syr-BPS- 6-01(E) o NJS Consultants Co Ltd et al: Study on Sewerage System Development in the Syrian Arab Republic, JICA, 2006 Attachment 1 PROPOSAL OF OUTLINE OF FEASIBILITY REPORT Executive summary Project area Project area (location, area covered by project); Population (permanent, seasonal, growth & demographic trends); Town planning and spatial development; Economic activity and development plans. Present situation (drinking water and wastewater, stromwater services) Overview of existing services and problems; Water resources (quality & quantity); Existing infrastructure (production, distribution, collection & treatment); Service standards & trends for last 5 years (indicators: coverage, connections, metering, reliability, production, consumption, leakage, collection, treatment); Present operations (organisation, staffing, costs); Asset ownership and maintenance; Present investment activities. Future situation (drinking water and wastewater, stromwater services) Demand forecasts (drinking water and wastewater, with assumptions on population growth and income evolution, capacity and willingness to pay of domestic users, tariffs, and demand elasticity of all user categories); Future service levels (connection rates, treatment standards); Project components and justification (improvement of performance, integration of regional approaches, environmental impacts); Analysis of alternative technical solutions (technology, cost-effectiveness, phasing considered); Proposed technical solution (components, costs, phasing); Additional surveys and investigations required. Environmental Scoping Report Legislation & permits (present stage of approvals); Baseline conditions; Summary of Impacts (including sewage sludge disposal and treated water reuse); Mitigation measures (justification, types, cost, monitoring); Further steps. Future organization of services Institutional analysis (responsibilities, organisational structure, resources); Proposals for future service delivery (asset ownership, operation and maintenance, financial management, commercialisation, outsourcing); Areas in need of capacity building and technical assistance. Financial and Economic Analysis Existing financial status of service providers; Revenues & direct operating costs (water supply and wastewater services); Calculation of ERR and FRR of the water supply component, the stormwater component and of the wastewater collection and treatment component; Financial projections for service provider; Tariffs & affordability (current tariffs; future tariffs, affordability, necessary level of subsidies); Procurement Strategy & Implementation Works and services contract packages and procurement strategy; Project Implementation Management; Implementation schedule. Attachments Outlines of Terms of references, Analyses, Tables, Maps, Photos. CURRICULUM VITAE Proposed role in the project: Category: 1. Family name: 2. First names: 3. Date of birth: 4. Nationality: 5. Civil status: 6. Education: Institution [ Date from - Date to ] 7. Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Langue Read Spoken Written 8. Membership of professional bodies: 9. Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.) 10. Present position: 11. Years within the firm: 12. Key qualifications: (Relevant to the assignment) 13. Specific experience in the region: Country Date from - Date to Syrian Aran Republic, Banias Water and Wastewater Project 14. Professional experience Date from - Date to Location Company Position Description 15. Other relevant information (e.g., Publications) 11