International Conservation Project Funders Institution African Bird Club Award/Scholarship Conservation Award; Expedition Award African Wildlife Foundation Charlotte Fellowship; Macarthur Professional Leadership in Conservation Award Alexander F. Skutch Award Research grant Amazon Conservation Association Peruvian university student award; Graduate research grant; Seed grant Description The ABC's Conservation Programme supports small conservation projects in Africa. Conservation awards are given to projects surveying and researching African birds, educational projects or training courses, production of guides to the common birds of a country in local languages, interpretation material for nature reserves, and other ideas will be considered. Expedition awards are provided for larger projects. In 1996, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) introduced the Charlotte Conservation Fellowships to provide support for African nationals pursuing masters degree courses or doctoral research. Charlotte Fellowships enable recipients to improve their qualifications, update their skills, acquire the latest information on natural resource management and adapt new technologies to their work. The Program is committed to enhancing the effectiveness and impact of African nationals in the field of conservation through the increased knowledge, skills, and credentials obtained through an advanced degree. AWF is offering scholarships for full or partial MSc or Ph.D. programs with field research components that produce knowledge offering solutions or insight into specific conservation challenges that complement AWF's conservation programs in the African Heartlands. The countries of focus for this year's program are Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Expenses that AWF expects to cover under the scholarship will vary depending on the individual program selected by the scholarship recipient. Funding to support the study of life histories, especially social relations and reproduction, of little known birds on the continental neotropics, including Trinidad and Tobago. The Amazon Conservation Association (ACA) and its Peruvian counterpart, Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica (ACCA) announce three grant programs to support field research in pure and applied biology, systematics, resource use and related topics at the Los Amigos Research Center and Conservation Area in Amazonian Peru during 2004. Award Amount Conservation Award: US$1,000; Expedition award: US$1500 Website conservation@africanbirdclub. org Scholarships valued at a max of US$20,000. One award of US$8,000 $10,000 offered annually. Peruvian student award -US$3,000 $5,000; Grad grant -- $5,000; Seed grants -$20,000 kutchapp_english.pdf home/grants.htm International Conservation Project Funders Institution American Bird Conservancy Award/Scholarship William Belton Small Grants Fund American Museum of Natural History International Graduate Student Fellowship Program American Society of Mammologists Latin American Fellowship American Society of Primatologists Awards; small grants Description ABC's William Belton Small Grants Fund will provide support for projects to conserve Endangered and Critically Endangered bird species in Latin America and the Caribbean, in partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Conservation projects at sites identified by the Alliance for Zero Extinction as essential for the conservation of Endangered and Critically Endangered bird species will be given highest priority for support. ABC Small Grants can provide funding for development of Conservation Plans. Completed Plans would be required to include the following information (these items are not required for the initial proposal): Deadlines for applications do apply. One or two people per year receive funding to enter a doctoral program at Columbia, Cornell, Yale or City University of NY. The program aims to equip students with the practical and theoretical training in conservation biology they will need to address environmental problems in their home countries. Currently, six students are enrolled, among them citizens of countries in which the CBC has ongoing research projects. Most have presented their research at international conferences, as well as published in leading scientific journals. Since the program's inception, five Ph.D. students and three Master's students have completed their studies, including two Ph.D. recipients in June 2003. The Latin American Fellowship has been established to promote the support of field research by Latin Americans in Latin America. Eligible students must be citizens of Latin American countries (excluding Puerto Rico), and enrolled in a graduate program in either a Latin American or North American university. Proposed projects must be primarily field oriented with a research emphasis in the areas of natural history, conservation, ecology, systematics, wildlife biology, biogeography, or behavior. These areas of research in mammalogy shall be considered equally important by the selection committee. Awards and small grants for primate research. Award Amount Most grants less than $5,000. Website ational/small_grants_2004.htm Website: versity/center/programs/grad.h tml Contact: Ana Luz Porzecanski Tel: 212-313-7052 Email: US$1,000 /committees/indexlatin.asp Awards: $750; Small grants: n International Conservation Project Funders Institution Bat Conservation International Award/Scholarship Student Scholarship Program British American Tobacco Biodiversity Partnership British Ecological Society (BES) Early Career Project Grants British Ecological Society (BES) BES Bursaries and Fellowships British Ecological Society (BES) Expedition Grants Description Each year, BCI sponsors students in conducting conservation-relevant research. Lack of knowledge about bat ecology and behavior is one of the greatest impediments to bat conservation progress. The goal of this program is to support exceptionally talented students in research initiatives that will contribute new knowledge essential to conserving bats and the ecosystems they serve. To this end, BCI has set aside a minimum of $40,000 annually for its student scholarship fund. The British American Tobacco Biodiversity Partnership, launched in 2000, involves British American Tobacco and four conservation NGOs: Earthwatch Europe; Fauna & Flora International; the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and the Tropical Biology Association. It aims to: work through external projects to contribute to the conservation of global biodiversity by building a portfolio of activities that assist countries where the partners operate in meeting their obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity; and work within the British American Tobacco Group and amongst the other partners to enhance the partners’ own ability to conserve and manage biodiversity. British American Tobacco is donating £1 million a year to the Partnership for an initial five years. The aim of this programme is to assist promising young ecologists by supporting innovative or important research of a pure or applied nature. Initiating or developing research programmes is becoming increasing difficult for ecologists during the early stages of their career, and this programme principally aims to provide an opportunity for ecologists recently appointed to academic posts to establish themselves. British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries scheme provides grants for ecologists in developing countries for innovative ecological research. It aims to encourage links between ecologists in developing countries with those in the UK and other European countries. The Expedition Grants are intended to further the education of young ecologists by extending their experience overseas Award Amount $1500 Awards range from $1,000 $2,500; and average about $2,000 each. Website Grants up to £25,000. http://www.britishecologicalsoc h/ecpg/ Grants up to £7,000. http://www.britishecologicalsoc h/obf/ Grants up to £2,000. http://www.britishecologicalsoc International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship British Ornithologist’s Union Research grants Canon USA, Inc. Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program for the Americas Description through assisting student expeditions. No restriction is made on the country(ies) visited, but travel must normally be to or from the United Kingdom or Eire (sixth form expeditions may be within the UK). Expeditions must consist of at least three people (preferably undergraduates or sixth-form students), although participation of postgraduate students and staff is not excluded. It is understood that teaching staff may help in the planning of the expedition, and participate in the trip, but it should be clear that the application is not for a field or adventure training course. The expedition should be distinct from timetabled teaching activities and should primarily have been planned and organised by students. Funding will not be given for work that contributes directly to the higher degree of any of the expedition members. The British Ornithologists’ Union will promote understanding and conservation of the world’s birds, advance ornithology within the scientific community and promote scientific ornithology to the wider bird watching public. The BOU has a long tradition of providing financial support for research and expeditions. It administers the David Lack and Landsborough Thomson Trusts, funded by bequests and donations, from which research grants are awarded annually to sponsor scientific and conservation projects. Most of BOU’s support is in the form of small grants, but the BOU does from time to time sponsor much larger projects. The Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program for the Americas has an ambitious goal: To encourage the best graduate students in the Americas to conduct research critical for conserving national parks throughout the region. For this program, the Americas include Canada, the United States, Mexico, the countries of Central and South America, and the countries of the Caribbean. The program's objectives are to: 1.) support research on critical problems facing the region’s national parks, 2.) encourage the use of national parks as laboratories for science, and 3.) develop world leaders in science and conservation. By providing support to Ph.D. students throughout the region, Award Amount Website h/expedition/ Grants of £1000. US$78,000 ea. for 8 individuals. onscholarships/ International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Center for Tropical Forest Science (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute) Research grants ChevronTexaco Conservation Awards Chicago Zoological Society Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Scott Neotropical Fund Description the Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program for the Americas hopes to develop the next generation of scientists working in the fields of conservation, environmental science, and national park management. It is these scientists who will learn, discover, invent and create solutions to preserve the national parks of the 21st century. Program is designed to provide opportunities for senior researchers and graduate, predoctoral and postdoctoral students to utilize existing Forest Dynamic Plots and to conduct research with scientists associate with these plots. Preference is given to scientists from the countries with CTFS sites and to all graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Program annually recognizes outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations to the conservation of natural resources. Brookfield Zoo provides small grants assistance for conservation and research projects that help support and advance the zoo's mission. The Chicago Zoological Society Conservation and Research Fund, in operation since 1976, has provided nearly 200 grants for field conservation and research. Typically, grants and awards help scientists, conservationists, or graduate students focusing on research and conservation projects concerned with species, geographic areas, or topics of concern to the zoo. Applications for grants are by invitation only and are screened carefully to identify projects of the highest priority to the zoo. The Scott Neotropical Fund was initiated to provide funds to deserving students and scientists living and working in Latin America. Annual awards are made to research and conservation initiatives involving animals and their habitat or programs involving local people that directly impact animal conservation. The primary beneficiary of the funds as well as the impact of the project must be within the neotropics (Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean). The Scott Neotropical Fund supports the Award Amount Website US$3,000 $5,000 (with one or two larger awards up to $40,000) 20Research%20Grants%20804.pdf Six awards are given per year in the amount of $10,000. /social_responsibility/communi ty/programs_conservation.asp Awards range from $3000 $5000. servation/grants.asp International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Columbus Zoo Conservation Fund Conservation and Research Foundation Conservation International – Critically Endangered Neotropical Species Fund Research grant Conservation International – Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation Research grants Description work of neotropical residents in their countries through direct project support, training opportunities, and/or technical assistance that will continue to benefit the local people, wildlife and habitats of the neotropics into the future. The Conservation Fund serves as a small grants program that field researchers throughout the world can access by submitting applications directly to the Field Conservation Coordinator. The conservation committee reviews proposals each month, and in 2003, the zoo has provided funds to over 80 projects in 36 countries. The Foundation awards grants for seed money to promote conservation and enlightened use of renewable natural resources; encourage related research in the biological sciences; deepen understanding of the relationships between man and the environment; and address the problem of overpopulation. Preferred projects are those that might not qualify for funding from traditional sources. Grants are made to organisations as well as individuals. In the area of research, the sponsor prefers to support investigations that might be ineligible for funding from conventional sources. Scholarships are not provided. Inquiry regarding the possibility of support should be in the form of an exploratory letter. CENSF aims to contribute to global biodiversity conservation by providing strategically targeted, catalytic support for the conservation of Critically Endangered species (as listed on the 2002 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; living in their natural habitats in the Neotropics (here defined as all of Latin America, from Mexico southwards, and including the Caribbean and other offshore islands). Program does not accept unsolicited proposals. Provides strategically targeted, catalytic support for the conservation of endangered nonhuman primates and their natural habitats. Projects submitted to the foundation should have one or more of the following characteristics: focus on critically endangered and endangered nonhuman primates living in their natural habitats; be conducted in Award Amount Website vation/con2001.html Up to US$5,000 http://biodiversityeconomics.or g/funding/dir3-13.htm Awards range from $1,000 $3,000 with a max of $5,000. Contact: Mike Hoffman Contact: Bill Konstant International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Conservation International – Primate Action Fund Research grant Conservation International – Turtle Conservation Fund Research grant Description areas of high overall biodiversity and under great threat (e.g., “threatened hotspots”, “megadiversity” countries) - to ensure maximum multiplier effect for each project; be carried out by nationals from the tropical countries to increase local capacity for implementing biodiversity conservation; be projects that strengthen international networks of field-based primate specialists and enhance their capacity to be successful conservationists; and result in publication of information on endangered primate species in a format that is useful both to experts and the general public. Projects submitted to the foundation should have one or more of the following characteristics: a focus on critically endangered and endangered nonhuman primates living in their natural habitats; location in areas of high overall biodiversity and under great threat (e.g., “threatened hotspots”, “megadiversity” countries) - to ensure maximum multiplier effect for each project; direction and management by nationals from the tropical countries, to help increase local capacity for implementing biodiversity conservation; the ability to strengthen international networks of fieldbased primate specialists and enhance their capacity to be successful conservationists; and projects that result in publication of information on endangered primate species in a format that is useful both to experts and the general public. Program does not accept unsolicited proposals. Awards are granted to organizations or individuals for specific conservation or research projects dealing with tortoises or freshwater turtles, but not marine turtles, with either partial or full support as funding allows. Priority for funding is usually given to projects that focus on species that are already highly threatened according to the IUCN Red List criteria, either Critically Endangered or Endangered, or which may be highly threatened but not yet recognized as such. Award recipients enter into contractual agreement with Conservation International to produce the proposed work (CI serves as TCF's umbrella organization). Award recipients are also encouraged to publish at least partial results of the supported research in the international Award Amount Website Awards range from US $1,000 - $3,000 with a max of $5,000. Contact: Anthony Rylands Awards range from $1000 $5000. Contact: Rod Mast Email: International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) Darwin Initiative Main Darwin projects Darwin Scholarships Pre-project funding Post-project funding Disney Wildlife Conservation Description scientific turtle journal, Chelonian Conservation and Biology, published by TCF Alliance Partner Chelonian Research Foundation. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). A joint initiative between Conservation International, The Global Environment Facility, the MacArthur Foundation and the World Bank. Investments support such projects as managing of protected areas and coordinating biodiversity corridors; training; transboundary planning; encouraging local dialogue with extractive industries; engaging in conflict resolution; priority setting and consensus building; strengthening indigenous organizations and facilitating partnerships between the private sector and protected areas. To assist countries rich in biodiversity but poor in resources with the conservation of biological diversity and implementation of the Biodiversity Convention. To draw on British expertise in the field of biodiversity. Projects funded under the Initiative will be collaborative, involving either local institutions or communities in the host country. Projects will have a real impact on the ability of the host country to meet its obligations under the Biodiversity Convention. Projects will be of high quality and scientific (or other appropriate professional) excellence. Whenever possible, Darwin funding will be used as a catalyst to lever additional funding for project work, which would not otherwise be forthcoming. The outputs and outcomes from projects should be additional to that from work being funded through other mainstream environmental or research programmes. Projects funded under the Initiative will demonstrate good value for money. Darwin Scholarships are targeted at promising members of recent or current Darwin Initiative projects and are from countries rich in biodiversity but poor in financial resources. Drawing on UK expertise in biodiversity, the programme aims to give Scholars the opportunity to broaden their professional knowledge and experience in biodiversity, typically through work experience in UK organisations. The Fund was established in 1995 as a global awards Award Amount Website £35,000 £70,000 per yr per project (most project last 3 years) International Conservation Project Funders Institution Earthwatch Institute East Asia and Award/Scholarship Fund Research Grants; African Fellowship Program Description program for the study and protection of the world's wildlife and ecosystems. It provides annual awards to US nonprofit conservation organizations working alongside their peers in other countries. Many of the recipient organizations concentrate their activities on "biological hotspots" - areas rich in plant and animal life at risk of imminent destruction. Since its inception, the Fund has supported more than 200 projects in 20 countries. Each project is evaluated on specific criteria, including scientific methodologies, magnitude of need, involvement of partner organizations, ability to impact an area in the near-term and elements of public education and community involvement. Any project that Earthwatch supports must be able to demonstrate clearly how the outcomes will address local or global environmental issues. We currently support 140 projects in 50 countries, ranging from mangrove restoration of the Kenyan coastline, or exploring how insect interactions maintain critically endangered habitat in Costa Rica's tropical forest, through to monitoring bird migration between Europe and Africa. Earthwatch awards grants on a per capita basis, determined by multiplying the per capita grant by the number of volunteers deployed to the project. The long-term goal of the African Fellowship Program is to build the capacity of African conservation institutions through providing training, in an African context, to their staff. The two-week field placements are intensive but cause minimal disruption to the institutions' day-to-day activities, because staff is only released for a short period. Fellowships are open to people with a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds, including those with experience but no formal qualifications. Earthwatch works with 23 local partners to: 1.) provide young scientists with the skills and confidence to engage in their own research programs, 2.) bridge the skills gap to enable NGO workers and park staff to understand and participate in data collection and processing. The Programme started in 1994, and over 670 conservation professionals from 25 African countries have been awarded Fellowships. International Development Aid Donor Internet Guide. Award Amount Website nd/environmentality/index.html Per capita grants average $900 (range $250 to $1,200), and project grants average $25,000 (range $7,000 to $130,000) annually. ope/ International Conservation Project Funders Institution Pacific Environmental Initiative EPA Erik Hosking Trust European Tropical Forest Research Network Explorer’s Club (US) Award/Scholarship Star Graduate Fellowship Small grants Exploration Fund Exxonmobil/Esso Save the Tiger Fund Fauna and Flora International Flagship Species Fund Description Excellent resource with comprehensive, annotated links to dozens of donors present on the web. Award Amount Website The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is offering Graduate Fellowships for master's and doctoral level students in environmentally-related fields of study. Applicants must be citizens of the United States, or its territories or possessions, or be lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence. Awards are granted annually to applicants pursuing project on birds and other natural history subjects that are of scientific and conservation value, using the media of writing, photography, painting or illustration. The ETFRN is a forum for communication between European organizations, researchers, EU institutions and others concerned with (sub-)tropical forest research. The Exploration Fund of The Explorers Club provides grants in support of exploration and field research. Grants in amounts up to $1,200 are made primarily to graduate students. Applicants do not have to be members of The Explorers Club and do not have to reside in the United States to qualify for an award. The Save The Tiger Fund supports organizations and governmental agencies to conduct a broad range of tiger conservation activities. To date, the Fund has provided awards to 53 grantees. The Fund's diversity of grant recipients has grown every year. In 2002, we have invested in 19 projects and supported a total of 15 grantees, four of them new to the Fund. The Flagship Species Fund aims to provide practical support to the conservation of endangered species and their associated ecosystems in developing countries. This dedicated fund focuses on popular and highly visible threatened species of animals and plants. The Flagship Species Fund Small Grants Programme provides urgently needed support to small scale and pilot conservation projects worldwide, funding activities concerned directly with the protection of endangered flagship species. The US$37,000 h/gsgs/epastar.html £500 y.pdf s.htm rce/frames/linkfund.html US$1200 rants.php stf.htm International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program Haribon Foundation Conservation Research Grants Idea Wild Institute of International Education Fulbright and Humphrey scholarships International IFS grantee awards – Description Programme now disperses grants once a year rather than three times a year. The International Fellowships Program provides support for up to three years of formal graduate-level study leading to a masters or doctoral degree. Fellows are selected from countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and Russia, where the Ford Foundation maintains active overseas programs. U.S. nationals are not eligible, although Fellows may study in the US. (Environment and Development is one of 15 fields of study and falls within “Asset Bldg and Community Dev.” The foundation has invested $280 million through 2010. Haribon in cooperation with the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund awards research grants to fill in gaps in knowledge of threatened species and their habitats, and to build local capacity for research. Proposals for field-based projects are accepted from students, conservationists, enthusiasts and organizations from all over the Philippines. Museum and laboratory-based components may be included. Proposals are evaluated based on: 1.) Relevance to the conservation of threatened species and their habitats; 2.) Scientific merit and value of the research; 3.) Capacity of researcher(s) to conduct the study; 4.) contribution to the professional development of Filipino researchers. Provides equipment and supplies for projects from $50 to $1500 USD. The Fulbright Fellowship Program was established over 50 years ago and provides awards to 5,000 foreign nationals from 140 nations each year through their home country mission or US embassy. The Humphrey Program is a oneyear graduate exchange program that falls within the Fulbright program and has been in existence since 1978. Natural resource and environmental management is one of 12 targeted fields. Fellows are placed in US universities and participate in graduate-level coursework and other professional development activities according to their area of interest. The IFS has an award scheme that is intended to give Award Amount Website initiatives.cfm Max. grant amount for a one-year project for professionals and organizations is PhP250,000 (US$4500); and PhP100,000 (US$1800) for undergraduate students. Humphrey Fellowships are granted in the amount of $55,000 to $58,000. Danida and International Conservation Project Funders Institution Foundation for Sciences Award/Scholarship Danida award Jubilee award Sven Brohult award International Primatological Society Martha J. Galante Award, Lawrence Jacobsen Education Development Award, Charles Southwick Cons Ed Commitment Award, and Captive Care Grant Description recognition to IFS grantees for noteworthy achievements clearly associated with research work supported by IFS. The following Awards are available only to IFS Grantees and are given for noteworthy achievements which are clearly associated with work supported fully or in part by IFS. Danida -- This Award is intended for IFS grantees in Sub-Saharan countries. The Award, in the amount of US$2,000, is given up to 12 times per year. Jubilee -- This Award is intended for IFS grantees from northern Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The Award, in the amount of US$2,000, is given up to 8 times per year. Sven Brohult -- The Sven Brohult Award, in the amount of US$10,000 is the most prestigious of the IFS Awards. It is given to an IFS grantee once every three years. IPS offers small monetary grants to those conducting projects congruent with the aims of our society. Martha J. Galante -- grant proposals are solicited from professionals of habitat countries of primates. Money awarded could be used for conservation training. Lawrence Jacobsen -Education Committee of IPS solicits grants of up to $1000 to support the development of primate conservation education programs. These initiatives should support field conservation programs, work with local community and/or schools, or are used to provide training in conservation education techniques. Charles Southwick -- this award is dedicated to recognizing individuals living in primate habitat countries that have made a significant contribution to formal and informal conservation education in their countries. The amount of the award is $750: $500 will be given directly to the recipient and $250 will be given in the recipient's name to a project of their choosing in their community. Captive Care -- grants of up to $1000 for projects focusing on captive care issues that relate to: (1) the status of primates in captivity (e.g., sanctuaries, private, commercial) in range countries, (2) information from local wildlife officials and field researchers on the problems relating to captive primates, and (3) improving conditions for the well-being of captive primates in range countries. Award Amount Jubilee -$2,000; Sven Brohult -$10,000. Awards range from $750 $1000 Website International Conservation Project Funders Institution International Tropical Timber Organization Award/Scholarship Freezailah Fellowship Fund IUCN LASPAU Fulbright-OAS Ecology Initiative Lincoln Park Zoo Neotropic Fund; Africa/Asia Fund Description ITTO offers fellowships through the Freezailah Fellowship Fund to promote human resource development and to strengthen professional expertise in member countries in tropical forestry and related disciplines. The goal is to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests, the efficient use and processing of tropical timber, and better economic information about the international trade in tropical timber. The World Conservation Union provides a list of IUCN Corporate Partners in Conservation but does not run any grant programmes. The program offers grants to individuals from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada for master’s and doctoral level study at U.S. universities. Grantees in the natural sciences, social sciences, and public policy study multidisciplinary approaches to environmental preservation and sustainable development. The goal of the initiative is to develop a well-prepared cadre of environmental professionals who, upon completion of their studies, will return to their institutions to share their expertise with colleagues while maintaining contact with each other. The Lincoln Park Zoo Neotropic Fund is supported by an annual gift from a single donor. The fund strives to ensure the future of conservation in Latin America by making small grants to young conservation biologists working throughout Latin America and the Caribbean Islands. Since its inception in 1986, the fund has supported over 125 projects in 18 countries and made awards totaling over $700,000. The Neotropic Fund supports research in Latin Amerce and Caribbean countries, preferentially involving researchers from those areas. A new fund, the Lincoln Park Zoo Africa/Asia Fund was created to support conservation efforts of young biologists conducting field research in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. The Africa/Asia Fund supports research in Africa and Asia and preferentially involving researchers from those areas. Each fund typically supports between five and six projects annually, including project renewals for a second year. By Award Amount US$10,000 Website /grant-LASPAU.htm Awards are given in the amount of $3000-6000. ation/ International Conservation Project Funders Institution Lindbergh Foundation Award/Scholarship Lindbergh Grant Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation MacArthur Foundation Max and Anna Levinson Foundation National Geographic Research and Exploration Fund Description emphasizing support for young conservation biologists working in their own countries, the Lincoln Park Zoo Conservation Fund assists a new generation of researchers in becoming the environmental decisionmakers of tomorrow and strengthens the core of conservation leadership throughout the world. Provides grand funding in a number of areas, one of which is the conservation of natural resources, including animals, plants, water, and general conservation (land, air, energy, etc. The Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation is a private body devoted to the conservation of nature and the amelioration of human distress. The Foundation seeks to redress the breakdown in the processes linking nature and humanity. It concerns itself particularly with matters of species extinction, habitat destruction and fragmentation, resource depletion and resource waste. It favors solutions which directly benefit local communities and serve as exemplars for saving species and wildlands. It recognizes the imperative to reconcile nature preservation with human needs and aspirations. (Funding through institutions) Private grant-making institution awarding grants through four programs: Human and Community Development, Global Security and Sustainability, General and MacArthur Fellows. The Levinson Foundation is a private family foundation that has been in existence since 1955 and makes grants to individuals and groups committed to developing a more humane and rewarding society, in which people have a greater ability and opportunity to determine directions for the future. Area of interest: The Environment: including Protection of Ecosystems and Biological Diversity; Alternative Energy and Protection of the Atmosphere; Alternative Agriculture and Transportation; Breaking the Link Between Illegal Resource Extraction, Civil Conflict and Markets; and the Development of the Israeli Environmental Movement. The National Geographic Society awards grants for scientific field research and exploration through its Award Amount Grants up to $10,500. Website http://www.lindberghfoundation .org/ Grants range from $10,000 $20,000 http://www.levinsonfoundation. org/index.html US$15,000 $20,000 http://www.nationalgeographic. com/research/grant_applicatio International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship National Geographic Conservation Trust Research grant National Science Foundation Environmental research grants; Education grants Research grants Neotropical Bird Club Netherlands Committee – IUCN Small Grants for Wetlands Program (SWP) Description Committee for Research and Exploration. All proposed projects must have both a geographical dimension and relevance to other scientific fields and be of broad scientific interest. The committee is emphasizing multidisciplinary projects that address environmental issues (e.g., loss of biodiversity and habitat, effects of human-population pressures). Funding is not restricted to United States citizens. Researchers planning work in foreign countries should include at least one local collaborator as part of their research teams. The committee will not consider applications seeking support solely for laboratory work or archival research. While grants are awarded on the basis of scientific merit and exist independent of the Society's other divisions, grant recipients are expected to provide the Society with rights of first refusal for popular publication of their findings. Applicants are expected to have advanced degrees (Ph.D. or equivalent) and be associated with an educational organization or institution. The objective of the Conservation Trust is to support conservation activities around the world as they fit within the mission of the National Geographic Society. The trust will fund projects that contribute significantly to the preservation and sustainable use of the Earth's biological, cultural, and historical resources. Applicants are not expected to have Ph.D.'s or other advanced degrees. However, applicants must provide a record of prior research or conservation action as it pertains to the proposed project. Funding is not restricted to United States citizens. Researchers planning work in foreign countries should include at least one local collaborator as part of their research teams. Award Amount Website n.html Awards range from US$15,000 - $20,000 http://www.nationalgeographic. com/conservation/ Grants are available for conservation work or research which may be of conservation benefit in the neotropics. The new phase of SWP has started the 1st of January 2004 and will last until December 2006. The next deadlines for submitting proposals will be 1 March 2004 and 1 US$500 to $1500 Max amount awarded is Euro 85.000 http://www.neotropicalbirdclub. org/club/conserve.html nds/wetlands/ International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Organization for Tropical Studies Research Fellowships Padi Foundation Research grants People’s Trust for Endangered Species Research grants Primate Conservation, Inc. Description September 2004. The list of countries in which NGO projects may be funded has been expanded. OTS offers research fellowships to graduate students enrolled in degree programs at OTS member institutions and to OTS alumni. In 2000 OTS awarded almost $90,000. Post-course awards are small amounts for up to two weeks of study after a course. Research Fellowships are to assist thesis research in tropical biology and related fields – proposals for research at OTS biological stations receive priority. OTS and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute also have fellowships for comparative research at facilities in Costa Rica and Panama. The PADI FOUNDATION encourages and supports underwater science, environmental projects, and education. The Foundation will fund and assist worthwhile projects that will enrich mankind's understanding of the aquatic environment and encourage sensitivity to and protection of the delicate ecological balance of underwater life. People's Trust for Endangered Species makes funds available for wildlife researchers and conservationists to carry out crucial work on globally threatened species throughout the world. Projects may either focus on research into the status of a particular species or involve practical conservation work within the field. Priority is given to those projects that are likely to lead to a lasting benefit to the species concerned. PTES also provides grants for students carrying out practical conservation projects and research in the summer months of their undergraduate degree. Applications for Master’s and PhD students will not be accepted. PCI is a non-profit foundation, which funds research that supports conservation programmes for wild populations of primates. Priority is given to projects that study the least known and endangered species in their natural habitat. The involvement of citizens from the country in which the primates are found is desirable. The grant is intended t Award Amount (US$103,600) for first-time and follow-up awards. Awards up to $5000. Website _nao.php Grants up to $20,000; average award amount is $5,000 $10,000. Individual grants range from £100 - £5000. nding_details_page.htm TES%20Guidelines.PDF Grants range from US$2500 $5000 International Conservation Project Funders Institution Ramsar Award/Scholarship Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award Rockefeller Foundation Rolex Rolex Awards for Enterprise Royal Geographical Society Expedition Research Grants Description provide support for original research that can be used to formulate and to implement conservation plans for the species being studied. Asia and West Africa are of particular interest, but all regions will be considered. The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award was established in 1996 by Resolution VI.18 of the 6th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) in order to recognise and honour the contributions of individuals, organisations, and governments around the world towards promoting the conservation and wise use of wetlands. The Rockefeller Foundation is a knowledge-based, global foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world. Grants are organized in categories: by themes, cross-theme, Regional Programs and Special Programs (which includes Global Philanthropy, Next Generation Leadership, Population and the Cairo Agenda, Communication for Social Change and Other Grants). The Rolex Awards for Enterprise aim to encourage a spirit of enterprise in individuals around the world by supporting outstanding efforts in areas that advance human knowledge and well-being. The Rolex Awards provide financial assistance to people who want to implement concrete working projects. Applicants must submit projects that are envisaged for the future or that have been completed in part. The 2006 Selection Committee invites applications for projects that fall into the following areas: science and medicine; technology and innovation; exploration and discovery; the environment; and cultural heritage. Projects must expand knowledge of our world, improve the quality of life on the planet or contribute to the betterment of humankind. The Society’s grants are wide-ranging and offer support to individual researchers, expedition teams and schoolteachers. Grants are for work in both the UK and overseas. The Society has many small grants for scientific expeditions working in remote and challenging environments. For these, it encourages projects that add to Award Amount US$10,000 Website ard_criteria_e.htm 5 awards/year at US$100,000 ea. ome-flash.html Awards range in value from £350 - £15,000. International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Critically Endangered Bird Species Research Shell Corp. Marine Habitat Program Shell Foundation Simbiota Society for the Study of Amphibians and Description the geographical knowledge of a region and contribute to development and conservation priorities, working closely with local communities and scholars. Each year, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), the BirdLife Partner in the UK, offers grants to fund research on the approximately 190 bird species listed by IUCN as “Critically Endangered”. Only work on these species will be considered for grants. Priority will be given to people working in-country, particularly BirdLife Partners and other conservation NGOs, although individuals not attached to an institution may also apply if they can obtain a letter of support from a recognised institution in their country. The Shell Marine Habitat program is a partnership between the Shell Oil Company and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The purpose of this partnership is to provide grants for projects that benefit marine habitat in and around the Gulf of Mexico. The Shell Marine Habitat Program was launched in 1988. To date, 96 projects have been funded, committing nearly $4 million in funds. It was decided from the outset that, rather than support a portfolio of small grants under the Biodiversity theme, the foundation would focus efforts on a partnering agreement with the Smithsonian Institution that would monitor and assess the impacts of oil and gas operations on areas of high biological diversity. As a consequence of the partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, which will continue until at least September 2005, the foundation will not be supporting any other project-based activities under the Biodiversity theme. Simbiota’s List of Potential Funding Sources for Neotropical Field Biologists & Conservationists. The 89 organizations in this list would consider funding proposals from Neotropical scientists or conservationists if those proposals matched their application guidelines. List of international funding opportunities for herpetological students and professionals provided by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Award Amount Grants of up to US$1,000. Website Paul Donald shell.htm biodiversity/funding.html /s-list.htm _grt.html International Conservation Project Funders Institution Reptiles Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund Award/Scholarship Teresa and H. John Heinz III Foundation Teresa Heinz Scholars for Environmental Research The Nature Conservancy Lindsay Parsons and Carter Bales Conservation scholarships Tinker Foundation Field research grant Description The Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund (SDCBF), established by the Roger Williams Park Zoo and the Rhode Island Zoological Society in 1989, supports conservation programs that protect threatened wildlife and habitats worldwide. Field studies and other projects that demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation and projects that involve incountry collaborators receive the highest funding priority. Environmental education programs, development of techniques that can be used in a natural environment, and captive propagation programs that stress an integrative approach to conservation are also appropriate. Projects must directly affect biological conservation. The program provides enhancement support for doctoral dissertation and master's thesis (or project) research. A total of 16 one-time, one-year awards are offered annually. Funded research must have public policy relevance that increases society's understanding of environmental concerns and proposed solutions. Individuals with dissertations or theses or projects that do not meet these criteria will not be considered. Recipients must participate in either a doctoral or master's program at the following institutions: Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Pennsylvania State University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Yale University, Florida A&M University, Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi. The Lindsay Parsons Scholarship Fund and the Carter Bales Conservation Scholarship Fund are two programs that support training and professional development for conservation practitioners from developing countries who are playing a key role within their organization. TNC works with the selected participants to design a training program around their specific needs. The Grants provide graduate students with travel funds (international and in-country) to Latin America, Spain and Portugal to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of language and culture, to gather research data and to Award Amount Website Max US$1000 http://www.rogerwilliamsparkz application.htm Doctoral: $10,000 Masters: $5,000 ams/ ml $10,000 and $15,000 /tinker/field.html International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Description develop contacts with scholars and institutions in their field. They are awarded by the university institutes/centers for brief periods of research in Iberia or Latin America and should reflect primarily the major interests of the Tinker Foundation, i.e., economic policy and governance and those targeted social science disciplines having strong public policy implications, and environmental policy studies. Awards are limited to graduate students conducting predissertation research. Award Amount Total Foundation US Fish and Wildlife Service Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Fund US Fish and Wildlife Service African and Asian Elephant Conservation Funds; Great Apes Conservation Fund; Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund Various grants Vodaphone Foundation WCS Research Fellowship Programme Neotripical Fund: Provides funding to individuals and group in the US, Latin America and the Caribbean, with the exception of Cuba for projects focusing on protection and management of neotropical migratory bird populations; maintenance, management, protection, and restoration of neotropical migratory bird habitat; research and monitoring; law enforcement; and community outreach and education. Projects may be up to two years in duration. The Foundation makes social investments that help the people of the world to have fuller lives by: sharing the benefits of developments in mobile communications technology as widely as possible; protecting the natural environment; and supporting the local communities in which Vodafone's customers, employees, investors and suppliers live. Most projects will be funded in partnership with local Vodafone company foundations or community programmes. Established in 1993, the RFP is a small grants program designed to support individual field research that is based Max amount for FY05 is US$250,000. Average award US$88,000, with a range of US$2,000 US$250,000. Requests under US$5,000 are discouraged. Grants up to US$50,000. Website fr/ CA/eng_neo.htm nts/grants.html http://www.vodafonefoundation .org/1.0.html Grants up to US$25,000 for International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship Whitley Laing Foundation Rufford Small Grant; Whitley Award Wildlife Trust Biodiversity, Ecology and Health Fund Description on sound and innovative conservation science. It aims to build capacity for the next generation of conservationists. Most of the grantees are professional conservationists from the country of research and/or post-graduates pursuing a higher degree. The RFP supports field research in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Traditionally the RFP has not supported research in North America, Australia, or Europe, or their territories. However, the RFP has just begun to accept applications from Native Americans (US) and First Nation Peoples (Canada) who intend to conduct work on native lands on issues of direct relevance to wildlife. Rufford Small Grants (RSG's) are awards offered in association with the Whitley Laing Foundation. They are aimed at small conservation programmes and pilot projects and are not designed to be a small part of a large undertaking. RSG's are available to individuals and small groups. Applications can be made at any time of the year and these are reviewed twice annually with deadlines at the end of January and July. Projects should be about a year’s duration although each application is assessed on its own merit and the project length can be flexible. Applications from non first world areas are strongly encouraged; grants are not normally offered in response to applications for funding for attending conferences and seminars, nor for academic research projects or purely data gathering expeditions. It is hoped that many recipients of Rufford Small Grants will progress in their field and go on to apply for a main Whitley Award. On successful completion of a RSG, having provided satisfactory feedback and a final report, applicants are welcome to apply for a second RSG and then a Rufford Booster Grant. Wildlife Trust’s Biodiversity, Ecology and Health Fund (BEHF) supports projects that with a modest level of funding can make an impact on protecting nature or safeguarding ecological health. Typical projects have budgets of less than $10,000 U.S. and can be completed in one to two years. BEHF projects normally focus on research aimed at improving wildlife conservation science, conservation medicine, natural resources management, or Award Amount one year (average award is $7,000). Website =1&psid=0&ph=6b0b Rufford: Grants up to £5,000. Whitley: £30,000, plus a second year of £30,000 for the gold winner. ord/rufford_index.html Up to US$10,000 for one- to two-year projects. htm International Conservation Project Funders Institution Award/Scholarship World Wide Fund for Nature China China Conservation Small Grants Fund WWF – Education for Nature Program Nsanjama-Palmer Rising Star Scholarships WWF – Education for Nature Program Russell Train Scholarship Program WWF – Education for Nature Program Professional Development Grants Description public environmental policies by local scientists working full-time in the country in which the project takes place. Wildlife Trust’s BEHF Program does not fund: 1.) administrative overhead or unrestricted operating support; 2.) salaries (daily field expenses are funded); 3.) tuition; and 4.) attendance to conferences. Projects should focus on plants and animals that are either on the IUCN Red List for China, or have been officially designated 1st or 2nd Category Protected Species by the Chinese government. Projects focusing on protection of biologically important habitat areas will also be considered. Proposals to work on well-publicized species will not be considered. With the purpose of increasing the number of trained conservationists in Francophone Africa, Nsanjama-Palmer Rising Star Scholarships are awarded to four or five commendable students each year at the Ecole pour la Formation des Specialistes de la Faune (EFG) school in Cameroon. These students are at the beginning of their career in conservation and show a long-term commitment to the field. The Russell Train Scholarship Program has been awarding scholarships and fellowships since 1994 to practitioners dedicated to conservation in their home countries and regions. Scholars receive financial support for a period of up to two years to cover all education costs (tuition, books, travel, room and board) at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level at the recipient’s institution of choice anywhere in the world. Participating regions include Africa, Asia/Pacific and Latin America. EFN Professional Development Grants support trainingrelated costs for mid-career conservation professionals to attend short-courses, workshops, and conferences. Costs covered include registration fees and tuition, meals and accommodations, books and materials, international travel, and local transportation. Training may take place anywhere in the world. Award Amount Website Up to US$20,000/yr. Grants range from $1,500 to $5,000.