Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 91/676/EEC CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF WATERS AGAINST POLLUTION CAUSED BY NITRATES FROM AGRICULTURAL SOURCES I. Responsibilities Responsibility for the Directive: Ministry of Agriculture (MA) Scope of activities: agricultural management (code of good agriculture practice, action programmes, and implementation of required measures) Expert responsible: Mr. Martin Fantyš, MA, Department of Rural Development Support Co-operating Ministry: Ministry of the Environment (ME) Scope of activities: water protection (monitoring of water quality, designation of vulnerable zones) Contact person: Mr. Václav Dvořák, ME, Department of Water Protection Specialist: Mrs. Hana Prchalová, Water Research Institute TGM Transitional period: The Czech Republic requests a transitional period for the implementation of the Directive until the end of 2006 for the introduction of required measures in the agriculture sector. II. Main objectives of the Directive The main objectives of the Nitrates Directive are twofold: to reduce pollution caused or induced by nitrates from agricultural sources; and to prevent further water pollution of this type. III. Plan for meeting the requirements of the Directive A. Main requirements of the Directive 1. Identify waters polluted or threatened by nitrates from agricultural sources and establish a regular monitoring programme (Art. 3 and 6) 2. Decide whether to identify nitrate vulnerable zones on an individual basis or whether to apply mandatory action programmes throughout the whole territory of the Czech Republic (Art. 3) 3. Designate nitrate vulnerable zones (Art. 3 and 6, Annexe I) D2 1 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources 4. Establish a code or codes of good agricultural practice (Art. 4, Annexe II) 5. Establish, implement and enforce action programmes (Art. 5, Annexe III) 6. Horizontal requirements: 6.1. Responsibilities 6.2. Representation of the CR in the Committee (Art. 9) 6.3. Reporting (Art. 10, Annexe V, Art. 12) 6.4. Nitrate pollution from other sources than agricultural B. Plan for implementation of the requirements 1. Identify waters polluted or threatened by nitrates pollution from agricultural sources and establish a regular monitoring programme a) Summary of the objective The duty to identify waters affected by pollution and waters, which could be affected by pollution - especially surface waters, groundwater and eutrophic waters, is given by Article 3 of the Directive. The Directive stresses the importance of identification of waters that are not yet eutrophic but could be if action pursuant Article 5 is not taken. The basic criteria for identifying which polluted or threatened waters should be designated are specified in Annex I of the Directive. In applying these criteria, Member States shall also take account of the physical and environmental characteristics of the land and waters, the current understanding of the behaviour of nitrogen compounds in the environment and the current understanding of the impact of the action programmes taken pursuant to Article 5. For the needs of the Nitrates Directive it is necessary to distinguishes between two different types of monitoring: 1. that intended for identification of polluted and threatened waters and the consequent designation of nitrate vulnerable zones; and 2. that intended for assessment of the effectiveness of the action programmes. The first type of monitoring involves the whole territory of the CR; nitrates in surface waters and groundwater are monitored at representative places, i.e. those where pollution from agricultural sources can be ascertained. Even though greater emphasis is put on surface fresh waters used or intended for human consumption the EU does not recommend to limit the monitoring to the existing sampling site, because it assumes that the results could be biased from the real state. For the purpose of designation and revising of vulnerable zones, Member States shall within two years of notification of the Directive, monitor the nitrate concentration in freshwaters over a period of one year in the following manner: At surface water sampling sites selected in accordance with Directive 75/440/EEC on the quality of surface water for drinking water abstraction and/or at other representative sampling stations at least once a month and more frequently during flood periods. At sampling stations, which are representative of the groundwater aquifers of Member States, at regular intervals and taking into account the provisions of Directive 80/778/EEC. D2 2 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Member States shall repeat this monitoring programme at least every four years, except for those sampling stations where the nitrate concentration in all previous samples has been below 25 mg/l and no new factor has appeared, in which case the monitoring need to be repeated only every eight years. Member States also have the duty to review the eutrophic state of their fresh surface waters and estuarial and coastal waters every four years. The second type of monitoring concerns only vulnerable zones and should be aimed mainly at polluted and threatened waters detected by the first type of monitoring. Apart from monitoring the nitrate content in waters it will also be necessary to find out in detail the input of nitrates, their levels in soils and the rate of nitrogen contamination. It will be necessary to develop the methods for this kind of monitoring. All measurement will be effected in accordance with the reference methods of measurement as set out in Annex IV and Article 9. b) Identification of implementation steps Preparatory phase of implementation Analysis of the current state of waters in relation to the Directive requirements Responsibility: ME (TGM WRI) Date: 06/2000 Identification of the necessary data (water quality parameters and sampling points) Responsibility: ME (TGM WRI) Date: 12/2000 Collection of the necessary water quality data Responsibility: ME (TGM WRI) Date: 06/2001 Preparation of methods for water quality data assessment Responsibility: ME (TGM WRI) Date: 06/2001 Water quality data assessment Responsibility: ME (TGM WRI) Date: 12/2001 Implementation phase Specification of the criteria for identification of waters polluted or threatened by nitrates from agricultural sources Responsibility: ME Date: 12/2000 D2 Identification of waters polluted or threatened by nitrates from agricultural sources 3 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Responsibility: Date: ME 12/2002 Revision phase Preparation / refinement of methods: Proposal of monitoring network and sampling programme Refinement of methods for monitoring data assessment Responsibility: ME Date: 12/2002 Regular data provision (collection, storage, assessment), establishment of a monitoring network as required by the Directive. Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 12/2002 Periodical (every four year) revision of the monitoring extent and of the criteria for waters identification (connected to the revision of the vulnerable zones’ extent) Responsibility: ME Date: since the start of monitoring every four years Periodical (every four year) revision of the identification of waters polluted or threatened by nitrates from agriculture Responsibility: ME Date: since the start of monitoring every four years Reporting Reporting to the Czech competent authorities Submitting the data from the monitoring to the institution responsible for their assessment Producing regular reports on the monitoring results and their assessment, submitting these reports to the competent authority Reporting to the European Commission Maps showing the waters identified in accordance with Art. 3 and Annex I Monitoring results Responsibility: ME Date: 12/2003 2. Decide whether to identify nitrate vulnerable zones on an individual basis or whether to apply mandatory action programmes throughout the whole territory of the Czech Republic a) Summary of the objective According to Article 3 of the Directive Member States are exempt from the obligation to identify specific vulnerable zones, if they establish and apply action programmes referred to Article 5 throughout their national territory, that is the whole country becomes a vulnerable zone. D2 4 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources b) Identification of implementation steps The competent authority decide whether the CR will: identify nitrate vulnerable zones on an individual basis, or establish action programmes for the whole territory. Responsibility: Date: MA/ME 6/2001 The official decision will be taken on the basis of preliminary identification of waters polluted or threatened by nitrates from agricultural sources and the monitoring results of groundwater and surface water quality. The currently available information (approximate designation of vulnerable zones will be made by the end of 2000) indicates quite clearly that the designation of specific vulnerable zones would be the most appropriate approach. The implementation strategy, including the following chapters of this implementation plan, has been based on this assumption. 3. Designate nitrate vulnerable zones a) Summary of the objective The procedure and criteria for the identification and revision of specific vulnerable zones are specified in Article 3 and 6 and Annex I of the Directive. Member States shall, within two-years period following the notification of the Directive, designate as vulnerable zones all known areas of land which drain into the identified waters and which contribute to this pollution. Member States shall review and if necessary revise or add to the designation of vulnerable zones as appropriate, and at least every four years, to take into account changes and factors unforeseen at the time of the previous designation. b) Identifying individual steps Preparatory phase of implementation Estimation of the extent of vulnerable zones Responsibility: ME (TGM WRI) Date: 12/2000 Identification of the necessary data for vulnerable zones designation Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 12/2001 Approximate designation of vulnerable zones on the basis of waters identification Responsibility: ME (TGM WRI) Date: 12/2002 Preparation of methods for designation of vulnerable zones Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 06/2003 D2 5 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Data assessment for designation Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 12/2003 Implementation phase Detailed designation and declaration of vulnerable zones (with respect to the cadastral units and production areas) Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 12/2004 Revision phase Refinement of methods for designation of vulnerable zones Responsibility: ME/MA Date: to be specified Regular data provision (collection, storage, assessment) for revision of designated vulnerable zones Responsibility: ME/MA Date: permanently since 2005 Periodical revision of designated vulnerable zones Responsibility: ME/MA Date: since the end of 2004 every four year Enforcement Public information (especially for farmers) about the designation of vulnerable zones and their revisions Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 12/2004; since 1/2003 public discussions Reporting Reporting to the Czech competent authorities Background data for designation of zones Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 12/2004 Reporting to the European Commission Maps showing the location of the designated vulnerable zones, distinguishing between existing zones and zones designated since the previous report Responsibility: ME/MA Date: 6/2005 and since every four years D2 6 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources 4. Establish a code or codes of good agricultural practice a) Summary of the objective Article 4 and Annex II concern the requirements for establishing a code or codes of good agricultural practice. Code is a summary of the requirements for agricultural management methods, which prevent excessive loads of waters by nitrates. The code should be implemented by farmers on a voluntary basis (with the exception of vulnerable zones) and without any financial compensation. The aim of this code is to provide for all waters a general level of protection against pollution. Member States shall set up where necessary a programme, including the provision of training and information for farmers, promoting the application of the code on the whole national territory. The code should at least contain the items mentioned in Annex IIA involving the procedures for land application of fertilisers (timing, amount, method for their application for steep slops, watersaturated, flooded, frozen or snow covered ground and near watercourses) and the capacity and construction of storage vessels for livestock manure. Member States may also in their code include measures concerning land use management, sowing procedures, the proportion of the land area devoted to permanent crops relative to annual tillage crops, vegetation cover, establishment of fertiliser plans and prevention of water pollution from run-off. The items are not defined in detail so each Member State can set up the given measures according to its specific conditions, bases and experiences so that they are as effective as possible for the given area. Where necessary, information and training programmes should be established for farmers, promoting the application of the code of good agricultural practice. b) Identification of implementation steps Preparatory phase of implementation Assessment of the key technical operations in agriculture Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC) Date: identification of the key operations – 01/2000 assessment of impacts of the key operations on nitrates releases – 12/2004 Implementation phase Harmonisation of the objectives with the acceptability of the measures for farmers Responsibility: MA (RIAE) Date: 06/2002 Establishing and publication of a code the good agricultural practices Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE) Date: 12/2002 Revision phase Revision of the code of good agricultural practice Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE) Date: to be specified on the basis of real needs D2 7 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Regular monitoring of the implementation of the code of good agricultural practice throughout the whole territory of the CR Responsibility: MA (RICP, RIAEN, RISWC, RIAE) Date: permanently from 2003 Enforcement Establishing the instruments for supporting the implementation of the code of good agricultural practices Responsibility: MA (RIAE) Date: to be specified Awareness raising, training and information activities for farmers Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE), ME (WRI TGM) Date: since 2001 Reporting Reporting to the European Commission The content of the code of good agricultural practice The level of application of the code by farmers Responsibility: MA Date: 06/2003 5. Establish, implement and enforce action programmes a) Summary of the objective Article 5 and the accompanying Annex III deals with establishment of action programmes for vulnerable zones. Within a two-year period following the initial designation of vulnerable zones or within of one year of each additional designation, Member States shall establish action programmes. An action programme may relate to all vulnerable zones or different programmes may be established for different vulnerable zones or part of zones. Action programmes shall take into account available scientific and technical data mainly with reference to respective nitrogen contribution originating from agricultural and other sources and environmental conditions in the relevant region. Action programmes shall be implemented within four years of their establishment and shall consist of mandatory measures set out in Annex III and those measures, which are specified in the code of good agricultural practice, except those which have been replaced with other measures in the programme. Mandatory measures include rules relating to land application of fertiliser (timing, dosage and limitation of application consistent with good agricultural practice), land use and agricultural practice, including crop rotation system and capacity of storage vessels for livestock manure. D2 8 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Member States shall moreover take, in the framework of the action programmes, such additional measures or reinforced actions, as they consider necessary if it becomes apparent that the mandatory measures will not be sufficient for achieving Directive objectives. Action programmes are liable to checks every four years and if necessary can be amended. According to the Directive a suitable monitoring or control programme must be developed and implemented to judge the effectiveness of the action programmes. For this evaluation it is necessary to establish criteria for indicating whether there has been a change, what kind of change and to what extent. Member States shall review and if necessary revise their action programmes, including any additional measures at least every four years. To assess its effectiveness Member States shall draw up and implement suitable monitoring programmes with assessment criteria. b) Identification of implementation steps Preparatory phase of implementation Analysis of the present state of the legislative measures concerning agricultural management Responsibility: MA Date: 01/2000 Preparation of action programmes Responsibility: MA Date: since 2001 Pilot project on 2 –3 farms Responsibility: MA Assumed beginning: 2000 Identification of the necessary data on agricultural management and the natural conditions Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC), ME (WRI TGM) Date: 12/2002 (estimate) Collection of the necessary data on agricultural management and the natural conditions Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC), ME (WRI TGM) Date: 12/2003 (estimate) Preparation of a list of measures for reducing the nitrates contamination of waters in different conditions Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC) Date: 06/2004 Preparation of methods for assessment of data on agricultural management and the natural conditions Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE), ME (WRI TGM) Date: 12/2004 D2 9 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Implementation phase Harmonisation of the objectives with the acceptability of the measures for farmers Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE) Date: 12/2004 Working out action programmes (identification of measures for specific vulnerable zone) Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE) Date: 12/2004 (estimate) Adoption of the action programmes Responsibility: MA Date: 6/2005 (estimate) Implementation of the action programmes Responsibility: MA Date: 12/2006 Revision phase If necessary, revision of the method for the assessment of data on agricultural management and natural conditions Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE), ME (WRI TGM) Date: 12/2005 (estimate) Regular data provision (collection, storage, assessment) on agricultural management and the natural conditions Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE), ME (WRI TGM) Date: permanently Periodical revision of the action programmes Responsibility: MA Date: first revision 12/2008 and since every four years (estimate) Implementation of revised action programmes Responsibility: MA Date: within four years after their adoption Enforcement Setting out instruments to support the implementation of the objectives Responsibility: MA (RIAE) Date: 6/2005 (estimate) Establishment and implementation of enforcement measures for ensuring compliance with the action programme(s). Responsibility: MA/ME Date: 12/2006 D2 10 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Awareness raising and training for farmers (action plans) Responsibility: MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE), ME (WRI TGM) Date: permanently since 2003 Reporting Reporting to the Czech competent authorities Data on fertilising and agricultural management in vulnerable zone (from farmers) Reporting to the European Commission Summary of the action programmes, in particular: the mandatory measures any additional measures and/or reinforced actions the manner of applying the provisions on the capacity of storage vessels for livestock manure any changes in the action programmes a summary of the results of the monitoring programmes focused on the assessment of the action programme effectiveness approximate timescale within which the polluted waters are expected to respond to the measure in the action programme Responsibility: MA Date: 06/2007 6. Horizontal requirements 6.1. Responsibilities It will be necessary to appoint the most appropriate body to the position of competent authority which will take overall responsibility for meeting the requirements of the Directive and to appoint the institutions which will carry out the specific requirements of the Directive (see implementation steps) and those which will enforce them. Responsibility: Date: 6.2. MA/ME 12/2005 Representation of the CR in the Committee Article 9 describes the procedure by which all proposed changes to the Directive (introduction of new measures according to the most recent evolution of understanding of nitrate pollution, etc.) are accepted. In these matters the European Commission is assisted by a Committee, which is composed of Member States’ representatives and chaired by a Commission representative. It will be necessary to ensure the representation of the CR in this Committee. Responsibility: Date: D2 MA/ME date of accession 11 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources 6.3. Reporting According to Article 10 the Member States must, in respect of the four-year period following the notification of this Directive (19.12.1991) and in respect of each subsequent four-year period, submit a report to the Commission containing the information outlined in Annex V. The report will indicate how the Member States are complying with the requirements of the Directive and progress in elimination of water pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. The report must be submitted to the Commission within six months of the end of the period to which it relates. In connection with this requirement it will be necessary to establish a reporting system and system of data collection, storage and assessment. Responsibility: Date: 6.4. MA/ME Every four years, not later than six months after the end of the period to which report relates Nitrate pollution from other sources than agricultural With the aim of ensuring integrated water protection it will be necessary to identify other causes of increased nitrate content in waters (in particular releases from industrial enterprises and wastewater treatment plants) and propose the measures for improving the current state. Responsibility: Date: IV. V. ME 12/2006 Requirements to the date of accession Transpose the Nitrates Directive into national law Ensure appropriate water monitoring for identification of waters and designation of vulnerable zones Identify waters polluted or threatened by nitrates from agricultural sources Establish a code / codes of good agricultural practice Current state 1. Monitoring The existing State Network of Surface Water Quality Monitoring is not appropriate for the needs of the Nitrates Directive, because it is focused on the main watercourses, where agricultural pollution is masked by communal pollution. It seems that the network of the State Land Reclamation Authority would be more suitable because it is aimed at small watercourses. Nevertheless, it will be necessary in accordance with the Directive to identify measurement sites which are influenced by other pollution sources than agricultural, establish measurement sites in D2 12 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources the places where intensive agricultural activities have been carried out and amend the sampling regime (determine the density of the sampling stations, set out the frequency of sampling and the extent of the indicators). For groundwater monitoring it is possible to use the existing State network which will need to be extended (several hydrogeological areas, where agriculture is predominant, are not practically monitored) and it will be necessary to increase the frequency of sampling (at present only twice a year). With regards to the emphasis on drinking water and the financial cost of operating a greater number of State monitoring installations it would be apt to supplement the results from the State network with data from the operational monitoring of groundwater carried out by water suppliers. For this purpose it will be necessary to change the current legislation as, at present, water suppliers are not obliged to notify the results of analyses of raw water. 2. Agricultural management Detailed analysis has shown that a predominant part of the provisions, which have to be included in a code of good agricultural practice, are already laid out in the relevant legal documents of the CR (Act No. 156/1998 Coll. on fertilisers and its implementing Decree) in a similar way to that in the Directive as a general duty, but that greater precision is needed for some of the specifications. The professional supervision over storing and application of fertilisers is carried out by the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture. In the event of discovering an irregularity this Institute has the right to impose corrective measures and to charge a fine for not meeting the legally established duties or imposed measures. However, the possibilities of the Institute to supervise and effectively enforce the implementation of these requirements across the whole territory of the CR are limited. In the event of ascertaining and proving pollution or threat to water quality, the water management authorities also have relevant responsibilities. The question of changes to the cultures grown on agricultural land (in relation to the needs of grassing over arable land) is currently the subject to amendments to Act No. 334/1992 Coll. on protection of the agricultural land and its implementing Decree. In the protected zones the water management authorities have the right to impose specific management regimes. Along with assigned management regimes comes the right for financial compensation according to Act No. 252/1997 Coll. on agriculture. VI. Identification of problem areas, proposed measures 1. Monitoring For the needs of the Nitrates Directive it will be necessary to adjust the current monitoring networks, in part by supplementing the representative sampling stations / sites and in part by a specific sampling programme. For the initial water identification and designation of vulnerable zones it is likely that the existing data can be used, but it will not be possible for the revision phase. The question remains open as to the extent of the monitoring for the assessment of the effectiveness of the action programmes in the vulnerable zones. D2 13 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources With regard to the costs of monitoring it will be necessary to legislatively specify the duties for water suppliers to provide the operational data. However, these data will only have a complementary character. For the monitoring and identification of polluted waters it will be necessary to develop out several different methods. 2. Criteria for identification of waters polluted or threatened by nitrates from agricultural sources The problem of identification of water bodies polluted by nitrates, and the declaration of these bodies as polluted or eutrophic because of nitrate releases, is linked to the assessment criteria. These criteria will be of only a general nature and will be supplemented by methods for further assessment because, in many cases, an individual approach will be needed. The assessment methods will probably be developed in connection with future knowledge, experience and possibilities of applying models. 3. Designation and revision of vulnerable zones The bases for designation of vulnerable zones (identification of pertinent water bodies polluted or threatened by pollution and the proposal for designation of vulnerable zones, including the relevant monitoring and assessment of its results) will be carried out by the competent professional institutes in the framework of its activities related to water management. Vulnerable zones will be declared by Government Order. 4. Support for the implementation of the code of good agricultural practice Preparation of a code of good agricultural practice, its publishing and dissemination, so that it is available for every farmer, is one of the crucial and closely followed requirements of the Directive. The code of good agricultural practice should be implemented on a voluntary principle over the whole CR regardless of whether the vulnerable zones are designated or not. The preparation of the code of good agricultural practice has already started and will be the subject of a research project initiated in 2000 (see chapter XI.B.I). To support the implementation of the code of good agricultural practice information and training programmes will be established. The necessary funding for these programmes should come from the State budget. The MA and its professional institutes should ensure the implementation of these programmes. Several measures contained in Annex II of the Directive are laid out in the Act No. 156/1998 Coll. on fertilisers, the application of which is obligatory. 5. Action programmes and the question of compensations The most complex problem will be the implementation of action programmes in the designated vulnerable zones. By action programme the Directive understands a whole set of mandatory measures which are specified in Annex III of the Directive - e.g. the maximum allowed amount of livestock manure (specified by contents of nitrates) applied to the land each year in the designated vulnerable zones and the duty for owners and tenants of agricultural land to work out and submit for approval fertilisation plans and in some events other similar duties. D2 14 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources Implementation of these mandatory measures is, according to the Directive interpretation, without entitlement to compensation. The action programmes can include various government support programmes aimed, for example, at financing additional requirements for storage vessels for livestock manure in vulnerable zones. The preparation of the action programmes is assumed to start from 2001, with making use of the experiences of the twinning partners in the framework of the Phare project „Implementation Strategies in the Water Sector“ (see Chapter XI.A.1) and further in the framework of a R&D project (see Chapter XI.A.2), eventually in the framework of a pilot project. 6. Checking the implementation and effectiveness of the action programmes In the designated vulnerable zones it will be necessary to establish an enforcement regime for the implementation of the action programmes and a system of assessment of its effectiveness. This will include identification of authorities, which will perform these enforcement, and specification of the sanctions, which will be taken in the event of non-compliance. In connection with this it will be necessary to consider whether further data (concerning e.g. the nitrate content in the soil or other factors) will be necessary for the assessment of the action programmes effectiveness, so that a method for data collection can be proposed. It is a question of monitoring for high nitrate levels in the soil after harvesting, simple nitrate balance on the agricultural land of a farm etc. Enforcement of mandatory measures in the agriculture sector could be secured by the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture or other State organisations connected with MA and ME (e.g. regional departments of the MA, The Czech Environmental Inspection – only enforcement) or another appointed organisation. The risk degree of individual agricultural operations with respect to nitrate leaching from the soil will be assessed on the basis of a research project (see Chapter XI.B.1). The proposal of an enforcement regime and institutional arrangement will be the subject of the Phare Twinning project „Implementation Strategies in the Water Sector“ (see Chapter XI.A.1). VII. Identification of stakeholders and their involvement in the approximation process Farmers Implementation of the Directive will concern mainly farmers working on the whole territory of the CR and especially farmers for whom the mandatory measures in the action programmes will relate. For this reason it will be necessary to involve farmers or their associations in the preparation of the action programmes and to allow them to express their opinion on the proposed mandatory measures. In selecting these measures (for the action programmes and the code of D2 15 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources good agricultural practice) it will be necessary to take into account their effectiveness and their relative cost for farmers. The manner of involving the farmers in the preparation and, eventually, the approval of the action programmes will have to be precisely defined and given a clear form. This problem will, at the same time, be solved in the framework of the Phare Twinning project „Implementation Strategies in the Water Sector“. VIII. Institutional, material and personnel needs Implementation of the Directive will be time-consuming and demanding of the number and qualifications of people, in particular with regards to the requirements on the monitoring of surface water and groundwater, designation of vulnerable zones and preparation and implementation of the action programmes. No less difficult will be preparation of the methods and institutional arrangement of the required activities in both the first phase of designation of vulnerable zones and preparation of the action programmes and their subsequent regular revisions. In the first phase it will be possible, with the assumption of available funds, to ensure the processing of the necessary data and methods by existing institutions. More complicated will be to ensure other routine activities. Existing institutions have neither the technology nor the personnel for taking on such activities, especially for monitoring and its assessment, operation of the necessary databases, designation of vulnerable zones and preparation of action programmes or their enforcement. In relation to the relevant activities, the implementation of the Directive will demand increased requirements on the management of these activities and the eventual development of new more effective approaches, because (with regard to the complexity of the problem) it is assumed that new knowledge and technical progress will be taken into consideration. An important component of the institutional arrangement will be establishment of training and information centres for farmers. Although the Directive only recommends their establishment, they will be of crucial importance in guaranteeing the effectiveness of the adopted action programmes. In connection with this it is assumed that a network of advice centres for farmers in the agro-environmental area (including the problems of the Nitrates Directive) will be created. D2 16 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources a) Institutional and material needs Requirements Monitoring Identify polluted and threatened waters Designation and revision of vulnerable zones Institutions involved Current state Optimum state CHMI CHMI SLRA SLRA drinking water suppliers TGM VRI TGM VRI, technical support to State authorities for river basin planning ME ME, MA (TGM VRI) Preparation and revision of action programmes - MA Monitoring and enforcement of the action programmes - CISTA, regional departments of MA, event. CEI ME (RICP, RISWC, RIAE) Preparation and revision of the code of good agricultural practice D2 MA (RICP, RISWC, RIAE) Necessary changes supplement measurement sites in places with intensive agricultural activities modify the sampling regime ensure suitable laboratory equipment implement suitable monitoring prepare a method for assessment of water quality data identify waters polluted and threatened by nitrates from agricultural sources prepare methods declare vulnerable areas (statute) assess effectiveness of action programmes (quality water monitoring in vulnerable zones) prepare pilot project identify necessary data and methods set up a list of measures inform farmers and public make legally binding the mandatory measures (Decree or Order) propose support programmes propose and institutionally secure a enforcement system establish information and training programmes for farmers 17 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources b) Needs for additional personnel in State institutions Activities Management, administration Water protection Enforcement Research institutes Technical support to the State administration for river basin planning Institutions MA ME RD ME, CEI MA State at the beginning of Personnel 1999/ reinforcement optimum in 1999 and 2000 state 1999 2000 0/2 1 0/1 0/65* 0/5 TRI ME Personnel needs 2001 – 2003 2001 2002 1 2003 1 1 2 0/8 2 8 *Estimate on the basis of the number of MA regional departments, institutional securing is assumed since 2004. IX. Costs and financial resources a) Estimated requirements for additional expenditures of the State budget (million CZK) 2000 Increase Total Personnel costs Salaries and overhead costs Investment and operational costs in the first year Total Other costs Total requirements for expenditures on the State budget D2 2001 Increase Total 2002 Increase Total 2003 Increase Total 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 5.5 8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.9 3.3 3.3 0.8 0 0.8 0.8 6.5 7.3 0.8 0 0.8 1.3 17.0 18.3 2.4 0 2.4 3.4 19.5 22.9 8.8 0 8.8 11.3 19.0 30.3 18 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources The following table contains the summary of estimated requirements on the State budget for implementation of the Directive over the period 2000 – 2006 (in 2000 it is the real expenditure) divided into individual budget chapters (MA and ME). Activities Designation and revision of vulnerable zones incl. preparation of methods (MA, ME) Preparation and publishing of the code of good agricultural practice (MA) Assessment and preparation of action programmes (MA) Pilot projects 2 - 3 farms (MA) Training and information activities (MA) (code and action programmes) Implementation of action programmes incl. support programmes for the investments (MA) System of administration, assessment and enforcement (MA, ME) Monitoring – investments and operation (MA, ME) Identification of polluted waters (ME) Revision of the extent of monitoring and vulnerable zones (ME) TOTAL Total MA Total ME 2000 3.5 3 2001 2.5/1.5 2002 2/1.5 2003 2/1.5 2004 2/1.5 2005 2 3 4 4 5.5 6 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 4 1 2006 will be the subject of economical analysis 6.5 6.5 0 1/0 1/1 1/1 2/1 4/1 4/1 2/1 2/1 1/2 1/4 1/6 1/8 1 1 1 1 1 2 19.5 15.0 4.5 19.0 13.5 5.5 23.5 16.0 7.5 20.0 12.0 8.0 17.0 5.0 12.0 17.0 14.5 2.5 The above mentioned finances have been/will be required on the State budget. Since 2002 it will be the subject of revisions (specification and supplementing) in connection with actual requirements of the implementation strategy. For the period 2001-2002 it will be necessary to secure the finances from the State budget for the preparation and publishing of the code of good agricultural practice. b) Estimated costs of private sector (million CZK) Purpose Construction and building up of the capacity of storage vessels for livestock manure in vulnerable zones Amount 3 000* Time period - Date for allocation 2002 - 2006 *Estimated on the assumption that 50% of the territory will be designated as vulnerable zone, given that State support was set at 40% for the estimated requirements on the State budget would be 1.2 milliard CZK in the given time period. Real demands on the investments will, however, be set on the basis of economic analysis in the framework of a project or a study. Determination of the investment costs in the private sector can be carried out after designation of the vulnerable zones and elaboration of impact studies. D2 19 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources X. Economic impacts Competitiveness of farmers For the reason that the measures contained in the action programmes are binding for the farmers and they have no legal right for compensation in the event of economic detriment, competitiveness of farmers in vulnerable zones could be affected. If this situation arises it could be solved by creating compensation programmes e.g. in support of constructing compliant storage vessels for livestock manure. In Member States this approach is relatively common, the programmes are as a rule covered by the State budget without any EU contribution. In Austria such a programme exists. France has a similar programme, which enables the participating farmers to construct the necessary storage vessels. After its completion the farmer pays less water pollution charges (according to the polluter pays principle) than farmers who do not participate and cannot ensure water protection at the required level. Assessment of the economic impacts on farmers in vulnerable zones with elaboration of a proposals for confronting these negative effects will be the subject of the Phare project „Implementation Strategies in the Water Sector“ and if needed of a R&D project (see chapter XI. A. 2.). XI. Project identification A. Existing / approved projects: 1. PHARE project „Implementation Strategies in the Water Sector“ The Phare project „Implementation Strategies in the Water Sector“ was accepted as the only project of the National Phare Programme for the environment in 1999. After preliminary preparation of the Project Fiche, the European Commission recommended the project in the form of "twinning" with a total budget of 1 million €. At present it is in the phase of the signature of the Project Covenant. The project represents no-investment aid in the water protection and is focused on 4 basic Directives: 1. Council Directive 91/676/EEC on protection of waters against nitrates pollution from agricultural sources (in the responsibility of the MA and ME); 2. Council Directive 80/68/EEC on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances (in the responsibility of the ME); 3. Council Directive 76/464/EEC on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community and daughter Directives (in the responsibility of the ME); 4. Council Directive 98/83/EC on quality of water intended for human consumption (in the responsibility of the Ministry of Health). Concerning the Nitrates Directive the project will deal with designation of vulnerable zones, water quality monitoring, preparation of the action programmes and the code of good agricultural practice in the broader socio-economic framework (involving the farmers in its D2 20 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources preparation, assessment of economic impacts of the measures, estimating the required investments, etc.), establishment of training and information programmes for the wider professional public and the representatives of the State authorities, securing the institutional needs and preparation of enforcement system. The project is expected to start in September 2000 and will be completed in December 2001. 2. Project R&D 510/4/98 Limiting Large-scale Pollution of Surface Waters and Groundwater in the CR This project was initiated in June 1998 and is planned to the end of 2002. It is aimed at three main types of large-scale pollution of surface waters and groundwater - nitrates, acidification and phosphorus. For solving nitrates pollution in waters the project uses the approach in the Nitrates Directive – i.e. designation of vulnerable zones, implementation of measures for reducing the input of nitrates from agricultural activities in waters. The project includes approximate designation of the vulnerable zones. Other related projects of ME and MA will deal with detailed designation of vulnerable zones including preparation of method, proposal of action programme for selected zone and assessment of economic impacts on farms in vulnerable zones. B. Planed projects: 1. Research project of MA “Agricultural Management in Vulnerable Zones (according to the Council Directive 91/676/EEC)“ Project proposal for a tender of the National Agency for Agricultural Research of the MA. Required objectives to be solved: determine on the basis of experimental results and with the help of mathematical models, the level of risk of individual agro-technical operation for nitrate leaching from soils propose a code of good agricultural practice with regard to the various soil-climatic conditions, assess the economic-organisational impacts of implementation of the Nitrates Directive. With the aim to find a integrated solution of the problems, existing and newly established field experiments and monitoring of nitrates in soil will be used. At the same time, methods for nitrate management, as an expert system for application of the code of good agricultural practice in the form of action programs for vulnerable zones will be prepared. Software will be prepared for assessing the risks of nitrate leaching. In the framework of this project the working version of the code will be completed (by the end of 2001 according to the time schedule of this implementation plan). Professional discussions on the content of the code will follow. In 2002 the code will be finalised in the form of a methodological instruction. The working version of the methods for the action programmes, consisting of the method for the assessment of the data on agricultural management and the natural conditions of the specific territory, will be completed by the end of 2003. After its verification the methods will be transmitted to the MA (2004). Testing the effects of critical operations with the aid of mathematical models and assessment of economic impacts will be completed by 2004. D2 21 Implementation plan for Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources 2. Research project of MA "Implementation of an Alternative Management System for Soil and Water Protection in the Landscape" Project proposal for a tender of the National Agency for Agricultural Research of the MA. Required aims to be solved: determine the mutual dynamic relations between soil and water in the landscape and propose a system of soil protection and use and differentiated water protection in landscape in the framework of integrated land reclamation, divide territories according to vulnerability, propose differentiated ways for their use, prepare proposals and criteria for support programmes according to the regions. The project has two specific objectives - to propose and implement a system of alternative management for soil and water protection and numerically express its impacts on improving water retention and water quality in the landscape. In the first phase, a digital soil map will be created for three selected localities in the CR on the basis of the infiltration capacity categorisation of the soil. The maps will outline the potential danger of threatening water sources in the given locality. In the second phase suitable areas and methods of growing field crops and permanent grassland management will be defined. In the third phase the proposed changes in land use in the monitored river basin will be verified with the aid of mathematical models from the standpoint of water quality. The fourth phase will deal with the methodical implementation of the alternative land management in the framework of complex land reclamation. The objective of the final phase is to propose suitable instruments for agricultural policy from the perspective of water protection. List of used acronyms: CEI CHMI CISTA CR EC EU IP PHARE R&D RD RIAE RIAEN RICP RISWC SLRA TGM WRI TRI D2 Czech Environmental Inspection Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture Czech Republic European Commission / European Communities European Union Implementation Plan Programme in support of the accession strategy to EU of the countries of central and eastern Europe Research and Development Regional department (of ME or MA) Research Institute of Agricultural Economics Research Institute of Agriculture Engineering Research Institute of Crop Production Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation State Land Reclamation Authority T.G. Masaryk Water Research Institute Technical and research institutes 22