The First African Congress on Pesticide Sciences

The First African Congress on Pesticides and Toxicology Sciences
A conference organized by the African Network for Chemical Analysis of
Pesticides (ANCAP) and University of Gezira (U of G)
Saturday 8th to Tuesday 11th November 2008
University of Gezira (U of G), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FAS), Department
of Pesticides & Toxicology, Neshishieba, Wad Medani, Gezira State, The Sudan
Theme: Judicious use of Pesticides for future Generations
African economies are heavily dependent on agriculture, in which, even under the
most environment friendly approach to pest control (IPM), the use of pesticides is
deemed necessary. This is more so because climatic conditions favor the survival of
many species including those of pests. But, according to FAO, many pesticides that
have been banned or whose use has been severely restricted in industrialized countries
are sill marketed and used in developing countries, especially Africa. FAO and WHO
warned that ca. 30% of the pesticides marketed (>$300 million) in developing
countries, including Africa are poor-quality and do not meet international standards
and specifications. These chemicals pose serious risks to health of millions of farmers
and the environment. Concurrently, the amount of toxic waste stemming from
obsolete pesticides in developing countries has now been acknowledged to be much
higher than previously estimated with Africa alone having about 120,000 tons (up
from the previous estimate of 50,000 tons) of the estimated 500,000 tons worldwide.
In many developing countries, the management of pesticides is often inadequate, due
to lack of resources. Consequently, many of these countries suffer from weak import
controls, poor storage and stock management, and a lack of training in proper
pesticide use. Thus, even some products, which can be safely used in developed
countries, may be impossible to use safely under developing country conditions.
There is, thus, a dire need to study and monitor all aspects of pesticides in Africa,
hence, the conference which will, hopefully, be the first in a series of many.
The conference will be held at the Premises of the main campus of the University
of Gezira (U of G), Wad Medani, 1 km from the great Blue Nile, 184 km south of
Khartoum (3 hr drive), the capital city of the Sudan where the Blue Nile and the
White Nile meet to form the Great Nile going north to Egypt. Wad Medani is the
capital city of the Gezira State, the home of the famous Gezira Scheme, the biggest
scheme in the world under one administration, which was established 1927. The state
also hosts the biggest industrial area represented by GIAD city for heavy industries,
Guineid Sugar Factory, several textile factories and tanneries. The state also borders
El Dindir Animal Reserve/park. During November the weather is sunny and pleasant
with a mean mid-day temperatures averaging 27 ºC with low humidity.
Transportation from Khartoum Airport to Wad Medani and back will be available for
those coming from abroad (free of charge). Participant must inform the organizing
committee of their itinerary.
Entry visa can be issued from Sudanese Embassy; those who require letters for visas
must contact the LOC. Participants who don not have Sudanese Embassies in their
countries must apply 45 days before their arrival for a visa to be issued on arrival.
The official language of the congress is English; abstracts and papers in French
and Arabic are accepted. Translation will be available during sessions
I. PESTICIDES: Insecticides, acaricides, miticides, herbicides, fungicides,
bactericides, algicides, nematicides, rodenticides, avicides, mulluscicides, repellents,
attractants, chemosterilants, growth regulators/inhibitors, etc., Pesticide chemistry
(synthesis, analysis, etc), Pesticide formulations (preparation, specifications,
analysis), Botanicals, Regulations, Pesticides in IPM, Control of vector borne
diseases, Control of agricultural pests, Effect on natural enemies, Effect on nontargets, Pesticide application (equipment, techniques, etc.)
II. TOXICOLOGY: Mode of action, Site of action, Toxicity, metabolism, Antidotes,
Ecotoxicology, Applied toxicology, Forensic toxicology, Veterinary toxicology,
Environmental Toxicology, Pesticide residues (detection & analysis), Risk
assessment, Resistance
III. POLLUTION: Ecology of pesticides, Pesticide MRLs and international trade,
Environmental fate and effects, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Persistent
Toxic Substances (PTS), Food toxicants and contaminants
IV. DDT and malaria control
Chairperson: Prof. Nabil H.H. Bashir
Secretary: Dr. Yousif O.H. Assad
(Head, Dept. of Pesticides & Toxicology)
Department of Pesticides & Toxicology, Faculty of Agric. Sciences, U. of Gezira,
Wad Medani, Gezira State, Sudan; +249912217009 (mobile) +249-511-840466
(Fax) P.O. Box 20; e-mail :;
Treasurer: Prof. Yousif F. Mohamed
(Dean Faculty of Agric. Sciences)
Prof. Hassan O. Kanan (ARC)
Dr. Hyder A. Mohamed (ARC)
Prof. Abdelazim B. Zeidan (U of G)
Dr. Faiza E.S. Mohamed (U of G)
Mr. Elhag M. Medani (U of G)
Mr. Kamal Y. Mohamed (SAGA)
Dr. Azhari O. Abdelbagi (U of Khartoum)
Prof. Elamin M. Elamin (ARC)
Dr. Sief Eldin M. Khair (U of S for Science & Technol.)
Mr. Khidir Gibriel Musa (Director General, PPD)
1. Prof. M.A. Kishimba (Tanzania);; ;
mobile +255 22 2410244
Chemistry Department, University of Dar es Salaam,
P.O. Box 35061,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
2. Prof. S.O. Wandiga (Kenya)
3. Prof. B. Kiremire
(Uganda) ;
mobile: + 256 772589313
Chemistry Department, Makerere University,
P.O. Box 7062,
Kampala, Uganda.
4. Prof. N.H.H. Bashir (Sudan);;;
Department of Pesticides & Toxicology,
Faculty of Agric. Sciences, U. of Gezira, Wad Medani,
Gezira State, Sudan
P.O. Box 20;
mobile +249-918223569
Head of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC).
5. Prof. M. Zaranyika (Zimbabwe)
Chemistry Department, University of Zimbabwe
P.O. Box : MP 167 Mount Pleasant
Harare, Zimbabwe
6. Prof. G.N. Kamau
7. Dr. N. Megresa
Abstracts showing title, author and affiliation should be submitted electronically (email attachment) to the contacts listed below by August 30th 2008. The author (s)
must indicate whether it will be presented orally (15 minutes) or as a poster. Abstract
should not exceed 300 words. Accepted abstracts must be followed by a full-text,
which will be subjected to refereeing by a scientific committee and published in the
congress proceedings.
The registration fee is US$ 100, students US$ 50.
For Sudanese Participants : SDP 100; students SDP 50.
Hotel accommodation is available in various hotels in town (3 stars) and ranges
between 30 and 50 US$. Participants may request the organizers to help in making
Prof. Nabil H.H. Bashir
+249 918223569 (Mobile)
+249-511-840466 (Fax)
Dr. Yousif O.H. Assad
+249912217009 (mobile)
+249-511-840466 (Fax)