SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME 2 FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES, AND BIOTECHNOLOGY TEAMPEST PROJECT WP5: ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY, BIODIVERSITY LOSS AND SOCIALLY OPTIMAL PESTICIDE USE TASK 5.1: LITERATURE REVIEW WP5: ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY, BIODIVERSITY LOSS AND SOCIALLY OPTIMAL PESTICIDE USE TASK 5.1: LITERATURE REVIEW Theodoros A. Skevas Prof. Spiro E. Stefanou Prof. Alfons Oude Lansink February 2009 Business Economics Group Wageningen University The Netherlands 1 Executive Summary This report presents an interpretive review of the literature in support of the work package on “Economic Sustainability, Biodiversity Loss and Socially Optimal Pesticide Use.” Particular attention is focused on the interaction between production decisions and biodiversity loss, reduction of environmental quality and impacts of agricultural and environmental policy on pesticides use. This review is organized along the three major themes. Economic Growth and the Environment During the last decades, there is a considerable increase in the global level of production of goods and services. This economic growth that was brought about mainly by technological innovations has its impact on the environment. The over-exploitation of natural resources has resulted in environmental degradation but, on the other hand, the development of pollution abatement technologies promises to ease these environmental problems. Sustainable economic growth is of primary importance in sustaining human needs and protecting the natural habitat. This major theme can be partitioned into macro and micro (disaggregated or decision maker level) perspectives. Pesticides and Biodiversity With the productivity gains and cost reductions realized by pesticide use, there are several disadvantages that relate to the broader ecosystem, genes and species in a region, which constitutes the region’s biodiversity. Pesticide overuse or use at the crop edges which constitute forage and nesting habitats for farmland fauna can reduce biodiversity. Non-target plant species that benefit farmland fauna can also extinct due to competition for nutrients with target species. Precise use of pesticides can address these problems. Pesticide Policies Many international and national policies are trying to regulate pesticide use as consumers are becoming more aware of pesticide externalities and demand pesticide free agricultural products and cleaner and safer natural habitat. The current level of food production is already causing serious environmental problems. Important efforts towards regulating pollution have been made in industrialized countries in the form of increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Although much of the environmental regulations are directed at industrial production, agriculture is affected as well, especially from pesticide regulations and clean water acts. European Union is struggling to implement coherent pesticide regulations in an effort to protect public health and the environment. Regulations on the marketing of plant protection products, 2 maximum residue levels and the thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides compose the puzzle of the European pesticide policy. The imposition of a tax or levy scheme is not a costless procedure and its entire regulatory cost creates uncertainty concerning the optimal time that has to be imposed. In an initial period there is uncertainty about the stage of the world. Environmental externalities have not still fully documented and the external costs have not been quantified precisely. Therefore, policy makers are not sure whether they must introduce a tax now or to wait for further information and introduce it later. Imposing a tax at an early period can prove to be more costly as there are no precise indicators of external costs. This absence of knowledge can lead a policy maker to delay his intervention and to wait to identify the exact external costs and reflect them in the prices of the different commodities by imposing a suitable tax. Therefore, delaying reduces somehow the economic risk of imposing a tax scheme. On the other hand waiting can prove to be costly in cases of irreversible damages. Organization With over 220 scientific publications and reports reviewed, several organizational directions are undertaken. Each publication was reviewed along a set of common criteria: a) abstract, b) setting, c) modeling framework, d) data, e) applications, and f) results and policy implications. This review is comprised of three components. The first is the narrative document which follows. In this document the review develops the three major themes and their branches, with a view toward identifying the important results, gaps, overlapping results and policy implications. The second component is a more dynamic organization of this literature in a web-based map where the user can scan through the outline to obtain a brief description of each theme and sub-theme, and follow the branches to view the relevant literature in terms of the six common criteria identified above. The final component of this review is a spreadsheet organizing the literature along these same criteria that can provide a means for rapidly searching for keywords. 3 Acronyms and definitions AC CBS CMR Active Substance Statistical Agency of The Netherlands Cause Cancer and have Mutagenic or Reproductive Effects CO 2 CVM DPR EC ED EFSA EKC EPA EU EUROSTAT FQPA GM IPM ITP IUCN LZ MJP-G MRL NAP PBT POP PPP PREC RASFF SP UNEP UK US VAT vPvB WP5 WRI € $ Carbon Dioxide Contingent Valuation Method Department of Pesticide Regulation European Commission Endocrine Disruptors European Food Safety Authority Environmental Kuznets Curve Environmental Protection Agency European Union European Statistical Agency Food Quality Protection Act Genetically Modified Integrated Pest Management Income Turning Point World Conservation Union Lichtenberg-Zilberman Multi Year Program for Crop Protection Maximum Residue Level National Action Plan Persistent Bioacummulative and Toxic Persistent Organic Pollutant Plant Protection Product Pesticide Regulation and Evaluation Committee Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed Stated Preferences United Nations Environment Program United Kingdom United States Value Added Tax very Persistent and very Bioacummulative Work Package 5 World Research Institute Euro Dollar 4 Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 6 II. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................... 7 A. i. ii. MACRO PERSPECTIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) ......................................................................................................... 7 Agricultural Intensification ......................................................................................................................... 9 a. Inputs Use ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 b. Environmental Pressure ................................................................................................................................................ 11 c. Agricultural Sustainability ............................................................................................................................................ 12 iii. iv. Global Trade ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Political Environment ............................................................................................................................... 14 B. MICRO PERSPECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 14 i. Agricultural Firms .................................................................................................................................... 15 ii. Households................................................................................................................................................ 17 iii. Institutions ................................................................................................................................................ 18 iv. Political Environment ............................................................................................................................... 18 C. POLICY IMPLICATIONS, GAPS AND OVERLAPS ................................................................................................ 19 III. PESTICIDES AND BIODIVERSITY ............................................................................................................... 20 A. PESTICIDE USE ............................................................................................................................................... 20 i. Productivity and Pesticide Use ................................................................................................................. 20 ii. Pesticide Externalities............................................................................................................................... 22 iii. Pesticide Risk Valuation ........................................................................................................................... 23 iv. Uncertainty in Agriculture ........................................................................................................................ 23 v. Pesticide Sales in European Countries ..................................................................................................... 25 vi. Use of PPPs in EU & Trends over Time ................................................................................................... 26 vii. Pesticide Demand Elasticity ................................................................................................................. 27 viii. Damage Control Specification ............................................................................................................. 29 ix. IPM ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 B. BIODIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................................ 30 i. Biodiversity Definitions............................................................................................................................. 30 ii. Valuing Biodiversity .................................................................................................................................. 30 iii. Biodiversity & Irreversibility .................................................................................................................... 32 iv. Farmland Biodiversity .............................................................................................................................. 32 v. European agri-environmental schemes for conserving and promoting biodiversity ................................ 34 C. BIODIVERSITY & AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY .......................................................................................... 34 D. POLICY IMPLICATIONS, GAPS AND OVERLAPS ................................................................................................ 35 IV. PESTICIDE POLICIES ...................................................................................................................................... 36 A. B. C. D. E. F. COMPETITIVENESS & ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS ................................................................................. 36 EU PESTICIDE POLICIES.................................................................................................................................. 37 ABATEMENT POLICIES OF EU AND NON-EU COUNTRIES ................................................................................ 42 U.S. PESTICIDE POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 46 UNCERTAINTY UNDER A POLICY INTRODUCTION/INVESTMENT ....................................................................... 48 POLICY IMPLICATIONS, GAPS AND OVERLAPS ................................................................................................ 49 V. CONCLUDING COMMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 49 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 50 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................................. 62 5 I. Introduction This report presents a literature review in support of work package five (WP5) entitled “Economic Sustainability, Biodiversity Loss and Socially Optimal Pesticide Use”. The literature review is organized into three major themes: I) Economic Growth and the Environment, II) Pesticides and Biodiversity, and III) Pesticide Policies. As each sub-theme is introduce, a schematic of related concepts is presented to provide the reader with a perspective on how to organize one’s conceptualization of the issues. The first theme addresses the relationship between economic growth and the natural habitat, by looking at both the macro and micro levels. At the macro level economic growth has brought changes in global policies, agreements and trade patterns while the micro level focuses on the impact on agricultural producers, consumers and local institutions. These macro and micro level changes have their own characteristic impacts on the environment. The second major theme defines plant protection products and provides an overview of their use, impacts and properties. This theme introduces the concept of biodiversity and reviews its relationship with pesticides and farm productivity. The final theme presents the pesticide regulations of European Union (EU) and the United States, and deals with the uncertainty of introducing a pesticide policy and the impacts of pesticide regulations on the competitiveness of agricultural firms. Finally, the review document is accompanied by a web-based map ( where the user can scan through the outline of this review to view a brief abstract of each component and a reference list for the terminal modes. The reference list provides the abstract, setting, modeling framework, data and applications, and results and policy implications for each citation. 6 II. Economic Growth and the Environment During the last decades, there is a considerable increase in the global level of production of agriculturally related goods and services. This economic growth that was brought about mainly by technological innovations has had its impact on the environment. The over-exploitation of natural resources has resulted in environmental degradation but on the other hand, the development of pollution abatement technologies promises to ease these environmental problems. Sustainable economic growth is of prime importance in supporting human needs and protecting the natural habitat. A. Macro Perspective Global economic growth has both positive and negative impacts on the environment. An overview of the environmental Kuznets Curve studies can shed light to this relationship. World trade and international policies and agreements play an important role in the process of economic growth. Global policies and world trade can increase agricultural intensification leading to environmental pressure. Conversely, global agreements have proven to be an effective approach toward addressing environmental problems which are often transnational and require a collective response. Global trade can also provide the means for transferring cleaner technologies. i. Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis proposes that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between economic performance and environmental pollution, which suggests that an economy is associated with lower levels of pollution after clearing an income threshold. Simon Kuznets’s name was attached to the curve by Grossman and Krueger (1993), who noted its resemblance to Kuznets’s inverted-U shaped relationship between income inequality and development. A number of empirical studies have examined the EKC for various time periods, regions and pollutants. The early EKC studies are Grossman and Krueger (1993), Shafik and Bandyopadhyay (1992), Selden and Song (1994), Panayotou (1993) and Cropper and Griffiths (1994), which found that the inverted U-shaped relationship is monotonically increasing or decreasing. Stern (2004) and Dasgupta et al. (2002) have undertaken comprehensive reviews and discussions of these empirical studies have shown that there is no single relationship between environmental degradation and income that concerns all types of pollutants, time periods and regions. Metaanalysis is a statistical approach that models related empirical studies by synthesizing their results in a statistical framework. The EKC meta-analyses of Cavlovic et al. (2000) and Li et al. (2007) indicate that study methods, estimation techniques, data characteristics and pollution categories, all affect the presence or absence of the EKC, its shape and the income turning points (ITPs) (Figure 1). It is important to notice that many studies that had dealt with anthropogenic greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2) did not manage to find ITPs or an improved environment-income relationship. 7 No single relationship between environmental degradation and income Study Methods/Characteristics Income elasticity International Trade Estimation Techniques Scale Urban air quality Presence/Absence of EKC Affected Data Characteristics EKC Shape Aggregate emissions Greenhouse gases Pollution Categories ITPs Biological Indicators Hazardous waste Time Periods Regions Figure 1. EKC Meta-analysis features. Source: Author, 2008 Stern et al. (1994) critiques the EKC on the following grounds (Figure 2): a) the assumption of unidirectional causality from economy to environment; b) the assumption that environmental quality is not affected by changes in trade relationships; c) data problems (data on environmental problems are of poor quality); d) econometric problems (simultaneity); e) asymptotic behavior; f) the mean-median income problem; g) and the isolation of some EKCs from EKCs for other environmental problems. 8 Unidirectional causality Environmental quality and trade Data problems Econometric problems EKC Problems Asymptotic behavior Mean-median income EKCs’ isolation Figure 2. EKC problems Source: Author, 2008 Managi (2006) adds to this list of concerns that the empirical EKC studies do not examine carefully the mechanisms of the inverted U-shaped relationship. The use of a time trend is not an efficient tool to fully reflect technological progress and the inclusion of technological variables seems to be of utmost importance in capturing productivity and technological progress factors. ii. Agricultural Intensification Agricultural Intensification refers to an increase in the productivity of resources (e.g., land, water) in order to produce more output in a given area (Tiffen et al., 1994). In this respect, attention is given to the way the inputs are used, how this use affects the environment and if a sustainable agricultural intensification is a feasible target. a. Inputs Use Agricultural intensification constitutes one of the most important global changes of the twentieth century (Matson et al., 1997). Hazell and Wood (2008) report a significant rise of the intensity of agricultural production during the second half of last century. 9 Irrigated area, fertilizers, pesticides Green Revolution Increased production intensity Machinery Increase of Labor-Capital Inputs Environmental degradation Agricultural Output Figure 3. Agricultural Intensification and Inputs Use Source: Author, 2008 It is defined as “increased average input of labor or capital on a smallholding, either cultivated land alone, or on cultivated and grazing land, for the purpose of increasing the value of output per hectare” (Tiffen et al., 1994). Figure 3 depicts the trajectory of inputs use under agricultural intensification and its impacts. The agricultural machinery and the irrigated area have grown by approximately twofold during the last decades (Pretty, 2007). Input use had a tremendous increase with many advantages and disadvantages. The “Green Revolution” of 1960s brought the high yielding seeds that boosted agricultural production. The use of fertilizers has increased substantially during the second half of the last century, but their use declined in recent years (Stoate et al., 2001). Pesticide use also increased during the same period but their great importance in reducing crop damage has led only to a slight decline in the recent years. Sexton et al. 2007 state that despite the existence of alternatives to chemical pesticides (e.g., GM crops, biological control), the pesticide industry sales total $32 billion with the annual pesticide application levels estimated at 5 billion pounds. 10 b. Environmental Pressure Increased erosion Soil problems Lower fertility Biodiversity loss Groundwater Environmental Impacts Water pollution Water aquifers Eutrophication Pesticides Air pollution Increased machinery use Figure 4. Environmental impacts of agricultural intensification Source: Author, 2008 Agricultural intensification has significant impacts on the environment (Figure 4). Among the negative consequences are increased erosion, reduced biodiversity, lower soil fertility, eutrophication and chemical residuals in food. Nitrogen and phosphorus runoff from the use of fertilizers can contaminate freshwater aquifers and other marine ecosystems. Groundwater can also be contaminated from nitrates and pesticides leaching while air pollution can result from the use of pesticides. Modern arable management with increased mechanization and farm size, simplification of crop rotations and loss of non-crop features has led to soil deterioration and decreased biodiversity (Stoate et al., 2001). 11 c. Agricultural Sustainability Resilience Theoretical Basis Persistence Environmental Stewardship Agricultural Sustainability Characteristic Goals Farmers’ Prosperity Farm Profitability Environmental Friendly Practices Effective Easily Accessible Figure 5. Agricultural Sustainability Source: Author, 2008 Agricultural sustainability implies a way of thinking as well as of using agricultural practices. Figure 5 presents the theoretical basis of this concept, its characteristic goals and practices. Agricultural sustainability includes the concepts of resilience and persistence. Resilience is the capacity of systems to endure stress while persistence refers to systems’ capacity to continue over long periods. Among the goals of sustainable agriculture are environmental stewardship, prosperity of farming communities and farm profitability. The core of sustainable agriculture is the development of agricultural technologies and practices that will be easily accessible and effective for farmers and will not have adverse impacts on the environment. Emphasis is given to the long-term ability of farmers to obtain inputs and manage resources like labor and also to the long-term effects of practices on the environment. Therefore sustainable agricultural systems are those that focus on the optimal use of environmental resources and services without damaging these assets (Altieri 1995; Tilman et al 2002; Kesavan and Swaminathan 2008). 12 iii. Global Trade Global Trade Transfer of Goods and Services Combat hunger Variety of products Environmental pressure Delinking ProductionConsumption “Clean” Technologies Figure 6. Aspects of global trade Source: Author, 2008 Global trade plays an important role in global economic growth, serving as the means of transferring goods and services that can stimulate all kinds of economic activities (Figure 6). Furthermore, trade liberalization has the potential to combat hunger and provides the opportunity to people to consume products that cannot be grown in their regions. On the other hand, trade liberalization contributes to environmental pressure by trading non-renewable resources, endangering species and leading to changes in land use and excessive use of chemical inputs in order to satisfy the increasing demand for specific products. Dasgupta et al. (2001) report that agricultural trade liberalization has led to increased pesticide use in Brazil, particularly in export crops. Trade liberalization and direct investment enables industries to transfer their production units to countries with more lenient environmental regulations (Panayotou, 2003). Therefore, there has been an uncoupling of production and consumption of resource intensive and polluting products. Finally, global trade provides a unique chance to combat environmental pressure by technology transfer through foreign direct investment (Dinda, 2004). 13 iv. Political Environment Figure 7. Interactions of Political Environment Source: Author, 2008 Political environment plays an important role not only in the economic growth of a country or a union of countries but also in the effort to protect the environment (Figure 7). Panayotou (2003) states that the relationship between income and the environment varies across political systems with environmental quality tending to be lower in non-democratic regimes. Democratization can have beneficial effects on environmental quality and economic growth through the introduction of more secure property rights and accounting of benefits for public goods. Many countries are participating in global environmental agreements such as the Kyoto protocol and/or unions with common environmental policies (e.g. European Union). These agreements are important in promoting the effort to reduce environmental externalities as most of the environmental problems are not restricted within the borders of a country but concern many nations simultaneously and require joint abatement efforts. Sometimes, participation in the prementioned agreements is not unanimous as some countries consider that some of the agreements can pose a burden on their economic growth, as abatement policies can bring economic loses for industries and other sectors. B. Micro Perspective Additional insight into the relationship between economic growth and the environment is gleaned by focusing at the decision makers’ level of analysis. Agricultural entrepreneurs and consumers 14 have their own special contribution to the growth-environment relationship. Additionally, institutions and regional policies play a major role on decision making and therefore affect both economic growth and environmental quality. i. Agricultural Firms Productivity Growth Increased Use of Agricultural Inputs Soil Quality Crop Losses Product Quality Free Labor Fuel Use Figure 8. Productivity and input use Source: Author, 2008 There is a large range of positive outcomes from the use of agrochemicals but adverse impacts to human health and the environment are a related consequence. Agricultural productivity experienced a significant increase as inputs use increased. Some of the impacts of this increase are summarized in Figure 8. The increased use of fertilizers and pesticides had improved not only the quality of soil but secured crops from insects and herbs. Not only has production increased, but also farmers can obtain high quality products that can have a positive impact on their revenues. Additionally, the use of herbicides has freed labor that was used for weeding and now can be allocated to other agricultural practices. In general, technological advances like new and high quality seeds, more efficient pesticides and machinery in conjunction with a wide range of information on agricultural practices that farmers can receive (e.g. extension services) have contributed in a significant rise of agricultural productivity. Structural Changes Scale Crops Capital Education Technologies Figure 9. Structural Changes Source: Author, 2008 15 During the second half of the last century agricultural firms faced great changes (Figure 9). Increased farm size and mechanization were predominant features in a process of intensification that had to satisfy the increased demand for agricultural outputs. A simplified arable system was the tendency of the more progressive farmers in an effort to maximize their yields and to cultivate those crops that they yielded higher revenues (Nassauer and Westmacott, 1987). For Europe, the simplification of arable systems led to a decline in landscape diversity with consequences on biodiversity and crop productivity (Meeus, 1993). In the last decades there are a number of factors that have driven farmers to become more aware of the environmental externalities of their agricultural practices (Figure 10). Agricultural extension services enable farmers to obtain new information and knowledge in order to enhance their agricultural activities and therefore to maximize their revenues while protecting the environment. Furthermore, young farmers with better knowledge are entering the agricultural sector and investing in new technologies and practices. In this direction, the increasing farm size appears to be a positive factor as it provides the economies of scale for adopting new technologies and machines. Extension Services Influx of young/innovative farmers Drivers of farmers’ Environmental Awareness Changes in consumers’ preferences Political Environment Figure 10. Drivers of farmers’ Environmental Awareness Source: Author, 2008 The over-reliance of agricultural production on agrochemicals has brought several adverse effects on the environment and human health. Changes in consumers’ behavior towards higher environmental quality like chemical-free products have induced a tendency toward a structural change in the agricultural sector. Agricultural producers responding to this demand and gaining additional expertise (from the extension services and other training) on the externalities that their practices can cause are trying to apply “cleaner” agricultural practices and in general more sustainable production systems. Furthermore, policies aiming to mitigate the negative externalities of agriculture oblige producers to follow “cleaner” agricultural practices. 16 ii. Households Demand for envir. quality: Low Low Income Households “Survival” Demand for Envir. friendly products High Income Pressure for envir. regulations Donations to Envir. Organisations Figure 11. Households and Environmental Awareness Source: Author, 2008 As people become richer and achieve higher living standards they care more about a cleaner natural habitat (Dinda, 2004). Poor people have a little demand for environmental quality, simply because their first priority is how they will obtain the essential goods in order to survive (Figure 11). Roca (2003) states that after a particular level of income, the willingness to pay for environmental quality rises by a greater proportion than income. Higher income consumers tend to spend more money on environmental friendly products, they donate money to environmental organizations and, in general, they create pressure for environmental regulations. Consumers’ preferences have led to a market-oriented production, as farmers are planning their production according to the market needs and demand. Therefore, households’ and consumers’ preferences play a significant indirect role in transformations in rural areas such as intensification and changes in labor economy. Many of these transformations, like the increased use of chemical inputs and the simplification of the agricultural landscapes are leading to serious environmental problems such as biodiversity loss and water pollution. 17 iii. Institutions Institutional Services Technological advances Better understanding of environmental problems Practical solutions Extension services Figure 12. Services provided by institutions Source: Author, 2008 Institutions play an important role in the process of economic growth (Rodrik, et al., 2004). Their intervention, regulations, proposals and training services can prove to be beneficial in the race to achieving a sustainable economic growth. Some of the most important services that are provided by institutions are depicted in Figure 12. Institutions have promoted the technological advances that alleviated various problems such as the Green revolution that played a significant role in reducing the rate of world malnourished people. The higher demand for environmental quality can be the driver for the establishment of environmental institutions that will clarify the respective problems and will provide practical solutions (Panayotou, 2003). High quality institutions can contribute to a more sustainable economic growth and reduce the threat to the environment. For instance, Panayotou (1997) has shown that improvements in the quality of institutions, such as respect and enforcement of contracts, the extent of government corruption and efficiency of bureaucracy, have triggered a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. For the agricultural sector, institutions can shape and influence farmers’ practices. Extension services constitute the link between institutions and farmers. Agricultural institutions offer training sessions that inform producers on how to use the different inputs and agricultural machinery, the existence of new technologies and the protection of the environment. iv. Political Environment The political environment plays a leading role in the way that different societies deal with the environment. Furthermore, the economic performance of a society is significantly affected by the political system and institutions (North, 1991). Agricultural policies and regulations can influence input choice and use at the farm level. For instance, the European Union has banned some types of pesticides and has issued rules for the sustainable use of other types of pesticides. Moreover, policy interventions like subsidies can have significant impacts at a regional level. Many times farmers abandon traditional crops that fit 18 more to certain landscapes and climatic conditions simply because a subsidy encourages production of another crop that is promising to increase their profits. This crop switching can have devastating effects on the ecosystem as some new crops can prove to be resource intensive. On the other hand, policy initiatives like extension services enable farmers to enlarge their knowledge on issues like good agricultural practices and the environment. C. Policy Implications, Gaps and Overlaps Examining the relationship between economic growth and the environment from a macro and micro point of view has led us to a number of useful policy recommendations, gaps and overlaps: - The early evidence of a relationship between economic performance and environmental pollution suggesting an inverted U-shaped relationship is now being questioned on methodological and other grounds. - Agricultural sustainability has emerged as a broader concept that includes the notions of resilience (the capacity of systems to endure stress) and persistence (the system’s capacity to continue over long periods). - Environmental stewardship is now a mainstream attribute of agricultural sustainability, which admits a stronger set of pressure external to the farm decision making environment. - Trade liberalization and direct investment is being recognized as uncoupling of production and consumption of resource intensive and polluting products, and global trade provides an opportunity to technology transfer of cleaner technologies. - Democratization can have beneficial effects on environmental quality and economic growth through the introduction of secure property rights and accounting of benefits of public goods. - The over-reliance of agricultural production on agrochemicals has brought several adverse effects on the environment and human health. Changes in consumers’ behavior towards higher environmental quality like chemical-free products have induced a tendency for a structural change in the agricultural sector. - Policies aiming to mitigate the negative externalities producers to follow “cleaner” agricultural practices. - Higher income consumers tend to spend more money on environmental friendly products, they donate money to environmental organizations and, in general, they create pressure for environmental regulations. - In addition to the use attributes of a product, consumers’ preferences are placing a value on how products are made and the environmental impact of product manufacturing. of agriculture oblige 19 Households’ and consumers’ preferences play a significant indirect role in transformations in rural areas such as intensification and changes in labor economy. - For the agricultural sector, institutions can shape and influence farmers’ practices. Extension services constitute the link between institutions and farmers. III. Pesticides and Biodiversity Pesticides are used widely in agricultural production. Productivity gains and cost minimization are some of the advantages of pesticide use but there are several disadvantages. Overuse or use at the crop edges that constitute forage and nesting habitats for farmland fauna can reduce biodiversity. Non-target plant species that benefit farmland fauna can also lead to extinct due to competition for nutrients with target species. Precise use of pesticides can address the prementioned problems. A. Pesticide Use Plant protection products constitute one of the most important agricultural inputs. Being a damage- and risk-reducing input, these products are widely used and their demand is inelastic. Their stochastic nature (productivity and climatic conditions, pest arrival) is related to uncertainty on the timing and the way of applying them. Additionally, pesticide application is related to various externalities that call for an immediate orthological use of these chemical substances. Pesticide risk valuation studies in conjunction with Integrated Pest management (IPM) strategies are providing the means of alleviating the above mentioned externalities. i. Productivity and Pesticide Use Pesticides are active substances that enable farmers to control different pests or weeds, constituting one of the most important inputs in agricultural production (Commission of the European Communities, 2006). There is a large range of positive outcomes from the use of different pesticides related to agricultural productivity (Figure 13). 20 Combat hunger (developing world) Secure crop yields Improve health-nutrition (developing world) Higher quality products Impacts of pesticide use on agricultural productivity Improve crop yields Higher farm revenues Reduce drudgery of weeding Other Reduce fuel use for weeding Faster and more efficient control of invasive species Figure 13. Impacts of pesticide use on agricultural productivity Source: Author, 2008 The potential benefits are particularly important in developing countries where crop losses contribute to hunger and malnutrition (Anon, 2004). Therefore pesticides can help in securing crop yields and thus they can combat hunger in these countries and improve the populations’ health and nutrition. Additionally, improving crop yields and quality of the obtained products results in increased farm and agribusiness revenues. As weeds are the major constraint reducing yields in many crops, herbicides are the most widely used type of pesticides. Anon (2003), reports a US $ 13.3 billion loss in farm income in the United States in 2003 if herbicides were not used. Cooper and Dobson (2007) are referring to a number of benefits due to pesticide use. Among them are the improved shelf life of the produce, reduced drudgery of weeding that frees labor for other tasks, reduced fuel use for weeding, invasive species control, increased livestock yields and quality and garden plants protection. However, the benefits of pesticide use should always be evaluated in comparison with the benefits and costs of other pest control methods (Edwards-Jones, 2008). Pesticide use may have clear advantages in some occasions like ease of use and speed of control. But the use of other pest control methods such as biocontrol agents or mechanical means may be more preferable in specific cases and farmers and society may select the most appropriate by considering its benefits and costs. 21 ii. Pesticide Externalities Irritations (skin, eyes, etc.) Poisonings Health effects Deaths Pest-disease proliferation Pesticide Externalities Resistance Environmental Effects Chemical residuals in food Fishery losses Biodiversity loss Loss of beneficial predators Bee poisonings/reduced pollination Figure 14. Pesticide Externalities Source: Author, 2008 Starting with the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962 which highlighted the risks of pesticide use, continuous use of chemical inputs such as pesticides produces significant negative externalities that have been broadly documented in the scientific literature (Pimentel et. al., 1992; Pimentel and Greiner, 1997). Figure 14 distinguishes pesticide externalities into two categories; health and environmental externalities Pesticides are not used only in agriculture, but they are applied for landscaping, on sporting fields, road and railway side weed control, public building maintenance and other activities. These substances can be dangerous for human health when the degree of exposure exceeds the safety levels. This exposure can be direct, such as the exposure of farm workers applying pesticides to various crops and indirect by consumers consuming agricultural products containing chemical traces or even bystanders near application areas. Exposure to pesticides is responsible for various short- and long-run ailments and even deaths (Wilson & Tisdell 2001). This fact is supported from the data of Food and Agriculture Organization (2008) that show that tens of thousands of farmers each year are affected by exposure of pesticides. The largest number of poisonings and deaths is recorded in developing countries as most of the times the farmers do not use the appropriate protective equipment. In developed countries farmers use pesticides from a close environment such as tractors and aircrafts. While in developing countries, many of the farmers are small scale operators lacking protective equipment and are coming in direct contact with pesticides as they use hand sprayers. Additionally, the excessive and uncontrolled use of pesticides can pose serious and irreversible environmental risks and costs. Fauna and flora have been adversely affected while the decline of 22 the number of beneficial pest predators has led to the proliferation of different pests and diseases (Pimentel and Greiner, 1997). Certain pesticides applied to crops eventually end up in ground and surface water. In surface water like streams and lakes, pesticides can contribute to fishery losses in several ways (Pimentel et al., 1992). High chemical concentrations can kill fish directly or indirectly by killing the insects that serve as fish food source. Moreover, the extensive use of pesticides has often resulted in the development of pesticide resistant weeds and pests. This can trigger an increased pesticide application in order to reduce the respective damage that results in high economic costs that the respective farmers must shoulder. Pimentel et al. (1992) mention many adverse consequences from the overuse of pesticides such as animal poisoning, contaminated products, destruction of beneficial natural predators and parasites, bee poisoning and reduced pollination, crop and biodiversity losses. iii. Pesticide Risk Valuation There are many difficulties in calculating the economic value of reducing pesticide risk. Over the last two decades, many attempts have been made in order to value pesticide risks. The metaanalysis of Florax et al. (2005) and Travisi et al. (2006) provide a good overview of the literature on pesticide risk valuation. These analyses have shown that the literature is very diverse as it provides willingness to pay (WTP) estimates not only for various human health risks, but also for environmental risks. However, the majority of studies estimate WTP for the negative externalities on human health. Furthermore, there is a great variation in the WTP estimates as some studies have found higher WTP for human safety than environmental quality (Foster and Mourato, 2000), while others have shown higher WTP for environmental quality than for food safety and human health (Balcombe et al., 2007). This mixed evidence is attributed to the use of different valuation techniques and to differences among the available biomedical and ecotoxicological data. Foster and Mourato (2000) provide a conjoint analysis of pesticide risks by estimating the marginal value of risk reduction for human health and bird biodiversity. Additionally, Schou et al. (2006) and Travisi and Nijkamp (2008) used a choice experiment approach to estimate the economic value of reduced risks from pesticide use. The latter approach was also used by Chalak et al. (2008) that found high WTP for reduced pesticide use for both environmental quality and consumer health. Moreover, this study indicates the presence of heterogeneity in people’s preferences for pesticide reduction in relation to environmental quality and food safety. iv. Uncertainty in Agriculture As pest arrival is an uncertain event and pesticide productivity varies across time and space, there is an uncertainty about farmers’ profits (Figure 15). This uncertainty can lead to overuse of pesticides relative to the private or social optimum. In an effort to avoid crop loses, risk averse farmers apply pesticides at an early stage when the pest population may not be at its pick. This action can induce extra costs as additional pesticide doses are applied. On the other hand, waiting and monitoring the pest population and applying when full information are available may cost extra money from the crop loses of the monitoring stages. Norgaard (1976) states that the major motivation for pesticide application is the provision of some “insurance” against damage. Therefore, uncertainty in the pest-pesticide system leads to a higher and more frequent use of pesticides. 23 Pest Arrival Climatic Conditions Resistance Pesticide Productivity Durability Uncertainty Application timing Farmers’ Profits Application precision Extent of Workers’ Exposure Figure 15. Uncertainty and pesticide use. Source: Author, 2008 Moreover, there is uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of pesticides. Many times, farmers lack full knowledge of the relation between pesticides and pest mortality (Feder, 1979). The effectiveness of pesticides can be influenced by fluctuations of temperature, wind and humidity conditions. Therefore, the uncertainty is high not only due to the fact that the pest population can vary with changes in climatic conditions but also these changes can alter the effect of pesticides as every chemical product has different durability. Feder (1979) shows that an increase of the degree of uncertainty due to pest damage will cause an increase in the volume of pesticide use. Horowitz and Lichtenberg (1994) consider three scenarios of uncertainty: a) uncertainty about crop growth conditions only; b) uncertainty about pest damage only; and c) uncertainty about both growth conditions and pest damage. Their findings support the conventional view that when there is uncertainty due to pest damage, pesticides are likely to be risk reducing inputs. However, the literature reports mixed findings on the role of risk aversion. When both pest populations are high and growth conditions are favorable, pesticides will be risk increasing as they increase the variability of harvests (increase output under good growth conditions). Gotsch and Regev’s (1996) study for Switzerland shows that fungicides for wheat producers have a risk-increasing effect on farm revenues. Horowitz and Lichtenberg (1993) have shown that pesticides may be risk increasing inputs even if a federal government provides crop insurances that act as a substitute for additional pesticide applications. Saha et al. (1997) report the importance of considering the stochastic nature of both the damage control and the production function, in order to avoid overestimation of the marginal productivity of damage control inputs. Furthermore, pesticide productivity is affected by the level of the developed resistance. The more resistant is the pest population the higher is the use of the damage control agents (pesticides) until resistance is sufficiently pervasive and alternative damage control measures are more cost effective. 24 v. Pesticide Sales in European Countries Table 1. Total Sales of Pesticides in European Countries (t of active ingredient). Countries EU (15 countries) Belgium Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Latvia Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Slovenia Finland Sweden United Kingdom Norway 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 301217 10403 3669 32080 118 1782 9870 33236 97889 48050 : 348958 9276 3675 30721 197 2356 9034 34023 109792 84796 : 355527 9861 3619 33644 191 2534 11479 35070 107753 84526 : 352904 9521 2788 30231 184 2102 10153 33614 120501 82048 : 332807 9953 2747 30331 306 2133 11131 34597 94694 79831 284 327642 8845 2890 27885 329 2486 11111 35700 99635 76346 369 : 9204 2722 29531 329 2796 : : 82448 94711 339 : 8822 : 30164 322 2913 : : 74524 86705 418 : 9186 : 28753 357 3104 : : 76099 84292 597 : 9776 : 29512 393 2776 : : 78265 85073 733 : : : : 467 2874 : : 71612 81450 2239 : : : : 459 : : : 77255 : 1052 357 6865 : 9847 3566 9420 12456 : 912 1529 332 5314 : 10399 3690 9501 12750 : 999 1608 430 6230 : 10721 3341 8699 14365 : 1164 1629 421 5795 : 10196 3419 8469 15396 : 1141 1698 : 5473 184 9655 3563 8848 15469 1469 1146 1652 : 6431 217 7987 3133 8855 15491 1399 1424 1738 : 8232 222 8073 3080 10358 17435 1164 1620 1711 : : 243 7868 3386 7184 17046 1361 1667 2049 : : : 9071 3302 8726 16938 1560 1489 942 : : : 9309 3404 16039 16346 1348 1431 1527 : : : 9410 : 17102 15703 : 1645 1707 : : : 10740 : 15303 16689 : : : 24433 706 24489 754 25382 954 25299 796 23601 378 23526 518 23526 818 22564 658 23463 824 23601 511 21151 690 : : :=Not available Source: Eurostat (2008) 25 The main users of pesticides at a European level are Italy, France, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom (Table 1). On the other hand the lower positions are shared between the Scandinavian countries that appear to have the lowest amount of pesticide purchases. In most of the countries, pesticide sales during the period 1996-2007 appear to experience slight fluctuations but in general it can be concluded that either they increased slightly or remained at the same level. Among the exceptions are Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Greece where pesticide sales increased, and Denmark, France and Germany that have achieved considerable reductions. The increased pesticide sales in the above mentioned countries can be attributed to the fact that the economic growth that they are experiencing is translated into agricultural intensification in the rural areas with increased use of production inputs like pesticides. Different climatic conditions around Europe are responsible for differences in the types of pesticides used. Northern European countries that have humid climatic conditions use more herbicides and fungicides (Appendix, Table 1, 2) while Mediterranean countries use mainly insecticides (Appendix, Table 3) as the warm climate is responsible for a plethora of insects. The sales of other pesticides (Appendix, Table 4) like growth regulators and wood preservatives have a small share in comparison to insecticides and herbicides. vi. Use of PPPs in EU & Trends over Time Upon reviewing the trajectory of pesticide use in European Union (EU), Eurostat (2008) trends are presented separately for EU-15 countries and EU-25 countries as data for the latter were obtained after 2000. Total pesticide use increased steadily during 1990’s while after a period of stabilization at the end of 1990’s, started to decrease (Figure 16). Total pesticide consumption in EU Tonnes of active ingredient 300000 250000 200000 EU-15 150000 EU-25 100000 50000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Figure 16. Total pesticide consumption: EU15, EU25, 1992-2003. Source: Eurostat (2008) Figure 17 illustrates the use of different plant protection products (PPPs) at the EU-15 level. The most widely used type of pesticides is fungicides followed by herbicides, other PPPs (growth regulators, wood preservatives, rodenticides), and insecticides. The use of fungicides increased in the mid 1990’s but after this period there is a continuous decrease. This decrease can be attributed in a shift to substances active at low dosages, dryer climatic conditions at the Northern EU countries during the last years, and increasing information and knowledge at the 26 farm level (extension services, IPM) that leads to the application of more environmental friendly agricultural practices. Use of different PPPs at an EU-15 level 180000 Tonnes of active ingredient 160000 140000 120000 Insecticides 100000 Herbicides 80000 Fungicides Other PPPs 60000 40000 20000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Figure 17. Use of PPPs at an EU-15 level (1992-2003) Source: Eurostat (2008) Herbicides use has followed an increasing trajectory with a decrease after 2002 while the use of other PPPs increased in mid-1990’s but after this period remained at the same level. Finally, insecticides use seems to follow a steady path throughout 1992-2003. The EU enlargement and the data availability after 2000 have contributed to an increase in the use of all PPPs. However, after 2000 there is a stabilizing or a decreasing trend in the use of all types of pesticides. vii. Pesticide Demand Elasticity The calculation of pesticide demand elasticities is important in order to design an EU wide regulatory framework for levies on pesticides. If pesticide demand is inelastic the tax or levy introduced will not affect pesticide use significantly but it will create revenues that can be reimbursed to the agricultural sector. Table 2 presents a review of the pesticide demand elasticity estimates of European Countries and United States. A general conclusion based on this table is that the price elasticity of demand for pesticides is quite low (in most of the cases), indicating that pesticide use is indifferent to pesticide price increases. Inelastic demand can mean that there is a lack of knowledge among farmers on alternative production practices or there is a strong intention towards risk-aversion or even due to behavioral factors like professional pride derived from weed-free fields. Another important point is that the more specific the pesticide (fungicides, insecticides) is, the higher the elasticity of demand is. The reason behind this is that there are not so many substitutes to these specific products, with the result the producers to face difficulties in adjusting their agricultural practices. 27 Table 2. Pesticide Demand Elasticity Estimates Study Country/Region Elasticity Aaltink (1992) Netherlands -0.13 to -0.39 Antle (1984) USA -0.19 Bauer et al. (1995) German regions, wheat -0.02 Brown & Christensen (1981) USA -0.18 Carpentier (1994) France, arable farms -0.3 DHV & LUW (1991) Netherlands -0.2 to -0.3 Dubgaard (1987) Denmark -0.3 (threshold approach) Dubgaard (1991) Denmark -0.7 (herbicides) Dubgaard (1991) Denmark -0.8 (fungicides + insecticides) Ecotec (1997) UK -0.5 to -0.7 (herbicides) Elhorst (1990) Netherlands -0.3 Falconer (1997) UK (East Anglia arable production) -0.1 to -0.3 Gren (1994) Sweden Johnsson (1991) Sweden -0.4 (fungicides) -0.5 (insecticides) -0.9 (fungicides) -0.3 t0 -0.4 (pesticides) Komen et al. (1995) Netherlands -0.14 to -0.25 Lichtenberg et al. (1988) USA -0.33 to -0.66 McIntosh & Williams (1992) Georgia (USA) -0.11 Oskam et al. (1992) Netherlands -0.1 to -0.5 (pesticides) Oskam et al. (1997) EU -0.2 to -0.5 (pesticides) Oude Lansink (1994) Netherlands, arable farms -0.12 Oude Lansink & Peerlings (1995) Netherlands -0.48 (pesticides) Papanagioutou (1995) Greece -0.28 Petterson et al. (1989) Sweden -0.2 Rude (1992) Sweden -0.22 to -0.32 Russell et al. (1995) UK (Northwest) -1.1 (pesticides in cereals) SEPA (1997) Sweden -0.2 to -0.4 Schulte (1983) Three German regions -0.23 to -0.65 Villezca-Becerra & Shumway (1992) Texas & Florida (USA) -0.16 to -0.21 Source: Hoevenagel & van Noort (1999); Falconer & Hodge (2000); Fernandez-Cornejo et al. (1998) 28 viii. Damage Control Specification The concept of damage abatement input was first introduced by Hall and Norgaard (1973) and Talpaz and Borosh (1974). Lichtenberg and Zilberman (1986) were the first to specify production functions that are consistent with the concept that pesticides are damage abatement input that have an indirect effect on output rather than a direct yield-increasing effect. The use of damage control inputs can have both positive and negative effects on output like the development of pest resistance that can lead to decreased output even if there is increasing use of pesticides. Damage control inputs reduce damage from natural causes and, except of pesticides, this class of production inputs include windbreaks, buffer zones and antibiotics. The damage control framework proposed by Lichtenberg and Zilberman (LZ) (1986) has important economic value. This framework enabled economists and policy makers to observe that the (then standard) Cobb-Douglas formulations were resulting in an upward bias in the optimal pesticide use estimations (underuse of pesticides) while recent evidence suggests an overuse. Additionally, the damage control specification accounts for changes in pesticide productivity and enables the prediction of producers’ behavior. Pest resistance initially triggers farmers to apply more pesticides until alternative damage control measures become more cost effective. The LZ damage control specification was applied by Babcock et al. (1992), Carrasco-Tauber and Moffit (1992), Chambers and Lichtenberg (1994) and Oude Lansink and Carpentier (2001). The results are mixed with some studies indicating overuse of pesticides and other underuse. Although in general the LZ specification has been successfully applied and constitutes a considerable innovation, some authors have expressed various critiques. Oude Lansink and Carpentier (2001) have shown that in a quadratic production function the lack of differentiation between damage abatement inputs and productive inputs does not lead to overestimation of the marginal product as Lichtenberg and Zilberman (1986) argued. Additionally, they separate inputs into those that increase productivity and those that reduce damage and assume that there is an interaction between damage abatement and other production inputs, where the LZ specification precludes these interactions. Oude Lansink and Silva (2004) challenge the assumption of a nondecreasing damage control function and assumptions imposed on parameters in the damage control model. ix. IPM IPM aims at farming with a relatively low input of plant protection products and a very high efficiency of their use. Based on ecological, sociological and economic factors, it emphasizes the development of alternative pest control practices (genetic, biological, mechanical, and cultural). Allen and Bath (1980) define IPM is “extremely pluralistic” as different disciplines see pesticides as the dominating element of IPM, while other focus on natural enemies, and mechanical and cultural practices. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines IPM as “an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices”. Information on the life cycle of different pests and their interaction with the environment has a central role in an IPM program. This information in conjunction with existing pest control practices are used in order to address the problem, of crop losses due to different pests, in an environmentally friendly and economically viable way. 29 IPM constitutes a mixture of pest control methods and decisions at the farm level. Based on EPA’s four steps, the first is the setting of action thresholds (pest levels) at which pests can pose an economic threat and therefore action needs to be taken. Then a farmer has to monitor and identify the pests of his/her field. This step is essential as it enables farmers to recognize innocuous and beneficial species, to judge if there is a real need to use pesticides, and if it seems necessary to use some type of pesticide, to use the correct one. In the third step, methods/practices should be undertaken in order to prevent pests from becoming a threat. Among these methods are cultural methods like crop rotation, and plantation of pest-resistant varieties. The final step prescribes rigorous action should be taken. Initially, less risky control methods (e.g. mechanical control) are chosen, but when farm operators identify that they are not effective enough, then additional control methods can be employed (e.g. targeted spraying of pesticides). B. Biodiversity Biodiversity is a concept that comprises the totality of species in an area. Its conservation has received great importance in recent years, as its loss can be irreversible and reduce the ecosystem value as well as farm productivity. European agri-environmental schemes constitute an initiative towards biodiversity conservation. i. Biodiversity Definitions Noss (1990) and Brock and Xepapadeas (2003) state that it is difficult to find a simple, comprehensive and fully operational definition of biodiversity. Diversity measures are influenced by the richness and evenness. Richness is the number of species at an ecosystem while evenness expresses the distribution of species. Many researchers and organizations tried to formulate biodiversity definitions. McNeely et al. (1990) state that biodiversity expresses the degree of nature’s variety, including species, genes and ecosystems. The World Resources Institute (WRI), the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (1992), define biodiversity as “the totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a region”. The United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro (1992) (Convention on Biological Diversity), defined biodiversity as “the variability among living organisms for all sources, including, 'inter alia', terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems”. Gaston and Spicer (2004) provide a more straightforward definition by stating that biodiversity is “the variation of life at all levels of biological organization”. ii. Valuing Biodiversity The economic valuation of biodiversity is among the most pressing and challenging issues confronting today’s economists. There are many reasons behind valuing biodiversity. Biodiversity values can be compared with economic values of alternative options, a corner stone of any cost-benefit analysis. Additionally, valuing biodiversity can provide useful insights in environmental assessments, accounting and consumer behavior. A challenge in 30 modeling biodiversity is to identify the states of nature that summarize its value. Economists deal with similar issues in the modeling of products in terms of their attributes. Duelli (1997) valued biodiversity by developing a conceptual ‘mosaic’ model in which biodiversity evaluation is based on structural landscape parameters like landscape heterogeneity, habitat diversity and on meta-community dynamics. Nijkamp et al. (2008) summarize the different methods of economic valuation of biodiversity (Figure 18).The valuation of biodiversity can be done in different ways. Monetary indicators of biodiversity can be extracted from market prices, for instance, by valuing the financial revenues from tourism to natural parks. Revealed Preference (RP) Techniques are other methods that can be applied to valuing biodiversity. Among them are the travel cost method, the hedonic pricing method and the averting behavior (Bockstael et al., 1991; Palmquist, 1991; Cropper and Freeman, 1991). The emphases of these techniques lies in valuing biological resources in an indirect way by investigating peoples’ preferences in purchasing goods that are related in some way to environmental goods. In other words, they lack of direct questions like how much a consumer may be willing to pay to preserve a natural resource or a plant or animal species. Assessment of biodiversity benefit Use values Market prices Random utility model Non-use values Travel cost Hedonic pricing Averting behavior Contingent valuation Choice modeling Benefit transfer Figure 18. Methodologies for economic valuation of biodiversity. Source: Nijkamp et al. (2008) On the other hand, there are the Stated Preferences (SP) Techniques that are based on price observations of the good that is going to be valued. Data are collected by means of questionnaires while the best known method of this category is the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). CVM enables researchers to avoid systematic bias and therefore underestimation of the different values as it uses also the non-use values. CVM allows for ex ante environmental valuation, offering greater scope and flexibility in comparison to RP techniques. According to Nijkamp et al. (2008), the most popular techniques for valuing biodiversity are the SP techniques and especially the CVM. Among the reasons for this classification are their easy format, the fact that they are more informative and the ease of isolation of the good in interest from other closely related goods. 31 iii. Biodiversity & Irreversibility Agrochemicals, overexploitation of natural resources, intensification of agricultural landscapes and trade of endangered species can have irreversible effects on biodiversity. Experimental studies have underlined the difficulty in enhancing the botanical diversity of fields especially after a period of intensive use that has depleted the local seed bank (Berendse et al., 1992; Bekker et al., 1997). Results from the evaluation of European Union agrienvironmental schemes are underlying the difficulty in enhancing farmland biodiversity (Kleijn & Sutherland, 2003). Dietz and Adger (2003) estimate their parabolic Kuznets curve showing that biodiversity loss is expected to decrease and then rise with increasing income (Figure 19). However, the rising limb cannot be of the same magnitude as the falling limb as the species are not replenished at the same level. Other biodiversity indicators such as the presence of arthropods and birds have shown positive patterns in relation with changes in agro-environmental schemes (Kruess & Tscharntke 2002). Thus, there is a great uncertainty concerning the optimal time of intervention and policy makers have to weigh and monitor carefully all the costs that are created. Biodiversity loss Falling limb Rising limb Hyperbola Per capita income Figure 19. Possible forms of the income – environmental degradation relationship. Source: Dietz and Adger, 2002. iv. Farmland Biodiversity Farmland biodiversity is mainly composed from different plant species, insects, breeding birds, rodents and small mammals. The largest number of farmland flora and fauna is mainly found at the field boundaries (Kleijn, 1997; Wossink et al., 1999) as they provide forage, shelter, and reproduction sites. Field boundaries support many flowering plants and insects, 32 such as bees and butterflies, which are not only important for bird species but can also contribute to plant pollination. The intensive agriculture of the last decades has caused considerable environmental problems including the decline of farmland species. Species poisoning, accumulation of chemical substances in their bodies and transition to other organisms though the food chain are some of the common impacts of uncontrolled agrochemical use. Some chemicals can be directly toxic while some others can be responsible for reducing breeding success to levels that that could not maintain populations. Pimental et al. (1992) have shown that wild birds are subject to pesticide contamination and poisoning while Heard et al. (2003) report a 3% annual decrease of arable weeds since 1940. Donald et al. (2000) propose that farmland birds constitute a good indicator of overall farmland biodiversity and their populations (in Europe) have declined during the last decades. European Union data confirm this trend by indicating an overall decline of a selected group of breeding bird species dependent on agricultural land for nesting or feeding (Figure 20). Farmland Bird Index (Index 1990=100) 88 86 84 82 80 78 EU-25 76 74 72 70 68 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Figure 20. Farmland bird index* (EU-25) Source: Eurostat (2008) * Indices are calculated for each species independently and are weighted equally when combined in the aggregate index using a geometric mean. Aggregated EU indices are calculated using population-weighted factors for each country and species. Pest control methods intend to provide an ideal habitat for crop plants by promoting better water and nutrient absorption and access to light, but on the other hand the non-crop plants share on the pre-mentioned resources declines (Firbank, 2005). These non-crop plants constitute a refuge and a source of food for many farmland birds and the winter food supply that weed seed banks can provide is important for their survival (Siriwardena et al. 2000). Moreover, Boatman et al. (2004) and Hawes et al. (2003) have shown that insecticide application during the breeding season of some farmland birds can be responsible for the decline of their populations as the supply of invertebrates for feeding chicks is reduced. Additionally, plant species variety has declined since the increased use of fertilizers favors the growth of nutrient demanding plants that are highly competitive and impede the growth of other species. Finally, the homogeneity of agricultural landscapes has dramatically increased 33 and poses a serious threat to biodiversity (Benton et al., 2003). The reasons behind this is that many farmland species require different food resources that a homogeneous habitat cannot provide and also the decrease of mixed farming systems deprived small mammals and birds from feeding and nesting sites. Among the proposals for enhancing farmland biodiversity are crop rotation and mixed farming systems that can provide important food reserves for birds and mammals and the maintenance of crop edges (physical boundaries, trees, bushes and lack of spraying) that provide forage, shelter, reproduction and over-wintering sites for the farmland fauna. v. European agri-environmental schemes for conserving and promoting biodiversity Agri-environmental schemes were introduced in European agriculture under the 2078/92 regulation. Their introduction was a response to the increasing concerns for the environmental impacts of agricultural intensification. Among their main objectives are biodiversity protections, reduction of nutrient and pesticide emissions, restoring landscapes and preventing rural depopulation. Farmers receive payments in order to apply environmental friendly agricultural practices. Among the measures of agri-environmental schemes that aim at conserving and enhancing biodiversity are conservation of headlands for arable weeds, conservation of wet meadows, grassland and grazing extensification, botanical management agreements, meadow bird agreements, conservation of field margin stripes and agreements concerning wetlands and coastal habitats. Kleijn and Sutherland (2003) reviewed the literature dealing with the effectiveness of the pre-mentioned schemes but they were unable to express how effective these schemes are in protecting biodiversity as some studies indicated positive effects of agri-environmental schemes in terms of increased species diversity while other showed negative or no effects, or both some negative and positive effects. C. Biodiversity & Agricultural Productivity Modern agricultural practices are moving towards the simplification of ecosystems. Pesticides are widely used in an effort to optimize the growing conditions of target species and/or to reduce those of competing species. Tilman et al. (2001) note that pesticide use may increase by 2- to 3-fold resulting in a further decrease of global biodiversity. The harm to biodiversity arises from the direct toxic effects of pesticides and their potential to reduce the number of competing plant species. The different weeds that are present around or inside the parcels are providing a breeding environment and a seed bank for different species such as birds and insects that can act as beneficial predators (Firbank, 2005). Therefore, increased intensification and further loss of the diversity of natural habitats is considered to be among the drivers of biodiversity loss. Biodiversity is closely related to agricultural productivity. Table 3 summarizes the relationships between pesticide use, biodiversity and agricultural productivity. While pesticide use may increase agricultural productivity in the short run it can be negatively impacted due to the development of resistance in the long run. On the other hand, biodiversity seems to have a positive effect on agricultural productivity. Table 3. Pesticide Use, Biodiversity and Agricultural Productivity Agricultural Productivity Biodiversity 34 Pesticides ◦ Increase Due to optimizing growing conditions (Damage control agents) ◦ Decrease Due to Resistance ◦ Field edges ◦ Beneficial predators ◦ Decreasing number of weeds (Seed banks, breeding environment) Agricultural productivity ◦ Coexistence Biodiversity ◦ Increase farm productivity ◦ Reduce risk exposure ◦ Contributes to resilience ◦ Improve natural processes and soil quality ◦ Improve pest control Source: Author, 2008 Many studies have focused on the benefits of biodiversity in agro-ecosystems’ productivity. Di Falco and Chavas (2006) found that biodiversity can benefit farm productivity and reduce environmental risk and yield variability under low pesticide use. Omer et. al (2006) find that biodiversity enhancement can have positive impacts on agricultural productivity. Tilman et al., (2005) state that higher yields are obtained from agro-ecosystems with higher diversity than from lower ones. While increasing the number of species on a farm may reduce productivity levels of the main crop in the short run due to resource competition, it can provide services such as soil nutrient enhancement and pollination that can increase agricultural yields in the long run (Jackson et al. 2007). Furthermore, the abundance of functionally similar plant species that respond differently to climatic randomness stimulates resilience that improves the ability of the system to absorb disturbances and enables plants to thrive (Holling, 1973; Naeem et al., 1994). Finally, biodiversity can improve pest control by impeding the evolution of pest populations (difficult to spread in a genetically non-uniform crop system, increased presence of beneficial pest predators) and consequently reducing pest damages (Priestley and Bayles, 1980; Heisey et al., 1997). D. Policy Implications, Gaps and Overlaps The above literature review on pesticide use and biodiversity has generated a number of policy implications and highlighted some gaps and overlaps. These are as following: - The majority of WTP studies estimate WTP for reducing human health risks (decreased presence of pesticide residues in food). There is a great variation in WTP estimates as some studies report higher WTP estimates for human safety than environmental quality while other have shown the opposite. 35 - Pesticide sales are much higher in comparison to pesticide consumption (EU-15). This difference stems from the fact that pesticide consumption concerns pesticides that are used in crop production while pesticide sales include pesticides that are being sold not only for use in agricultural production but also in forestry, horticulture, and amenity areas (e.g. parks, sport fields). - Pesticide demand elasticity studies show clearly that pesticide demand is inelastic. - There is a great need for a more detailed investigation of the environmental and economic impacts of pesticides. - Biodiversity valuation and pesticide risk valuation use the same methods: non-use values; contingent valuation; choice modeling. - Few studies exist on biodiversity valuation, albeit this is a growing research area. - Farmland biodiversity: The majority of studies measuring biodiversity focuses on landscape heterogeneity on crop edges and bird populations. The evidence finds that these populations have decreased dramatically in Europe during the last decade (Eurostat, 2008). Farming systems that increase landscape heterogeneity in conjunction with restricted use of pesticides on crop edges can benefit farmland biodiversity significantly. - Biodiversity can benefit farm productivity and reduce environmental risk and yield variability. Implementation of biodiversity conservation policies can lead to a sustainable agriculture. Therefore more research should be directed towards the formulation and practical implementation of such policies. IV. Pesticide Policies Many international and national policies are targeting the regulation of pesticide use as consumers are becoming more aware of pesticide externalities and demand pesticide-free agricultural products and cleaner and safer natural habitat. A. Competitiveness & Environmental Regulations Environmental Regulations Technological innovations Green payments Enhanced Competitiveness 36 Figure 21. Porter Hypothesis Source: Author, 2008 The current level of food production is already causing serious environmental problems. Following this fact, important efforts towards regulating pollution have been made in industrialized countries in the form of increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Some studies have shown that strict environmental regulations slow productivity growth, impede technological progress and impose extra costs to firms (Palmer et al., 1995; Jaffe et al., 1995). On the other hand, the Porter Hypothesis states that environmental regulations press firms to innovate and thus enhance growth and competitiveness (Figure 21) (Porter, 1991). Thus, environmental regulations play a dual role of increasing costs and stimulating innovation. Although much of the environmental regulations are directed at industrial production, agriculture is impacted as well, especially from pesticide regulations and clean water acts. Nevertheless, agriculture constitutes still one of the major contributors to the global environmental degradation (Tilman et. al, 2001). Much of the recent work in identifying the relationship between environmental regulations and competitiveness has focused on the pork industry. Metcalfe (2002) examined the impacts of environmental regulations on the competiveness of the European Union (EU), Canada and the United States (US) by focusing on changes in the expected exports due to fluctuations in the environmental regulation costs. The result is that an increase of environmental regulations in the US and Canada will not have a significant negative impact on their pork exports. On the other hand, more stringent EU regulation will reduce EU competitiveness and will be beneficial for US and Canada as they will increase their market share in pork products. In general, the literature indicates that the moving toward more stringent environmental regulations will not significantly impact competitiveness (Krissoff et al., 1996; Colyer, 2004). Industrialized countries that seem to have an increasing number of environmental regulations also have the capability to channel their research into developing innovations that can minimize the cost of stringent environmental regulations. Furthermore, the US and EU enable their agricultural sectors to remain competitive in export markets through green payments (subsidies, tax breaks). The Porter hypothesis is also supported from the findings of Van der Vlist et al. (2007) that have shown that the intensification of environmental regulations can lead to efficiency improvements. B. EU Pesticide Policies European Union (EU) is struggling to implement coherent pesticide regulations in an effort to protect public health and the environment. Regulations on the marketing of plant protection products, maximum residue levels and the thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides compose the puzzle of the European pesticide policy (Figure 22). Pesticide policies based on economic incentives (taxies, subsidies) are among the future plans of the EU policy makers. Pesticide policies were first introduced at an EU level in 1979. Directives 91/414/EEC and 98/8/EC on the placing of plant protection products and biocidal products, respectively, on the market were the first to deal with the authorization of pesticides. The waste framework directive (2006/12/EC) and the directive on hazardous waste (91/689/EEC) constitute 37 regulations impacting pesticide use in many ways as they establish provisions for the safe collection/disposal of empty pesticide packages and unused or expired pesticides. The water framework directive (2000/609/EC) and the regulation on MRLs (396/2005) address pesticide residuals as the first identifies substances that are hazardous for water (including active substances in plant protection products) and thus contributing to the authorization of pesticides, while the second sets maximum residue levels of active substances in food and feed. The Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides completes the puzzle of current pesticide policies as it aims at regulating pesticide use. In the following lines it is provided a detailed representation of the pre-mentioned policies. Market Introduction Placing on the market of PPPs (91/414/EEC & 98/8/EC) Use Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Residues Waste MRLs & Water Framework Directive Waste Framework & Hazardous Waste Directives Figure 22. Pesticide Policies at an EU Level in equivalence with aspects of pesticide use. Source: European Commission (2007) The European Council adopted recently a regulation concerning the placing of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) on the market. The regulation contains a proposal for “cut off” criteria for the approval of active substances based on hazard properties of the substance (Annex II 3.6-3.7) (Figure 23). The criteria imply that it will not be allowed to approve substances: a) that could cause cancer, have mutagenic or reproductive effects unless the human exposure is negligible (known as CMR category 1 or 2); b) giving rise to endocrine disruptions (ED) unless the exposure to human is negligible; c) fulfilling the criteria of being persistent organic pollutants (POPs); and, d) fulfilling the criteria of being persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT), or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB). 38 CMR ED “cut off” criteria POPs PBT vPvB Figure 23. Cut off criteria for the placing of PPPs on the market Source: Author, 2008 Furthermore, the regulation includes criteria for selecting candidates for substitution (Annex II 4). The substances fulfilling these criteria are also identified. Another regulation concerns the establishment of Maximum Residue Levels (MRL), which is “the highest levels of a pesticide residue that is legally tolerated in or on food and feed” (European Commission, 2008). Currently there are MRLs for 315 fresh products, but these MRLs also apply to the same products after processing. The MRLs cover approximately 1100 pesticides currently or formerly used in agriculture within and outside the EU. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for holding safety assessments that concern all the consumer groups and are based on pesticides’ toxicity, the maximum levels expected on food and the different diets of EU consumers. Figure 24 presents the composition of the MRL regulation, who is responsible for its enforcement and, who takes action when the MRL of a specific product is above the legal level. The MRLs also contain: a) the EU MRLs already in force before September 2008 (about 45,000); b) the recently harmonized MRLs previously set by the Member States (about 100,000); and, c) a list of low risk substances for which MRLs are not necessary. The Member states are responsible for the control and enforcement of MRLs, while the EU has some mechanisms of ensuring that the MRLs are applied in an adequate way. These mechanisms are the EU multiannual control programme, the Food and Veterinary Office and the Community Reference Laboratories. Finally, if some food or feed are found to contain excess amount of pesticide residues, then the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) takes measures to protect the consumers. 39 EU MRLs Composition Member States MRLs Low risk substances EU multiannual control programme MRLs Enforcement Food and Veterinary Office Community Reference Laboratories Action RASSF Figure 24. Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in EU. Source: Author, 2008 European Commission adopted on July 2006 the Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides that is accompanied by an impact assessment and a legislative proposal that will create a policy framework for pesticide use. The goal of this strategy is to minimize the adverse effects and risks on human health and the environment from the use of pesticides (European Commission, 2007). The strategy includes a number of measures that will be implemented either by using existing policy frameworks or by introducing new legislations (Figure 25). According to the European Commission (2007) these measures are: a) new measures that cannot be integrated, fully or to a large extent, into existing instruments; b) measures that can best be integrated into existing instruments; and, c) actions and measures that are currently not proposed as part of the Thematic Strategy, but could be examined again at a later stage. Establishment of National Action Plans (NAPs) to reduce hazards, risks and dependence on pesticides is one of the measures of the first category. These National Plans have been very successful in the past and they will mirror the parts of the Thematic Strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides at national level. Involvement of different stakeholders and public participation in the preparation and implementation of the NAPs is one of the priorities of the thematic strategy. Another measure of this initiative is the creation of a system of awareness-raising and training of professional pesticide users, distributors and advisers. The risks linked to the use of pesticides should become known to all the involved stakeholders and member states should ensure that these stakeholders have access to the minimum training required. Furthermore, the inspection of the application equipment will be compulsory. Well 40 maintained application equipment can minimize the risks to human health and the environment and can ensure the efficient use of pesticides. Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Goal Minimize risks of pesticides to human health+environment Measures New Integrated into existing instruments To be included in the future NAPs Compliance monitoring Quantitative reduction targets Training Comparative assessment Tax/levy schemes Equipment inspection Substitution principle PPPs free areas Residue monitoring Storage/handling Epidemiological exposure studies Waste management Environmental monitoring Prohibition of aerial spraying Research on pesticides Protect aquatic environment VAT application IPM International dimension Progress measurement Information exchange Figure 25. The Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Source: Author, 2008 Additionally, areas of reduced or zero pesticide use will be defined. Each member state should indicate areas such as special protected areas (Natura 2000 network), areas that are accessed by vulnerable groups (playgrounds, around schools) and areas of high public exposure (such as parks). Storage and handling of pesticides is another important measure. 41 Waste management should be established for unused and empty packages while residues from leaning spray equipment must be disposed in accordance with the rules for hazardous waste. Other measures of the first category are: the prohibition of aerial spraying, the enhanced protection of the aquatic environment, the implementation of principles of Integrated Pest management (IPM) by professional pesticide users, measuring progress in risk reduction through appropriate indicators, establishment of a system of information exchange at community level and the improvement of systems for collecting information on distribution and use. Among the measures that can best be integrated into existing instruments are: improved systems for monitoring compliance with the legal requirements concerning pesticides, comparative assessment and substitution principle, residue monitoring and epidemiological exposure studies, environmental monitoring, research on pesticides, application of normal Value Added Tax (VAT) rate to pesticides and the establishment of an international dimension by contributing to the safe use of pesticides in third countries outside the EU. Finally, there are some actions and measures that presently do not constitute a part of the Thematic Strategy but need to be examined and debated for a future adoption. One of them is the establishment of quantitative reduction targets. This measure requires careful examination since its establishment can be impeded potentially by a) the absence of direct links between quantities of a substance used, the risks to human health and the natural habitat and/or b) the absence of data in several member states on current pesticide use that renders the identification of an appropriate baseline difficult. Tax and levy schemes are another measure that will be examined at a later stage. Taxation of pesticides will provide revenues that can be used to finance the different pre-mentioned measures. C. Abatement Policies of EU and non-EU countries Several countries have undertaken pesticide reduction programmes in the last two decades. Table 4 summarizes these individual efforts. Table 4. Pesticide Policies in some European Countries and California (U.S.). Country Description of Pesticide Policy Values for Pesticide Taxies/Fees/Levies Impact on Pesticide Use Sweden Environmental levy per Kg of active substance 30 SEK/Kg Active Substance (AC) (3.25 €/Kg AC) ● Minimal/zero impact ● Increased use of lowdose pesticides Norway Banded Tax System ● Basic Tax: 20 NOK/ha (2.6 €/ha) ● Low toxicity products (f=1): 2.6 €/ha ● Medium toxicity products (f=4): 10.4 €/ha ● High toxicity products (f=8): 20.8 €/ha ● Seed treatment pesticides (f=0.5): ● Main trend: decrease 42 1.3 €/ha ● Concentrated hobby products (f=50): 130 €/ha ● Ready to use hobby products (f=150): 390 €/ha Denmark ● Differentiated pesticide levy ● Overall levy on all pesticides sold by retailers ● Insecticides: 54% of retail price ● Herbicides/fungicides/growth regulators: 34% of retail price ● Wood preservatives: 3% of gross Value ● 5 to 10% decrease ● Increased use of lowdose pesticides Italy ● Ban on Atrazine ● Re-registration of pesticides ● Sales control ● Pesticide Tax ● Pesticide Tax: 2% of retail price ● Minimal UK ● Levies to finance pesticide registration ● Target fee for registration of new active ingredient ● General fee for industry ● Target fee: about 5000 € ● General fee: 5719 € Switzerland ● Low Pesticide Integrated Production Farming Protocols ● Direct payments ● Minimum ecological standards ● Extra subsidies Finland ● Registration charge ● Target fee (new active ingredient) The Netherlands ● MJP-G ● Integrated Crop Protection on certified farms _ ● 50% reduction France ● Pollution tax on antiparasite Pesticides _ ● Marginal Germany ● Crop Protection Act ● Pesticide Reduction Programme _ _ _ _ ● 40% decrease ● Registration charge: 2.5% of net selling price ● Target fee: about 1000 € _ Source: Lesinsky and Veverka, (2006); PAN Europe (2005); Hoevenagel et al. (1999); OECD (2008). Sweden is one of the first countries that had introduced a simple tax scheme based on an environmental levy of 30 SEK (3.25 €) per kg active substance. According to Swedish estimates, the introduction of the tax reduced the risk to human health by 77% in the 19972001 period and environmental risk by 63% over the same period. However, the taxation had minimal impact on the aggregate volume of pesticides used but farmers substituted past pesticides used for low-dose pesticides. On balance, the pesticide load on the environment decreased due to technical assistance to farmers and training that led to more environmental friendly agricultural practices. A portion of the tax revenues have been used to finance research related to risk reduction. Norway introduced a tax system in 1988 based on a percentage of the import value of pesticides. In 1999, a tax system was introduced where the taxation level is banded by health and environmental properties. The system is based on differentiated tax rates per hectare and standard area doses. From January 2005 the base rate is NOK 25 per hectare. There are seven tax bands including adjuvants (no tax), seed treatment and biological pesticides (low tax), ordinary pesticides for professional use (3 bands, differentiated according to human health 43 and environmental risk), and pesticides used in home gardens (2 bands) with the highest tax. According to this hierarchy, each band corresponds to a factor f. The tax for each band is calculated by multiplying the base rate with the respective f. Since the mid-1980s there has been a steady decrease in the use of pesticides to about 50% of baseline levels while after the implementation of the banded tax system there was a massive stockpiling of pesticides. Norwegian data show that the risk to human health was decreased by 33% while the risk to the environment decreased by 37%. One third of the tax revenues is recycled back through the reduction programme to provide incentives for farmers to change their attitude and practices to more environmental friendly methods. While farmers claim the banded tax system has led to higher costs, the tax system has contributed to the use of less harmful for human health and the environment pesticides. There are examples where the tax differences between different bands are minimal and in some cases it can be more profitable to use pesticides from higher tax bands that are not in accordance with the intentions of the policy makers. As far as the pesticide sales are concerned, there is a decreasing trend with a considerable variation. The Danish pesticide reduction plan started in 1986 in response to a major increase in the use of pesticides and a large decline in farmland biodiversity. A tax scheme was initiated to protect consumers and land workers from health risks and harmful effects and the environment. Introduced in 1992, this system was based on taxing the retail price of various agricultural chemicals. Currently it is a 34% of retail price for herbicides, fungicides and growth regulators, 54% for insecticides, and 3% for wood preservatives. With 83% of the tax returned to farmers by funding a number of agricultural activities, while the remainder allocated to research and administrative costs. The Danish Government estimated that the reduction in pesticide consumption ranged from 5 to 10%. Danish farmers generally accepted pesticide taxation given there was a clear return to them in the form of lower land tax and transparency in how the retained funds were used for funding of action plan programme activities and research. The combined sale and consumption of plant protection products in agriculture has declined nearly 60% between 1985 and 2000. It is difficult to separate the impact of taxation on pesticide use from the other factors influencing farmers’ use decisions. The fall in the pesticide consumption is largely due to a switch to low-dose agents, but a reduction of the combined cultivated land, the increased conversion to organic farming, and the improved pesticide technologies and management during the last decade have played a crucial role in reducing the use of pesticides. The objective of the Pesticide Action Plan (2004-09) is to reduce even more the pesticide use (1.7 applications per harvest year). In addition to the tax plan, this plan includes annual payments to farmers who do not use pesticides, technical assistance, decision support systems, and training and approval procedures. After the 1986 discovery of widespread herbicide pollution of drinking water in large areas of the North and Central Italy, subsequent measures were taken (“Atrazine Emergency”). Among them were a ban on atrazine, re-registration of pesticides (PD 223/1998 and DLg 52/1997), and stringent control on pesticide sales. Additionally, in 1999 a pesticide tax of 2% on the retail price was introduced. Its revenues were going to fund a nationwide publicity campaign promoting organic products with television, newspaper, and magazines advertisements. Nevertheless, OECD (2008) reports that pesticide use increased by 8% during the period 1990-2008. Pesticide residues have found in groundwater especially in Northern Italy while around 2% of fruits and vegetables found to have residual pesticides above national standards. There are however some positive signs like the increasing share of organic crops and the low use of herbicides and insecticides following the introduction of low-dosage products. 44 The United Kingdom (UK) pesticide taxes are assessed to the agrochemical industry based on an annual turnover of approved pesticide products, while in Italy there is a flat tax that varies between domestic and imported pesticides. The UK industrial fee is due to cover the cost of post-approval monitoring of plant protection products. Furthermore, in the context of national Codes of Good Agricultural Practice the UK have introduced a Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (Stoate et al., 2001). This constitutes a framework that regulates pesticide use by indicating some environmental friendly agricultural practices and restricting others. Among these restrictions are that farmers are not allowed to use pesticides at field margins on arable land as they have negative effects on the presence and abundance of plant and animal species (De Snoo, 1997; Chiverton and Sotherton, 1991). Switzerland has developed low pesticide integrated production farming protocols which cover several major crops and animal products. Swiss direct payments require farmers to adopt minimum ecological standards (e.g., pest warning devices, prognosis models in pesticide decisions). Swiss farmers can enjoy extra subsidies if they have further decreases in pesticide use. In 1994, Switzerland initiated its agri-environmental policy by identifying clear targets that had to be completed by 2005. The agri-environmental objectives were the selective and risk-guided use of plant protection products. The respective target was to reduce the use of pesticides by 32% of active ingredient between 1990-92 and 2005. This target was achieved and, among other useful insights, it was found that the main reason for pesticide presence in water aquifers is the expansion of cereal and corn crops to land whose soil characteristics are not suitable for this kind of crops use. The Netherlands developed a Multi Year Programme for Crop Protection (MJP-G) in 1991, which was the product of a constructive dialogue and negotiations between the government, farmers’ organizations, the organization of pesticide producers, and several environmental organizations. The main targets of this national plan were: a) the reduction of the quantity of pesticides used; b) the reduction of the emissions of pesticides to water, air, and soil; and, c) the reduction of the dependence on pesticides. An emphasis was placed on information and education, research and economical incentives. The MJP-G was replaced in 2001 with a plan called “View of Healthy Crops, Certified Cultivation at Integrated farms” that it will run until 2010. The three main goals of this plan are: a) a further decrease of pesticide use; b) a further reduction of emissions to the environment; and, c) the improvement of compliance with the pesticide regulations to minimize the adverse effects on public health, agricultural workers and the environment (van de Zande et al., 2002). The objective is to achieve these goals through integrated crop protection on certified farms. Certified farms increase the transparency of production processes in an era where consumers demand more reliable food information. The target is to achieve a 95% pesticide reduction by 2010 compared with 1998. According to OECD (2008), the use of pesticides was reduced by 50% during the period 1990-2003. The Ministry of Agriculture had estimated that the agricultural sector costs of reducing pesticide use were around € 50 million in 2003. Nevertheless, the Statistical Agency of The Netherlands (CBS) (2006) shows that the total use of pesticides in arable and horticultural farming was stable over the 2000-2004 period. In France, herbicides are the most commonly used type of pesticides. Despite the volume of farm production increasing by 2% in total over the period 1990-2004, pesticide use decreased by 10% during the same period. Nevertheless, pesticide use continues to be higher than the average in other OECD European countries (OECD, 2005). While there has been a decrease in pesticide use in general, contamination of water bodies remain widespread. In 1999, France 45 introduced a pollution tax on antiparasite pesticides but its effects were characterized as marginal under the framework of a general tax on polluting activities. However, it is difficult to isolate the impacts of a pesticide tax from other policy measures (such as extension services) or even from trends that can affect pesticide use (such as the increase of organic crops). Additionally, France has a well developed monitoring system of nutrients and pesticides. In 2003, several French ministries asked the Environmental Health Safety Agency and the Food Safety Agency of the country to establish a research center that will be responsible for monitoring pesticide residues. One of its tasks is to gather information on pesticide residues in different environments, the estimation of levels of exposure and the improvement of extension services that will provide better and more systematic information on pesticide use. Germany has introduced a Crop Protection Act in 1998, which states that farmers should use integrated pest control, relying on biological and biotechnical techniques, plant breeding and other agronomical practices to reduce pesticide use to a “necessary extent” (Burger et al., 2007), which is the extent of pesticide use that will maintain the profitability of crop production. The Pesticide Reduction Program that followed the Crop Protection act tried to fill the gap of preciseness on the definition of the “necessary extent”, Among the measures identified in the Pesticide Reduction Program is the development of a standardized treatment index that measures the intensity of pesticide use in agriculture and the integration of this index into the environmental quality assurance systems for agricultural enterprises. D. U.S. Pesticide Policy The federal regulation of pesticide products in US is governed by the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996 (USDA, 2008). This act has amended two previously established acts, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), which establishes tolerances of pesticide residues on food and feed, and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), which regulates the sale and use of pesticides. Figure 26 presents the main parts of the FQPA. The FQPA imposes uniform safety standards to residues in raw and processed food and forces the different States to comply with the federal standards instead of develop different ones. Pesticide residues no longer fall under the Delaney Clause (“no food additive will be safe if it is found to induce cancer when ingested by man or animal”). Therefore, a uniform healthbased standard is applied to all foods and risks. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible to review all tolerances within 10 years. Anyone may petition to establish, and modify a tolerance, if a registrant includes a summary of data with an authorization to publish these data and information on health effects. 46 Uniform national standard General tolerance standard Petition for tolerances Re-evaluation of tolerances Minor-use pesticides Food Quality Protection Act Consideration of the diets of infant and children Improve access on pesticide exposure information Estrogenic screening program Penalties Figure 26. A contour of U.S. pesticide policy Source: Author, 2008. Furthermore the new regulations made it easier to register public-health pesticides (i.e., those used to protect the public from diseases carried by insects or animals) and pesticides used on minor crops including many fruit and vegetable crops. The new Act defines minor use as the use of a pesticide on an animal or on a commercial crop/site if the crop is grown on less than 300,000 U.S. acres. The new law intends to improve consumers’ access to information on pesticide exposure by authorizing the EPA to provide a list of substitute foods for higher risk products and distribute it to the supermarkets. Additionally, it considers the risks from pesticide residues to infants and children. According to the law, research should be undertaken to identify the consumption patterns of infant and children, their susceptibility to pesticide chemicals (even in utero exposure), and the cumulative effects of pesticide residues. Other provisions of the act include the development and implementation (EPA) of a screening program for estrogenic and other endocrine effects. The aim of this program is to identify substances that have similar effect in humans to ones produced by naturally occurring estrogen or other endocrine effects. Finally, the law establishes penalties for any person who introduces or trades food that contains pesticide residues above the tolerance thresholds. California is the most important state in the value of agricultural production in the US. This state’s Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is responsible for registering pesticide products and providing sale permissions in that state (DPR, 2008). Registration fees are as following: a) $750 for registering a new product, b) $750 for renewing product registration, and c) $100 for label amendment. Free of charge are the emergency exemption from registration, the special local registration and the research authorization. Registration fees exist also in other U.S.A. states like Florida, Oregon, Missouri, Kentucky, New Jersey, Washington and Virginia. 47 The California DPR provides public access to registered pesticides that currently amount to 13,162 products. To apply for product registration an applicant must submit an application for registration form (including the $750 registration fee), six copies of the printed label (or printer’s proof), data concerning the pesticide product, and a copy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved label and letter. The data concerning the pesticide product include: acute toxicology data, chemistry data, efficacy data, phytotoxisity data (if used on a plant), fish and wildlife data (if applicable), volatile emissions potential data, chronic toxicology data (if the product contains a new active ingredient to California), environmental fate data for the first agricultural use of the active ingredient in California, and medical management data (if the product contains a new active ingredient to California). All registration applications are reviewed by DPR, DPR scientists and public agencies (notified by DPR) that can be affected by pesticide use. The Pesticide Registration and Evaluation Committee (PREC) provides the forum for possible concerns on pesticides registrations raised from public agencies or even common citizens. After a product is registered, it is subject to an annual renewal fee, a quarterly mill and risk assessment, reevaluation and data call-ins. E. Uncertainty under a policy introduction/investment Period 1 Uncertainty for the state of the world State of the world Period 2 More info available State of the world Good Pesticide Application Do not introduce a tax Good or bad? Tax Introduction? Bad Introduce a tax Figure 27. Two period diagram for pesticide and tax application. Source: Author, 2008. The imposition of a tax or levy scheme is not a costless procedure and its entire regulatory cost creates uncertainty concerning the optimal timing it is imposed. In period 1 there is uncertainty about the stage of the world. The externalities of pesticide use have not still fully documented neither the external costs have been quantified precisely. Therefore, a policy maker is not sure whether he or she has to introduce a pesticide tax now or to wait for further information and introduce it later. Imposing a pesticide tax in period 1 (Figure 27) can proved to be more costly as there are no precise indicators of the external costs of pesticides. Therefore, this lack of knowledge can 48 lead a policy maker to delay his intervention and to wait to identify the exact external costs of pesticides and reflect them in the prices of the different commodities by imposing a suitable tax. For instance, in the case of water pollution acting at an early stage can be burdensome while delaying can enable a policy maker to obtain accurate scientific information that reflect at a good extent the external costs of pesticides. Therefore, delaying reduces somehow the economic risk of imposing a tax scheme. On the other hand waiting can proved to be devastating in cases like biodiversity loss. Even if new information at period 2 show that the state of the world is “bad”, a tax can be imposed after comparing and weighting the costs of introducing and not introducing a tax and the external costs of pesticides to the society as a whole. This comparison should take place as they may exist alternative and less costly ways of reducing or internalizing the external costs of pesticides. F. Policy Implications, Gaps and Overlaps Reviewing the EU and non-EU pesticide policies and analyzing policy effects on competitiveness and the uncertainty concerning their time of application we identified some policy recommendations, gaps and overlaps: - Stricter environmental regulations can trigger farmers to innovate and to improve their production efficiency. - There are relatively few national pesticide policies that are based on economic measures/incentives in many European countries. - Financial incentives and flexible policies can improve resource allocation. Subsidies on the adoption of environmental friendly farm practices and/or levies on pesticide use are some well known financial incentives. - Income support policies that focus on specific crops impact farmers’ risk attitude and lead to increased pesticide use that has negative impact on farmland biodiversity. Policies that intend to enhance biodiversity should try to modify farmers’ short run returns by alternative schemes like compensation funds. Therefore, income support policies should be re-examined by better cooperation among policy makers, environmental scientists and agricultural economists (Di Falco and Perrings, 2005; Omer et al., 2007; Heisey et al., 1997). - An EU pesticide levy should be differentiated according to environmental hazards of different pesticides and take into account the countries' specific agronomic circumstances. Nevertheless, a pesticide tax alone cannot be an effective measure. A combination of policy instruments (taxes, subsidies, training, and research) can tackle pesticide externalities. V. Concluding Comments This review maps the literature on economic sustainability, biodiversity loss and, socially optimal pesticide use. The detailed database provided in this study integrates three different 49 streams of literature: a) economic growth and the environment; b) pesticide use and biodiversity; and c) pesticide regulations. Economic growth has a dual impact on the environment. While it is responsible for environmental degradation (e.g. through agricultural intensification), it can also serve as a mean of improving environmental quality by transfer of clean technologies, establishment of environmental institutions and enforcement of global environmental agreements. Economic growth has brought a market-oriented production as consumers are more aware of agricultural externalities and demand environmental friendly products. This consumer-oriented production is responsible for significant rural transformations, like agricultural intensification and influx of environmental friendly technologies, which have both positive and negative impacts on the natural habitat. Increased use of pesticides have a negative impact on biodiversity and as a result on agricultural productivity. Therefore, more precise applications and/or use of alternative pest control methods can protect biodiversity and farm income. Concerning pesticide policies, the present review provides evidence which shows that a socially optimal pesticide use can be achieved through the establishment of an EU wide pesticide regulatory framework based on a variety of measures, including economic incentives. This attempt requires the involvement of all the respective stakeholders that should cooperate for the establishment of flexible pesticide policies taking into account the economic and environmental impacts of pesticides. Special attention should be paid to the protection of landscape heterogeneity and farmland biodiversity that play a decisive role in augmenting crop productivity and decreasing environmental risk and yield variability. Addressing the above-mentioned themes, a number of shortcomings have been appeared. To begin with, there is a gap in understanding and monitoring the economic and environmental impacts of pesticides. A more detailed investigation of this impact can help policymakers in designing effective pesticide policies. As it stressed throughout the literature review, biodiversity conservation should be an integral part of any pesticide policy. But this study has shown that biodiversity valuation is an ambiguous and challenging issue in a growing research field. Therefore, more research should be directed towards biodiversity valuation and formulation and practical implementation of biodiversity conservation policies. 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Sales of fungicides in European Countries (t of active ingredient) Countries 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 123395 2402 631 167190 2582 794 167910 2654 770 167333 2990 715 159093 3056 614 149085 2302 561 10404 26 550 3248 10165 48625 25074 9397 15 698 3104 11299 64050 52638 10530 13 593 4731 11984 58807 53605 9702 8 415 3707 10978 63021 52865 9642 21 459 4676 10528 52834 52377 57 8246 19 430 4860 7854 54130 48523 60 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EU (15 countries) Belgium Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Latvia : Luxembourg Hungary Malta 181 1989 : Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Slovenia Finland Sweden : 182 1591 : 3624 1697 2986 9746 Norway : 224 1896 : 4356 1685 3058 9397 186 1690 : : : : 10129 29 458 : : : : : 10032 30 627 : : 43351 63196 69 : 8045 30 : : : 39317 : : : : 37175 : 82 : 10184 : : : : 97 : 2407 180 3628 1336 2815 11561 933 192 258 3582 1300 3710 13322 825 224 202 3230 1712 1944 12954 843 221 194 4176 1493 3080 12459 1142 236 221 4181 1650 4915 12366 968 253 211 4908 120 4730 150 4740 160 5932 225 5944 61 6536 140 6509 177 6353 265 6336 220 4907 54 : : : : : : : : : : 35957 113 2264 136 220 323 : : : : : 2819 : : : : 35921 : 1691 135 209 300 : 2610 574 1590 105 154 262 : 4564 1393 2583 11274 : 115 253 : 5127 1473 2909 10475 : 4470 1598 2504 10855 843 177 238 : United Kingdom : : 2612 : 36919 : 339 : : : 146 : : : 3980 : 4709 : 5124 : : 4697 259 222 : : : : 5308 99 : : :=Not available Source: Eurostat (2008) 62 Table 2. Sales of herbicides in European Countries (t of active ingredient) Countries 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 115884 5953 2915 112984 4543 2726 117854 4965 2619 117766 4475 1892 109486 5188 1982 111833 4908 2164 16541 84 879 2717 8652 36052 9888 16485 172 1260 2116 9153 33576 10536 17269 167 1413 2303 9413 36439 10665 15825 167 1314 2318 9066 42462 9741 16610 275 1289 2331 9942 30845 9507 177 14942 298 1641 2650 12138 32122 10063 255 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EU (15 countries) Belgium Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Latvia : Luxembourg Hungary Malta 148 3247 : Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Slovenia Finland Sweden : 121 2489 : 3016 1536 5534 1584 Norway : 183 2894 : 2984 1601 5167 1769 198 2831 : : : : 14328 211 1820 : : : : : 15351 268 1854 : : 28780 11829 236 : 15922 197 : : : 24502 : : : : 26104 : 316 : 14699 : : : : 414 : 4076 22 2171 1436 4748 2235 362 1120 1432 2215 1459 4926 2125 189 1278 1447 2210 1435 3772 2398 325 1339 1817 2443 1533 3740 2104 286 1174 690 2482 1466 8381 1751 289 1077 1280 10770 377 10770 632 10253 458 10537 502 10679 420 10711 503 10752 504 11168 544 11138 449 10783 283 : : : : : : : : : : 23068 486 3599 15 790 1285 : : : : : 4340 : : : : 29209 : 3130 19 844 1269 : 5022 2105 2682 10 734 1303 : 2842 1659 4546 1955 : 677 1236 : 2921 1603 4401 1914 : 2605 1609 4795 1826 405 862 1364 : United Kingdom : : 4138 : 26808 : 1497 : : : 735 : : : 2533 : 2736 : 9317 : : 8435 1274 1432 : : : : 9131 549 : : :=Not available Source: Eurostat (2008) 63 Table 3. Sales of insecticides in European Countries (t of active ingredient) Countries 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EU (15 countries) Belgium Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Latvia 29268 996 51 28569 1023 55 27203 1002 46 26505 925 41 27059 893 49 792 1 85 2440 9758 5399 4433 769 2 86 2436 9944 6074 6931 1036 2 86 2505 10173 4672 6985 953 3 72 2835 9985 3612 7066 846 3 60 2864 10470 3103 7135 3 740 3 66 2638 11781 2487 6941 5 : Luxembourg Hungary Malta 26238 1179 36 : 10 1041 : Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Slovenia Finland Sweden 9 667 : 513 98 434 501 Norway : 11 893 : 440 100 581 435 19 805 : : : : 742 6 47 : : : : : 779 6 42 : : 2308 4450 8 : 1081 2 : : : 2224 : : : : 2460 : 11 : 977 : : : : 10 : 1439 27 227 99 549 414 81 42 12 186 97 463 607 44 49 30 216 102 560 441 52 34 21 200 113 494 409 34 22 14 176 138 500 425 36 28 18 650 8 650 10 516 12 557 9 551 6 853 16 876 18 965 19 901 20 652 8 : : : : : : : : : : 2140 13 1307 42 67 57 : : : : : 1640 : : : : 2505 : 926 34 46 27 : 806 43 771 47 47 15 : 338 90 409 463 : 55 13 : 396 87 648 439 : 260 105 571 476 99 55 17 : United Kingdom : : 1524 : 2100 : 34 : : : 25 : : : 173 : 179 : 497 : : 553 24 36 : : : : 675 6 : : :=Not available Source: Eurostat (2008) 64 Table 4. Sales of other pesticides* in European Countries (t of active ingredient) Countries 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EU (15 countries) Belgium Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Latvia 35700 869 87 39516 1155 104 41194 1219 175 40602 1054 135 37723 784 110 39665 742 116 4343 7 268 1465 4661 7813 8655 4070 8 312 1378 3627 6092 14691 4809 9 442 1940 3500 7835 13271 3751 6 301 1293 3585 11406 12376 3233 7 325 1260 3657 7912 10812 47 3957 9 349 963 3927 10896 10819 49 : : Luxembourg Hungary Malta 18 588 : Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Slovenia Finland Sweden United Kingdom Norway : 20 567 : 2694 235 466 625 : 12 547 : : : : : : 4332 21 471 : : : : : 4002 18 390 : : 8009 15236 26 : 3705 17 : : : 8481 : : : : 10360 : 9 : 3652 : : : : 76 : 804 14 1961 262 743 1281 23 70 36 2090 224 1259 1381 106 69 32 2212 137 908 1253 141 73 17 2252 163 1412 1966 98 57 17 2470 151 2243 1804 91 72 18 7198 13 7198 26 7054 27 6437 88 6427 24 6332 47 6351 55 6896 126 6924 107 7259 33 : : : : : : : : : : 10447 111 1062 29 64 33 : : : : : 1142 : : : : 10630 : 684 29 65 33 : 766 430 22 64 28 : 2452 277 931 1704 : 65 27 : 2277 178 741 1537 : 2320 251 978 2312 122 52 33 : 2619 304 695 1149 18 469 : 1404 : 11428 : 369 : : : 146 : : : 2724 : 3116 : 2164 : : 1618 89 17 : : : : 6037 36 : : :=Not available Source: Eurostat (2008) 65 * This group includes various pesticides which are not included under the heading insecticide, herbicide or fungicide. Definitions of these pesticides differ from country to country. Table 5. Farmland bird index (Index 1990=100) for some EU countries. EU (25 countries) Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Spain France Italy Latvia Netherlands Poland Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Norway 1995 86 94.6 118.5 84.2 119.4 57.4 82.8 100 79.4 96.6 90.5 83.1 100 1996 84 88.5 107.9 83.7 126.9 83.1 100 87.7 109 83.9 87.7 84.8 81.2 51.9 1997 82 87.5 86.4 80.1 115.6 77.2 112.2 89.4 109.7 82.2 85.2 81.1 76 53.2 1998 81 85.7 86.4 78.3 110.8 74.5 100 116.6 87.1 119.8 80.7 91 82.4 72.8 51.4 1999 80 83.6 71.3 84.1 125.5 77.2 113.1 123.2 83.3 111 79.5 91.1 72.9 74.4 57.6 2000 81 64.9 72.9 79.9 113.9 82.9 116.2 126.1 82 100 104 77.7 100 89.9 72.4 78.7 57.8 2001 82 72.5 78.9 78.3 107.7 115.8 128.8 81.5 93.3 127.7 75.2 95 97.1 73.6 81.2 55.3 2002 77 56 80.9 73.6 98.8 116.5 119 82 78.4 113.2 73.6 92.6 91.9 68.8 76.8 50.3 2003 76 63.9 70 71 84.9 108 115.3 78.1 74.2 118.6 73.2 84.9 94.2 70.7 73.3 47.9 2004 78 72.3 85.4 68.1 86.1 107.8 118.6 83 81.7 108.7 75.2 86.1 100 94.2 61.6 71.9 46.5 2005 79 67.6 65.8 60.3 90.5 108.6 121.8 82.5 88.4 117 76.6 90.5 101 91.7 61.1 71.1 45.8 2006 75 - Source: Eurostat (2008) 66 Use of Insecticides EU-15 - EU-25 Tonnes of active ingredient 30000 25000 20000 Insecticides EU-25 15000 Insecticides EU-15 10000 5000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Figure 1. Use of insecticides: EU15, EU25, 1992-2003. Source: Eurostat (2008) Use of herbicides EU-15 - EU-25 300000 Tonnes of active ingredient 250000 200000 Herbicides EU-25 150000 Herbicides EU-15 100000 50000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Figure 2. Use of herbicides: EU15, EU25, 1992-2003. Source: Eurostat (2008) 67 Use of fungicides EU-15 - EU-25 450000 Tonnes of active ingredient 400000 350000 300000 250000 Fungicides EU-25 200000 Fungicides EU-15 150000 100000 50000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Figure 3. Use of fungicides: EU15, EU25, 1992-2003. Source: Eurostat (2008) Use of other PPPs EU-15 - EU-25 70000 Tonnes of active ingredient 60000 50000 40000 Other PPPs EU-25 Other PPPs EU-15 30000 20000 10000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Figure 4. Use of other PPPs: EU15, EU25, 1992-2003. Source: Eurostat (2008) 68