emch questions

1b (1-16)
When do you use in-situ data?
What is collateral data?
What is a biophysical variable?
What is a hybrid variable?
What is resolution?
What are the different types of resolution? Explain each.
What is NAPP?
What is scientific visualization?
Why process data digitally?
What is the multiconcept?
Explain the fundamental tasks of image processing.
What use is the backward flow of information from a GIS to an RS system?
2a (17-44)
Using a Vexcel area array digitizer, what is the ground resolution you can achieve from
NAPP imagery? Use table 2.1.
What was the repeat cycle of Landsat 1-3 and how are they determined
What is the overlap between paths at the equator? What about at 81º North or South
How many bits is MSS 1,2,3 ?
List what each of the TM bands can be used to sense.
2b (44-63)
What is spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution of GOES?
What is the spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution of AVHRR?
What is LAC vs. GAC?
How big is a Landsat scene vs. a SPOT scene?
What is imaging spectrometry?
What is the spatial, spectral, temporal, and radiometric resolution of AIS? What is the
spatial, spectral, temporal, and radiometric resolution of AVIRIS?
What are the resolutions of MODIS?
What is BSQ, BIL and BIP?
What are different storage devices for satellite imagery?
What are different levels of geometric correction?
3a (77-86)
Why is a normal distribution important in image processing?
What is the mode in the context of a histogram of an image? What about the median?
What is the sample vs. a population mean?
What is a skewed distribution?
How do you define the dispersion of a univariate histogram?
What does a small standard deviation imply vs. a large standard deviation?
What is covariance?
What is the difference between covariance and correlation?
Explain the results of Table 4-7.
3b (87-104)
What is scientific visualization? What is its purpose?
What is a brightness map?
What is density slicing?
How do you create a density sliced map?
What are the methods for selecting class interval boundaries?
What is natural break, equal size and equal area?
Explain the RGB color coordinate system.
What is a Color Lookup Table?
What is an additive color composite? What TM additive color combination mimics what
a person would see?
What is so good about a 7,4,2 combination?
What is OIF and what does it measure?
What are the different data merging techniques?
What is the normal range of the SPOT panchromatic band?
What is band substitution and how do you do it with SPOT imagery?
What is an RGB to IHS transformation?
Can RGB to IHS be done with more than 3 bands?
What is the benefit of performing an IHS transformation?
Explain how IHS is used for data merging.
Explain pixel-by-pixel addition of high frequency information.
What are the different types of output devices?
4a (107-135)
What is image restoration?
What are internal errors?
What are external errors?
What is line drop-out?
What is n-line striping?
What are the two most important causes of environmental attenuation?
Why is there no such thing as atmosphere error?
What are some different paths energy can take from the sun?
What is transmittance?
What are Rayleigh, Mie, and selective scattering?
When do you use multiple-date normalization?
What is slope-aspect correction?
Explain cosine correction.
Explain the Minnaert Correction.
Explain statistical-empirical correction.
Explain C correction
What are Civco’s considerations for radiometric correction of topographically induced
What is a GCP?
What is image-to-map rectification?
What is spatial interpolation?
What is intensity interpolation?
What does order refer to in rectification?
4b (139-152)
What is image reduction?
What is image magnification?
What is a transect used for on an image?
Why is constant enhancement needed?
Explain linear contrast stretching.
When doing a linear contrast stretch, what should the distribution look like?
What is a min-max contrast stretch?
What is a percentage linear contrast stretch?
Why might you use a piecewise linear contrast stretch?
What is histogram equalization?
What is the result of a logarithmic transformation?
5a (152-157)
What are some of the reasons for differences in brightness values that might suggest the
use of band ratios?
What are some ways to choose bands in band ratioing?
If the correlation between bands is high, is the ratio more or less useful than if the
correlation was low? Explain.
Define spatial frequency.
What is a low frequency area vs. a high frequency area?
What are the two general methods for enhancing spatial frequency?
What is a linear spatial filter?
What is a low-pass or low frequency filter?
What is a convolution mask or kernel?
What is image smoothing?
What effect does kernel size have on smoothing?
What is unequal weighted smoothing?
How does software deal with boundaries when smoothing?
Explain the median filter.
What effect does a median filter have?
5b (157-165)
Using Figure 7-15, explain the edge preserving median filter.
What do minimum or maximum filters do?
Explain the Olympic filter.
Explain the Adaptive Box Filter proposed by Eliason & McEwen.
Why is it called Adaptive?
What is the difference between the Lee sigma filter and Eliason and McEwen’s adaptive
filter? What kind of imagery can you use in with?
Explain the high-pass filter. What will it do?
Explain directional first difference linear edge enhancement.
What is K?
Explain the Chavez and Bauer surface roughness scale.
How does Δ help determine filter size?
What is embossing on edge?
Explain a North compass gradient mask.
Explain Richard’s vertical 3 x 3 edge detection.
What do Laplacian filters generally highlight?
How was figure 7-21c made?
Explain the Sobel edge detector.
What is an edge map?
Explain Robert’s edge detector.
6a (165-179)
What can Fourier transformation be used for?
In a Fourier image, where are the low and high frequency parts of the image?
How do you remove stationary periodic noise from an image using FFT?
Conceptually, how do you do spatial filtering in the frequency domain?
What can PCA be used for in image processing?
What is the dimensionality of satellite data?
Are PCA bands correlated or uncorrelated? Explain.
What can the eigen values be used to calculate so that the dimensionality of the data set
can be determined?
What are factor loadings and what can they be used for?
What do components 4, 5 & 6 often represent and what do you do with them?
How can PCA be used as a precursor to classification?
6b (179-195)
What is the goal of creating vegetation indices?
How does healthy/dead vegetation reflect energy in visible/ near infrared pars of the
Explain differences in the Rouse et al., Deering et al., and Perry & Lautenschlager
vegetation indices.
Explain formulas 7-73, 7-74 and 7-75.
Explain the tasseled cap transformation, its results, and how it can be used.
Are most IP packages based on texture or tonal information?
What is a discreet tonal feature?
Explain the following first-order texture statistics- AVE, STD, ENT?
Is a course spatial texture spatially heterogenous?
What are 3 textural statistics that can be extracted from a spatial dependency matrix?
Explain how and why ASM can be used on urban change detection.
7a (197-205)
Explain the concept behind supervised classification.
What is hard classification?
Explain the concepts behind unsupervised classification.
Describe the steps of extracting land cover information from satellite data.
Explain the concepts behind fuzzy set classification.
What is a classification scheme?
What is the difference between information classes and spectral classes?
Is Anderson’s scheme more resource or people focused? Explain.
Is SLUC or Anderson’s more appropriate for satellite imagery? Explain.
What are the four levels of the USGS LULC system? What does it have to do with
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a hierarchical wetland classification system. How
can satellite imagery be used to classify an area into this scheme?
The C-CAP system is hierarchical. Explain the hierarchy.
What is a fuzzy definition as it pertains to classification schemes?
Explain the relationship between level of detail of a classification scheme and spatial
What is the necessary spatial resolution of imagery for Anderson’s Level III
7b (205-225)
What is a training site?
What is a signature extension problem?
What is geographical stratification and how is it used?
How many pixels of training data should you collect for each class?
There are a number of ways of collecting training site data. What are they and which is
What is a rubber band polygon and AOI?
How does a seed pixel use a measurement vector to define signatures?
What are the fundamental image statistics that must be collected for each class?
What does a multimodal training site mean? What do you do about it?
What is spatial autocorrelation and what in theory should you do about it?
In feature selection dimensionality of data are sometimes reduced. Explain.
Why use graphical methods of feature selection if statistical techniques provide all the
information necessary to select the most appropriate bands for classification?
Explain what bar graph spectral plots are and what they are useful for.
What are cospectral mean vector plots? How do you visualize a 3rd dimension?
What is a feature space plot?
What are cospectral parallelepiped or ellipse plots?
What is divergence as it pertains to statistical methods of feature selection?
What is a Bhattacharya distance?
What is the Jeffreys-Matusita Distance?
What do transformed divergence values of 0, 2000, 1700 and 1900 mean?
8a (225-240)
What do parametric classification algorithms assure us? Nonparametric?
What if a pixel does not fit into a parallelepiped class? How is it classified?
What is a threshold in minimum distance algorithm?
Explain the maximum likelihood decision rule.
What is Baye’s decision Rule?
What is a posteriori probability information and how can it be used in theory?
What is unsupervised classification?
Explain the 2 stages of the chain method of unsupervised classification.
Explain the inputs required for ISODATA algorithms.
How many passes do ISODATA algorithms make?
How are initial mean vectors assigned in the ISODATA algorithm?
Explain the first and second iterations of ISODATA.
What is cluster busting?
8b (240-247)
What is a membership function in Fuzzy set theory?
What is hardening in fuzzy classification?
Why should ancillary data be added to the classification process?
What are some problems associated with ancillary data?
What is stratification when incorporating ancillary data into the classification process?
What is per-pixel logical channel classification?
What is contextual logical channel classification and what does it have to do with
What other types of contextual information can be used?
How can a priori probabilities be used in classification?
Explain post classification sorting.
What is layered classification?
What are the components of an expert system?
9a (247-256)
What is the difference between training and text reference information?
How do you choose the pixel sample size in accuracy assessment?
What is the problem with random sampling for error measurement?
What is a stratified random sampling?
What is overall accuracy?
What is producer’s accuracy?
What is user’s accuracy?
Describe the Khat statistic.
What is lineage image processing?
What would a quality report include for a digital product?
9b (257-269)
What are some of the considerations concerning your remote sensing system that you
must take into account when conducting change detection?
Why is temporal resolution important?
Why is spatial resolution important?
Why is spectral resolution important?
Explain how atmospheric conditions are important when doing change detection.
Explain how soil moisture conditions are important when doing change detection.
What is a phenological cycle?
Why is vegetation phenology important?
Explain urban-suburban phenological cycles.
What are the effects of tidal stage on image classification.
What is change detection using write function memory insertion
What is Multi-date composite image change detection?
What is Image Algebra change detection?
10a (269-279)
What is post-classification comparison change detection?
Explain multi-date change detection using a binary change mask applied to date 2.
Explain Multi-date change detection using ancillary data source as Date 1.
Explain Manual on-screen digitization of change.
What is spectral change vector analysis?
10b (281-303)
How is integration done now?
GIS and Remote Sensing are not unidirectional. Explain.
What is digital soft-copy photogrammetry
What is map algebra and cartographic modelling?
Explain how slope is calculated using a 3 x 3 neighborhood.