Supplementary methods AMF inocula Grass-experiment Three AMF species, Claroideoglomus claroideum (previously named Glomus claroideum, isolate JJ132, (Jansa et al 2002)), Funneliformis mosseae (previously named Glomus mosseae isolate BEG161, (Jansa et al 2002)), and G. intraradices (isolate BEG 21, see van der Heijden et al (2006) for description) were used in this experiment. They are common AMF in Swiss grasslands soils (Oehl et al 2010). The fungi were propagated separately in the greenhouse in 3l pots, containing a 3:17 (v/v) soil:sand-mixture planted with Plantago lanceolata. The soil:sand-mixture had been inoculated with 5% inoculum of the respective fungal isolate. Every 2nd week, pots received 20 ml of a modified Hoagland solution (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950), containing one quarter of the original P concentration. A control inoculum, not containing AMF propagules, was produced under the same conditions. After three months of growth, pots were dried, emptied, and roots were cut into <5cm pieces and homogeneously mixed with the experimental substrate. Tomato-experiment The inoculum was a complex inoculum produced similarly to the inoculums used in the grassexperiment, with the exception that instead of specific AMF isolates, a similar amount of fresh field soil was added. The field soil used to produce the inoculum was the same soil used to fill the microcosms. Soil chemical, physical, plant and microbial biomass analyses Particle density, soil texture, organic C and soil P, available soil and leachate NO3concentrations and soil pH were all analyzed using standard methods according to the reference methods of the Swiss Federal Research Stations (Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalten FAL, RAC, FAW 1996). Soil and leachate NO3- contents were summed and used as a proxy for available soil NO3- at the end of the experiment. The particle density of the soil was determined to be able to calculate the WFPS in the microcosms as described in (Elliott et al 1999) but using the actual particle density determined from our substrates. Dried shoots and roots were ground with a centrifuge mill (0.12mm), a dried soil subsample was milled in a ball mill and their total N content was determined with a FLASH Elemental Analyzer 1112 (Thermo Finnigan, Waltham, MA, USA). Plant shoot data was pooled for both harvests in the grass-experiment. Microbial biomass C and N estimates by chloroform-fumigation-extraction (CFE) were carried out on duplicate samples according to Vance et al (1987). Organic C (TOC) in the extracts was determined by infrared spectrometry after combustion at 850°C (DIMATOC® 2000, Dimatec, Essen, Germany). Total N was subsequently measured in the same sample by chemoluminescence (TNb, Dimatec, Essen, Germany). Microbial biomass C and N was calculated according to Joergensen (1996) and Joergensen and Mueller (1996). AMF root colonization and hyphal length The percentage of root length colonized by AM fungi was analyzed, after clearing the roots with 10% KOH and staining with a 5% Pen ink in vinegar mixture (Vierheilig et al 1998), using a modified line-intersection method (McGonigle et al 1990). 100 Intercepts were counted per sample. The length of extraradical fungal hyphae in the soil was determined by a modified aqueous extraction and membrane-filter technique (Jakobsen et al 1992) on triplicate soil samples of 10g in the grass-experiment and duplicate samples of 2g in the tomato-experiment. Hyphal length was calculated according to the modified Newman formula for calculating root length (Tennant 1975). Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalten FAL, RAC, FAW (1996). Schweizerische Referenzmethoden der Eidgenössischen landwirtschaftlichen Forschungsanstalten, vol. 2. Eidg. 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