Soils 2 Chapter 10 Soil Mineralogy 98% of the earth’s crust is made up of 8 chemical elements , see Figure 10.1 in book (pg 149), these elements combine with one another and others to form the minerals that exist in rocks. The dominant minerals are feldspars, amphiboles, pyroxenes, quartz, mica, apatite, clay, iron oxides (goethite) and carbonate minerals. As these minerals are weathered I rocks new minerals are synthesized in the weathering processes. Those minerals least resistant to weathering disappear first. Quartz is the most resistant so that there is more quartz remaining in soils than other primary minerals. Weathering processes are constant and observable all the time…weathering is stimulated by the naturally occurring acids in nature. As primary minerals are weathered nutrients are released in the form of ions available for plant life. The primary minerals disappear and secondary minerals are formed. Clay minerals begin to accumulate. Chapter 3 Soil Physical Properties SOIL TEXTURE Soil texture is the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay in a soil. Soil separates are the size groups of mineral particles less than 2 millimeters (mm). See the chart on page 23, Table 3.1). See Textural Triangle on pg 25. Sand is the 2.0 to .05 millimeter fraction. Under the USDA system it is divided into very fine, fine, medium, coarse and very coarse sand separates. Silt is the .05 to .002 millimeter (2 microns) particle size separation. Note that it is difficult to feel the difference between fine or very fine sand and silt. Generally, silt feels smooth like powder while sand is gritty. Clay particles are separates with a diameter of less than .002 millimeters or 2 microns. Clays tend to be plate shaped not spherical and are very small but have a very large surface area per gram. Note the differences in surface area in Table 3.1, pg 23. It is the shape and surface area of clays which give them their unique properties. Water between clay particles tend to act as a lubricant. Surface area is also an important aspect of water absorption; clays absorb much more water than sands or silts. When clays are dried there is a greater surface area of contact between particles and hard clods con be formed. Particle Size Analysis pg 24./ Field Method pg 25 Soil Textural Classes (pg 25 Textural Triangle) Percentages of sand, silt and clay detyermine which of 12 Textural Classes the soil is in. look on Soil Triangle. A soil that is 15% clay, 65% sand and 20% silt is in which class? (Sandy loam) A soil containing equal amount of sand silt and clay is a clay loam. Use the chart. Use of Soils Plasticity, permeabiltiy, ease of tillage, droughtiness, fertility and productivity are all related to soil texture. Clay soils may have a tendency to shrink and swell with wetting and drying. SOIL STRUCTURE Soil structure and texture are not the same thing. Where soil texture refers to the size of soil particles, soil structure refers to how they are arranged. Soil particles arrange themselves into secondary structures called peds or aggregates. Soil structure is described by describing the shape and size of the peds. Structure is important because it modifies the effect of soil texture with regard to water and air and root penetration. Peds are identified by the fact that the spaces between the aggrgate are larger than the spaces between the individual soil particles. Structures are described by their shape. There are four basic structural types: 1. spheroid 2. platelike 3. blocklike 4. prismlike These shapes in turn give rise to granular, platy, blocky and prismatic types of structure. Columnar structure is prismatic shaped peds with rounded tops. Generally speaking soils have no structure inherent in their parent materials. Structureless conditions are referred to as single grained (sand) or massive (clayey with no discernible structure). Because of the level of activity at the A horizon (weather, organisms, etc.) the structure tends to be granular. As you go deeper there is less influence of wetting and drying cycles, fewer organisms and the additional effect of weight from the upper layers, this layer tends to be more blocky or prismatic. GRADE and CLASS (pg 29) When a soil structure is described the description includes: 1. the soil structure type, that is the shape and arrangements of the peds, 2. the class, which refers to the ped size, 3. the grade which indicates the distinctiveness of the peds A Table of peds types and class is shown in Appendix 2. Grades are described as: 0. Structureless – no discernable aggregation. Massive of single grained 1. Weak.- poorly formed, indistinct, barely observable 2. Moderate- well formed distinct, moderately durable 3. Strong- durable peds SOIL CONSISTENCE Soil Consistence is the resistance of a soil to deformation or rupture. It is a function of the cohesive and adhesive properties of the soil. Where soil =structure is concerned with the shape, size and distinctiveness of soil aggregates, Consistence is concerned with the strength of the forces between the sand, silt and clay constituents. Consistence is important for tillage and traffic considerations. Sand dunes show minimal consistence, little cohesive or adhesive properties. Sand is easily deformed (footprints, cars get stuck in it) Clay soils show more resistance and are not as easily deformed however, they get sticky when wet and are difficult to till. Soil Consistence is described in terms of moisture – wet, moist and dry, so that a oil might be described as sticky when wet, firm when moist and hard when dry. Some terms used to describe soil consistence are: 1. Wet soil may be sticky, nonsticky, plastic or nonplastic 2. Moist soil may be loose, friable, firm 3. Dry soil may loose, soft or hard Cemented soils are held together by mineral cementing agents such as calcium carbonate, silica, iron oxide or aluminum oxide. When a cementatious soil becomes so hard a hammer is required to break it up it is called an indurated soil. These tend to be very old soils… DENSITY AND WEIGHT RELATIONSHIPS Soil density is described in 2 ways: particle density and bulk density Particle density is the average density of the particles, and bulk density is the density of the soil in its natural state which includes pore space as well as particles. Density is a comparsion to the weight of water. A cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 pounds. Average particle density for mineral soils is (2.65 g/cm3) 2.65 grams per cubic centimeter (or 2.65 x 62.4 = 165.36 ). When samples are collected for bulk density analysis they are taken with core samplers to leave the sample as close to possible in its natural condition. Cores are taken of various depths but typically are about 2 to 2.5 inches in diameter. Bulk density = mass oven dry/volume The bulk density of a soil is inversely related to porosity. The more pore space the less mineral soil… Soils that have no structure may have a bulk density of about 1.6 or 1.7g/cubic centimeter. As structure is formed pore spaces are formed leading to an increase in porosity and a decrease in bulk density so that a loam surface soil may have a density of 1.3 g/cubic centimeter. As clay content of surface soils increases structural development increases and bulk density decreases…but as illuviation occurs and the pore spaces of B horizon soils is filled with clay, forming the Bt Horizon, the bulk density increases… NOTE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BULK DENSITY AND PORE PSACE IN THE FIGURE 3.10, pg 33. Furrow-Slice Erosion is usually expressed in terms of tons of soil per acre but without knowing the weight of a soil the figure is meaningless. An acre-furrow-slice is consider to be a layer of soil about 7 inches thick over an acre or about 25,410 cubic feet (43560 sq ft x 7 inches) Exercise on pg 34 Porosity The fact that particle densities may be as high as 2.65 and bulk densities as low as 1.3 is an indiction that the soil is approximately 50% pore space or 50% porosity. Pore spaces vary in size however and the size of the pore space may be as important as the 5 porosity. See method of determining porosity on page 34. Although clay soils have more porosity, more pore space than surface soils watr moves more slowly through them because the pore spaces of clay are so small. Macropores, such as tha pore spaces in sand are large enough that they cannot contain water against gravity. Pores that can hold water fter wetting are caled micropores or capillary pores. Soils with macropores are well aerated but droughty, where as soils with micropores may be wet and airless. SOIL COLOR Soil color isimportant for several reasons: first it is an observable measure of the orgainic content, but it may also be an indicator of drainage and aeration. To the trained eye soil color may also indicte the history of the soil. Soil color are important features and are used as part of a soil description. Soil colors are compared to color chips in a soil color book, usually the Munsell soil-color book. Colors are arranged according to hue, value and chroma. Hue refers to the dominant wavelength or color, Value refers to the brilliance of the color from dark to light. Chroma refers to the purity of the light. The three properties are always reported in the order of hue, value and chroma. In the notation 10YR 6/4 10YR is the hue, 6 is the value and 4 is the chroma. The value of this system is that you can communicate the information to anyone in the world across time and space. Factors Affecting Color Factor Affect Organic Matter Raw Peat Humus Manganese oxides Iron oxide (hematite) Hydrated iron oxide (goethite) Reduced Iron oxide Cycles of water saturation brown very dark, black black brown, reddish, rust colored yellow, yellow-brown gray (indicative of water-saturation) mottled soils SOIL TEMPERATURE Temperature considerations are important for several reasons: as temperatures drop organic activity slows and chemical processes slow. Freeze- thaw cycles are important in soil development Heat Balance – refers to the gains and losses of heat. Soil is warmed by the sun; some energy is reflected but some is absorbed. A dark colored soil may absorb as much as 80% of incoming insolation while a light colored soil my only absorb 30% Book says that 34% of the available solar radiation is reflected of back into space, 19% is absorbed by the atmosphere and 47% is absorbed by the land. Soils lose heat through: 1. evaporation of water (the amount of heat needed is related to water content, while it takes only .2 calories /gram of energy top raise the 2. temp of one gram of dry soil 1 degree Celsius, it takes 1 calorie per gram of water…) in general than sandy soils retain less water and heat quicker in spring to allow earlier planting… 3. radiation back to the atmosphere 4. heating the air in contact with the soil 5. heating other soil Overtime the gains and losses balance but there are seasonal gains and losses. Other factors include site aspect (north facing slopes get less sun…), location relative to large bodies of water… Modifications that affect soil temperature- change moisture content (drain soils) and change surface color (light colored mulch will reflect light but will reduce water loss through evaporation and reduce heat loss).