İzmir Institute of Technology CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2008-2009 Spring Semester CHE 310 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY I Temperature Measurements Objectives: The purpose of this experiment is to measure the temperature of different systems at ambient and low temperatures using bulb thermometers, thermocouples, platinum resistance temperature detector and thermistor, and to compare the accuracy and the precision of each device. THEORY Although most of us are familiar with the mercury bulb thermometer, there are many other methods of temperature measurement. Included in this demonstration are thermocouples, thermistors and platinum RTD (PRTD). All of them infer temperature by sensing some change in a physical characteristic and has different specific properties which determine their use and practical application. The resistance of semiconductor and conductor materials is influenced differently by temperature. In semiconductors, resistance increases as temperature decreases. These effects are explained by the temperature dependence of conductivity in the material; mobility of the charge carries increases with decreasing temperature. In conductors, as temperature decreases, mobility of the charge carries increases and the number of carriers stays constant. Therefore, resistance decreases. Most commonly used temperature measurement methods are: Thermometer Thermocouple Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Thermistor Advantages and disadvantages of these methods are summarized in Table 1. Factors affecting the selection of temperature sensors: desired temperature range tolerable limit to the error in the measurement conditions under which the measurement is to be performed possibility of the sensor to be affected by contact (contact or non-contact T sensor) 1 Table 1. Comparison of widely used temperature sensing technologies Sensor type Parameter Advantages Disadvantages Thermocouple Voltage vs T Low cost Simple No moving parts, less likely to be broken Reasonably short response time Reasonable repeatability and accuracy Most robust temperature sensor available Wide operating T range depending on the wires used (-200 to1800oC) No external power supply required Interchangeable (due to standard connectors) Suitable for remote temperature measuring and sensing Non-linear Relatively low stability Low sensitivity Low voltage output Reference junction compensation required Low accuracy (system errors of less than 1°C can be difficult to achieve) RTD Resistance vs T NTC thermistor Resistance vs T Linearity of electrical output is better than thermocouples Higher signal-to-noise ratio High stability Wide operating T range Interchangeable over wide T range Suitable for remote temperature measuring and sensing Large change in resistance vs T Fast time response Small size Inexpensive Interchangeable to high tolerance High stability Suitable for remote temperature measuring and sensing Self heating Requires a current source Response time may not be fast enough for some applications Small change in resistance vs T Sensitive to shock and vibration Expensive Operating temperature limited to approximately -60 to 300oC Current source required Non-linear Interchangeable over relatively narrow T ranges 3 Thermometer A thermometer is an instrument that measures the temperature using a substance having a property that changes in a regular way with its temperature. The most direct 'regular' way is a linear one: T(x) = ax + b T : temperature of the substance and changes as the property x of the substance changes a and b : constants depend on the substance used (may be evaluated by specifying two temperature points on the scale, such as 0 for freezing point of water and 100°C for its boiling point ) Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers are based on the fact that most fluids expand on heating. The fluid is contained in a sealed glass bulb, and its expansion is measured using a scale etched in the stem of the thermometer. The most widely used fluid is mercury, covering a wide temperature range from -38°C to 356°C, although the introduction of a gas into the instrument can increase the range to 600°C or beyond. Other fluids include ethyl alcohol, toluene and technical pentane, which can be used down to -200 °C. The mercury-in-glass thermometer contains a bulb filled with mercury that is allowed to expand into a capillary. Its rate of expansion is calibrated on the glass scale. Thermocouple Thermocouple is a thermoelectric temperature sensor which consists of two dissimilar metallic wires that are connected at two different junctions, one for temperature measurement and the other for reference. The temperature difference between the two junctions is detected by measuring the change in voltage (electromotive force, EMF) across the dissimilar metals at the temperature measurement junction. Thermoelectric Effect Thermocouples manipulate the fact that the electromotive force (EMF) between two dissimilar metals is a function of their temperature difference. However, three major effects are involved in a thermocouple circuit: the Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects. 4 The Seebeck effect describes the electromotive force (EMF) existing between two dissimilar metallic materials. The change in material EMF with respect to a change in temperature is called the Seebeck coefficient or thermoelectric sensitivity. This coefficient is usually a nonlinear function of temperature. EMF that is reversible and associated with changes in temperature is called the Peltier effect. Finally, the Thomson effect relates the reversible thermal gradient and EMF in a homogeneous conductor. Thermocouple Circuit Suppose that the Seebeck coefficients of two dissimilar metallic materials, metal A and metal B, and the lead wires are SA, SB, and Slead respectively. All three Seebeck coefficients are functions of temperature. The voltage output Vout measured at the gage is, ref Vout tip S lead (T ) gage ref S B (T ) tip dT dT dx S A (T ) dx dx dx ref gage dT dT dx S lead (T ) dx dx dx ref Ttip Tref Ttip Tref Ttip Tref S A (T )dT S B (T )dT Tref Ttip S A (T ) S B (T )dT : temperature at the reference point : temperature at the probe tip Note that mathematically the voltage induced by the temperature and/or material mismatch of the lead wires cancels, whereas in reality the lead wires will introduce noise into the circuit. If the Seebeck coefficient functions of the two thermocouple wire materials are pre-calibrated and the reference temperature Tref is known (usually set by a 0°C ice bath), the temperature at the probe tip becomes the only unknown and can be directly related to the voltage readout. 5 If the Seebeck coefficients are nearly constant across the targeted temperature range, the integral in the above equation can be simplified, allowing one to solve directly for the temperature at the probe tip, Vout S A S B Ttip Tref Ttip Tref Vout S A SB In practice, vendors will provide calibration functions for their products. These functions are usually high order polynomials and are calibrated with respect to a certain reference temperature, e.g., 0°C. Suppose that the coefficients of the calibration polynomials are a0, a1, a2, ..., an. The temperature at the probe tip can then be related to the voltage output as, Ttip a0 a1Vout a 2Vout ... anVout 2 n Note that the above formula is effective only if the reference temperature TRef in the experiment is kept the same as the reference temperature specified on the data sheet. Furthermore, these coefficients are unit sensitive. Make sure to use the vendor-specified temperature unit (i.e. Celcius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin) when plugging in numbers. Thermoelectric Sensitivity The Seebeck coefficients (thermoelectric sensitivities) of some common materials at 0°C are listed in the following table. Material Aluminum Antimony Bismuth Cadmium Carbon Constantan Copper Germanium Seebeck Coeff. * 3.5 47 -72 7.5 3.0 -35 6.5 300 Material Gold Iron Lead Mercury Nichrome Nickel Platinum Potassium Seebeck Coeff. * 6.5 19 4.0 0.6 25 -15 0 -9.0 Material Rhodium Selenium Silicon Silver Sodium Tantalum Tellurium Tungsten Seebeck Coeff.* 6.0 900 440 6.5 -2.0 4.5 500 7.5 6 Type of Thermocouples The following table provides a summary of basic thermocouple properties. Type Materials Temperature Range (°C) Sensitivity @ 25°C (µV/°C) K Chromel (+), Alumel (-) -270~1350 40.6 T Copper (+), Constantan (-) -270~400 40.6 S Platinum 10% Rhodium (+), Platinum (-) -50~1750 6 E Chromel (+), Constantan (-) -270~1000 60.9 J Iron (+), Constantan (-) R B -210~1200 Platinum 13% Rhodium (+), Platinum (-) Platinum 30% Rhodium (+), Platinum 6% Rhodium (-) 51.7 -50~1750 6 -50~1750 6 Error* LT: ±2.2~1.1°C HT: ±0.375~0.75% LT: ±1~2% HT: ±1.5% or ±0.42°C LT: ±2.8°C HT: ±0.5% LT: ±1.67°C HT: ±0.5% LT: ±2.2~1.1°C HT: ±0.375~0.75% LT: ±2.8°C HT: ±0.5% LT: ±2.8°C HT: ±0.5% App.** I,O I,O,R,V I,O I,O I,O,R,V I,O I,O * : LT = Low temperature range, HT = High temperature range ** : I = Inert media, O = Oxidizing media, R = Reducing media, V = Vacuum Constantan, Alumel, and Chromel are trade names of their respective owners. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) The Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) is based on the positive temperature coefficient of electrical resistance. The potential that is developed as a result of Ohm's law is proportional to the temperature to be measured (E = IexcRRTD). Examples are RTD's are shown schematically below. Common metals used in RTDs include platinum, copper, nickel, BalcoTM (70% Ni-30% Fe), and tungsten. Their temperature ranges are listed in the following table. Material Platinum (Pt) T Range (oC) Note -260 ~ 1000 < 550 °C in most applications Copper (Cu) -200 ~ 260 Nickel (Ni) Balco (70% Ni-30% Fe) Tungsten (W) -200 ~ 430 -100 ~ 230 Linearity is not good Linearity is not good; cheap to fabricate; high resistance -100 ~ 1200 7 The resistance-temperature (R-T) relationship plays a central role in resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). The R-T relationship of some common RTD materials are illustratrated in the following schematic where the y-axis is the normalized resistance with respect to resistance at 0 °C, x-axis is the temperature. For a given material, the resistance at any temperature can be obtained by curve-fitting the R-T curve. Suppose that a nth degree polynomial least-square-curve-fit is used. The temperature function will then be, R T b0 b1 R ref b2 R R ref 2 ... bn R R ref Resistance-Temperature relationship for some RTD materials n where b0 + b1 + … + bn = Tref Some references suggest to express the resistance as a function of temperature (rather than temperature as a function of resistance), i.e., R Rref 1 a1T a2 T 2 ... an T n where T = T - Tref Although such a relationship is mathematically correct, its usefulness is limited. After all, we are interested in determining temperature from a resistance measurement. A Simplified Case Some materials have an almost linear R-T relationship within a certain temperature range, T1 < T < T2. Such a linear function would take the form, R R ref 1 (T Tref ) Rearranging to bring temperature out gives, T Tref R R 1 ref 8 Both the measured temperature and the reference temperature should be within the (T1,T2) temperature range, T1 < {T, Tref} < T2 Thermistor Thermistor is a “thermally sensitive resistor” which is generally composed of semiconductor materials of metallic oxides such as manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper, iron and titanium.. They offer accuracy similar to RTDs within narrow temperature ranges near ambient temperature. Thermistor applications are based on the resistance-temperature characteristic of a thermistor. The thermistor is a non-linear device, i.e. resistance versus temperature relationship is not linear. With increasing temperature the nonlinearity decreases. An individual thermistor curve can be closely approximated by the use of Steinhart-Hart equation: 1 A B ln R C (ln R) 3 T where T R A, B, C : temperature (oK) : resistance of the thermistor : curve-fitting constants A, B and C are coefficients derived from measurements by selecting three data points (R, T) on the data curve and solving the three simultaneous equations. They are important for an instrumentation setup. Thermistors are calibrated at three different temperatures usually at 0, 25 and 70°C. There are two basic types of thermistors: Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors (much more commonly used) Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors has a resistance that increases with increasing temperature 9 EQUIPMENT: Testo 945 pocket size measuring instrument accepting K and T Type thermocouples, PRTD probe and NTC thermistor. bulb thermometers stirred tank with water at ambient temperature ice bath beaker of boiling water on a hot plate beaker of solution at low temperature Temperature Sensor Type K Type Thermocouple T Type Thermocouple Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector (PRTD) Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) Thermistor Temperature Range (oC) t99 (sec) L (mm) prob (mm) Accuracy (±1 digit) -60 - 1000 5 500 1.5 ±0.3°C or 0.5% of M.V. -50 - 350 5 110 4 ±0.3°C or 0.5% of M.V. -50 - 400 12 110 3 ±0.2°C or ±0.1% of M.V. 4 ±0.2°C (-25 to +74.9°C) ±0.4°C (+75 to +99.9°C) ±0.5% of M.V. (remainder of range) -50 - 150 10 110 PROCEDURE Temperature measurements will be performed using the bulb thermometers and the Testo 945 pocket size measuring instrument accepting K and T Type thermocouples, PRTD probe and NTC thermistor. 4 different temperature systems will be measured; a water bath at ambient temperature, boiling water, an ice bath and solution at low temperature. Perform the temperature measurements for each system as follows: 1. Using thermometers Submerge each thermometer into the bath and record the temperatures Repeat the measurements three times using each thermometer Take the mean of the three readings and record these values for each thermometer. 2. Using K type thermocouple Attach the K type thermocouple probe to the 1st socket of the instrument and make necessary changes in configuration Set the instrument to record the temperature for 15 min continuously and to take the mean value 10 Insert the thermistor into the ice water Record the temperatures. 3. Using T type thermocouple Detach the K type thermocouple probe and attach T type Repeat the same procedure as for K type 4. Using PRTD Attach the PRTD probe to the 2nd socket of the instrument Set the instrument to record the temperature for 15 min and to take the mean 5. Using NTC - Follow the same procedure as for PRTD Repeat the measurements three times using each temperature-measuring device for each system. DATA ANALYSIS Record the mean temperatures and the averages in the following table. System water bath @ ambient T boiling water Reading # 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd solution @ low temperature ice bath 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st thermometer 2nd thermometer K type thermocouple T type thermocouple PRTD NTC 1. Perform data analysis calculating the average, deviation for each reading, standard deviation, variance, percent error for each temperature measurement device using the following formulas: When a set of observations x1, x2, x3…xn of an instrument is taken, the individual readings will vary somewhat from each other, and we are usually concerned with the 11 average of all the readings. If each reading is denoted by xi and there are n readings, the average is given by xm 1 n xi n i 1 The deviation di for each reading is defined by d i xi x m The standard deviation (root-mean-square deviation) is defined by 1 n ( xi x m ) 2 n i 1 1 2 and the square of the standard deviation 2 is called the variance. % Error = (2 / xm) * 100 2. Precision is degree of numerical agreement among measurements of the same quantity, or the repeatability of the readings. Compare precision of each measuring device. 3. Accuracy is degree of conformity with the exact value. Compare the average temperature values with the "exact temperatures" of the systems that will be given by the instructor to determine the accuracy for each device. 4. Present your Reading Number versus Temperature data for each device in graphical form. DISCUSSION 1. Suggest some reasons for the deviations from the "exact values" 2. Suggest some reasons for low precision for the devices. 3. Why would you expect the PRTD to be more accurate than the NTC Thermistor? 4. Is the temperature in the constant temperature bath truly constant? Did you notice temperature fluctuations, and if so, what was their magnitude? What is the effect of these fluctuations on the accuracy of your measurements? How will the number of measurements affect the accuracy of your measurements? 12