living with the lab temperature system wiring ENGR 121 transistor © 2013 David Hall relay power resistor living with the lab DISCLAIMER & USAGE The content of this presentation is for informational purposes only and is intended only for students attending Louisiana Tech University. The author of this information does not make any claims as to the validity or accuracy of the information or methods presented. Any procedures demonstrated here are potentially dangerous and could result in injury or damage. Louisiana Tech University and the State of Louisiana, their officers, employees, agents or volunteers, are not liable or responsible for any injuries, illness, damage or losses which may result from your using the materials or ideas, or from your performing the experiments or procedures depicted in this presentation. If you do not agree, then do not view this content. The copyright label, the Louisiana Tech logo, and the “living with the lab” identifier should not be removed from this presentation. You may modify this work for your own purposes as long as attribution is clearly provided. 2 living with the lab 5V thermistor circuit and program If you have not done so already • waterproof your thermistor • create the voltage divider circuit shown • enter the sketch below to make sure the thermistor is working • if the soldering irons are busy, then go to the next slide and begin building control circuit thermistor analog input 4 (measures voltage across thermistor) 10kΩ int val = 0; // variable to store circuit output void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } // void loop() { val = analogRead(4); Serial.println(val); } // read the 0 to 1023 integer from analog pin 4 // print value to serial monitor set up the serial display living with the lab temperature control circuit Build this circuit. Write a sketch that reads the analog input from the thermistor circuit and displays the 0 to 1023 value on your computer monitor. Then, modify the program to make the LED go off when you heat the thermistor up by holding it between your fingers; the LED should come on when the thermistor cools back toward room temperature. That is, include an “if” statement that makes the LED come on when the analog input is less than a number (such as 500, but you’ll need to pick a number that works). This will be very similar to the program that you use to turn on the heater when the temperature drops below the setpoint. This is also one of your homework problems for next time. 5V 5V Arduino digital pin + 12VDC power supply C thermistor - B 1kΩ analog input E 10kΩ coil normally open contacts SPST relay solenoid 470W valve 20W heater to be added later You can replace the LED and 470Ω resistor with the heather (the 20Ω waterproofed resistor provided by your instructor) after the LED is working well. NEVER have the heater plugged in (or turned on) unless your fishtank is full of water.