FINAL REPORT Documentation of lessons learnt in the Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria NATIONAL REPORT Centre for Human Settlements and Urban Development (CHSUD), Federal University of Technology, Minna Nigeria June 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria.................................................................................. 4 1.3 Institutional Setting .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Aims and objectives of the Review ............................................................................................... 6 1.5 Scope of the Studies ......................................................................................................................... 7 1.6 Structure of the Report ................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 9 2.0 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Methodology for the Study ............................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Limitations and Constraints ....................................................................................................... 10 3.0 FINDINGS ............................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Improving Environmental Information and Expertise ........................................................ 11 3.1.1 Data Collection and Profiling ............................................................................................. 11 3.1.2 City Profiling .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.3. Overview of Stakeholders Identification and Involvement........................................ 17 3.1.4. Establishing EMIS and Training of Operators ........................................................ 20 3.2. Improving Environmental Strategies and Decision Making ......................................... 24 3.2.1. Working Groups and their Characteristics ................................................................... 24 Table 2: SIP Working Groups Profiles ........................................................................................................ 27 3.2.2. Identification and Mobilisation of Working Group Members ........................................ 28 3.2.3. Identification of Priority Environmental Issues .......................................................... 29 3.2.4. Clarifying Selected Priority Issues .................................................................................... 30 3.3 Agreeing on Strategy and Action Plans for Implementation ..................................... 30 3.3.1. Clarifying Strategy Options ........................................................................................... 31 3.3.2. Formulation of Action Plans .......................................................................................... 32 3.3.3. Consideration of available Resources and Implementation Options ............... 35 3.4. Follow-up and Consolidation ................................................................................................. 38 3.4.1. Institutionalizing Environmental Planning and Management ........................... 39 3.4.2. Institutionalizing Inter-Agency Coordination .......................................................... 43 3.4.3. Local Government Training and Capacity Development ...................................... 44 .4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................... 45 4.1 Information and Expertise ........................................................................................................... 45 4.3 Action Planning ............................................................................................................................... 46 4.4 Working Groups .............................................................................................................................. 46 4.5 Demonstration Project ................................................................................................................... 46 4.6 Follow-up and Consolidation ...................................................................................................... 47 4.7 General Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 47 5. GENERAL CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 50 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Nigeria has a long history of urbanization which predates the colonial period. Cities like Kano, Zaria, Ibadan, Abeokuta, Ile-Ife, Ijebu-Ode and Benin-City have their origins in the pre-industrial and pre-colonial period. During colonial and post colonial period Nigeria witnessed rapid urbanization and the growth of a dense network of urban centres, which served as regional headquarters, state capitals, administrative and commercial centres. The percentage of the total population living in urban centres with more than 20,000 inhabitants increased from less than 15 percent in 1950 to 23.4 percent in 1975 and 43.3 percent in year 2000. By the year 2010, more than half of Nigeria’s population will be living in urban centres.1 It is also estimated that by the year 2000 some 17 cities in Nigeria would have had a population of one million people each. Already, Lagos has a population of 15 million people in 2004. The consequences of rapid urbanization in Nigeria are manifested in the cities through urban environmental problems accompanied by several socio-economic and employment, underemployment and increasing urban poverty. Others are housing shortages, inadequate infrastructure and formation of slums. For example, investment in basic urban infrastructure and services has failed to keep pace with population growth. Consequently, provision of services such as piped water supply, sanitation, solid waste management, electricity etc. are grossly inadequate. In the year 2000, only about 55 per cent of the urban population has access to clean portable water and most cities are grappling with the problems of inadequate sanitation and solid waste collection and disposal. In order to adequately address these problems, the Federal Government approached some multilateral agencies and international organizations like the World Bank, African Development Bank and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) for technical and financial assistance. Various programmes and projects have been designed and implemented by the donor organizations in collaboration with the 1 Mabogunje A. L. 2001 Nigeria and the Global Urban Governance Campaign 3 Federal Ministry responsible for Housing and Urban Development. These included the Nigerian States Urban Development Programme (NSUDP) in 1979, Infrastructure Development Fund Project in 1987 and Community Based Urban Upgrading Project in 2002, with the Assistance of the World Bank. The Sustainable Cities Programme first implemented in Ibadan, through the Sustainable Ibadan Project, in 1993 by the UN-HABITAT and replicated in Kano and Enugu in 1996. The SCP concept was subsequently used in the preparation of the Karu Development Strategy in 2001, under the joint supervision of the World Bank and UN-HABITAT. 1.2 Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria In response to the widespread problems experienced in rapid expanding cities globally, UN-HABITAT launched and implemented a Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) in the early 90's. The city of Ibadan, Nigeria, was among the first 18 global demonstration cities where the concepts and principles of Environmental Planning and Management (EPM) were demonstrated. The EPM recognises the importance of sustainable human settlements and the vital contributions that productive and sustainable cities can make to social and economic advancement. It also recognises the fact that Environmental degradation obstructs the development contributions of cities and environmental degradation is not inevitable. SCP/EPM therefore employs cross-sectoral coordination, decentralisation of decision-making and broad-based participatory approaches to development management in cities. All the cities participating in the global Sustainable Cities Programme share a common approach, which reflects the characteristics of the Sustainable Cities Programme. These are: Central focus on development-environment interaction; Broad-based participation by public, private and community group sector; Concern for inter-sectoral and inter-organizational aspects; Reliance on bottom-up and demand-led responses; Focus on process: problem-solving and getting things done; Emphasis on local capacity building On learning of the SIP experience, the cities of Kano and Enugu expressed interest and commitment to become SCP cities. Their 4 entry into the programme was facilitated by the Urban Development Bank of Nigeria (UDBN) and the Sustainable Cities Co-ordination Unit of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing (FMW&H). UNHABITAT provided financial and technical assistance for the preparation of project documents for SIP Extension and the new initiatives in Kano and Enugu. The UNDP supported this programme with funding allocation under Programme Support Objective. Another project, Karu Development Strategy (KDS), was implemented in Karu, Nasarawa State between 2001 and 2003 with the assistance of the Cities Alliance Initiative and the technical support of the World Bank and the UN-HABITAT. The preparation of the KDS process adopted the Sustainable Cities Project (SCP) Environmental Planning and Management (EPM) approach as the tool with which to establish priority issues, identify, sensitize and mobilize all stakeholders as well as improve their capacity to address the issues and develop strategies for managing rapid urban growth. The SCP in Nigeria is aimed at supporting the cities as well as developing a program for National Institutions' Capacity Building Programme for Enhanced Urban Environmental Management. The three SCP cities in Nigeria are at different phases of demonstration of EPM applications: Implementation of strategies and action plans through demonstration projects in Ibadan; Reporting on city consultation and establishing working groups in Kano and Enugu and Reporting of city consultation and establishment of working groups in the Karu Development Strategy (KDS) Project. 5 Figure 1 Map of Nigeria showing SCP Cities 1.3 Institutional Setting UN-HABITAT has been the executing agency for the implementation of the Sustainable Ibadan Programme (SIP) and has provided technical assistance for the preparation of the replication phase of the Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria and the preparation of the project documents and detailing of the MOU for each of the outputs. UNDP Nigeria has been the collaborating agency working with UN-HABITAT to support the Federal Government of Nigeria implement SCP in Nigeria. At the National level, the SCP programme is coordinated by the Sustainable Cities Programme Coordinating Unit in the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban development. At the city level the SCP projects are owned by the local governments and managed through the Technical Support Units but are coordinated by the respective state governments. 1.4 Aims and objectives of the Review The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHABITAT), in collaboration with the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), has embarked on the evaluation, analysis and documentation of lessons of experience learned in the field of sustainable development in eight SCP Countries that were operational over the period 1992-2002. The Assessment study is aimed at: 6 Providing important out-puts to be used to improve the EPM implementation and policy application processes, capacitybuilding efforts, tool development and adaptation, and materials for training. Developing an institutional framework and networks for sustained EPM support and institutionalising SCP's normative functions. Providing an information base for IHS to conduct a detailed analysis of the applications of EPM instruments in Nigeria to determine the most appropriate capacity building agenda, among others. It is important to emphasise that the evaluation would examine how SCP Tool Books and Implementation Instruments were used in the SCP cities in Nigeria. The SCP Tool books have been designed for general application in all cities, with suitable modification, to any specific local context. Local application in this sense means that the details of the tool and its use can be modified to suit important variations among city situations. The basic tool concepts, however, remain unchanged because they are valid for the full range of different city circumstances2. The general objectives of the study are: (i) Establishing how SCP cities made optimum use of the available implementation instruments and tools in applying the SCP/EPM process, (ii) Analysing how the capacity of local stakeholders were strengthened as well as the impact of EPM process on the urban environment and management, (iii) Documentation of the lessons of experience learned from the SCP projects in Nigeria, and (iv) Providing general and specific recommendations on best practices 1.5 Scope of the Studies 2 UNHABITAT - Tools to support participatory Urban Decision Making 7 The scope of the assignment covers the following: (i) Lead and co-ordinate the self-assessment and documentation of the application of EPM instruments in Nigeria in the cities of Ibadan, Enugu and Kano as well as the co-ordination unit in the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (ii) Support the Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) in analysing the information on documentation of the application of EPM instruments in Nigeria and (iii) Preparing the final report thereabout, and liaise with UNHabitat SCP Global Team 1.6 Structure of the Report The Report is divided into three chapters. The first chapter covers introduction, aims and objectives of the study as well as the structure of the report. Chapter two covers the methodology used. The third chapter contains the findings of the self assessment exercise. It covers areas of improving environmental information and expertise, improving environmental strategy and decision making, agreeing on action plan for implementation and follow-up and consolidation. Chapter four contains conclusions of the self assessment exercise on the application of the EPM Implementation Instruments as well as the SCP handbooks. It briefly highlights the tools that were useful, the gaps identified recommendations on how the tools could be improved and the lessons learnt. Annexes – the city-specific reports are attached as annexes to the main report as follows: Annex I Ibadan Annex II Enugu Annex III Kano Annex IV Karu Annex V Report on the SCP Co-ordinating Unit in the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 8 2.0 2.1 METHODOLOGY Methodology for the Study The Self Assessment Exercise on Use of EPM Instruments in the Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria was first introduced to all the relevant organisations and officials involved in the management of the SCP project, by the Task Officer from UNHABITAT on a Mission to Nigeria. The idea was discussed with the SCP co-ordination unit in the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, the city officials and consultants through a joint meeting held in Abuja in September 2004. Another meeting, organised by the Centre of Human Settlements and Urban Development (CHSUD), was held in Minna in November 2004 with City Managers and the City Experts and the UN-HABITAT Support Office (HAPSO) in Nigeria, to discuss the approach and methodology for the study. The centre, CHSUD, prepared/customised the self-assessment instruments to be used by the cities. A City expert was appointed for each of the four cities who were to work with the project managers to conduct the self assessment excise. Provisions were made for supervisors to ensure a hitch free exercise. The principal investigative device was a field survey carried out in the in the four cities – Ibadan, Enugu, Kano and Karu. This basically comprises of analysis of project documents, interviews, participatory assessments and focussed group discussions as elaborated below: (i) Literature and Desk Review - All relevant documentation on the SCP project in the cities were collected, collated, studied and reviewed. These include the SCP project proposals, city consultation reports, environmental profile, documentation reports on demonstration projects, replication and up-scaling as well as other relevant reports on training initiatives and capacity building. (ii) Interviews - Interviews were conducted with Project Support Team (PST)/anchoring institute, Working Groups, Local Training Institutes, City Council members and staff, beneficiary groups and relevant development management organisations to obtain relevant information to answer the 9 research questions. At least one representative of each stakeholder working group was interviewed in each of the cities. In addition, interviews were conducted for officials of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development for the National Coordinating unit. (iii) 2.2 Participatory Assessments were conducted with the Working Groups, with the guidance of the City Expert, for the selfassessment. Limitations and Constraints The study was carried out between October and December 2004. This period coincided with the Ramadan or Muslim fasting period. This made it difficult to organize an all stakeholders meeting in Kano. 10 3.0 FINDINGS This chapter focuses on analysing the various issues connected with the operationalisation of the SCP/EPM process implementation instruments and tools in Nigeria. The adoption, adaptation and manipulation of the instruments to achieve the set objectives of the SCP are illustrated with practical experiences of the Sustainable Ibadan Project (SIP), Sustainable Kano Project (SKP), Sustainable Enugu Project (SEP) and Karu Development Strategies (KDS) process. 3.1 3.1.1 Improving Environmental Information and Expertise Data Collection and Profiling Considering the preparatory activities and efforts made in gathering the necessary information required as input into the preparation of the Project Document for the implementation of the Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP) in Nigeria, initially titled Managing the Sustainable Growth and Development of Ibadan, it was established that the improvement of environmental information and expertise actually started with the preparation of the Project Document. More so, it was observed that some factfinding missions were made to Nigeria by UN-HABITAT officials and Consultants before the Project Document was prepared. Though the Project Document was prepared by UN-HABITAT and jointly signed by the representatives of both the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the UN-HABITAT to serve primarily as an instrument of mutual agreement between the two parties, it was for a long time the only reference document on the goal, objectives, targets, outputs and activities of SCP. It also contained basic guidelines on the project administration, management, implementation and related technical matters. The usefulness of the Project Document for the implementation of the Sustainable Ibadan Project as a major and only formal source of information, especially at the take-off of the Sustainable Cities Programme in Nigeria in 1994 was recognised and highly appreciated. The consensus was that the information and guidelines in the Document assisted greatly in the implementation 11 of SCP between 1994 and 1998 before the official instruments and SCP Tool Books were published. Realizing the importance of this Project Document as a supporting instrument, similar documents were subsequently prepared for the Sustainable Kano and Enugu Projects. In all those projects, the endorsement of these documents by the representatives of the Federal Government of Nigeria and UN-HABITAT marked the beginning of the implementation of the SCP/EPM process by the participating cities. Thus the preparation of these various City Specific Project Documents marked the beginning of the gathering of information and data required for managing the sustainable growth and development of Ibadan, Kano and Enugu Cities. The information contained in these documents subsequently facilitated the take-off of each project in Nigeria. 3.1.2 City Profiling As an integral activity and requirement for the implementation of the SCP/EPM process, all the participating cities in Nigeria, namely Ibadan, Kano, Enugu and Karu, had a City Environmental Profile prepared. It was however noted that the content, presentation, volume, uses and relevance of the various City Environmental Profiles reflected the process adopted for their preparation and most importantly the level of adherence to the recommended guidelines for their preparation. The Ibadan City Environmental Profile was prepared by an international non-governmental organization in 1994 before the publication of the Source Book on preparing the SCP Environmental Profile. This particular EP was compiled by a group of academicians from the University and the Polytechnic in the city. The exercise was basically assumed to be an academic one. Thus no working group was set up and other key actors and stakeholders were not involved in its preparation. The information gathering process for the preparation of this Profile was not used to sensitise or mobilize stakeholders for the SCP/EPM process. Most of the data and information were obtained from books and secondary sources. Probably, being erroneously assumed to be an academic exercise, the document contained more than required diverse information on urban 12 environment, development and environment interactions as well as the setting for environmental management. The contents of the Ibadan City EP were assessed to be disjointed, repetitive and too academic. Members of the working group that attempted to use the Profile found it too voluminous and intimidating to read. The City EP was, however, well distributed to all the State and Local Government agencies and organisations. Although the members of the various environmental issue specific working groups which were later set up after the City consultation had access to the document, it was hardly used because the information provided were not properly synthesized and articulated. Meanwhile, the Ibadan City EP is already being revised and a new document will soon be prepared. The revision is being done” bottom-up” starting with the preparation of separate individual EP for each of the eleven (11) Local Governments in Ibadan City. The data and information from these Local EP’s are being put together to form a detailed, useful and relevant Ibadan City EP. The collection of data and information for the preparation of each of the Local EP was broad based. All the major sectors were informed in the exercise that was effectively used to sensitise and mobilize support for the implementation of the Sustainable Ibadan Project. The Kano City EP was produced in 1998 and was later revised in 2003. The revision was carried out to improve on the information and data contained in the earlier EP. It also afforded the opportunity to ensure the participation of key stakeholders and actors in the updating of information on environmental issues of concern in the City. The revised Kano City EP was prepared by a consultant with the active involvement of the representatives of the public, private and popular (community) sectors in the City. Thus the information and data gathered came from various sources and sectors. The new Kano City Profile was assessed to be more current, relevant and useful for the implementation of the SKP. In fact a summary of this particular EP was written in the local language, Hausa. Few copies of the revised Kano City EP were produced and hence its distribution was limited to only few agencies of the State Government. 13 It was also noted that there were some variations in the priority environmental issues identified when the Kano City EP of 1998 was used at a consultative meeting and when the revised City EP of 2001 was used at the City consultation held in 2004 with the active participation of those that used the initial report. The observed differences in the prioritized environmental issues were attributed to the importance of updating the information and ensuring a broad based participation of major stakeholders in the gathering of information and eventual preparation of the Kano City EP. Enugu City EP was also prepared by a Consultant with the information and data gathered from officials of State and Local Governments, individuals from the private sector as well as some NGOs and institutions of higher learning in the City. All the key environmental and related developmental issues in Enugu City were covered by the City EP. However, the data and information on the issues documented were very scanty and superficial. More information than what was documented were said to be readily available on the issues in the various sectors of the Enugu. Furthermore, the Profile did not contain maps and other useful graphical representation which could have been used to illustrate some of the environmental issues. The contents and volumes of the report were moderate as a result of adherence of the Consultant to the guidelines in the relevant source book on the City EP. The collection of information and data for the preparation of the Enugu City EP was deliberately used to sensitise and mobilize the stakeholders for the implementation of the Sustainable Enugu Project. Few copies of the City EP were produced and distributed among the key Ministries and agencies in the State. Of note was the adoption of the City EP by the Enugu Environmental Protection agency (ENSEPA) as its major working document with regard to Enugu City. In preparing the Karu Development Strategy (KDS), the principles of the Environmental Planning and Management of the Sustainable Cities Programme were adapted in the collection of data and preparation of a profile for Karu. In view of the fact that the KDS was designed to improve the capacity of 14 development management institutions in Karu, to effectively manage rapid urban growth and promote sustainable economic development, the Karu Profile, therefore focused on collection of data and information on socio-economic development related issues. The key issues specifically covered included the economy and employment, land development, urban services management and also governance and management institutions. The difference between the contents of Karu Profile and the EPM Profile is carefully documented in Table I. TABLE 1: Difference between the contents Karu Profile and EPM Profile. Serial No. 1. 2. Karu Profile EPM Profile General Outline Background Regional/Locational Setting, socio-economic setting Economic and Employment Trends 3. Land Use and Development 4. Urban Management Governance Management Institutions 5. Land Services Background geophysical conditions, Socio-Economic Setting, etc. Status of the Urban Environment-Environmental Resources and Environmental Hazards Development/Environmental Interactions The setting for Environmental Management and Karu Profile was based on the data and information collected from the stakeholders and actors in the Karu Project area. The data was collected from various sources which included the communities, NGOs, Karu Local Government, Karu Planning Area Development Authority and some other Federal Institutions. The collection of data and information for the Karu Profile was carried out with the deep involvement of the stakeholders. For the purpose of convenience and to make the exercise participatory, Karu Area was divided into manageable units called constituencies. This made information sharing very easy 15 and focused. Constituency consultative meetings were equally held though out the area to ensure that the data and information gathered were authentic and supported by everybody that had legitimate stake or interest in the area. The preparation of the Profile was explored to sensitise and mobilize the stakeholders to participate in the project. The Karu Profile was very moderate in size and its contents were found to be very useful. Maps and other useful graphical representations were extensively used to elucidate some data and information. Some of these maps were even obtained from various sources outside Karu and Abuja region. The CEP prepared for all the four (4) projects assessed, the EP for each city/project was found to be the only document that provided basic information and data on the interaction between environment and development. Each Profile was extensively used in identifying and clarifying environmental issues concern, which were focused upon at the subsequent City consultations held at the various cities. Some of the problems and constraints observed in the preparation of CEPs in Nigeria are highlighted as follows: (i) The preparation of the EP was a new concept in physical planning; at least in Nigeria, hence it took a lot of efforts to convince those whose inputs were required for the Profile to understand its purpose, usefulness and relevance to environmental planning and management. Thus, it was very difficult to get the information and data required from the affected stakeholders. (ii) The misconception that the preparation of CEP was an academic exercise. This perhaps explained the reason why the consultants appointed for the preparation of the Profile were all academicians from the higher institutions located within the affected cities. (iii) The preparation of the CEP was not effectively used to sensitise and mobilize stakeholders in the affected cities. Thus, series mobilization had to take place after the preparation of the CEP. It was noted that individual persons were appointed to prepare the CEP for Kano and Enugu, while an international NGO and group of consultants were 16 contracted for Ibadan and Karu respectively. The consensus opinion was that reputable institutions and not individuals were better positioned to prepare the much needed CEP. The reason being that the institutions are very much likely to have a wide range of experts required to prepare a meaningful and useful CEP. (iv) None of the projects assessed had devised or established any mechanism for constantly improving and updating the information and data in the various CEP. The main reason is that the concept of EP is relatively new and not yet properly appreciated or even carefully integrated with the existing physical and environmental planning process in the country. 3.1.3. Overview of Stakeholders Identification and Involvement The identification and involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of the SCP projects were based on the guidelines provided by the SCP/EPM tools and process implementation instruments. Initially, the stakeholders were limited to the public sectors, essentially, the agencies of Federal, State and Local Governments in the affected towns. But with better understanding of the participatory concept of EPM process, the definition of the stakeholders was extended to include the private and popular sectors. More thorough analysis and identification of stakeholders, as recommended in one of the published tools on “Stakeholder Identification and Mobilisation” was carried out after the identification of environmental issues of concern in the participating cities. The stakeholders were then identified and mobilized for the projects on the basis of how they were affected by the environmental issues, expertise and information possessed as well as the implementation instruments they controlled. Simple classification/categorization, of using public, private and popular sectors, was adopted/explored by the participating cities to identify the key stakeholders that were mobilised for the application of EPM process. Various activities carried out to sensitise and mobilize the stakeholders included sectoral briefing sessions, meetings (formal and informal) including publicity in the project both print and electronic media. Series of sectoral 17 briefing sessions were held in Ibadan City to identify and mobilize key stakeholders who should be actively involved in the application and implementation of the SCP/EPM process. In carrying out these sectoral briefing sessions, the whole sectors such as, health, education, financial institutions, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), market traders and informal business groups, trade guides, community development associations, traditional rulers and chiefs, community based organisations, manufacturing and industrial sectors and donor agencies. Representatives of each sector were briefed and properly sensitized for the project. These fora also provided opportunities to identify the key actors in each sector who were finally mobilised to participate in the project. It was noted that in Kano City, the initial identification and mobilization of the key stakeholders was spearheaded and funded by the Office of the Governor of Kano State. The officials of the Kano State Government, Urban Development Bank of Nigeria and the TSU of SIP organized and carried out a two-day briefing session on the SCP (EPM process). A similar one-day briefing session of the representatives of the sectors and communities was also organized in Enugu City at the beginning of the project for identification and sensitization of the stakeholders. As a follow up to this, specially organized sectoral and general briefing sessions, the TSU Units of the city projects held meetings with various members and associations that made up the sectors. Several informal meetings were also organized and explored to share information and convince some recalcitrant key stakeholders. The sensitization and mobilization activities were generally very effective as many stakeholders were successfully convinced to participate in the application and implementation of the SCP/EPM process. It was noted in Ibadan, Kano and Enugu cities that some stakeholders voluntarily approached the offices of the three projects and declared their interest to participate and be part of the projects. In Ibadan City, the Bodija Market Traders Association and Oke-Offa Babasale Community in the core area of Ibadan as a group made representation to SIP-TSU to participate in the project. In Kano City, it was recorded that about ten community organisations approached SIP between 18 year 2000 and 2004 to join hands with the SIP-TSU to address environmental issues of concern in their communities. Following the identification and successful mobilization of the key stakeholders by the TSU Units of the city projects, they were made to actively participate in the application of the EPM process in various ways. Some of them were made members of the Project Steering Committee, Project Technical Coordinating Committee and Environmental Issue Specific Working Groups. As recommended in the project documents and the SCP implementation instruments and tools, the stakeholders who were made member of the Steering Committee were found to be those who have the necessary political clout to mobilize the much required political support for the projects as well as those who have the technical and financial resources needed for the implementation of the SCP. In all the participating cities, the Steering Committees were made up of political representatives in the various State Governments, Technical or Senior Officials of the relevant agencies of the Federal, State, and Local Governments. Community Leaders and the private sector were equally represented on the committees. The assessment exercise observed that in the SKP, its Steering Committee was a high level policy making body, whose membership included the Governor of the State, Secretary to the State Government, Commissioners of the relevant Ministries and Heads of Parastatals and other organisations of the State. The political influence of these members made the project to have a high level political support and visibility. The Steering Committees for SIP and SEP were headed by one of the Chairman of the Local Governments within the cities. This was due to the strong sense of ownership of the project, especially, by the eleven (11) Local Governments in Ibadan City. These Local Governments were saddled with the responsibility of implementing the project while the State Government saw its role basically as that of a facilitator. To further reinforce their role as the implementing agencies all the Chairmen of the eleven (11) Local Governments in Ibadan formed a Project Coordination Committee for the SIP under the chairmanship of one of them who was collectively elected as the Project Coordinator by all of them. 19 The involvement of the key decision makers in Governments (State and Local) had made it possible for the project to have access to substantial financial resources from the various arms of Government represented on the Committee. The Committees met several times in a year to discuss matters affecting the implementation of the projects in the participating cities. The members of the Committee were involved in mobilizing political support and financial resources for the application and implementation of the EPM process in their respective city projects. These projects also afforded most members of the Committee, especially representatives of the private and civil sector and civil society, the first opportunity to work closely with Government officials (public sector). Thus from a careful assessment of the participating SCP cities, Ibadan, Kano and Enugu in Nigeria, the stakeholders identified and mobilized for the projects came from the public and private sectors as well as the civil society. It must be noted that the identified stakeholders were also made members of the environmental issue specific working groups, which were established for the application of the EPM process in the SIP, SKP and SEP. The nature and composition of the membership of the working groups including the roles played by the key stakeholders in the groups are discussed in other sections of the report. 3.1.4. Establishing EMIS and Training of Operators EMIS, which is basically an electronic information system for storing and managing spatial information on urban environment according to the EPM process, was unknown in Nigeria, prior to the participation of Ibadan, Kano, Enugu and Karu in the SCP of UN-HABITAT. Much information about the usefulness and application of the system for urban environmental management were obtained through strong advocacy of the system by UNHABITAT and UNEP. This had engendered the interest of all the participating cities to establish EMIS in their project offices. Meanwhile, the SIP, SKP and SEP had acquired the basic electronic information technological equipment required to establish the EMIS. These included sets of computers, GIS software, digitizing tables and digitizers, computer printers and 20 pen plotters. All these equipment were purchased by the UNHABITAT for the three participating cities. While Ibadan City took the delivery of the equipment in 1997, Kano and Enugu Cities took theirs in 2001. The assessment revealed that all the Cities had made necessary efforts to establish the EMIS. However, it was only the SIP and SKP that had made some significant progress in this regard. For instance, to facilitate the establishment of the EMIS in Ibadan, digitized maps of Ibadan City were produced on scales of 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 in addition with some thematic maps. Thus, it was possible for SIP to generate various maps for development planning. Furthermore, Oyo State Government had purchased its own set of GIS equipment purposely to establish an EMIS at the State level. The GIS facility at the SIP had influenced the Oyo State Government to set up a GIS laboratory in the Survey Department of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey towards the establishment of an EMIS at the State level. Also, in SKP Kano, some thematic maps were produced by the TSU with the GIS equipment to support the State Government on decision making process. Some of the thematic maps included the maps showing the electoral/administrative Wards in the Kano Metropolitan area, distribution of primary and secondary schools, rehabilitated roads and bridges in the City. Unfortunately in SEP, the equipment had not been put into productive uses. Some decisive steps were taken in SIP to develop the much-needed human resources/manpower that would establish the EMIS and manage it accordingly achieve the set goal. For instance, it was reliably gathered that the SIP entered into some contractual agreement with the Regional Centre For Training in Aerospace Survey (RECTAS) in 1995 to prepare some digitized maps for Ibadan City and carryout some training and capacity building workshops in mapping and the use of GIS for the management of environmental information. Thus, in 1997 about 57 participants from various public agencies, private organization, education and research institutions attended training workshops on EMIS organized by SIP TSU in collaboration with RECTAS. The necessary technical backup was provided by the EMIS expert from UN-HABITAT during the training. A workshop on GIS/EMIS was also held in 1997 by a Consultant from the University of Ibadan for selected officials from the Ministries and agencies of State and the eleven (11) Local Governments in Ibadan City. 21 In SKP three training sessions on the application of GIS and EMIS were carried out for the key stakeholders in Kano City. The training programme was for the SKP TSU and members of Mapping Working Group, the second was for policy makers on the usefulness of GIS/EMIS to decision making process and the final was a training of trainers workshop for representatives of both the public agencies and private sector organisations. The only training programme on EMIS in SEP was carried out in 2002 for the officials of the SEP TSU and members of the Mapping Work Group. These training sessions were provided after the installation of the GIS equipment by the EMIS Expert from UN-HABITAT. The assessment of the projects revealed that the training and capacity building programmes carried out towards the establishment of the EMIS were most successful in SIP. This was due to the full exploitation of the available technical expertise in RECTAS and the University of Ibadan (which is one of the higher institutions in Nigeria offering a postgraduate course in GIS). In addition, there was strong institutional collaboration and cooperation promoted by a well balanced and appropriate membership of the Mapping and EMIS Working Group of SIP. The membership of the Group was made up of the producers and users of maps from all over the country within and outside the State and was ably headed by the Surveyor General of Oyo State. More so, that the office of the Surveyor General in each State is by statute the custodian of all maps within its jurisdiction. Furthermore, the right personnel with appropriate professional training and academic qualifications in relevant disciplines to EMIS were also members of the TSU of SIP. Meanwhile, the only constraint which militated against the progress of SIP with regard to the establishment of the EMIS was mainly due to the constant break down of the equipment and lack of a competent firm in Ibadan that carries out necessary repairs any time the system developed technical faults or in need of repairs and maintenance. It was observed that the training programmes on GIS/EMIS were less elaborate in SKP and SEP. SKP has, however, formed a Mapping Working Group similar with that of SIP) in terms of 22 recomposition of the membership. This Group had helped to produce some useful maps for decision makers in Kano State purposely to demonstrate the relevance of the EMIS in effective decision making process. Not much success has been recorded in SEP in the attempt to establish EMIS and even train operators. Progress could not be made due to lack of personnel either in the TSU or in any of the relevant agencies of the State Government. The equipment has not been explored at all and hence the EMIS grossly under utilized. To conclude, the assessment revealed that all the participating cities in SCP and Karu have used and explored the EPM tools and instruments to gather and improve environmental information on their various cities through the preparation of City Profiles, Maps and Reports on several environmental and socioeconomic issues of concern. Some of the offices of the TSU of the projects have become resource centers for environmental information. Furthermore, based on assessment, the EPM tools and instruments on stakeholders identification and involvement have been effectively explored and used to analyse identify and mobilize those key stakeholders that should be actively involved in the application and implementation of SIP/EPM process by the participating cities. It was established that those who really had legitimate stake or interest in the implementation of the project from the public, private and popular (Civil) sectors were identified and mobilised through briefing sessions, meetings, workshops and publicity of the projects in prints and electronic media. Those stakeholders were involved in the projects either as members of Policy Making Committees or the environmental issue specific Working Groups established by the TSU of each city. It was established by the assessment that none of the participating cities in SCP and even Karu had established the EMIS. Progress in this particular area had been very limited and generally disappointing. With the exception of SIP that had access to trained and qualified personnel for EMIS activities the others were really lagging behind in this area. Quite a lot of work and support is required if the cities would have to establish the EMIS and train the much needed operators for this very important activity for the improved of environmental information. 23 3.2. Improving Making Environmental Strategies and Decision It was gathered from the assessment reports that all the participating cities in the SCP/EPM process carried out necessary activities and made necessary efforts to improve the process of formulating environmental strategies and making decision, which were expected, to impact on urban environment. Using the guidelines provided by the SCP tool books and implementation instruments, environmental issues specific Working Groups were set to clarify and address identified prioritised environmental issues in the city. These Working Groups were made up of the key stakeholders and actors which were identified and mobilised for the implementation of the project. The key features of the Working Groups and their activities leading to improved environmental strategies and decision making, as assessed, are documented below: 3.2.1. Working Groups and their Characteristics As required for the improvement of environmental strategies and decision making in the application of EPM process, the SIP, SKP, SEP and Karu established and used environmental issue specific Working Groups to clarify and formulate strategies to address various environmental issues identified at the city consultation and other various stages at the projects. The Working Group concept was explored as a mechanism for bringing key actors and stakeholders from different sectors together for broad based active participation in the clarification, resolution of conflicts and as well as formulation and implementation of strategies to address identified environmental problems. All the Working Groups established by the projects/cities were based on the prioritized environmental issues of concern identified at the City Consultations held in each City. However, some Working Groups were set up later as deemed necessary. As indicated in Table WG 1 the SIP set up five (5) environmental issue specific Working Groups namely: Ibadan Water Supply WG, Ibadan Waste Recycling WG which was later transformed to Ibadan Waste Management WG Ibadan Mapping and Environmental Information WG 24 Environmental Planning and Management Institutionalisation WG and Bodija Market Area Environmental Improvement WG Some of these WGs were split into sub-WGs by the members of the main WGs mainly to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. These Sub-WGs were thus able to look at the issues at both city and community levels. As recommended by the tool on Working Group Process, it was noted that the SIP also formed a coordinating WG whose membership consisted mainly of the Coordinators of all the issue Specific Working Groups which were established by the Project. As documented in Table WG 2 the SKP established five (5) Working Groups on Water Supply, Waste Management, Urban Mobility Housing and informal sector as agreed to at the City Consultation held in 2003. Furthermore, the SEP set up three (3) WGs on Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management Unplanned and Uncontrolled Urban Development. Although several environment and socio-economic issues were identified and prioritized at the Karu City Consultation in 2002 only one (1) WG on Business and Economic Development was set up immediately. This was because this issue was of utmost importance to the key stakeholders and actors in the project area. The assessment and analysis of the nature and composition of the Working Groups revealed that the members of the Groups were representatives of the public, private and popular sectors. Specifically, the WGs were made up of senior officials of the Federal, State and Local Government agencies, representatives of the manufacturing organisations, financial institutions, lecturers from higher institutions, NGs, traditional rulers and chiefs, community based organisations, Labour Union and Trade Guilds to mention a few. The cross Sectoral and inter-organisational nature of the membership of the Working Groups is clearly confirmed by the composition of the Ibadan Waste Management Working Group which is shown in Table WG 3 Members of the Working Groups were carefully selected on the basis of their legitimate stake or interest in the environmental 25 issue of concern to be addressed by the WG. According to the assessment, members of the WGs were those who possess important information and expertise required to address the identified environmental issues, those whose interests are affected by the problem and the strategies and action plans to be evolved as including those who have the implementation resources required to implement the plans prepared by the Groups. Interestingly, all the cities in the course of applying the EPM process developed some working relationship with the Polytechnics, Universities and Research Institutions within their Cities. Some prominent institutions that worked closely with SIP were the Ibadan Polytechnic, University of Ibadan and Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER). In SKP lecturers of Bayero University actively participated in the activities of the project while the members of staff of Enugu State University of Technology (ESUT), University of Nigeria (UNN) and others supported the SEP in various ways. However, deliberate efforts were made to ensure that none of the Groups was dominated by a particular interest group or sector. It was noticed that there was no gender balance in the WGs, in fact, only 5% of the members of the WG were women. The coordinators of the Working Groups were carefully selected by the members of each group. The coordinators varied from influential senior Government officials, Academicians, Engineering Consultants, Community Leaders and those who were the political clouts required to mobilize resources and get things done. Furthermore, the selection of members was based on their perceived contribution to solve the identified environmental problems and not their educational background. Both literates and illiterates were made members of the WGs in all the participating cities. In fact, the working sessions were conducted in the common tribal languages (Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo) where deemed necessary. The members of the Working Groups did not generally see themselves as a group of experts or technocrats. They saw themselves as a group of people bounded together by an environmental problem and spurred into action by common vision or goal of finding solutions to the identified problem. On the average the membership six of the WG ranged from about 12 people to as many as 37 people. The WG of SIP with the 26 highest number of members was the Institutionalisation of EPM Working Group with about 37 members. The size of the Group simply reflected the complexity of the task of making EPM a routine practice by a wide variety of agencies and organizations in the City. The assessment revealed that the membership of the WGs was reviewed regularly. New members were added and some were moved to another WG as the need arose. For example in SIP, Medical Practitioners such as nurses and Doctors were added to the Ibadan Waste Management WG when the Group had to evolve strategies to deal specifically with the menace of biomedical waste from health clinics, hospitals and maternities in Ibadan City. Generally, the Working Groups had been very active and their activities are discussed later in the report. Table 2: SIP Working Groups Profiles S/No. 1 Take-Off Dates Working Group Bodija Market Area Environmental January 1996 Improvement: (a) Bodija Market Waste Management Sub-WG. (b) Bodija Market Water Supply SWG. (c) Bodija Market Road/Drainage SWG. (d) Bodija Improvement Sub-WG. Market Toilet (e) Bodija Market Food Safety SubWG. 2 (f) Bodija Market/Women Welfare Sub-WG. Ibadan Waste Recycling 3 SIP Coordinating 4 Ibadan Water Supply: (a) Akeu Spring Water Development (b) Mini Water Works Development. (c) Odo-Ona/Gada Community Water and Sanitation (d) Deep Well/Borehole Development. Who inaugurated the WG SIP and Bodija Community Development Association Membership 17 17 20 17 Feb. 1996 Feb. 1996 Feb. 1996 13, Feb. 1996 May 1996 April 1996 13, Jan. 1996 April 1996 Jan. 1996 June 1996 Feb. 1996 19, The Group 14 25, The SIP 33 17, The TSU/SIP April 6, 27 13, Professor Shrider Engr. Adesiyi SIP 13, SIP Professor Egunjobi SIP 18 15 17 2, 9, 8, SIP/TSU 15 14 8, SIP/TSU SIP SIP 17 15 13 (e) Ibadan Development 5 6 Spring Water Environmental Planning and Management Ibadan Mapping Information Committee 1996 Feb. 8, 1996 Feb. 8, 1996 May 14, 1996 January 1996 TSU/SIP 37 TSU/SIP 19 Source: Anyaogu, 1999. Table 3 Working Groups Established in Kano, Enugu and Karu City Working Group Kano 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Enugu Karu Date of Establishment 2004 Water Supply Waste Management Urban Mobility Housing Informal Sector Water Supply 2004 Sanitation and Waste Management 3. Unplanned and uncontrolled Urban Development 1. Business and Development Economic October 2003 3.2.2. Identification and Mobilisation of Working Group Members It was gathered from the assessment exercise that various approaches and methods were explored by the participating cities in the SCP to identify and mobilize the members of the WGs set up for the application and implementation of the SCP/EPM process. The key methods included: Sectoral briefing sessions Meetings (Formal & informal) Consultative Fora Workshops (on clarification of identified environmental issues) Training Programmes Publicity (using print and electronic media) 28 Some of the members of the WGs were identified, informed and familiarised with the SCP process and projects through the aforesaid sensitisation and mobilisation activities. Most of the people that joined the Working Groups did so because of their willingness to be part of the process to find lasting solutions to some of the perennial urban environmental problems being encountered in their various settlements. What attracted some members to the WGs was also the noble idea of the Government to involve other sectors in jointly addressing environmental issues of concern in their abode. This was found to be a significant departure from the previous approach of the Government to urban environmental planning and management. More so, hitherto only the agencies of Governments had been responsible and believed to have (all) the wherewithal to deal with urban environmental problems. A careful analysis of the WGs revealed that some members of the WGs voluntarily worked into the TSU of the projects to indicate their intention to join some WGs of their interest. They volunteered to participate because they had some useful expertise or information, which they believed, will assist in clarifying the identified environmental problems and evolving effective strategies to address the environmental problems. On the whole, the SCP tool on the identification of WG members for SCP/EPM process provided was a useful guide for the TSU of the participating Cities to identify, inform and mobilise the key stakeholders to participate in the WG process. 3.2.3. Identification of Priority Environmental Issues Identification of priority environmental issues in Kano and Enugu was done through the Environmental Profile Document where the consultants preparing the document discussed with the various stakeholder groups in both the public and private sectors. The Profile usually presented a long list of problems which were prioritised, first, by the members of the collaborative group. Proposition papers are written elaborating the problems, causes and effects as well as proposing various solutions. Discussions were held at the City consultation and the issue further prioritised in order of importance. Some issues outside the profile could be identified and included in priority listings. For example, in Kano during the city consultation, stakeholders brought up the problem of traffic accidents and air pollution in the city due to high number of motorcycles, numbering over one million and also the need to raise more revenue to address the 29 environmental issues. In Ibadan, Kano and Enugu, some neighbourhoods/communities approached the TSUs with localised problems usually of access road, provision of potable water, drainage etc. These were usually accepted and working groups set up to address the issues raised. The issue of EMIS and production of base maps were recognised by the EP profiles and these got automatic acceptance by TSU’s and UNHABITAT. In each of the cities therefore, a Working Group on Mapping and EMIS was constituted. Further prioritisation of issues was done by the working groups. 3.2.4. Clarifying Selected Priority Issues Priority issues agreed to at the City Consultation were further examined in detail by the Working Groups. In Ibadan, the working groups used the proposition papers and other information generated as well as facilitation by POLYCONSULT to clarify the environmental issues/problems to establish their nature, causes and effect as well as examine strategic options for addressing them. The WGs used such criteria for prioritisation as health impact, availability of resources to address the problems commitment of the stakeholders etc. In Kano, the proposition paper on Water Supply was considered well thought out and a very useful working document for the WG. In fact the State Water Board approached SKP for that particular presentation to be aired on the local television. This was done and it became a powerful information tool for the project. 3.3 Agreeing Implementation on Strategy and Action Plans for Out of the 4 cities being assessed, only Ibadan has reached Phase II Strategy and Action Planning and Phase III Follow-up and consolidation of the SCP Process. Most of the National experience will therefore be drawn from the SIP Project. The issue of strategy formulation through a participatory process is new in Nigeria. It is a special area involving technical, institutional and financial considerations. The TSU therefore, engaged the services of Consultants, POLYCONSULT, to assist all the SIP Working Groups in the preparation of strategies, action plans and concrete bankable proposals. Their support no doubt contributed immensely to the success recorded in terms of the preparation of 30 implementable Strategies and Action Plans that ultimately resulted in the implementation of demonstration projects. In addition, there was a deliberate effort to locate the WGs within the premises of the agency of government in charge of the programme. The WG on waste management held its meetings in the premises of the Waste Management Authority. This provided the members of the WG opportunity to study and understand the problems, first hand and consider the various options for remedying them. The WGs formulated issue specific strategies on Solid Waste Management, Water Supply and the Institutionalising of EPM. Despite this advantage, the process itself, as was rightly observed in Ibadan was fraught with lots of delay and time consuming arguments. These tend to arise either as a result of the unwillingness of Agency of government, in charge of the programme to take on additional responsibilities. Sometimes, the representative of the Agency may not have the authority to agree to the Action Plan on behalf of the Agency, without first clearing with his bosses. Another source of delay can be attributed to the relative newness of the SCP approach and the absence of a National Framework for its implementation and replication at state and local government levels. 3.3.1. Clarifying Strategy Options The available expertise and technical support within most WGs makes the identification of policy options and their possible effects on the issues, before them, easy. Similarly, the attempt, in Ibadan, to put together all Action Plans into a form of revolving “Urban Strategic Environmental Development Plan for Ibadan” has the potential of assisting to clarify other Strategy Options, as the relative impact of the different policy options on other related issues can be easily identified. Clarification of issue-specific policy options brings a clearer understanding of costs and benefits for different stakeholders and of "trade-offs" for the city as a whole. The WGs in Ibadan had a better understanding of the issues, their effects and policy options available as a result of guidance by POLYCONSULT, the Consultancy arm of Ibadan Polytechnic that was contracted to assist them. They were, therefore, guided to consider the pros and cons of each policy option for various stakeholders, and to agree on the selected option, objectives and targets as well as a set of interim goals to guide phased interventions. The 31 WGs also considered the policy reforms and institutional strengthening issues necessary to support the implementation of the agreed strategies. 3.3.2. Formulation of Action Plans In Ibadan Action Plans were prepared from the issue specific sector strategies agreed upon. In formulating the Action Plans cognisance is taken of all, present and potential, actors i.e. stakeholders and implementers, together with the technical; managerial and financial resources available to them and their specific roles in the implementation of the action plan. Similarly, measurable targets were set; and resources required to implement each actions were defined as shown in table 4. Table 4: Strategy and Action Plan for Waste Management S/No. 1 Strategy Utilization of sustainable purpose-built waste storage facilities 2 Minimization of disposable waste 3 Embark on Waste Recycling for Optimum Utilization of Resources Actions Implementing Agencies (i) Design and produce durable, portable and appropriate containers at affordable cost for storage of domestic and Hazardous waste. (ii) Procurement of approved containers for waste storage. (i) Packaging of consumable goods with re-usable. (ii) Base user charges for WM containers service on quantity of waste generated (i) Facilitate separation of solid waste into various Components. (ii) Provide infrastructures for development of cottage Industries for recycling of paper, metal, plastic, glass & Organic waste at neighborhood and disposal sites 32 ISWMA, Private Refuse Collectors, LG, Educational and Research Institutions, All Stakeholders IBSWMA, Private Sector, Community, Private Refuse Collectors. IBSWMA, Manufacturing Industries, Communities, NGO, External Support Agency, SEPA 4 5 6 Legislate and enforce appropriate laws for enduring waste management Involvement of Private and Popular Sector on Waste Management Operationalize the Systematic Collection of Waste (i) Enforce all existing and future laws, regulations on waste management; (ii) Legislate appropriate laws, regulations to foster: (1) The use of approved containers for waste storage; (2) Payment of user charges for waste management Services based on quantity. (iii) Public participation; and (iv) Effective storage, collection and disposal of hazardous waste. (i) Participate in the management of waste. (ii) Participate in the initiation and enforcement of Regulations on waste management. (i) Engage adequate and skilled manpower. (ii) Procedure locally appropriate technological equipment and waste management vehicles. (iii) Leasing of State Government, ISWMA, LGs, Community. Private and Popular Sector, LG. LG, ISWMA, Private Refuse Collectors, Industrialist, Medical Practitioners, SEPA, Ministry of Health. equipments. (iv) Establish guidelines and procedures for collection, transportation and disposal of waste in the core, planned and market areas. (v) Control storage, collection and disposal of hazardous wastes. 7 Provision and maintenance of environment-friendly disposal facilities (i) Identify, select and acquire suitable sites for waste disposal. (ii) Develop and treat disposal sites as sanitary landfill. (iii) Purchase appropriate equipments for the treatment of 33 ISWMA, LGs, SEPA Disposed wastes. (iv) Provide motorable roads to the site and other infrastructures needed on the site. 8 Public enlightenment for effective waste management (i) Literacy campaign. (ii) Publicity for approved relevant Laws and Regulations. ISWMA, SEPA, Ministry of Information, LG, ANFE, Community Media Organization, Educational and Research Institutions. (iii) Promotion of waste management practices. 9 Capacity for Sustainable Waste Management (i) Training and retraining of personnel. ISWMA, SEPA, Educational and Research Institutions. (ii) Liaison with External Support Agencies. 10 Mobilization of Financial Resources for Waste Management 11 Cost Recovery Mechanism for Sustainable Waste Management 12 Establishment of Waste Management Information System (i) Financial provisions in the annual budgets. (ii) Sharing of cost of provision of infrastructure through development levies. (iii) Waste Management Relief Fund. (iv) Loan. (v) Foreign grants. (i) User charges. (ii) Loan repayment. (iii) Fines. (iv) Set up Community Waste Management Committee. (i) Create unit within ISWMA for data collection, collation, analysis and dissemination. (ii) Engage relevant staff and equip Waste Management Information Unit. ISWMA, SEPA, Community, Private Sectors, UDBN, NIDB and other Financial Institutions, External Support Agencies. All Stakeholder ISWMA Getting the Agencies of government in the WGs to agree to the Action Plan tends to constitute a significant source of delay. Implementation of the strategies and Action plans for Waste Management, Water Supply and Bodija Market Environmental Improvement were anchored in Ibadan Solid Waste Management Authority, WCOS and Ibadan North LG, respectively, they still require the approval and consent of higher 34 Authorities - State Ministries that supervise their operations, who are not members of the WGs. The WGs consider various resources and implementation instruments for the implementation of agreed action plans. For example, community projects executed in Ibadan took into account labour and financial resources of the communities as well as the technical and managerial skills of its members. Many private consulting firms had played important roles in the formulation of issue specific strategies and the preparation of action plans. In Odo Akeu Spring development, a private engineering consulting company, located within the community, provided inputs in project design, construction and supervision valued at over US$6,000. Implementation instruments that were used in Ibadan includes Annual Budgets, mostly used by State and Local Governments and their agencies; regulatory mechanisms by Oyo State Water Corporation and the Ibadan Solid Management Authority; Education and information campaigns through seminars, workshops, brochures and technical papers. The WGs also used capital improvements in strategic places like the Bodija Market as instruments for implementing action plans and identified projects. 3.3.3. Consideration of available Resources and Implementation Options Availability of adequate resources for the implementation of duly prioritized projects by the WGs has remained a source of considerable problem to SIP. There is, however, the willingness of the stakeholders at the community level to make their financial contribution available, as at when due. This is but a very tiny percentage of the total project cost. Since the state and local governments nearly always claim to be cash strapped, SIP has to resort to seeking support from International Agencies, such as UN-HABITAT, UNDP, WATSAN, UNICEF etc. A profile of financial contributions for implementing such SIP projects is shown in table 4. Out of a total of $1,123,000.00 expended by SIP n projects, only $ 223,000.00 (19.9%) was contributed by the Oyo State Government and the 11 Local Governments of the State. 35 Table 4: SIP Financial Contributions DONOR UNCHS-HABITAT UNDP Oyo State Government Local Governments Total Source: Taiwo (2000) AMOUNT CONTRIBUTION $800,000 $100,000 $107,000 $116,000 $1,123,000 PERCENTAGE CONTRIBUTION 71.24 8.90 9.53 10.33 100.00 The SIP has used various methods to mobilise funds for the implementation of approved demonstration project. Apart from the seed project money, meant to support TSU and the projects software requirements, resources were generated in cash and in kind for the implementation of various demonstration projects as shown in Table 6. The resources came from various local communities, the private sector, state and local governments as well as international support agencies. Table 6: Financial and others Resources Generated for Demonstration Projects in Ibadan Project 1. Odo Akeu Spring Development Actors Involved 1. State Department of Rural Development Resource Committed by Actors 2 Hand pumps 2. Ibadan North East LG ₦100,000.00 ($1,250) Building Equipment Labour Project Design Construction Supervision Other Technical Inputs ₦350,000 ($4,375) Technical Inputs Community Mobilization for Sanitation 3. Private (Engineering Consultant) in the Community. 4. UNICEF 5. WATSAN 2. Borehole Development in Bodija Market 3. Development of Organic Waste Conversion (Compost) Plant 1. SIP Trust Fund 2. UNICEF 3. Communities 1. State Project Coordination Dept. (World Bank Assisted) Project. ₦300,000 ($3,750) Provided the rig, borehole casings, labour and technical know-how. Total Estimated/ Cost of Project ₦750,000.00 ($9.375) Cash input ₦500,000.00 ($6,250) Other inputs estimated at ₦250,000.00 ($3,125) ₦425,000.00 ($5,312) (₦125,000.00) ($1,562) Over ₦7 million ₦5.5 million ($68,750) 2. Ibadan Solid Waste Management Authority. ₦1.0 million ($12,500) 3. Ibadan North L.G. Land 4. UNICEF Materials (200 bags of cement), wheel barrow (20), Spades (20), shovels (20) and 1 borehole (₦300,000) ($3,750); Community training. 36 ($87,500) 5. University of Ibadan 6. Ministry of Agric. & Natural Resources. 7. Community Members Equipment fabrication, training and technical know-how. Political support and product marketing. Labour. Political and moral support. Source: Ayorinde,2004. It should be noted that the active involvement of a wide variety of public and private, formal and informal stakeholders in Ibadan has provided valuable implementation resources in the form of local knowledge, manpower, in-kind economic and financial inputs. In addition, the Ibadan Project Trust Fund (SIP TF) was established in 1997, to channel financial and technical resources from the private sector for the development of Ibadan. SIP TF uses key, high profile and trustworthy individuals from the private sector as trustees of the Fund. This gave them the impetus to mobilise and channel private sector resources for SIP demonstration projects. 3.3.4. Capacity and Commitment to Implementation The Action Plans agreed upon by the WGs considered the capacity and commitment of each actor in the implementation of the recommended plans. While the local communities have the local knowledge, labour and some little financial resources, they lack the authority and implementation instruments particularly the statutory powers and regulatory instruments. This made the WGs to allocate regulatory functions, legislation and policy reforms to public institutions especially the Oyo State Water Corporation, Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure in the case of Water supply. Similar functions were assigned to Ibadan Solid Waste Management Authority and State Environmental Protection Agency in the case of solid waste management. The poor institutional and technical capacity of the local governments was always taken when assigning specific roles to them in the implementation of agreed Strategies and Action Plans. Local Governments were given prominent role of political leadership, mobilisation of resources as well as bringing about institutional changes in the way things are done. The project also capitalised on the positive attitude of the various Trade Associations in Bodija Market in Ibadan; Bodija Community Development Association and other communities to bring about 37 changes in the way services are delivered. This is a change from direct government service provision, or failure to provide service, to new form of public-private partnerships. It also placed cost recovery, maintenance and management of boreholes and other water facilities in the hand of the private sector. This new approach of public-private partnerships is finding its way in other places such as Karu where business groups that make up the Business and Economic Development Committee (BEDC) are working with state and local governments to improve service delivery, urban governance and generation of revenue. The TSU did not only examine current capacity but took measures, through training, to build the capacity of all stakeholders to discharge their assigned roles effectively. In October 1999, for example, the TSU with UNDP funding, organised Training of Trainers Workshop to popularise the Strategies and Actions Plans for waste management developed by the working groups. 3.4. Follow-up and Consolidation The ability to consolidate the gains of SCP process is hinged on the efforts of the TSU to improve the capacity of the stakeholders to actively participate in the EPM process as well as sustaining their interest in it. This can be achieved through awareness building, training and capacity building as well as effective implementation of priority projects, and disseminating such success stories. The SIP has organised more than 16 seminars and workshops for all categories of stakeholders (see Table 7). In addition, it executed the following: Commissioned POLYCONSULT in 1996 to provide institutional support to all SIP WGs, Commissioned, in 1996, a 3-man study team on Institutionalization of Environmental Planning and Management Process in Ibadan, and Commissioned the Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Survey (RECTAS) in 1996 to produce maps for Ibadan. Table 7: The SIP Seminars and Workshops Held Between Nov. 1996 and Dec. 1999 S/No. 1 2 3 Title of Seminar/Workshop Workshop on the institutionalization of EPM process in Ibadan EPM Seminar for Technical Consultancy Group EPM Seminar for Coordinating Working Group 38 Date Nov. 24, 1996 March 5, 1997 March 18, 1997 Venue D’Rovan FCT, Ogere FCT, Ogere No. of Participant 141 14 20 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 EPM Seminar for Ibadan LG, SIP Committees EMIS Workshop Water Strategy 1st GIS Workshop Waste Strategy Discussion and Brainstorming Session Waste Issue Workshop Waste Issue Workshop Tripartite Review Brainstorming Session on Monitoring and Evaluation 2nd GIS Demo-Workshop Ibadan North-West LG Mini Consultation GIS Training The Fiscal Planning and Budgeting for EPM by LG March 20, 1997 April 8-9, 1997 April 10, 1997 April 15, 1997 April 24, 1997 April 25-30, 1997 May 13-14, 1997 May 29, 1997 June 12, 1997 July 1-2, 1997 Sept. 9-10, 1997 April, 1998 December 1999 FCT, Ogere D’Rovans D’Rovans D’Rovans FCT, Ogere D’Rovans D’Rovans D’Rovans FCT, Ogere FCT, Ogere D’Rovans SIP Office SIP Office 30 95 15 70 20 129 130 26 15 15 200 20 180 Source: SIP, 2000. Apart from the initiation of training and capacity building by SIP, the body has to its credit many publications that are of immerse value to practitioners of the Environmental Planning and Management and other stakeholders. These publications are: 8 number Reports, 6 Number Resource Papers, 6 Number Discussion Papers and 2 Number Evaluation Reports. The inability of SIP to implement many of its projects, and the breakdown of some of its EMIS equipment, has reduced its ability to effectively build on its gains and ensure consolidation of the EPM process. Had the capacity building training for EMIS, started In Ibadan, Enugu and Kano been sustained, the full benefits of EMIS would have become manifest at the state and local government levels, the gains would have been consolidated in all the cities. However, it must be noted that outputs of the project in the form of strategies and Action Plans on Water Supply; Environmental Profile of each of the 11 Local Governments; establishment of SIP Coordinating Working Group, with representation from all the 11 Local Governments to assist the WGs and act as their Think Tank; and for Waste Management are clear indications of attempts to consolidate the gains of the WGs successes in these areas. The same is true of the establishment of SIP committee in each of the eleven local Governments. Perhaps, if a National mechanism exists to provide technical and financial support, follow-up and consolidation process would have been given the desired boost in Ibadan, which would have, in turn, serve as a catalyst to the replication of SCP in Nigeria. 3.4.1. Institutionalizing Management Environmental 39 Planning and Nigerian cities have been using traditional planning approach in addressing urban environmental and management issues of concern. However with the introduction of the SCP in Ibadan, Kano and Enugu, things have begun to change. In Ibadan for example, the EPM process has come to be accepted by the key stakeholders, the State and Local Governments inclusive. The 11 local governments have demonstrated their willingness and acceptance of the EPM process as well as its institutionalisation by establishing an SIP Committee in each respective Local Government Area. The Local Government SIP Committees were responsible for making the EPM process a routine practice in the Local Governments. The objective of each LG SIP Committee was to initiate, implement and coordinate environmental development activities in the Local Government. The local governments have also been providing funds to the TSU to carryout its routine activities. There is also considerable interest and effort to replicate the SCP in other towns of Oyo State. Following the appreciation of the principles and intent of the SCP as demonstrated by the SIP, a few Local Governments in Oyo State outside the eleven (11) Local Governments involved in the SIP have shown their intention of replicating the experience in their own Local Governments. The TSU of the SIP, at various occasions in the past, has honoured invitations to brief and sensitize various stakeholders many local government areas. The Oyo State Government has, in principle, accepted to actively support the replication of the SIP experience in other major cities of the State. To commence this initiative, the State Government has started appropriating funds for the replication exercise in its yearly budgetary provision since the year 2003. It has also set up a sub committee known as ‘Technical Committee’ under the auspices of the SIP Steering Committee to work out the modalities for replication exercise. The Technical Committee has met and fashioned out modalities for the replication of the SIP experience in four (4) cities namely Oyo town, Ogbomoso, Saki, and Eruwa. In addition, Oyo State is planning to organize a State-wide Consultation on the replication of the SCP/EPM Process in the State that will draw participants from all the Local Governments in the State as well as from other sectors in the last quarter of this year. 40 In Kano, Enugu and Karu, there were strong evidence of changes, both attitudinal and organisational I accepting SCP principles. In all these cities, changes were noticed in the areas of better information collection and sharing, collaboration between agencies in charge of development management and the identification and involvement of stakeholders in decision making and development process. At the National Level, in Nigeria, the replication of the SCP/EPM process started informally in 1995 following the Ibadan City Consultation meeting. The Federal Ministry of Works and Housing and the Urban Development Bank of Nigeria (UDBN) were well represented at the City Consultation and had useful discussions with officials of UN-HABITAT and the Project Team at Ibadan. The involvement of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing arose out of the fact that the Ministry has statutory responsibility for coordinating and monitoring urban development activities nationwide. On its part, UDBN got into the programme in a bid to strategically position itself for the delivery of services to the cities and in particular to the Local Governments. By 1997, two years after the take off of the SIP, the Federal Government had taken a keen interest in the SCP and had formally expressed the desire for replication in other cities to UN-HABITAT. With the assistance of UN-HABITAT and UNDP in Nigeria, the SCP was accepted as one of the priority areas in which the Government of Nigeria was desirous of UNDP assistance under the 5th Country Cooperation Framework (CCF1). The SCP falls under the component National Management of Socio Economic Development (NMSED). The central focus of the UNDP assistance is on capacity building for urban management and development of human settlements through strengthening of Local Governments and maximizing community participation. This is where the SCP/EPM is anchored. The expected output of the Sub-Programme is the consolidation of the Sustainable Ibadan Project and replication process in Kano and Enugu during the period 1998 to 2001. In addition, the SCP/EPM was to be replicated in give (5) additional cities during the same period. However, over the period, implementation of the UNDP Assisted Programmes has been very slow, including the SCP/EPM Process replication, due to political instability and poor coordination at the national level. As a result, the replication exercise was limited to Kano and Enugu Cities during this period which has the programme implementation period extended to the year 2003. 41 To coordinate the Sustainable Cities Programme at the National Level, the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing (FMW&H) established a SCP Coordinating Unit in 1997. The Unit achieved considerable progress in setting the strategies for the replication process. Notable among these are: Negotiating the SCP/EPM Process replication with the National Planning Commission (NPC) and UNDP and ensuring its acceptance into the 5th Country Cooperation Framework (CCF1). Assisting in the preparation of Project Documents for the extension of the Ibadan Project and Start-up of Kano and Enugu Projects. Promoting the replication of the SCP/EPM Process in five (5) additional cities, which will be funded under the CCF1. Providing technical support to replication at the Federal level. the EPM Process To strengthen the SCP Coordinating Unit at FMW&H, the former Project Manager of the Sustainable Ibadan Project, Mr. Soji Taiwo was contracted in the year 2000 by UNDP to support the unit as EPM Adviser. This was in view of his wide experience in the EPM process and the need to beef up the technical capacity of the Unit. It is pertinent to note that the technical support being provided by the SCP Coordination Unit and Technical Support Unit (TSU) at both the Federal and City levels is indeed limited, as officials in these units have only received limited briefings and exposure on the programme. The gap in the delivery of technical support is, however, covered by support from UNHABITAT and EPM Adviser appointed and attached to the SCP Coordination Unit. However, in spite of the institutional arrangement at the national level, very little achievement has been recorded on ground. Out of the seven cities identified by the SCP Coordination Unit as likely cities to join the programme (Abuja, Lagos, Onitsha, Port-Harcourt, Kaduna, Maiduguri and Sokoto) since the year 2000, none have joined. 42 The shortcomings could be attributed to a lack of coherent national policy and strategy of replicating SCP in Nigeria. It also had to do with the dismal performance of Enugu and Kano in the SCP through their inability to produce tangible benefits after participating in the SCP for over 5 years (See Table 8). Table 8: Phases of the Implementation in Nigeria Item EPM PROCESS Ibadan Enugu Karu 3.4.2. Process and Time Frame Phase I Phase II Phase III Assessment and Start- Strategy and Action Follow-up up Planning Consolidation 3-21 Months 15-21 Months 4-8 Months 18 months 48 months 48 months (Jan.1994-Oct. 1994) Kano EPM Jan. 1996 – Dec. 1999) 72 months Started in 2004 (1997-2004) Started in 2004 54 months July 1999-2003) Started in 2003 13 months (August 2002-Oct 2003) of and (Feb 2000 – 2004) - Institutionalizing Inter-Agency Coordination The current effort of SIP to use key Agencies of the Oyo State Government as anchoring institutions in its effort to institutionalize EPM process, has the added advantage of facilitating the institutionalization of inter-agency coordination. Agencies such as: Water Corporation, Ibadan Waste Management Authority, Department of Survey in the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey, and Department of Town planning in the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources are examples of such agencies extend variety of assistance to SIP. The use of these agencies as anchoring institutions has helped in institutionalizing the EPM process in Ibadan in diverse ways. For instance, the WGs on Water Supply and Waste Management were provided meeting venues within these agencies at one time or the other and the strategies and action plans on water supply and waste management in Ibadan evolved by these WGs have avail the two agencies with useful tools to assist them in their operations. 43 The fourth agency of government used as an anchoring institution is the State Town Planning Department. This Department is under the Oyo State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources and is the supervising agency of the State Government for the project. This simply means that the Project is under the direct supervision of the State Town Planning Department. By this placement, the Project has an added advantage of receiving prompt and direct attention and support from the Oyo State Government. Because of this arrangement the project has been receiving monthly running cost for the SIP office for over 7 years. In addition to the anchoring institutions, the projects institutional set up, especially the Steering and Technical Committees, which are made of officials from both the states and local governments as well as the private sector has helped in establishing and consolidating inter-agency cooperation and collaboration through information sharing and consensus decision making. 3.4.3. Local Government Training and Capacity Development Local government training and capacity building are vital components of the institutionalization process of EPM. It is on record that both Ibadan and Kano have been implementing various types of training programmes for local government officials. The effort of SIP dates back to inception of the project in 1995. Other efforts of SIP include mini consultations held in January 1995; November 1996; and a series of Seminars and Workshops between November 1996 and December 1999. It is not clear the extent to which the train received by the local government officials have improved their performance through the development of requisite skills, understanding and routinely applying them in to decision making in environmental and urban management and planning. . 44 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Virtually all the actors (Consultants the cities of Kano, Karu and Enugu, TSUs of the three cities) involved in the implementation of the SCP in Nigeria have made use of Tools books, tools and the Implementation Instruments, in varying degrees, depending on their needs. To that extent, there is a considerable consistency in the content and, perhaps quality of the Profiles. Both the Consultants and TSUs relied heavily on the, related, Tools in at the preparatory stages and in the mobilization of stakeholders; organizing and conducting their City Consultation; establishing and supporting Working Group process; and formulating issue-specific strategies and action plans. Many issues were encountered in the process. These include: 4.1 Information and Expertise With the exception of Ibadan where the Environmental Profile was prepared without consultation and participation of the stakeholders, the other cities seemed to have managed to produce Profiles that most stakeholders, especially those in the private sector and civil society, identified with. They also provided vital information which could be used by the WGs in Kano, Enugu and Karu. However, very little use seemed to have been made by the state and local government officials and Agencies. This can be attributed to low capacity in such Agencies and the relative newness of the EPM process. The establishment of EMIS in Ibadan, Kano and Enugu was not only to provide a very important data base but to provide an effective means explaining the causes and effects of environmental problems of the cities to the stakeholders. Some of the EMIS equipment in the cities have broken down, without the prospect of repairs or replacement. This perhaps shows that stakeholders, especially the state and local governments, have not yet fully understood the benefits of EMIS. 4.2 Improving Environmental Strategies and Decision Making Lack of funds to sustain the operation of WGs and other vital duties appear to be the universal complaint of all TSUs. Similarly there is near always the inadequacy of funds to implement priority projects. In most cases, the communities and other civil society associations involved in the projects are able to meet their financial commitments to the project. This in practical terms represents only a small percentage of the total 45 project cost. Some how the governments are still not as forth coming in their financial contribution to projects as is expected of them. The none implementation of projects not only tend to demoralise the stakeholders, but have the overall effect of reducing their willingness to play their part in ensuring improvement in environmental strategies and decision making. 4.3 Action Planning SIP has been successful in facilitating the formulation of Action Plans, in terms of identifying all actors; technical, managerial and financial resources required. It has not been as successful in ensuring that those who are to foot the bills for the projects do so as at when required. This has tended to frustrate the implementation of their projects and their eventual, replication. There is a need to establish a funding mechanism for projects that come out of this, elaborate, process. This is the kind of incentive that will facilitate a nation-wide replication and consolidation within the state and local government. This can be achieved within the context of a carefully developed National Framework. 4.4 Working Groups Experience in Ibadan has shown that members of working groups when adequately facilitated can ensure the success of the EPM process. However, many members of WGs did not show commitment and dedication due to lack of adequate incentives. Without adequate incentive, such as seating allowance and snacks during long sessions, it is difficult to see how the WGs can be made to function effectively. Experience has shown that majority of the stakeholders simply cannot afford to spend the time required to deliberate on issues relevant to the WG, without such incentives. These are areas of assistance to be extended to a participating city from the National level, or to mandate the state and local governments to provide their TSUs. 4.5 Demonstration Project Lack of funds has hindered the implementation of many demonstration projects in Ibadan. The negative effect is that many communities will require a lot more persuasion to appreciate the benefits of SCP/EPM process. Demonstration projects are vital to ensuring the effectiveness of environmental strategies and decision making. 46 4.6 Follow-up and Consolidation Just like it is observed, in Ibadan, that the if SCP/EPM process is located in the within the state administration, as against the local government, it is equally our view that unless there is an effective National Framework, perhaps back by appropriate legislation at national level, the follow-up and consolidation at the local and state government levels will continue to suffer, due to lack of commitment and financial support. This is the reality in Nigeria, despite the seeming contraction. 4.7 General Recommendations Nigerian experience has shown that most of the Implementation Instruments are yet to be extensively used, to allow for an in depth assessment of their use and effectiveness or otherwise, by all concerned. Varieties of factors have been responsible for this situation. Firstly, the Environmental Profile of Ibadan was prepared with hardly any consultation with the stakeholders. The Profile was adjudged lengthy and too complicated for most stakeholders to understand. A real effort had to be made, later, to sensitize and mobilize the stakeholders. Secondly, SIP was at its infancy when the decision to replicate it in Kano and Enugu was made by the Federal Government of Nigeria. The Urban Development Bank of Nigeria (UDBN) was instrumental to this decision. The bank itself was, then, in a serious search for effective mechanisms for building the capacity of the local governments, an integral component of funding their infrastructure projects. As a subsidiary of the then Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, it was easy for the bank to make a case for the replication to the Minister of State, in whose portfolio both the bank and the Division of Urban Planning, in charge of the SCP, at federal level, were. The decision to replicate was political, which did not take cognisance of the sequential nature of the process and the expected role of the Implementation Instruments to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability. Though both the (UDBN) and Kano State Government (KNSG) officials benefited from the visits of the Chief Technical Adviser, appointed by UN-Habitat for the SIP, his visits were too few and too short in duration, to build the capacity the officials (UDBN and KNSG) of the vital role of the Implementation Instruments in the EPM process. It was equally UDBN that promoted the replication of SIP in Enugu, to Enugu State Government. 47 Thirdly, the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing (FMWH), as the line Ministry in charge of urban development and environment, has the responsibility of developing a national framework for the implementation of SCP in Nigeria. Their responsibilities include the establishment of an effective strategy for replicating the experience of SIP; the use; adaptation of the Implementation Instruments; the development of indigenous tools; and the institutionalization of the EPM process, based on the Instruments. However, the FMWH only managed to establish National SCP Coordinating Unit in the Urban Development Division, at the insistence of the then Director of Lands and Urban Development (DLU). The schedule itself was assigned to an officer, who was already in charge of most of the donor funded projects of the Ministry. His work schedule did not allow him enough time for the SCP programme. Evidently, the Unit was not properly established nor effectively funded to be able to discharge its responsibilities of, among others, providing technical support to the TSU and facilitating structured replication of SIP in other Nigerian cities. This factor has been, substantially, responsible for the, seeming, inability of FMWH, to develop a national framework for the implementation of SCP and its replication in other Nigerian cities; for ensuring the customization of the Implementation Instruments and Tools and their use by the TSUs and the State and Local Governments involved, in the implementation of SCP and EPM process; and for forging vital inter ministerial collaboration, between FMWH and Intergovernmental Affairs required to ensure the institutionalization of the EPM process. The Federal Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs supervises the operation of the states (36) and local governments (774) including the training and capacity building of the officials. Fourthly, the appointment of a National SCP Adviser by UN-Habitat to facilitate the replication of the programme in Nigeria cannot be described as successful. It would appear the officials of FMWH saw him as stepping on their jurisdictional toes and as such did not provide him the enabling environment to effectively carry out his assignment. He eventually resigned in frustration. Fifthly, virtually all the Project Managers and most of the staff of the TSUs were posted to the projects from the Ministries. Without proper training on the SCP, EPM process and the use of the Implementation Instruments, they all tend to revert to the laid down procedures in government in managing the TSU and the various stages of the EPM process. These tend to be top-down and driven by the expertise of the professionals, often without consultation with and participation of the 48 stakeholders. As such Project Managers have tended to be posted to other assignments in quick succession that the staff of the TSU become confused and unable to effectively discharge their responsibilities. This has tended to provide confusing signals to the stakeholders, most who had earlier been mobilized; had participated in the information gathering process during the preparation of the Environmental Profile; and had become aware of the SCP process and concepts. Sixthly, as a result of lack adequate knowledge of SCP and the EPM process, and the role of the TSU in facilitating the process, the State Governments have tended to assign other functions to the TSU. In Kano Metropolitan Area for example, the TSU, at a point, became directly involved in the implementation of community based infrastructure projects such as the construction of drainage channels and access roads etc. These factors have combined to reduce the ability of the TSU to make effective and intensive use of the Implementation Instruments and Tools. This has severely reduced the chances of carrying out an in-depth assessment of which tools were useful; what gaps were identified; how they can be improved; and the future capacity building agenda to be proposed, relative to the experience of using the Implementation Instruments and Tools. 49 5. GENERAL CONCLUSION Two critical things need to happen in Nigeria if the country is to drive the full benefits of SCP and to institutionalize EMP process at state and local government levels. First of all an institutional framework has to be established at the federal level for the implementation of SCP. The Federal Government should establish a Division, within the newly established Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, of Urban Environmental Management, to be charged with the responsibility of policy formulation and setting standards for the states and local governments. It will also establish national criteria to guide all cities interested in joining the SCP and replicating the experience of SIP. It will develop a capacity building programme for the states and local governments, based on the use of the Implementation Instruments and Tools; and funding mechanism to support all preparatory processes including financing demonstration projects. The Division in particular and the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has to develop an effective, inter-ministerial collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs, which supervises the operation of States and Local Governments and is responsible the capacity building of their officials. It will become extremely easy to achieve the following objectives that critical to the sustainability and institutionalization of the SCP and EPM process, by making a more extensive and effective use of the Implementation Instruments and Tools: i. Selection of states and local governments to participate in SCP; ii. Identification of stakeholders in participating local governments; iii. Increasing awareness of participants about the SCP process and concepts; iv. Develop Environmental Profile that all stakeholders will identify themselves with and will attract requisite funding for its implementation and political support from all tiers of government (federal, state and local); and v. Identifying key environmental issues and their management implication. 50