THE METHODS OF CALCULATION OF ELLIPSOIDAL POLYGON AREAS BASED ON SOME MAP PROJECTION PROPERTIES Jerzy Balcerzak Paweł Pędzich Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Photogrammetry and Cartography, Politechniki Sq. 1, 00-661 Warsaw,, Introduction The calculation of the area of ellipsoidal polygons is a very important problem in geodesy and cartography. There are some methods known for the calculation of the area of geodetic polygons but they are limited to small figures. The paper presents some new methods for the calculation of the area of geodetic polygons which use some basic properties of map projection. Four such methods are presented. The first one is based on the approximation of polygon by elementary trapezoids limited by parallels and meridians. The second method uses the approximation of ellipsoidal polygon by elementary spherical triangles. The third method employs the equal-area projection of ellipsoid onto a sphere. The forth method uses equal-area projection of ellipsoid onto a plane. At the end, there is a presentation of the reduction of the area located between a curved image of geodetic line and its chord. The paper also presents some result of application of these methods to calculation ellipsoidal polygons. 1. Calculation of the areas of geodetic ellipsoidal polygons using ellipsoidal trapezoids The area of ellipsoidal trapezoid limited by parallels B1 B2 and meridians L1 L2 might be written down as P L2 B2 MN cos BdBdL , L1 B1 (1) where M a 1 e2 1 e 2 sin B 2 , N 3 a 1 e sin B 2 2 . Solving (1) with respect to L we obtain the formula B2 P L2 L1 MN cos BdB , (2) B1 and then, after conversion (2) P a 1 e 2 2 L 2 B2 L1 B1 cos BdB 1 e 2 sin 2 B 2 . (3) Solving integral (3) (König und Weise 1951) we obtain a formula B2 1 sin B 1 1 e sin B P a 2 1 e 2 L2 L1 ln . 2 2 2 1 e sin B 2e 1 e sin B B1 (4) Dependence (4) might be used to the calculation of the area of ellipsoidal geodetic polygon by numerical integration along its boundary, using an accurate calculation of the area of ellipsoidal trapezoids limited by parallels and meridians (Balcerzak, Gdowski, Panasiuk 1995). Because of the difficulties in analytical integration of the area of a trapezoid, one of its sides being a section of a geodetic line, the trapezoid is divided into elementary trapezoids limited by parallels and meridians, and its area is calculated by numerical integration. Then, the calculation of geodetic polygons is reduced to the calculation of the areas of ellipsoidal trapezoids limited by parallels and meridians. There are two possible ways. The first one is based on the projection of polygons vertices and sides on a chosen parallel, e.g. Bmin (Fig. 1a) along meridians. The sum of the trapezoids (whose correct sings depend on the direction of integration) is equal to the wanted area of polygon. The second one is based on the projection of polygons vertices and sides on a chosen meridian, e.g. Lmin (fig. 1b). Since it is possible that a section of the geodetic line may include a turning point, it must be checked and found, and the section must be divided into two parts creating two trapezoids. Then we can calculate the area of the polygon by a summation of the areas of appropriate regions limited by parallels, meridians and arcs of geodetic lines. We calculate these areas by numerical integration. Fig.1 A very important numerical problem is posed by the analysis of the changing of a geodetic line on an ellipsoid and by the calculation of coordinates of its turning point. This also requires knowledge of the method for transferring coordinates on an ellipsoid. When calculating the areas of geodetic polygons, it must be pointed out that they consist of trapezoids limited by parallels and meridians and triangles Pn. These triangles are located between the top side of the trapezoid and geodetic line. To calculate the area of that triangle, the following formula can be used Pn Nn cos Bn Pn,n1 Nn cos Bn Nn1 cos Bn1 (5) where Pn,n+1 is the area of trapezoid limited by parallels Bn and Bn+1. 2. Calculation of the areas of ellipsoidal geodetic polygons using elementary triangles This method is based on the division of geodetic polygons into elementary triangles. We assume that vertices of ellipsoidal triangles represent vertices of spherical triangles, i.e. B L. Radii of spheres are calculated separately for each triangle from formulas Ri M i Ni (6) R 1 R1 R2 R3 3 (7) where M,N – radii of curvature calculated in vertices of triangles. We solve the spherical triangles by using the formulas of spherical trigonometry. Then, having the spherical excess, we calculate the triangle areas. The sum of the areas of the triangles is the approximate area of the geodetic polygon. 3. Calculation of the areas of ellipsoidal geodetic polygons using equal-area projection of an ellipsoid onto a sphere This method is based on equal-area projection of an ellipsoid onto a sphere (Biernacki 1949) a 2 1 e2 sin B 1 1 e sin B B arcsin 1 e 2 sin 2 B 2e ln 1 e sin B , L. 2 2 R (8) The radius of sphere R is calculated from the following equation (Abdulhadi 2003) R 2 2 2 sin BS 1 1 1 e sin BS N cos BS R a 4 1 e2 ln 2 2 4 1 e sin BS 2e 1 e sin BS 2 2 2 2 0 (9) where BS is a parallel projected without distortion and crossing given region through its center. The ellipsoidal polygon is replaced by a spherical polygon and then angles of polygon i i=1,2,3...n are calculated, where n is a number of vertices. The area of polygon is calculated from the following formula n P i n 2 R 2 . i 1 (10) 4. Calculation of the areas of ellipsoidal geodetic polygons using equal-area projection of an ellipsoid onto a plane This method is based on equal-area projection of an ellipsoid onto a plane. We can use conic projection Y B sin c L L0 (11) X B cos c L L0 where 2C 2 S B , c c (12) and a 2 1 e2 sin B 1 1 e sin B S B MN cos tdt ln 2 2 2 1 e sin B 2e 1 e sin B 0 B . (13) Constants C and c in (12) are determined from the condition that two parallels B1 and B2 crossing a given region were projected without distortion. The condition might be written down as L B1 L B2 1 c B1 c B2 N B1 cos B1 N B2 cos B2 1 (14) From equation (14) we obtain constants C and c 2 2 2 2 1 N B2 cos B2 N B1 cos B1 , c 2 S B1 S B2 (15) 2 2 1 N B2 cos B2 C S B2 . 2 c Because projection is equal-area and the area reduction are small, we can assume that the area of the ellipsoidal polygon is equal to the area of its image and we can calculate it using formula P 1 x1 x2 y1 y2 x2 x3 y2 y3 ... xn x1 yn y1 2 (16) If area reduction is not to be neglected, we must calculate it using appropriate correction procedure. 5. Area reduction results from curved image of geodetic line in map projection In the map projection of an elliposoid a cos B cos L a cos B sin L a 1 e 2 sin B r r B, L , , 1 e 2 sin 2 B 1 e 2 sin 2 B 1 e 2 sin 2 B (17) B, L B, L: B 2 , 2 , L , onto image plane r ' r ' B, L x x B, L , y y B, L , (18) dependence between elementary area P of an ellipsoid and elementary area P’ in map projection is expressed as P P ' p (19) where p H' is an area scale, H’,H – discriminants of the first quadratic form of H image and original in map projection. Area reduction ’F (fig. 2) has the following form 'F s " 0.5sin 2 4 sin 2 (20) where s” – length of chord P1’ P2’ and average value of reduction angles is the and Fig. 2 The determination of reduction angles i results from the following reasoning. Having the ellipsoidal coordinates of the vertices of a polygon, we can calculate azimuths of its sides. Images of azimuths A1,A2 (fig. 2) can be calculated based on the definition A1 dr rB , dL B B , 1 L L1 where i.e. from formulas A2 dr rB , dL B B 2 (21) L L2 dr dB rB rL dL dL dr dr sgn L sgn L rB rB dL dL tan A1 , tan A2 dr dr rB rB dL dL B B1 B B2 L L1 (22) L L2 and, by analogy, their reduction equivalents on the image—from formulas rB s sgn L rB s sgn L , tan A1 (23) BB B B rB s rB s 1 2 tan A1 L L1 where s” – chord of the image of an arc of the geodetic line Derivative L L2 s’. dB is calculated from formula (Balcerzak, Panasiuk, Pokrowska 1995) dL dB H cot A F MN cos B cot A N cos B cot A dL E M2 M (24) Reduction angles 12 and 21 are calculated as a difference between reduction equivalents and images of azimuths 12 A1 A1 oraz 21 A2 A2 . 6. (25) Examples of the results of the calculation of areas of ellipsoidal polygons using selected methods The calculation of the areas of ellipsoidal polygons were carried out based on the methods described in this paper. Three methods were selected: one based on ellipsoidal trapezoids, one based on equal-area projection of an ellipsoid onto a sphere, and one based on the equal-area projection of an ellipsoid onto a plane. Two kinds of polygons were chosen. The first one is a regular polygon written down in a geodetic circle with radius equal to 500km. Vertexes of the polygon were calculated using the methods for coordinate transfer on an ellipsoid in direct aspect. Additionally, each side of the polygon was divided into parts and additional points located on geodetic line were calculated. The following results were obtained: P1=784986756103.522 m2 P2=784986756104.341 m2 P3=784986756104.370 m,2 where P1 – area calculated using ellipsoidal trapezoids, P2 – area calculated using equalarea projection of an ellipsoid onto a sphere, P3 – area calculated using projection of an ellipsoid onto a plane. The differences between the calculated values are less than 1 m2. The second polygon is an irregular one roughly approximating boundary of Poland. The following results were obtained: P1=31255625.25 ha P2=31255625.11 ha P3=31255625.31ha, where P1 – area calculated using ellipsoidal trapezoids, P2 – area calculated using equalarea projection of an ellipsoid onto a sphere, P3 – area calculated using projection of an ellipsoid onto a plane. The differences between the calculated values are less than 0.2 ha. To obtain a higher accuracy, more sophisticated algorithms of numerical integration are required. Summary This paper presents the theoretical basis of area calculation for geodetic polygons on the ellipsoid. Four methods are described. The first one is based on the approximation of a polygon by elementary trapezoids limited by parallels and meridians. The second method uses the approximation of an ellipsoidal polygon by elementary spherical triangles. The third method employs equal-area projection of ellipsoid onto sphere. The fourth method uses equal-area projection of ellipsoid onto a plane. The paper also presents the reduction of area located between the curved image of a geodetic line and its chord. The described methods are alternatives enabling a comparison and control of the calculated areas. Independent control is very important in geodesy and cartography where correct results are required. Apart from its theoretical value, this problem often occurs whenever it is necessary to calculate the area of a country or its administrative regions. Bibliography: Abdulhadi, A., 2003, Podstawy teoretyczne konstruowania siatek kartograficznych powierzchni elipsoidy w położeniach ukośnych, rozprawa doktorska, Politechnika Warszawska Balcerzak J., Gdowski B., Panasiuk J., 1995, Obliczanie pól wieloboków geodezyjnych położonych na powierzchni elipsoidy obrotowej, Geodezja i Kartografia t. XLIV Balcerzak J., Panasiuk J., Pokrowska U., 1995, Wybrane zagadnienia z podstaw teorii odwzorowań kartograficznych, Oficyna Wydawnicza PW, Warszawa. Biernacki F., 1949, Teoria odwzorowań powierzchni dla geodetów i kartografów, Prace Geodezyjnego Instytutu naukowo-Badawczego, Główny Urząd Pomiarów Kraju König R., Weise K., 1951, Mathematische grundlagen der höheren geodäsie und kartographie, Berlin Research financed from the funds on science in 2006-2008 as a research project Nr N520 024 31/2976