Publications Book Chapters Law, R. J., Webster, L. Theobald, N. Rumney, H. S. and de Boer, J. Marine Monitored Parameters, Matrices and related techniques: organic Micropollutants In Quevauviller, P, Roose, P. and Vereet. (Ed.s) Chemical Marine Monitoring- Policy Framework and Analytical Trends Chapter 6, pp161-196. Wiley. 451pp. Moffat, C. F., Webster, L. Fryer, R., J. Types of Monitoring- Classical chemical monitoring of the marine environment In Quevauviller, P, Roose, P. and Vereet. (Ed.s) Chemical Marine Monitoring- Policy Framework and Analytical Trends Chapter 8, pp225-259. Wiley. 451pp. Papers Webster, L., Russell, M., Walsham, P., Hussy, I., Lacaze, J., Dalgarno, E. J., Packer, G., Neat, F. and Moffat, C. F. (2014) Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants in Relation to Trophic Level in Deep Sea Fish, Marine Pollution Bulletin (Submitted) Smith, A. F., Fryer, R. J., Webster, L., Berx, B. Taylor, A., Walsham, P. and Turrell, W. R., 2014, Setting background nutrient levels for coastal waters with oceanic influences, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 145, 69 -79. Méndez-Fernandez, P., Webster, L., Chouvelon, T., Bustamante, P., Ferreira, M., González, A. F., López, A., Moffat, C. F., PierceG. J., Read, F. L., Russell, M., Santos, M. B., Spitz, J. Vingada, J. V. and Caurant, F. (2014). An assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the NW Iberian Peninsula: Part I. Persistent organic pollutants, Science of the Total Environment, 484, 196 – 205. Méndez-Fernandez, P., Webster, L., Chouvelon, T., Bustamante, P., Ferreira, M., González, A. F., López, A., Moffat, C. F., PierceG. J., Read, F. L., Russell, M., Santos, M. B., Spitz, J. Vingada, J. V. and Caurant, F (2014). An assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the NW Iberian Peninsula: Part II. Trace element concentrations, Science of the Total Environment , 484, 206 -217. Emelogu, E.S., P. Pollard, P. Dymond, C Robinson, L. Webster, C. McKenzie, J. Dobson, E Bresnan, and C. Moffat. (2014). Occurrence and potential combined toxicity of dissolved organic contaminants in the Forth estuary and Firth of Forth Scotland assessed using passive samplers and an algal toxicity test. Science of the Total Environment, 461-462, 230-239. Emelogu, E.S., T.-B. Seiler, P. Pollard, C.D. Robinson, L. Webster, C. McKenzie, S. Heger, H. Hollert, E. Bresnan, J. Best, and C.F. Moffat. (2014). Evaluations of combined zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo and marine phytoplankton (Diacronema lutheri) toxicity of dissolved organic contaminants in the Ythan catchment, Scotland, UK. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(8), 5537-5546. Mayor, D., J, Sharples, C., J., Webster, L., Walsham, P., Lacaze, J. and Cousins, N. J., 2013. Tissue and size-related changes in the fatty acid and stable isotope signatures of the deep sea grenadier fish Coryphaenoides armatus from the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Deep-Sea Research II, 98, 421–430. Yates K., Pollard, P., Davies, I., Webster, L. and Moffat, C. F. 2013, Silicone rubber passive samplers for measuring pore water and exchangeable concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations in sediments, Science of the Total Environment, 463–464, 988–996. Emelogu, E.S., Pollard, P., Robinson, C.D., Webster, L., McKenzie, C., Dobson, J., Dymond, P., Bresnan E., and Moffat, C.F. (submitted). Occurrence and potential combined toxicity of dissolved organic contaminants in the Forth estuary and Firth of Forth, Scotland assessed using passive samplers and an algal toxicity test, 2013. Science of the Total Environment, 461–462, 230–239 Emelogu, E.S., Pollard, P., Robinson, C.D., Webster, L., McKenzie, C., Napier, F., Steven, L., and Moffat, C.F. 2013. Identification of selected organic contaminants in streams associated with agricultural activities and comparison between autosampling and silicone rubber passive sampling. Science of the Total Environment, 445–446, 261–272. Emelogu, E.S., Pollard, P., Robinson, C.D., Smedes, F., Webster, L., Oliver, I.W., McKenzie, C., Seiler, T.B., Hollert, H., and Moffat, C.F. 2013. Integration of passive sampling and in vitro bioassay techniques for chemical and biological effects analysis of organic contaminants in water. Chemosphere, 90, 210–219. McIntosh, A. D., Fryer, R. J., Webster, L., Cundy, A. B., 2012. Long-term fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sediments from Loch Leven after closure of an aluminium smelter. J. Environ. Monit. 14, 1335. Hussy, I., Webster, L. Russell, M. and Moffat, C.F., 2012. Determination of chlorinated paraffins in sediments from the Firth of Clyde by gas chromatography with electron capture negative ionisation mass spectrometry and carbon skeleton analysis by gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection. Chemosphere, 88, 292 – 299. Russell, M., Robinson, C.D., Walsham, P., Webster, L., and Moffat, C.F. 2011. Persistent organic pollutants and trace metals in sediments close to Scottish marine fish farms. Aquaculture, 319, 262–271. Webster, L., Russell, M. Walsham, P. Phillips, L. A. Hussy, I. Packer, G. Dalgarno E. J. and Moffat, C. F., 2011. An assessment of persistent organic pollutants in Scottish coastal and offshore marine environments. J. Environ. Monit, 13, 1288-1307. Webster, L. Walsham, P., Russell, M., Hussy, I., Neat, F., Dalgarno, E., Packer, G., Scurfield J. A. and Moffat, C. F. 2011. Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants in Deep Sea Fish from Waters to the West of Scotland, Chemosphere, 83, 839 – 850. Yates, K., P. Pollard, I. M. Davies, L. Webster, and C. F. Moffat. (2011) Application of silicone rubber passive samplers to investigate the bioaccumulation of PAHs by Nereis virens from marine sediments. Environmental Pollution, 159 (12):3351-3356. Webster, L., Russell, M., Phillips, L. A., Packer, G., Scurfield, J. A., Dalgarno, E. J. and Moffat, C. F. (2009) An assessment of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in wild and rope grown blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from Scottish coastal waters. J. Environ. Monit., 11, 1169 – 1184. Webster, L., Walsham, P. Russell, M. Neat, F. Phillips, L. Dalgarno, E. J., Packer, G., Scurfield, J. A. Moffat, C. F., 2009. Contaminants in Scottish deep water fish. J. Environ. Monit., 11, 406 – 417. Enwere, R., Pollard, P., Webster, L., Davies I. D. and Moffat, C. F., 2009. Oil spill management: elimination kinetics of PAHs in mussels (Mytilus edulis) J. Environ. Monit., 2009, 11, 1284– 1291. Webster, L., Walsham, P., Phillips, L. A., Dalgarno E. J. and Moffat, C. F., 2008. Chlorobiphenyls in deep water fish species from the west coast of Scotland Dioxin 2008, 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants. Organohalogen Compounds, 70, 2384 – 2387 Webster, L., Russell, M., Packer, G. and Moffat, C. F. 2008. Brominated flame retardants in deep water fish species collected off the west coast of Scotland. International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants. Organohalogen Compounds, 70, 255 – 258 Webster, L., Russell, M., Adefehinti F., Dalgarno E. J. and Moffat C. F., 2008. Preliminary assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the Scottish aquatic environment, including the Firth of Clyde. J. Environ. Monit., 10, 463 - 473. Russell, M., Webster, L., Walsham, P., Packer G., Dalgarno, E. J., McIntosh, A. D., Fryer R. J. and Moffat C. F., 2008. Composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in sediment samples from the oil producing area of the East Shetland Basin, Scotland, J. Environ. Monit., 10, 559 – 569. Reports Webster, L., Russell, M., Hussy, I., Packer, G., Dalgarno, E.J., Craig, A., Moore, D.C., Jaspars, M. and Moffat, C.F, 2012. Environmental assessment of the Elgin Gas Field Incident - Report 5, Fish and Sediment Update Marine Scotland Science Report 17/12, 24pp Webster, L., Russell, M., Hussy, I., Packer, G., Phillips, L. A., Dalgarno, E. J., Moore, D. C. and Moffat, C. F., 2012. Environmental Assessment of Elgin Gas Field Incident – Report 4, Fish Muscle. Marine Scotland Science Report 13/12, 16pp. Webster, L., Russell, M., Hussy, I., Packer, G., Dalgarno, E.J., Moore, D.C. and Moffat, C. F., 2012. Environmental Assessment of Elgin Gas Field Incident – Report 3, Water Update. Marine Scotland Science Report 12/12, 15pp. Webster, L., Russell, M., Hussy, I., Packer, G., Dalgarno, E. J., Moore, D.C. and Moffat, C.F. Environmental Assessment of Elgin Gas Field Incident – Report 2, Water and Sediment. Marine Scotland Science Report 10/12, 20pp. Webster, L., Hussy, I., Craig, A., Russell, M., Packer, G., Dalgarno, E. J., Moore D. C. and Moffat, C. F., 2011. Determination and environmental assessment of hydrocarbons in water, fish and sediment following an oil spill at the Gannet oil field. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report, Vol 2 No 12, pp 23. Webster, L., Russell, M., Walsham, P., Phillips, L. A., Robinson, C., Hussy, I., Packer, G., Rose, M., Dalgarno, E. J., Devalla, S., Avery, D. and Moffat C. F., 2010. Regional Assessment of Hazardous Substances in Coastal and Offshore Marine Environments: 1999-2009. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 1 Number 17. Russell, M., Robinson, C.D., Webster, L., Walsham, P., Phillips, L., Dalgarno, E., Rose, M., Watson, D., Scurfield, J., Avery, D.J., Devalla, S., Gubbins, M., Davies, I.M., and Moffat, C. F. 2010. Persistent organic pollutants and trace metals in sediments close to Scottish marine fish farms. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science, vol. 1, No. 16. ISBN 20437722. 49pp. Webster, L., Robinson, C.D., Russell, M., Walsham, P., and Moffat, C.F. 2010. A review of hazardous substances in the Scottish marine environment: update 2010. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science, vol. 1, No. 10. ISBN 2043-7722. 105pp. Webster, L., Walsham, P., Russell, M., Philips, L. A., Dalgarno, E. J., Packer G. and Moffat, C. F. 2010 Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants in Scottish deep water fish Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 1 No 5. Robinson, C.D., Moffat, C.F., Webster, L., Williamson, B. and Chipman, J.K. NERC PG&P fish toxicogenomics project: Final contract report on the flounder mesocosm experiments at FRS (NE/C507661/1). Fisheries Research Services Contract Report, 03/09. Webster, L., Fryer, R., Davies, I.M., Roose, P and Moffat, C.F. (2009) A proposal for the assessment criteria to be used for the assessment monitoring data for the concentration of hazardous substances in marine sediments and biota in the context of the OSPAR QSR 2010 FRS Collaborative Report No 02/09 Webster, L., Russell, M., Hussy, I. and. and Moffat, C. F. 2009. A review of short chain chlorinated parrafins (SCCPs) in the aquatic environment and the development of an analytical technique for their analysis in environmental samples. FRS Internal Report No. 02/09. Rose, M., Webster, L., Walsham, P. and Moffat, C. F., 2009. The nutrient status of Scottish coastal waters: 2001-2008. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report (FRS) Internal Report No. 05/09 Webster, L., Walsham, P., Russell, M., Philips, L. A., Dalgarno, E. J. Packer G. and Moffat, C. F., 2008. Contaminants in various deep water fish species off the west coast of Scotland. FRS Internal Report 09/08 Webster, L., Russell, M., Phillips, L. A., Packer, G., Scurfield, J. A., Dalgarno, E. J. and Moffat, C. F., 2008. Long term monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in wild and rope grown blue mussels (Mytilius Edulis) from Scottish Coastal waters., FRS Internal Report 28/08 ICES papers D.J. Hydes, E. McGovern, P. Walsham, A.V. Borges, C. Borges, N. Greenwood, S. E. Hartman, C. Kivimae, K. Nagel, S. Olafsdottir, D. Pearce, E. Sahlsten, C. Rodriguez, L. Webster (in press 2013) Chemical aspects of ocean acidification monitoring in the ICES marine area. ICES Cooperative Research Report No 319:78pp. Webster,L., Roose, P., Bersuder, P., Kotterman, M., Haarich, M. and Vorkamp, K., (2013). Determination of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediment and biota ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences, No. 53. L. Webster, J.Tronczynski, P.Bersuder, K. Vorkamp and P. LePom, (2009). Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediment and biota, ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences, No. 46 L. Webster, P. Bersuder, J. Tronczynski, K. Vorkamp and , P. LePom (2009). Determination of hexabromocyclododecane in sediment and biota, ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences, No. 44 L. Webster, J. Tronczynski, P. Korytar, K.Booij and R.Law, (2009). Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment and biota, ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences, No. 45