Biographical Memoir of David Bohm

David Joseph Bohm
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David Joseph Bohm—Bibliography
Scientific papers.
[1] 1946 (With L. Foldy) Theory of synchrotron, Phys. Rev. 70, 249-258.
[2] Relation of Dirac's new method of quantization to older theories, Phys. Rev. 70, 795 A .
[3] (With H. Lewis) The low energy
, Phys. Rev., 69, 129-130.
[4] (With H. Massey and E. H. S. Burhop) Use of probes for plasma exploration in strong magnetic fields. In Rep. Int. Conf.
'Fundamental Particles', 1, 175-177, The Physical Society, London.
[5] 1947 (With C. Richman) On the neutron-proton cross-section, Phys. Rev. 71, 567-572.
[6] (With L. Foldy) Theory of synchro-cyclotron, Phys. Rev. 72, 649-661.
[7] (With I.Aller) The electron velocity distribution in gaseous nebulae and stellar envelopes, Astro-physical Journal 106,
[8] 1948 (With E.P. Gross) Plasma oscillation as a cause of acceleration of cosmic-ray particles, Phys. Rev., 74, 624.
[9] (With M. Weinstein) The self-oscillation of charged particle, Phys. Rev., 74, 1789-98.
[10] 1949 Notes on a theorem of Bloch concerning possible causes of superconductivity, Phys. Rev. 75, 502-504.
[11] (With E.P. Gross) The theory of plasma oscillation. A. Origin of medium-like behaviour, Phys. Rev. 75, 1851-64.
[12] (With E.P. Gross) The theory of plasma oscillation. B. Excitation and damping of oscillations, Phys. Rev., 75, 1864-76.
[13] (With M. Weinstein and H. Kouts) Finite relativistic charge-current distributions, Phys. Rev., 76, 867L.
[14] 1950 (With D. Pines) Role of plasma oscillations in the description of electron interactions, Phys. Rev. 79, 232 (a) .
[15] (With D.W. Ford) Nuclear size resonances, Phys. Rev., 79, 745L.
[16] (With E.P. Gross) Effects of plasma boundaries in plasma oscillations, Phys. Rev., 79, 992-1001.
[17] (With D.Pines) Screening of electronic interactions in metal, Phys. Rev., 80, 903-4 (L).
[18] 1951 (With D. Pines) A collective description of electron interactions, I magnetic interactions, Phys. Rev., 82, no. 5,
[19] (With T. Stever) Application of collective treatment of electron and ion vibrations to theories of conductivity and
superconductivity, Phys. Rev. 84 836-7 (L).
[20] 1952 (With D. Pines) A collective description of electron interactions, II collective vs. individual particle aspects of the
interactions, Phys. Rev., 85, no. 2, 338-353.
[21] A Suggested Interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of hidden variables I, Phys. Rev., 85, no. 2, 166-179.
Republished in Quantum Theory and Measurement, Ed. by J. A. Wheeler and W. H. Zurek, 369-82, Princeton
University Press, (1983)
[22] A suggested interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of hidden variables II, Phys. Rev., 85, no. 2, 180-193.
Republished in Quantum Theory and Measurement, Ed. by J. A. Wheeler and W. H. Zurek, 383-96, Princeton
University Press, (1983)
[23] 1953 Reply to a criticism of the causal re-interpretation of quantum theory, Phys. Rev. 87, 389-7L.
[24] Comments on a letter concerning the causal interpretation of quantum theory, Phys. Rev., 89, 319.
[25] Proof that probability density approaches | 2 in causal interpretation of the quantum theory, Phys. Rev., 89, 458-406.
[26] (With D. Pines) A collective description of electron interations III, coulomb interactions in a degenerate electron gas,
Phys. Rev., 92, 609-625.
[27] A discussion of certain remarks by Einstein on Born's probability interpretation of the wave function, in The Scientific
Papers Presented To Max Born, 13-19, Hafner, New York.
[28] (With J. H. Coleman) A method of increasing the electrical resistivity under ionising radiation, J. of Appl. Phys., 24,
[29] Comments on an article of Takabayasi concerning the formulation of quantum mechanics with classical pictures, Prog.
Theor. Phys., 9, 273-287.
[30] 1954 (With J.P.Vigier) Model of the causal interpretation of quantum theory in terms of a fluid with irregular
fluctuations, Phys. Rev. 96, 208-216.
[31] 1955 (With R. Schiller and J. Tiomno) A causal interpretation of the pauli equation Parts A and B, Nuovo Cimento
(Supplemento) 1, 48-91.
[32] (With W. Sch³tzer) The general statistical problem in physics and the theory of probability, Nuovo Cimento
(Supplemento) 2 , 1004-1047.
[33] 1957 (With K. Huang and D. Pines) Role of subsidiary conditions in collective description of electron interaction, Phys.
Rev. 107 , 71-80.
[34] (With Y. Aharonov) Discussion of experimental proof for the paradox of Einstein, Rosen and Podolsky, Phys. Rev., 108,
[35] (With Y. Aharonov) On measurement of velocity of relativistic particles, Nuovo Cimento (Supplemento) 5, 429-439.
[36] A proposed explanation of quantum theory in terms of hidden variables at a sub-quantum-mechanical level, in
Observation and Interpretation: a Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists, Ed., S. Korner, 33-61, Butterworths,
[37] 1958 General theory of collective coordinates, in Many-Body Problem, 401-516, Dunod, Paris.
[38] (With J-P. Vigier) Relativistic hydrodynamics of rotating fluid masses, Phys. Rev., 109, no. 6, 1882-1891.
[39] 1959 (With Y. Aharonov) Significance of electromagnetic potentials in the quantum theory, Phys. Rev., 115, 485-491.
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[40] 1960 (With Y. Aharonov) Further discussion of possible experimental tests for the paradox of Einstein, Podolsky and
Rosen, Nuvo Cimento, 17, 964-976.
[41] (With P. Hillion, T. Takabayasi and J-P. Vigier) Relativistic rotators and bilocal theory, Prog. Of Theor. Phys., 23, 496511.
[42] (With P. Hillion and J-P. Vigier) Internal quantum states of hyper-spherical (Nakaho) relativistic rotators, Prog. Theor.
Phys., 24, no. 4, 761-782.
[43] 1961 On the relationship between methodology in scientific research and the content of scientific knowledge, Brit. J. for
Phil. of Sci., XII, 103-16.
[44] (With L. de Broglie, D. Halbwachs, P. Hillion, T. Takabayasi, J-P. Vigier) New isobaric spin group, in Elementary
Particle Conference, 503-506, Aix-en-Provence.
[45] (With Y. Aharonov) Time in the quantum theory and the uncertainty relation for time and energy, Phys. Rev., 122, 16491658.
[46] 1962 (With Y. Aharonov) Further considerations on the electromagnetic potentials in the quantum theory, Phys. Rev.,
123, 1511-1524.
[47] Hidden variables in quantum theory, Part III of the Radiation and High Energy Physics, ed. D.R. Bates, 345-387,
Academic Press, New York.
[48] (With Y. Aharonov) Remarks on the possibility of quantum electrodynamics without potentials, Phys. Rev., 125, 21922193.
[49] Classical and non-classical concepts in the quantum theory, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, XII, 265280.
[50] 1963 Macroscopic quantization in superconductors, in Low Temperature Physics, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Low Temp. Phys.,
109-115, Butterworths, London.
[51] (With L. de Broglie, D. Halbwachs, P. Hillion, T. Takabayasi, J-P. Vigier) Rotary model of elementary particles
considered as relativistic extended structures in Minowski space, Phys. Rev., 129, 438-450.
[52] (With Y. Aharonov) Further discussion of the role of electromagnetic potentials in quantum theory, Phys. Rev., 130,
[53] Basic dyads in contemporary physics. Systematics, 1, 188-201.
[54] 1964 (With G. Carmi) Separation of motions of many-body systems into dynamically independent parts by projection
onto equilibrium varieties in phase space I and II, Phys. Rev., 133A, 319-350.
[55] (With Y. Aharanov) Answer to Fock concerning the energy-time indeterminacy relation, Phys. Rev., 134, B1417-18.
[56] On the problem of truth and understanding in science, The Critical Approach to Science and Philosophy, in Honor of
Karl R. Popper, ed. M. Bunge, 212-23, Collier-MacMillian, London.
[57] 1965 Space, time and the quantum theory understood in terms of discrete process, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Elementary
Particles, 252-286, Kyoto, Japan.
[58] A proposed topological formulation of the quantum theory, in The Scientist Speculates, ed. I.J. Good, 302-314, Putnam,
New York.
[59] Problems in the basic concepts of physics, (an inaugural lecture delivered at Birkbeck College, February, (1963)). In
Satyendranath Bose 70th Birthday Commemoration Volume, Part II, 279-318. Calcutta.
[60] (With M. Flato, F. Halbwachs, P. Hillion, J. P. Vigier) On the space-time character of internal symmetries of elementary
particles, Nuovo Cim., 36, 672-5.
[61] 1966 (With J. Bub) A proposed solution of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics by a hidden variable
Theory, Rev. Mod. Phys., 38, no. 3, 435-469.
[62] 1968 On creativity, Leonardo, 1, 137-149, Pergamon Press, London.
[63] On the relationship of science and art, in data; Directions in Art, Theory and Aesthetics, Ed. A. Hill, 164-174, Faber and
Faber, London.
[64] (With J. Bub) On hidden variables - a reply to comments by Jauch and Piron and Gudder, Rev. Mod. Phys. 40, 235-6.
[65] 1969 Hidden variable theories as a step towards a new language structure for physics, Contemporary Physics II, 439448, Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
[66] 1970 (With B.J. Hiley and A.E.G. Stuart) On a new mode of description in physics, Int. Jnl. of Theo. Phys. 3, 171-183.
[67] Fragmentation in science and society, Impact of Science on Society, 2, 159-169.
[68] Some remarks on the notion of order and further remarks on order, in Towards a Theoretical Biology, 2, Ed. C, H.
Waddington, 18-40, Aldine, Chicago.
[69] Further remarks on order, in Towards a Theoretical Biology, 2, Ed. C, H. Waddington, 42-60, Aldine, Chicago.
[70] Addendum on order and Neo-Darwinism, in Towards a Theoretical Biology, 2, Ed. C, H. Waddington, 90-3, Aldine,
[71] Some comments on Maynard Smith's contributions, in Towards a Theoretical Biology, 2, Ed. C, H. Waddington, 98-105,
Aldine, Chicago.
[72] 1971 On Bohr's views concerning quantum theory, In Quantum Theory and Beyond, 33-40, Cambridge Press,
[73] On the role of hidden variables in the fundamental structure of physics, in Quantum Theory and Beyond, 95-116,
Cambridge Press, Cambridge.
[74] An inquiry into the function of language and thought, Parts A and B, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.
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[75] (With C. Philippidis) A reply to Janossy's treatment of the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the many-body problem, Acta
Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 30 , 221-226.
[76] Quantum theory as an indication of a new order in physics, Proc. Int. School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" IL: Foundations
of Quantum Mechanics, 412-69, Academic Press, New York.
[77] Quantum theory as an indication of a new order in physics Part A: The development of new orders as shown through the
history of physics, Foundations of Physics, 1, 359-371.
[78] Space-time geometry as an abstraction from spinor ordering, Perspectives in Quantum Theory: Essays in Honour of
Alfred Lande, 78-90, MIT Press, Cambridge.
[79] 1972 Indication of a new order in physics, In The Rules of the Game, Ed. T. Shanin, 249-275, Tavistock, London.
[80] 1973 Human nature as the product of our mental models, In The Limits of Human Nature, Ed., J. Benthall, 92-114, Allen
Lane, London.
[81] Quantum theory as a new order in physics, part B: implicate and explicate order in physical law, Foundations of Physics,
3, 139-155.
[82] 1974 On the subjectivity and objectivity of knowledge, In Beyond Chance and Necessity, Ed., J.Lewis, 121-130,
Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, NJ.
[83] 1975 (With B.J. Hiley) On the intuitive understanding of nonlocality as implied by quantum theory, Foundations of
Physics, 5, 93-109.
[84] (With B.J. Hiley, A. Baraca and A.G.E. Stuart) On some new notions concerning locality and nonlocality in the quantum
theory, Nuovo Cimento, 28B, 453-466.
[85] 1976 On creation of a deeper insight into what may underlie quantum physical law, in Quantum mechanics,
Determinism, Causality and Particles, an Int. Collection of Contributions in Honour of Louis de Broglie on the
occasion of the Jubliee of his Celebrated Thesis, Ed. M. Flato, Z. Maric, A. Milojevic, D. Sternheimer and J. P. Vigier,
1-10, Reidel, Dordecht.
[86] (With B.J. Hiley) Nonlocality and polarization correlations of annihilation quanta, Nuovo Cimento, 35B, 137-143.
[87] (With B.J. Hiley) Some remarks on Sarfatti's proposed connection between quantum phenomena and the volitional
activity of the observer-participator, Psychoenergetic Systems, 1, 173-9.
[88] Imagination, fancy, insight and reason in the process of thought, In Evolution of Consciousness, Ed., S. Sugarman,
Wesleyan Uni. Press, Middletown, CT.
[89] 1977 The implicate or enfolded order: a new order for physics, in Mind in Nature, Ed. D. R. Griffin and J. B. Cobb, 3742, University Press of America, Washinton, DC.
[90] Science as perception-communication, in The Structure of Scientific Theories, Ed, F. Suppe, 374-391 & 392-423.
University of Illinois Press, Illinois.
[91] 1978 The implicate order: a new order for physics, Process Studies, 8, 73-102.
[92] 1979 (With B.J. Hiley) On the Bohm-Aharonov effect, Nuovo Cimento, 52A, 295-308.
[93] On insight and its significance for science, education, and values, Teachers' College Record, 80, 403-418.
[94] (With B.J. Hiley) Nonlocality in quantum theory understood in terms of Einstein's nonlinear field approach, Foundations
of Physics, 11, 529-46.
[95] 1980 (With B.J. Hiley) Nonlocality in the quantum theory understood in terms of einstein's nonlinear field approach, in
Einstein: The First Hundred Years, 47-61, Oxford: Pergamon Press.
[96] The enfolded order and consciousness, in Studies in Non-deterministic Psychology, (New Directions in Psychotherapy)
5, Ed. G. Epstein, Human Sciences Press, New York.
[97] 1981 (With B.J. Hiley) On a quantum algebraic approach to a generalized phase space, Found. of Physics, 11, 179-203.
[98] (With B.J. Hiley) The de Broglie pilot wave theory and the further development of new insights arising out of it, Found.
of Phys., 12, 1001-16.
[99] Insight, knowledge, science and human knowledge, Teachers College Record, 380-402.
[100] On self-deception in the individual, in groups and in society, in Group Cohesion: Theoretical and Clinical
Perspectives, Ed. H. Kellerman, 429-439, Grune and Stratton, New York.
[101] 1982 (With C. Philippidis and R.D. Kaye) The Aharonov-Bohm effect and the quantum potential, Nuovo Cimento,
71B, 75-87.
[102] Response to Schindler's critique of my "Wholeness and the Implicate Order", Int. Phil. Quarterly, XXII, 329-339.
[103] Of matter and meaning: the super-implicate order, Re-Vision, 6, 198.
[104] (With B.J. Hiley) Relativisitic phase space arising out of Dirac algebra, in Old and New Questions in Physics,
Cosmology, Philosophy and Theoretical Biology, ed. A. van der Merwe, 67-76, Plenum Press, New York.
[105] (With B.J. Hiley) Quantum potential model for the quantum theory, in Proc. Int. Symp. Foundations of Quantum
Mechanics, 231-232, Tokyo.
[106] (With B.J. Hiley) The de Broglie pilot wave theory and the further development of new insights arising out of it,
Quantizing Space and Time - The Quest Continues, Studies and Essays in Honour of Louis de Broglie, Paul Dirac and
Eugene Wigner, ed. Barut, A.P., van der Merwe, A., and Vigier, J-P, 77-92, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[107] 1984 (With B.J. Hiley) Measurement understood through the quantum potential approach, Found. Phys. 14, 255-274.
[108] (With B.J. Hiley) Generalization of the twistor to Clifford algebras as a basis for geometry, Revista Brasileira de
Fisica, Vol. Especial Os 70 anos de Mßrio Sch÷nberg, 1-26.
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[109] 1985 (With B.J. Hiley) Active interpretation of the Lorentz "boosts" as a physical explanation of different time rates,
Am. J. Phys., 53, 720-723.
[110] (With B.J. Hiley) Unbroken quantum realism, from microscopic to macroscopic levels, Phys. Rev. Lett., 55, 2511-2514.
[111] (With C. Dewdney, B. J. Hiley) A quantum potential approach to the Wheeler delayed-choice Experiment, Nature, 315,
[112] 1986 Time, the implicate order and pre-space, in Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time, ed. D.R. Griffen, 1726 & 177-208, State Univ. of N.Y. Press, N.Y.
[113] The implicate order: a new approach to the nature of reality, in Beyond Mechanism: The Universe in Recent Physics
and Catholic Thought, pp13-37 and Comments on the Papers, 126-43, Ed. D. L. Shindler, University Press of
America, Lantham MD.
[114] The implicate order and quantum theory: a discussion with Professor P.C.W. Davies, in The Ghost in the Atom, ed.
P.C.W. Davies and J.R. Brown, 118-134, Cambridge Universtiy Press, Cambridge.
[115] A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter, J. Am. Soc. for Psychical Res., 80, 113-135.
[116] 1987 The implicate order and Prigogine's notions of irreversibility, Found. Phys. 17, 667-677.
[117] Hidden variables and the implicate order, in Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm, ed. B.J. Hiley
and F.D. Peat, 33-45, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London
[118] (With B.J. Hiley) An ontological basis for the quantum theory: I - Non-relativistic particle systems, Phys. Reports 144,
[119] (With B.J. Hiley and P.N. Kaloyerou) An ontological basis for the quantum theory: II - A causal interpretation of
quantum fields, Phys. Reports 144, 349-375.
[120] 1988 (With B.J. Hiley) Nonlocality and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment as understood through the quantumpotential approach, in Quantum Mechanics versus Local Realism, ed. Franco Selleri, 235-56, Plenum, New York.
[121] Non-locality in the stochastic interpretation of the quantum theory, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare, á49, 287-296.
[122] A realist view of quantum mechanics, in Microphysical Reality and Quantum Formalism, Ed. van der Merwe et al., 318.
[123] Postmodern science and a postmodern world, in The Re-enchantment of Science, Ed., D. R. Griffin, SUNY Press, New
[124] 1989 Meaning and information, in The Search for Meaning, The New Spirit in Science and Philosophy, Ed. P.
Pylkkõnen, 43-62, Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingbourough.
[125] A suggested new translation guage invariance for space-time, in Quantum coherence, Proc. Int. Conf. Fundamental
Aspects of Quant. Theor. to celebrate 30 years of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Uni. of South Carolina, Columbia, USA.
Ed.,by J.S.Anandan, 232-246, World Scientific, Singapore.
[126] 1990 Causal interpretation of the Einstein Podolosky and Rosen experiment, in Developments in General Relativity,
Astrophysics and Quantum Theory: A Jubilee Volume in Honour of Nathan Rosen, Eds. F. Cooperstock, L.P.Horwitz,
and J.Rosen, Annals of the Israel Phys. Soc. 9, 269-280.
[127] A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter, Phil. Psych. 3, 271-286.
[128] 1991 Eine Neue Theorie zur beziehung zwischen Geist Und Materie, in Wissenschafter und Weise die Conferene, Ed.
Petra Michel, Aquamarin Verlag, Grafing.
(129) 1951 Quantum Theory, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey
(130) 1957 Causality and Chance in Modern Physics, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
(131) 1966 The Special Theory of Relativity, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program,
Reading Massachussetts.
(132) 1976 Fragmentation and Wholeness, The van Leer Jerusalem Foundation, Jerusalem.
(133) 1980 Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge and KeganPaul, London.
(134) 1985 Unfolding Meaning: A Weekend of Dialogue with David Bohm, ed. Donald Factor, Foundation House
Publications, Mickleton.
(135) 1987 With D.F. Peat, Science Order and Creativity, Bantam, New York.
(136) 1991 With Mark Edwards, Changing Consciousness: Exploring the Hidden Source of the Social, Political and
Environmental Crises Facing our World. Harper, San Francisco.
(137) 1993 With B. J. Hiley, The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Routledge,
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