1 Supplementary material for 2 3 4 Speciation and Distribution of Copper in a Mining Soil Using Multiple 5 Synchrotron-based Bulk and Microscopic Techniques 6 Jianjun Yanga,b, Jin Liua, James J. Dynesc, Derek Peakd, Tom Regierc, Jian Wangc, Shenhai Zhu a, Jiyan 7 Shia, 1, John S Tseb,1 8 a. Department of Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PR China, 310058 9 b. Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 10 S7N 5E2 11 c. Canadian Light Source Inc., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada S7N 0X4 12 d. Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada S7N 5A8 13 14 1. Corresponding authors. 15 Jiyan Shi 16 Tel: +86-571-88982019, Fax: +86-571-88982010, E-mail: shijiyan@zju.edu.cn, Post address: 866 17 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310058, P. R. China 18 John S Tse 19 Tel: +1-306-966-6410, Fax: +1-306-966-6400, E-mail: john.tse@usask.ca, Post address: 116 20 Science Building, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2 Canada 21 1 22 1. 23 Soil sample were freeze-dried and passed through the stainless steel sieve (<0.04 mm) for Cu K-edge 24 bulk XANES and EXAFS measurements. Cu references of Cu(II) 3,5-diisopropylsalicylate hydrate, 25 Cu(NO3)2, Cu3(PO4)2, CuSO4, Cu(OH)2, CuS, Cu2S, Cu2O, Cu and CuO were bought from Sigma 26 Aldrich. Humic acid (HA) was purchased from International Humic Substances Society. Goethite was 27 synthesized according to the same method described by Peak & Regier (2012). Goethite adsorbed Cu 28 and humic acid adsorbed Cu were prepared following the procedures used by Strawn and Baker (2008). 29 All the references and soil sample were sealed in a Teflon sample holder with Kapton tape for XANES 30 and EXAFS measurements. Energy step was set to 0.3 eV at the Cu K-edge absorption near-edge 31 region ranging from 8950 to 9040 eV. 32 2. 33 The beamline 15U in SSRF, used for μ-XRF and μ-XANES analysis, covered an electron energy 34 ranging from ~5 to ~20 KeV. Soil aggregates of the mining soil (<0.04 mm) were embedded in 35 Cryo-STATTM (McCormick Scientific, St.Louis MO) for cryosectioning and frozen at -20°C. Thin soil 36 section was polished to ~60 µm thick using standard thin sectioning equipment and then attached on 37 Kapton tape for μ-XRF measurements. The hot Spot 1, moderate Spot 2 and Sport 3 were selected to 38 collect the Cu K-edge μ-XANES spectra which had an energy range from 8950 to 9060 eV with energy 39 step of 0.5 eV. The dwell time for the μ-XANES measurements was set to 2 s. 40 3. 41 The SM beamline 10ID-1 of the CLS, used for STXM experiments, covered an electron energy ranging 42 from ~130 to ~2500 eV. STXM was used analytically by acquiring XANES spectra recording images at 43 a sequence of energies (i.e., stack) (Jacobsen et al., 2000; Dynes et al., 2006b). The raw transmitted 44 signals were converted to optical densities (OD) using incident flux signals measured through the 45 investigated regions without soil micro-aggregates. The OD (x, y, E) data cubes were converted to 46 quantitative component maps by spectral fitting using singular value decomposition (SVD) procedures 47 (Hunter et al., 2008). Threshold masking of the derived Cu, Fe, Al and Si component maps was then 48 used to extract spectra from pixels that had similar spectral characteristics, which were subjected to 49 spectral curve fitting. The distributions of Cu/Al/Si, Cu /Al /Fe (total) and Cu/Fe(III)/Fe(II) were 50 presented as tricolor maps. Pixel brightness is displayed in RGB, with the brightest spots corresponding 51 to the highest element signal. The microscope energy scale was regularly calibrated with secondary Cu K-edge bulk XANES and EXAFS experiments μ-XRF and Cu K-edge μ-XANES microanalysis STXM nanoanalysis 2 52 standards, typically sharp gas-phase signals. The absolute energy scales of Cu and Fe were set by 53 assigning the energy of the first and second peak in the 2p3/2 signal of Cu and Fe to 931.2 eV and 709.8 54 eV, respectively (Dynes et al., 2006a; Yang et al., 2011). Similarly, the corresponding second and first 55 peak in the 1s signal of Al and Si were set to 1570.4 and 1846.8 eV, respectively (Wan et al., 2007). 56 4. Data processing 57 The Cu K-edge bulk-XANES, μ-XANES and L-edge XANES spectra, except soil Cu Q-XANES 58 spectra, were processed by the program Athena (8.050), while Cu K-edge bulk-EXAFS spectra were 59 analyzed by Athena and Artemis (8.050) (Ravel and Newville, 2005). For EXAFS spectra, energy at Cu 60 K-edge (E0) for each sample was first determined using the inflection point in the first derivative of the 61 corresponding Cu K-edge XNAES spectra, and the spectra were normalized to unit step height using a 62 linear pre-edge subtraction and quadratic polynomial as the post-edge line to conduct background 63 subtraction. Then the spectra were transformed to k-space based on E0. The χ function were extracted 64 from the raw data by subtracting the atomic background using a cubic-spline consisting of 7 knots set 65 at equal distance fit to k3-weighted data of the mining soil and references. After that, the data were 66 Fourier transformed (FT) to isolate individual frequencies in the χ (k3) spectra of mining soil with k 67 range ~3.0 to 10 Å-1, without the correction for phase shift. Fitting of the EXAFS spectra of soil 68 samples were processed by Artemis (8.050) integrated with FEFF6.0 code for the calculation of 69 theoretical backscattering phase and amplitude functions for backscatterers using the structure mode in 70 EXAFS fit for Cu(II) sorbed to Fe oxides recommended by Peacock et al.(2005) 71 The Cu K-edge bulk-XANES spectra of the mining soil and references were derived from the 72 corresponding EXAFS spectra with energy range from 8970 eV to 9040 eV. All the bulk-XANES 73 spectra, together with Cu K-edge μ-XANES of the mining soil, were processed by Athena (8.050). 74 These spectra of the mining soil and references were normalized to unit step height using a linear 75 pre-edge subtraction and quadratic polynomial as the post-edge line to conduct background subtraction. 76 The post-region for all XANES spectra was defined as the flat region of post-edge line between 920 to 77 930 eV for soil bulk-XANES, μ-XANES and reference spectra except Cu whose normalization energy 78 range was 9007.5 to 9012.5 eV. Linear combination fitting of soil bulk-XANES and μ-XANES spectra 79 was conducted over the spectral region from 20 eV below E0 to 35 eV above E0 using all of the thirteen 80 Cu reference spectra with E0 fixation. The goodness-of-fit was judged by the Chi-squared values and R 81 values, and Cu standards yielding the best fit during LCF analysis were considered as the most possible 3 82 Cu species in the investigated soil sample. 83 For the Cu L3,2-edge XANES spectra, background corrected by a linear regression fit through the 84 pre-edge region and normalized total L-edge intensity to one unit edge jump by defined the continuum 85 region (1000 ~ 1010 eV) as the post-edge region (Yang et al., 2011). For the Q-XANES spectra of soil 86 Cu, the I0 was first smoothed due to the relative high noise and the selected spectra of each scan were 87 present as I1/I0. In order to compare the peak intensity of each scan, the selected soil Cu Q-XANES 88 spectra were further subtracted by the intensity at 925.0 eV for pre-edge normalization. The absolute 89 energy scales of Cu was set by assigning the energy of the first peak in the 2p3/2 signal of Cu to 931.2 90 eV (Yang et al., 2011). 91 5. Other results 92 93 Fig. S1 First derivative of the corresponding normalized Cu K-edge XANES spectra of the mining soil 94 and references. Read line represents the Cu K-edge μ-XANES spectra of the mining soil; Peak α, β and 95 β´ refer to the 1s to 4p electron transitions aligned with soil XANES peaks for reference, while Peak γ 4 96 refers to the corresponding Peak 3 in the normalized Cu K-edge XANES spectra in Fig. 1a. 97 5 a b 98 99 Fig. S2 The best linear combination fitting (LCF) results of Cu K-edge bulk-XANES (a) spectrum of 100 the mining soil and µ-XANES spectrum (b) of the Cu hot spot 1. 101 102 6 (a) Cu (b) Si 2 µm 0.3 (c) Al 2 µm 560 0 (d) Fe(III) 0 (e) Fe(II) 2 µm 2 µm 0 (f) Fe (total) 2 µm 2 µm 150 70 170 0 0 0 103 104 Fig. S3 Elemental relative distribution maps within micro-aggregates of the mining soil determined by 105 STXM at the nano scale. a b c d 106 107 Fig. S4 Normalized Cu L3-edge (a) and Fe L3,2-edge (b), Al K-edge (c) and Si K-edge (d) XANES 108 spectra of the references and the mining soil micro-aggregates analyzed by STXM. 109 110 6. 111 Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Korber DR et al (2006a). 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