ANALYSIS OF THE CHALLENGES POSED BY WATER POLLUTION IN PROVIDING STANDARD WATER QUALITY: THE CASE OF CHINHOYI URBAN, ZIMBABWE Gift MUDOZORI and Samuel KUSANGAYA Department of Geography & Environmental Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Tel. 263 (0)4 303211 ext. 1265, Fax: 263 (0)4 332059, (Corresponding author) ABSTRACT Globally, problems related to water quality are escalating especially in urban areas. In Zimbabwe, and particularly in Chinhoyi, water pollution is a real challenge. Thus the study focused on analysing the challenges that water pollution posses on the provision of standard water quality in Chinhoyi urban. Data collection involved field observations and measurements, questionnaire interviews and secondary data. Landsat TM satellite images of the 19th of May 1989, 17th of December 1999 and 30th of September 2000 were used to determine land use and land cover changes using the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). It was found out that the excessively high levels of nitrates, coliform bacteria, iron, and manganese recorded attest to water that is polluted the water failed to meet the WHO (1982) and standards association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) guidelines for clean and safe water. Moreover, the consumption of contaminated water increased the number of reported cases of water borne diseases such as cholera, dysentery and diarrhoea. This necessitated chlorination in water purification. From the image analysis it was also found out that more land had been converted to cultivation within and around the town therefore possibly increasing chances of non-point pollution. It is therefore recommended that there is need to introduce mechanisms to control the notable levels of agro-chemical pollution, such as prohibiting urban agriculture along stream banks as well as to minimise sewage pipe leakage. Keywords: NDVI, Remote sensing, pollution. INTODUCTION Early societies such as Egypt and Kush and Aztec empires were based on the availability of water. Modern societies with their large settlements and huge demand for water are also strategically located within the vicinities of reliable and adequate supplies of fresh water. This is the case with most urban areas in Zimbabwe. However, Zimbabwe is a 1 relatively dry country with an average annual rainfall of about 655mm (Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), (2003). The availability of water varies markedly across the country, but in all areas it is considered a scarce and limiting resource (Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA), 2000). According to Batley (1998), the greatest constraint to water quality is water pollution, which has intensified as a consequence of the increased scale and diversity of urbanisation, industrialisation and agriculture, as in Chinhoyi. Chinhoyi town has a moderate industrial base with mainly textile, food and beverages, light manufacturing and dry cleaning factories which use water in various processes. The town has both sewage and water treatment works which however, can no longer keep up with the increasing population. This necessitated the construction of the 5000 cubic metres Water Augmentation Works and the recently completed Biri Dam on the Manyame River. The town has a population of approximately 49 603 (CSO, 2002) resident in the high and low-density suburbs of Chikonohono, White City, Mpata, Hunyani, Cold Stream, Mzari and Orange Groove. It is still expanding with the proposed development of Ruvimbo high-density suburb and the extension of existing suburbs. It is against this background that the study was undertaken in order to establish how the challenges of water pollution affect the provision of standard water quality in Chinhoyi. Specifically the study sought to identify and examine the sources, nature and possible effects of pollutants and also to identify the landuse/landcover changes that have occurred within and around the town of Chinhoyi. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area Chinhoyi town is located approximately 114 kilometres from the city of Harare covering an estimated 28 square kilometres (Figure 1). It is the provincial capital city of Mashonaland West and is under municipal jurisdiction, with the administrative boundaries flanked by commercial agricultural farms. Its main water source is the Manyame (Hunyani) River that flows through the town on the eastern side supplying water for domestic, industrial and agricultural use. Figure 1: Location of Chinhoyi Town 3 Field observations, measurements, interviews and questionnaires The areas where the residents and municipal authorities were dumping solid and liquid waste were observed. Surrounding farms, old and new sewage ponds were also. Water samples were collected for laboratory analysis at the Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital (CPH) laboratory for the presence of bacteriological coliform, iron, manganese and nitrate levels. The results for other parameters for the period 1998 to 2004 were obtained from the CPH laboratory records. Semi-structured interviews were administered to the water superintendent; CSC health officers; CPH senior environmental health officers and Delta beverages personnel. These interviews provided data on the nature of wastewater and possible pollutants. Information on the prevalence of water borne diseases was also sought. Questionnaires were administered to residential units in the town’s suburbs and commercial water users, providing data on perceived sources and types of pollutants and the measures taken by residents and local authorities to control pollution. In addition, information on the incidence of water borne diseases was obtained. Sampling procedure A stratified random sample was used in questionnaire surveys with a sample size of 100 residential units in Chinhoyi’s suburbs. The first step was to identify the total number of residential units in each suburb and then calculate the percentage of units relative to the 4 total household population (Table 1). The next stage was to take a proportionate sample from each stratum randomly. Table 1: Number of residential units and questionnaires administered in Chinhoyi’s suburbs. Name of Suburb Number of Percentage of total Number of residential units residential units questionnaires Chikonohono 1210 27.98 27 White city 579 13.39 14 Hunyani 765 17.69 18 Cold Stream 640 14.79 15 Mzari 820 18.96 19 Orange Groove 170 3.93 4 Riverside 95 2.19 2 Hillside 26 0.60 1 Total 4325 100 100 Source: Chinhoyi Municipal Offices (2005) Landuse landcover change Landsat TM satellite images of the 19th of May 1989, 17th of December 1999 and 30th of September 2000 were used to determine land use and land cover changes within the Manyame Catchment. Landsat images were used because of its ability to measure woody 5 cover on a wide area (Lillesand and Keifer, 2000). Landsat TM has a spatial resolution of 30m by 30m, which is detailed enough to give clear resolution of vegetation cover (Sabins, 1987; Jensen, 2000). Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated to give an indication of biomass change. NDVI is the most common vegetation index (VI) calculated as NIR-R/NIR+R where NIR is the radiance/reflectance in near infrared wavelengths and R radiance/reflectance in red wavelengths (D’ Arrigo et al., 1999). NDVI gives estimates of net primary productivity (NPP) and is useful for assessing extent and condition of vegetation (Kumar and Monteith 1982; Sellers et al. 1996; Rossini and Benedetti, 1993; Mutanga, 2003, 2004a, and 2004b). For instance, in vegetated areas, the Near Infrared portion of the spectrum is reflected by leaf tissue and this reflectance is recorded by the sensor. Red light is absorbed by the chlorophyll present in the leaf tissue, thus reducing the reflectance of red light detected at the sensor. This contrast of reflectance and absorption by vegetation cover allows us to evaluate the amount of vegetation present on the surface. The study area lies within the landsat TM scene P170/R072. The TM imagery was geometrically corrected to the universal transverse mercator (UTM) grid (zone 35) projected through a clarke 1880 spheroid to a mean root mean square error (RMS) value of 10 metres and had an effective ground resolution after resampling following geometric correction of 30 metres. Relative radiometric correction based on the regression method was carried out on the NIR and R bands based on the digital numbers (DN) of identified pseudo-invariant objects (tarred roads, buildings and water bodies). This was meant to 6 reduce error, which might have resulted from atmospheric conditions that may have occurred at the different dates when the images were acquired. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Water quality analysis Before the year 2003 the Municipality used to conduct water tests almost on a daily basis but these are now done irregularly. This scenario was attributed to costs of laboratory analysis especially the cost of chemicals used, lack of qualified staff and inadequate facilities. Some data was obtained from the Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital Officials. Some of the samples were collected when there were leakages and reports of suspected outbreaks of water borne diseases. Information on bacterial contamination of water was (Table 2) obtained. Table 2: Results for faecal bacteriological coliform organisms per 100 ml of treated water (2000 - 2004). Date Site of sample 01-04-04 Provincial Medical Coliform Possible Source Reasons for results of pollution sampling 1 Pipe leakages Routine Stores 7 07-09-04 Chinhoyi University 1 Surface runoff Routine 17-06-03 House No 3298 18+ Pipe leakages Diarrhoea Chikonohono investigation 13-12-02 Chinhoyi University 0 Pipe leakages Public complaint 05-01-01 CPH main gate tape 2 Pipe leakages Routine 18-09-00 CPH tape 16 Surface runoff Bacteriological examination 25-04-00 House No 3298 28+ Pipe leakages Suspected Cholera outbreak 03-02-00 CPH tape 2 Surface runoff Suspended matter in water Source: CPH laboratory records, 2005. The suspected cases of pipe leakages occurred at the same time as the incidences of diseases out breaks, for example the 123 cases of cholera in 2000 and the levels of pathogenic coliform in raw water for the same period (Figure 2). 8 Cloriform levels 350 320 280 300 250 265 248 200 190 200 180 150 100 50 0 1996 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Time (Years) Level of coliform Standard coliform level Figure 2: Recorded and standard coliform bacteria levels. Source: CPH laboratory records, 2005 Except for the results for the year 2002 and those for January 2005, the levels of coliform bacteria have always exceeded the S.A.Z (1999) acceptable maximum level of 200 coliform per 100ml. These findings indicate that pathogens which transmit water borne diseases are an annual threat in the raw water source. Table 3 shows the levels of parameters that have been recorded for the period 2000-2004. Table 3: Laboratory results for water quality parameters 2000-2004. Parameter WHO / S.A.Z (1996) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 pH 9.5 7.8 8.1 8.2 6.8 6.7 Colour NTU 15 0.6 5 10 7 7.5 Chloride 250 7.9 11 5.3 11.5 14.9 Sulphate 250 12.4 10.8 17.5 185.2 208.3 9 Nitrate 50 68.2 57.5 - 64.3 71.3 Fluoride 1.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.4 - Sodium 200 37 215 68.4 254.6 235.1 Iron (Fe) 0.3 0.8 1.2 0.9 1.4 1.7 Manganese 0.5 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.8 1.4 Copper 1 0.225 0.25 0.32 0.3 0.6 TDS 1000 293 530.1 47.4 360.5 728.3 Total hardness 1000 40.3 38.7 31 672.3 978.4 Zinc or boron 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.6 1 0.4 Note: Except for pH and colour all units are milligrams per litre Source: CPH Laboratory records, 2005. Most water quality indicators remain within the SAZ or WHO (1996) recommended guideline value. However, there are other variables that have consistently exceeded the maximum values, for example, iron, manganese, sodium, and nitrates (Figure 3). 10 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Quantity (mg/l) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Time (years) iron manganese Figure 3: Annual levels of iron and manganese. Source: CPH Laboratory records, 2005. Iron levels measured in raw water have persistently exceeded the WHO or SAZ recommended standard excessive level of 1.0 milligram per litre. Even the iron levels of raw water sent to the Government laboratories through CPH were very high at 1.3 mg /L. Nitrates (mg/l) The level of iron only fell below the maximum in 2000 and 2002 (Figure 3). 57.5 60 50 50 71.3 64.3 60 50 50 50 50 40 18.5 20 1 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Time (years) Recorded nitrate Levels Standard nitrate level Figure 4: Annual levels of nitrates (2000-2005) and the standard value (SAZ, 1996). 11 Source: CPH Laboratory records, 2005. The annual levels of nitrates have been above the standard (maximum) value of 50 mg/l for the other years (Figure 4) except in 2000 and early 2005. An excessive amount of this parameter is attributed to the release of nutrients from agro chemical fertiliser (nitrogenous) application on the local farms and urban agriculture runoff. In the interviews it was also stated that due to these high levels of pollutants more chlorine has had to be used in water treatment. Industrial and municipal water pollution The major industrial consumers, Cold Storage Company (CSC) and Delta Beverages meet their own water quality requirements through pre-treatment. They utilise a combined total of 3 150 000 litres per month in non-chemical additive processes like washing meat and dilution with other ingredients of sorghum beer. At both plants additional chlorination is performed in order to meet the European Union (EU) and SAZ standards. At Delta beverages, approximately 20 000 of the 65 000 litres of water used daily is discharged as wastewater containing small amounts of caustic soda. Cottpro uses water directly from the municipal tape and borehole for day to day processes. There is therefore no addition of chemicals or other potential pollutants and the monthly generated 200 cubic metres is discharged into septic tanks on site. This low contribution of industries to locally generated water pollution was also supported by the responses to 12 questionnaires. From the questionnaires only 10% identified industrial effluents as sources of pollutants. The suburbs of Chikonohono, White City, Gunhill and Cherima located about 1.5 kilometres upstream from the water works discharge their wastewater directly into the sewer under normal circumstances. However, it emerged from the interviews that there has been frequent bursting and leakage of sewage pipes. For example, on 15 April and 3 October 2000, a sewer pipe burst discharging about 8600 cubic metres of liquid raw effluent for 3-4 days before the damage was rectified. The pipe leakage was confirmed by coliform results of 28+ per 100ml (Table 3) and cases of cholera among the residents. According to the Water Superintendent, most of the sewage runoff invariably made its way into the water source, Manyame River. There have also been sewage leakages in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Agricultural pollution The farms located along the Manyame River, and around the town, are Portlet, Nicole, Hunington and Gleensleeves with a total arable area above 2500 hectares under maize and other crops (Figure 5). In addition, an estimated 350- 450 hectares is utilised for maize and sugarcane cultivation in small plots as urban agriculture. 13 Figure 5: Farms around Chinhoyi According to Agriculture Extension Officials, 250- 300 kilograms per hectare of ammonium nitrate and 250 kg / hectare of compound D fertiliser is used annually amounting a total of 1 622 500 kg’s applied onto the land. These fertilisers have a known leachable 15% residual potash and nitrogen in clay soils. During a rainy season with heavy rainfall for example 1999/2000 and 2003/2004, the proportion leached reached as high as 22%. Therefore, this resulted in the deposition of approximately 356 950 kg’s of nitrate residuals in water either directly as surface runoff or indirectly through underground flow. The deposited residuals from compounds resulted in high levels of trace heavy metals like zinc, boron and lead from fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides 14 application. These elements accounted for the salty taste, hardness and oily nature of the raw water that was identified by the questionnaire respondents. Turbidity was within the recommended maximum in the years 1997 and 1998; however, this was far above the desirable level of 5 silica units. Turbidity rose to extremely excessive levels in 1999, 2000 and 2004, probably because the heavy rains washed red clay soil from cultivated arable land upstream. The interviews revealed that the sediment condition of the Piriviri River (a tributary to Manyame) was suggested as additional evidence for pollution from agriculture runoff. This sediment laden water contain iron ferric oxides and account for the high iron levels persistently recorded above the WHO standard maximum of 1.0 mg/ litre acceptable for drinking water. Water borne diseases Statistics obtained from CPH’s Health Information office and the Provincial Medical Directors office indicate the recurrent prevalence of water borne diseases related to the use of contaminated water (Table 4). Table 4: Reported cases of water borne diseases in Chinhoyi Urban. Type of disease 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total Malaria 4587 5551 5170 5106 6394 26808 Diarrhoea 4123 3503 3420 5057 4035 20139 Dysentery 365 329 335 165 143 1337 15 Bilharzia 218 216 265 152 285 1136 Shigella 18 59 52 21 5 155 Cholera 123 0 0 0 0 123 Total 9434 9658 9178 10 501 10 862 49 698 Source: CPH records, 2005. Every year (2000-2004) there was a persistent outbreak of dysentery, bilharzia and diarrhoea (Figure 6), with an average of 4.5% of the population being affected each year and approximately 40.6% of the town’s population has been affected in the last 5 years. In 2000, there was an outbreak of cholera which affected 123 people following severe Number of reported cases leakages of sewage pipes in Chikonohono and Hunyani suburbs. 400 300 200 100 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Time (years) Dysentery Bilharzia Shigella Cholera Figure 6: Total reported cases of water borne diseases between 2000-2004. Source: CPH 2005 16 Reported cases increased by 14.41% between 2002 and 2003 as opposed to 2.4% in 2000- 2001. The rapid increases are explained by the 2002-2003 drought which resulted in minimal to no stagnant water, rendering water borne disease vectors like mosquitoes unable to breed or transmit diseases. Furthermore, in 2003 direct sewage leakage’s into the water source (Manyame River) introduced pathogens into the water resulting in out breaks of diarrhoea, dysentery and shigella. Cases of malaria have been reported each year affecting about 9.3 - 10.4% of the total population in 2000 - 2004 (Figure 7). This rose to 13.0% in 2004 mainly as a direct result of intensified rains leading to a substantial amount of runoff from the upstream suburbs. A local nurse attributed the increased cases to the existence of numerous stagnant pools of water in and around the town during the rainy season. Diarrhoea 40% Malaria 54% Dysentery 2% Bilharzia 2% Cholera 1% Shigella 1% Figure 7: Proportion of the total population affected by specific water borne diseases (2000-2004). 17 The data on reported cases indicates that there has been a 100% incidence of water borne diseases between 2000- 2004. This however does not imply that the whole population was affected but simply shows the recurrence of diseases among residents. Otherwise the 19- 20% prevalence rate of incidence of water borne diseases is more indicative of the water pollution challenges experienced. Approximately 25% of the respondents to questionnaires indicated that at least one member of the household had suffered from a water borne disease after consuming water from the municipal tape. Out of the 25%, 20% suggested that the person affected by the disease had not used other sources of water in the town. Only 3% out of the remaining 5% respondents had utilised an open unprotected source of water without initially taking measures to ensure that the water was safe for drinking. Landuse landcover change analysis Landuse landcover was evaluated using NDVI. This index provides values ranging from a potential of -1 to 1. As this value increases, so does the amount of vegetation on the surface. Vegetated areas will generally yield high NDVI values because of their relatively high near-infrared reflectance and low visible reflectance. In contrast, water, clouds, and snow have larger visible reflectance than near-infrared reflectance. Thus, these features yield negative index values. Rock and bare soil areas have similar reflectances in the two bands and result in vegetation indices near zero. For the study area it was found out that the mean NDVI for 1989 was –0.044 and rose to 0.015 then dropped to –0.126 by the 18 year 2000 (Table 5 and Figure 8). This implies that overall, in 1999 there was more vegetation cover than the other two years. It also shows that by the year 2000 vegetation had declined. Table 5: NDVI Statistics 1989NDVI 1999NDVI 2000NDVI Mean -0.044 0.015 -0.126 Standard Error 0.037 0.033 0.03 Mode -0.91 -0.62 -0.72 Median -0.035 0.015 -0.125 Standard Deviation 0.442 0.365 0.305 Sample Variance 0.195 0.133 0.093 Range 1.87 1.26 1.14 Minimum -0.91 -0.62 -0.72 Maximum 0.96 0.64 0.42 Sum -6.38 1.88 -13.08 19 Figure 8: Spatial variation of NDVI between 1989 (B), 1999 (C) and 2000 (D) The NDVI data values were then tested for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, and was found to be normal (Table 6). Table 6: Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test N Normal Parameters Mean NDVI1989 NDVI1999 NDVI2000 144 126 104 -0.0443 0.0149 -0.126 .3653 .3048 .060 .059 Std. Deviation .4419 Most Extreme Differences Absolute .053 20 Positive .048 .060 .058 Negative -.053 -.060 -.059 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .638 .676 .604 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .810 .751 .858 A: Test distribution is normal. Since the data were normal, the hypothesis that there is no difference in the NDVI means between 1989, 1999 and 2000 was then tested using one way analysis of variance (Table 7). One Way ANOVA was used to describe the situation where a continuous response is being described in terms of a single categorical variable or factor composed of two or more categories (Thomas and Huggett, 1980). It is a generalisation of Student's t test for independent samples to situations with more that two groups. When the Analysis of Variance model is used, the amount of uncertainty that remains is sum of the squared differences (SS) between each observation and its group's mean. In the output (Table 7) the Error sum of squares (SSE) appears as the within GROUP sum of squares. The difference between the Total sum of squares (SST) and the Error sum of squares (SSE) is the Model Sum of Squares (SSM). Each sum of squares has corresponding degrees of freedom (df) associated with it. Total df is one less than the number of observations, N-1. The Model df is the one less than the number of levels The Error df is the difference between the Total df (N-1) and the Model df (M-1), that is, N-M. The F-Value or F-ratio is the test statistic used to decide whether the sample means are within sampling variability of each other. That is, it tests the hypothesis that all the means are equal. F is 21 the ratio of the Model Mean Square to the Error Mean Square. Under the null hypothesis that the population means are equal and the F statistic follows an F distribution (Shaw and Wheeler, 1985). The null hypothesis is rejected if the F ratio is large. Results for ANOVA are given in Table 7 below. Table 7: One way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Groups Count Sum Average Variance NDVI 1989 144 -6.38 -0.04 0.20 NDVI 1999 126 1.88 0.01 0.13 NDVI 2000 104 -13.08 -0.13 0.09 Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 1.13 2.00 0.56 3.87 0.02 Within Groups 54.18 371.00 0.15 Total 55.31 373.00 ANOVA 3.02 The p-value was less than the F-value, therefore the null hypothesis that the means are equal was rejected and it was concluded that there is no evidence to suggest that all population means were equal. This in turn implied that the mean NDVI for the years 1989, 1999 and 2000 and hence vegetation cover, were different pointing to the fact that there was significant vegetation cover change in the study area. The decrease in vegetated 22 areas (Table 5) implying that more land was being cleared and field visits indicated that most land was now under cultivation. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results revealed that rivers are affected not only by the hydrology and geology of the area, but also to a very great degree by the human activities along their courses. Thus, intensive urban and commercial agriculture along the long profile of Manyame river and its tributaries contributes to pollution by agro chemicals posing a major challenge in the provision of standard water quality. While efforts taken so far are commendable, more action and initiatives for water pollution control and abatement need to be adopted such as banning of urban agriculture. Water quality has to be considered within the spatial context within which it occurs (Mtetwa et al., 2002). 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