
The University of Minnesota is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work
environment. Managers and supervisors are responsible for the establishment and
maintenance of good health and safety practices in their respective units.
University employees and outside contractors must be properly trained and equipped to
work in hazardous conditions such as permit-required confined spaces. This program
requires that all permit-required confined spaces to be identified, evaluated, classified,
and labeled. Written entry procedures and an entry permit system will be developed and
implemented all work involving entry into these spaces. The hazards and required
precautions shall be communicated to all appropriate staff.
Grain Handling Program
Lockout/Tagout Program
This program contains requirements for practices and procedures to protect employees
from the hazards of entry into permit-required confined spaces (see “definitions”).
Portions of this program apply wherever there are Permit-Required Confined Spaces,
regardless of whether or not these spaces are entered by employees or other persons such
as contractors. Additional requirements apply whenever employees or contractors enter
these spaces.
Per OSHA interpretations (see OSHA letter of interpretation, February 8, 2005 to Mr.
Ronald Demaray), this program does not apply to entry into grain storage structures. See
the Grain Handling Safety program for information and requirements for entering and
working in Grain storage structures.
“Non-Permit Required Confined Space” means a space that meets the definition of
“confined space” but does not meet the definition of a “permit-required confined space”
because it does not have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing serious
physical harm.
“Attendant” means a person trained in emergency rescue procedures assigned to remain
outside permit-required confined spaces and to be in communication with and assisting
those working inside.
“Authorized Entrant” means a worker authorized to enter a permit-required confined
"Confined space" means a space that:
Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform
assigned work; and
Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels, silos,
storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited means of
entry.); and
Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.
“Engulfment” means the surrounding of a person by a liquid or finely-divided (flowable)
solid substance. The substance may cause death by filling or plugging the person’s
respiratory system or might exert enough force on the body to cause death by
strangulation, constriction, or crushing.
“Entry” means the passing of any part of a person’s body through an opening into the
“Entry Permit” means a written document that allows controlled entry into a permitrequired confined space; it also contains essential information to ensure a safe entry.
“Entry Supervisor” means a person who is responsible for planning a confined space
entry by determining if acceptable entry conditions are present, authorizing entry,
overseeing entry operations, and terminating work.
“Hazardous atmosphere" means an atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of
death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, escape unaided from a
permit space), injury, or acute illness from one or more of the following causes:
Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in excess of 10% of its lower flammable limit
Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL;
NOTE: This concentration may be approximated as a condition in which the dust
obscures vision at a distance of 5 feet (1.52 m) or less.
Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 percent or above 23.5 percent;
Atmospheric concentration of any substance for which a dose or a permissible
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exposure limit is published in Subpart G, Occupational Health and Environmental
Control, or in Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, of 29 CFR 1910 and
which could result in employee exposure in excess of its dose or permissible
exposure limit; NOTE: An atmospheric concentration of any substance that is not
capable of causing death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue,
injury, or acute illness due to its health effects is not covered by this provision.
Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health.
“Hot Work” means any work in a confined space that requires a flame or spark or
produces sufficient heat to cause auto ignition. This includes burning, welding, hot
riveting, cutting, drilling, sanding, abrasive blasting, and space heating. Hot Work Entry
Permits are required.
“Isolation” means a process in which the confined space is removed from service and is
completely protected against potential hazards through blanking off piping, lockout
procedures, mechanical blockage, or disconnecting linkage.
"Permit-required confined space (permit space)" means a confined space that has one or
more of the following characteristics:
Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere;
Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant;
Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated
by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to
a smaller cross-section; or
Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.
“Rescue Service” means the personnel designated to rescue workers from permit-required
confined spaces.
“Retrieval System” means retrieval lines, chest or full-body harnesses, wristlets, and
lifting devices or anchors, used for non-entry rescue of persons from permit-required
confined spaces.
“Testing” means the process used to identify and evaluate confined space hazards.
Testing includes specifying the tests that are to be performed in the confined space.
Permit-required confined space evaluation, inventory, and labeling
General. All confined spaces shall be evaluated using the confined space
evaluation form in appendix A. The purpose of the evaluation is to:
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Determine whether or not the space is a permit-required confined space; and
If so;
o Evaluate the hazards that may be encountered in the space, including
hazards that are created or exacerbated by the work to be performed.
o Classify the space into one of the categories described in section 1.2
(Note: It is possible that a space may be classified one way under one set
of entry circumstances, and another way under different circumstances)
o Collect information on the hazards to facilitate the development of safe
entry procedures as described in section 2.
o Determine whether or not employees or contractors will be permitted to
enter the spaces.
The decision making flow chart found in Appendix B may be consulted in the course of
this evaluation.
Classifying permit-required confined spaces. Once identified, all permitrequired confined spaces will be classified into one of the following classifications:
These are permit-required confined spaces that can not be classified as type
2 or 3.
These are permit-required confined spaces in which the only hazard posed is
an actual or potential hazardous atmosphere and it can be demonstrated
with documented monitoring data that continuous forced air ventilation
alone is sufficient to maintain that permit space safe for entry. These are
described at 29 CFR 1910.146(c)(5).
These are permit-required confined spaces which pose no actual or
potential atmospheric hazards and all hazards within the space are
temporarily eliminated without entry into the space. In effect, the space is
temporarily reclassified from “permit-required” to “non-permit required”.
Control of atmospheric hazards through forced air ventilation does not
constitute elimination of the hazards. These are described at 29 CFR
Inventory. The results of the evaluations discussed in section 1.2 shall be used to
develop a comprehensive, written inventory of all permit-required confined spaces and
their classifications. The Permit-Required Confined Space Inventory form in Appendix
C shall be used.
Decision to allow or prohibit entry into spaces. Based on the data collected
during the evaluation, management will make a decision as to whether or not employees
or contractors will be permitted to enter permit-required confined spaces. This decision
may be made on a space-by-space basis, or as a “blanket policy”.
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If employees will not be permitted to enter permit spaces, all aspects of section 1
(“Permit-required confined space evaluation, inventory, and labeling”) and
section 4 (“contractors”) shall apply, as applicable. Effective measures shall be
provided to ensure employees do not enter prohibited spaces.
If employers will be permitted to enter permit spaces, all sections of this program
shall apply, as applicable based on the classification of the space.
Restriction of entry. If the evaluation determines that the workplace contains
permit-required confined spaces, exposed employees shall be informed by posting danger
signs or by any other equally effective means, of the existence and location of and the
danger posed. A sign reading “DANGER PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE,
DO NOT ENTER” or using other similar language shall be used.
Reevaluating/reclassifying spaces. A Permit-Required Confined Space shall be
reevaluated when/if there are changes in the use or configuration that might change or
increase the hazards to entrants. The purpose of this reevaluation is to:
Determine if these changes have an effect on the classification of the space;
Identify any necessary changes to entry procedures, etc.
A “permit-required” space may also be reevaluated/reclassified as “non-permit required”
or as another class of permit-required space, when/if it can be demonstrated through
documented, historical objective data (i.e. expired permits and atmospheric testing) that
hazards are non-existent.
Responsibility. It is the responsibility of ______ to oversee the evaluation,
classification, and development of the Permit-Required Confined Space inventory.
Entry procedures
General. Formal, written entry procedures shall be developed and utilized for
each permit-required confined space into which employees are allowed to enter. A
single, written procedure may be developed for an entire class of permit-required
confined spaces, when/if those spaces have identical or substantially similar hazards,
required precautions, etc. and a single procedure can be written which adequately
addresses any subtle differences in hazards, requirements, etc.
The specific requirements for procedure content will vary, depending on the
type/classification of the space at hand (see below). However, at a minimum, all
procedures shall address the following considerations:
Actual or potential hazards of the space, including hazards that are created, or
exacerbated by the work to be performed (i.e. hot work);
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Specifying acceptable entry conditions to be maintained throughout the entry;
Instructions for atmospheric monitoring (except type 3 spaces), including specific
contaminants of concern, proper instrumentation to be used, acceptable
concentrations, etc.;
Instructions for ventilation (except type 3 spaces), including ventilation rates,
durations, etc.;
Any necessary fire/explosion prevention methods, including considerations for
hot work permits, explosion-proof equipment, etc.
Necessary personal protective equipment, including respiratory protection (Note:
use of respiratory protection may require the implementation of a respiratory
protection program, meeting the requirements of 29 CFR1910.134).
Any equipment necessary to safely perform the worn including ingress and egress
equipment (i.e. ladders), communication equipment, lighting, etc.
Required content for entry procedures for type 1 Permit-Required Confined
Spaces. At a minimum, procedures for entering type 1 spaces must address the
Specifying acceptable entry conditions;
Providing each authorized entrant or that employee's authorized representative
with the opportunity to observe any monitoring or testing of permit spaces;
Isolating the permit space;
Purging, inerting, flushing, or ventilating the permit space as necessary to
eliminate or control atmospheric hazards;
Providing pedestrian, vehicle, or other barriers as necessary to protect entrants
from external hazards;
Verifying that conditions in the permit space are acceptable for entry throughout
the duration of an authorized entry; and
Emergency procedures
Required content for entry procedures for type 2 Permit-Required Confined
Spaces. At a minimum, procedures for entering type 2 spaces must address the
Any conditions making it unsafe to remove an entrance cover shall be eliminated
before the cover is removed.
When entrance covers are removed, the opening shall be promptly guarded by a
railing, temporary cover, or other temporary barrier that will prevent an accidental
fall through the opening and that will protect each employee working in the space
from foreign objects entering the space.
Before an employee enters the space, the internal atmosphere shall be tested, with
a calibrated direct-reading instrument, for oxygen content, for flammable gases
and vapors, and for potential toxic air contaminants, in that order. Any employee
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who enters the space, or that employee's authorized representative, shall be
provided an opportunity to observe the pre-entry testing.
o Oxygen content,
o Flammable gases and vapors, and
o Potential toxic air contaminants.
There may be no hazardous atmosphere within the space whenever any employee
is inside the space.
Continuous forced air ventilation shall be used, as follows:
o An employee may not enter the space until the forced air ventilation has
eliminated any hazardous atmosphere;
o The forced air ventilation shall be so directed as to ventilate the immediate
areas where an employee is or will be present within the space and shall
continue until all employees have left the space;
o The air supply for the forced air ventilation shall be from a clean source
and may not increase the hazards in the space.
o The atmosphere within the space shall be periodically tested as necessary
to ensure that the continuous forced air ventilation is preventing the
accumulation of a hazardous atmosphere. Any employee who enters the
space, or that employee's authorized representative, shall be provided with
an opportunity to observe the periodic testing required by this paragraph.
If a hazardous atmosphere is detected during entry:
o Each employee shall leave the space immediately;
o The space shall be evaluated to determine how the hazardous atmosphere
developed; and
o Measures shall be implemented to protect employees from the hazardous
atmosphere before any subsequent entry takes place.
o The employer shall verify that the space is safe for entry and that the preentry measures described above have been taken, through a written
certification that contains the date, the location of the space, and the
signature of the person providing the certification. The certification shall
be made before entry and shall be made available to each employee
entering the space or to that employee's authorized representative.
Required content for entry procedures for type 3 Permit-Required Confined
Spaces. At a minimum, procedures for entering type 3 spaces must address the
The procedure shall document the basis for determining that all hazards in a
permit space have been eliminated, through a certification that contains the date,
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the location of the space, and the signature of the person making the
The certification shall be made available to each employee entering the space or
to that employee's authorized representative.
If hazards arise, each employee in the space shall exit. The space shall be
reevaluated to determine whether it must be reclassified as a permit space.
Entry permits and authorization
General. Before entry is authorized, an entry supervisor shall document the
completion of measures required by written procedures (see section 2) by authorizing an
entry permit.
NOTE: This section does not apply to entry into type 2 or 3 spaces as long as
documentation requirements described in those sections of this program are complied
with through equivalent means.
Approving the permit. Before entry begins, the entry supervisor shall sign the
entry permit to authorize entry. The completed permit shall be made available to all
authorized entrants or their authorized representatives, by posting it at the work site.
A listing of those employees who are trained and authorized to authorize permits is found
in appendix D.
Duration of the permit. The duration of the permit may not exceed the time
required to complete the assigned task or job identified on the permit.
The entry supervisor shall terminate entry and cancel the entry permit when:
The work covered by the entry permit has been completed; or
The time period covered by the permit has expired; or
A prohibited or hazardous condition arises in or near the permit space.
The space shall be evacuated completely and immediately when the permit is cancelled.
Retention of the permit. Each canceled entry permit shall be retained for at least
one year to facilitate the review of the program. Any problems encountered during an
entry operation shall be noted on the pertinent permit so that appropriate revisions to the
permit space program can be made.
Permit form. The permit form found in appendix E or equivalent, shall be used.
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General. When employees of another employer (contractors) perform work that
involves permit space entry, location staff and authorized representatives from the
contractor organization shall conduct a pre-task meeting, to review the information found
in appendix F.
Documentation. Documentation that the steps outlined above have been
completed, shall be documented using the form found in Appendix F. Records shall be
retained for one year, and used in the annual program review.
Responsibility. It is the responsibility of ______ to ensure that the requirements
of this section are complied with.
Responsibilities of entrants, attendants and supervisors
General. An attendant and entry supervisor will be required for all entries into
type 1 Permit-Required Confined Spaces. The use of attendants and entry supervisors is
recommended for entry into type 2 and 3 spaces, but is not mandatory.
Responsibilities of entrants. Employees who enter and work in permit-required
confined spaces shall have the following responsibilities:
Know the hazards that may be faced during entry, including information on the
mode, signs or symptoms, and consequences of the exposure;
Properly use equipment;
Communicate with the attendant as necessary to enable the attendant to monitor
entrant status and to enable the attendant to alert entrants of the need to evacuate
Alert the attendant whenever:
o The entrant recognizes any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a
dangerous situation, or
o The entrant detects a prohibited condition; and
Exit from the permit space as quickly as possible whenever:
o An order to evacuate is given by the attendant or the entry supervisor,
o The entrant recognizes any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a
dangerous situation,
o The entrant detects a prohibited condition, or
o An evacuation alarm is activated.
Responsibilities of attendants. Employees who serve as attendants during
Permit-Required Confined Space entries shall have the following responsibilities:
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Knows the hazards that may be faced during entry, including information on the
mode, signs or symptoms, and consequences of the exposure;
Is aware of possible behavioral effects of hazard exposure in authorized entrants;
Continuously maintains an accurate count of authorized entrants in the permit
space and ensures that the means used to identify authorized entrants accurately
identifies who is in the permit space;
Remains outside the permit space during entry operations until relieved by
another attendant; NOTE: When the procedure allows attendant entry for rescue,
attendants may enter a permit space to attempt a rescue if they have been trained
and equipped for rescue operations and if they have been relieved as.
Communicates with authorized entrants as necessary to monitor entrant status and
to alert entrants of the need to evacuate the space;
Monitors activities inside and outside the space to determine if it is safe for
entrants to remain in the space and orders the authorized entrants to evacuate the
permit space immediately under any of the following conditions;
o If the attendant detects a prohibited condition;
o If the attendant detects the behavioral effects of hazard exposure in an
authorized entrant;
o If the attendant detects a situation outside the space that could endanger
the authorized entrants; or
o If the attendant cannot effectively and safely perform all the duties
required under this section;
Summon rescue and other emergency services as soon as the attendant determines
that authorized entrants may need assistance to escape from permit space hazards;
Takes the following actions when unauthorized persons approach or enter a
permit space while entry is underway:
o Warn the unauthorized persons that they must stay away from the permit
o Advise the unauthorized persons that they must exit immediately if they
have entered the permit space; and
o Inform the authorized entrants and the entry supervisor if unauthorized
persons have entered the permit space;
Performs non-entry rescues as specified by the employer's rescue procedure; and
Performs no duties that might interfere with the attendant's primary duty to
monitor and protect the authorized entrants.
Duties of entry supervisors. Employees who serve as entry supervisors during
Permit-Required Confined Space entries shall have the following responsibilities:
Knows the hazards that may be faced during entry, including information on the
mode, signs or symptoms, and consequences of the exposure;
Verifies, by checking that the appropriate entries have been made on the permit,
that all tests specified by the permit have been conducted and that all procedures
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and equipment specified by the permit are in place before endorsing the permit
and allowing entry to begin;
Terminates the entry and cancels the permit;
Verifies that rescue services are available and that the means for summoning them
are operable;
Removes unauthorized individuals who enter or who attempt to enter the permit
space during entry operations; and
Determines, whenever responsibility for a permit space entry operation is
transferred and at intervals dictated by the hazards and operations performed
within the space, that entry operations remain consistent with terms of the entry
permit and that acceptable entry conditions are maintained.
General. Procedures described in section 2 of this program shall outline the
equipment required to work safely within Permit-Required Confined spaces (regardless
of type). This includes, but is not limited to:
Atmospheric testing and monitoring equipment;
Ventilating equipment needed to obtain and maintain acceptable entry conditions;
Communications equipment;
Personal protective equipment insofar as feasible engineering and work practice
controls do not adequately protect employees;
Lighting equipment needed to enable employees to see well enough to work
safely and to exit the space quickly in an emergency;
Barriers and shields;
Equipment, such as ladders, needed for safe ingress and egress by authorized
Rescue and emergency equipment except to the extent that the equipment is
provided by rescue services; and
Any other equipment necessary for safe entry into and rescue from permit spaces.
Cost. All required equipment shall be provided to employees free of charge.
Maintenance and calibration. All equipment (specifically atmospheric
monitoring equipment) shall be maintained, calibrated, serviced, inspected and used, as
directed by the manufacturer.
Approved equipment. Equipment shall be approved for the use at hand,
specifically with regard to the equipment approval for hazardous environments (i.e.
spaces which may contain explosive levels of gas, dust, fibers, etc.). A statement of
approval shall be clearly legible on the equipment.
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Emergency planning and response
General. Formal emergency response plans must be developed when employees
enter type 1 permit-required confined spaces. Emergency planning and response
measures must be documented in the entry procedures.
Designating external emergency service providers to provide emergency
response. If local public safety services (i.e. local police and fire) are designated to
provide confined space rescue, the following steps shall be taken.
The prospective rescuer's ability to respond to a rescue summons in a timely
manner, considering the hazard(s) identified, shall be evaluated. Note: What will
be considered timely will vary according to the specific hazards involved in each
entry. For example, 29 CFR 1910.134, Respiratory Protection, requires that
employers provide a standby person or persons capable of immediate action to
rescue employee(s) wearing respiratory protection while in work areas defined as
IDLH atmospheres.
Evaluate a prospective rescue service's ability, in terms of proficiency with
rescue-related tasks and equipment, to function appropriately while rescuing
entrants from the particular permit space or types of permit spaces identified;
Select a rescue team or service from those evaluated that:
o Has the capability to reach the victim(s) within a time frame that is
appropriate for the permit space hazard(s) identified;
o Is equipped for and proficient in performing the needed rescue services;
o Inform each rescue team or service of the hazards they may confront when
called on to perform rescue at the site; and
o Provide the rescue team or service selected with access to all permit
spaces from which rescue may be necessary so that the rescue service can
develop appropriate rescue plans and practice rescue operations.
Note: Non-mandatory Appendix F of 29 CFR 1910.146 contains examples
of criteria which can be used in evaluating prospective rescuers.
Designating employees to provide emergency response. If employees are
designated to provide permit space rescue and emergency services, the following steps
shall be taken:
Provide affected employees with the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed
to conduct permit space rescues safely and train affected employees so they are
proficient in the use of that PPE, at no cost to those employees;
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Train affected employees to perform assigned rescue duties. The employer must
ensure that such employees successfully complete the training required to
establish proficiency as an authorized entrant;
Train affected employees in basic first-aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR). At least one member of the rescue team or service holding a current
certification in first aid and CPR shall be available during entry operations; and
Ensure that affected employees practice making permit space rescues at least once
every 12 months, by means of simulated rescue operations in which they remove
dummies, manikins, or actual persons from the actual permit spaces or from
representative permit spaces. Representative permit spaces shall, with respect to
opening size, configuration, and accessibility, simulate the types of permit spaces
from which rescue is to be performed.
Facilitating non-entry rescue. To facilitate non-entry rescue, retrieval systems
or methods shall be used whenever an authorized entrant enters a permit space, unless the
retrieval equipment would increase the overall risk of entry or would not contribute to the
rescue of the entrant. Retrieval systems shall meet the following requirements.
Each authorized entrant shall use a chest or full body harness, with a retrieval line
attached at the center of the entrant's back near shoulder level, above the entrant's
head, or at another point which the employer can establish presents a profile small
enough for the successful removal of the entrant. Wristlets may be used in lieu of
the chest or full body harness if it can be demonstrated that the use of a chest or
full body harness is infeasible or creates a greater hazard and that the use of
wristlets is the safest and most effective alternative.
The other end of the retrieval line shall be attached to a mechanical device or
fixed point outside the permit space in such a manner that rescue can begin as
soon as the rescuer becomes aware that rescue is necessary. A mechanical device
shall be available to retrieve personnel from vertical type permit spaces more than
5 feet deep
Material Safety Data Sheet. If an injured entrant is exposed to a substance for
which a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or other similar written information is
required to be kept at the worksite, that MSDS or written information shall be made
available to the medical facility treating the exposed entrant.
Training and communication
General. Each employee covered by this program shall receive training which
complies with this section. Upon completion of training, employees must have the
understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of the duties
assigned to them.
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Cost of training. Training shall be provided at no cost to the employee.
Frequency of training. Training must be provided to an employee before initial
assignment to a workplace where the employee may be routinely exposed to a hazardous
substance, harmful physical agent, or infectious agent.
Additional training must be provided to an employee before the time the employee may
be routinely exposed to any additional hazardous substances, harmful physical agents, or
infectious agents.
Training updates must be repeated at intervals of not greater than one year. Training
updates may be brief summaries of information included in previous training sessions.
Content of training. At a minimum, training shall consist of the following:
The nature of Permit-Required Confined Space hazards that may be encountered
in/around the spaces to which the employee may be exposed;
The precautions required to control those hazards and maintain acceptable entry
Proper calibration, operation, maintenance, inspection of all equipment involved
in entry;
Responsibilities of entrants, attendants, supervisors;
The purpose, importance, and proper application of the entry procedures and
Emergency procedures;
A brief review of this program, as well as the OSHA regulation.
Records of training. Records of training shall be maintained, retained for three
years, and made available, upon request, for review by employees and representatives of
the Office of Occupational Health and Safety.
At a minimum, training records will include:
the dates training was conducted;
the name, title, and qualifications of the person who conducted the training;
the names and job titles of employees who completed the training; and
a brief summary or outline of the information that was included in the training
Unacceptable forms of training. The following types of training, by themselves,
do not constitute training, and do not comply with this program or the regulation:
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Giving an employee a data sheet, package insert, reference manual or any other
printed material to read.
Watching video or computer-delivered presentations, especially when the material
in the video is not specific to the operation and hazards at hand.
Any type of training which does not include an opportunity for employees to ask
questions to ensure they understand the information presented to them.
Audiovisuals, interactive videos, printed materials, etc., may be used as a component of
the ERTK training program if they are supplemented by specific information related to
the employees' job duties and related exposures, and if employees are permitted to ask
questions and have them answered.
Responsibility. It is the responsibility of ______ to ensure that the requirements
of this section are complied with.
Employee participation
General. Management shall consult with affected employees and their authorized
representatives on the development, implementation/administration, and periodic review
of this program and all of its aspects.
Employees shall be afforded the right to review, photocopy, and comment on all
components of, and information pertaining to, this program.
At least annually, a formal, documented review shall be conducted to ensure that the
provisions of the current written program are being effectively implemented and that it
continues to be effective.
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Name of space evaluated:
Number of similar/identical space & location(s):
Results of evaluation:
Not a confined space
Not a Permit-Required Confined Space
Permit-Required Confined Space – Type 1
Permit-Required Confined Space – Type 2
Permit-Required Confined Space – Type 3
Name of evaluator(s):
Date of evaluation:
Description of space:
Who will be permitted to enter?
Complete this section only if the space is classified
as a type 1, 2, or 3 Permit-Required Confined
Location (university employees) only
Contractor employees only
Location and/or contractors
No entry will be permitted by any person
Question 1. Is this area a “confined space”?
A confined space is defined as having all of the characteristics listed below.
If you conclude that this area is not a confined space, then go to the “results of evaluation” section
above and check “not a confined space”. STOP.
If you conclude that this area is a confined space, then continue to the next question.
Is the space large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter and work?
Does the space have a limited or restricted means of entry or exit?
Is the space not designed for continuous human occupancy?
Questions 2. Is this area a “Permit-Required Confined Space”?
A permit-required confined space is defined as a confined space (see question 1) which also has
one or more of the characteristics below.
If you conclude that this area is not a permit-required confined space, then go to the “results of
evaluation” section above and check “not a permit-required confined space”. STOP.
If you conclude that this area is a permit-required confined space, then continue to the next
Does the space contain, or have the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere (i.e.
oxygen deficiency, explosive limits, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide), or pipes,
ducts or other entry points for potentially hazardous substances, or will volatile
chemicals be used, or will painting, sealing, or other work practices create a breathing
Specify hazards:
Does the space contain an engulfment hazard (i.e. sand, grain, water)?
Specify hazards:
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Does the space have inwardly converging walls that taper downward to a smaller crosssection, or floors that slope downward that could lead to entrapment or asphyxiation?
Specify hazards:
Does the space contain other recognized serious hazards, such as:
Mechanical hazards such as moving parts, unguarded machinery, etc.
Exposed or vulnerable electrical wires or electrical equipment
Gas or chemical lines
Special hazards related to elevation or falling
Temperature extremes/heat stress
Specify hazards:
Questions 3. Is this area a Type 2 “Permit-Required Confined Space”?
A type 2 permit-required confined space is defined as a permit-required confined space (see
question 1 and 2) which meets all of the characteristics below.
If you conclude that this area is not a type 2 permit-required confined space, then continue to
question 4.
If you conclude that this area is a type 2 permit-required confined space, then go to the “results of
evaluation” section above and check “Permit-Required Confined Space – Type 2”. STOP.
Note that the conditional instructions found in the 2 nd and 3rd bullets in questions 3 and 4 are
inconsistent with previous questions. Please read all questions and instructions carefully.
The only hazard of the permit-required confined space is a hazardous or potentially
hazardous atmosphere.
Continuous forced air ventilation alone is sufficient to maintain that permit space safe
for entry;
There is a formal documented history of evaluations that support the conclusion above.
Questions 4. Is this area a Type 3 “Permit-Required Confined Space”?
A type 3 permit-required confined space is defined as a permit-required confined space (see
question 1 and 2) which meets all of the characteristics below.
If you conclude that this area is not a type 3 permit-required confined space, then continue to
question 5.
If you conclude that this area is a type 3 permit-required confined space, then go to the “results of
evaluation” section above and check “Permit-Required Confined Space – Type 3”. STOP.
Note that the conditional instructions found in the 2 nd and 3rd bullets in questions 3 and 4 are
inconsistent with previous questions. Please read all questions and instructions carefully.
University of Minnesota
**Location name**
Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program
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The space has no actual or potential atmospheric hazards.
All hazards within the space can be positively controlled or eliminated temporarily
without entry into the space. For example, by locking out augers, and other such
mechanical hazards.
Questions 5. Is this area a Type 1 “Permit-Required Confined Space”?
A type 1 permit-required confined space is defined as a permit-required confined space (see
question 1 and 2) which DOES NOT meet conditions for type 2 or 3 (see questions 3 and 4).
If you have identified this space as a permit-required confined space (see questions 1 and 2), AND
have concluded that it is not a Type 2 or Type 3, then go to the “results of evaluation” section
above and check “Permit-Required Confined Space – Type 1”. STOP.
University of Minnesota
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Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program
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University of Minnesota
**Location name**
Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program
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Employee name
University of Minnesota
**Location name**
Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program
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Job title
Date of most recent
(authorization expires
one year after training)
General information
Space to be entered:
Permit start date/time
Name of entry supervisor (req. for type 1 entries):
Expires date/time:
Purpose of entry/Work to be performed:
Name of attendant (req. for type 1 entries):
Name(s) of entrants:
Primary hazards that may be encountered (as identified in entry procedure)
(i.e. “Carbon Monoxide exposure”)
Acceptable entry condition
(continuous forced air ventilation sufficient to
maintain CO levels to less than 35 parts per million)
Preparation for entry (See written procedure for requirements)
Entrants, attendants, supervisor, contractors - all trained in confined space safety.
All have reviewed and understand entry procedure, especially anticipated hazards,
acceptable entry conditions, emergency procedures. Work with contractors is coordinated.
Emergency procedure:
Done NR
Done NR
Means to communicate with entrants:
Done NR
Means to summon rescue:
Done NR
PPE/Respiratory protection to be worn:
Done NR
All moving parts, augers, etc. are locked and tagged out
Flow of incoming material, including gases, positively controlled (i.e. pumps locked out,
feedlines disconnected or blanked)
Mechanical ventilation running prior to entry and continuously throughout
Atmospheric testing equipment (4 gas meter, drager tubes, etc.) running
Ingress/egress equipment provided
Appropriate fire extinguisher provided
Material Safety Data Sheet provided
Hot Work Permit completed
Done NR
Done NR
NR – Not required by procedure
University of Minnesota
**Location name**
Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program
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Done NR
Done NR
Done NR
Done NR
Done NR
Done NR
Done NR
Initial pre-entry atmospheric check
Person conducting test
Instrument(s) used
To be measured:
Oxygen (O2): ________
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): ________
Carbon Monoxide (CO): ________
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): ________
Other __________________ : ________
Other __________________ : ________
Other __________________ : ________
Acceptable range
Less than 10 ppm
Less than 35 ppm
Less than 10%
________ ppm
________ ppm
________ ppm
Supervisor’s authorization
I have reviewed the relevant confined space entry procedure and verified that all necessary steps to prepare
for entry have been taken. I authorize this work to begin at this point.
Entry supervisor: ____________________________________________ Date/Time: _________________
Atmospheric monitoring during entry
<10 ppm
<35 ppm
Roster of entrants(s) currently in space
Current status
Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit
Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit
Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit
Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit
Conclusion – complete this section after work has concluded
Permit terminated because  Work was completed as planned  Prohibited condition/emergency
Any event that would merit a review confined space program/procedure?  Yes  No
Was a mandatory close-out meeting held with contactors?  Yes  No
University of Minnesota
**Location name**
Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program
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A pre-task meeting shall be conducted prior to allowing contractors to perform any work
which involves entry into permit-required confined spaces. At a minimum, the pre-task
meeting shall be attended by University location staff and at least one authorized
representative of the contractor organization/company. The final item in the checklist
below must be completed at the conclusion of the work.
Inform the contractor that the workplace contains permit-required confined spaces and
the contractor is required to have a permit-required confined space program meeting the
requirements of 29 CFR 1910.146. Contractor use of the University’s program is not
Conduct a review of the contractor’s confined space entry program, procedures and
training records to determine if they are adequate. OHS and/or DEHS are available to
assist with this review;
Apprise the contractor of the elements, including the hazards identified and the
location’s experience with the space, that make the space in question a permit space;
Apprise the contractor of any precautions or procedures that have been implemented for
the protection of employees in or near permit spaces where contractor personnel will be
Coordinate entry operations with the contractor, when both university and contractor
personnel will be working in or near permit spaces; and
Debrief the contractor at the conclusion of the entry operations regarding the permit
space program followed and regarding any hazards confronted or created in permit
spaces during entry operations.
 Complete
 Complete
 Complete
 Complete
 Complete
 Complete
I acknowledge that the information above has been communicated between the parties.
University staff (printed name)
Contractor staff representative (printed name)
University staff (signature)
Contractor staff representative (signature)
Name of contractor organization/company
University of Minnesota
**Location name**
Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Program
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