Bachelor of Arts/Diploma in Arts(Humanities)

Bachelor of Arts in Humanities - Single Module
The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules
connected to the Qualification, optional and core. You should print this
sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will
take place.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly
1. The maximum amount of modules you can register for in one academic
year is dependent on the subject stream within which you are studying
 Within the Psychology Modules the maximum number of modules
you can register for in one academic year is 2
 Within the Sociology Modules the maximum number of modules
you can register for in one academic year is 2
 Within the Philosophy Modules the maximum number of modules
you can register for in one academic year is 2
 Within the History Modules the maximum number of modules
you can register for in one academic year is 3 (see additional rules
 Within the Literature Modules the maximum number of modules
you can register for in one academic year is 3 (see additional rules
2. Within the Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy Modules:
 You may select no more than two modules from the same subject in
any academic year.
 You cannot take two even or odd numbered modules in the same
subject in the one year e.g. you cannot register for Phil2 and Phil4 in
the same year.
3. Within the History and Literature Modules:
 You may select three modules from the same subject in any academic
year, in the following combinations. Given the workload involved in
taking three modules in one year (3/4 of a full-time academic year
workload), this is only advised for those students who need to
complete five modules in two years (e.g. to satisfy Teaching Council
 For those taking five modules in two years the following
combinations are possible:
o Year 1: Lit1 and Lit2. Year 2: Lit3, Lit4 and Lit5
o Year 1: Lit1, Lit2 and Lit3. Year 2: lit4 and Lit5
o Year 1: His1 and His2. Year 2: His3, His4 and His5
o Year 1: His1, His2 and His3. Year 2: His4 and His5
 Those students who need to complete four modules (e.g. to satisfy
Teaching Council requirements) should take two modules each year
for two years.
4. Students who seek to enter directly into intermediate or advanced
modules, through the BASM programme, may be asked to provide
evidence of appropriate previously achieved learning that would allow
them to engage with such a module. Entry may be refused to advanced
 PHIL6, LIT6, HIS6, PSY6A and SOC6B: Please note these are
advanced modules and involve the completion of a large
dissertation. This type of module requires a high level of
commitment and therefore students should carefully consider
registering for this module along with other modules. It is
exceptional for BASM students to take a no. 6 module. No. 6
modules also involve mandatory tutorials, introductory days
and/or workshops.
5. All modules will be presented in 2013-2014
6. Students must have regular access to a good quality Computer (loaded
with Microsoft Office) and a good quality broadband Internet
connection. The web browser a student uses must be able to play
Macromedia Flash, Shockwave, Java and the Adobe Acrobat PDF file
reader. In order to facilitate online communication in live, virtual
classrooms students should have a high quality headset/microphone
(built in microphones and speakers in laptops are not sufficient) and a
webcam is also desirable. It is expected that students will have a
computer competency level equivalent to the European Computer
Driving Licence (EDCL) ( Students must be
familiar with using email, browsing the Internet, and using the Microsoft
word processing package. Oscail cannot take responsibility for whether,
or to what extent, a particular learning material is accessible on a
particular device in a particular instance. In particular Oscail cannot take
responsibility for learning material hosted by a third party, for example a
video hosted on an external website. Students with Apple-Mac
computers may encounter specific issues as learning materials and
software are typically designed on/for the Windows operating system.
Where students are provided with software, for example SPSS, it will be
for Windows Computers. Apple-Mac versions of software will not be
History Foundation
15 Credits
Europe and a Wider World
15 Credits
Land, Politics and Society in Ireland 1800-1922
15 Credits
Politics, Culture and Society in Independent Ireland
15 Credits
Women in Irish and European Society
15 Credits
Researching Local History: People, Place and Time
15 Credits
Literature Foundation
15 Credits
Literature of the Twentieth Century
15 Credits
Literature of the 17th and 18th Centuries
15 Credits
The Renaissance
15 Credits
Literatures of the 19th Century: Romanticism and Victorianism
15 Credits
Late 20th Century
15 Credits
Philosophy Foundation
15 Credits
Reading Philosophers
15 Credits
Philosophy of Values: Ethics and Aesthetics
15 Credits
Language and Mind
15 Credits
Philosophy of Religion and Metaphysics
15 Credits
Contemporary Philosophy
15 Credits
Psychology Foundation
15 Credits
Social and Organisational Psychology
15 Credits
Developmental and Educational Psychology
15 Credits
Cognitive Psychology and Physiological Psychology
15 Credits
Individual Differences
15 Credits
Research Methods and Project
15 Credits
Sociology Foundation
15 Credits
The Changing Social Environment
15 Credits
Power, Social Order, Crime, Deviance, Work and Employment
15 Credits
Social Inequality and Intergroup Relations
15 Credits
Language, Culture and Society
15 Credits
Research Methods and Project
15 Credits
Below are two typical pathways through the BASM programme:
Student 1 - Complete 4 Modules in 2 Years
Year 1
Lit1: Literature Foundation
Lit2: Literature of the Twentieth Century
Year 2
Lit3: Literature of the 17th and 18th
Lit4: The Renaissance
Centuries Psychology
Student 2 - Complete 5 Modules in 2 Years
Year 1
Lit1: Literature
Lit2: Literature of
the Twentieth
Year 2
Lit3: Literature of the Lit4: The
17th and 18th
Centuries Psychology
Lit5: Literatures of the 19th Century:
Romanticism to Victorianism
Last updated 21st Mar, 2013