Probe Delivery SPICE File Descriptions

Probe Delivery SPICE File Descriptions
*.bsp files are binary
*.xsp files are the same files only in the original transfer format which is platform independent.
020910_OPK_TBM22_TCP1.bsp: probe/orbiter trajectory file.
020910 is always the date of the delivery.
OPK means Orbiter Probe Kernel.
TBM22 means Tb minus 22 days
TCP1 means Tc plus 1 day.
PE_DE405.bsp: planet ephemerides
SE_SAT105.bsp: Saturn satellites ephemerides
020910_PODF.txt: text kernel that is readable. It contains the probe/orbiter state vectors and the 14x14
covariance matrix at interface epoch. (The sqrt of the eigenvalues of this matrix are the semi-major and semi-minor
axis of the dispersion ellipse).
Predicted Interface Time (ET), created from Run Time Fingerprint file on Wed Mar 12 13:10:28 2003.
Interface_Time = ( @14-JAN-2005-09:00:00.000)
Orbiter position (km) and velocity (km/s) vectors in Titan-centered, EME2000 coordinates at the predicted
interface time.
Probe position (km) and velocity (km/s) vectors in Titan-centered, EME2000 coordinates at the predicted
interface time.
Saturnian system gravitational constant (GM) in km3/s2: 3.794062976D+07
Titan gravitational constant (GM) in km3/s2: Estimate_Titan_GM = ( 8.978200000D+03 )
Full 14 x 14 knowledge covariance matrix mapped at the predicted interface time. Ordered as probe state
(Xp,Yp,Zp,DXp,DYp,DZp), orbiter state (Xo,Yo, Zo,DXo,DYo,DZo), Saturnian system GM, the Titan
020910_PVPF.txt: NASA/ESA interface verification file and contains lots of useful information:
Predicted Interface Time (ET)
Titan pole right ascension, declination at interface time (degrees)
Titan prime meridian angle from Q-axis at interface time (degrees)
Saturnian system barycenter state vector relative to solar system barycenter in EME2000 coordinates at the
interface time (km, km/s).
Titan state vector relative to Saturnian system barycenter in EME2000 coordinates at the interface time
(km, km/s).
Probe state vector in Titan Q-system coordinates at interface time (km, km/s)
Probe state vector in Titan centered EME2000 coordinates at interface time (km, km/s)
Probe impact vector parameters in Titan B-plane coordinates at interface time (B-plane radius in km, Bplane angle in degrees, measured clockwise from T axis)
Probe position error ellipse in B-plane coordinates (semimajor axis in km, semiminor axis in km,
orientation angle in degrees measured clockwise from T axis)
Orbiter state vector in Titan Q-system coordinates at interface time (km, km/s)
Orbiter state vector in Titan centered EME2000 coordinates at interface time (km, km/s)
Orbiter impact vector parameters in Titan B-plane coordinates at interface time (B-plane radius in km, Bplane angle in degrees, measured clockwise from T axis)
Orbiter position error ellipse in B-plane coordinates (semimajor axis in km, semiminor axis in km,
orientation angle in degrees measured clockwise from T axis)
Predicted Periapsis Time (ET)
Orbiter state vector in Titan Q-system coordinates at periapsis (km, km/s)
Probe spin vector after separation in EME2000 coordinates (deg)
020910_PCK.txt: Planetary Constant file
606 Titan
= ( 36.41 -0.036 0. )
= ( +83.94 -0.004 0. )
= ( 189.64 +22.5769768 0. )
BODY606_LONG_AXIS = ( 0.
BODY606_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +2.66 0. 0. )
BODY606_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.30 0. 0. )
BODY606_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -2.64 0. 0. )
Triaxial Ellipsoid Radii of bodies (km)
(equatorial radius to prime meridian equatorial radius perpendicular to prime meridian polar radius)
= ( 2575.
= (
2575. )