1 Organic chemistry and Biological chemistry for Health Sciences 59-191 Lecture 8 Geometric isomers: Isomers that have identical constitution, including the position of the double bond but differ only in the geometry of the bond are called geometric isomers, and the phenomenon is called geometric isomerism. Alkenes and cycloalkenes can exhibit this isomerism because there is no free rotation at the double bond or in a ring. Two designated substituents on the same side of the double bond are said to be cis to each other. When they are on opposite sides, they are trans to each other. If one end of a double bond has two identical groups, like two H or two methyls, then there is nothing for a group at the other end to be uniquely cis or trans to. So geometric isomers are not possible when there are two identical groups at one end of a double bond. Geometric isomerism also occurs when the atoms involved at the ends of the double bond are halogen atoms or other groups. Since ring structures also have restricted rotation they can also have geometric isomers. F.example Two geometric isomers of 1,2-dimethylcyclopropane Neither can be twisted into the other without breaking the ring open. ADDITION REACTION OF THE DOUBLE BOND: The carbon-carbon double bond adds H2,Cl2,Br2, HX, H2SO4 and H2O. Pieces of adding molecule become attached to the carbon atoms at opposite ends of the double bond, which then becomes a single bond. Using X-Y as the adding molecule, all additions to alkene group can be represented as follows: Hydrogenation: In the presence of a powdered metal catalyst, like powdered nickel or platinum, hydrogen adds to a double bond. The reaction, called hydrogenation, converts an alkene to an alkane. Cells have molecular carriers that deliver the pieces of H2 to alkene groups. 2 One piece of H2 is the hydride ion, H:-, and its carrier is an enzyme that transfers H:- to one end of the double bond. The other piece of H2 is H+, which is donated to the other carbon of the double bond by the same enzyme carrier or is plucked from a proton donor of the surrounding fluid. Chlorine and bromine rapidly add to the carbon-carbon double bond without any need for a special catalyst. Iodine does not add, flourine reacts explosively with almost any organic compound to give a mixture of products. Hydrogen chloride, Hydrogen bromide and sulfuric acid add easily to the double bonds. The pattern is same in all the additions. If we represent any of these reactants as H-G, where G stands for any electron rich group like Cl, Br, or OSO3 H. Unsymmetrical reactants add selectively to unsymmetrical double bond Unsymmetrical double bond is one whose two carbon atoms hold unequal numbers of hydrogen atoms. F. example 1-butene CH2 CHCH2CH3 Propene CH3CH CH2 Symmetrical double bond: 2-butene CH3CH CHCH3 MARKOVNIKOV’S RULE: When an unsymmetrical reactant of the type H-G adds to an unsymmetrical alkene, the carbon with the greater number of hydrogens gets one more hydrogen. The following examples illustrate the rule: Concentrated sulfuric acid can dissolve sulfuric acid. It reacts with carbon-carbon double bond by an addition reaction to form an alkyl hydrogen sulfate. Heat is also evolved in this reaction. Molecules of alkyl hydrogen sulfate are very polar. Markonikov’s rule does not apply to symmetrical double bond. Reactants like H-G add in both of the two possible directions, and a mixture of isomers can form. Water adds to the carbon-carbon double bond to give alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst. Water alone or aqueous bases have no effect on alkenes. This kind of reaction is common in molecular level of life. Oxidizing agents attack the double bond of alkenes because double bond (two pairs of electrons) is more electron rich than single bonds. F.example. A hot solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) vigorously oxidizes molecules at carbon-carbon double bonds. 3 BENGENE RING AND AROMATIC PROPERTIES: The benzene ring has three double bonds. So it is considerably unsaturated. Even though benzene ring is unsaturated it does not give addition reaction as readily as alkenes. Benzene adds hydrogen to give cyclohexene but rigorous conditions of pressure and temperature are necessary for this reaction. Benzene ring undergoes substitution reactions instead of addition reaction despite a high degree of unsaturation. Benzene reacts with chlorine and bromine in the presence of a catalyst by substitution reaction. The catalyst is generally iron halide. Benzene also reacts, by substitution, with sulfur trioxide dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid. Benzene reacts with warm, concentrated nitric acid when it is dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid. Alkenes are readily oxidized by permanganate or dichromate ion, but benzene is utterly unaffected by these strong oxidizing agent even when boiled with them. Chemical properties of benzene are completely different from alkene or alkyne. So benzene is not an alkene or alkyne. When benzene is used to make chlorobenzene only one monosubstituted compound forms. Only one C6H5Cl exists. So the six hydrogen atoms of benzene is equivalent. Aromatic compounds: Any substances whose molecules have benzene rings and whose rings give substitution reactions instead of addition reactions are called aromatic compounds. 1-phenylpropane is an example of aromatic with an aliphatic side chain. In IUPAC nomenclature the group C6H5, derived from benzene by removing one H is called the phenyl group. NAMING COMPOUNDS OF BENZENE: The names of several monosubstituted benzene is straightforward. The substituent is indicated by a prefix to the word benzene. Other aromatic compounds have common names that are always used. 4 When two groups are attached to the benzene ring both what they are and where they are must be specified. One common way to indicate the relative locations of two groups in disubstituted benzenes is by the prefixes ortho-, meta-, and para-, which usually are abbreviated o-, m-, and p-, respectively. Two groups that are in 1,2 relationship are ortho to each other, as in 1,2-dichlorobenzene, commonly called o-dichlorobenzene. A disubstituted benzene is usually named as a derivative not of benzene but of a monosubstituted benzene when the latter has a common name, like toluene or aniline. Then the o-, m-, or p- designations are used to specify relative positions of the two groups. When we have trisubstituted benzenes (or higher), numbers are assigned to ring positions in such a way as to use the lowest numbers possible.