Table 2 Trauma – Injury Scores (scores are listed in chronological order as they were reported) IIS Impact injury scale1 TI Trauma index2 AIS Abbreviated injury scale3 CTR Computerized trauma registry4 SI Shock index5 Glasgow Coma Score for head trauma6 ISS Injury severity score7 PIST Prognostic index for severe trauma8 A practical scale assessment of coma and consciousness9 TISS Therapeutic intervention scoring system10 AIBT Anatomic index of blunt trauma11 ESPI of TS Estimated survival probability index of trauma severity12 PEBL Penetrating and blunt injury code13 I-I SI Illness-injury severity index14 ATI Acute trauma index15 APS-ITS Anatomic index of injury severity16 HTI Hospital trauma index17 An ICU tracking service organized about a computer based CARE system18 TS Trauma score (TRISS ts)19 TI Triage index20 D:\687321845.doc Page 1 02/06/2016 PATI Penetrating abdominal trauma index21 CRAMS For Trauma22 PODS Probability of death score23 RESPI Revised estimated survival probability index of trauma severity24 MOF score Multiple organ failure score25 TSPT Trauma score applied to penetrating trauma26 Goris MOF Score27 VSS Vital signs score28 PI Prehospital Index29 PTS Pediatric trauma score30 MPM Mortality prediction model31 FIM Functional independence measure32 TRISS Trauma, injury, severity score33 Marshall MOF Score34 CDS Crash worthiness data system35 OPS Outcome predictive score for sepsis and death after trauma36 ISP Injury severity profiles – A new injury severity characterization37 DDCTS Discharge diagnosis classifying trauma severity38 RTS Revised trauma score39 ASCOT A new characterization of injury severity40 TRISS Trauma injury severity score derived from MTOS40 MTOS Major trauma outcome study41 AP Anatomic profile42 D:\687321845.doc Page 2 02/06/2016 SP from LF Survival of patients after low falls43 PTS Polytrauma (key) score, Polytraumaschlussel44 BSS Baltimore sepsis scale45 24 hr ICU point system For prediction of outcome in ICU trauma patients46 APACHE II Invalid for trauma47 PEDITP Pre-existing disease in trauma patients48 Revision of TRISS for intubated patient49 ISS Injury severity score based on ICD-9 coding50 SS Survival scoring for trauma quality assurance51 Moore Score Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure (MOF) score52 MPMII0 On admission53 MPMII24 24 hours later53 IIS Injury impairment scale54 EP MOF Early predictors of MOF55 RCWC Red Cross Wound Classification56 PSSC Physiologic state severity classification for post-traumatic sepsis and ARDS57 SIP Sickness impact profile for trauma patients58 APACHE III For head trauma59 FCI Functional capacity index60 ICISS An international classification of diseases – ninth revision based on ISS-ICD-961 PMOHD Probability model of hospital death for severe trauma patients62 NASS National accident sampling system-9363 MISS Modified injury severity score64 D:\687321845.doc Page 3 02/06/2016 SSR Survival risk ratio65 CHAID Chi-square automatic interaction detection for trauma outcome66 OPM Outcome prediction model67 NISS New injury severity score68 TCS The comprehensive rating scale for severity of tissue damage69 POSMTE Predictors of survival after major trauma in the elderly70 PMPBI Predictions of mortality in adult patients with blunt trauma71 MAP Modified anatomic profile72 SOFA score System of Organ Failure Assessment Adapted for trauma73 MEDS Mortality in emergency department sepsis score74 RAP score Risk assessment profile score75 CRIS Comprehensive research injury scale76 NET Neural network – an artificial intelligence technique77 UKTRISS United Kingdom TRISS77 HARM Harborview Assessment for Risk of Mortality78 AASTOISS American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Organ Injury Severity Scale for the kidney79 PEF Passenger compartment deformation scale80 MaxAIS Maximum abbreviated injury scale81 TTS Trauma triage score82 TRISSCOM Trauma, Injury, Severity score and age and comorbidity83 TRISS-SAPS Score Trauma, Injury, Severity Score – simplified acute physiology score84,85 IPPS Injury prevention priority score86 D:\687321845.doc Page 4 02/06/2016 Schoemaker Mathematical Score for Outcome prediction and therapeutic support for trauma87 MRR Mortality risk ratio (based on ICD-9 coding)88 TASH Trauma Associated Severe Hemorrhage Score89 HPTS Hannover polytrauma score90 D:\687321845.doc Page 5 02/06/2016 Table 3 Organ or Site Specific Trauma or Illness Scores GCS Glasgow coma scale in head trauma6 NET Neural network for penetrating abdominal trauma77 OIS Organ injury scaling - I II III IV V VI PATI Penetrating abdominal trauma index97 ATI Abdominal trauma index98 AIIS Anatomic index of injury severity99 AIBT Anatomic index of blunt trauma100 APTS Abdominal pelvic trauma score101 CRAMS Circulation, respiration, abdomen, motor, speech102 CIS Cell injury score103 GOS Glasgow outcome score after head injury104 OSFS Organ system failure score for ruptured abdominal aneurysms105 MPIHTP Mortality prediction in head trauma patients, also cirrhotic patients106 SIP for head injury Sickness impact profile for head injury107 SI Simple index to estimate likelihood of bacterial infection in patients after abdominal surgery108 SIBPH Symptom index for benign prostatic hyperplasia (Am. Urological Assoc)109 D:\687321845.doc Page 6 02/06/2016 Spleen, liver, kidney91 Pancreas, bowel92 Chest wall, vascular, ureter, bladder93 Thoracic, vascular, lung94 Spleen and liver revision95 Biliary, esophagus, vagina, tubes, ovaries96 RHISC Relative head injury severity scale110 SIII Severity of illness in intra-abdominal infection111 SSP Scoring system for predicting outcome in acute haemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis112 FISC Fatigue impact score in cirrhosis113 RRSS Rockall risk scoring system in upper GI bleeding114 CECABS Cost effectiveness of coronary artery bypass surgery115 EuroSCORE European system for cardiac operative risk116 MELD Model for end stage liver disease117 CTP score Child-Turcotte-Pugh score for patients with cirrhosis before abdominal operations118 MDHAQ Multi-dimensional health assessment questionnaire for arthritis119 VAI Vasculitis activity index120 O-Prism Oncologic PRISM121 CARIFS Canadian acute respiratory illness and flu scale122 MASCCRI Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer Risk Index123 ASI Asthma severity index124 RCR Revised cardiac risk (Lee) index after noncardiac vascular surgery125 AIS (thorax) Abbreviated injury surgery scale – thorax126 HFS-97 Hannover fracture scale – 97127 NISSA Nerve injury, ischemic soft-tissue injury, skeletal injury, shock and age of patient score40 POSF Predictors of organ system failure following cardiac surgery128 BRANOS Brain arrest neurologic outcome scale – predicting mortality after cardiac arrest129 D:\687321845.doc Page 7 02/06/2016 SIP Sickness impact profile107 MHIQ McMaster Health Investor Questionnaire after myocardial infarction130 D:\687321845.doc Page 8 02/06/2016 Table 4 Injured Extremity Scores PSI Predictive salvage index131 LSI Limb salvage index132 LEISS Lower extremity injury-severity score133 MESS Mangled extremity severity score134 D:\687321845.doc Page 9 02/06/2016 REFERENCES for Table 2,3 and 4: 1. 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