Additional File 2; Full text studies excluded, with reasons: Ref. Author-year [1] Alvarez-98 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] Armagan-08 Bass-10 Baxt-95 Baxt-90 Benzer-91 Benzer-95 Bertollo-94 Birkhahn-05 Bouillon Boyle-08 Brenneman-98 Burch-08 Burstein-96 Cannon-09 Champion-95 Chesnut-98 Cinelli-09 Clark-06 Clemmer-85 [21] Cooke-06 [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] Cooper-02 Cox-10 Croce-92 Curet-00 Dadley-98 Eckstein-03 Eichelberger-89 Eitel-03 Emerman-91 Erickson-97 Esposito-95 Feldman-91 Fernandes-05 Frankema-04 Fries-94 Gabbe-03 Gabbe-05 Gaddis-94 Gilboy-05 Gill-06 Gill-05 Gilpin-91 Goldhill-04 Reason for exclusion Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field, pertains only to TBI ED-triage score Post-mortem dataset Comment Criteria only, no prognostic model GCS like scale GCS and GCS like scale Includes medical patients Investigates healthy blood donors Includes paediatric patients Criteria only, no prognostic model Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Medical patients only Investigates data quality Investigates index, not a prognostic model Comment Comment Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Validation study published prior to 1989 Includes para-clinical data and evaluates criteria but do not combine them in a prognostic model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Includes para-clinical data Does not combine predictive variables in a model ED-triage score Evaluates GCS Includes paediatric patients ED-triage Includes paediatric patients Includes medical conditions Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Includes radiology and ICP Review article Comment Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Review article Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Discuss statistical aspects of RTS/GCS Comment Evaluates GCS Pertains to TBI only Age NA Includes medical patients and use para–clinical data [45] Gottschalk [46] [47] Gray-97 Hannan-05 [48] Hannan-05 [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] Hanson-94 Healey-03 Hedges-87 Henry-06 Henry-96 Henry-96 Holcomb-05 Holmes-97 Johnstone-93 Jones-89 Jones-95 Kennedy-93 Kilgo-03 [62] King-09 [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] King-94 King-96 Koehler-87 Kuhls-02 Lubin-05 Luk-99 McLellan-89 Meredith-02 Meredith-95 Milham-04 Moore-06 Moore-06 Morris-90 Morris-90 Moussally-06 Mulholland-08 Navin-09 Norwood-02 Palanca-03 Pearl-08 Phillips-93 Polin-95 Purtil-08 Qureshi-04 Rady-92 Rady-92 Rady-94 Propose a triage algorithm that include TEWS score, but present no data Includes paediatric patients Criteria only, no prognostic model Validates injury severity scores that requires data unavailable in the field. It combines these scores with physiological data Comment Validates and statistically reappraise GCS Validation study published in 1987 Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Pertains to TBI only Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Pertains to TBI only Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Criteria only, no prognostic model, para-clinical data included Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Evaluates an index, not a prognostic model Validates PHI, but published in 1987 Includes data unavailable in the field Portrays triage precision and does not utilize a model Includes only patients with TS<5 Includes para-clinical data Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Includes GCS only Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Includes GCS only Evaluates case-mix RTS only Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Comment RTS validation is not main objective Validates a model where derivation study is ineligible Validates GCS Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Includes data unavailable in the field Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Pertains to TBI only Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Comment Animal study Evaluates an index, not a prognostic model Includes medical patients [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127] [128] [129] Raum-09 Redmond-94 Rees-04 Reisner-08 Rhee-87 Rhee-90 Rocca-89 Rodenberg-92 Rodenberg-96 Ross-98 Rozycki-93 Ruger-07 Sacco-93 Sacco-99 Sacco-05 Sacco-07 Sampalis-96 Shaibani-90 Shanti-03 Shapiro-03 Shatney-94 Sikic-01 Simmons-95 Simon-94 Smith-90 Smith-90 Stoffel-09 Subbe-06 Taiwar-99 Tanabe-04 Teijink-93 Tinkoff-02 Tran-94 Udekwu-04 Wagner-00 Yealy-94 Zafonte-96 Zafonte-96 Zarzaur-08 Zechnich-95 Includes para-clinical data Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Includes medical patients Uses archived travel monitor data Includes medical patients Includes medical patients Includes data unavailable in the field Evaluate the effect of aircraft model on RTS Comment Validates GCS Comment Includes medical conditions Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Derivation study on “RPM” is not accessible Derivation study on “RPM” is not accessible Includes paediatric patients Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Pertains to penetrating abdominal injuries only Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Includes paediatric patients Pertains to penetrating abdominal injuries only Combined medical and trauma patients Evaluates Trauma Score only Includes medical conditions Includes administrative data/data unavailable in the field Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Comment Pertains to TBI patients only Pertains to TBI patients only Comment Pertains to TBI patients only Pertains to TBI patients only Evaluates an index not a model Validates criteria, but do not combine them in a model Note: TBI=Traumatic Brain Injury; GCS=Glasgow Coma Scale; NA=Not Available; ED=Emergency Department References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 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