Accuracy of indirect oscillometric blood pressure measurement in anesthetized neonatal foals A diagnostic study And Course of blood pressure in neonatal foals A short literature study D.J.J. van den Broek Research Internship article Supervisor: Dr. I.D. Wijnberg August 2013 Table of contents Table of contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1 Accuracy of indirect oscillometric blood pressure measurement in anesthetized foals ……….………2-14 Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2-3 Material and Method………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4-5 Results………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5-11 Discussion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12-13 Literature……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13-14 Course of blood pressure in neonatal foals………………………………………………………………….15-16 1 Accuracy of indirect oscillometric blood pressure measurement in anesthetized neonatal foals D.J.J. van den Broek, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University Abstract To obtain the arterial blood pressure in horses several techniques and devices can be used. Every technique and device having its own advantages and disadvantages. In this study the Microlife BP A100 Plus with Philips cuff M1872B size 4 is being analyzed. As participants on this study we used foals which were undergoing surgery or were staying in the intensive care unit. The foals undergoing surgery participated in the part of the study that analyses the accuracy of the blood pressure device. The foals staying in the intensive care unit participated in the part of the study that intended to investigate the blood pressure varieties in critical care foals during the day. Statistical analysis revealed the device to be inaccurate for blood pressure measurements. There seems to be an overestimation of the systolic and diastolic pressure with a low accuracy and a low repeatability. However, for measuring the heart frequency (pulse rate) the device seems to be both accurate and a precise in anesthetized foals. The data collected from the foals in the intensive care unit was not further analyzed due to the performance of the device. The advice of the authors is not to use the Microlife BPA 100 plus oscillometric blood pressure device in combination with the Philips M1872B #4 cuff to obtain blood pressure values in foals. Introduction The peripheral arterial blood pressure can be measurement of pneumatic cuff pressure measured gives an estimation of the peripheral blood directly by intra-arterial catheterization or indirectly by placement of pressure. an inflatable cuff. The advantage of direct measurement blood pressure measurement are the close applicable, although careful positioning of the relationship to the actual central arterial cuff is necessary and continuous monitoring pressure and the possibility of continuous is not an option (Geddes, 1977). monitoring. However a risk is involved during repositioning or restraint of foals since Several it pressure Indirect is blood non-invasive techniques of measurement and indirect in the blood horse cause of thrombus formation (Corley, 2002; techniques differ in their method to record Franco et al., 1986; Taylor, 1981). the return of pulsatile flow. Methods depend auscultation, mostly are described on literature; easy might be a port d’entrée for infection or a Indirect blood pressure is measured in a in pressure palpation or these Doppler non-invasive manner using an inflatable cuff technique (Brown & Holmes, 1981; Taylor, and 1981). a device for the detection of the peripheral pulse. The cuff is inflated up to a The middle coccygeal artery is most pressure greater than the systolic pressure commonly used to measure indirect blood and then gradually deflated. Detection of the pressure measurement and seems to have peripheral the pulse waves together with 2 most accurate agreement with the arterial pressure, but the dorsal metatarsal 1975; Glen, 1972) although some artery can also be used (Giguère et al., 2005; investigators claim the indirect method to Parry et al., 1982; Covington & McNutt, overestimate systolic pressure (Riebold & 1931). Evans, 1985). The auscultatory techniques are suitable for As mentioned above, the middle coccygeal the measurement of changes in systolic artery is generally used for indirect blood pressure changes pressure measurement. The cuff should be accurately. But the method is subjective, carefully placed tight at the base of the tail. sensitive to external motion and sometimes Clipping the hair of the tail is not necessary fails to detect Korotkoff sounds (thumping (Corley, 2002; Parry et al., 1982). and reflect these sounds being heard when the pressure in the The accuracy of the measurement is cuff is between the systolic and diastolic influenced by the bladder width. A width of pressure) about one-fifth to one-quarter of the member (Riebold & Evans, 1985; Muir et al., 1983; Ellis, 1975). Oscillometric circumference seems optimal (Latshaw et al., techniques on 1979;) . Blood pressure is underestimated by palpation of pulse waves and are not affected 5% using a bladder width of 30% of member by motion, bumping or extraneous noise. circumference (circumference of the limb or Changes diastolic tail) and a 5% overestimation occurs using a pressures are reflected accurately, but the bladder with a width of 20% of the member blood pressure values are lower than directly circumference (Latshaw et al., 1979; Geddes obtained pressure values. ( Nout et al., 2002) et al., 1977). A bladder width/tail girth ratio Nevertheless, the measurements of mean of 0.482 underestimates the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure are useful due to a and overestimates the diastolic pressure both good by 8.8% (Parry et al., 1982). in mean, correlation are systolic between based and directly and indirectly obtained blood pressure values. In In foals the oscillometric technique with a foals the level of agreement of the systolic cuff around the middle coccygeal artery is pressure was insufficient (Nout et al., 2002; most frequently described. There seems to be Holdstock 1997; a good correlation between indirectly and Franco et al., 1986; Riebold & Evans, 1985; directly measured values, but the indirectly Muir et al., 1983). obtained Methods using the Doppler technique for Indirect detection close placing an inflatable cuff seems to be an relationship to true values obtained by direct acceptable method for measuring at least the measurement. One study reports that this mean arterial pressure in foals (Giguère et method al., 2005; Nout et al., 2002; Franco et al., et al., of is the not anesthetized 1998; pulse Branson, disclose acceptable dorsally for recumbent a use in horses, values blood are pressure constantly lower. measurement by 1986). because 5% of measurements obtained by In this research we will study the accuracy of Doppler have an error rate greater than 20.2 the Microlife BP A100 Plus with Philips cuff mmHg (Bailey et al., 1994; Latshaw et al., M1872B 1979; Gay et al., 1977). measurement device. In general, the indirect methods tend to underestimate intra-arterial pressure (Branson, 1997; Franco et al., 1986; Ellis, 3 size 4, an indirect blood Material and Method Intensive care indirect measurements. Direct vs indirect measurements. Design: Diagnostic study Design: Diagnostic study Participants: Neonatal foals up to 3 months of Participants: Neonatal foals till 3 months of age brought to the Intensive care unit of the age brought to the Equine University Clinic of Equine University Clinic of the faculty of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, NL during the NL and undergoing intestinal surgery during period of 01-03-11 t/m 31-05-11. Eight foals, the period of 01-03-11 t/m 31-05-11. Five male and female, participated in this study. foals participated in this study Equipment: Equipment: Blood pressure monitoring device (Microlife A Blood pressure monitoring device; Microlife BP A100 Plus with Philips cuff BP A100 Plus with Philips cuff M1872B size 4 M1872B size 4) was used to measure the blood pressure Data collection: indirectly. For faculty staff and students an instruction A 20G catheter was placed intravenously form directly was made in order to keep the after the foals were anesthetized, measuring method constant. and a BD DTX plus pressure transducer in Foals staying in the intensive care unit were combination with a datex-ohmeda S5 monitor measured every two hours during 24 hours. was used to record the intra arterial blood The blood pressure was measured with the pressure. indirect method using the Microlife device. Data collection: The cuff was placed around the base of the The blood pressure of foals that were under tail in order to measure the pressure of the anesthesia was measured every five minutes middle during the entire duration of the surgery. The coccygeal artery. (Corley, 2002; Giguere, 2005) cuff around the base of the tail was placed at To reduce the influences of the position of the the moment the foal was under anesthesia foal on the pressure, all the foals were and lying on its back on the operating table. measured Methods lying down while taking into employed were the indirect account the vertical relation to the heart. measurement with the Microlife device and (Corley,2002) Philips cuff around the base of the tail and Every measuring point consisted of three direct measurements within three minutes. Time, catherization of the a. facialis with a 20G systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and pulse catheter. The catheter was attached to an frequency were recorded. (Corley, 2002) electronic pressure transducer (BD DTX plus During the measurements with the Microlife pressure transducer) which was zeroed and device the heart frequency was measured by placed at the level of the sternal manubrium. auscultation of the heart or palpation of the The electronic pressure device was joined to ictus cordis. Pulse frequency (heart rate), a monitor (datex-ohmeda S5 monitor) which body temperature and breathing rate were displayed documented . (Corley, 2002) pressure and the pulse rate. (Nout, 2002; measurement the systolic with intra pressure, arterial diastolic Corley, 2002; Giguere, 2005) Measuring points were every five minutes. During these measuring points the blood 4 pressure values were noted for the indirect if there is any systematic difference between device and at the same time the direct values the obtained measurements. Bland-Altman were obtained from the monitor. Systolic plots are used to assess the agreement pressure, diastolic pressure and pulse rate among two different methods that measure were documented in a time table. All data the same parameter. In these plots the x-axis collected was pooled in one group. (Nout, is 2002; Giguere, 2005) measurement (direct – indirect)/2 and the y- Statistical analysis: axis is assigned to the difference between To investigate the accuracy and precision of every measurement (direct – indirect). If our the there is a systematic difference between the Microlife BP A100 Plus with Philips cuff direct and indirect method, for example one M1872B size 4, in comparison to the direct of method, the following statistical analyses considered to be too high, all of the dots in were difference the plot will be located above or below the obtained zero line. If the dots are scattered in the plot measurements) was calculated to investigate it means that there is no consistent bias. The the accuracy of the device. A paired sample t lines in the plot indicate the mean difference test was used to reveal if the difference (solid line), or mean bias, and the limits of between the values obtained by the direct agreement (dashed lines). The and limits of agreement lines get, the closer the indirect blood made. between The directly indirect significant, pressure bias and (mean indirectly method meaning device, the was statistically device to be assigned the to methods correlation the mean gives between the results two of every that are closer the types of inaccurate. The confidence interval was set at measurement. The closer the line of the 95%. The limits of agreement (d-2SD and mean difference is to zero, the more similar d+2SD) were calculated to investigate if the the measurements are. (Vocht de, 2012) device, obtains precise blood pressure values. Bland Altman plots were made to investigate Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of the direct and indirect measurements of blood pressure. Systolic Diastolic Mean pressure Pulse rate Measurement N Mean SD direct indirect direct indirect direct indirect 56 56 56 56 56 56 66,54 89,91 40,13 51,75 39,670 70,830 13,280 15,965 6,742 13,275 24,8269 13,6486 direct indirect 56 56 103,38 102,73 14,398 14,643 Table 1 shows the mean values of the systolic, diastolic, mean pressure and pulse rate for both the direct and indirect measurements. Also the standard deviation (SD) is given which shows how much variation exists from the average. N shows the number of valid observations. 5 Results The data collected from the foals undergoing In figure 1 the indirect and direct obtained surgery were pooled in one group since they blood pressure values are plotted for the were similarly attached to both the direct systolic, diastolic, mean pressure and pulse blood pressure device as well as the indirect rate values with the line of equality for blood pressure device. This meaning; if the reference. The line of equality is where X and two devices both work properly they would Y are exactly the same. Figure 1 a shows the measure the same blood pressure. The group scatterplot for the systolic pressure. The dots consisted indirect are above the line of equality meaning the method failed in one of these foals. The direct indirect device to overestimate the systolic method failed in two foals. Leaving two foals pressure. Figure 1 b shows the scatterplot for to participate this research. The indirect and the diastolic pressure. Most of the dots are direct method failed in three foals due to above incapability to place the cuff or intra-arterial overestimation of the indirect device. The catheter. The duration of the surgeries were same goes for the mean pressure in figure 1 about 155 and 215 minutes. Fifty-six blood c. Figure 1d shows the plot for the pulse rate. pressure measurements were recorded from The dots are centered around the line of two foals which were undergoing surgery. The equality, meaning a good correlation between indirectly obtained the indirect and the direct device. were 5 foals. However, blood compared measured blood pressure values simultaneously pressure From the line these 56 of equality, meaning values the bias an (mean values, difference between directly and indirectly facial obtained blood pressure values) and limits of artery. The blood pressure was obtained by agreement (2x the standard deviation of the measuring mean difference) for systolic, diastolic, mean blood pressure and pulse rate. In table 1 the mean pressure and pulse rate were calculated and and standard deviations of both the direct are shown in table 2. obtained direct with the by catheterization of the the systolic, diastolic, and indirect measurements for each are given. Table 2. Bias and limits of agreement for the blood pressure. Descriptive Statistics N Mean SD Limits of agreement Systolic 56 -23,37 12,585 -48,54; 1,8 Diastolic 56 -11,63 9,631 -30,892; 7,632 Mean pressure 56 -31,161 17,5326 -66,2262; 3,9042 Pulse rate 56 ,64 5,154 -9,668; 10,948 In table 2 the mean difference for the systolic, diastolic, mean pressure and pulse rate is given. Also the standard deviation (SD) is given, which shows how much variation exists from the average. The limits of agreement show how much random variation may be influencing the ratings. N shows the number of valid observation. 6 For the systolic pressure the mean bias is - .64 23.37 of agreement between -9.668 beats/min and agreements of -48.54 mmHg and 1.8 mmHg. 10.948 beats/min. Figure 2 shows Bland The diastolic and mean pressures have a bias Altman plots, as described in methods, for of the blood pressure values. ± 12.585 -11.63 ± 31.161±17.533 mmHg, 9.631 mmHg limit and respectively, - 5.154 beats/min, with limits of with A paired sample t-test was used to determine limits of agreement between -30.89 and 7.63 if a significant difference existed between the mmHg bias of the systolic, diastolic, mean pressure and mmHg with ± -66.23 and 3.90 mmHg, respectively. The pulse rate has a low bias of and pulse rate and is shown in table 3. Table 3. Paired sample t-test showing the significant difference between the bias. Mean Std. Deviation 95% Confidence Interval of t df Sig. (2- the tailed) Difference Lower Upper Pair 1 Bias systolic -23,375 12,585 -26,745 -20,005 -13,899 55 ,000 Pair 2 Bias diastolic -11,625 9,631 -14,204 -9,046 -9,033 55 ,000 Pair 3 Bias mean pressure -31,1607 17,5326 -35,8560 -26,4655 -13,300 55 ,000 Pair 4 Bias pulse rate ,643 5,154 -,737 2,023 ,933 55 ,355 Table 3 shows the results of the paired sample t-test for the bias of the systolic, diastolic, mean pressure and pulse rate. The significant difference, mean values and standard deviation are given as well as the 95% confidence interval. To see if the means of the direct en indirect measurements are different the t-value is shown. Degrees of freedom (n-1) are shown in the df queue. Table 3 shows the results of the paired sample 89.91±15.965 t-test for the bias of the systolic, diastolic, 13.899. Meaning the values for indirect and mean pressure and pulse rate. The bias is direct measurements do not coincide. It also measured by subtracting the obtained indirect shows values from the obtained direct values. The between the bias of the diastolic blood pressure mean and standard deviation (SD) are given as and the mean pressure obtained by the direct well as the lower and upper boundaries of the method (Table 1: respectively 40.13±6.742 ; 95% 39.670±24.827) confidence interval. The significant a 1: mmHg), statistically Table 3: significant and the respectively t(55)=- difference indirect method difference is shown for the bias in the most (Table 51.75±13.275 right queue. To see if the means of the direct 70.830±13.649) with respectively en indirect measurements are different the t- t(55)=-9.046 and t(55)=-13.300. Meaning the value is shown. The closer the t value is to values for indirect and direct measurements do zero, the more the values for direct and indirect not coincide. The difference between the mean coincide. pulse rate obtained by the direct method (Table Table ; 3: 1: 103.38±14.398) and indirect method (Table The paired samples t test reveals a statistically 2: significant significant significantly different (Table 3: t(55)=0.933). difference = 0,000) between the mean systolic Meaning the values for indirect and direct blood pressure measurements obtained by the measurements coincide. difference (Table 3; direct method (Table 1: 66.54±13.280 mmHg) and the indirect method (Table 1: 7 102.73±14.643) is not found to be Figure 1: a, b, c, d The mean values of the systolic (a), diastolic(b), mean pressure (c) and pulse rate (d) determined by the indirect device (Y-axis) plotted against the mean values measured by the direct device (X-axis). The line of equality is drawn in for reference. a) Systolic: direct vs indirect systolic pressure (mmHg) b) Diastolic: direct vs indirect diastolic pressure (mmHg) 8 c) Mean pressure: direct vs indirect mean pressure (mmHg) d) Pulse rate: direct vs indirect pulse rate (beats/min) 9 Figure 2: a, b, c, d Bland Altman plots of the mean systolic diastolic, mean pressure and pulse rate values. The bias is calculated by extracting the obtained indirect values from the obtained direct values (Y-axis). The mean values are calculated by adding up the direct and indirect values and dividing them by 2 (X-axis). Solid line: mean difference (mean bias). Dashed lines = limits of agreement; upper: mean difference (mean bias) + 2x SD, lower: mean difference (mean bias) - 2x SD. a) Bland Altman systolic pressure (mmHG) b) Bland Altman diastolic pressure (mmHG) 10 c) Bland Altman mean pressure (mmHG) d) Bland Altman pulse rate (beats/min) The results from the foals staying in the intensive care unit are not analysed due to poor performance of the device as will be described in the discussion. Therefore it was redundant to put the results together in graphs and figures in this article. 11 Discussion In this study we investigated the accuracy oscillometric technique as is used in our and precision of the Microlife BPA 100 plus device (Riebold & Evans, 1985). oscillometric blood pressure device and the The wide range between the limits of Philips M1872B #4 cuff used for indirect agreement (dashed lines in fig. 2a: bland blood pressure measurement in foals. altman systolic pressure) suggest that this The indirectly obtained blood pressure device is not a precise method for values were compared with simultaneously measurement of the systolic pressure. The measured values, conclusion must be that the Microlife BPA 100 obtained by catheterization of the facial plus oscillometric blood pressure device and artery. In total we obtained 56 values from the Philips M1872B #4 cuff is not a valid two foals. measurement system for systolic pressure in From these 56 values we calculated the bias the foal, with both low accuracy and low (mean repeatability. Nout et al. (2002) also found direct blood difference pressure between directly and indirectly obtained blood pressure values) the and limits of agreement (d-2SD and d+2SD) pressure to be insufficient when obtained by for systolic, diastolic, mean blood pressure an indirect oscillometric method in foals. and pulse rate (table 2 in results). level of agreement of the systolic The device also has a low accuracy for the The independent samples t test reveals a measurement of diastolic pressure. Although statistically significant difference between the the bias for diastolic pressure is half as high mean systolic blood pressure measurements as the bias for systolic pressure, these values obtained by the direct method and the still indirect method. In this study we agree that significantly the direct method is the gold standard, between the limits of agreement (dashed meaning the indirect device to be inaccurate. lines Fig 1a shows the scatterplot for the systolic pressure) suggest that this device is not a pressure. The dots are above the line of precise method for measurement of the equality meaning an overestimation of the diastolic pressure. blood pressure using the indirect device. The device also has a low accuracy for mean The conclusion is that the device used in this blood pressure and tends to overestimate study and this value (fig 1 c and fig 2c). The wide range In between the limits of agreement (dashed contrast to this finding, other authors state lines in fig. 2c: bland altman mean pressure) that the indirectly obtained values tend to suggest that this device is not a precise underestimate systolic pressure (Branson, method 1997; Franco et al., 1986; Ellis, 1975; Glen, pressure. The mean bias line (solid line in 1972) and only one other study states that figure 2 a,b,c) is nowhere near zero and the systolic pressure is overestimated when therefore the indirect measurements differ using the indirect method (Riebold & Evans, too much from the direct measurements. 1985). However, their device was based on As far as the author is aware of, no other auscultatory authors reports about overestimation of the tends overestimating to be the systolic technique inaccurate pressure. and not on overestimate in fig. for (fig 2b: diastolic 1b). The bland measurement pressure wide altman of range diastolic the mean diastolic blood pressure using an indirect 12 method of blood pressure measurement. obtained from the eight foals in the intensive Again, the limits of agreement for both care unit. Our aim was to investigate the diastolic and mean pressures suggest this trends in blood pressure during the day. device significant These foals were measured using the indirect difference between obtained values. Earlier device and did not have an intra-arterial reports about the use of an oscillometric catheter and therefore the results cannot be technique analyzed. to be for imprecise diastolic with and mean blood pressure measurement in the horse show In conclusion, the Microlife BPA 100 plus good correlation and precision, when applied oscillometric blood pressure device together on foals (Giguère et al., 2005; Nout et al., with the Philips M1872B #4 cuff seems not to 2002; Holdstock et al., 1998; Branson, 1997; be Franco et al., 1986; Riebold & Evans, 1985; measurement in anesthetized foals. However, Muir et al., 1983). it seems to be both an accurate and a precise The bladder width/tail girth ratio is of a valid device for blood pressure device for heart frequency measurement in importance for the accuracy of indirect blood anesthetized foals. In the future, more pressure measurement (Parry et al., 1982; measurements should be obtained taking the Latshaw et al., 1979; Geddes et al., 1977). bladder width/tail girth ratio into account. In our study, this ratio was not calculated. All foals were measured with the same size of There cuff. The unusual findings of overestimation between directly and indirectly measured of blood pressure by the indirect method in values our study could possibly be explained by devices (Giguère et al., 2005; Nout et al., using a cuff with an unfitting bladder width 2002; Franco et al., 1986). Hence, the advice (Geddes et al., 1977). of the authors is not to use the Microlife BPA Although the described device does not seems to obtained be a by good other correlation oscillometric 100 plus oscillometric blood pressure device seem to be a valid system for blood pressure in combination with the measurement in foals, it seems to be both an cuff to obtain blood pressure values in foals. accurate and measurement a of precise the method pulse for rate in anesthetized foals. There is no statistically significant difference between the Literature 1. Giguere S, Knowles A, Valverde A, Bucki E, mean Young measurements of the directly and indirectly between the limits Accuracy of of pressure blood indirect in neonatal foals. J Vet Intern Med 2005; the device to be accurate for pulse rate. The range L. measurement obtained pulse rate measurements meaning narrow Philips M1872B #4 19:571-576. of 2. Nout YS, Corley KTT, Donaldson LL, Furr agreement (dashed lines in fig. 2d: bland MO. 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Increasing gain weight, as does the stroke volume with vasopressinergic increasing age. influences, and and noradrenergic changes in oxygen During the first 6 days of life the ductus metabolism contribute to the rise of the fetal arterial blood pressure (Giussani et arteriosus can be patent in normal foals. The al., systemic 2005). Within the first 24 hours of life rapid vascular resistance declines gradually in the first 14 days of life. The changes occur in the circulation of the normal mean pulmonary arterial pressure is about 40 foal. A few hours after birth the mean mmHg systemic arterial pressure of the neonate is and within 24 hours this value decreases to about 30 mmHg. The pulmonary >80 mmHg and in the next two weeks this vascular resistance also decreases rapidly value increases to 100 mmHg (Thomas et al., during this first 24 hours leading to a 1987). Franco et al. (1986) report blood decrease in blood pressure.(Thomas et al., pressure values in the first 3 days of life that 1987). There is a decrease of the resting are substantially higher;144 and 74 mmHg heart on day 1 to 154.5 and 80 mmHg on day 3 rate during the second and third months of life (Lombard et al., 1984). Franco postpartum for the systolic and diastolic et al. (1986) found a significantly higher pressures respectively. Others report about blood pressure in thoroughbred foals than in an increase in blood pressure during the first pony foals, but Holdstock et al. (1998) could 3 days of age and unchanged values in the not reproduce this difference. However they following 7 days (Holdstock et al., 1998). In found a marked individual variation in blood pony foals, a rapid increase in blood pressure pressure within breeds. is seen in the first month. The systolic and diastolic pressure increase respectively, from In 1931, a weak relationship was noticed 81 and 35 mmHg on day one, to 100 and 41 between the age of the horse and its blood mmHg on 7 days of age to 111 and 57 mmHg pressure values (Covington & McNutt, 1931). on 3 months of age. On 3 months of age the Later studies report about a strong positive blood pressure values are still below those in correlation between age and blood pressure adult in the horse (Östlund et al., 1983). Studies horses (Lombard et al., 1984). Interestingly, Piccione et al. (2008) report report about a decrease in mean blood pressure conscious adult horses to be between 90 to during the first 40 days of life, with a mean 112 mmHg for the systolic pressure, 40 to blood pressure of 105 mmHg on the first day 77.3 mmHg for diastolic pressure (Parry et of life to 96.7 mmHg on the 40th day of life. al., Rhythmicity is lacking in blood pressure of Schilling, 1919) and a mean arterial pressure neonatal of 140 mmHg (Glen, 1972). foals and this leads to the conclusion that blood pressure maturation is absent in foals up to 40 days old (Piccione et 15 normal 1984; blood Covington pressure & values McNutt, of 1931; Literature 1. Covington N.G. & McNutt G.W. Studies of normal blood pressure in animals I: Blood pressure in the horse with brief note on the ox. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 7: 22-26, 1931. 2. 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