CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 :page 1 Free Radical Reactions I. general comments A. unpaired electrons, slightly pyramidal, small energy barrier to invert tetrahedral geometry B. normally very reactive with short lifetimes C. If they don't react with closed shell molecules, they decay by termination (coupling and disproportionation: examples) D. acids, bases and polar solvent have minor affect E. stabilized by alkyl, (tertiary > secondary > primary > methyl) F. resonance (allyl, benzyl, heteroatom), stability is related to RH dissociation energies G. steric hinderance makes radicals persistent (triphenylmethyl) H. detection by ESR – 10-8 M 1. unpaired electron - spin 1/2, two spin state, 1/2 2. transition between states = E = h = gBH H H g = Lande g-factor, B = Bohr magneton, H = magnetic field 3. splitting 2nI + 1, n = # of identical nuclei, I = spin quantum # e.g. methyl radical gives a 1:3:3:1 quartet, no second-order effects 4. hyperfine splitting normally results from electron-proton coupling with and nuclei (proton most common) 5. aH Q (Q 22 gauss) = spin density for methyl radical: a = 22 G, = 1 H H CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 for benzene radical ion, a = 22/6 G = 3.8 G :page 2 6. aH 2G 42Gcos2 : = dihedral angle, McConnell relation 7. cyclohexyl radical, 10 lines at RT (18 at low T), aH = 21.5 G, aH = 35.2 G , find low T coupling??? 8. steady-state generation I. spin trapping – reactive radicals react with compounds that form stable radicals J. CIDNP II. generation of radicals A. electron transfer 1. reduction: A e A O O + Na Na Na R C C R R C C R ROOH Fe 2 RO OH Fe 3 , H2O2 Ti 3 HO HO Ti 4 O O O + + Cu O O O + O + Cu+2 O 2. oxidation: D D e RCO2H Pb4 RCO2 Pb3 H , also works with Ce+4, Mn+3 and Ag+2 B. thermal cleavage CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 :page 3 O O 2RO RO OR O O 2 O O N N N C C C N N N N N C HOCl + N N 2 C N C. photolysis: cumulated lone pairs i.e. ROOR h 2RO , halogen, hypohalites, also alkenes, carbonyl compounds: short lifetimes III. propagation pathways of radicals A. atom abstraction (ArDR) - usually monovalent (H or halogen) 1. dependent on bond energies, TS can have polar character 2. R' O RH R' OH R,R alkyl,benzyl , allyl 3. R3M R' X R3MX R' ,M Sn, Ge & Si, X Cl,Br,I 4. rate constants 109 O + OH + O OH O + k for primary is 102-103 106 OH + HO Cl CS11 free radical reactions.docx + CH3OH CH3 CH3O O 2012April11 CH3OH + :page 4 CH2OH CH2 105 + OH + 10 + O2 O2 105 O2H + 10-1 O2H + + 10-1 O2 10-4 O2 + O2H + 5. selectivity determined by attacking radical (bond formed), bond being broken, and reorganization of electrons p p p CH2CH=CH2 n CH2OR CH2CH=O a. PMO theory predicts orbitals closest in energy interact most strongly b. LUMO of electron withdrawing group interacts most strongly c. HOMO of electron donating group interacts most strongly 6. rates can be estimated for reactions where HBr + Et abstraction is rate determining step broken formed BDE Et-H (98) Br-H (88) Et-H (98) F-H (136) 10 Br + EtH F +EtH 38 HF + Et CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 Ea for Br = 13.2 kcal/mol, H* = 12.6 kcal/mol :page 5 Ea for F = 0.3 kcal/mol, H* = -0.3 kcal/mol - exothermic processes are diffusion controlled, barrier estimated from activation energy (2-5 kcal in solution) - endothermic barrier estimated from bond energy difference and reverse barrier (2-5 kcal) B. fragmentation O R O O R + CO2 O R N N R + N O R + C O N R CH3 C. addition R' R2C CR2 R' R2 CR2 R O2 RO 2 + R + R H O + OEt 109 P OEt OEt isooctane Et + + Et P 109 O O Et Et isooctane Et B 109 Et isooctane IV. destruction of radicals OEt Et P Et O Et O O + P OEt OEt Et B Et Et P OEt P OEt OEt Et + Et Et O B Et Et + Et CS11 free radical reactions.docx A. coupling and disproportionation R R R R, 2012April11 :page 6 R R'2 CHCH2 RH R'2 C CH2 B. oxidation R Mn R M(n1) , M+n = Pb+4, Ce+4, Mn+3, Ag+2 V. path combinations A. substitution (ArDR + ARDr) initiation or h X 2 2X propagation X CH4 XH CH3 CH3 X 2 CH3 X X termination step F Cl Br I 1 -31 2 17 34 2 -70 -26 -24 -21 X X X 2 1. several propagation (chain) steps can occur per initiation 2. barrier to termination is low but reaction is bimolecular in radical and radical concentrations are low 3. propagation steps can compete because substrate concentration is high 4. feasibility of reaction determined by propagation steps, e. g. for methane bromination and iodination does not occur at an appreciable rate 5. consider kinetics of Br + ethane??? or h 2Br initiation Br2 propagation Br CH3 CH3 BrH CH3 CH2 ,H 10 kcal / mol CH3 CH2 Br2 CH3 CH2Br Br,H 23 kcal / mol termination rate d[EtBr ] Br Br Br2 dt k 2 [Br2 ][Et] d[HBr ] dt k1[Br][EtH] first step is slow step therefore kt [Br] [Et] 2[Br] is termination path CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 :page 7 at steady state [total radical] I constant therefore Rinitiation = Rtermination Ri depends on heat and light Ri 2k t [Br]2 [Br] (Ri 2k t )1/ 2 1 R 2k [EtH] rate i 1 21 1 2 2 kt note that rate is independent of Br2 Estimate chain length: chain length = k1[Br][EtH] 2k t [Br] 2 k1[EtH] 2k t [Br] - must be greater than 1 for reaction to be feasible - estimate rate of reaction: G* = H + 2-5 kcal/mol = 10 + 4 = 14 kcal/mol log k1 13 G * 1. 4 k1 103 M-1 s -1 if [EtH] = 1 M, then rate 10 3 (1)[Br] for practical rate > 10-5 M/s, then [Br] 10 8 M chain length = 102 increase [Br] to 10 -6 M, chain length is 1, rate =10-3 s-1 6. polar effects- chlorination more sensitive than bromination CH3CH2CH2CN + Cl2 ClCH2CH2CH2CN + CH3CHClCH2CN + HCl 31% 69% a. the chlorine radical is less selective than bromine and abstraction has early transition state b. therefore the stability of the radical has little influence on the TS energy c. the -CH bonds are weakest but are also relatively electron deficient d. the chlorine radical is electrophilic so it avoids the elecron deficient -CH B. radical addition 1. X2 initiates as above, HX, RSH, Br3CH, BrCCl3, CCl4 initiate via peroxide CS11 free radical reactions.docx R'OOR' R'O + R'O Y + LY + Y + LY R + 2012April11 :page 8 2R'O R'O R R'O L + Y Y R Y L + Y LY abstraction HX RH + X RSH RH + RS X2 RX + X BrCCl3 RBr + CCl3 CCl4 RCl + CCl3 HCBr3 RH + CBr3 2. addition to nitroso or nitrone compounds R R N O + R' R' N O R' O O N N + R' 3. two-atom 3-electron bonds VI. inhibitors - abstraction or addition forms unreactive radicals CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 :page 9 OH OH tBu O HO tBu 2R O R + O2 RO2 R RO2 OH Me O RO4R -tocopherol BHT hydroquinones O RSH - OH + N - O R + N N+ - O O + R N tBu tBu R O- thiol O- R ascorbate spin traps spin adducts VII. selected reactions A. hydroxylation arenes Fe2+ H2O2 H2O2 HO - + HO + HO - + HO OH OH OH H H B. O H O H2SO4 O H NH2 NH2 H2O2 NH2 O O N + O HO H2O2 FeSO4 NH2 O O + H2O O H O NH2 NH2 NH2 O HO H O O O O H O H O H H O H NH2 NH2 + N N NH2 O N O N C. Hunsdiecker O R O - + O Ag + Cl R - O + Cl+ Ag O O Cl Cl R OCl R O R + CO2 O + Cl R OCl also works with carboxylic acids and Cu(II) , Pb(IV), Ce(IV), Mn(III), Ag(II) and halide O RCl + D. autooxidation R O CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 Ri initiation (source of ROOH?) ROOH RO RO :page 10 RO RH ROH R R O2 RO 2 propagation RO 2 RH RO 2H R propagation 2RO 2 RO 4R termination Inhibition: for complete inhibition, rate of radical scavenging by inhibition equals rate of initiation [ROOH] since there are no chain reactions, for injection of InH example, in autooxidation time InH InH ROO k In ROOH Ri d[InH ] dt d[ROOH ] t dt k InH [ROO][InH ] graphically Ri [InH ] / t , providing a simple means of determining Ri. E. silicon hydride (or tin hydride) reduction of alkyl halides. ROOR 2RO RO Et3 SiH ROH Et3 Si Et3 Si RX Et3 SiX R R Et3 SiH RH Et3 Si F. diacyl peroxide reduction, catalytic in copper, RCO2O2CR CuI RCO2 RCO2 Cu2 I ast RCO 2 f R CO2 R Cu2 R Cu R RCO 2 RCO 2R cation may rearrange or react with added nucleophile CS11 free radical reactions.docx G. rearrangement 2012April11 Ph Ph Ph Ph :page 11 Ph Ph H. Dissolving metal reduction 1. olefins, alkynes, aromatics H O R' Na + R R C C R C C R H R + Na R R C C R + Na C C H + Na R H O R' C C H + Na + O R' R R C C H + Na + O R' H R note that C radicals oxidize electropositive metals 2. RX + 2Na R2 3. esters, aldehydes and ketones (acyloin) I. Carbenes 1. divalent carbon, six electrons, 2 non-bonding electrons R 2. singlet R R (a) paired electrons R (b) empty p, sp2 lone pair (c) concerted addition to double bond, retention of stereochemistry 3. triplet - unpaired electrons, diradical, stepwise addition to double bond, loss of stereochemistry 4. CH2 triplet is lower in energy than singlet by 8-10 kcal/mol CS11 free radical reactions.docx 2012April11 5. donor (heteroatom or aromatic goups) stabilizes singlet :page 12 6. carbene formation and reactions a. thermal or photolytic decomposition of diazomethane, + H2C N N ketene, diazirine (a) spin conservation yields singlet first, if reaction is N H2C C O slow decays to triplet (b) triplet sensitizers like benzophenone yields triplet directly b. -elimination of carbanion, HCCl3 and base, CH2I2 and Zn c. termination d. insertion in CH bonds e. -migration f. addition to double bonds J. Nitrenes are analogous to carbenes RN - N CH2 + N2 CH2 + CO