Placing students in classrooms is one of the single most important tasks each year. An immense amount of time and effort
is put into this process to provide the best learning situation for all students. The process we use at Carson Elementary
School takes into consideration numerous factors and areas of input: (1) Staff input; (2) Special Programs (Special
Education, Chapter/LAP, Counseling department, etc.); (3) Achievement level in core subjects; (4) Ratio of girls to boys;
(5) Motivation level of students; (6) Compatibility of students; (7) Work habits; (8) Equalization of class loads, and (9)
parent input, by application for special consideration.
All of these areas are considered as we go through the student placement process in the following manner:
Step 1 – Classroom teachers compile a list of factors that should be considered when placing each student in the best
learning situation.
Step 2 – Classroom teachers and support staff meet to configure classes considering factors and input listed above.
Step 3 – On the last day of school, class assignments are included along with the child’s report card.
With an exception of a small percentage of children, the majority of students are equipped to adjust to any classroom
placement. The small percentage of students who have special needs will receive special placement consideration.
Examples of students who might be eligible for special consideration are (1) Students with a handicapping condition; (2)
Students with professionally documented academic need(s); (3) Students with a professionally diagnosed emotional or
behavioral adjustment problem, and/or (4) other significant educational needs as identified by parents/guardians.
After reading the above information about our student placement process, if you feel your child still
needs special consideration, please fill out the following information. Teacher assignments for the
2011-2012 school year have not been finalized; therefore, this form focuses on your child’s needs
rather than a teacher preference.
Student Name:________________________________________________
Parent Name:_________________________________________________
Reason for requesting special consideration:
 My child has a handicapping condition.
 My child has an emotional or
behavioral need.
 My child has a professionally
documented academic need.
 My child has an educational need
identified by the parent.
Further information on the reason for requesting special consideration:
A description of my child’s individual needs:
Due in office by May 13, 2011