AP Contract 2015

Student Name: _________________________________________
Student Grade Level: _____________________________________
Advanced Placement Agreement 2015-2016
Advanced Placement courses are taught at a college level and require excellent organizational skills,
strong study habits, the ability to work independently, and a high level of interest and commitment.
Students can expect to spend substantial time outside of class preparing assignments, reading, and
writing papers. In addition, Advanced Placement students will have summer assignments to prepare
them for the challenge of their Advanced Placement course(s). Students who struggle with AP courses
are expected to commit themselves to greater effort and seek regular support services one of which
could be tutoring inside and outside the school resources.
Commitment for the entire school year: I understand that a student may NOT drop an Advanced
Placement course after July, 1, 2015. Juniors taking AP Seminar are committed to AP Research as a
Credit for the Advanced Placement class: I understand that taking the Advanced Placement test does not
guarantee college credit. Colleges and universities determine the minimum score for which they will
award credit. I understand that the AP exam is considered part of this class, and that completion of the
course and receiving the AP-level GPA points is dependent on my taking the AP exam. I agree to pay the
fee, approximately $91, for each AP exam with AP Seminar and AP Research fee, approximately $139,
for each exam. (Note: Assistance is available for students receiving free and reduced lunch.)
Assignments and work habits: I understand that Advanced Placement courses require a substantial
commitment of time and energy. I will be diligent in completing my assignments thoughtfully and on
time. I understand that I am responsible for being a constructive member of an AP class by participating
in class discussions, working cooperatively in groups, respecting the views of others, and taking
responsibility for my decisions. I understand that all AP students will take a midyear exam.
Summer Assignments: I agree to complete the summer assignments. Failure to complete the summer
assignment does not provide grounds for removal from the course. Instead, the incomplete summer
assignment will be used in the determination of the student’s grade. It is my responsibility to obtain the
summer work information from the AP teacher prior to leaving for summer vacation.
College Board Website: Students are encouraged to visit the College Board website to view testing dates
and important information regarding AP courses. www.collegeboard.com
Please list the AP Courses in which you wish to enroll for the 2015-2016 school year:
I have read the Advanced Placement information sheet and agree to abide by all of the requirements. I
understand that Advanced Placement courses require summer assignments that are my responsibility to
obtain and complete by specified deadlines. I also understand that I must pay my Advanced Placement
fees by November 1, 2015 and take the exam(s) in May of 2016.
Please enroll me in the Advanced Placement course(s) noted above.
Student’s Name (Print) _____________________________
Student’s Signature___________________________ Date _______
Guardian’s Name (Print) ____________________________
Guardian’s Signature__________________________ Date_______
*Students must return their completed, signed Advanced Placement Agreements to their counselor in
order to be scheduled for Advanced Placement classes.