PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ATOM INTERFEROMETER A. Introduction Atom interferometers, in which atom or molecule de Broglie waves are coherently split and then recombined to produce interference fringes, hold tremendous promise to become precision instruments. The ability to accurately measure interactions that displace the de Broglie wave phase has led to qualitatively new measurements in three broad areas: atomic and molecular physics, fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, and new ways to measure acceleration and rotation. Our group has pioneered techniques in each of these areas, including the first (and only) atom interferometry experiments that employ physically separated paths to make precision measurements. These investigations are now ready to move beyond demonstrations - which have already captivated widespread general interest - toward dedicated precision measurement applications. Figure 4. A schematic, not to scale, of our atom interferometer. The 0 th and 1st diffracted orders from the first grating are redirected by the middle grating and form an interference pattern in the plane of the third grating. The detector records the flux transmitted by the third grating. A 10µm thick silicon septum before the 2nd grating separates the two arms of the interferometer. All critical components are mounted on a vibrationally isolated breadboard including the gratings, an optical interferometer (thick lines) to measure the relative positions of the atom gratings, and inertial sensors to monitor the overall board translation/rotation. B. Recent Scientific Results and Publications: Longitudinal interferometry -- Should we include this? Most previous experiments in atom optics have involved manipulation of the momentum of a matter wave transverse to its direction of propagation. However, one may also alter a wave’s longitudinal momentum state, placing each atom in a superposition involving different wavelengths corresponding to different longitudinal momenta and energy. Two doctoral dissertations in our group were devoted to developing this theory and implementing experiments using resonance regions that can create and recombine such longitudinal momentum coherences, essentially serving as atomic beam splitters. By taking advantage of the freedom to apply different frequencies to successive oscillatory field regions (a technique which we have originated, and term “differentially detuned separated oscillatory fields” or DSOF), we have generalized Ramsey's separated oscillatory field method and have demonstrated an interferometer capable of manipulating longitudinal momentum coherences. We used this to determine the complete description of the quantum state of a matter wave beam, by measuring its density matrix or Wigner function. We used this technique on a perturbed atom beam, and also on a beam originating directly from an oven - thereby resolving a long standing controversy concerning this system’s correct quantum description. Decoherence from Multiple Photon Scattering Using our improved Mach Zehnder interferometer for atoms we completed a study of quantum decoherence. The process of decoherence in quantum systems has been described as the collapse of the wave function, and causes a transition from from quantum mechanical to classical behavior. We have studied this emergence of classical behavior by scattering a controlled number of photons from each atom within the interferometer. We have demonstrated a calculatable and universal form of decoherence which is relevant to quantum computation, quantum error correction,and quantum communication. [KCR01] Figure 5. Demonstration of the change in character of spatial decoherence with number of photon scattering events. The interfering contrast is plotted as a function of the separation between the two interfering paths at the point of scattering. Each curve corresponds to a different mean and standard deviation of the number of scattering events (indicated). Contrast revivals in the small photon-number limit are clearly washed out as more scattering events occur. In the large photon-number limit, the contrast loss relaxes towards a gaussian. Dispersion in the Matter Wave Index of Refraction We recently measured the velocity dependence of the index of refraction seen by sodium matter-waves passing through a gas target. In optical parlance, we measured the dispersion, i.e. the variation of index with wavelength. Our experiment's unique sensitivity to the phase shift of forward-scattered atoms provides data which have never before been available for studing atom-atom interactions. In addition, our recent experiment for the first time shows strong evidence for glory oscillations in the phase shift - a novel interference effect which manifests as oscillations in the index of refraction as a function of impact velocity [ADV95]. Much theoretical work has been stimulated by our earlier measurements of the matter-wave index of refraction [SCE95], and there are conflicting predictions on how the index should vary with velocity [ADV95, CAD97, FLK96, FLK97, VIG95 ]. The variance in the predictions arises because the index is very sensitive to both long-range (>5 Angstrom) and medium-range (0.5 to 5 Angstrom) inter-atomic potentials. We are collaborating with theorist Robert Forrey in using these measurements to refine the shapes of the long-range potentials between sodium and other gases (Ar, Kr, Xe, and N) and test the new theoretical predictions inspired by our earlier work. Figure 4. Preliminary data on the Re/Im ratio of the index of refraction for Na matter waves passing through Ar, N2, Kr, and Xe. The data are plotted as a function of the velocity of the incident Na atoms. The solid lines are the result of calculations using potentials found in the litterature [ADV95, BKZ91, CAD97, BZB92]. Electronic phase chopping We have implemented a novel velocity-multiplexing scheme [HPC95, TIB01] using two separated regions of inhomogeneous electric fields that can be pulsed on and off in time. This overcomes the limitations of having a large spread in (and imprecise knowledge of) atom velocities, and will allow us to make even more precise measurements of atomic poliarzabilities. The velocity distribution of our atom beam limits the accuracy of several different interferometer experiments. Most interactions we seek to study, such as the Stark shift, gravity, or rotations, cause a phase shift that depends on interaction time, i.e. is proportional to 1/velocity. A spread in velocity therefore causes a spread in phase-shift of the interference pattern, which lowers the atom-interference contrast if the average applied phase is too large. Velocity multiplexing [HPC95] has been proposed to overcome this de-phasing without loosing the count rate as would happen with simple velocity selection. Atoms inside the interferometer which pass through one of these electric-field gradients emerge with a relative phase shift between the beams. Toggeling the two gradients on and off in time rapidly compared to an atom's transit time between the two regions causes atoms of certain velocities to interfere destructively, and others constructively – which will cause a revival in contrast only at large phase shifts, greatly increasing our sensitivity to the interaction we are studying (since our phase error is roughly the same). Figure 4. The inhomogeneous electric field regions used to implement velocity multiplexing. The timevarying electric field gradients imprint a velocity-dependant phase on the atoms in the interferometer of either 0 or radians. This will enable us to study larger perturbations to the interferometer. Figure 4. The revivals in contrast depend on the frequency at which the electric field regions are pulsed. These data, taken in the absence of an applied potential, indicate the velocity multiplexing is working properly. 250,000 C. Interferometry Techniques and Groundwork 300 Counts/sec 250 200 150 200,000 150,000 4,000 Transverse interferometry -- Update 100 this section. 2,000 50 Our group has pioneered the 0 0 development of transverse atom Detector Pos ition interferometry with micro-fabricated transmission diffraction gratings, Figure 5. (left) Interference fringes from the original with 400 nm period gratings in 1991. The scan employing a three grating Mach- interferometer required 400 seconds of data, the contrast is 12.9%, and the Zehnder geometry. Collaborating with Signal/Noise ratio is 2.2. (right) Recent interference fringes H. Smith’s group at MIT to fabricate acquired with greatly improved 200nm gratings and a higher flux The scans were acquired in 10 seconds. Contrast in the improved gratings using Achromatic beam. upper (lower) fringes is 17.6% (48.9%) and the resultant S/N is Interferometric (optical) Lithography, 79.2 (21.4). Note the different vertical axes. we have demonstrated atom interference fringes using 100-nm period gratings, which give twice the beam separation of our standard 200-nm gratings. Using the impoved interferometer we recorded the highest contrast interference fringes yet achieved with 100nm period gratings (14.9%). Our interferometer was sensitive enough to uncover what appear to be variations in the phase/period of the 100nm gradings as a function of position on the gating window – a defect that ultimately limited the usefulness of theses gratings for use in atomic physics experiments. We plan to use improved gratings fabricated by H. Smith’s group which should substantially increase our contrast and hence signal to noise. Apparatus Improvements: We significantly upgraded our apparatus for transverse interferometry. The vacuum envelope of our atomic beam machine has been replaced by a series of 6-way crosses, achieving greater length, facilitating access to the equipment inside the chamber, and permitting the rapid reconfiguration of modular flanges which hold additional atom optical elements. The new apparatus is very stable, and allows the simultaneous pursuit of several different experiments, involving both longitudinal and transverse matter-wave interferometers. The separated beam atom optical elements (gratings) are placed on an optical platform separate from the vacuum envelope, which substantially improves the flexibility of the interferometer as well as its thermal and vibration isolation. In our new apparatus we have installed a test facility which allows us to charactarize the open fraction and fidelity of the nano-fabricated diffraction gratings. We can observe the atom-beam diffracton patterns of ten different gratings per week, which compliments the SEM and optical observations as part of our ongoing collaboration with H. Smith’s nanofabrication team at MIT. New Vacuum Chamber and Vibrational Isolation With the support of an NSF equipment supplement, we have recently constructed a new vacuum chamber consisting of five identical six-way crosses, each ~50cm long. The new chamber increases the overall length of our beam machine to ~3.5m, allows up to 200µm separation between the arms of our transverse interferometer, and has a large number of access ports for flexibility and modularity. Atom optical components are now mounted on a vibrationally isolated optical breadboard (Fig. 4) to reduce phase drift (crucial for future precision measurements), and to lower vibrational noise to less than 10nm rms (necessary to achieve high contrast interference with 100nm period gratings.) Phase shifts due to residual inertial noise will be measured and corrected for using high sensitivity inertial sensors. These improvements should largely eliminate effects of both vibration and inertial noise, yielding about a factor of two improvement in overall signal-to-noise. Atom Gratings The critical components of our interferometer are freestanding diffraction gratings for the atoms or molecules. Our fabrication techniques for these gratings have undergone several generations of improvement since our first interferometer in 1991 (Fig. 5). Future goals of using a hexapole focusing magnet to increase beam flux by a factor of 20 and realizing a spatial separation of several hundred microns between the two interfering paths, will require gratings that are physically larger and of significantly smaller period than those available in the past. We have therefore initiated a collaboration with the group of Prof. Hank Smith at the MIT Nanostructures Laboratory who has developed a holographic process called Achromatic-Interferometric Lithography. This technique provides excellent large-scale uniformity such that a 100nm period grating will be phase coherent over an area as large as 1cm2. These gratings have already been used to observe 15th order atomic diffraction peaks, and we hope to begin using them in our interferometer early in the new grant period. Thin Septum Using precision fabrication tools available at the MIT Microsystems Technologies Laboratory, we have developed new techniques for manufacturing narrow freestanding membranes, or septa, which we use to physically isolate the atom waves traversing the two arms of our interferometer. We now construct a septum by anodically bonding a thin (10µm), rigid silicon wafer to a borosilicate glass substrate in which a cavity has been cut to permit passage of the atom beam and to serve as a gas cell for the index of refraction experiments described below. The silicon and glass possess matched coefficients of thermal expansion, allowing us to cool the gas cell and septum to liquid nitrogen temperatures to increase the resolution of our index of refraction experiment. Vacuum deposition of a metal film will create a conducting surface to be used in both polarizability measurements and studies of relativistic effects. D. Proposed Experiments With our improved transverse interferometer, we plan now to emphasize new and more precise measurements in atomic physics as well as fundamental experiments in quantum mechanics. Exploiting the unique capability of our separated beam interferometer to apply welldefined interactions uniquely to one arm of the interferometer, we aim to significantly improve our knowledge of atomic and molecular properties that are inaccessible by any other experimental means. The extreme sensitivity of our device will also allow us to investigate novel relativistic and topological phases that have engendered recent theoretical controversy. Polarizability of Multiple Alkalis An atom’s polarizability governs its interaction with electric fields and is an important parameter in Van der Waals interactions, electric dipole transition rates, and long-range interatomic potentials. Several theoretical groups have expressed their interest in polarizability measurements including Prof. Walter Johnson who recently calculated the polarizability of sodium to compare with our earlier measurement [GROUP95_SCE] as part of his program to check the atomic structure theories of parity violation in cesium [NMW88, WBC97]. We propose to measure the polarizabilities of the alkali metals through cesium to <0.1% accuracy— more than an order of magnitude better than current values (except for sodium [GROUP95_ESC]), and to measure their relative polarizability at the 0.01% level. The species independence of our gratings (versus light gratings) allows us to switch alkalis easily, and velocity multiplexing will increase our accuracy and precision to the 0.1% and 0.01% targets. Our relative measurements will ultimately be normalized by a single, higher precision experiment using a sodium BEC (see Sec. IV.C). Mention 100 nm gratings, thin septum, and Chopper technologies. Anisotropic Polarizability of Sodium Molecules We propose to make the first measurement of both the parallel and the perpendicular components of the polarizability of the dimer molecule Na2 using our techniques of molecular [GROUP95_CEH] and contrast [GROUP94_SEC] interferometry. This will permit tests of various approximations used in molecular structure calculations [BOK94, MIB88]. The asymmetry of the polarizability causes the electric field induced phase shift to depend on the molecule’s j, m state. The beating of interference patterns for molecules with different j, m generates considerable structure as a function of field strength and permits the accurate determination of both polarizability components. Proposed experiments Polarizability of Na using velocity multiplexing Pol of Cs using 100 vel multiplexing Pol of Na2 Ratio pols of all alkali (Rotations using vel multiplexing) Relativistic Effects An atom’s extreme sensitivity to electric and magnetic fields means that the relativistically small fields generated by its motion can produce observable phase shifts. These relativistic fields add velocity dependent terms to the atomic Hamiltonian, resulting in a difference between the canonical and kinematic momenta, and questions remain about how to incorporate such relativistic terms into the standard non-relativistic formulation of quantum mechanics [WAR97]. These phase shifts are also intriguing by virtue of their linear velocity dependence, which cancels the usual 1 v dispersion of phase shifts in an interferometer, resulting in a velocity independent and sometimes purely topological phase. Induced Dipole in a Magnetic Field It has recently been predicted [WEH95, WIL94] that a neutral, polarizable particle which moves in crossed electric and magnetic fields acquires a non-trivial quantum phase resulting from the interaction between the induced electric dipole moment and the motion-induced electric field. Another author contends that the predicted effect is unobservable [HAG96]. This effect represents the next logical extension of investigations into various topological phases sparked by the remarkable discovery of the Berry phase and its simplest examples, the Aharanov-Bohm and Aharanov-Casher effects. One proposal calls for a separated beam of neutral atoms to pass on either side of a charged foil immersed in a magnetic field so that the cross product E B has opposite sign on the two sides—an arrangement easily achieved using our thin septum technology. We propose to look for the predicted induced dipole phase shift of ~0.01rad, easily within the milliradian resolution of our interferometer. Anandan Force A second controversy concerns Anandan’s [ANA89a, ANA89b] prediction of a classical force acting on neutral dipoles in crossed electric and magnetic fields, F ( B ) 1 E 2 E ( B) , c t c Casella and Werner [CAS94, CAW92, WER94] claim that for a spin 1/2 particle, the last term in the above expression is unobservable in principle, but Anandan and others disagree [ANH94, WAR97]. We propose to resolve this controversy by applying a differential electric field to atoms whose magnetic moments are precessing in a magnetic field such that the E ( B) force keeps the same sign throughout the measurement, but is opposite on the two sides of the interaction region. The force will be sensitively detected using longitudinal interferometry. OLD MATERIAL: We continue to pioneer new measurement techniques using coherent atom optics (such as beam-splitters, mirrors and lenses) to manipulate matter waves. We operate an atom interferometer, similar to a Mach-Zhender optical interferometer, which splits deBroglie waves of matter into two physically separate paths. After an interaction region where each atom can pass simultaneously on both sides of a metal foil the matter waves recombine, forming interference fringes. We monitor the phase and contrast of these fringes, which are extremely sensitive to any forces on the atoms. This year we completed three experiments on decoherence, we are midway through a measurement of the matter wave index of refraction, and we are developing a novel atom optic for velocity multiplexing. Each project described in this report refines atom interferometry as a tool for making measurements of atomic properties and probing fundamental issues in quantum physics. We apply atom interferometry toward fundamental and applied scientific problems such as studying quantum mechanics and making better gyroscopes. Matterwave interference enables novel and more sensitive studies of interactions between atoms and their environment (e.g., static E-M fields, radiation, and other atoms). We are devoted to using atom interferometry on a range of fundamental and applied scientific problems. Our atom interferometer realizes a Mach-Zehnder geometry using three nanofabricated transmission gratings, and generates an atom-beam interference pattern. Its most unique feature is a spatial separation of the two interfering beam paths, which permits the application of an interaction to only one of the two paths. Presently we are measuring the index of refraction seen by sodium matter waves passing through a target-gas which we have confined to one arm of the interferometer. We recently mounted the gratings on an optical breadboard suspended vibration-free inside the vacuum system, which makes better contrast and phase stability. We have also doubled the separation between the two arms of the interferometer by incorporating a new set of nano-fabricated diffraction gratings which each have a 100-nm period. These improvements are geared towards making more precise measurements of basic atomic properties. Long-term research objective: Matter wave interferometers, in which de Broglie waves are coherently split and then recombined to produce interference fringes, have opened exciting new possibilities for precision and fundamental measurements with complex particles. The aim of our research program is to extend the ideas and techniques of atom optics and atom interferometry which underlie atom interferometers, to use these devices to make qualitatively new and/or more precise measurements in atomic physics, and to perform fundamental experiments in quantum mechanics based on our ability to measure interactions that displace the de Broglie wave phase or change the quantum coherence of the beams (reducing the amplitude of the interference pattern). Science and Technology objective: To develop the techniques of atom optics and atom interferometers, and to find new applications in many scientific and technical arenas. We have pioneered applications in three major areas: precision measurements in atomic physics, atom interferometric inertial sensors, and investigations of fundamental quantum mechanical principles. Approach: Our transverse Mach-Zehnder interferometer for atoms and molecules uses three nanofabricated transmission gratings, and generates a "white-fringe" (i.e. insensitive to momentum spread in the beam) interference pattern. Its most unique feature is a spatial separation and isolation of the two interfering beam paths, permitting the application of an interaction to only one of the two paths. Also, we have recently constructed a novel interferometer in which the two interfering paths are separated in longitudinal momentum space. It is ideally suited to the study of interactions that change the kinetic or potential energy of an atom, leading to time-dependent superpositions of states with different total energies. We have also started atom interferometry experiments using a Bose-Einstein condensate in collaboration with Ketterle. Using BEC and lasers we have developed a means of amplifying a matter wave which can enhance the contrast of atom interference fringes. Progress: Using our improved Mach Zehnder interferometer for atoms we completed a study of quantum decoherence. The process of decoherence in quantum systems has been described as the collapse of the wave function, and causes a transition from from quantum mechanical to classical behavior. We have studied this emergence of classical behavior in three different experiments. By scattering a controlled number of photons from each atom within the interferometer we have demonstrated a calculatable and universal form of decoherence which is relevant to quantum computation, quantum error correction,and quantum communication. This year we have also made new measuremnts of the matter-wave index of refraction. Our experiment's unique sensitivity to the phase shift of forward-scattered atoms provides data which have never before been available. These measurements offer a new test for theories of inter-atomic potentials, which in many cases only predict potential minima with 5% to 10% accuracy. In addition, with the present experiment we see evidence for glory undulations in the phase shift as a function of matter-wave deBroigle wavelenth. In collaboration with Robert Forrey [FLK97] and Jim Baab, theorists who have expertise in the complex scattering calculations necessary to fit our data, we will determine the NaAr, Na-Xe, Na-Kr, and Na-N2 inter-atomic potentials more accurately than ever before. Technology Transfer Our demonstration of the inertial sensing capabilities of atom interferometers continues to garner widespread interest both within the scientific community where it is hoped such devices will eventually lead to tests of general relativity, and in the military where atom interferometers may one day replace laser gyroscopes in some inertial navigation systems. Our grating fabrication efforts in collaboration with Prof. Henry Smith at MITs Microsystems Technology Laboratory are helping to test the large scale reproducibility and feature-size limits of UV lithography.Our most recent demonstration of a calculatable and universal form of decoherence is relevant to qunatum omputation, quantum error correction and quantum communication. Because quantum interference is essential for these quantum information processing applications, the process of decoherence needs to be understood. The kind of decoherence we studied, which results from an environment where multiple scattering events each cause a small amount of decoherence, is one of the major problems faces by current efforts on quantum computation. It is too early to predict the ultimate destiny of atom amplification, but is seems likely that it will result in improved signal-to-noise in future matter wave devices. Better knowledge of inter-atomic potentials will be one important result from our matterwave index of refraction experiment. Theoretical understanding of inter-atomic potentials has applications in other areas including the lighting industry and atmospheric chemistry. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ATOM INTERFEROMETER A. Introduction Matter wave interferometers, in which de Broglie waves are coherently split and recombined to produce interference fringes, have opened new possibilities for precise and fundamental measurements with complex particles. Following the near simultaneous demonstration of four atom interferometers in 1991 [CAM91, KAC91, KET91, RWK92] intense activity has been devoted to interferometers using different atomic species, geometries, and components. Interferometers have now been made for hydrogen [CWM93], helium [PFK97], neon [GML95], sodium [KAC92], magnesium [HPR97, HPR98, SSM92], argon [ROB95], potassium [CLL94], calcium [MOO95, YOM98], rubidium [CKS97], molecular iodine [BCD94], and cesium [FSW98, Figure 4. A schematic, not to scale, of our atom interferometer. The 0th and 1st diffracted orders from the first grating are redirected by the middle grating and form an interference pattern in the plane of the third grating. The detector records the flux transmitted by the third grating. A 10µm thick silicon septum before the 2nd grating separates the two arms of the interferometer. All critical components are mounted on a vibrationally isolated breadboard including the gratings, an optical interferometer (thick lines) to measure the relative positions of the atom gratings, and inertial sensors to monitor the overall board translation/rotation. GBK97, SGA96, WHH97, ZYC94], and for various trapped species [CKS97, CKS97, HMW98, SHI96, SSH93, WMM98]. Our goal is to advance atom interferometric techniques and to apply them to obtain new scientific results. So far, our results have fallen into four classes: measurements of atomic and molecular properties, investigations of fundamental physics, measurement of inertial effects, and application of new techniques. During the last three years we have published pioneering work in each of these areas, including measurements of the index of refraction of atomic gasses for Na and Na2 de Broglie waves [GROUP95_SCE, GROUP97_HCL] fundamental studies of quantum decoherence [GROUP95_CHL], rotation sensing [GROUP97_LHS], and demonstration of a novel longitudinal coherence rephasing effect [GROUP98_SDK], and we have completed a search for longitudinal momentum coherences in an atomic beam (paper in progress). Some examples of our advances in atom interferometry technique include improvements in nanofabrication techniques for atom gratings [GROUP95_RTCa, GROUP95_RTCb] and the invention [GROUP98_PRD] and demonstration of amplitude modulation optics and longitudinal interferometry. B. Scientific Results and Publications from Prior NSF Support Our atom/molecule interferometer utilizes a Mach-Zehnder geometry with three nanofabricated transmission gratings to generate a “white-fringe” (i.e. insensitive to momentum spread in the beam) interference pattern. Its most unique feature is complete spatial separation of the interfering beam paths, which permits the application of an interaction to only one of the two paths (Fig. 4). Techniques and Groundwork New Vacuum Chamber and Vibrational Isolation With the support of an NSF equipment supplement, we have recently constructed a new vacuum chamber consisting of five identical six-way crosses, each ~50cm long. The new chamber increases the overall length of our beam machine to ~3.5m, allows up to 200µm separation between the arms of our transverse interferometer, and has a large number of access ports for flexibility and modularity. Atom optical components are now mounted on a vibrationally isolated optical breadboard (Fig. 4) to reduce phase drift (crucial for future precision measurements), and to lower vibrational noise to less than 10nm rms (necessary to achieve high contrast interference with 100nm period gratings.) Phase shifts due to residual inertial noise will be measured and corrected for using high sensitivity inertial sensors. These improvements should largely eliminate effects of both vibration and inertial noise, yielding about a factor of two improvement in overall signal-to-noise. Atom Gratings The critical components of our interferometer are freestanding diffraction gratings for the atoms or molecules. Our fabrication techniques for these gratings have undergone several generations of improvement since our first interferometer in 1991 (Fig. 5). Future goals of using a hexapole focusing magnet to increase beam flux by a factor of 20 and realizing a spatial separation of several hundred microns between the two interfering paths, will require gratings that are physically larger and of significantly smaller period than those available in the past. We have therefore initiated a collaboration with the group of Prof. Hank Smith at the MIT Nanostructures Laboratory who has developed a holographic process called Achromatic-Interferometric Lithography. This technique provides excellent large-scale uniformity such that a 100nm period grating will be phase coherent over an area as large as 1cm2. These gratings have already been used to observe 15th order atomic diffraction peaks, and we hope to begin using them in our interferometer early in the new grant period. Thin Septum Using precision fabrication tools available at the MIT Microsystems Technologies Laboratory, we have developed new techniques for manufacturing narrow freestanding membranes, or septa, which we use to physically isolate the atom waves traversing the two arms of our interferometer. We now construct a septum by anodically bonding a thin (10µm), rigid silicon wafer to a borosilicate glass substrate in which a cavity has been cut to permit passage of the atom beam and to serve as a gas cell for the index of refraction experiments described below. The silicon and glass possess matched coefficients of thermal expansion, allowing us to cool the gas cell and septum to liquid nitrogen temperatures to increase the resolution of our index of refraction experiment. Vacuum deposition of a metal film will create a conducting surface to be used in both polarizability measurements and studies of relativistic effects. Velocity Multiplexing Velocity multiplexing [GROUP95_HPC] involves cutting a broad velocity distribution into a number of closely spaced peaks, each of which accumulates an even multiple of phase shift in a subsequent interaction region so that the interference patterns all add up in phase. It can increase the relative accuracy of our phase shift measurements to 10-4 and remove uncertainties in the beam velocity distribution as a systematic error in our experiments. An improved version using the separated oscillatory fields developed for longitudinal interferometry rather than the choppers as proposed in [GROUP95_HPC], will create a picket fence of alternating ground and excited hyperfine levels as a function of velocity such that each ground state velocity group receives an even multiple of phase shift under the applied interaction and each excited state velocity group receives an odd multiple of phase shift. A subsequent additional phase shift between the two states will allow both groups of atoms to interfere constructively, producing a high contrast interference signal. This method will reduce our effective velocity width from the current 5% to less than 0.5%. D. Proposed Experiments Having made major improvements in our interferometer during the last grant period and developed techniques for longitudinal interferometry, we plan now to emphasize new and more precise measurements in atomic physics as well as fundamental experiments in quantum mechanics. Exploiting the unique capability of our separated beam interferometer to apply well defined interactions to only one arm of the interferometer, we aim to significantly improve our knowledge of atomic and molecular properties that are inaccessible by any other experimental means. These measurements are of obvious significance as we attempt to deepen our understanding of atoms and quantum mechanics, and hone the predictive power of theoretical models describing them. Atom interferometers by their nature are also ideal tools with which to investigate the important problem of quantum coherence and decoherence. Because atoms possess a rich internal structure in addition to their external motion, our interferometer provides a unique opportunity to study differential decoherence between internal and external degrees of freedom and to probe the fundamental limits on the coherence of ever larger and more complicated systems. Finally, the extreme sensitivity of our device will allow us to investigate novel relativistic and topological phases that have engendered recent theoretical controversy. Polarizability of Multiple Alkalis An atom’s polarizability governs its interaction with electric fields and is an important parameter in Van der Waals interactions, electric dipole transition rates, and long-range interatomic potentials. Several theoretical groups have expressed their interest in polarizability measurements including Prof. Walter Johnson who recently calculated the polarizability of sodium to compare with our earlier measurement [GROUP95_SCE] as part of his program to check the atomic structure theories of parity violation in cesium [NMW88, WBC97]. We propose to measure the polarizabilities of the alkali metals through cesium to <0.1% accuracy— more than an order of magnitude better than current values (except for sodium [GROUP95_ESC]), and to measure their relative polarizability at the 0.01% level. The species independence of our gratings (versus light gratings) allows us to switch alkalis easily, and velocity multiplexing will increase our accuracy and precision to the 0.1% and 0.01% targets. Our relative measurements will ultimately be normalized by a single, higher precision experiment using a sodium BEC (see Sec. IV.C). Anisotropic Polarizability of Sodium Molecules We propose to make the first measurement of both the parallel and the perpendicular components of the polarizability of the dimer molecule Na2 using our techniques of molecular [GROUP95_CEH] and contrast [GROUP94_SEC] interferometry. This will permit tests of various approximations used in molecular structure calculations [BOK94, MIB88]. The asymmetry of the polarizability causes the electric field induced phase shift to depend on the molecule’s j, m state. The beating of interference patterns for molecules with different j, m generates considerable structure as a function of field strength and permits the accurate determination of both polarizability components. Velocity Dependent Index of Refraction We were the first to investigate the index of refraction of gasses for sodium matter waves, by measuring the phase shift when the sodium (and molecular sodium) de Broglie waves in one arm of our interferometer passed through a gas cell. This measurement discriminated among various sodium-buffer gas interaction potentials appearing in the literature [GROUP95_SCE], and stimulated theoretical calculations of the index [CAD97, FLK96, FLK97, VIG95]. We now propose to extend our study by varying the velocity of our sodium beam to adjust the average center of mass energy of the inter-atomic collisions, and to reduce the uncertainty in center-ofmass energy by cooling the buffer gas to liquid nitrogen temperatures. In optical parlance, we will measure the dispersion, i.e. the variation of index with wavelength. We are collaborating with theorist Robert Forrey to conceive measurements that will best refine the shapes of the longrange potentials between sodium and other gases and test the new theoretical predictions inspired by our earlier work. We hope to observe glory oscillations; a novel interference effect which manifests as oscillations in the index of refraction as a function of impact velocity [ADV95]. Decoherence In a recent experimental realization [GROUP95_CHL] of Feynman’s gedankenexperiment, we explicitly demonstrated that the loss of interference due to scattering a single photon from an atom in our interferometer is directly related to the degree of “which-path” information contained in the final state of the scattered photon. While this supports the general picture of decoherence as “monitoring by the environment,” theorists warn [APZ97] that the intuition derived from simple experiments does not necessarily extend to cover more realistic systems such as might be encountered in quantum computers. We propose to extend our previous experiment to approach the limit of a single quantum object interacting with a thermal environment (i.e. blackbody radiation), the mechanism most often invoked to explain the fragility of superposition states in quantum computation. The appropriate regime for blackbody decoherence involves scattering many photons, each causing a small amount of dephasing. We expect that for N isotropic scattering events the interfering contrast (a measure of the coherence) will be reduced by exp[N(kphotond) 2 / 6] , where d is the spatial separation of the atomic superposition state [GROUP97_SCE]. An unexpected implication is that even a large particle with dense internal levels coupled to a thermal radiation field need not be completely isolated from the environment to exhibit spatial interference. Note, however, that a single spontaneously scattered photon can destroy any coherence between internal atomic/molecular states. For this reason, quantum computation based on spatial [CLD96, SUM97] (as opposed to internal) superposition states is potentially much more robust against this type of decoherence. Popular Press: Articles on recent work performed by our interferometer group have appeared in AIP Physics Bulletin on Physics News, P.F. Schewe, B. Stein, Jan. 4, 1996; T. Sudbery, Nature 379 (1996) 403; J. Hecht, Laser Focus World 32 (1996) 20 ; D. H. Freedman, Discover 17 (1996) 58; Physics Today 50 (1997) 9; C. Seife, Science 275 (1997) 931; P. Yam, Scientific American, June 1997, 124. R. Pool, Discover, December 1997, 103. And by M. Browne, NY Times (Science Section) August 15, 1995. It’s a Molecule. No, it’s more like a wave. Publications: Measurement of the density matrix of a longitudinally modulated atomic beam, Rubenstein RA, Kokorowski DA, Dhirani A-A, Roberts TD, Gupta S, Lehner J, Smith WW, Smith ET, Bernstein HJ, Pritchard DE, Physical Review Letters vol 83, no.12, (20 Sept. 1999), pp.2285-8. Londitudinal atom optics: Measuring the density matrix of a matter wave beam, Richard Rubenstein, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, (Febrrary 1999) Measurement of the density matrix of a longitudinally modulated atomic beam, Rubenstein RA, Kokorowski DA, Dhirani A-A, Roberts TD, Gupta S, Lehner J, Smith WW, Smith ET, Bernstein HJ, Pritchard DE, Physical Review Letters, vol.83, no.12, 20 (Sept. 1999), pp.2285-8. Longitudinal atom optics using localized oscillating fields: A fully quantum-mechanical treatment, Pritchard DE, Rubenstein RA, Dhirani A, Kokorowski DA, Smith ET, Hammond TD, Rohwedder B., Physical Review A, vol.59, no.6, (June 1999), pp.464152. Search for off-diagonal density matrix elements for atoms in a supersonic beam. Rubenstein RA, Dhirani A-A, Kokorowski DA, Roberts TD, Smith ET, Smith WW, Bernstein HJ, Lehner J, Gupta S, Pritchard DE, Physical Review Letters, vol.82, no.10, (8 March 1999), pp.2018-21. Atom interferometers and atomic coherence, Pritchard DE, Chapman MS, Hammond TD, Kokorowski DA, Lenef A, Rubenstein RA, Smith ET, Schmiedmayer J, Akademie Verlag. Fortschritte der Physik-Progress of Physics, vol.46, no.6-8, (1998), pp.801-8. Germany. Fully quantized treatment of molecular beam resonance, Kokorowski DA, Dhirani A, Hammond TD, Rohwedder B, Rubenstein RA, Smith ET, Pritchard DE, Akademie Verlag. Fortschritte der Physik-Progress of Physics, vol.46, no.6-8, (1998), pp.849-53. Germany Velocity rephased longitudinal momentum coherences with differentially detuned separated oscillatory fields, Smith ET, Dhirani A-A, Kokorowski DA, Rubenstein RA, Roberts TD, Huan Yao, Pritchard DE, Physical Review Letters vol 81, no.10, pp.1996-9 (7Sept. 1998) Velocity rephased coherences in a longitudinal atom interferometer, E.T. Smith, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, (June 1998) Optics and interferometry with atoms and molecules, J. Schmiedmayer, M.S. Chapman, C.R. Ekstrom, T.D. Hammond, D.A. Kokorowski, A. Lenef, R.A. Rubenstein, and D.E. Pritchard, in Atom Interferometry, P. Berman, ed., Academic Press, San Diego (1997) Determining the density matrix of a molecular beam using a longitudinal matter wave interferometer, A. Dhirani, D.A. Kokorowski, R.A. Rubenstein, T.D. Hammond, B. Rohwedder, E.T. Smith, and D.E. Pritchard, J. Mod. Optics vol 44, 2583 (1997) Longitudinal quantum beam tomography, D.A. Kokorowski and D.E. Pritchard, J. Mod. Optics vol 44, 2575 (1997). Atom interferomery: Dispersive Index of Refraction and Rotation induced phase shifts for matter-waves, Troy Hammond, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, (February 1997) Using an atom interferometer to take the gedanken out of Feynman's gedankenexperiment, Pritchard DE, Hammond TD, Lenef A, Schmiedmayer J, Rubenstein RA, Smith ET, Chapman MS, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.388, (1997), pp.223-8. USA. Atomic beam propagation effects: Index of refraction and longitudinal tomography, Kokorowski DA, Hammond TD, Smith ET, Rubenstein RA, Dhirani A, Schmiedmayer J, Pritchard DE, SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie, vol.2995, (1997), pp.289300. USA. Interferometry with atoms and molecules: a tutorial, Pritchard DE, Chapman MS, Ekstrom CR, Hammond TD, Kokorowski D, Lenef A, Rubenstein RA, Schmiedmayer J, Smith ET, SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie, vol.2995, (1997), pp.22-32. USA Matter-wave index of refraction, inertial sensing, and quantum decoherence in an atom interferometer , Hammond TD, Chapman MS, Lenef A, Schmiedmayer J, Smith ET, Rubenstein RA, Kokorowski DA, Pritchard DE, Revista Brasileira de Fisica, vol.27, no.2, (June 1997), pp.193-213. Rotation sensing with an atom interferometer, Lenef A, Hammond TD, Smith ET, Chapman MS, Rubenstein RA, Pritchard DE, Physical Review Letters, vol.78, no.5, (3 Feb. 1997), pp.760-3. Photon scattering and atomic interference, Schmiedmayer J, Chapman MS, Hammond TD, Lenef A, Rubenstein RA, Smith E, Pritchard DE, MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing. Laser Physics, vol.6, no.2, (March-April 1996), pp.284-9. Russia