Mn/DOT – U of M Contract Amendments CTS/RSS/SPA Processes for Requesting Amendments and Obtaining Approvals May 4, 2011 4 months, 3 months, and 2 months prior to contract expiration: PI, TL, AL evaluate whether or not a contract amendment for time extension is needed. The AL and Christina Miller may be consulted to help determine the need for a time extension. 2 months prior to contract expiration: RSS Financial Services runs a 60-day report monthly to show contracts that will expire in 2 months and notify the AL, Ben Worel and Linda Taylor of any contract that needs an extension but has not yet received an amendment request. The AL sends an email to the PI asking them to complete an amendment request, copying Christina Miller at CTS. AL alerts Christina Miller as soon as possible if they have trouble reaching the PI. If an amendment for time extension is needed after 4 month, 3 month or 2 month evaluations, the following process is followed: 1. PI fills out letter template and sends it via email to AL and TL, requesting approval or comments within one week. 2. If no response from the TL in one week, the AL will contact the TL and track the TL response until approval or comments are obtained. 3. If changes are required to the amendment, AL communicates changes to PI. PI makes changes and re-submits the amendment request for approval. If changes are not required, the TL and AL will respond to the PI with their approval in writing via email. 4. After the amendment request has been approved by the AL and TL: AL enters notes into ARTS indicating that the amendment request has been approved. PI signs the amendment request, obtains the department head signature and sends the letter to Kim Makowske at SPA for signature. 5. Kim will check to see if the box indicating that the PI has obtained AL and TL approval is checked. If not, Kim will send it back to the PI, copying Christina Miller at CTS. Christina will assist Kim (or Grant Administrators) in obtaining the properly completed letter from the PI. 6. Kim (or the Grant Administrators) will send the fully signed (scanned) amendment request letter via email to Ann McLellan, copying Becky Lein, Carole Wiese, and Christina Miller. 7. Ann will record the amendment request in ARTS and provide the letter to Linda Taylor for her approval. 8. If amendment request is approved, the contract amendment is initiated by Ann and drafted by Mn/DOT Becky and Carole. H:\Official\Administration\FORMS\Project Management\Amendments\U of M Amendment Request Process_CTS_RSS_SPA.doc