> REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 Mode couplings and conversions for horizontal dust particle pairs in complex plasmas Ke Qiao, Member, IEEE, Jie Kong, Zhuanhao Zhang, Lorin S. Matthews, Member, IEEE, and Truell W. Hyde, Member, IEEE Abstract—The normal modes for horizontal dust particle pairs in a complex plasma are investigated using two methods, a numerical calculation and a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The ion wakefield downstream of each particle and the variation of charge with particle levitation height are taken into account independently. It is shown that both mechanisms can create mode couplings, or hybrid modes. As the modes hybridize, their frequencies are altered. Mode conversions and resonance instabilities are also observed and examined near the resonance points. The resulting power spectrum clearly resembles the experimentally observed high energy density signature for large crystals. The criteria for the occurrence of both the mode conversion and resonance instability are found to be accurately calculated by the double derivative of the interparticle potential, for both the ion wakefield and charge variation cases. Index Terms—Complex plasma, dusty plasma, mode coupling, mode conversion I. INTRODUCTION P LASMA crystals were first observed in the laboratory in 1994 [1]-[3] and for the almost two decades since have been an integral part of the complex plasma research field. A typical laboratory plasma crystal is formed of micron-sized dust particles, each negatively charged to 103-104 elementary charges and then levitated in the plasma sheath above the lower electrode due to the balance between gravity and the sheath electric field. For dust particles located in the plane parallel to the lower powered electrode, the interparticle potential is of a repelling Debye–Hückel (or Yukawa) type, allowing the formation of a plasma crystal under the proper external horizontal confinement. Recently, investigations into the dynamics of dust particle pairs have created great interest in both the experimental [4][10] and theoretical [11]-[16] complex plasma communities. The simplicity of a two-particle system makes it ideal for studying the interparticle force between dust grains and often provides the ability for direct measurement of this force [4][7]. However, the underlying physics discovered employing this “simple” system has proven surprisingly complex. For example, particle pairs were initially employed to examine the Authors are with the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering Research at Baylor University in Waco, TX, 76798 USA, e-mail: Truell_Hyde@baylor.edu. non-Hamiltonian influences that can be created by the ambient plasma [6]-[10]. Probably the best known of these is the nonreciprocal ion wakefield force. This force is created by the vertical ion flow within the sheath [6]-[19] and has been shown to be the cause of many interesting effects in plasma crystals such as the vertical alignment of particles [6]-[10], [17], horizontal and vertical wave coupling [21]-[27] and twodimensional crystal melting [23], [25], [26]. Particle charge variation within the sheath, which is dependent upon the height above the powered electrode, can also be induced by the surrounding plasma [14], [15], [21], [28]-[32]. This effect can lead to interesting instabilities [14], [15], [21], [28], [29], [32]. In each of the cases above, the system’s normal modes and their related instabilities lie at the core of the physics involved. To date, normal modes and their resulting instabilities have been examined theoretically using either a Hamiltonian or perturbation theory approach. A Hamiltonian approach typically involves the introduction of an effective Hamiltonian, allowing the stability of the system to be analyzed by mapping its effective potential [10]-[12]. On the other hand, a perturbation theory approach involves solving Newton’s equations for the mode frequencies, employing a linear perturbation method [10], [13]-[16]. Regardless of which method is employed, the majority of studies referenced here [10]-[12] focus on an examination of the horizontalvertical transition rather than development of detailed mode spectra. Of the few that do examine the mode spectra, each disregarded either mode coupling [13], particle screening and/or charge variation [16] or required a priori assumptions such as assuming a smaller ion wakefield length as compared to the interparticle distance [14] or the assumption of a generalized interparticle potential rather than employing a specific model [15]. Since recently observed mode coupling and melting [23], [25]-[27] are based on just such an investigation of the power spectra, a numerical simulation for these systems is sorely needed. Such a simulation would allow the power spectra to be obtained in the same manner as from experiment and then compared directly to experimental data. Finally, in all previous research the influence from the ion wakefield and charge variation have always been treated together. The ability to examine the influence of the ion wakefield and charge variation independently provides the ability to determine whether either produces independent effects which can be observed experimentally. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < In this research, two independent methods are employed to examine the mode spectra, mode couplings, mode conversions and resonance instabilities for a horizontal dust particle pair under typical laboratory plasma conditions. In both methods, the ion wakefield and charge variation are considered independently of one another. The first method uses a numerical calculation starting from Newton’s equations, thus treating the system as non-Hamiltonian from the outset. This allows equilibria to be determined by simply mapping the particle positions over coordinate space and then finding the force balance points. Normal modes and instabilities (for oscillation modes producing negative frequencies) can then be obtained naturally from the dynamical matrix. The numerical nature of this method requires far fewer a priori assumptions than have previous analytical methods [10], [13]-[15] and allows examination of particle motion for each mode directly from the eigenvectors. Thus, mode conversions can be examined in detail, especially around critical points. The second method employs a molecular dynamic (MD) simulation using a box_tree code [33]-[35]. In addition to the advantages listed above, this method also provides the normal mode power spectra, indicating mode couplings and resonance instabilities and allowing direct comparison with data obtained experimentally for larger crystals [25]-[27]. This method additionally has the advantage of allowing for the examination of nonlinear effects and provides a natural extension to many particle systems. Section 2 introduces the physical models used to examine the ion wakefield and charge variation for both the numerical calculation and MD simulation method described. Results are given in Sections 3 and 4, and then discussed and quantitatively compared with previous research in Section 5. Conclusions can be found in Section 6. II. PHYSICAL MODELS A. Point Charge Model for Ion Wakefields The most detailed theoretical model for the ion wakefield to date obtains the potential using linear response theory (Fig. 1) [11], [18], [19]. Although robust, the mathematical representation required by this theory is extensive. A much simpler model is the point-charge model, where one assumes the ion wakefield around a dust particle with negative charge Q takes the form of the potential created by the particle itself and a positive point charge q located at a distance l beneath it (Fig. 2) [8],[10],[14],[16],[17],[21],[22],[24]. Selecting the location of the point charge to correspond with the first minimum in the wake field potential as obtained from linear response theory (Fig. 1) and selecting appropriate values of q, the potential calculated using the point charge model agrees qualitatively with the potential determined employing linear response theory. In this case, the distance between the dust particle and the point charge (or the potential minimum) is on the same order of magnitude as the vertical particle spacing found in experiments. This model will be used in this research since it provides a reasonable analytical approximation 2 [8],[10],[14],[16],[21],[22],[24] while also having the advantage of highlighting qualitative features of the physical process, such as the positive space charge effect beneath the dust particle. In the point charge model the interaction potential between two particles is given by [14], [21] U (r , z ) Q exp( r 2 z 2 / ) r2 z2 q exp( r 2 ( z l ) 2 / ) , (1) r 2 ( z l )2 where r and z represent the radial and vertical distance between the two dust particles respectively, and λ is the screening length. In the sheath region where the majority of dust particles levitate in experiments on Earth, the ion-flow velocity is such that the mean kinetic energy of the ions equals or exceeds that of the bulk electrons [18]. For this case, experimental measurements have shown the screening length to be roughly equal to the bulk-electron Debye length [4], [5]; thus, screening is often attributed to the electrons rather than the ions [19], [20]. However, due to the complexity of the plasma sheath, the origin of this screening remains an open question, and will not be specified here [16]. The interaction between the particles as defined above is assumed to include the dust-dust interaction, the interaction between dust particle 1 and virtual particle 2, and the interaction between dust particle 2 and virtual particle 1 [8], [16]. A primary advantage of this method is that it properly addresses the nonHamiltonian nature of this interaction from the outset [24][26]. B. Model for Charge Variation with Height The variation of charge with height is modeled independently of the ion wakefield; thus, the interparticle potential is assumed to be Yukawa in nature but with the charge Q given as a function of height z, U (r , z ) Q( z ) exp( r 2 z 2 / ) r2 z2 , (2) where r, z and λ are defined as above. It will be assumed the particle charge can be linearly approximated for small oscillations around the equilibrium height as Q(z) = Q0 + Q′zz with Q′z = (dQ/dz)0, where the subscript ‘0’ denotes the derivative taken at the equilibrium height, z = 0 [14]. In this research, as in [14], the charge is considered to be an instantaneous function of height, i.e. charge delay is ignored. This is because the charging time scale (10-7 s) [36] is much smaller than that for dust oscillation (> 10-2 s). Under this condition, as shown in [29], the charge delay only affects the damping rate, not the mode frequencies. In a typical experiment on earth, the dust particle pair is confined in the vertical direction within a potential well formed by the electrostatic and gravitational fields, and in the horizontal direction by the electric field which is assumed to be parabolic as produced by the experimental setup [37]. For this case, the external forces acting on the particles are Fz ,ext Ez x, z Qz Mg Fx,ext Ex x, z Qz (3) > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < where x and z are representative particle coordinates. For simplicity, and taking into account the symmetry of the system, the y-coordinate is ignored here. The electric field is assumed to be linear for small oscillations; thus Ez = E0 - Ez′z and Ex = -Ex′x, where E0 is the vertical electric field at the equilibrium position. Equation (3) allows parabolic confinement from electric fields in both the vertical and horizontal [38] directions. Dimensionless variables will be applied throughout the remainder of the paper unless specifically stated otherwise, with Q0 defined as the unit charge and λ as the unit length. For example, x and z will be normalized by λ, Q and q by Q0. For simplicity and without loss of generality, a particle mass of M = 1 will also be employed. III. NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS A. Screened Coulomb Interactions To determine the equilibria of the system, the force components Fαi were numerically calculated over two-particle coordinate space. In our notation, Greek letters (α, β …) are used to denote coordinate indices x (α, β… = 1) or z (α, β… = 2) while i, j… denote the particle number index. In this case, equilibria correspond to Fαi = 0. To determine the normal modes around a specified equilibrium point, the 4 × 4 dynamic matrix Mαi,βj = dFαi/drβj must be established, where rβj represent particle positions. The eigenvalues ω2n (where n is the mode number and can be 1, 2, 3 or 4) correspond to the squared mode frequencies, and the eigenvectors Vαi,n correspond to the oscillation amplitudes and directions for a given mode; i.e., Vαi,n is the oscillation amplitude for the ith particle in direction α, for the nth mode. In order to establish a baseline, numerical calculations were initially conducted assuming a simple screened Coulomb interaction (in other words, disregarding both the ion wakefield and any possible charge variation) between two particles, each having charge Q0. Values of Ex′ varying over a range 1 ≤ Ex′ ≤ 10 while holding Ez′ constant at Ez′ = 10 were used. In agreement with previous research [16], four normal modes were obtained for each combination of Ex′ and Ez′ (Fig. 3), corresponding to the horizontal center of mass (COM) motion (Hc mode, ω1 = ωHc), horizontal relative motion (Hr mode, ω2 = ωHr), vertical relative motion (Vr mode, ω3 = ωVr), and vertical COM motion (Vc mode, ω4 = ωVc). In this case, a pure mode is defined as that consisting of only one uncoupled mode, as opposed to a hybrid mode, which is composed of two or more modes coupled to each other. Obviously all modes resulting from a screened Coulomb case are pure modes. The mode frequencies as a function of Ex′ are shown in Fig. 3. When Ex′ = 1, the frequencies of the relative and COM modes in the vertical direction, ωVr and ωVc, are approximately equal, hinting at a degeneracy when the horizontal confinement is much weaker than the vertical confinement. On the other hand, when Ex′ = Ez′ = 10, ωVr = 0; at this point the system becomes unstable and a horizontal-vertical transition 3 occurs. For the simple Yukawa (screened Coulomb) case, the threshold condition for this transition is Ez′/Ex′ = 1. Experimentally ωHc and ωVc are much easier to measure than are Ex′ and Ez′. Thus, this condition is more commonly referred to as ωVc/ωHc = 1. As Ex′ increases from 1 to 10, ωVr decreases, ωHr and ωHc increase, and ωVc remains constant. These trends agree with earlier derived results for a dust particle pair assuming only an unscreened Coulomb interaction [16]. B. Ion Wakefield With a baseline now in place, the point charge model was employed to include the effect of the ion wakefield. Three values of q were chosen, q = 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8, corresponding to a positive space charge much smaller, half as much, and approximately equal to the dust particle charge. A distance l = 0.5 was used in order to match typical experimental values [6], [8]-[10]. Inspection of the resulting eigenvectors produced by the dynamic matrix revealed that the COM modes (Hc and Vc) remain as pure modes having frequencies ωHc and ωVc, unchanged from the screened Coulomb case. However, the relative modes have now become hybrid modes, with the Hr mode coupled to the Vc mode, producing a Hr-Vc hybrid mode and the Vr mode coupled to the Hc mode, producing the Vr-Hc hybrid mode. These mode couplings are in agreement with previous results derived for a generalized interparticle potential [15]. Due to mode coupling, the mode frequencies are altered. The Hr-Vc hybrid frequency, ωHr-Vc, increases while the Vr-Hc hybrid frequency, ωVr-Hc, decreases below the pure mode frequencies ωHr and ωVr (as obtained from the simple screened Coulomb case) (Fig. 4). This difference is greater when the point charge q increases. Lowering ωVr-Hc causes the threshold value for Ex′th (the horizontal-vertical transition) to decrease dramatically (Fig. 4 (b) ). Mode conversions can most easily be examined via the mode polarization, defined as P ≡ Vh/Vv, where Vh (Vv) is the horizontal (vertical) oscillation amplitude of a specified hybrid mode. A peak in the polarization P (or reverse polarization 1/P) as a function of Ex′, occurs for both the Hr-Vc and Vr-Hc hybrid modes as shown in Fig. 5. Comparing Fig. 5 with Fig. 4, it can be seen that in this case the peak sits at the intersection between the hybrid mode and the pure mode to which it is coupled. For example, when frequencies of the HrVc and Vc modes are far apart (Δω2 > C, where Δω2 is the difference between the squared frequency of the two modes and C is the coupling term, the significance of which will be discussed in Section 5), the vertical amplitude of the Hr-Vc mode is much smaller than the horizontal amplitude, Vv << Vh. However, when ωHr-Vc is close to ωVc (Δω2 < C), resonance effects can create a sudden increase in the vertical amplitude of the hybrid mode, causing it to become much larger than the horizontal amplitude, that is, Vv >> Vh (Figs 4(a), 5(a)). This indicates a mode conversion at the point of resonance (when the two frequencies are equal). Similar arguments can be made for the Vr-Hc mode (Figs 4(b), 5(b)). For both modes, the position of this peak shifts as q increases. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < C. Charge Variation Next, the effect of the charge variation was examined as defined in 2 and 3, independent of the ion wakefield. To accomplish this, the electric field E0 was first estimated at the equilibrium point employing representative experimental parameters. Assuming a particle mass and charge, M ≈ 1 × 1013 kg, Q0 ≈ 1 × 10-15 C [5], E0 was calculated using the force balance equation, E0Q0 = Mg to be E0 ≈ 1 × 103 N/C. Since Q0 and λ are the unit charge and length respectively, the unit electric field is defined as Eunit = (1/4πε0)Q0/λ2, which gives a value for Eunit ≈ 40 N/C for a typical screening length λ ≈ 500 μm [5]. Thus, E0 ≈ 20 in normalized units represents a reasonable value for the calculations at hand. In addition, values of Q′z = 0.1 and 0.2 are assumed. With the charge variation introduced, the horizontal modes (Hc and Hr) remain pure with frequencies ωHr and ωHc, the same as those found for the simple screened Coulomb case (Figs 6, 7). The vertical modes however, become hybrid modes with the Vr mode now a Vr-Hc hybrid mode and the Vc mode becoming an Vc-Hr hybrid mode. The frequencies ωVr-Hc and ωVc-Hr both exhibit a difference from ωVr and ωVc by a value of –E0Q′z, thus increasing for negative Q′z and decreasing for positive Q′z (Figs. 6 and 7). Examining the mode polarization (Fig. 8), it is again found that when the hybrid mode frequency ωVr-Hc(ωVc-Hr) is far from that of the pure mode, ωHc(Hr) (Δω2 > C), the horizontal amplitude of the hybrid mode is much smaller than its vertical amplitude, i.e. Vh << Vv. When ωVr-Hc(ωVc-Hr) is approximately equal to ωHc(Hr) (Δω2 < C), resonance effects create a sudden increase in the horizontal amplitude, making it much larger than the vertical amplitude, i.e. Vh >> Vv, which again denotes mode conversion occurring at the resonance point. The maximum exhibited by the mode polarization as a function of Ex′ again shifts as Q′z changes (Fig. 8). IV. MD SIMULATIONS Finally, MD simulations were conducted with the individual algorithms for the ion wakefield (as modeled by the point charge method) and the charge variation due to height built into the box_tree algorithm [33]-[35]. This allowed them to be turned on and off independently. All simulations begin from an initial random distribution of two particles in a box of 10×10×10 mm3. The initial center of mass of the two-particle system is at the center of the box, which is also the origin of the coordinate system. The system is unbounded other than the trapping provided by the parabolic confinement created by the electric fields in both the vertical and horizontal directions. (See Eq. 3). Simulation parameters are chosen to represent normative experimental values, with the particle diameter d = 8.89 µm, the particle density ρ = 1.51 g/cm3, the particle charge Q = 2.4 × 10−15 C and the screening length λ = 300 µm. In order to compare with numerical calculation results, q, l, E0, Q′z, Ex′ and Ez′ are all chosen to be the values used in the numerical calculations. Since this work is focused on the oscillation modes and mode coupling, frictional damping is not included. 4 Particle pair systems were formed, stabilizing approximately 3 s after the start of simulations. System oscillations were tracked for 16 s producing data files showing each particle’s position and velocity at a time interval of 1/60 s for analysis. Mode spectra were obtained employing two methods. The first employed a direct Fourier transformation of the average particle velocity (Figs. 9, 10), while the second method is similar to one used by Melzer [39], where the time series of the particle velocities is projected onto the direction of the eigenvectors for each pure mode (i.e. with no coupling due to either the ion wakefield or charge variation). The mode power spectrum is then obtained in the form of an energy density through Fourier transformation [39] (Fig. 11 (a)). For both the ion wakefield (Fig. 9) and the charge variation (Fig 10) cases, the normal modes can be clearly seen in the spectra obtained from the first method (Fig. 9(a)(b), Fig. 10(a)(b)). The peaks in the spectra can be identified through comparison with the numerically calculated frequencies (Fig. 9(c), Fig. 10(c)). Excellent agreement between mode frequencies obtained from numerical calculation and MD simulation can be seen. The spectra also clearly identify the hybrid character or coupling between modes. For example, for the ion wakefield case, three peaks appear in the spectra obtained from the horizontal motion of the particles (Fig. 9 (a)): the two peaks for the horizontal Hc and Hr modes and a third suppressed peak. Comparing the suppressed peak with the spectra obtained from the vertical motion of the particles (Fig. 9 (b)), one finds that it falls at the exact frequency of the Vr mode. Thus, the Vr mode actually has both vertical and horizontal components, i.e. it is a Vr-Hc hybrid mode. Similar arguments can be made for the Hr-Vc mode for the ion wakefield case (Fig. 9 (b)), and the Vc-Hr and Vr-Hc modes (Fig. 10 (a)(b)) for the charge variation case. It is interesting to note that for the charge variation case, the vertical modes are always coupled to horizontal modes (through the Vr-Hc and Vc-Hr hybrid modes). This results in any spectrum obtained from the horizontal motion showing both horizontal and vertical modes (Fig. 10(a)), while the spectrum produced from vertical motion shows only vertical modes (Fig. 10(b)). This may be related to recent experimental results in 2D Coulomb crystals, where a high frequency optical branch was observed in the dispersion relations obtained from horizontal motion [27]. Experimental research on the relationship between the two is currently underway at CASPER. Mode spectra peaks can also be identified by the eigenvectors obtained via Fourier transformation (Fig. 9 (d), Fig. 10 (d)). Again, the horizontal and vertical components of these modes can be clearly seen. Furthermore, by inspecting the manner in which these components change at the points of resonance (Fig. 9(d), 10(d)), any conversion of the hybrid modes can be easily recognized. Fig. 9(d) (Fig. 10(d)) shows the change of direction of the eigenvector of the Hr-Vc (VcHr) mode as its frequency moves closer to that of the pure Vc (Hr) mode. The Vc (Hr) component increases dramatically in magnitude as the two frequencies approach one another, > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < dominating the Hr (Vc) component, clearly demonstrating a mode conversion, in agreement with the numerical calculation results. Power spectra for the pair system discussed were also obtained employing the second method. As a representative example, Fig. 11 (a) shows the power spectrum including the ion wakefield, when the Vr-Hc and Hc mode frequencies are equal. The coupling between the Hr and Vc modes (Hr-Vc hybrid) can be clearly seen in the spectrum, as indicated by the light lines at mode number 2 and 4 with the same frequency (ω ≈ 3.7). Resonance between the Vr-Hc and Hc modes can also be clearly seen in that the spectral line for the pure Hc mode is much brighter than those of all the other modes, as shown in Figure 11 (a). It is interesting to note that this clearly resembles the experimentally observed high energy density signature at the intersection point of the horizontal and vertical dispersion relations, in the power spectra for large crystals [25]-[27]. At the same time, the average particle velocity increases dramatically in a direction corresponding to the pure Hc mode (the horizontal direction), exhibiting a sharp peak at 3 < Ex′ < 4 (Fig. 11 (b)). In combination, these show that the resonance instability occurs as the frequency of the Vr-Hc mode approaches that of the Hc mode. Similar types of power spectra can be obtained for all of the hybrid modes (the Hr-Vc mode for the ion wakefield case, and the Vc-Hr and Vr-Hc modes for the charge variation case) as their frequencies approach those of the pure mode with which they are coupled, exhibiting resonance instabilities. V. DISCUSSION In this study, it was shown that the introduction of the ion wakefield interaction causes the frequency of the Hr-Vc mode to increase (Fig. 4 (a)). and the Vr-Hc mode to decrease (Fig. 4 (b)) , while the Hc and Vc modes remain unaffected. The decrease in the Vr-Hc frequency causes the horizontal-vertical transition threshold Ex′th to decrease from ten for q = 0, to approximately seven for q = 0.5 and six for q = 0.8 (Extending the frequency curves provides Ex′th as the x-axis value at the intersection point.) These values of Ex′ correspond to the ratio between the vertical and horizontal sloshing frequencies, i.e., ωVc/ωHc = E z ' / E x ' = 1.2 and 1.35. These results are in qualitative agreement with previous experimental results [8][10], although the quantities predicted here are smaller than those observed. The most likely reasons for this are: (1) experimentally, friction can become a factor impacting the horizontal-vertical transition threshold [9]. (2) The values of q and l used in this study may well differ from those present in a given experiment, or (3) there may be some limitation on the point charge model itself. Note that the current results do not contradict those reported in [14], which shows a decrease in the Hr frequency and increase in the Vr frequency when the ion wakefield is introduced. The reason for this is that the frequencies are treated as functions of Δ (where Δ is defined to be the interparticle spacing) in [14], allowing the frequencies for 5 different ion wakefields to be compared for equal Δ, thus different horizontal confinements. In this study, frequencies are treated as the functions of horizontal confinement Ex′; thus frequencies are being compared for equal confinements, and therefore different Δ. For the same reason, in [14] the Hc mode frequency was found to be modified by the ion wakefield force, while it was found to be unaffected in this study. It is also important to note that Ex′ is an experimentally tunable controlling parameter and does not depend on the particle system, while Δ is determined by the structure of the particle system itself. Thus it is more natural to study the alteration of mode frequencies induced by varying ion wakefields while keeping the horizontal confinement Ex′ constant. The charge variation with height (Fig. 6 and 7) also alters the frequencies of the Vr-Hc and Vc-Hr modes while the Hc and Hr mode frequencies are unchanged. Both the Vr-Hc and Vc-Hr mode frequencies decrease for positive Q′z and increase for negative Q′z by an increment of –E0 Q′z/M. This frequency change causes the vertical sloshing mode shown in Fig. 6 (b), to become unstable when its squared frequency ωVc2 < 0, corresponding to a region of the plasma sheath close to the electrode, where (EQ)′z > 0. For a single particle system, this causes the particle to drop, in agreement with theoretical predictions [29] which have been recently verified experimentally [32]. This type of instability is not affected by charge delay, as shown in [29]. For the particle pair system, the horizontal-vertical transition occurs due to instability of the Vr-Hc mode (Fig. 6 (a)) when its squared frequency is zero. However, although positive Q′z causes the decrease of the Vr-Hc frequency, unlike the ion wakefield case, this does not cause the horizontal-vertical transition to occur for ωVc/ωHc > 1, i.e., the condition ωVc/ωHc = 1 for the simple Coulomb case remains. The reason for this is that the frequency function shifts for different values of Q′z are parallel, as shown in Fig. 6 (a). Thus the experimentally observed horizontal-vertical transition threshold change shouldn’t be caused by the charge variation with height. The criterion for two coupled modes to have a resonant instability is Δω2 < C [15], [21], where Δω2 is the difference between the squared frequency of the two modes and C is the coupling term. Fig. 12 (a) shows Δω2 between the Vr-Hc and pure Hc modes for the ion wakefield case with q = 0.8. Fig. 12 (b) shows Δω2 between the Vc-Hr and pure Hr modes for the charge variation case with Q′ = 0.2. The solid dots represent the values of Δω2 while dashed lines represent the values of the second derivative U′′rz, where U is the interparticle potential as shown in (1) and (2). Comparing Fig. 12 (a), (b) with Fig. 12 (c), (d), which show the resonant instability directly by the particle velocities obtained from simulation, it can be seen that the position and range of Ex′ for the occurrence of instability agree exactly with the range of Ex′ where the dots lie above the dashed line, i.e. the differences in frequencies squared are greater than U′′rz. Figs. 12 (a), (b) can also be compared with Fig. 12 (e) and Fig. 12 (f), which shows the occurrence of the mode conversions for the two cases respectively. It can be seen that the occurrences of mode > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < conversion also fall in exactly the same range of Ex′ for both cases. Hence the conclusion that the coupling term C, as the criteria for the occurrence of both the instabilities and the mode conversions, can be accurately calculated by the double derivative U′′rz. This value is on the same order as predicted in [15] for a generalized interparticle potential. VI. CONCLUSION In summary, two independent methods were used to examine a horizontal dust particle pair located within a complex plasma operating under normative laboratory conditions. The first of these methods employed a numerical calculation starting from Newton’s equations. This allowed the system to be treated in a non-Hamiltonian manner from the outset and required far fewer a priori assumptions than have previous analytical methods. The second used a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to examine the normal mode power spectra, allowing direct comparison with data obtained experimentally for large crystals. In all cases, the ion wakefield and the charge variation with height were examined independently. Both the ion wakefield and charge variation (with height) were found to induce mode coupling, creating hybrid modes within the system. The ion wakefield transformed relative modes Hr and Vr into hybrid modes, Hr-Vc and Vr-Hc. Varying the charge with height caused vertical modes Vr and Vc to become hybrid modes, Vr-Hc and Vc-Hr. In both cases, as the modes hybridized, their frequencies were also altered. The ion wakefield created a change in the threshold value at which the dust pair underwent the horizontal-vertical transition. As such, it provides one mechanism which could explain the experimentally observed threshold shift seen experimentally [8]-[10]. The lowering of the vertical mode frequencies created by the charge variation, on the other hand, is related to the experimentally observed unstable region in the lower plasma sheath [29],[32]. Mode conversions and resonance instabilities were also examined at the dust particle pair’s points of resonance, i.e., where the frequencies of the hybrid modes are almost equal to the frequency of the pure mode with which they are coupled. At these points, the hybrid modes are converted, i.e. their oscillation direction changes suddenly to align with the direction of oscillation of the pure mode. At the same time, the kinetic energy of the pure mode increases dramatically, causing a corresponding increase in the velocity of the particles in the direction of the pure mode. The resulting power spectrum was shown to be similar to the high energy density signature experimentally observed in large crystals at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical dispersion modes [25]-[27]. Finally, the criteria for the occurrence of both the mode conversion and the resonance instability were shown to be accurately calculated by the second derivative of the interparticle potential, for both the ion wakefield and the charge variation cases. 6 As mentioned, the MD simulation allows examination of nonlinear effects and provide a natural extension to many particle systems. 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The frequencies of the (a) Hr-Vc and Vc modes and (b) the Vr-Hc and Hc modes as functions of the horizontal electric field gradient (ion wakefield case). FIG. 2. The physical model for the dust particle pair. It is confined in the vertical direction within a potential well formed by the electrostatic and gravitational fields, and in the horizontal direction by the electric field produced by the experimental setup. The ion wakefield is modeled through inclusion of a virtual point particle with positive charge q a distance l below the dust particle. The charge is varied with height. FIG. 5. Mode polarization for the (a) Hr-Vc and (b) Vr-Hc hybrid modes as a function of the horizontal electric field gradient (ion wakefield case). > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 8 FIG. 6. The frequencies of the (a) Vr-Hc and Hc modes and (b) the Vc-Hr and Hr modes as a function of the horizontal electric field gradient when a positive charge gradient is taken into account. FIG. 9. Results obtained from MD simulations for the ion wakefield case (q = 0.5). Power spectral density (PSD) obtained from (a) horizontal and (b) vertical average particle velocity (Ex′ = 3.47). (c) Hr-Vc and Vc mode frequencies in the vicinity of the mode conversion (2.2 < E x′ < 3.6). (d) Eigenvectors for the Hr-Vc mode, showing an increase in the Vc component as the resonant frequencies approach each other. FIG. 7. The frequencies of the (a) Vr-Hc and Hc modes and (b) Vc-Hr and Hr modes as functions of the horizontal electric field gradient when a negative charge variation is taken into account. FIG. 8. Mode polarization for the Vc-Hr (a, c) and the Vr-Hc (b, d) hybrid modes as functions of the horizontal electric field gradient when positive (a, b) and negative (c, d) charge variation is taken into account. FIG. 10. Results obtained from MD simulations for the charge variation case (Q′ = 0.2): Power spectral density (PSD) obtained from horizontal (a) and vertical (b) average particle velocity (Ex′ = 2.31). (c) Vc-Hr and Hr mode frequencies in the vicinity of the mode conversion (1.5 < Ex′ < 2.5). (d) Eigenvectors of the Vc-Hr mode, showing an increase in the Hr component as the resonant frequencies approach each other. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < Fig. 11. (a) The spectrum shown by energy density at E x′ = 3.63 for the pair system with ion wakefield q = 0.8, l = 0.5. The mode numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 correspond to the pure modes Hc, Hr, Vr, Vc. The bright streak for mode 1 at ω ≈ 2 indicates the resonance-induced high energy density for the Hc mode; the light lines at mode numbers 2 and 4 with the same frequency (ω ≈ 3.7) indicate the hybrid Hr-Vc mode. (b) The average particle velocity as a function of Ex′, showing a resonance in the horizontal direction. Fig. 12. (a) Δω2 (represented by the solid dots) between the Vr-Hc and pure Hc modes for the ion wakefield case with q = 0.8 (b) Δω2 (solid dots) between the Vc-Hr and pure Hr modes for the charge variation case with Q′ = 0.2. The dashed lines represent the values of the second derivative U′′rz. (c-d) Average horizontal particle velocities obtained from simulation with identical parameters as in (a) and (b), respectively. (e-f) The Vr-Hc(Vc-Hr) mode polarization obtained from numerical calculations with identical parameters as in (a) and (b), respectively. All values in this figure are shown as functions of the horizontal confinement Ex′. 9 > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 10 1994 and 1998, respectively. She is an Associate Professor in the Physics Department at Baylor University and Associate Director of the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Engineering Research (CASPER). Previously, she worked at Raytheon Aircraft Integration Systems as the Lead Vibroacoustics Engineer on NASAs SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) project. Ke Qiao (M04) received the B.S. degree in physics from Shandong University, Qingdao, China, and the Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics from Baylor University, Waco, TX. He is currently with Baylor University, where he is an Assistant Research Scientist with the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Engineering Research. His research interests include structure analysis, waves and instabilities, and phase transitions in complex (dusty) plasmas. Jie Kong received the B.S. degree in physics from Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, and the Ph.D. degree in surface analysis from Baylor University, Waco, TX. He is currently with Baylor University, where he is an Assistant Research Scientist in the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering Research. His research interests include complex (dusty) plasma diagnostics, plasma sheath, waves and instabilities, and phase transitions in complex (dusty) plasmas. Zhuanhao Zhang received his B.S. degree in Applied Physics from University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China in 2007 and his PhD in Plasma Physics within the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering Research at Baylor University in 2012. His research interests include particle-particle interaction, dust acoustic waves and instabilities, plasma diagnostics, and structural phase transition in dusty plasmas. Lorin S. Matthews (M’10) received the B.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in physics from Baylor University in Waco, TX, in Truell Hyde (M’01) received the B.S. degree in physics from Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, OK, and the Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics from Baylor University, Waco, TX. He is currently with Baylor University, where he is the Director of the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering Research, a Professor of physics, and the Vice Provost for Research in the university. His research interests include space physics, dust detectors, shock physics and waves, and linear and nonlinear phenomena in complex (dusty) plasmas.