I: REASONS TO USE NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS H. Hahn (D) Unique Features and Properties of Nanostructured Materials (p. 3) R. Grössinger (A), P.Kerschl, R.Sato Properties, Benefits and Applications of Nanocrystalline Structures in Magnetic Materials (p. 18) H.-J. Fecht (D) Nanostructure Formation and Properties of Metals and Composites Processed Mechanically in the Solid State (p. 30) V.E. Panin (RUS), L.S.Derevyagina, A.V.Panin, R.Z.Valiev, V.I.Kopylov Scale Levels of Plastic Flow and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials (p. 37) M. Suszynska (PL), I. Krajczyk, B. Macalik Hydrogen-Induced Formation of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles in Soda Lime Silicate Glasses (p. 44) II: LARGE STRAIN COLD WORKING AND MICROSTRUCTURE H.P. Stüwe (A) Comparison of Different Ways to obtain Large Plastic Strains (p. 55) J.Aldazabal, J. Gil Sevillano (ES) Stage IV: A Microscopic or Mesoscopic Effect ? (p. 65) S.A. Firstov (UKR) Deformation Substructure and Mechanical Properties of BCC-Polycrystals Subjected to Conventional and Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 72) C. Rentenberger (A), H.P. Karnthaler, R.Z. Valiev Micro- & Nanostructures of Large Strain - SPD Deformed LI2 Intermetallics (p. 80) N.Q. Chinh (H), Z. Horita, T.G. Langdon The Nature of the Stress-Strain Relationship in Aluminium and Copper over a Wide Range of Strain (p. 87) K. Han (USA), Y. Xin, A. Ishmaku Strain Hardening by Formation of Nanoplatelets (p. 95) R. Krummreich-Brangier (F), M. Berveiller, H. Sabar Modelling the Draw Hardening of a Pearlitic Lamellar Nanocomposite: A Multi-Scale Transition Method (p. 101) 1 III: UNIQUE FEATURES OF SPD - MICROSTRUCTURES & PROPERTIES R.Z. Valiev (RUS) Paradoxes of Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 109) X. Sauvage (F), A.Guillet, D.Blavette Investigation of Phase Transformations in Nanostructured Materials Produced by Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 118) V. Stolyarov (RUS), R.Z.Valiev Structure-Phase Transformations and Properties in Nanostructured Metastable Alloys Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 125) L. Hollang (D), E. Thiele, C. Holste, D. Brunner The Influence of Temperature And Strain Rate on the Flow Stress of ECAP Nickel (p. 131) P.J. Apps (GB), C.P. Heason, P.B. Prangnell The Effect of Second Phase Particles on the Deformation of Aluminium Alloys during Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (p. 138) P. Bassani, L. Tasca, M. Vedani (I) Effects of ECAP Processing on Aging Behaviour of 6082 Al-Alloys (p. 145) V. Bengus (UKR), S. Smirnov Contribution of the Thermal Anisotropy Internal Stresses to Yield Stress Anisotropy of Nanostructured Ti and its Increased Plasticity at 77 K (p. 151) S.V. Dobatkin, V.V. Zakharov, R.Z. Valiev, A. Yu. Vinogradov, T.D. Rostova, N.A.Krasilnikov, E.N. Bastarash, I.B. Trubitsyna (RUS) Nano- and Submicrocrystalline Structure Formation during High Pressure Torsion of Al-Sc and Al-Mg-Sc Alloys (p. 158) D.V. Gunderov (RUS), A.G. Popov, V.V. Stolyarov, N.N. Shchegoleva, A.R. Yavari Crystallisation in Initial-Amorphous Nd2Fe14B Alloy during Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 165) I.Yu. Khmelevskaya, I.B. Trubitsyna, S.D. Prokoshkin (RUS), S.V. Dobatkin, V.V.Stolyarov, E.A.Prokofjev Structure and Functional Properties of Ti-Ni-Based Shape Memory Alloys Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation and Heat Treatment (p. 170) G. Korznikova (RUS), A. Korneva, A. Korznikov Formation of Submicrocrystalline Structure in the Hard Magnetic Alloy Fe-15wt%Co-25%Cr During Straining by Complex Loading (p. 177) G. Krallics (H), Z. Szeles, I.P. Semenova, T.V. Dotsenko, I.V. Alexandrov Experimental Investigations of the alloy Al-Mg-Si-Alloy subjected to Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (p. 183) K. Mathis (CZ), Z. Trojanova, P. Lukac Mechanical Properties of AZ91 Alloy after Equal Channel Angular Pressing (p. 190) Z. Pakiela (PL), M. Sus-Ryszkowska Influence of Heterogeneity of Microstructure on the Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Materials Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 194) 2 V. Sklenicka (CZ), J. Dvorak Creep Behaviour of Pure Aluminium Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (p. 200) E.D. Tabachnikova (UKR), V.D. Natsik, A.V. Podolskiy, S.N. Smirnov, R.Z. Valiev, V.V.Stolyarov, I.V. Alexandrov Low Temperature Deformation and Failure of Some Nanostructured Metals (p. 207) IV: MODELLING OF SPD AND OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SPD MATERIALS A.E. Romanov (RUS) Importance of Disclinations in SPD Materials (p. 215) M. Seefeldt (B), P.van Houtte Disclination-Based Modelling of Grain Fragmentation in Al and Ni Polycrystals During Cold Torsion and ECAP (p. 226) S.C.Baik, Y. Estrin (D), R.J.Hellmig, H.S.Kim Modelling of Deformation Behaviour and Texture of ECAP Deformed Aluminium (p. 233) H.S. Kim (KOR), M.H.Seo, S.I.Hong Process Modelling of Equal Channel Multi-Angular Pressing (p. 239) N.A. Enikeev (RUS), H.S. Kim, I.V. Alexandrov, S.I. Hong Deformation Behaviour of ECAP Cu as Described by a Dislocation Model (p. 245) P.A. Gonzalez (ES), C.J. Luis Severe Plastic Deformation by ECAP in an Al-Mg-Mn Commercial Alloy (p. 251) R.J. Hellmig (D), S.C. Baik, J.R. Bowen, Y. Estrin, D.J. Jensen, H.S. Kim, M.H. Seo Evolution of Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of ECAP Deformed Copper (p. 257) E.V. Kozlov (RUS), A.N. Zhdanov, N.A. Popova, N.A. Koneva An Integrated Model of Strengthening of UFG Materials (p. 263) G. Krallics, I.N. Budilov, I.V. Alexandrov, G.I. Raab, V.S. Zhernakov (RUS) Computer Simulation of the ECAP of W by means of the FEM method (p. 271) V: TEXTURE EVOLUTION AND SIMULATION DURING SPD L.S. Toth (F) ) Texture Evolution and Simulation in SPD Materials (p. 281) E.F. Rauch (F), L.Dupuy Textural Evolutions for Planar Simple Shear Versus Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (p. 297) 3 W. Skrotzki (D), B. Klöden, R.Tamm, C.-G. Oertel, L.Wcislak, E. Rybacki Grain Refinement and Texture Formation During High-Strain Torsion of NiAl (p. 303) J. Bonarski (PL), I.V.Alexandrov Severely Plastically Deformed Ti from the Standpoint of Texture Changes (p. 309) J. Bonarski, I.V. Alexandrov, L. Tarkowski (PL) Heterogeneity of Microstructure and Crystallographic Texture in Cu and Ti, Subjected to Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (p. 315) VI: DETAILS OF SPD NANOSTRUCTURES AS INVESTIGATED BY ELECTRON MICROSCOPY G. Winther (DK), X.Huang Boundary Characteristics in Nanostructured Materials from SPD (p. 323) J. De Messemaeker (B), B.Verlinden, J.v.Humbeeck, L.Froyen Quantitative Microstructural Analysis of IF Steel Processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (p. 332) T. Waitz (A), V.Kazykanov, R.Z.Valiev, H.P.Karnthaler HRTEM Investigations of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline NiTi Alloys Processed by HPT (p. 339) K.Kawasaki (JAP), H.Hidaka, T.Tsuchiyama, S.Takaki Effect of Grain Size on Microstructure Development During Deformation in Polycrystalline Fe (p. 345) V.U. Kazykhanov, T. Waitz, H. P. Karnthaler (A), R.Z. Valiev Microstructure and Phase Transformations of HPT NiTi (p. 351) N.A. Koneva (RUS), A.N. Zhdanov, N.A. Popova, L.N. Ignatenko, E.E. Pekarskaya, E.V. Kozlov Types of Grains and Boundaries, Joint Disclinations and Dislocation Structure of UFG Materials (p. 357) T. Koyama (JAP), H. Miyamoto, S. Hashimoto, A. Vinogradov, T. Mimaki Microstructure and Development of Single Crystal Deformed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing (p. 363) B. Mingler (A), L. Zeipper, H.P. Karnthaler, M. Zehetbauer TEM-Investigations of Titanium Deformed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing (p. 369) H. Miura (JAP), H. Hamaji, T. Sakai Microstructural Evolution During Severe Deformation in Austenitic Stainless Steel with Second Phase Particles (p. 375) A.N. Tyumentsev (RUS), A.D. Korotaev, Yu.P. Pinzhin, I.A. Ditenberg, I.Yu. Litovchenko, N.S. Surikova, R.Z. Valiev Structural Models and Mechanisms for the Formation of High-Energy Nanostructures under Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 381) 4 A.P. Zhilyaev, G.V. Nurislamova (RUS), Bae-Kyun Kim, M. D. Baró, J.A. Szpunar, T.G. Langdon Grain Refinement And Microstructural Evolution in Nickel During High–Pressure Torsion (p. 387) VII: ANALYSES OF SPD MATERIALS BY SELECTED PHYSICAL METHODS T. Ungar (H) The Meaning of Size Obtained from Broadened X-ray Diffraction Peaks (p. 395) J.Cizek, I. Prochaska (CZ), G.Brauer, W.Anwand, R.Kuzel, M.Cieslar, R.K.Islamgaliev Ultra-Fine Grained Copper Prepared by High Pressure Torsion: Spatial Distribution of Defects from Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy (p. 407) Z. Trojanova (CZ), P. Lukac, M. Stanek, W.Riehemann Anelastic Properties of Nanocrystalline Mg (p. 413) J. Gubicza (H), D. Fátay, K. Nyilas, S. Dobatkin, T. Ungár X-Ray Peak Profile Analysis on the Microstructure of Al-5.9%Mg-0.3%Sc-0.18%Zr Deformed by High Pressure Torsion (p. 420) E. Schafler (A), L. Zeipper, M.Zehetbauer X-Ray Bragg Profile Analysis of Severely Plastically Deformed Titanium (p. 426) VIII: INFLUENCE OF DEFORMATION PARAMETERS TO SPD NANOSTRUCTURES M.J. Zehetbauer (A), H.P. Stüwe, A.Vorhauer, E.Schafler, J. Kohout The Role of Hydrostatic Pressure in Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 435) T. Hebesberger, R.Pippan (A), H.P.Stüwe Influence of the Processing Parameters at High Pressure Torsion (p. 447) Yu. Ivanisenko (D), A.Sergueeva, R.Valiev, H.-J. Fecht Mechanical Properties and Thermostability of the Nanostructured Armco Iron Produced by High Pressure Torsion (p. 453) M. Furukawa (JAP), H.Akamatsu, Z.Horita, T.G.Langdon Properties of Aluminium Alloys after Processing Using a 60 degrees Die (p. 459) A.A. Dubravina (RUS), I.V. Alexandrov, A.V. Sergueeva Deformation Behaviour of Copper Subjected to High Pressure Torsion (p. 465) G. Raab (RUS), E. Soshnikova, X. Salimgareev Features of ECAP of Hard-To-Deform Metals (p. 471) 5 IX: NEW METHODS OF SPD N. Tsuji (JAP) ARB-Accumulated Roll Bonding and Other New Techniques of SPD (p. 479) J. Alkorta (ES), J. Gil Sevillano Optimal SPD Processing of Plates by Constrained Groove Pressing (p. 491) C.P. Heason (GB), P.J.Apps, P.S.Bate, P.B.Prangnell Comparative Study and Modelling of Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) Processed AA8079 And AA1100 (p. 498) M.Umemoto, Y.Todaka (JAP), K. Tsuchiya Nanocrystallization in Carbon Steels by Various SPD Processes (p. 505) Y. Beygelzimer, D. Orlov, V. Varyukhin (UKR) SPD by Twist Extrusion (p. 511) K. Higashida (JAP), T. Morikawa SPD Structures Associated with Shear Bands in Cold-Rolled Low SFE Metals (p. 517) M.M. Myshlyaev, S.Yu. Mironov (RUS) Features of Mechanical Behaviour and Evolution Structure of Submicrocristalline Titanium under Cold Deformation (p. 523) A.C.C. Reis (B), I. Tolleneer, L. Barbé, L. Kestens Ultra Grain Refinement of Fe-Based Alloys by Accumulated Roll Bonding (p. 530) X: SPD WITH BALL MILLING AND POWDER CONSOLIDATION E. Gaffet (F) Bulk Nanostructured Materials from Mechanical Milling and Consolidation Processings (p. 539) C. Langlois (F), M.J.Hytch, P.Langlois, Y.Champion Characterisation and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Copper Obtained by Powder Metallurgy (p. 545) R.Ye. Lapovok (AUS), P.F. Thomson, E. Williams Densification of Magnesium Particles by ECAP with Back-Pressure (p. 551) A. Belyakov (JAP), Y. Sakai, T. Hara, Y. Kimura, K. Tsuzaki Annealed Microstructures in Mechanically Milled Fe-0.6%O Powders (p. 558) S. Billard (F), G. Dirras, J.P. Fondere, B. Bacroix Processing and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Material Obtained by Hot Isostatic Pressing (p. 564) H. Inomoto (JAP), H. Fujiwara, K. Ameyama Characteristics of Nano Grain Structure in SPD-PM Processed AISI304L Stainless Steel Powder (p. 571) 6 S.D. Kaloshkin, V.V. Tcherdyntsev (RUS), G. Principi, A.I. Laptev, E.V.Shelekov Formation of Powder and Bulk Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystals, and of Related Phases During Mechanical Alloying and Sintering (p. 579) M. Rombouts (B), L.Froyen Production and Consolidation of Nanocrystalline Fe Based Alloy Powders (p. 585) J.C.Werenskiold, H. J. Roven Strain Measurement in the ECAP Process (p. 591) XI: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND THERMOSTABILITY OF NANOCRYSTALLINE STRUCTURES H. Van Swygenhoven (CH), P.M. Derlet, A. Hasnaoui Atomistic Modelling of Strength of Nanocrystalline Metals (p. 599) I.V.Alexandrov (RUS) Multiscale Studies and Modelling of SPD Materials (p. 609) D.H. Shin (KOR), K.-T. Park Microstructural Stability and Tensile Properties of Nanostructured Low Carbon Steels Processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing (p. 616) M.A.Munoz-Morris, C.Garcia Oca, G.Gonzales Doncel, D.G.Morris (ES) Microstructure of Severely Deformed Al-Mg and Its Evolution During Subsequent Annealing Treatments (p. 623) J. Cizek (CZ), I. Procházka, R. Kuzel, M. Cieslar, R.K. Islamgaliev Dependence of Thermal Stability of Ultra Fine Grained Metals on Grain Size (p. 630) A. Betzwar-Kotas, V. Gröger (A), G. Khatibi, B. Weiss, I. Wottle, P. Zimprich Thermomechanical Properties of Electrodeposited, Ultrafine Grained Cu Foils for Printed Wiring Boards (p. 636) G.A. Lopez, W. Gust, E.J. Mittelmeijer, B.B. Straumal (RUS) Effect of Grain Boundary Phase Transitions on the Superplasticity in the Al-Zn system (p. 642) A.Vorhauer, W. Knabl (A), R. Pippan Microstructure and Thermal Stability of Tungsten Based Materials after Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 648) R. Wadsack, R. Pippan, B. Schedler (A) Development of Microstructure and Thermal Stability of Nanostructured Chromium Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 654) XII: INFLUENCE OF DEFORMATION PATH TO PROPERTIES OF SPD MATERIALS V. Vinogradov (JAP), S. Hashimoto Fatigue of Severely Deformed Metals (p. 663) 7 H.W. Höppel (D), C. Xu, M.Kautz, N.Barta-Schreiber, T.G.Langdon, H.Mughrabi Cyclic Deformation Behaviour and Possibilities to Enhance the Fatigue Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Metals (p. 677) A.Vorhauer (A), R.Pippan The Influence of Type and Path of Deformation on the Evolution of Severe Plastic Deformation Microstructures (p. 684) G.A. Salishchev (RUS), S.V.Zherebtsov Formation of Submicrocrystalline Structure in Titanium During Successive Uniaxial Compression in Three Orthogonal Directions (p. 691) XIII: FEATURES AND MECHANISMS OF SUPERPLASTICITY IN SPD MATERIALS C.Xu, M.Furukawa, Z.Horita, T.G. Langdon (USA) Achieving a Superplastic Forming Capability Through Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 701) Z. Horita (JAP), K.Matsubara, T.G.Langdon Production of Superplastic Mg Alloys Using Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 711) M.M. Myshlyaev (RUS), M.M.Kamalov, M.M.Myshlyaeva High Strain Rate Superplasticity in An Micrometer-Grained Al-Li Alloy Produced by Equal-Channel Angular Extrusion (p. 717) Y.R. Kolobov (RUS) Diffusion Controlled Processes and Plasticity / Superplasticity of Nanostructured Materials Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 722) S.I. Hong (KOR), H.J. Kwon, H.S. Kim Superplastic Behaviour of Deformation Processed Cu-Ag Nanocomposites (p. 728) M.M. Myshlyaev, A.A. Mazilkin (RUS), M.M. Kamalov Features of Microstructure and Phase State in an Al-Li Alloy after ECA Pressing and High Strain Rate Superplastic Flow (p. 734) A. Mussi (F), J.-J. Blandin, E. Rauch Microstructure Refinement and Improvement of Mechanical Properties of a Magnesium Alloy by Severe Plastic Deformation (p. 740) K. Neishi (JAP), Z. Horita, T.G. Langdon Grain Refinement and Superplastic Properties of Cu-Zn Alloys Processed by ECAP (p.746) 8 XIV: MECHANISMS OF DIFFUSION RELATED PROCESSES IN NANOCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS R. Würschum (A) Diffusion in Nanocrystalline Metals and Alloys – A Status Report (p. 755) W. Sprengel (D), V.Barbe, S.Herth, T. Wejrzanowski, O.Gutfleisch, R.Würschum, H.-E.Schaefer Self-Diffusion of 147Nd in Nanocrystalline Nd2Fe14B (p. 767) V.N. Perevezentsev (RUS) Theoretical Investigation of Non-Equilibrium Grain Boundary Diffusion Properties (p. 773) T. Sakai (JAP), H.Miura, A.Belyakov, K.Tsuzaki On Annealing Mechanisms Operating in Ultra Fine-Grained Alloys (p. 780) XV: APPLICATION OF SPD MATERIALS T.C. Lowe, Y. Zhu (USA), R.Asaro Commercialization of Nanostructured Metals Produced by Severe Plastic Deformation (p.789) V.A. Fokine (RUS) The Main Directions in Applied Research and Developments of SPD Nanomaterials in Russia (p. 798) S.V. Dobatkin (RUS), P.D.Odessky, R.Pippan, G.I.Raab, N.A.Krasilnikov, A.M.Arsenkin Developing of Structure and Properties in Low-Carbon Steels During Warm and Hot Equal Channel Angular Pressing (p. 804) L. Zeipper (A), M.Zehetbauer, E.Schafler, B.Mingler, G.Korb Mechanical Properties of Severely Plastically Deformed Titanium (p. 810) A.A. Popov (RUS) Ways to Improve Strength of Titanium Alloys by Means of Intense Plastic Deformation (p. 817) V.G. Pushin (RUS) Nanocrystalline Shape Memory TiNi-Based Alloys Produced by SPD and Superrapid Solidification from Melt: Structures, Properties and Application (p. 822) J. Wang (CHI), C. Xu, Yu. Wang, X. Zhao, Z. Du, Z. Zhang, T.G. Langdon Microstructure and Properties of a Low Carbon Steel after Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (p. 829) S.V. Zherebtsov (RUS), G.A. Salishchev, R.M. Galeyev, O.R. Valakhmetov, S.L. Semiatin Formation of Submicrocrystalline Structure under Warm Severe Plastic Deformation in Ti-6Al-4V Large-Scale Billets (p. 835) Author Index (p. 841) Subject Index (p. 845) 9