1 AVAILABLE NITROGEN FOR CORN AND WINTER CEREAL IN SPANISH 2 SOILS BY EUF, CaCl2 AND INCUBATION METHODS 3 Miguel Quemada(1) and Jose Antonio Díez(2) 4 (1) 5 Madrid, Spain. miguel.quemada@upm.es. Tel.: +34 915491122, Fax: +34 915449983 6 (2) 7 ABSTRACT 8 Comparison of methods is necessary to develop a quick and reliable test that can be 9 used to determine soil available nitrogen (N) in an attempt to increase the efficiency of 10 N fertilizers and reduce losses. The objective of this research was to compare the 11 fractions extracted by the CaCl2 and the electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) methods and to 12 correlate them to the mineralization rate (k) obtained from a 112-d incubation of 61 soil 13 samples. Thirty-five soil samples were collected from corn fields and 26 from winter 14 cereal fields. Subsamples were either aerobically incubated to calculate k, or extracted 15 by the EUF and CaCl2 methods to identify three fractions: NO3--N, NH4+-N and Norg- 16 N. The Norg-N extracted by both methods was larger in soils from corn fields than in 17 soils from winter cereal fields. In samples from corn fields, the Norg-N fraction 18 obtained by the EUF method was correlated to the Norg-N measured by the CaCl2 19 method (r = 0.46). Soil N content was related to k in samples from corn fields (r = 0.40), 20 but not in samples from winter cereal fields. Also, k was correlated to inorganic N 21 content extracted by both chemical methods. The CaCl2 method was a reliable 22 alternative for laboratories to determine soil available N for corn, but not for winter 23 cereal. 24 Key words: Available N, N mineralization rate, aerobic incubation, EUF, CaCl2 Dpto Producción Vegetal. Fitotecnia, ETSI Agrónomos, Universidad Politécnica de Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC, Madrid, Spain. 1 1 INTRODUCTION 2 The environmental impact of N fertilizers on ground water and air quality 3 through nitrate leaching and gaseous emissions, has led to revisions of techniques for 4 estimating available N (Diez and Vallejo, 2004). Adjusting N fertilization application 5 not only to soil mineral N content, but to the total amount of available N during the 6 cropping season, might greatly increase the efficiency of N fertilizers and reduce losses 7 (Diez et al., 2000; Vazquez et al., 2005). Several biological and chemical methods have 8 been proposed to quantify N availability, and all of them are based on the estimation of 9 the fraction of total soil N that is mineralized during the growing season (Serna and 10 Pomares, 1992; Jarvis et al., 1996; Sánchez et al. 1998; Picone et al., 2002). 11 Comparison of these methods is necessary to develop a quick and reliable test that can 12 be used to determine soil available N in an attempt to adjust fertilizer application to crop 13 N requirements. 14 One of the most widely used approaches to determine mineralizable N has been 15 aerobic incubation of soil samples within standard conditions for a defined period, and 16 determination of the increases in NO3- and NH4+ concentrations (Jarvis et al., 1996). The 17 protocols for doing this determination are many and varied, but are usually some 18 variation of the method proposed by Stanford and Smith (1972). The objective is to 19 estimate the organic N pool that is available for mineralization, together with a N 20 mineralization rate within optimum conditions characteristic for a certain soil. An 21 incubation period of 16 wk is usually necessary to ensure that all potentially available N 22 has been mineralized (Serna and Pomares, 1992). Comparison between results are often 23 difficult, because the possible combinations of sample pretreatment and incubation 24 conditions are numerous, and all have an impact on N mineralization (Jarvis et al., 25 1996). Long-term laboratory incubations are considered the most reliable method for 2 1 estimating mineralizable N in soil, but they are not suitable for routine soil testing 2 laboratories because of their time requirement. 3 A chemical approach to the problem of developing a laboratory index of soil N 4 availability is attractive, particularly because chemical methods of analysis are usually 5 more rapid and more precise than incubation methods. The use of electroultrafiltration 6 (EUF) allows determination of not only mineral N (NO3- and NH4+) but also a fraction 7 of organic N that contains readily mineralizable N (Nemeth, 1979). The method has 8 been used in some European countries to study the close relationship between organic N 9 extracted by EUF and soil mineralizable N. this method has, in many instances, 10 provided good correlation with mineralized N and N uptake in pot and field trials for 11 several crops (Wikicky et al., 1982; Appel and Mengel, 1990; Diez and Vallejo, 2004). 12 However, the EUF method is expensive and requires specialized personnel, which limits 13 its application in soil testing laboratories that must process a large number of samples 14 quickly and efficiently. Cheaper and easier alternatives would therefore be useful. The 15 CaCl2 0.01M extraction method (Houba et al., 1986) can be an alternative method to 16 EUF because its simplicity allows CaCl2 extraction to be routinely used in soil 17 laboratories, and because that extraction procedure has shown correlation with EUF 18 results (Diez and Vallejo, 2004). The CaCl2 0.01M extractions contain mineral N (NO3- 19 and NH4+) and a fraction of organic N, that can be compared with the fractions 20 recovered by the EUF method. The CaCl2 0.01M extraction method has been adopted 21 by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Chemical methods for 22 estimating mineralizable N are fast, but they need to be better understood and calibrated 23 against biological methods. 24 There is a lack of studies comparing long-term laboratory incubations and 25 chemical N extractions methods. Our objective was to compare the fractions extracted 3 1 by two chemical methods (EUF and CaCl2) and to correlate them to mineralizable N 2 measured in a 112-d incubation of 61 soil samples. This experiment was carried out 3 with soils obtained from different regions of Spain with several climatic conditions. 4 MATERIAL AND METHODS 5 Soil sampling 6 Sixty one soil samples were collected from 19 representative experimental fields 7 located in 7 Spanish regions (Aragón, Cataluña, Castilla La Mancha, País Vasco, 8 Navarra, and La Rioja y Madrid). Soil samples were collected from the control 9 treatment of fertilizer response trials, and each sample was a composite of 25 10 subsamples taken from the upper 30 cm of each trial replication. None of the control 11 treatments had received N fertilizer, either organic or inorganic, for the 2 yr before 12 samples were taken. Climatic conditions in general were fresh and humid in the north 13 and hot and dry in the south. These soils represent five orders: Alfisols, Mollisols, 14 Inceptisols, Entisols and Aridisols. The physico-chemical characteristics were 15 determined in each soil sample, and Table 1 shows the average of the samples taken 16 from the same experimental field. 17 The first 26 soil samples from Table 1 come from eight experimental fields that 18 were used to grow irrigated corn. In these areas maize is the most economically 19 important crop, yielding 14-16 Mg ha-1 when properly fertilized, and is usually sown at 20 the end of March. The rest of the soil samples come from ten experimental fields that 21 were used to grow winter cereals. When properly fertilized wheat and barley achieve 22 yields between 3-6 Mg ha-1, depending on climatic conditions, and both are usually 23 sown at the beginning of November. In all experimental fields, the stubble was 24 ploughed back into the soil at least three months before sowing. 4 1 Soil samples were collected just before sowing. Fresh soil samples were air- 2 dried, sieved (< 2 mm), and stored at room temperature until use. 3 Aerobic incubation 4 Before use, approximately 1 kg of soil was packed into Buchner funnels (14-cm 5 diameter) and leached with 2 L of N-free solution to remove NO3-. The soil was allowed 6 to drain using vacuum until its water content dropped to a tension close to -0.0033 MPa; 7 then the soil was mixed in a plastic bag, and two 5-g subsamples were extracted with 40 8 mL of 1 M KCl for 30 min. The NH4+ and NO3- concentrations of the soil extracts were 9 near zero. 10 Moist soil (60 g oven-dry equivalent) was packed to a depth of 5 cm in acrylic 11 plastic syringes (4 cm diameter, 10 cm long) to achieve 55% water-filled pore space and 12 a bulk density of 1.4 g cm-3. Water-filled pore space was calculated (volumetric water 13 content/porosity) x 100, where porosity = (1 – bulk density/2.65). A nylon screen cloth 14 (screen size 5.3 by 5.3 m) was located between the soil and the bottom of the syringe 15 to minimize soil loss during leaching. The syringes were placed in an incubator at 32 16 ºC, and incubated aerobically during a 16-week period. The air above the soil was kept 17 moist by a large filter paper suspended over the syringes, which had a central tongue 18 immersed in a beaker with distilled water. All samples were run in duplicate. 19 Syringes were removed from the chamber at 14, 42, 60, 91, and 112 d after 20 preparation, and were leached with 180 mL of 0.01 M CaCl2 solution, followed by 30 21 mL of N-free solution. The leachates were made up to 200 mL with CaCl2, and 22 subsamples were saved at -25ºC for later analyses. After the leaching procedure, the 23 cores were allowed to drain with vacuum until a weight within 0.1 g of that measured at 24 the beginning of the experiment was achieved. The leaching procedure took 25 approximately 6 h. The cumulative amount of N mineralized from each soil sample was 5 1 calculated by adding leached inorganic N, and correcting by the amount of inorganic N 2 present in the soil extract at the beginning of the experiment. 3 Electroultrafiltration (EUF) method 4 This method is based on applying an electrical field to soil suspended in water (1:10) to 5 separate nutrients in accordance with a standardized two fraction program: (I) 30 min, 6 200 V, 15 mA, 20ºC, and (II) 5 min, 400V, 150 mA, 80ºC (Nemeth,1979). A 5-g 7 sample of air-dried soil (< 1 mm) was placed in an EUF cell (Vogel S-724). Distilled 8 water (50 mL) was added to the cell to cover the electrode. During the desorption phase, 9 inorganic and organic ions were extracted by the strength of the electric field. With the 10 EUF method, three different N compounds are obtained: NO3--N, NH4+-N and Norg-N. 11 The last fraction of Norg-N, composed of organic compounds with a low molecular 12 weigh, can be used as an index of potentially mineralizable nitrogen in soil (Wiklicky, 13 1982; Sánchez et al., 1998). 14 CaCl2 method 15 Air-dried soil (10 g), pre-treated according to ISO 14255 recommendations, and 16 sieved (< 2mm), was shaken in 100 mL of a 0.01M CaCl2 solution at 20ºC for 2 h at 17 150 rev/min (Houba et al., 1986). The suspension was centrifuged and N parameters 18 determined in the supernatant. Three different N compounds were obtained: NO3--N, 19 NH4+-N and Norg-N. The N values obtained by 0.01M CaCl2 and EUF methods have 20 been compared by several authors (Houba et al., 1986; Díez and Vallejo, 2004). 21 Analytical procedures 22 Total N in EUF and 0.01M CaCl2 extracts was determined by UV radiation 23 digestion and subsequent oxidation with potassium persulfate in an alkaline medium 24 (Diez, 1988). Nitrate determination of the leachates and extracts was performed 25 colorimetrically with N1-naphtylethylenediamine, after reduction of NO3- to NO2-. H3- 6 1 N was measured by employing ion selective electrodes (Orion Reseach AG, USA). UF- 2 Norg was estimated as the difference between EUF-N and EUF-(NO3- plus NH4+). pH 3 was determined in saturated soil paste using a calomel glass electrode (ISO 10390, 4 1994). Total C and N of soil samples were measured by dry combustion with a C and N 5 analyzer (Carlo Elba Instruments, Milan, Italy), and carbonates by gasometry (the CO2 6 released from the soils being treated with HCl 1:1) (ISO 10693, 1995). Organic C was 7 obtained correcting total soil C by carbonates. 8 Statistical analysis 9 In the aerobic incubation samples, a non-linear regression procedure was used to fit a 10 linear model (Nmin = k t) for describing cumulative N mineralized with time. Where 11 Nmin was the cumulative amount of N mineralised at a specific time (t) and k was the 12 mineralization rate. 13 Simple correlation coefficients were calculated to indicate the relationship 14 between the N mineralization rate, soil chemical N availability indices, and total soil N 15 content. Data were analysed using the computer program SPSS (2002). 16 RESULTS 17 The physico-chemical characteristics (Table 1) reveal that all soils where 18 alkaline (pH varied between 7.9 and 8.6) and carbonate content ranged from 27 to 322 g 19 CO3= kg-1. Organic matter content ranged between 11.2 and 25.6 g kg-1, and total N 20 content between 0.70 and 1.8 g N kg-1. Soil texture also showed diversity, with topsoil 21 texture varying from silt loam to sandy clay loam 22 Aerobic incubations 23 The net amount of N mineralized in aerobic incubations increased approximately 24 linearly with time (Table 2). The direct linear (zero-order) relationship was appropriate 25 to fit the net amount of N mineralized with time; therefore, there was not justification 7 1 for trying to fit more complex functions. The regression equation relating cumulative N 2 mineralized during 16 weeks and the mineralization rate (k) was highly significant with 3 a correlation coefficient of 0.98. Therefore, to compare with the other methods of N 4 extraction, we can either use cumulative N mineralized during 16 weeks or k. When 5 considering all soils together, neither the net N mineralized nor the mineralization rate 6 from the aerobic incubations were related to total soil N content. 7 Soils cultivated with corn 8 The net amount of N mineralized during the 16 weeks of aerobic incubation 9 varied from 26 to 91 mg N kg-1 dry soil, representing from 1.9 to 6.5 % of the total soil 10 N (Table 2). Mineralization rates obtained after fitting the linear model ranged from 11 0.28 to 0.87 mg N kg-1 soil d-1. 12 13 14 The mineralization rate from the aerobic incubation presented significant correlation (p<0.01) with total soil N content (Ns). The regression equation was: k = - 0.004 + 0.361 Ns r = 0.46 15 Soils cultivated with winter cereal 16 The net amount of N mineralized during the 16 weeks of aerobic incubation varied from 17 46 to 76 mg N kg-1 soil, representing from 2.6 to 6.2 % of the total soil N (Table 2). 18 Mineralization rates obtained after fitting the linear model ranged from 0.38 to 0.51 mg 19 N kg-1 soil d-1. The mineralization rate from the aerobic incubation did not present 20 significant correlation with total soil N content. 21 Nitrogen extracted by EUF and CaCl2 methods 22 The relative weight of N extracted by both procedures was different in soils 23 dedicated to corn than in soils dedicated to winter cereal (Fig. 1). The CaCl2 method 24 recorded more total N and Norg in the extracts of soils dedicated to corn than on soils 25 dedicated to winter cereal. This difference was not as clearly observed with the EUF 8 1 method, but was still present. In soils dedicated to winter cereal, ammonium extracted 2 by the EUF method was higher than that extracted by the CaCl2 method, while few 3 differences were observed in soils dedicated to corn. Nitrate extracted by both methods 4 was similar in crops dedicated to corn or winter cereals. 5 Soils cultivated with corn 6 In these soils, the CaCl2 method showed more total N in the extracts (42.6 mg N 7 kg-1 on average) compared to the EUF method (26.5 mg N kg-1 on average) (Fig. 1). 8 These results are in agreement with those reported by Diez and Vallejo (2004), but in 9 disagreement with other authors working with sandy soils (Appel and Steffens, 1988). 10 However, there were not noticeable differences in the amount of NO3- extracted by the 11 two procedures (7.9 and 9.0 mg N kg-1 on average for the CaCl2 and EUF methods, 12 respectively). The amount of NH4 extracted by both procedures was small (1.6 and 0.4 13 mg N kg-1 on average for the CaCl2 and EUF methods, respectively). The most marked 14 difference between the two methods was seen for extracted Norg (34.3 and 16.1 mg N 15 kg-1 on average for the CaCl2 and EUF methods, respectively). Similar results were 16 found by Diez and Vallejo (2004) and by Dou et al. (2000). 17 The values of N, NO3-, and Norg extracted by the EUF and CaCl2 methods 18 correlated significantly (p<0.01). The regression equation relating these N fractions as 19 obtained by both methods were: 20 EUF-N (I+II) = 33.110 + 0.358 CaCl2-N r = 0.58 21 EUF-NO3-- N (I+II) = -1.208 + 1.010 CaCl2-NO3-- N r = 0.97 22 EUF-Norg-N (I+II) = 31.346 + 0.185 CaCl2-Norg-N r = 0.46 23 All N fractions, except NH4+-N extracted with CaCl2 were correlated with Ns, 24 while only the NO3--N fraction extracted with EUF was significantly related with Ns. 9 1 The significant regression equation (p<0.01) relating these N fractions as obtained by 2 both methods were: 3 CaCl2-N = 2.514 + 15.504 Ns r = 0.52 4 CaCl2-NO3--N = - 0.067 + 7.612 Ns r = 0.49 5 EUF-NO3--N (I+II) = 0.064 + 7.444 Ns r = 0.50 6 Cl2Ca-Norg-N = 2.505 + 8.227 Ns r = 0.48 7 Soils cultivated with winter cereal 8 In soils dedicated to winter cereal, the CaCl2 method recorded less total N in the 9 extracts (14.6 mg N kg-1 on average) compared to the EUF method (21.4 mg N kg-1 on 10 average) (Fig. 1). The CaCl2 method extracted less NH4+ than the EUF method (2.4 and 11 8.0 mg N kg-1 on average for the CaCl2 and EUF methods, respectively). The CaCl2 12 method extracted slightly less Norg than the EUF method (2.3 and 3.4 mg N kg-1 on 13 average for the CaCl2 and EUF methods, respectively). However, there were not 14 noticeable differences in the amount of NO3- extracted by the two procedures (9.8 and 15 9.9 mg N kg-1 on average for the CaCl2 and EUF methods, respectively). These results 16 show that the relative weight of N extracted by both procedures was different in soils 17 dedicated to corn and soils dedicated to winter cereal. 18 The only N fraction extracted by the EUF and the CaCl2 methods that correlated 19 significantly was NO3-. The values of total N, NH4+ and Norg extracted by the EUF and 20 the CaCl2 methods did not present significant correlations. 21 None of the N fractions extracted with CaCl2 correlated significantly with Ns. 22 The Norg extracted with EUF was the only N fraction significantly related with Ns 23 (EUF-Norg-N (I+II) = 1.635 – 9.209 Ns; r = 0.56) but the relationship between both 24 parameters were negative. 25 Relationship between N mineralization rate and chemical indices of N availability 10 1 When considering all soils together, the net N mineralization rate from the 2 aerobic incubations was not related to the different N fractions extracted by the 3 chemical methods. 4 Soils cultivated with corn 5 A significant relationship (p<0.01) was observed between the mineralization rate 6 (k) from the aerobic incubations and the N and NO3--N extracted by either the EUF or 7 the CaCl2 method. However, no relationship was observed between k from the aerobic 8 incubations and the NH4+-N or Norg-N extracted by the other procedures. The 9 significant regression equations relating these N fractions as obtained by both methods 10 were: 11 k = 19.083 + 20.214 EUF-N r = 0.40 12 k = 0.97 + 0.030 EUF-NO3--N r = 0.57 13 k = 0.192 + 0.013 CaCl2-N r = 0.50 14 k = 0.159 + 0.27 CaCl2-NO3-- N r = 0.53 15 Soils cultivated with winter cereal 16 A significant relationship (p<0.01) was observed between the mineralization rate 17 (k) from the aerobic incubations and the total N and NH4+ extracted by the EUF method. 18 However, none of the N fractions extracted with CaCl2 present a significant relationship 19 with k. The significant regression equation relating these N fractions were: 20 k = 0.295 + 0.070 EUF-N r = 0.60 21 k = 0.345 + 0.130 EUF-NH4+-N r = 0.46 22 DISCUSSION 23 In many incubation studies, mineralization patterns have been described by first- 24 order kinetics as recommended by Stanford and Smith (1972). However, zero-order 25 kinetics was observed in unamended (Tabatai and Al-Khafaji, 1980; Addiscott, 1983) 11 1 and meadow soils (Simard and N’Dayegamiye, 1993). The results of our incubation 2 experiment with unamended soils showed that, in all soils, the cumulative mineralized 3 N followed a linear increase with time throughout the incubation. In soils amended with 4 organic residues considering first-order kinetics or several N pools might help to 5 describe N mineralized in incubation experiments (Jarvis et al, 1996), but in unamended 6 soils zero-order kinetics might be appropriate to describe N mineralization. The 7 mineralization rates of our incubation experiment are in the range found in the 8 literature: 0.24 to 0.60 mg N kg-1 soil d-1 (Tabatai and Al-Khafaji, 1980), 0.05 to 0.47 9 mg N kg-1 soil d-1 (Addiscott, 1983) and 0.38 to 1.55 mg N kg-1 soil d-1 (Simard and 10 N’Dayegamiye, 1993). Incubation studies evaluate mineralization in soils that are 11 modified by handling, mixing, drying, or rewetting, and it is known that pre-treatments 12 have an impact on mineralization (Cabrera and Kissel, 1988). We agree with Jarvis et 13 al. (1996) when concluding that incubation studies allow comparison of soil types using 14 controlled conditions, but to be of further value for practical applications require 15 standardization and means to extrapolate the information to different cropping systems. 16 In our experiment, soils were pre-incubated to avoid the flush of mineral N caused by 17 soil manipulation, as suggested by Cabrera and Kissel (1988). The mineralization rates 18 we obtained were relatively steady from day 14 until the end of the experiment, 19 suggesting that the observed mineralization rates were characteristics of each soil. 20 In general, when considering all soils together, the N mineralization rate and the 21 chemical indices of N availability were not correlated with total soil N content. 22 However, distinguishing between soil samples taken from the experimental fields 23 dedicated to corn or winter cereal allowed us to identify significant relationships. The 24 mineralization rate from corn soils was related with total soil N content, but this 25 relationship was not observed in winter cereal soils. The difference between these soil 12 1 groups was particularly emphasized by the different relative weight of N fractions 2 extracted by both chemical procedures. The main difference between these soil groups 3 was sampling time, suggesting that N fractions were greatly influenced by climatic 4 conditions. Similar results on the effect of sampling time on the variation of N fractions 5 extracted by chemical methods were obtained by Nemeth and Fürstenfeld (1985) in 6 fallow soils. This sampling-time effect can be explained because conditions prevailing 7 at sampling may influence the content of labile forms of organic materials, and activity 8 of micro-organisms (Jarvis et al., 1996). 9 The best relationships between N fractions extracted by both chemical methods 10 were found in samples taken from soils dedicated to corn. The highest correlation 11 coefficient was obtained with the NO3- fraction that was slightly retained by soil 12 colloids. The significant correlation between the Norg fractions obtained by both 13 methods is relevant, because the CaCl2 extraction method is simpler to perform than the 14 EUF method, and can be a reliable alternative for determining soil available N in 15 laboratory. These results agree with other studies that showed the close relationship 16 between organic N extracted by EUF and CaCl2 (Appel and Steffens, 1988; Appel et al. 17 1990; Diez and Vallejo, 2004). The amount of NH4+ extracted by EUF and CaCl2 18 procedures was not significantly correlated in our experiments, but it was of little 19 importance due to its low soil content. 20 The N mineralization rate was related to mineral N content extracted by 21 chemical methods, but not to NH4+-N or Norg-N. In agreement with our results, Serna 22 and Pomares (1992) found significant correlations between N mineralised during a 16 23 wk incubation and mineral N extracted by several chemical methods (HCl, KMnO4, 24 etc). However, Groot and Houba (1995) found that mineralization rates from a 12 wk 25 incubation were correlated with soluble organic N extracted with CaCl2. The lack of 13 1 relationship between the mineralization rate and the Norg-N fraction observed in our 2 study can be explained by the fact that in aerobic incubations the N is released mainly 3 from mineralization of organic N; while in the chemical indexes we used relative mild 4 extraction methods, suitable to extract only the N in available forms. This explanation 5 agrees with Appel et al. (1996) who tested in a N15 study whether the organic N 6 extracted by EUF or CaCl2 represents a part of the microbial biomass. They concluded 7 that organic N extracted by the chemical methods was derived from the non-biomass 8 soil organic matter, and therefore both extraction methods may provide a suitable index 9 for mineralizable N only in cases where the decomposable organic substrates are 10 derived mainly from sources other than the living soil biota. 11 CONCLUSIONS 12 The results of the incubation experiment showed that in unamended soils zero- 13 order kinetics was appropriate to describe N mineralization. The mineralization rate was 14 related to total soil N content in soils dedicated to corn, but not in soils dedicated to 15 winter cereal. The N mineralization rate from the aerobic incubation was related to 16 mineral N content extracted by chemical methods, but not to total N or Norg-N. 17 In general, the amount of Norg-N extracted by both chemical methods were 18 larger in soils from experimental fields dedicated to corn than from those dedicated to 19 winter cereal; this difference was emphasized by the CaCl2 extraction. A significant 20 correlation between the Norg-N fractions obtained by the CaCl2 method and the EUF 21 method was observed in soils dedicated to corn, but not in soils cultivated with winter 22 cereal. These results showed that the CaCl2 extractant was a reliable alternative for soil 23 laboratories to determine soil available N for corn, but it was not for winter cereal. 24 Additional work is needed to further investigate the effect of sampling time on the 25 variation of N fractions extracted by chemical methods. 14 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2 The authors are grateful to the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology (Project 3 AGL2001 2214-C06) for financing this research. 4 REFERENCES 5 Addiscot, T.M. 1983. Kinetics and temperature relationships of mineralization and 6 nitrification in Rothamsted soils with differing histories. Journal of Soil Science 34: 7 343-353 8 Appel, T., and D. Steffens. 1988. Comparison of electro ultrafiltration (EUF) extraction 9 and 0.01 M CaCl2 solution in determination of plant available N in soils. Journal of 10 Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 151:127-130 11 Appel, T., and K. Mengel. 1990. 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Values 2 are given as the average (n = 3 or n = 4) of the soil samples for each experimental field. 3 Soil sample number 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 10,11,12 13,14,15 16,17,18,19 20,21,22 23,24,25,26 27,28,29,30 31,32,33 34,35,36 37,38,39 40,41,42 43,44,45 46,47,48 49,50,51 52,53,54 55,56,57 58,59,60,61 County Cadreita Tudela Arganda Aleix Cobert Montañana Aula Dei Gimenells Las Tiesas Tallada-1 Tallada-2 Gauna Aranguiz Beriain Tafalla Yarnoz Oteiza Valdegón Tajonar Soil classification (USDA) Xeric Torrifluvent Xerollic Paleorthid Typic Xerofluvent Oxyaquic Xerofluvent Oxyaquic Xerofluvent Typic Xerofluvent Typic Xerofluvent Petrocalcic Calcixerept Calcic Xerosol Oxyaquic Xerofluvent Oxyaquic Xerofluvent Vertic Endoaquol Vertic Endoaquol Typic Calcixerept Typic Calcixerept Fluventic Haploxerept Fluventic Haploxerept Typic Xerofluvent Fluventic Haploxerept N Corg CO3 g N kg-1 g C kg-1 g CO3= kg-1 1.30 1.10 1.20 0.80 1.40 0.70 1.30 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.30 1.70 1.30 1.60 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.80 9.50 7.70 10.10 6.50 10.40 5.90 9.80 9.50 9.80 10.20 9.90 14.90 10.60 11.60 10.90 9.50 11.30 11.30 14.00 214.0 193.5 27.0 96.5 111.0 248.0 223.0 128.5 276.0 89.5 86.0 39.5 332.0 169.0 246.5 128.5 216.0 199.0 104.0 pH Sand Silt Clay Soil texture 4 (USDA) --------g kg-1-------8.3 8.5 8.1 8.4 8.3 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.6 8.3 8.3 8.1 8.3 8.2 7.9 8.0 8.2 8.4 7.9 213 506 383 497 369 543 525 385 421 489 489 467 211 12 68 171 123 95 146 605 319 475 435 545 325 342 403 240 389 389 254 567 545 643 525 566 499 481 182 175 142 68 86 133 132 212 340 122 122 279 222 335 289 303 311 406 373 Silt loam Sandy loam Silt loam Sandy loam Silt loam Sandy loam Sandy loam Loam Clay loam Loam Loam Sandy clay loam Silt loam Silty clay loam Silt loam Silty clay loam Silty clay loam Silty clay loam Silty clay loam 18 Table 2. Cumulative N mineralized for indicated periods of time in soils aerobically incubated during 16 weeks, mineralization rate (k) calculated by fitting a linear model, and coefficient of determination of the model (r2). Values are given as the average (n = 3 or n = 4) of the soil samples for each experimental field plus the standard error. Soil sample Cumulative N mineralized for indicated r2 k number periods of incubation 14 d 42 d 60 d 91 d 112 d ---------------------------mg N kg-1 soil--------------------------- mg N kg-1 soil d-1 1,2,3 6.8 ±0.2 14.5 ±3.7 19.7 ±3.1 23.4 ±3.7 30.9 ±2.4 0.283 ± 0.028 0.97 4,5,6 7.7 ±0.6 12.4 ±1.2 18.5 ±3.3 21.4 ±3.7 26.2 ±3.4 0.277 ± 0.019 0.96 7,8,9 10.6 ±0.6 18.3 ±1.0 26.7 ±1.8 31.2 ±1.8 37.4 ±3.0 0.362 ± 0.019 0.97 10,11,12 7.2 ±1.7 13.5 ±2.4 18.3 ±3.8 22.8 ±4.1 28.2 ±4.7 0.266 ± 0.039 0.95 13,14,15 23.5 ±0.4 42.8 ±3.3 62.6 ±3.9 77.1 ±5.4 91.0 ±6.0 0.875 ± 0.047 0.95 16,17,18,19 9.4 ±0.8 16.0 ±0.8 19.9 ±0.7 24.3 ±0.9 30.3 ±1.4 0.288 ± 0.008 0.94 20,21,22 6.4 ±0.4 12.6 ±0.9 16.8 ±0.4 20.3 ±0.3 24.8 ±0.1 0.237 ± 0.003 0.97 23,24,25,26 10.2 ±0.6 19.4 ±1.3 27.6 ±1.7 36.3 ±2.1 42.4 ±2.3 0.404 ± 0.019 0.94 27,28,29,30 16.4 ±2.5 32.4 ±1.6 41.9 ±1.7 52.8 ±1.9 61.9 ±2.1 0.541 ± 0.021 0.97 31,32,33 15.0 ±1.3 32.1 ±4.6 47.6 ±9.1 62.1 ±9.2 75.8 ±9.6 0.513 ± 0.036 0.96 34,35,36 11.5 ±1.1 27.2 ±5.8 43.5 ±9.3 59.1 ±9.0 73.6 ±9.2 0.467 ± 0.014 0.94 37,38,39 17.6 ±1.3 26.4 ±1.4 35.0 ±1.2 47.4 ±1.6 56.2 ±1.4 0.480 ± 0.013 0.95 40,41,42 12.7 ±1.1 21.7 ±1.1 31.5 ±0.4 41.6 ±0.3 51.1 ±0.2 0.427 ± 0.003 0.97 43,44,45 10.4 ±1.1 20.0 ±0.8 30.2 ±1.0 40.1 ±1.5 48.8 ±1.9 0.408 ± 0.013 0.97 46,47,48 7.4 ±0.0 15.7 ±0.1 28.2 ±2.0 39.2 ±2.0 49.3 ±1.9 0.395 ± 0.015 0.96 49,50,51 9.3 ±0.6 17.4 ±0.7 27.6 ±0.7 37.1 ±1.0 45.7 ±0.8 0.377 ± 0.008 0.95 52,53,54 9.4 ±1.4 24.4 ±1.8 40.3 ±2.8 56.9 ±3.7 68.0 ±4.5 0.560 ± 0.032 0.94 55,56,57 8.1 ±0.3 18.3 ±0.7 28.5 ±0.5 38.5 ±0.4 48.2 ±0.4 0.393 ± 0.004 0.97 58,59,60,61 9.1 ±0.4 16.5 ±0.4 26.2 ±1.2 37.7 ±0.8 47.1 ±1.1 0.380 ± 0.008 0.99 19 Figure captions Figure 1. Values of N, NO3--N, NH4+-N, and Norg-N extracted by EUF and CaCl2 methods from soils cultivated with corn (from 0 to 26) and winter cereal (from 27 to 61) crops. 20