Our Ref No: Application Form Senior Youth Worker (37.5 HPW) July 2015 Application Forms must be returned to the address below by 4pm on 5 August 2015. Return to: The Application Officer Youth Academy NI 3 Glenford Way Newtownards Co. Down BT23 4BX T 028 9182 1721 E danielle.boyd@northdowncfc.com Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 1 of 12 APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Please complete this information form in CAPITAL LETTERS and in black ink. This form should be returned to the address on the front page. Position Applied For: Senior Youth Worker (37.5 HPW) PERSONAL DETAILS Full Name Address Town of Birth Telephone Email Postcode Do you have access to a car or other suitable form of transport if necessary to meet the requirements of the post? YES / NO Do you hold a current valid driving licence? YES / NO If yes please state type of licence which you hold POLICE CHECK INFORMATION Please note this post involves ‘regulated activity’ as defined under Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007. Therefore all applicants must declare criminal offences (whether or not they are spent) and successful applicants subject to an Enhanced Access NI Check. Is there any reason as to why you would not be suitable to work with children/ young people / vulnerable adults? YES / NO If YES, please provide details. Have you ever been convicted by a court of a criminal offence? YES / NO If YES, please provide details including dates and court where convicted. Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 2 of 12 Are you subject to any current or outstanding disciplinary procedures of legal action? YES / NO If YES, please provide details. Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 3 of 12 EDUCATION HISTORY Qualifications Obtained / To Be Taken Subject obtained / to Level of be taken Qualification Example: Maths Word Processing Youth and Community Work Example: GCSE OCN Level 2 & 3 Degree Examining Body / University Grade Example: CCEA OCN NI AEB University of Ulster Example: Grade C Pass To be awarded Month / Year Obtained Month / Year Expected Example: June 2000 Example: June 2012 Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 4 of 12 Qualifications Obtained / To Be Taken (continued) (Please continue on another sheet if applicable) Subject obtained / to Level of Examining Body be taken Qualification / University Example: Maths Word Processing Youth and Community Work Example: GCSE OCN Level 2 & 3 Degree Example: CCEA OCN NI AEB University of Ulster Grade Example: Grade C Pass To be awarded Month / Year Obtained Month / Year Expected Example: June 2000 Example: June 2012 PRESENT EMPLOYMENT Name and address of employer Reason for leaving Position Annual Salary / Wage Date of appointment Period of notice required Brief outline of main duties and responsibilities Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 5 of 12 PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT begins with current or last employer and work backwards Please explain any gaps in employment (if applicable) Name & Address of Employer Position Held From/To Month & Yr Main Duties and Responsibilities Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Rate of Pay/Reason for Leaving Page 6 of 12 REFERENCES Please give details of two Referees, one of which should be your last or current employer. These referees may be approached following the interview stage, unless you specify otherwise. Name Name Organisation and address Organisation and address Telephone Telephone Email Email Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 7 of 12 How do your qualifications, skills, experience and abilities relate to this post? You must demonstrate how you adequately meet the following criteria as listed in the specification, drawing upon all of your experience, whether at work or on a voluntary basis. Use as much space as your need and be as creative as you like. Please note the criteria may be enhanced. Essential Criteria 1. Please demonstrate that you are professionally qualified in Youth Work in accordance with the JNC Report for Youth Workers, Paragraph 5 AND have two years’ experience in the past five years and a minimum of two years experience in the past five years working with young people. 2. Please demonstrate your experience in dealing with challenging behaviour with young people. Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 8 of 12 Desirable Criteria: 3. If you were asked to complete a yearly manifesto which explored need and laid out strategy – 1) What activities would you undertake to complete this document? 2) What would you include? 3) How would you measure the impact of your work? 4. Please demonstrate what sets you apart and makes you the right person for this role? Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 9 of 12 5. In your experience what do you think are the key elements and priorities which are involved in the delivery of youth work to young people. 6. Please demonstrate how would you identify, inspire and work with a team of staff and volunteers? Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 10 of 12 7. In your experience what are the key relationships a senior youth worker would hold and why would they be important to the role? 8. Please describe what you think sector leading youth work look like? Any other relevant information to support your application. Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 11 of 12 ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK Are you eligible to work in the UK? : YES □ NO □ You will be required to provide documentation to support this claim (under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006) if offered the post. DECLARATION DECLARATION I declare that the information set forth in this application form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN TO: THE APPLICATIONS OFFICER YOUTH ACADEMY NI 3 GLENFORD WAY, NEWTOWNARDS, CO DOWN BT23 4BX Youth Academy NI, 3 Glenford Way, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4BX (028) 9182 1721 Page 12 of 12